The Huron Expositor, 1948-12-10, Page 4Ii. Mls Inserted At New Low Cash Rates: EOE .EIAf.E;, WANTED*, mar AND FOUND, ETC.—Per word: lst week 1 Cent 2nd week W1 Cent 3rdweek % Cent Mininnom eh$rge, Bost insertion-25 Cents llach figure, imrltial and ithbreviation counts as one word. 1;7i4td of Thanks 7n Memoriam Notice's,Coming Events -1 cent per word, Minimum. Q agate ver weak- Ofl i iea may be directed to a vox No., oto The Huron Expositor. for 10 cents extra. em genua adcltitiio $ 'will be charged •114 ads in above class are not paid within 10 days of date of final `baeertien- j#it'ai!'ii',,'Marriages and Deaths insertedfree of charge. Motion Sales, Notices to Creditors. Etc.—Rates on application. Coming Events Notices cTAGrE SHOW AND BARN DANCE—IN A-' Person, Bob Mason and the Western S"wieggbillies, featuring Lloyd Cornell, Clinton Town Hall, Saturday, December Brt, , 8.30 p.m. to 12. Heard daily over CFPL, London, 11.45 a.m. to 12.15 p -m- 4226-1 DN ACE AT THE CRYSTAL PALACE Ballroom, Mitchell, Friday night, Dec. 10th. Bring your friends and enjoy danc- ing {n this Popular Ballroom to the music of Roes Pearce and His Melody Mestere. 4226x.1 Lost and Found STRAYED—A'E.4FER STRAYED ONTO Lot 30, Con. 1, Tuckersmith, a week ago. Owner may have same by proving property and paying charges. GORDON ELLIOTT, Brucefledd. Phone 659 r 22. 4226x3 "p OUND—ON MAIN STREET, ON SAT- urday morning, a sum of money. Owner may have same by applying to DONALD MOYLAN. Phone 64 r 25, Dublin 4226x1 Auction Sales AUCTION SALE Lots.—For sale by public auction, subject to reserve bid, seven -roomed frame crouse, with green aiding, situated on Chalk and Crombie Sts., Seaforth, together with Lots 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115 and 116, on Wednesday, December 29th, at 2 p.m.. on the premises. Harold Jackson. Auotioneer, for the ESTATE OF 'MEI LATE HERBERT S2IALE. RADIO REPAIRING — WILL REPAIR all makes of radios. Will pick up Mondays and Thursdays at E. H. Close's Barber Shop. GLEN KECHNIE. Blyth. NOTICE—WE ARE ALWAYS LOOK- ing for a new customer to please him. Why not call 60 in Dublin and have your Eggs and Poultry picked up at your door. We haul poultry to the U.S.A. and can offer you a good price. STAPLETON'S PRODUCE, Dublin. Phone 60. 4218-tf CLERK'S NOTICE Of First Posting of Voters' List VOTERS' LISTS, 1948, MUNICIPALITY OF 'rHE TOWNSHIP OF TUCKER - SMITH, COUNTY OF HURON. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT I have complied with Section 7 of The Voters' Lists Act and that I have posted up at my office at Tuckersmith, on the 25th day of November, 1048, the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said Municipality et Municipal Elections, and that sudh list remains there for inspec Lion. And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected according to OF HOUSE AND law, the last day for appeal being the day of December, 1948. E. P. CHESNEY, Clerk, Twp. of Tuekersmith. 4226-1 4226-3 Property For Sale HOUSE FOR SALE—NEW BRICK, 7- room house. with bath, modern. For further particulars apply to Box 725, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4225.3 Personals "LD AT 40, 50, 60?" MAN I YOU'RE .crazy! Thousands peppy at 70 Ostrex\Tonic Tablets pep up bodies lack- ing irotf. For rundown feeling many -nen, women call "old." New "get acquainted" size ONLY 50c. At all druggists. 16th For Sale pOR SALE --Fe CHUNKS. APPLY '10 JACK RIVERS, North Main Street. 42:6x1 3'•OR SALE—SKITS, POLE AND HAt- ne,a. PHONE 668 r 15. 4226-1 FOR SALE ---FIVE SHEETS 4i x 101 Ten.,Ttot, new. HURON EXPOSI- 1 OR- 422ux1 'FOR SALE—THREE STORM WIN- ▪ dowo, 5' 7r, x et Iii. Apply HUR- ON EXPOSITOR. 