HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1948-10-22, Page 4ssified �a.sified Ads Inserted At New Low Cash Rates: FOR SALE, WANTED, LAST AND FOUND, Elia. Per word: 1st week 2nd week 4'i Cent 8rd week lfz Cent Minimum charge. first insertion26 Cents Each figure, initial and abbreviation, ,counts as one word. Card of Thanks. In Memoriam. Notice, Conning Events—1 t per word. Minimum, week - Enquiries slay be directed to a Box No.. c/o 'llhe Huron yK k{4 • r, for 10 cents extra. Tela cents additional will be chargee} U ads in above class are not paid within 10 days qQ; date of anal insertion. Dirtily. Marriages and Deaths inserted free of charge. Auction Sales. Notices to Creditors.. Etc,—Rates on appliaatlon, Help Wanted 1 WAITRESS WANTED—GOOD WAGES. TV Apply to BUD FISHER, Mitchell. 4219-1 , WANTED—CAPABLF. G1RI, FOR GEN- eral housework; tyro children. AP - ply to MRS. LEO HAGAN. Auction Sales AUCTION SALE OF CATTLE TO BE held at Harold Jackson's Farm, ria mile east of. Seaforth, on No. 8 Highway, Monday, November 1st, at 1 p.m.: 80 head of Hereford and Durham steers and heifers from 400 to 700 lbs.; atumber of Holstein heifers; 2 Holstein cows due first Part of December ; 1 Holstein cow due March 1. Terms—Cash. HAROLD JACK- SON, Auctioneer; E. P. Chesney, Clerk. 4219-2 AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD EF - feces, in Town of Seaforth, Friday, November 5th, at 1 pen., on George St.: Ful line of household effects, including Quebee cook Stove; electric plates; radio;' kitchen, dining room, bedroom furniture; di hen ; kitehen utensils; garden tools; electric washing maohine. Terms—Kash. THOMASICS FIN, Proprietor : Harold Jackson, Auctioneer; E. 1'. Chesney, Clerk, 4219-2 AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK, Implements and Household Effects, to be held at Lot 4, Concession 4, Tucker - smith, Monday, Ootober 25, era mile east m. Ful] Yard. at 12:30 of Sproat's Tile P Pro line of Farm Machinery, Household Ef- Sects, including Frigidaire and eledtric washer; 17 Durham steers, 8 to 10 cwt.; matched black Peroberon team, 3500 iiba. ; Teams—Cash. W. V. JEFFERSON, Pro- prietor; Harold daekson, Auctioneer; E- a,. Chesney, Clerk. 4218-2 Auction Sales A'S UCTION SALE—THE UNDERSIGNED has been instructed to sell at public auction the Household Effects of the late Mrs. A. Scruton, in the Village of Hen- sall, on Saturday, October 30th, at 1.30 P.m.: 1 oak dining •room suite; 2 -piece velour chesterfield suite (new) ; 1 odd chesterfield chair; 8 bedroom suites, one walnut, in good shape; 2 hall racks with mirrors , 5 bed springs ; 3 iron beds ; 1 wooden bed: 1 spring filled mattress; 1 felt mattress.; 2 iron day beds ; 1 couch; 2 large chest of 'drawers; Philco electric radio; oongoleum rug, 9x9 ; 3 small tables; combination buffet and china cabinet: phonograph and records;• stair carpet; quilts ; 2 square extension tables; 1 round extension table; 6 kitchen cheers; 2 cup- boards; 1 pantry baking table; 1 kitchen clock; Duo. Charm oil burner; Classic range ; Quebec heater; coal oil stove; elec- tric heater ; ironing board; 2 electric irons ; hand wringer; crocks and dishes; step- ladder; garden tools and lawn mower. HAROLD SCRUTON and ALMA NOR- TON. Executors ; Ed. Corbett, Auctioneer. 