HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1948-10-29, Page 8• M1; • • AUTOMOBii-;R , !' ? SUJAL.TIF,• , Mg, QS : • . �yj��►( CIDENT A1111a 41.01 NESS, •lyre,,:_., 'OVARY. W 40tiTORM epiee4><i;1i1i4 ieq;aclpaaxiea who Fivtt Regan , >wittt7i Service. TA . TEt1i lfi, Q JAG'-. G ' HR RMAI T,S MUTUAL 1?'IRE its% ,1IR•ANGE iuformatiw gladly given, WATsM . I. hh8x RFS... D�T :144 8,,•R103 - Proprietor Ifuranne & Real Estate PSQNR:, 214 SEAFORTH 1 ve on Han RQSR9,ALE ALBERTA ,,1144X,R LUMP.COAL. Aliso — Buckwheat Coal. SEAFORTH SUPPLY & FUEL LTD. PHONE 47 ooboo.00a000 O 0 O BOX 0 3unerar berbice,-1 4 AMBULANCE • O O Prompt and careful attention. 0 O Hospital Bed 0 0 . FLOWERS FOR ALL 0 0 OCCASIONS 0 O Office Residence O O 43 18 0 O 0 .00040000000 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0. O .0 O 0 O O O O '0ERVICD 0 O 0 ,0 0 O O ,p 0 0 '0 0 O 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 G. A. WHITNEY Successor to HOLMES & WHITNEY Main Street - Seaforth AMBULANCE S Adjustable hospital bed for rent. Agent for Mitchell Nursery Flowers. Telephone 119 Nights and Holidays 65 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O J. A. BURKE 0 O Funeral Director O and Ambulance Service O DUBLIN - ONT. Night or Day Calls: Phone 43 r 10 .O O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O O 40000000000 '4> J. CLEARY 0 O Seaforth, Ont. O O LICENSED EMBALMER O 'O AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR 0 0 Night or Day Calls -335 O O O O O O' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O TAXI SERVICE ALL PASSENGERS INSURED Phone 162 — Seaforth CECIL J. LEMON NOTICE ! Saivage WANTED Iron and All Kinds of Metal, Rags Highest Cash Prices paid LOUIS HILDEBRAND' WE WILL PICK UP D. H. McINNES Chiropractic - Foot Correction Commercial Hotel Monday, Thursday — 1 to 8 p.m. CLEVE CARTER'S ?AXI • COURTEOUS SERVICE • PASSENGERS INSURED Phones: DAYS 182 NIGHTS 346-R FOR SALE Modern Cottage on Centre St. , Modern 2% storey Brick Dwel- ling, Centre Street, Seaforth. 011 'burner. Early possession. 100 -Acre Farm, suitably situated 4n highway; good buildings; run - Ming water. Early possession. One and, a half storey Frame }welling; with new furnace, in Eg- inondville. Early possession. Duplex, solid brick. All modern raonveniences. Immediate podses- t$on. WANTED' TO PURCHASE Farm land, without buildings, suitable kr cultivation. Ma A. REID MEAL, ESTATE PHONE 214 e a {,s•1 Phone. 154 lt HE. TOW NEWS �'F THE, Announcement Mr, and MVO lam Vankoughnett, of Hamilton vish to announce the engagement. lfthe youngest � it oun est daughte PbYllif 'oan, to Preston James, eldest :on of Mr. and Mrs. 'Russel Dallas 3rucefield, the wedding to. take ?lace in November. Announcement. -- Mr, and Mrs. Tames Coutts, of Walton, announce he engagement of their youngest laughter, Lois Jeans. Co William Walter Wilbee, son of Mrs. James Edwards and the late 11. P. Wil - bee, the' -wedding -to take place early in November. Former Resident Dies in Van- couver. --:The sudden death, follow- Rog. a heart attack, of William M. Govenlock, a former resident of Seaforth, occurred on Wednesday, Oct- 27, at the home of his .dlaugh- fer, in Vancouver, B.C. IPraor to going West many years ago Mr. Govenlock taught in Loudon Col- legiate, and, later lived in Winni- peg. When in Seaforth he lived) in the residence now owned by Mr. H. G. Meir, North Main St. Surviving are three sisters, Miss Agnes Govenlock, 'Seaforth, and Misses Nora and Jean Govenlock, of Ottawa, and a brother„ Mr. J. M. Govenlock, Seaforth. Interment will be in Vancouver. Northside United Church. --Rev. H. V. Workman, Minister: 10 a.m., Sunday School; 11 a.m. .and 7 p.m., Worship Services. Welcome to these services. First Presbyterian Church. --Sun- day School at 10 a.m.; 11 a.m., Sac- rament of the Lord's Supper; 7 p.m., "For Troubled Hearts."