4226x2 1j OR SALE ---BOY'S SKATES AND boot;, size 6. PHONE 391, Seaforth. 4.:2 rix l • : OR SAT.F--t LITTLE PIGS; ALSO A HYGIENIC SUPPLIES (RUBBER good fox hound- PHONE 33-7e, Goods) mailed postpaid in plain, sealed Hensall. 4226x1 envelope with price list.. 6 samples 25c; 24 samples $1.00. Mail -Order Dept. T-73, NOVA -RUBBER CO., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. Business Cards PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRS. FREE estimates. Write or phone collect. WILLIAM N. GOULD, 314-W, Clinton. 4226x7 Teachers Wanted TEACHER WANTED APPLICATIONS ARE INVITED, UN - til position is filled, for a fully quali- fied Protestant teacher for S.S. No. 7, Tuckersmith, Huron Co. This is a well- equipped modern school, 2 miles from Setforth, Ont., on a good gravel road; plowed in winter. Applicants will please state qualifica- tions, experience, references, name of dart Inspector or Normal Principal, and any ether relative information. The sal- ary paid is according to the time., and is based on experience and qua.lifi.cations. Duties to commence January 3, 1949. Address applications to S. Ii. WHITMORE, Sec.-Treas., Tuckersmith Township School Area No. 1, R.R. 3, Seaforth, Ont 4'224-tf Wanted UTANTED TO BUY—SEVERAL SETS of dishes, preferably Limoges, and odd pieces. Apply to Box 729, HURON EXPOSITOR_ 4226x2 ANTED TO BUY --SECOND HAND typewriter. Apply to MICHAEL BEOHELY. Rhone 184. 4226-1 WANTED TO BUY—ALL KINDS OF scrap metal, cast iron, steel, copper. lead, old batteries, felt mattresses, rags. Apply CLARENCE REEVES, Side SL. Seaforth. 4226-1 QM,ALL ACREAGE WANTED WITH kj modern buildings, in or on the edge of Town, from 10 to 50 acres. Apply to BOX. 47, Alvinston, Ont. 4225-2 WANTED TO BUY—WILL PAY .02c pound for horse; for mink feeds. Will call and pick up same. Phone Goderich collect GILBERT BROS.' MINK RANCH, 936 r 21 or 936 r 32. 4221-tf APPLICATIONS WANTED Applications will be received by the undersigned for the position of Caretaker for the HENSALL UNITED CHURCH A]1 applications to be in on or before December 11, 1948. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Duties 4o commence January 1, 1949. - 1P. L. McNAUGHTON or GEO. R. HESS 4225-2 Notice To Creditors NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of JAMES WELLINGTON ELLIOTT A LI, PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against ,the Estate of Tames Welling- ton Elliott, fate of the Township of Tuck- enenith, Farmer, deceased, who died on or &bout the 25th day of Nave/Aber, I948, are hereby notified to send in to the un- d'ersitrned on or before the 81st day of Deceetbet', 1948, full particulars of their elkims. Immediately after the said 'last men- tioned date, the ossein of'the Said estate vtri%l be diatrtTntted amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regardonly to olaiht9 of which the undersignedshitt then have netlike, to the exclusion of a11' others, and alta undersigned will' not be liable to a person of whose eiaim the undetsign- ett shall met theft have ndtiee far' the esti* so distributed or airy part thereof. Ti,A' ED at Seaforth Ode ACh day eif tleheiicbeii, 'i8¢$: tt M SttititZ. rClr, 0ti 4$204 R SALE—OAK WRITING DESK, 1N good condition. HARVEY MASON. Phone 137, Seaforth- .4226-1 FGR SALE --QUANTITY OP STOVE coal. suitable for furnace, at reduced price. Apply to MRS. J. C. LAING, Jame.; St. 4226-1 pOR SALE—MODERN I1,_, STOREY frame house on Centre Street, with modern conveniences. Apply Box 780, HURON EXPOSITOR- 4226x1 •OR SALE — ELECTRIC WASHING machine• in good running order; also a juvenile pool table. PHONE 24. 