4219-2 AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD EF- fects and Property in Town of Sea - forth, George Street, Saturday, Oct. 23rd. at 1 p.m., Estate of late John Abell: Querbeo cook shave: coal heater; large kit- chen cupboard:' table and chairs; writing desk: sideboard; extension table; 4 chairs; day bed: number of small tables : antique rocker; 2 antique .oval back walnut chairs; number of other mercers; odd chairs; couch; pamlor lamp; wall clock ; chest of drawers; 2 bedroom suits, bed, dresser, stead, springs; i1 spring mattress ; dishes kitchen utensils ;'•bedding; carpet; garden tools ; quantity of wood, lumber and other articles.. PROPERTY—Frame louse nn George Street; kitchen, dining room, liv- ing room and 3 bedrooms. Large lot; sTilendid barn .with cement foundation, suitable for 4 ;horses ar make good gar- age. Roof in 'good dondition. Terms— Chattele, cash. Property, 20% down, bal- ance ession. Re- serveonce 30 days. pons serve bid. McCONNELL & HAYS, Solici- tors for Estate; C. 12.. Abel;, Administra- tor; Harold Jaakeen Auetioneere E. P. Cheney, Clerk 4219-1 business Cards. SECI%gTARIAL AND EOQE7'ING serviie.e, Iteeorde, maintained and pre - Pared for ineome tax pespose1. W. ED- WARD SOUTHGATE. Office 4n Dtnainlon. Bank Bldg., Seaforth. 41764! AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD EF- fects'and Property, at Estate of Mrs. Annie McDonald, Lot 43, Queen St., Hen- sall, on Wednesday, November 3, 1948, at 1.30 pan.: Quebec rook stove; drop leaf table: glass cupboard; kitchen chairs; heavy duty 3 -burner electric range; dish- es; oak buffet: oak dining extension table; 4 dining room chairs; small tables and stools; gramophone; wall Block: rocker chairs; .platform rocker; chesterfield and 1 ehair; 2 complete bedroom suites, sprite's and mabl resses : walnut finished single bed, spring and mattress ; love seat; 4 upholstered.,chairs , floor r damv s electric Tampa ; pictures ; books ; bedding : linens ; curtains; floor rugs ; hall runner; scatter mats ; linoleum rug ; large quantity dish- ! es ; garden tools; kitchen utensils; lawn mower ; electric washer; tube; stand; sealers ; canned fruit; about 3142 tons coal; wood. PROPERTY—Lot 43, Queen St.. Hensall. White frame cottage; 2 bed room.; ; dining room, kitchen, 3 -piece bath- room, furnace in basement: pressure sys- tem, hot and cold .water on tap. House in excellent condition. Will be sold sub- ject to reserve bid- Terms --Cash on chat- tels. Property, 10% down day of sale; balance 30 days- Immediate possession. EDWARD A. McASH., Executor; Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. 4219-2 AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK, AT Lot 1, Concession 1, adjoining Village of Kippcn, on Thursday, October 28th, at 1 p.m.: HORSES -,Registered Clyde mare 5 years old, with Haokney colt by side; Registered mare 10 years old; Clyde mare 5 years old. CATTLE—Registered Durham :bull 2 years ,old, R M. Peck's breed; gray cow 6 years old, due April; gray cow 6 gears old; due January; JOasel Cow 5 years cad, due February; `Jersey cow 6 Years old due' in April; Red Registered cow due time of sale, 6 year old: red registered mow due Mardh 23, 9 years old; roan cow 10 years old slue December ; blue cow, fregfl 1 month; 2 heifers, fresh two months; registered heifer 4 years old, calf at foot; red heifer 3 years. old, bred July; roan heifer, 3 years old, bred September. with calf at foot: roan heifer with elf at foot; roan .heifer bred July 5th ; caw 7 yearn old due March; cow 5 years old, due February: 9 steers 10-11 cwt.; 2 steers, 12 heifers,' 12 spring and summer calves. PIGS -4 sows with 42 Pigs; 1 sow had one litter; 1 York hog; 3 York pigs, 150 lbs. HENS -150 Hybrid pullets, Rack and Leghorn; quantity of lumber and wood: Massey -Harris 'Rite Way milking machine, used six months ; a number of Registered Females from Huron County Hone. Farm rented- Terms — lash. THOMAS BUTT, Proprietor; Harold Jackson, Auctioneer; E. 1'. Chesney, Clerk. 