—Rev. D. Glenn Campbell,' Minister. Anglican.—Sunday, October 31: (Fifth Sunday in the month and the Eve of All Saints' Day) : St. Thomas', Seaforth-10 a m., Sun- day School; 11 a.m., Holy Com- munion and sermon. No evening service. St. Mary's, Dublin. — 3.00 p.m., Church Service and sermon.—Rec- tor, Rev. C. F. L. Gilbert„ B.A. Death of Mrs. James Hulley,— The death occurred at her home in Egmondville on .Saturday, Oct. 23, of Lena Violet Pollard, beloved wife of James Hulley. The deceas- ed was born in McKiliop, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs, • Joshua Pollard, and was in her 57th year. Mrs. Hulley had been in St. Jos- eph's 'Hospital, London. for five weeks where she underwent an operation, She is survived by her husband, three daughters, Doris, Bernice and Ruth, at home, and two sisters, Mrs. Thomas Bolton, of Seaforth, and Mrs. James Mar- shall, of Capetown. Mr. and Mrs. Hullee came to Egmondville five. years ago, having previously lived in McKillop. The funeral was held Tuesday at 2 p.rn. from the Bos Funeral Parlors. Rev. A. W. Gard- iner officiated. Interment was in Maitlandbank cemetery. Women's Institute To Pack Bale. —There will be a. bale of good clean used clothing packed by the Wong n's Institute about Nov. 1, and Mrs, Gordon Pappl•e, the con- vener of the overseas committee. would like more donations. Dona- tians are to be left with Miss Mab- el Cameron, Main St. Clothing and shoes are badly needed. The fol- lowing are in charge of the next euchre and dance on Friday, Nov. 19: Lunch, Mrs. Jack McLean; Mrs. Wallace Haugh, Mrs. A. Pepper; tabled and chairs, Mrs. G. Panple, Mrs. R.. M. Scott. Mrs. A. A, Croz- ier; prizes and tables. Mrs. Paul Doig; dishes; Mrs. Leslie McClure ant! Mrs. Wm, Oldfield; music, Mrs. Elmer Cameron and Mrs. R. Nott; punchers, Mrs. J.:Hillebre•cht, Mrs. J. Keyes, Mrs. Dale Nixon, Mrs. Eldon Kerr, Mrs. Cecil Oke, Mrs. Wilfred. Coleman. Barbara Kirkman Meets: Rev, D. Glenn Campbell was the guest speaker at the th•ankoffering meet- ing of the Barbara Kirkman Aux, iliary of First ,Presbyterian Church Tuesday evening. During his splen- did address he said that mission- ary work was the most important of all in church work, and in con- clusion said that life was the gift of God and we must use. it to the full. Mrs. J. E. Daley presided ov- er the meeting and opened the meeting with a pbem and prayer. Mins Belle 'Campbell read the Scripture lesson from the 116th Psalm. Mrs. .lames F. Scott led in 'an earnest prayer, anda chorus by the C.G.LT. sang, "Star of the Bast,'t accompanied by Mrs. J. A. Munn. Mrs. J. W. Thompson tear dered a, vote of thanks to Rev. Campbell, A delicious lunch was served following the meeting, when Rev. and Mrs. Campbell were in- troduced to the ladies. Presbyterian W. M. S. Meets,— Mrs Robert Eberhart presided ov- er the annual thankoffering meet- ing of the W.M.S. of First Presby- terian Church on Tuesday after- noon in the church parlor, and gave a poem which