HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1948-12-03, Page 1I Al, ' N!, p A . , FORMER RESIDENTS, Fa El�c "car r , ' a. 01TRIBIJ" E " 0 ,, ■ As' n1G�. ..l �� � 46W,, - !� . ,, , HO S P•I T A L . F H A s ,.,, N n -t ��Ly oxnix�a o � g , 11 - i 0 ortunit xec to A a. PP PP' - . E'N' REEVE H S LL F,�EV A 0 �._ .. v and Ca e Reeve u)n Hensall, rl A ' rqt of -Being AbXe �a Assn , : � e it . p.,^.: urn Gr . W J4�Ft e, Returned; j Y ' '" �' In Cam aQQ n. Vote For Reeve;. ib la- a.► F S I S A P P OI i� T E mations h in Win atm 4,_,;.. Many former. Seaforthaiz'd dis, Two nominees qualified as candi- - + 'He r}„'set..g the ° Who z'in residents, o . du 4+' : ,ter, .. �s•��: •:� • F: , `�� t T. A. Beattie Fast 'on Meeting e d all nominate l s g n � •i •c sitters e c' eve . I s. k have.,, re e $ e 'I' s t' vase. :, .t 3. '�' •€�:. «•,�.. . �>n � <:�tr,t�,;, tion. The following qualified: in the Towru Aall Friday^ evening, For Mayor --Jack 'Reavie (accla- 2• Scott Mama 2i tem of S t Memorial, to n h It 1 g 'i 'fund,.,e e a �: . Fi: J fir. • week of the appointment of Thos. e rte - well atte dud b the a was I s y Willies as caretaker at the Sea- tis din a m ai H al. A. gra, t� p building g,� s} ". ; r , �.,b ", t:Fr Y'>. .� n .. a. 3 ,•,t,: Norman Rintoul, Robin Campbell, o ncill r wi 1 1 Two new ou Payers. w w o s Joseph Clark, W. W. Gurn'e' Nor - ex- are writing- campaign officials,a, § new duties on Wednesday. la a of H Middleton oke ",he p c R. Thomas A. ,Beattie, who is sue- I pressing approval of the fund and ,tnj; �> hal` Ys r,,,. •o,,., A.. a..u__i_,r.r-, o m, io a.n William Brown who resigned, d forwarding, subscriptions, x: `v namely: Melvin Moir and Jack to receiv is Typical of the, letters el} � - _ sem,;; . :n , �' :. " Tudor. Former Warden R. E. t one from Mrs.. W:.J. Scott, 288 Maw f. ' ",;i`s: ;�cl ,gig: 'S, I .h dick who was nominated, for S ad • Kenzie N., Sarnia, who says: .< , h for ten I am enclosing c oqu® a,. ; ,t.*�: _. '"� v ,, r councillor, would not let hili name < . t t' e . m beat dollars., and with i go s . y ; ;�..:.>, ,. a's . ,�>:,�;" � stand. Keith Buchanan was nom- irate,% as a school t .'tee, Joseph 1 , .ti wishes for the early" and coilnPlete „ Flynn resigning. Following are / success of your campaign to raise 'N r. F> the results' of the nomination: 1� t funds for the •benefif of this worthy •F s•':,��.:,; ,Reeve -A. W. Kerslm,ke accla , , } ,t n project. Geo. A. McLeod, "Probate Judge t. �,,. b .: ; l' .,a, mation, third year. Council -William Parke John of Blaine C€rurxy Hailey, Idaho, >:� ' Tudor, Norman Jones, Melvin . 4 1 say, ,Chat ' Ike most person&] say, follow politics fora living, he who' <� a ���< ":' ,w Moir (Real.). , •, is a poor man. However, he fr- . - Hydro Commission Walter Spencer (accl.). "' warded his cheque and "wish YPU . School Trustees -Robert Drys- ) ` every success in your laudable un- dale, 'Gig'. O. Goodwin, Keith Buch- ' dertaking."' 'Cpl. F. Golding, Vancouver, B.C., A- Reeve A. W. Kerslake was anan (accl.). Wingham - wished "this worthwhile project" every success, when lie forwarded , returned to office- by Hensall ratepayers for the third con- Jack Reavie was named Mayor 'when his' remittance. secutkve time, when village- of Wiin'gham by acclamation , ratepayers held their annual W W. Gurney, the only other per - I --. • BRUCEFIELD On Thursday evening of last week the local LO.O,F. members and their ladies attended the 'an- 4iva1 fowl banquet served by the lassies of the W.A. Over ninety were present to enjoy a bountiful goose supper. Following the ban- quet those .present were further entertained at -a euclire, party in the lodge rooms. Prize winners -were: Ladies, Mrs. F. Burdge„ Mrs. A. Zapfe and Mrs. G. Ander- • son; men, H. Taylor, G. McGre- gor and, G. Richardson. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ross, of De- troit, were week -end guests with Mrs. McDonald and Martha. Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Simpson, of Detroit, and Mrs. L. Simpson, of Hensall, attended the funeral o the late W. Elliott on Saturday. • nomination meeting Friday f sou nominated for 41he office Mon - day' night, failed to qualify. evening.. A two-way fight for Reeve was assured when Murray Johnston and Duncan Kennedy both qualified to enter the contest. Q THOMAS WILBEE A six -man council for" 1949 -was named b� acclamation when eight D others nominated as candidates I S A P P OI i� T E withdrew. Two nominees qualified as candi- dales for -the Public Utilities Com- Takes Over Dec. 1 From . mission, One commiss4oner will be T. A. Beattie Fast elected. The Public School Board In m;mbers were elected by acclama- ' O�lce'Position, tion. The following qualified: 1. For Mayor --Jack 'Reavie (accla- _ Announcement was made last motion). For Reeve -Murray Johnston, • week of the appointment of Thos. Duncan Kennedy. Willies as caretaker at the Sea- For Council (accla•mation) - forth Pd"stoffla�,,, ' Uri Willies an Norman Rintoul, Robin Campbell, Air Force veteran, is married. and Joseph Clark, W. W. Gurn'e' Nor - has one p'bild,' He assumed his , men Welwood, Hugh Ca ghoul. new duties on Wednesday. For Public Utilities C iss,on Thomas A. ,Beattie, who is sue- I -J, J. Evans, H. T. Tho' on. . ceede'd in the position by 'Mr. Wil- r,,,. •o,,., A.. a..u__i_,r.r-, o m, io MARRIED 50 YEARS Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Storey, for- . mer highly respected. citizens .of Seaforth, and now of Galt, cele- braced their fiftieth wedding -anni- versary at the home of their daughter, Mrs. James Dunlop, in Galt, on Tuesday. Mr. Storey was born at Winthrop, and his wife, -the former Elizabeth Coombs, also came from,Wlnthrop• They were married by Rev. Peter Musgrove, minister of Cavan Church, Win- throp, and moved to Seaforth In 1930, where they have since re- sided. . They have a family of three daughters: Mrs. Harry Hart, Galt; Mrs. Cecil Colelough, Niagara Falls, and Mrs. James Dunlop, of Galt. Mr. and, Mrs. Storey receiv- ed eceived many gifts' and in of good wishes during the day. Both' are in good health. . • Fined $150 On Manslaughter Charge Joseph Webb„ Goderich, pleaded gu,lty In County Judge's Criminal Court to a charge of manslaugh- ter on Tuesday afternoon before Judge T. 'M•. Costello, and was fined $r'50 with costs of $67,15. The charge arose out of an acci- dent at Varna on June 2, 1948, in G which Patrick Kenred'y, oderich , was drowned in a creek aftter a Yarm tractor and a wagon loaded} with furniture on which he was a passenger, crashed through a .guard rail of a bridge on the coun- ty- road oiie and a quarter miles soith of Varna. Joseph Webb was the driver of the tractor. Witnesses called by Crowns included, doey H. ,Glenn Hays in c Provincial Constables James Culp and. Frank Taylor,. and, Charles Bleach of Goderich. • LADY BOWLERS -- . ELECT OFFICERS The annual meeting of the Lad- ies, Club of the Seaforth Lawn Bowling. Club was,held, at the home of Mrs. W. M. Hart We& nosday evening with 'a good at• te'ntianee. Reports received show- ed. the Club to be Iii good condi. tion, During the busiirem period it was decided to dti'(,tate,,$25.00 tc the Hospital Suildln: Fund„ and tc continue, the $ridge parties,. durin8 Cbe winter month's, officers elected are: ,'resident Urs. Wm. M,' Bart; vice-president lairs. E. A. McMaster; secretary tr"surer, Miss Ddr6thy. Puinke t9urnament. ,eon'veuer Mise Alia neid, with . Mrs•, l3. b. Free, Mi X,�nW4)es Mattt}ews and Mr's, 30. .. 