4218-2 CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF FARM Stock and Implements, at Lot 19, Con. 14, McKillop Township, Friday, October 29th, at 12.30 pm., 13, south, 1r/, east of Walton: Clyde team, 3200 lbs., 7 and 8 years old CATTLE -3 Durham cows due in March; 3 heifers rising 2 years old; 1 steer rising 2 years old; 1 yearling steer; 3 spring calves. PIGS --4 York pigs, 70 lbs. HARNESS—Single harness ; 1 brass mounted breeching harness : number of horse collars. IMPLEIVIENTS—M.-H. bin- der; McCormick mower 6 -ft.; sulky rake; seed drill; spring tooth cultivator; diam- ond harrows : walking plow; riding plow; International manure spreader (in good condition); rubber tired buggy ; set of sloop sleighs and flat rack; farm wagon; hay rack; gravel box: scnffler-; fanning mill; 2 piano boxes; hay fork; whiffle - trees ; meokyokes ; log chains ; McCormick - Deering cream separator (practically new). FARM -75 -acre farm, frame house, bank barn; 6 acres of good hardwood bush., Farm well drained, good water supply. Ml in hay and pasture. Teems on farm given day of sale. Reserve bid. Terms—Cash. MRS. REBECCA J. DEN - NIS, Proprietress ; Harold Jackson, Auc- tioneer. 4218-2 CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF FARM Stock, Ianpplemon4s end Household Effects, to be held at Lot 4. Concession 4. Tuckersmith, Monday, October 254h, 1/, mile east of Sproat's Tile Yard, at 12.30 p.m.: HORSES -1 matched black team of Pereheron geldings, 3500 lbs. CAT- TLE -117 Durham and Hereford steers from 8 to 10 ewt. ; 1 cow with calf at froom. IMPLEMENTS—Sore ig tooth cultivator; Orgy tedder; steel slop scraper: 'McCor- miek mower ; smaller; walking few; cement mixer, hand or motor; ,buggy; cutter; democrat; 2 brooder stoves; 6 cwt. of brooder stove coal ; 2 steel drams; 18 sheets of steel roofing, 3x8 (new) ; wheel- Sarrnw ; disc harrow ; 6 -section harrows ; sulky rake; lift. M, -H, binder; 6 -foot knife for M. -H. binder; logging obah's ; 3 H.P. Fafrbanks Morse engine; extension ladder; 1 stock rack ; quantity of lumber; hemlock elanik, scantling and matched lumber; 50 deet basswood flooring; some oak, 2 -inch; stone boat; lawn mower: emery grinder; erossout draw; one-man sew; 2 steel heavy duty double blocks with 100 feet r/ inch cable; 200 used brick's; International grain drill ; set sleighs ; sin- yple harneis ; double hamlets; _ honk lays ; •chicken crate; robe; cast iron sin ; %meltte hiller; rope wire stretcher; wagon' Zook: letiegy pole; 240 -ib. scales; step lad• der; *hitfleyreos; ,neakyckes, and a host a other madam; s0 grain leaks. HOUSE- H(!Lle-eBrarafiford cools shove; •1lsppy Thought Geek dtove; heating stove: cab- inet sewing snaohime; Gilson ,frigidaire, 7- yit, ;. Sedgy dick p stoat oil stove; 'kitchen 'table and chiit$lt! ra copper boilers; hall melt ditatee table and 6 Cheers; •dfde- leteird; &Mdelt ; tcabine& Sa0akton radio (like moor) Sint5fitite alletineMel Washing nea- ohit)i+ (like newt ntiiftber Of aoekdra 64 a1iehe ,Ardor melte; 041 Atmtiteter 'tag; thein get~ Of late& ether hoar covertiigs - nialeeeanY 33edeeetd m'ru4i101 of entail tables baoke's e• tki :biblia t 1 deub7 y. Bred. lirsl4nut t#is ll i rt moi: shirts 'daa»d• tnat;ttk ok; dto 1*idm ors h9{Yi'i.