had been sent in by Mrs. D. Ritchie. Mrs. T. Swan Smith reported that the allocation had been over -reached. The visit- ing Convener, Miss Elizabeth Smith reported twenty calls,. Mrs, James Kerr read the 96th Psalm for the Scripture lesson anti . Mrs. James Parkins led in prayer. Mrs. Gor- don Bissett, of Goderich, the Pres,. •byterial president, was the guest speaker and spoke on "`thanks, giving." She said we Should be thankful for things Spiritual and things temporal, Mrh. W, E. Thltt• Cane a colo, and Mb Offering Was taken by Mrs. :Ilarry ,Stewart and Mrs. W. D. Smith. Mrs. S. IA Bell :gave the dedicatory prayer, Mrs, Nolen••MeMitlan aied Mrs, Charted A.b'erbart tendered, •a *rote of thanks to yrs. t xs'attit ? d1a} dolt -bear 'wit* 44t .n fes 020 fil.eeflig. Meati! of M Geo Gotemenp. Ifhe death eeeurred at 'Iter bale la ganQudville. on, Saturday, Oct, 93, oto Rubel McZisala Web6ter,, belov- ad; wife oY Mr. George Coleman, ,end daughter of the late Mr. and kiss; Jamas Webster,of Luclenew. son,in 'I.ueknow, ale was in her 71st year. She went to Stanley to ave in ,9.Q8, .coming to Egmendville in 1929, She was a member of Eg- moudville United, Church and took an active, part in its, work. She is survived• by two daughters, Mrs. Ross Chapman, Kippee, and Mrs. Robert Doig, McKillop; also three stepchildren, Mre, Elgin McKinleY, Zurich; Mrs. Fred MoClymout, Var- na, and Anson Coleman, Hensall; also one brother, Mr. James Web- ster, of Egmondville; two sisters, Mrs. Thomas Blake and Mrs. Will Ritchie, of Lucknow, and nineteen grandchildren. The funeral took place Monday at 2.30 p.m., with Rev. A. W. Gardiner officiating. Interment was in Bayfield ceme- tery. Mae Lane Auxiliary Holds Meet- ing.—On Tuesday, evening, Oct. 26, the regular meeting of the Mae Lane Auxiliary of Northside Unit- ed Church was held in. the base- ment of the church with the presi- dent, Miss Vera Mole, in the chair. Mrs. N. Knight, first vice-president, opened the meeting by reading a poem. "Pass, Me Not, 0 Gentle Saviour," was sung and •Mrs. J. A. Westcott led in prayer. Mrs. A. W. Sillery, the secretary, read the minutes of the September meet- ing. •Business was discussed and reports were read. by .the various secretaries. Interesting reports were given by the following dele- gates: Mrs. N. Knight, Mrs. H. Snell and Mrs. B. F. .Christie, of the Sectional meeting held in Duff's Church, McKillop, on Wednesday, Oct. 13. Mrs. Taylor, Toronto, who was one of a party of four who has recently returned from visiting the following countries, China, Japan, Korea and India, was the guest speaker. She very, plainly outlined conditions in those countries and pleaded for immediate help before it would be too late. Mrs. J. M. Scott presided during the remain- der of the program. After singing "From All' That Dwell Below the Sidles," the Lord's Prayer was re- peated in unison. Mrs. W. Brad- shaw read the Scripture. Miss Ilona Kuti, who has recently arrived from Hungary, favored with a piano solo and was much enjoyed by all. The second chapter of the study book, "West of the Gorges," TUE IMON E was ably. t ken be se'verdt, o .the members, Mrs. i', B. Mr kat outran ed the life of Miss HeLa SPen, '$ei Sien, .famous teacher Old minter i O Mrs, G. .it' , . tel n biota. M .Ak "C!