4226x1 SEE. T,EJIS CAR -3 NEW TIRES, 18.000 miles; excellent condition. 1946 Chevrolet Sedan. PHONE 79, Seaforth. 4226x1 FUR SALE—QUANTITY OF HARD body wood, mostly maple. Apply WILBUR KEYES. Phone 656 r 11. Sea - forth. 4226x1 FOR SALE—RED WiNTER COAT, RED velvet dress, both size 16. Apply to Box 727, HURON EXPOSITOR. CR FOR SALE -1911 DODGE SEDAN, 3 new tires. Apply JAMES DRUM - MOND, Lot 2, COIL 11, Tuckeremith. Phone IIenaalt, 00 r 17. 4226x1 R SALE --LIBRARY TABLE, SOLID oak. This is a nice piece of furni- ture PHONE, 71 r 8, Dublin. ----._----- - 4226-trf p0R SALE -,15.18 MERCURY, LOW ▪ milea;re: new ear condition, Apply J. N. HART. Clinton. Phone 64. 4226x1 REGISTERED GOC KERET. SPANIEL pups make an ideal Christine: gift. R. W. COPE, rio W. L. Whyte: Poultry I- arm, East Farm, R.R. 2, Seafr.rth. 4226-1 poll/ SALE--- BOY'S GRF.Y TWEED a.; blue and plaid combination wool windbreaker: grey SPr-t. jacket. Apply to MICHAEL. BLCSIELY. ?hone 1,44. Senforth. POR SALE--GIVEA REGISTERED C5ckerel Spank.] pup for Christmas. If interested, call 8.15 r 21, SEAFORTH. after 6 p.m. pOR SALE --ELM AND SOFT MAPLE tape, !tester! a: the Hyslop bush. HAROLD JACKSON. Phone 1.1 - 661. Seaforth. 4226-1 k OR SALE .— LARGE NORGE OIL spare heater, 5100.00; used only two months. Apply to FRED SINCLAIR, R. R, 2, Walton, on Highway. 4226-1 POR SALE --1930 INTERNATIONAL v, - ton stake body truck. in goal running order. AArly to LLOYD MCLEAN, Kip - pen. Phone 84 r 11, Hensall]. 42'25x2 poll SALE—NEW SINGER SEWING machines. eleetrie and treadle. Re- pairs tn• all makes. SiNGER SEWING CENTRE, 78 Ontario St.. Strat4'ord. 4223-11 FOR SALE---CHRTSTMAS GIFT SUG- ges•tiona of hand work of libel]. eequins. crocheting. sewing. etc. Apply to MRS. GORDON SCHWALM. Queen St.. 'ane block north of the United Church, Hensall. One" PHONE. 56-M. Sox 11. Aensadl. 422:-3 MOTO-MASTER SUPER ANTI -FREEZE CY PECIALLY PROCESSED TO INHIBIT " rust corrosion and to retard e-apora, time SAVE SAFELY Quart 56c Gallon $2.19 Get yours at CANADIAN • TIRE ' ASSOCIATE STORE Dublin SMITH ETtOS., Prop. 1P1 fOisi lia.;7tt=' r. • 4225x4 41, Help 'Wanted WOMAN TO WORK 1N )S,ITCtgow. !Pleasant working conditions. APPily in PeraRf or plume 220, CO.242115ROIk1L HOTEL, Seaforth. 4224.15 In Memoriam TN LOVING 'MEMORY OF MINNIE R., beloved wife of Hugh McLaehlem, who pase;ed away December 13, 1947. We wept—'twas Nature wept• --but Faith Can pierce 'beyond the gloom of death, And in yon world so fair and bright Behold thee in refulgent light 1 We ,hiss thee here,' yet Faith would rather Know thou art with thy Heavenly Father. Nwture sees the body dead, Faithbeholds the spirit fled: Nature stops at Jordan's tide, Faith beholds the other side; That .but heats farewell and sighs, This, thy welcome in the skies.. Naturemourns a cruel blow Faith assures it is not so. Nature 'never sees thee more; Faith but sees thee gone before. Nature tells a dismal story; Faith has visions full of glory. Nature views the change with sadness ; Faith contezn»latee it with gladness. Nature sorrows, Faith gives meekness-- "Stren>,eih_ is perfected in weakness." Nature weeps, and dreads the rod; Faith •looks up and blesses God. Sense looks downwards: Faith, above; That sem harshness, this sees love. Oh I let Faith victorious be, Let 1 reign triumphantly! But thou art gone!