401oso; social converters, Mrs, 1[,., $rally, kis; James, A. Murray ie s',. �': T. iia s ;, c onveners M•r prize > ilter 06111OW131 tit A, g M .yr r� ftwiitleso a delicious l'dndir Wa . ap rved,. , , -"-P .,,rnV1171W •vac .., V1-1*rttwx,L"ra -,ate Cib.Y•ivation) ' War -df ' 1', ' 'At' J. L66k-' years' service. He was appointed ridge, Ward 2, George otchkiss; May 2, 1926. While he reached the Ward 3, Percy Deyell; Viliard 4, Al - ,retirement age five years ago, Mr. ton Adams. Beattie, at the request of the De- i Partment, continued in the pose- Brussels tion during the war years because Roy B. Cousins, was re-elected of the •difficulty. in finding a re- Reeve of Brussels by acclamation placement. 'when four other nominees -W, E: Mr. and Mrs. Beattie will con- Willis, Barry Bowler, Robert Bow- tinue to occupy the apartments in inan and B. N. McDonald --decided) the postoffice until next spring, not: to enter the contest Only two men of the six nomin-' •- . ated Monday night for council qual- ified before the deadline Tuesday RACHO FUND night, necessitating a second nom- ination meeting. W. E. Willis' and, 'Robert Doig„ $2; David Steven- Roy Kennedy are candidates for son, ,$1; James Finlayson, $2; Wm. council, but L. W. Eckmier, Jacob Morris, $5; Ivan Forsyth, $5; Jack Fischer, Harry Bowler and D. M. Consitt, $l; Wilfred Tremeer, $3; McDonald failed to qualify. Ernie Ross, $2; Orville Cooper, The Public • School Board, and $2.25; Robert Elgle, $2; Lorne Hydro Commissioner were accord - Hay, $2; Morley Storey, $Z; Char- ed acclamations. The following Ile MacKay, $2; Hugh McMillan, qualified: $2; Cecil Pullman, $1; Charlie' For Reeve -Roy Cousins (ac - Eyre, $2; Robert 'Gemmell, $1; clamation). Stanley Jackson, $5. . For Council -W. E. Willis, Roy ., Kennedy. . • For Hydro Commissioner - W. Little (acclamation). R.C.A,F. Concert To For Public School Trustees (ac- clamation) W. A. Williamson, W. _ C., P. and T. Fund Leach, W. C. Kerr. Grey Township "The Gremlins" show, which will Grey Township ratepayers will be presented in Cardn'o's Hall on cast ballots to select a ,Reeve on Tuesday evening of next week, is Dec. 6,: but the Deputy Reeve, produced. by •R,C.A.F. Station per- members of Council and Public sonne'll at Clinton, and, appears School Trustees were elected• by here in aid' of the Cancer, Polio acclamation when qualification and T.B. Fund„ which will! aid any- time ended Tuesday night. Stan- one tan one in this district. ley Machan will oppose John Mc- Tfie concert will include solos, Nabb, the present reeve. duets, monologues, quartettes and The following qualified.: violin music. The concert is be- For Reeve -John, McNabb, Stan - Ing sponsored by a - committes of ley Machan. the Rebekahs and Odd.fellows. For Deputy Reeve -Clifford Row. • land • (acclamation). For Council (acclamation) - Butter Production - Bert Johns -ton, Kenneth McFar- lane, Percy Ward. Drops in Huron For School Trustees (acclama- tion) - W. C. Ellacott, Watson A decrease in creamery butter Brown; William Smith - production in Huron is indicated Goderich- In the October dairy report of the All but ,two municipal offices Ontario Department of Agricul- were filled at Goderich 'by accla- o quail - in m 'io as the deadline for at n q in October, 1948, production fidation passed Wednesday night. dropped to 2.67,995 pounds, as com- Only positions being contested' are pared to . 