�'it a��Y` and Mrs. J. Currie disenseed the changed conditions of women, in Qh induring the Za e1 year s until 4Y6 m9Q14- oios - lug hymn, "Saviour, ,o'reatie An Evening 'Blessing," was. sndg and the 'meeting chased by re1?eating the Mizpah benediction in unison. Hold Thankofferine Meeting. -- The Barbara Kirkman Auxiliary of First Presbyterian Church held their thankoffering meeting Tues- day evening. The president, Mrs'. J. E. Daley, -had charge .of the meeting. Miss Belle Cafl pbell read the ,Scripture lesson and Mrs. Jas. F. Scott gave the prayer. A very pleasing feature of the program was a chorus givers by the C.G.I.T. Group, consisting of Doris Pull- man, Joyce Glanville, Phyllis More, Patsy Brugger„ Joan Hunter, Kar- en Kidd, Barbara Wright,. Mary Copland and, Patsy Munroe, accom- panied by Mrs. J. A. Munn. The offering was received by Mrs. K. Campbell and Miss• P. Patterson. and amounted to $94. The guest speaker was Rev. D. Glenn Camp- bell. Mr. Campbell gave a most interesting and inspiring talk. His pertinent question„ Are the Chris- tian people robbing God, of His glory in their giving and in the use of their lives, will not soon be forgotten by his' attentive audi- ence. A social time was spent at the close of the meeting, and re- freshments were served by the so- cial committee. Clearit:: ,' O'Han,artin's Roman 'Catholic Church, London, was the scene of a pretty wedding on Saturday, Oct. 23, at 10 a.m., when Marian Theresa, daughter of Mrs. Pearl O'Hanley, of Parkhill, became the bride of Patrick Bern- ard Cleary, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Cleary, of Seaforth. Rev. W. S. Phelan, cousin of the: groom, performed the ceremony. The bride * DANCE *- SAT., OCTOBER 30 CARDNO'S HALL SEAFORTH Ross Pearce and His Melody Masters. ADMISSION - 50 CENTS Plus Government Tax YES, BAILEY FLORIST HAVE MOVED AGAIN ! NEXT TO CHRISTIE'S MEAT MARKET For All Your Floral Needs Come To Baileys' New Story November 12th will be the first Fall formal. Every girl will want a Corsage. So order yours early — For Roses, Carnations, Mums and a few Orchids. 1 We make the Latest in Corsage Designs. Baileys' —Florists Phone 393 - Main St. _/It FINNIGAN'S CITIZENSHIP IS A LOT OF LITTLE THINGS,! As a responsible ,citizen you will be criticized. Criticism is something 'you can avoid by saying nothing, doing nothing, and being nothing, CARNATION MILK q0,0 6 Tins 1 BABY VEGETABLES 20C 3 Tins L PINEAPPLE 1 105 -oz. Tins 1.89 REMEMBER THE JUICE ORANGES 49c 2 Dozen GIANT GRAPEFRUIT 2�c 4 for Golden Ripe BANANAS i�F1 /ic 1 pound: NAME 'FINNIGANS' WHEN NEEDING FOOTWEAR_ W. J. FINNIGAN and SON The Cheapest Food The Biggest Bargain To Cut Down Living Cost and Get More Energy '—EAT— C•' WHITE sic S CLOVER read CASH AND CARRY... 11C SLICED 12c Let Your Local Baker Bake For You !. • A PLEASANT PLACE TO COME TO • A GOOD PLACE TO BUY IN • rich's Baker Phone 34 : ' Seaforth W.4 OW11 i4 ,in .h wliite. uY1au 'net dregs o1:er satin. will til er till veil otiniOt with tiara`, of scull 1) 0.: ,Bile 4.411094a oasoa 4'e ciOnt'sof: red roses aud,mnms, and ware a pearl necklace iand:earrings, the gift of the groom. TO brides, maid was.,, the pride's, sister, Miss, Mean O'}IanZey, of Monteal; who were aqua brocade crepe, floor. 