—not lost, but flown; Shall I then ask thee baok, my own? Back, and leave thy spirit's brightness? Back, and leave the robes of whiteness? Back, and leave the Lamb who feeds thee? Back, from founts to which He leads thee? Beek, and leave thy Heavenly Father? Back to earth and sin? Nay, rather Would 1 live in solitude! I would not ask thee, if I could But patient wait the high decree That calls my spirit home with thee! —Elizabeth Webb. Cards of Thanks CARD OF THANKS TO THE ELECTORS OF SEAFORTH: T APPRECIATE VERY MUCH AND wish to thank you for the confidence you have shown in me by your action in re-electing me to the Council at the head of the poll. E. H. CLOSE CARD OF THANKS I WISH TO EXPRESS TO THE ELEC- trr, of Seafoeh my sincere apprecia- tion of their support at the polls on Wed- nesday in re-electing me to the Council 13. F. CHRISTIE CARD OF THANKS I WISH TO TTLANK THE VOTERS OF the T,'-vn of Seaforth for re-electing me :u' Councillor for 1949. WALLACE ROSS 4226-1 Births FORREST--P.oss and Margaret Forrest, (nee Treirry). of Tuckersmith, are hap- py to announce the birth of their daugh- ter, Deanna Joyce, in Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth. on December 3, 1948. ROWLAND—In Scott Memorial Hospital, an Tue'day, November 30, to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rowland, a daughter -- .liary Pauline. SMALE—At the Stephan Nursing Home, Ben -sail. on Thursday, Dec. 2, 1948, to Mr. and Mrs. Howard Smile, Hensall, a son. TINNEY—•Mr. and Mrs. Hamer L. Pin- ney. of Hay, are happy to announce the birth of a son at Clinton Public Hn_.pital on December 5. TOWNSEND—In Scott Memorial Hospital on Dec. 7. to Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Townsend, Tuckersmith, a son. CRAIG—in Scott Memorial Hospital, on Dec. 7, to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Craig, Seaforth, a daughter. ARCHIBALD—To Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Archibald, at Willett Hospital, Prince- ton, on December 7, a son — John Hardie. Deaths BOX—In Seaforth, on Monday, Dec. 6, Annie Mackay, beloved wife of Alfred R. Box, in her 71st year, REID—In Seaforth, on Sunday, Dec. 5. David Reid, of Hullett, in his 78th year. CLEMilni BRUCEFIE'LD MARRIED IN WATERLOO; IrtI t74 zi 3r O p1scalle.'TViI) 1e. -'•tire di Q al Re asall News en .Pages 3 and 6 i/Fi'C o"Lact9eaff 441 .4, "Your present life insurance should cover your responsibilities" Confederation Life Association Hensall Phone 55 Q Cedar Chests . Eud Tables ; Cogee Tables. Card Tables "'Costumers Occasional Chairs Tri -Lights Table' Lapps AND MANY OTHER 8MrARTLY STYLED PRACTICAL. GIFT'S FOR THE .CHILDREN: Tricycles, Doll Buggies, Trike-Trailers, Toddle Carts, Kiddie Cars, -Play Pens, ' Etc. 14 LUGGAGE SEE OUR DISPLAY OF PRACTICAL SUGGESTIONS Box Furniture Store FUNERAL AND AMBULANCE SERVICE PHONES: DAY 43 NIGHT 237-J or 180 •;r r;6' w e ,µ • ,u"- r < r w s l 5. l r+. i • l 5o' u(o w5l $ ' l u r *. 00' rn , ,<.. .... ,y. • „„ • .t. ''5,,• 0, - .',. • . :s, ,4...,,. 00 . c. • t. r„ Mrs. Annie McTavish The funeral of Mrs, Annie Mc- Tavish, widow of Duncan McTav- ish, well-known and highly esteem- ed resident of the 12th concession, Yarmouth who passed away at her residence Friday morning, took place from the residence Mo'day afternoon. Interment was made in the family plot in the St. Thomas cemetery. Rev. Angus Taylor, pas- tor of the Townline United Church conducted the service -s, during which Mrs. G. Clinton ang "Near To the Heart of God," accompan- ied at the piano by Mrs. Ralph Auck.land', A number of friends and neighbors were in attendance to pay their last tribute of respect. Mrs. McTavish was an aunt of J. R. Murdoch. Brucefield, and was a former resident of the village. The pallbearers were George Cur- tis. Gordon Lindsay, Chester Ax- ford, Hugh Mcl3ane., John and Alex