416,78.6 pounds in Octo- reeve and deputy reeve, her of last year. In the ten. months' Appearing on the ,ballot will be ending with October, production three questions, two to be voted• on dropped, from 4,x311,391 to 3,886,1'54, by all electors, and one to be de, pounds. rifled by public school ratepayers , • They are: "Are you in favor of , the mayor being paid, an annus REBEIAHS AND remuneration of $500'?" "Are 'yot iu favor of paying members of 'tire ODDEFELLOWS town council„ exclusive of the mayor, an annual remrindratlon a, SPONSOR EUCHRE' $250 each, or suck lesser am'oun as. way be approved' by the Depart The- Riebekahs and. Odddellows, ment of Municipal Affairs, less) tbi , sponsored- a 'delightful evening on .sum of $6.00 to .be deducted fron • Tuesday when about thirtytive each member for each regular a: tables of euchre were enjoyed'. Mr. committee meeting from whibu h4 e Arabia Hubert was master of sere= is absent?" The question to b sts n orales' and gave directions for the voted on by public ochool rat play'• payers is: "Are yo`u in favor o The prize winners were: Ladies, the Town of Goderieh Is�suine tl• first Mrs, Ge rge Hill; lone hands,. bentttres for the sum of 75.0 . r P. , ' Jam" T. watt consolation, ai dd.' R e p rs Jn a ,tion t th 3 6 {100 a ro r �'� Y pp e s 1.. sler• gent$, dist Joseph ed; .. the elects, s in Me: ,,b y��r r Y b �` lone hands, ll s 1iuglil, 3". 1947, for the erection ,srid ar#ui 0.0*0latloa, Robert Watson, ping of a new school and, repair P r e p ,, »:: b T JURY' ,. M S 1 UR i. ,F R E A M . SS j:O 11 TAcca,DENT,,�DE Coroner's Jury IAttach6s . �l o .. Blame in Maim Street •Fataht . y A: coroner's• jury on Wednesday fun h ea of R0641, o d that the d th November 27i Bro me six' killed v r a r a when he ran into 'the Path sof P uck was unavoidable. The bo tr a y ' died of� :a fractured skull, Witnesses. were Elmer Cameron,: ver o e truck; • Wilso c- : dei f th t c n M t owner t truck, both. Cat racy; or n r of he r k, of Tuckersmnith Township; _ Dr J. A. Gorwill, Seaforth; Fergus Hor an, McKillop 'Township; Mrs, VerA Anderson, Toronto; Mrs. Dorothy Hawkins, of Egmondville; Normans $ Knight, Seaforth; Provincial -Cqn- - stable William Hodgins, and. the ,: boy's father, Alert Broome. The inquest, held - in Seaforth " Town Hall' was conducted b H y 'Glenn Hays', crown attorney,. and . County Coroner Dr. E. A.\ McMas ter. Witnesses said that the boy ran out, Between angle -parked cars and then threw up his arms as if to . push. ,himself back when he saw the truck. The truck swerved z away from him, and the'driver ap- plied the ,brakes. The truck was ' carrying five tons of gravel. The truck was tested' following the accident and, found to be in . perfect condition. Witnesses said that the day was clear and dry with good visibility - The verdict of the -jury •was: "We the jury find the death of Robert Broome an unavoidable ac- cident by motor truck on, Nov em-/ her 22, and put. no blame on any living person." Members of the jury were: J. G. Mullen (foreman), T. D. Sills, N, Scoins, J, A. Cardno and John Bach. ' • ARRESTED AFTER EXETER DEATH`. .London Man . in Huhon Bail Faces Three C•harg' +R eS lifter Accident. James Leslie Purvis, 21, London, is in custody at Goderich and faces three charges as the result of a highway accident near Exeter Sat- urday night, which resulted in the I of Alden Burton 14iacVicar, 19, also of London. Arrested in London Monday night by Provincial Constables Frank Taylor and Helmar Snell, Vurvis was brought to Goderich and charged Tuesday with leaving_ the scene of an accident, danger- ous driving and drunk driving. Purvis was lodged in Goderich jail.. and had a preliminary- hearing before Magistrate D. E. Holmes on Thursday. MaeVicar was iustantly killed when hurled from a car in colli- sion with a truck near Exeter. Police said the driver of the truck failed to stop. The single clue • to 'the identity of the truck involved, in the colli- sion was a broken step tgrn from the 'left side of the vehicle that remained at