101itlt, and carried Briarellat ros- es. The flower girl was Constance Fcitert, niece or the bride, who wore . a pink' satin frock and 'eai^- rield•'blue cornflowers. During tb,e signing of the register Mrs,- Leo Fortune sang. "Aye Maria,"'!'" A re- oealon was held at Highland Gat Club when :there were about sixty guests present. Mrs.Cleary, the groom's mother, received in forest green crepe and wore Ophelia ros- es, Mrs. O'•Iianley chose black with black accessories and a corsage of roses. Guests were present from Seaforth, St. Columbau, Parkhill,. Toronto„ Woodstock and • Ingersoll. Mr. and Mrs. ,Cleary, left later on a trip to Chicago, and on their re- turn will: reside in London. • McIntosh - Glendenning. — Bas- kets of white 'Gladioli and lighted Cathedral Candelabra with tall tapers, decorated the altar of Cal- vin Presbyterian Church, Detroit, for the recent ceremony which united in marriage Gwendolyn Mc - DON'T MISS THE Repeat Dance Featuring Clyne Monro, his Violin and his Trumpet, Bruce County's foremost Old and New Time Band — in Looby's Hall, DUBLIN —on— FRIDAY, NOV. 5th ADMISSION 50 CENTS LADIES: READ THIS ! Unwanted hair removed instantly from farce, arms, legs with Flash Hair Remover. Harmless,—leaves skin spft and smooth. You can'tlose. Money promptly refunded if hair grows back after third application with no questions asked, Complete treat- ment $2 postpaid. (C.O43-'a — Post $e extra). KAPEX PRODUCTS (Dept. 409) Box 22, Station B, Montreal, Que. S. -M. -H. Annual Ball AUSPICES NURSES Scott Memorial Hospital DATE: FRIDAY, NOV. 12th 9.30 to 1.30 PLACE: CARDNO'S HALL SEAFORTH ORCHESTRA: Bobbie Downs' DRESS OPTIONAL $2.50 Couple 1 Euchre - Dance Sponsored by C. W. L. ST. COLUMBAN FRIDAY, NOV. 12th Cards. 8.30 to 10.30 McQuaid -Delaney Orchestra ADMISSION - 50 CENTS NOTICE to Patrons The Ina Gray Beauty. Salon will be re -open- ed on November 2nd. PHONE 669 For Appointments. liuterior Decorating DWELLINGS, CHURCHES AND HALLS See to your requirements now! Samples and estimates on request ALSO WEATHER STRIPPING IL ARMSTRONG and H. FINLEY PHONE 145.W SEAFORTH TAXI Passengers Insured Phone 128 - Seafo'th LEE'S FOR SALE 5 -Room Cottage, George Street. Prompt possession: 1/2 Storey Brick Residence, Wil- liam Street, in first-class eorici'i� tion Wouldmake good investmelnt. 11/2 Storey Frame Mouse, Mart .St, Blacksmith business, good go' big concern. Prompt poseeesiott; .T5 -Aire Farm, Township Mootft lop, with frame hotise and baiilt Urn. CHAMBERLAIN' E' r Cu Zrl tirance & Real Estate Brokeii aEAFORtii ONI. w44*NE6f'R#ciir 24; 0lob 8g4• I A401.;yql t .44001'4, anal;: Nie,• ,$thwart 1 1.01oa R' to Mr 00111- Lee.Gleneluing, e;AY In o d• n s main. Petroit Ztev: ,..E z unn, I?ttStor at: the oliurbt► '.performed ,a- '4010e 1tb10 ring "ceremony: 44.- white. skinner sat1lc;: gown, : fashiondd with,' an Aft? the704ou1der: .necidine, .long My; Pout sleeve0 and fuU s1Ort extend-• lug into a fan shaped' train, was: worn by the 'bride, est she. came 'to. the altar on 'her s• father':arm. The olsly trimming wool a pearl and 'gold •head, ornament from her,•lstother' , i' -t 1 'wedding .gown. Her bre.@, ip�. ,lusion yell was held. an place •by a chantilly lace, cap; ,trimmed with sued pearls and orange 'blessonas.; She carried white roses with white:, satin 'streamers. Mrs. N. E. Krei- der, as her sister's maid of honor,. :and Miss• Janette Meyers„ brides' ' maid, wore gowns. alike of burnt orange taffeta, designed similarly to the brides,, with off -the -shoulder neckline and featuring bustle Woke centred with two large velvet ros-, es, a bronze shade on Mrs.