Ferguson. Among the beautiful floral designs surrounding the cas- ket were a wreath from son and daughters. and designs from the grandchildren, Townline United Church Woman's Association, Group 10. Yarmouth Red Cross and others from relatives, friends and neighbors. Among those in at- tendance from out of the district were Mr. and Mrs. G. F]ewitt, of Clinton; Mr. and Mrs. .i, Murdoch, Briicefleld; 3'lrs. Emily Bainard, Argyll Bainard, Glanworth; Mrs. A. Pearce, Port Stanley; Miss K. McIntyre, Johnstown; Mr. a.nd Mrs. L. Wigle, Wailacetown; Mrs. Amelia Ross, Mrs• William Wolfe, Cleveland. AMID IIAYIiIELD �s.aawc® Mr. Karl Wiiken, who spent the past: seven months in the villa.ge, loft last week to sper.ct the winter in Windsor. Mr. Lawrence Fowlie, of Lon- don, .spent the week -end with his sisters, Misses F. and E. Fowlie. Miss 'Beveriey York, of Lucan, rpent the week -end at her home in the village, Mrs. Reheny Larson is in Lon- don for a few days this week. Mrs. Fred Weston and two chil- dren and Miss Dorothy' 1VIacLeod spent the week -end. in Londb'il'. Dr. and Mrs. 3. H. Itifitehel.., of I'1ir111ingham, MI6., were guests of Mr. John. H. Carnochan and his bride, the former Agnes Suth- erland, pictured after their recent marriage at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Sutherland, in Waterloo. Mr. Carnochan is the son of Mr. and Mrs. James Carnochan, Seaforth. The couple will reside in Tuckersmith. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Scott over the week -end. Mrs. Spencer Ervine and daugh- ter, Mary Elizabeth. returned home Sunday after visiting in Southamp- ton last week. Miss Maud McGregor is at pres- ent in Clinton Public Hos,)ital, where she underwent an operation. Dies in North Dakota There passed away at Langdon Hospital. near Nekoma, North Dakota, Louis Wild, son of the late Mr. pnd Mrs, Joseph Wild. of Bay- field, in his seventy-eighth year. Mr. Wild left this district when 0 yGt111-1 man and vent to Nc•1tcm.t. where he'iiwne.1 and conducted :1 hardware business tot years. Ile is e.trvicett by two , ,o-. tens. Mrs. 33'. I-1. Johnston (Fto;a), of Hayfield. and F;u:'lte, of Guelph. Requiem high rnaas 51'as ;ung a1 Nekoma on Saturday !!morning the body was brought to Go..lerie't by Mr. and MIC:. A`,'. H, Johnptoi.. who had .gone to 11«• with tlr 'e brother during his recent Tiev..T. P. Gleeson officiare2 at tate graveside sorrier, on ue,nl:ly morning, when burial ,';as road, in the R.C. Cemetery, Colborne Tnw.'• ship. The pallbearers were :lis nephews: Joseph, Lauit and. 3-'7, '} Vv'ild, and Walter. Elmer and F. Johnston, all of Bayfield. HENSALL Mrs. A, Noakes is a p::tit 1:t in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, where she underwent an operation in the interests of her health. The Christmas meeting of the Arnold Circle Evening Auxiliary was held in the church schoolroom of Carmel Presbyterian Chilrch on Monday evening; with an attend- ance of forty members and guests present, the schoolroom and table being attractively dr-c•t, ;'tt•d with Christina; emblems, '} rr. Glenn Bell, the pre ideal, tont'L (•hair, the meeting opening with the call to worship. fol10wed with ;t period of carol singing directed ty the president with airs. Harold Hell at the piano. Scripture readinr.s and carol singing alternately was pre- sented by several of the members.. Mrs. Roy MacLaren offered pray- er. The guest speaker. firs, Don- ald Sinclair, of Exeter. addressed the meeting, basing her thoughts from the theme, "Tile t'hri-turas Story." During the business ses- sion various matters were brought up for discussion. The roll call