£s, fixititar . 1 i"ettttter f ik i t riii)l sad lnliens'Itend fern 1d 71Or I t flit One '" Co Ing Events OL4D TYME BARN DANCE, AT TRFI Cryatal Paiaee fta1iroom Mitc blL {. grand place to meet Your friends, Friday, October 22nd, with Dpn Robertson ane His Ranch Boys. Dancing 9.30 to 12,30. 42194 For Sale WOR SAIF—BOY'S WINTER OVER- coat, size 8; like sew. PHONE 158. 4219x+1 FOR IVORY SALE—CLARE. JEWEL IVQ.. enamel cook stave; like new. RALPH TURNER Phone Hensall 95 r 13. 4219-1 FOR SALE—QUEBEC COAL HEATER. No. 18, with 20 lengths of'6-inch pipes, 2 elbows. Apply LARRY LaBUTE. 4219x1 FOR SALE—RN'GTON .12 GAUGE pump gun and hunting coat. Apply to ONFI.4TER T,FF, Seaforth. 4319-1 FOR SALE—CABBAGES, CARROTle, beets and turnips, at prices you can afford. WILLIAM BRADSHAW. Phone 50. 42194 • Oil SALE -6 PIGS FOR SALE, EIGHT weeks ,MM. GORDON PAPPLE, R.R. 5, Seaforth. Phone 839 r 13. 4219x1 VCR SALE—GOOD (lii'FER NO. 27 AIR cotsdifioned heater. in good shape. Price $35.00. BURT MUIR, High St. 42194 FOR SALE—QUEBEC HEATER, GOOD candition. Box 714, HURON EXPOS- ITOR. 4219-1 Fi OR SALE — 2 -FURROW TRACTOR. plow, like new. Apply to DALE NIXON. 4219-1 FOR SALE -1929 PONTIAC SEDAN. SEAFORTH MOTORS. Phone 141. 4219-1 FOR SALE—TRAILER, 600x16 TIRES; body size 4rx7'x14". Price $75.00. PHONE 347-M, Seaforth. 4219x1 FOR SALE—SOME COCKER -SPANIEL Puppies. PHONE 126-J. 4219x1 FOR SALE — WINE CLOTH COAT, trimmed with brown fur; girl's snow suit, blue, both sized 14. Apply to Box 716, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4219x1 FOR SALE--BEAUTIFULM HEINTZAN piano, walnut finish, small size. Ex- cellent condition. JAMES ELLIOTT, Dub- lin, after 6 p.m. 4217.3 Personals NEW BLANKETS FROM OLD WOOL - lens. Turn in all your old woollens, and get brand •new, all -wool or pure wool blankets, in newest colours, at substantial savings. Custom made, direct from mill to you. Ask for catalogue today. Dept. 50, MIDLAND MILLS, Midland, Ontario. 4219-1 MARY. J. SMITH'S NURSING HOME, Mitchell, for convalescents, invalids and elderly people. PHONE 69, Mitchell. 4519.68 HYGIENIC SUPPLIES (it U B B E R Goods) mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with price •list. 6 samples 25c; 24 samples 51.00. Mail -Order Dept. T-73, NOVA -RUBBER CO., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. Wanted WANTED TO BUY—ALL OLD HORSES and dead animals. If suitable for mink feed will pay more than fertilizer prices. If not, will pay fertilizer Prices. If dead, phone at once. GILBERT BROS., Goderich. Phone collect: 936 r 21, or 986 r 82, Goderich. 4189-tf Notices WHITEWASHING WITH ROCK LIME and DDT. Call FRED HARBURN. Phone 44 r 9, Dublin. 4203-tf RADIO REPAIRING — WILL REPAIR all makes of radios. Will pick up Mondays and Thursdays at E. H. Close's Barber Shop. GLEN KECHNIE. Blyth. NOTICE—IWE ARE ALWAYS LOOK- ing for a new customer to Please him. Why not call 50 in Dublin and 1 -ave your Eggs and Poultry picked up at your door. We haul poultry to the U S.A. and can offer you a good price. STAPLETON'S PRODUCE, Dublin. Phone 50. 