` Krei der's and a light green on Miss Meyer's gown. Both carried .colon- ial bouquets of %bronze mums and roses, tied with contrasting shades of ribbon, and wore; wreaths of the same flowers in their hair. Little Dari Glendenning, nephew of the groom, was ringbearer„ and Carol Kreider, niece of the bride, was flower -girl. The bodice of her floor -length yellow taffeta gown was designed idienticai as the bride's. The skirt was full with bustle back centred with two deep rose velvet roses, She carried a colonial nosegay of bronze baby mums and roses with matching wreath of flowers, in -her hair. The bridegroom was attended by his - brother, Darl Glendenning, as best man. Seating the guests were Douglas Glendenning and Jack Wil- cox., A reception followed the cere- mony in the home of the 'bride. Mrs. McIntosh received wearing a dusty -rose lace .and chiffon gown. Mrs. Glendenning assisted wearing a royal blue crepe with silver sequin trim. Both wore corsages of American Beauty roses centred with a white orchid. After greet- ing their guests, the couple left by motor for 'Skyland, Virginia. Up- on their return they will reside in Detroit. Drover - MacLean.—Miss Roberta G. MacLean, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William E. MacLean, of Lan- caster, became the bride of Dr. John E. Drover, of Thorndale, Ont., son of Mr. and Mrs, Wm. • Drover, of ,Seaforth, at a ceremony per- formed at the Methodist Church at two o'clock Saturday afternoon, Oct.. 16. Rev. G. Bennett Van - Buskirk •officiated at the double ring service. The bride, given in. marriage by her father and attend- ed by her sister, Miss Gladys Mac- Lean, wore a flesh colored gown of satin fashioned with a full skirt and train. Its off -shoulder effect was accented by a ruffle of lace and sheer flesh tone marquisette covered the neck and shoulders. She wore a matching fingertip veil with a headdress of pale pink seed pearls, and carried. pink and white roses. Her attendant wore a gown of pale blue satin and matching shoulder -length veil. Her arm bou- quet was of yellow roses. Dr. Dana H. Lee was Dr. Drover's best man. Mr. Ainslie MacLean, broth- er of the bride, and Mr. Raymond Whitcomb were ushers. Candela- bra with lighted tapers and bas- kets of white chrysanthemums formed a background for the cere- mony. The choir rail was banked with fir boughs and the pews were marked with satin bows. The org- anist, Mrs. Madeline Amadon, play- ed the traditional 'Wedding march- es. Preceding the ceremony she Played three selections, "I Love Thee," "Still is the Night" and. "Because." Mr. Donald Haley play- ed a violin solo, "Souvenir," and immediately before the ceremony Mr. Elmer Bennett sang_"At Dawn-. ing." A reception for 100 guests was held at The McKee, Miss Leola, Vashaw and Miss Esther Cummings poured and Mrs. Louise H. Stickney and MisS Jean` tMc- Clintock assisted with serving. Mrs. Sherdie Arlin was in charge of the guest book. The couple left for a brief honeymoon trip in New England prior to leaving for Thorndale, Ont., where they will make their home. For going away the bride wore a suit of green wool crepe and black accessories. LOCAL BRIEFS • Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Henderson,' Mr, and Mrs. Leon Henderson and family, and Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Christensen and family, of Detroit, and Mr. Harry Chambers, of Card- inal, were week -end gi'tests of Mr. and Mrs. D. IFI. Wilson, • Mr. and' Mrs, A. C. McEachern and daughter, Laurie, of Vancou- ver, B.C., were