was answered with gifts of jellies, jams and dainty treats which were presented to Mrs. Sinclair, the speaker. Mrs.. C. Kennedy and Mrs. A. Scholl favored with a vo- cal duet. with Mrs. C. Forrest ac- companying at the piano. Life membership certificates were pres- ented to Mrs. Harold Bell and Mrs. George Tinney, the honors going to the president, Luncheon was served. The many friends of Mr, Jack Craig will regret to learn suffered a fall in his home, fracturing his leg. 1 -Ie is at present a patient in Srctt Memorial Hospital, Seaforth. Mr. Frank Wood left a few days a^;1 for Regina to visit his son and' daughter-in-law, 34r. and Mr's. Stan- ley Wood. after which he will pro- ceed to the coast to spend the winter v,11.11 his daughter and son- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Hard- wick. at Gauges on Salt ,Spring Island. Nelson Pfaff, who recently un- derwent an operation in Clinton Public Hcshitai. was able, to re- turn home on Tuesday, but is still connll611 to bed. "Inward Lemon, who underwent 1 serious operation 111 Victoria Hoslutal, London, was able to re- turn home, but has suffered a re - 'apse and .1s now confined to Clin- n Public Hospital. The new United Church on the Goshen L'"e will be opened on Sunday, Dec. 12, at 11 a,m, and 7.30' p.m. Rev. W. A. Beecroft, of 1Vingh' :71, will speak in the morn- ing, anJ in the es -ening Rev, Robt. Naereala ENGLISH MORRIS SALES Come and see the New ENGLISH MORRIS NEW AND USED Cars For Sale TEXROO SERVICE STATION Hensall, Ont. LAWRENCE '& REID PHONE 33 Stage Show and am Dance In Person Bob Mason and the Western Swingbillies Featuring Lloyd Cornell CLINTON TOWN HALL Saturday, Dec. 11 lth rR :30 P.M. to 12 Heard Daily over CFPL, London 11:45 A.M. to 12:15 P.M. Easy to Put On PYRENE TIRE CHAIN All Sizes of Passenger /�,,��yy and Truck 7.4U and up • Longer Wearing • Non -turning Electro -plated to avoid rust. Case hardened for extra strength and toughness. Carry a pair throughout the winter to avoid skids and dangerous smashups. See our extensive stock of Sporting Goods, Toys & Auto Accessories PARNELL'S TIRE AND;BATTERY PHONE 248 ,.. :- t SEA-'ORT'T 15 Bluebird Registered DIAMOND RINGS $37.50 up (Plus purchase tax) g Ladies' and Gents' SIGNET -- EMBLEM AND STONE RINGS ® BULOVA e WESTFIELD • CERTINA ® LANCO 1847 ROGERS BROS. and COMMUNITY SILVER Englishbone China Cups and Saucers Dinnerware and Breakfast Sets Glassware Store Open Till 6 P.M. Saturday, 10 P.M. J. i AWESTCOTT SHOP EARLY ! JEWELLER „x i .4 (..i£ l ..t 1 4, .,t ( x• , .' (.r' IW I ..ri r .+n r . * r .nit i .T rt.,r r 44 rL•':' cr. . t E&SE1JP IN -A FREEZE-UP 6 26 FT: ittC. WET CONCRETE ' �t �' T. DRY CONCRETE ! 69 FT. NO CHAINS • ,ilk► 40 FT. CHAINS ON REAR WHEELS 125 FT. 150 FT. 175 FT.—` Braking Distances on Various Road Surfaces at 20 mph 169 F% NATURAL RUBBER TIRES—NO CHAINS 1 1 1 • SYNTHETIC RUBBER TIRES—NO CHAINS .l 88 FT. ICHAINS ON REAR WHEELS 1 1 1 New winter accident facts, based on research by National Safety Council,. reveal alarming increase of skidding and poor visibility crashes during snowy, icy -weather. Authorities urge equalized brakes, using tire chains, windshield wipers, defrosters, good lights and lower speeds to minimize the added seasonal ,hazards of inadequate stopiand-go traction on snow or ice and reduced visibility. Make sure_ ,your brakes and wheels are in good, mechanical condition. Drive in now and let us check your car for safe Winter driving. Our mod- ern equipment is -your sa feguard. There is no obligation. 4,v H MOTORS pliievroiet e Oldsmobile SEA POI'tTi l ilei 14> , .... ..� • 1 4 • • • • 4 a