4218-tf NOTICE COURT OF REVISION Township of McKillop THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWNSHIP McKillop will meet as a Court of Revision on the 'Assessment of 1949, at Carnegie Hwn, Seaforth, an Monday, No- vember 1st. 1948, at 10 a.m. Parties in- terested should govern themselves accord- ingly. 4441, J. M. ECKF.RT, Clerk, McKillop. 4218-3 VILLAGE of HENSALL Court of Revision NTIACE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A Court of Revision of the Amassment Roll of the Village of Hensel] for the year 1949 will hold its first meeting on Tues- day, November 2nd, 1948, in the Town Hall, at 8 p.m., the hast day .for appeals en said roll being October 23rd, 1948. JAMES A. PATERSON, Clerk. DATED' at Hensall, October 18, 1948, 4219.1 NOTICE C curt of Revision TOWNSHIP OF WILLETT WILL hold the Court of Revision on tlhe 1949 Assessment Roll, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 1st at 2.30 p.m., in the Community Hall, Londesbora Ali appeals must be in the hands of the Clerk prior to this date. GEO. W. COWAN. Clerk. 4918.6 Tenders Wanted TENDERS FOR SNOW PLOWING Township of Tuckersrnith r11ENDBR.el ARE INVITED TO SUPPLY and operate equipment to snow plow 'lawnslifp roads in the winter of 1946- 1049. Hydraulically operated equipment to be used -end the eentraetor to merely all leap. Tw6 units brill be bared. Venderrs to *tate A rate per hour and 'binge be an the Olerk'e hamds by 2 .p.m., Nevetaher 6, 1948 Lowest or any tender net etedesefifily caseated. Fat' Put'bber, .i2fothnatfon apply to rll.0$L`ItT DALRYMPLE, 4tfiad Supernntemi���e� t T. ci'iVF1Y',i Tucker sin th Sceioo1 Continued from Pae 1. Supply s Fuel Co., $2.16 H'eusail School Fair, entry fees, $20; Craw-. ford Simpson, labor, repairs, $106.25; Geo. A. Fills 4 Sons, sun- plies, $7.57; H,E.P.O., Hydro accts., $29:74; D. E. Kyle, per S. 111 Whit- more, 'brooms, $14.40; Thorpe. Riv- ers, ioers, tabor, $12; Verna Graves, -blinds, No. 8, $10.5.0; Dave McLean, wohel, $10.50; Pupils No. 5, piling wood, $5; W. V. Roy, film,., grant, $28; miscellaneous, $3.16. The meeing adjourned to meet in No. 4 School on. Tuesday, Nov. 9, at 8 p.m., if wining is completed. FOR SALE — RED WINTER COAT, size 16, in good condition; also, white hockey beets and skates, size 6:e2. Apply to Box 712, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4519x1 FOR SALE—BROWN COAT, JUST new, size 38: only worn four times. PHONE 180, Seaforth. volt_ SALESGIRL'S WINE COAT AND r leggings. size 10 years ; boy's mapki- naaw, plaid trim brown, size 14-16; tweed reversible coat, size 10-12. MRS. JOHN MUIR, Seaforth. 4219x1 POR SALE—MODERN 8 -ROOM HOUSE on East William Street, two storeys, brand new furnace. Property includes 3/10 acres land .and other .buildings. Ap- ply WALTER CORNISH, 47 Milton St., Stratford. 42184 HENSALL FOR SALE—PLAY PEN, • 4 FEET square;. girl's winter coat and hat; gabardine coat: plaid jacket; regulation tunic, size 12-14. PHONE 115. Notice To Creditors NOTICE to CREDITORS The thankoffering meeting of the Arnold Circle Evening Auxiliary of Carmel Presbyterian Church took the form of a banquet held in the schoolroom Monday evening. The guests for the affair were the hus- bands of the members. The tables were most attractive, centred with vases of autumn flowers. The meet- ing was presided over by the presi- dent, Mrs. Glenn Bell. Community singing was featured under direc- In the Estate of KEITH MCPHAiL McLEAN A L L PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the