recent guests. of their uncles, Messrs. James E. Will - lis and W. G. Willis, • Mrs. S. V. Howard, of Mar- lette, Mich„ spent the week -end with Miss Gretta Ross. • Mr. and Mrs. Howard L. Purdly and daughter, of Toronto, spent the week -end with Mrs. W. E. Kers- lake. • Miss Jean McMaster, of Ham- ilton, spent a few days visiting her parents, Dr. and, Mrs. E. A. McMas- ter. • Mr. and Mrs. Rusgel A. Wal- ter, of Dundas, and Miss Grace Walter, of Toronto,were week -end guests •of Mr. and Mrs,. J. E, Wilms lis. • Mr. R. M. Southgate, of Bramp- ton, spent the week -enol with his mother, Mrs. W. E. Southgate, - • Miss Rhia Rills, of Toronto, '. spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs, George Hills.. • Mr. and: Mrs. Gordon Hays and daughter, 'Patricia,, of Detroit, 5.spent the. Wee1eon'd With Mrs. R,- Plays. Mrs lays returned Withi ; them for two weeks. • Mr, and; Mrs. i1 eg,.ilenderefet and: family, of Grimsby, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs, G,, B. riihnston. • Mrs. W. R. Cole, a 'former rea- gent of ,town, now of Winnipeg, ,'r1aited'with friends here lot week, (Additional Waal on Pape 5) I�QW`P1 AYINf1 H R DAY • 4DAY "I' ` : Y N ,E 4 OLO, U s. ,,.N*R REL .t ,. ENT "E S �• �. ROOT. YOUNG,,MARGIJEaITE Ct:HAPMAN, Wli.,,l„i4RR.PARKER It's pniee-poundktg drama of tbi''Rugged: West as 'a .Wandering Cowboy wages MS own' pr'ivaie desperate wax 4aa1nst rtttblessf ;liters, and kept a rendezvous with death;' - MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY "CALL. NORJ S E 777," with JAMES STEWART, HELEN WALKER, RICHARD CONTE For ten weary years he was kept 'behind! •prison bars, convicted! of a. crime he dtdn't.commit. — Tease Drama torn froth the Police Blotter. COMING: "THE VOICE OF THE TURTLE" with ELEANOR PARKER - RONALD REAGAN. Genuine CEDAR CHESTS ALL STYLES ALL PRICE RANGES When you buy a Boshart Cedar Chest, you get full moth protection — guaranteed by a moth insurance policy. OTHER BOSHART FEATURES Rubber Sealed — Interlocking Corners Heavy Duty Type. Lock G. A. WHITNEY FURNITURE- FUNERAL SERVICE Phones: Day 119 - - Nights and Sundays 65 SEAFORTH — ONTARIO SPRUCE 2.x4 1 Up to 2 x 6 1 16 -foot lengths��jj NJ' at 2 x 10 + per'$85.00 AressomomemmsmaiL Cedar, Ash, RocknimilmaillSMING and I Elm, Fir, PineTHING •IN STOCK�R�S,from 1" to 6" x 6"W I No.' 1 Asphalt 5XXXXX SHINGLES Cedar SHINGLES 2111 pound Red Band VARIOUS BLENDS 12,80 Square $$,50 Square HEMLOCK 2" Stock Suitable for Barn Floors at $85.00 per „M„ ,.. YOU CAN INSULATE YOUR HOME by doing it yourself FOR AS LOW AS $60,00 SUPPLIES NOW AVAILABLE—Clear kiln Dried Fir Mouldings, Gyproc Wallboard, Ten -Test, Ashlar Blocks, Cedar Lap Sid- ing, Cedar Grain Siding, Masonite,Piywood, Arborite, Beaver - board, Chrome Mouldings, Doors, Reclaimed Windows. SEE THE 3/" FIR PLYWOOD of 12c per Square Foot In Sheets 4xS, for Sheathing, Granaries and General Repair Seaforth Supply & Fief Co. "Where' the Best Costa No Mors" Phone 47 Seaforth a.1 Farm Machines FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY • 1 New Forage Clipper • 1 New 4 -ft. One -Way Disc • 1 New Manure Spreader • 1 New 6 -inch Electric Grinder (Special' Vice) • 1 New Pony Tractor' • 1 Used 6 -ft Clipper Combine with Motor • 1- Used 70 -foot Self -Propeller Combine • 1 Used 12 -foot Self -Propelled Combine • 1 Used' 33 -Furrow Disc Plow Motorsri��F�► ��. Ch r c e Oldsmobile" PHONE 141. t . SEA I,OI TI , • rt c•