the accident scene. Constable Taylor said state- ments were taken from Purvis and a man who was with him Satur- day night. . • Test Water System in Hensall Village Householders in Hensall on Wednesday got a momentary touch of what the city folk accept as commonplace -indoor water sup- ply. The Hensall waterworks, a pro- ject started many months ago, turned; on the system to test 'the mains'. Although everything was working well, it was turned off again; services into homes have not been completed and official op- ening will not take place for three weeks. The system, for which deben- tures amounting to $93,250 have been sold, is being constructed by Scott Bros., contractors, Ripley. Engineer E. A. Hage.y and Inspec- tor Leslie Stewart, Fort Erie, were present for the test. and improvements to Victoria School?', The fblltrwing qualified for of- fice: Mayor -George G. MacEwan (ac- clamation). , Reeve -J. E. Hucicins,, George ' Mathies'on. . Deputy Reeve -Clayton Edward, . W. J. Baker. y Council. (acclamation) -Earl El- [ Nott, John .6lraham, Leo Waiza,k, • A. F. Sturdy, Joseph Moody, Jos- 4 eph Allaire. e P.U.C. (acclamation) -Keith H. e- Hopkinson, f Public School Trustees (accla- . mation)-St..David% Ward, Mrs. Frank Ourry; St. Andrew's Ward', t k and er • t, Pa ria s W •H. S, Turn S 5 1 r 'Irold 6ettger; St, George's Ward, , Lauderi, J H s (Continued on Page 5) d , , T d.111, i r r 4' ,:� 0, �� : a i 1,11i"; :: o- i r3 b, �41 F4"' �, �� j�'t,�. ", ¢� ,a 11 I , i r A i'' µ +v 1-1; fy t ;(�-Aclda Malf9+ •'. i'l By at w.• ._ . ���r M E N G. ELECTED MAYOR .O . r` .:. . w ' 9' b Y ARA;G• r 4?�:� f .rsku .4i' Nr tr a i S � R VI Og 9W,ai .. :;,rev y t •xs5+ �y .�::. 'Ki'. . LL b S R.. v' K I t ,, s ',�'1111.11.'; ,: :., ,�..! iV I -1, 'F�u'.•Y•'d^ t B. ' INESS V y� S�: DS ...�.�....� N L C:. . s T r.: S < a b ., xleil and Candida'I tes L... ��t..�F :;3> ..r:' ;raAddress . Aatte a, -ers ,,:::. '< k Night. h) o cl•,.� "� �. r :;V s eaforth ratepayers crowded the y>> ; J e rt; room in the Town Hall and`, 3W mowed intothe adjoining ooun- ` ,> CI room Monday evening, anxious . .vp am the story of the town''s lioness during the year. ' Clerk . 1':� OR Hn. . Wilson was named, chair �:;; , ' R the first �ii •or A Reid e Y M. ker, announced he would not o office. He in be a candidate P r Pfr e. I sewed the municipal picture n" dq; ing the thirteen years he had P# n . in ,office, 'paying particular a4 „ention to the .past year. He o the var- C mended the work f }.._. Y,y, 's committee chairman, mention - '' particularly Councillor E. H. G�'Ose. chairman of the Street Com- nilttee, who -had done an excellent jo to a tough assignment. ,]Pointing out the impossibility of a4.y,rying out projects without _ nney, he stressed that it was the d' and of the' ,public that led to tie necessity of taxes. Taxes had ii -eased, but not out of propor- ti in with generally rising costs. (teen years' ago, he said, the t"ivn paid 25 cents' for labor; to - muthe the rate is 70c per hour, Reid reviewed the difficul- t," s experienced with town arain- ae, and felt that a comprehensive s0beme for surface drainage would be necessary. Turning to the work of the coon- . cis, the Mayor, expressed his ap- preciation -of the co-operation ex- tended him. He was of the opin- ion every councillor should take a ddfinite stand, and told of ossa , signs when Councillor Ross had refused to vote. Recalling that Councillor J. E. Keating had serv- ed on the council for thirteen 7a> ars, he endorsed him for Mayor. :: ;, vleeve Frank Sills, reviewing his. ' work, at County Council,, predicted an increase in the county rate, be- _ cause of increased cost of road J. E. Keating, who was elect- ed Mayor of Seaforth by ac- clamation. He ,succeeds M. A. Reid, who retires after thirteen years on council. - Reeve Frank, Siris received his third acclamation to office Monday niglit, when _no other candidates were proposed. Turning to and construction. g �r7s 3Ttl�p®7�� Turning to totivn affairs., and as AIH 1 ,�L-ls i�,t1�\99 1!1! chairman of the Prop6rty Commit- tee, he suggested maintenance was g -i necessary for the Town Hall and F L E D S bandstand, including painting, Councillor J. E. Beating, chair- man of the Finance Committee, Dr • and Mrs. John Drover told 'the meeting he had come to Guest of Honor At Seaforth 25 year, ago and during that time had seen a great -change Reception. in the financial and industrial pic- ture in the town. "If we can keep up that trend, taxes will be paid, your homes a:,- sured'-you are going to prosper." Ile said. . Mr. Keating pointed out the ad- vantages, of carrying a surplus, in that it permitted major savings' in interest and made -possible expen- ditures when needed. Often, he said, if such items are not attend- ed to when they should be, the ultimate cost is much greater. The council controls the expen- diture of only $18,00'0 out of $67,009 collected in taxes„ the re- mainder being spent by the coun- ty, school boards and in payment of debentures. Mr. Keating stressed the neces- sity of legislating for the interests of all the citizens, not for any par- ticular class or section. Chairman of the Street Commit- tee for the past two years, Coun- cillor E. H. 'Close told the meeting sidewalk construction had ,been de- layed ,because of lack of materials. He recommended permanentre- pairs for drains, and stated that if elected he hoped to get much of the proposed work finished. .He reviewed the street oiling and told the meeting that because materials were not. available until September, it was decided to 'post- pone oiling until early next year. Councillor B. F. Cl}ristie, chair- man of the Fire and Water Com- mittee, spoke briefly. He expects an agreement will be finalized with Tuekersmith regarding fire protec- tion in Egin-ondville. Councillor E. A. McMaster spoke of the work done in improving the .Park and that, next year the pro- gram which had been agreed on would be completed. Predicting an increase in industry, he point- ed out rental ,housing had not been proceeded with because of changes • in government policy. 'He ,paid tribute to the work of Councillor Close on the street committee, and agreed with him concerning action necessary to re- pair drains on a permanent basis. Councillor W. A. Ross, who an- noli'need he would again -be a can- didate, objected to the manner in '.whibh The Park's Committee iaad' cut trees in the park, - Ile took exception to Mayor Retire statement concerning his not'' having voted, and told the meeting that if he were not on the 6ilucil the town wouldn't know what was going on. his disc Mr oss a .else e $ d U" aura as- rd�'a1 of the proposed county p p p y, 0401ilent and of the town surplus. Re s'ugg'ested nothing had been A most de;ightfut party was held at the home, of Mr. and llr:z. Wm. Drover. McKillop. on Friday even- ing, when their neighbors and friends gathered to welcome to Canada Mrs. John Drover, of Thorndale, and Mr, Drover. Mrs. Drover before her marriage resid- ed in New Hampshire. Cards ware enjoyed during the evening and later Mr. and Mrs. Drover were presented with two end tables, chenille bedspread and a purse of money-. Mr. Thomas Govenlock read the address, and Messrs. Con Eckert., Graham and and Ken Williams made the pres- entation. Dancing was enjoyed throughout the evening with music provided by Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fowler and Mr. and Mrs. Francis Coleman. A delicious lunch was