Estate of Keith McPhail McLean, late of the Town of Seaforth, Publisher, deceased, who died on or about the 22nd day of September, 1948, are here- by notified to send in to the undersigned en ar .before the 30th day of October, 1948, fol•] particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said last men- tioned date, the assets of the said estate will be distributed amoirgst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice, to the exclusion of all others, and the undersigned wilt] not be liable to any person ef•whose claim the undersign- ed shall not then have notice for the assets so distributed or any part thereof. DATED at Seaforth, this 6th day of October, 1948. ALVIN W. SILLERY, Seaforth, Ont., Solicitor for the Estate. 4217-3 Births entiatiVe '•te attend the Federation Rltle. Erne V letal^ia. 'l:Ioniiital, Lan - of AKrieuliure Ineetings, At this lett'; where he was, a patient re- time":if[rs.' Munn. e, '.eased oil sere ;O(3ivinp treatment! or *Juries to thanks to the rtes ees, the, • est ii. hand" cell. �betiame caught in speaker and all WO had ll•,ssir�ted 'io'; lilaelline belt, art 4.11eJensen Leum- in any way. "Auld 'Lang Syne''' ber do., • xeter. was sung and delicious' refresh -1 Thanksgiving services were com- ments brought the enjoyable and in the United Church largely -attended event to a close. Sullins last, the guest .speaker, for Hedden n - Cornish tyle ::ayke being Rev. D. M. Guest,of With a floral background of 'weng 'For his' morning theme autumn leaves and 'flowers •Mem-he on "The Duty of Being oriel •Church, St. +Catharines; wan Thanful," and the evening sub- the scene Of a charming wedding ject; "The Handwriting TJpon the i esti on n de direction under choir, all The VP 16,2.30 .m, Octoberat Saturd ctobpan., of Mr. 'Sam Rannle, sang appropri" of Mr. and d Mrs. ClayttonneoJ. Cornish, when ShirleyMarguerite, daughter ate anthems, the soloist being Mrs. R. Broderick. Miss Greta Laramie so Catharines,sand Russell Arthur, was at the organ console. A lovely the lateof Mrs. Catherine Hedden and basket of roses on the organ were exchangedxe George Hedden, . Hensel', F. in .memory of the late Miss Mary marriage vows. Rev. F. McAsh, placed there by relatives. M. Cryderman, B.C. B.D., perform- The South Huron plowing match ed the ceremony. Mrs. F. Wilson will be held on Arnold Becker's was at the organ console for the Farm in Stephen Township, five traditional wedding -music, and .ac- companied the soloist, Mr. Harry' miles west of Exeter, Friday, Oct. Zavitz, of Poplar Hill, who sang 22The Hensall branch of the Cana "Because." Given to marriage bye dian Legion are holding a bingo her father the attractivegbride and dance in the Town Hall Fri- whitechose satinfoher wedding a agosw of day, Nov. 5. Chickens and turkeys neckline, styled with es nt- will be the prizes, with a turkey heart necil ire, long sleeves and for the door prize.hoop skirt. A headdress of white Miss 'Grace Brock and Mr. Lloyd Brock, of London, spent the week- end at filar home here. An annual membership fee of 10 cents for adults and five cents for children was agreed on at a meet- ing of the Hensall Library Board, held in the Town Hall. Rural memberships will be 50 cents and 25 cents: Receipts from this source will, be used in imprdving library records, the board agreed: Reeve A. W. Kerslake, chairman, tion of Mrs. C. Kennedy. The guest satin