served by the ladies. saved by not 'oiling the streets. Mayor Reid replied and inform- ed the meeting Councillor Ross had refused to vote on five con- secutive occasions. Ile told of the savings that had resulted from maintaining a surplus. Councillor Vii, T. Teall spoke briefly concerning action that had been taken to provide necessary housing. Ohairman A. Y. McLean, of the P:U.C., reviewed difficulties aris- In from hydro rationing, an ex- pressed appreciation of the co- operation extended by ail classes of consumers. t revenue Pointirr�' out that hydro rev rat e had more�t.hnn doubled in the pas seven years„ he suggested that this reflected the increased industrial activity in the town. Increase it costs iu the waterworks depart- ment and addtional maintenance necessary resulted in an aeros. the board increase in rates. De- spite the increase, Seaforth con- sumers were enjoying rates con siderably lower than In other mun icipalities. Dr. P. L. Brady, M.O.H., told th meeting of the proposed count wide medical plan. Chairman M. R. -Savauge, of th Public School Board, reviews steps taken to provide additions school, accommodation, Norman, Scoins, a candidate fo council, criticized the condition o Seaforth streets, .particularly i the south end of town. Russell Sproat„ also a, candidat' raised questions co far council,ra s d ns q town's business,' • is cernin the owns wh g , ore explained b members, of th W p Y council. $k NINE CONTEST. EATS44N S S .O WN COUNCIL— OD NC I� .. 1. ..c E... a � 's a .'yy� ,��/,�a' 'ox ' b k` ,_. A. cid Re it M E . Aftev `:13 Years. w e�or a em norm ' S th. F��ep y rated a total .of ^23 eit,zens for 12• offices at the official nominations'Monday' . evening, Of this number, 15 quali- fied. All positions, except that of councillors, were filled by accla- mation, although -until Tuesday! night i appear t eras if the w' g pp re would be an election for school trustee. Two candidates, M. Ross Savauge, last year's board -chairman, and John Stevens, qualified as North' Ward representatives, but -on Tues- day night Mr. Savauge resigned. E Keating, esti for thirtee ' ng, thirteen'years a memiber of council, was elected as Mayor by acclamation. Reeve F. Sills received his third consecu- tive acclamation in that position. A. Y. McLean was elected by ac- clamation to the 'Public Utility Commission. • Two other school trustees, Ralph McFad•din and,Clif- ford Broadfooa, also received ac- clamations, All former members of council qualified, and these, E. H. Close, B. F. Christie, Dr. E. A. McMaster, W. A. Ross and W. T. Teall, will contest the six seats with four . newcomers: N. Scoins, H. E. Smith, R. H. Sproat and Jas. A. Stewart. Nominations 'follow; * indicates qualified: For Mayor R. G. Parke, by N. Scoins and B, Hildebrand. *J. E. Keating, by F, Sills and. M. A. Reid. For Reeve *F. S. Sills, by M. A. Reid and J. E. Keating. For Council *N. Scoins, by A. Baker and C. Malone. *W. A. Ross, by J. W. Pullman and R. H. Sproat. *R, H. Sproat, -by W. A. Ross anti J. W. Pullman, E. L. Box, by W. A. Ross and J. W. Pullman. *•H. E. Smith, by E. L. Box and .I, W. Pullman. *W. T. Teal,, by M. A. Reid and B, F. Christie, *E. H. Close., by F. Sills and A. Y. McLean. . '•:E. A. Mc % a=ter, by B. F. Chris- tie and M. A. Heid. 9,J. A. Stewart. by J. E. Kr-atin and E. H. Close. *13. F. Christie, by E. A. Me - Master and M. R. Savauge. Roy McGonigle, by F. Sills and W. AL Ross, G::rdon ,McGonigle, by F. Sills and A. Y. McLean. LV. Hart, by F. Sillsi and B. F. Christie. J. C, McKenzie, by E, L. Box and J. W. Pullman. P.U.C. *:a. Y. McLean, by M. R. Sav- auge and E. H, Close. Public School Trustees North Ward: *John Stevens, by J. A. West- cott and E. J. Hawkins. W. R. Shaw, by E. L. Box and W. A. Ross. M. R. Savauge, by B. F. Christie and A. Y. McLean. ' South Ward: *Ralph McFaddin, by F. E. Wil- lis and E. J. Hawkins. East Ward: *Clifford Broadfoot, by M. Me - Kellar and W. J. Thompson, • PROPERTY CHANGE The modern home of Mrs, James: Kerr, Centre Street, has been sold to John Kellar, McRillop Town- ship, through the office of M. A. Reid. Possession will be given early in the new year. • Breaker Burns Out, Causes Cut-off Seaforth experienced an unex- pected undo • after- noon e •deo out -off S act d h c 5 p y t noon when a breaker on a high tension line at the substation burnt out. Repairs were completed by In the P.U.C. staff. e • CHOIRS UNITE FOR CHRISTMAS CAROL SERVICE e An enjoyable feature of th Y Christmas season this year Will b a carol service in which the choir. e of Northside United, First Presb d' terian and, St. Thomas' Anglican 1 Churches will participate. The service will be held in Firs r Church on Sunday evening, Dec f 26. James A. Stewart, of North tv side Church, will lead the combin ed' choirs, and. the nt•ganlgt Will b e Robert E, Bechtel, of First Church n- , h;o he. ervi a will Yn Practises for s o Pr ells s a h Ilii merge Thursday evening of eU ac 'will,;gratin e e Week ,aritd Thursday; evening until Chi'l9t'ma R ? 1 ». a 'i M1 }':r } 11 r, ��� U Hr. I :�.:}i4 � tC�r{' T �U 3 r.� }ds 6iwTr . :1'F�fi.0}t,a".•i.rit f'ai l..;x�Y, ; ra" Jr. p,: xJ ,k �{r- S r 9. �';1; �r'Istxn � ',. ,,;r,<: v , w A,--,-- , io 2 Seaforth Lion, iA, ,-.� �. , i ., n .. n n even it 1 � g i6 st .t. C ' a ' h•.s t t s m ac i �: f Bar t'nn e:. �' g d r '�' t H o u' h ur, n dd e. cember; �9 ,;w t +t u , ,•On a'Tttecom,., pt cemb0r, : 3, y' t z s e� a � distribute grafts . t4i,` 4 s i 11 children. T)rs Club agx ea , a o. ble' arran� ants"`',111* ,. for �auxilfary gow-eer tp `�+�,tt 7 ` lighting- ,off A.. Chris a tree's in the hof se'aSn.'° i�,' r Ing ,day s i ..,(.. Committees' in charge" of th& "7M 1 i 'i. ions' aetivities "ars. r� 43 e- .. Visit o m A V t t t H s J, Court y Stewart., Paul Brady, 'Ed Cham ,wr •, beriain, E. A McMaetsr. ; " ; Christmas Cards .clad .. Lions r Cheer -J. G. M Ileo, H•al Meir,: T't t f;. C. Boswell. Tree, Erection and Nggr,ati,on a Mr E. Clarke; Gordon McGavnn * s1- Bob MoKercher, trrauk $ling` '' , I Distribution of Tickets V: I'� Teall, A. Yr McLean„ Er. Gheaney, , A A. W. Sillery. 4} Supplies For Stockings , Beau Shaw, W. J. Duncan, Ed. Keating, t);.". Al. Copland. s, Platform erection and at'ockixig distribution :Harold. Jackson, - Jain �`s Scott, Scott Cluff. F; Picture Show --George Johnston, Ai " M. A. Reid; C. A. Barber. • ?�.: Mayor M. A. Reid ,, ;, Host At Ba>tiquet ' . ,,, t gad Mayor M. A. Reid,, who this pear 1.1 N,, is retiring after serving Seaforth ,_1G thirteen years in municipal- - .r . during two of which he was Mayor, was host at a banquet in., the , - ' Queen's Hotel Thursday 'eveiiing. a when he entertained members o$a " the council, Puibilic Utility,, Como mission, .Board' of Health and town, '�"a `, officials. ' , ti Tp During the evening Mr.. Reid°s '• 2_ ` service to. the community, ; was . 1• stressed 'by' t -hose 'vVho ^tools •.gam' ,�•, y in a short program which follow- s ed dinner. The improved financial , and industrial position in which ' ;'k'f the tower is at the end of his 13 `.` years of service, as compared to az the, deficits which existed when lie entered the council, was stressed. As a mark of appreciation, Mayor Reid was presented with a sliver tray, suitably inscribed. In thanking the gathering, the Mayor expressed his thanks for the co- operation which had been extend :4 ed him during his years of office. s----,.;'. • Writer 'Protests • "' Lack Of .Action On Flood Control •;