held her floor -length veil of speaker, Rev. D. Glen Campbell, of embroidered illusion, and she wore Seaforth, presented an inspiring as her only ornament, a gold pend - and informative address which was i ant, gift of the groom. A cascade enjoyed by the gathering. Cantrib- i of red roses formed her bridal bou- uting to the program was a vocal quet. Five attendants preceded solo by Mrs. A. Scholl; piano duet, 1 the bride to the altar: Mrs. W. A. Mrs. C. Kennedy 'and- Mrs. C. For- Nicol, Poplar Hill, matron of hon - rest. Rev. P. A. Ferguson, minis- ter of the church, spoke briefly.. The refreshment committee includ- ed Mrs. A. R. Orr and Mrs. Gor- don Schwalm; program, Mrs. C. Kennedy. Forty were present. The Hensall-Exeter unit of the Women's Christian Temperance Union held the October meeting in the church schoolroom of the Unit- ed Church Tuesday afternoon with the devotional period in charge of Mrs. C. L. Jinks, assisted by Mrs. R. A. Brook. Mrs. E. Geiger, the president, took the chair and dis- cussed the highlights of the tem- perance convention held at London recently. and quoted extracts front a speech condemning social .drink- ing. She pointed out that the tem- perance movement must not re- main only among the women of the church, but must spread to the men, board, and ministers of the church Mrs. W. J. Down, of Exe- ter, in presenting brief comments of the convention, stated that what she noted most was the intense en- thusiasm of the leaders. Much bus- iness was discussed and arrange- ments will be made if possible to present films in the church in the near future. The annual historical research and grandmothers' meeting of the Hensall Institute was held at the ' home of Mrs. E. Geiger on .Wed- nesday night, Oct. 13. Mrs. Robt. Cameron assisted the hostess, Mrs. A. Kerslake. The. president open- ed the meeting with the Ode,_ and "When You and I Were Young, Maggie," after which the Lord's last for Portage La Prairie, Man„ Prayer was repeated. The presi- dent extended welcome to , the grandmothers and guests. In an- swer to the roll call, each member wore some old article of clot/dug: The motto, "Let nothing valuable be lost or forgotten," as presented by Mrs. Cross, was most inspiring. Mrs. Paul Doig. of Seaforth, guest speaker, delighted her audience by taking as her subject, "Your Vil- lage Tweedsmuir History." The im- portance of compiling past data was stressed. At the close of her remarks She quoted the Poem,. "Great Grandad." A beautiful vo- cal duet, "When Ma 'Honey Sings An Oldtime Song," was contribut- ed by Mrs. C. Kennedy and Mrs. P. Ferguson. accompanied by Mrs. C. Forrest. 'During the business period a "thank -you" note was re- ceived from Mrs. E. Chipchase, re- ferring to the bank book given her son, Billie. The district meetings featuring the subject, "Developing Community Enterprises," will be held at Exeter on Nov. 4, and at Seaforth on Nov. 5. The annual convention of Western Ontario Women's Institutes is to be held in Hotel London, Oct. 26, 27 and 28. Several members volunteered to attend some of the sessions. Mrs. G. Schwalm personally thank- ed the group for their remembrance of Barbara 'Louise. Mrs. G. Arm- strong was named Institute repres- BF.7.T In Scott Memorial Hospital, on Oct. 18, to Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Bell, R.R. 2, Hensall, aeddaaughter. MONTGOINERY—In Scott Memorial Hos- pital, an Oct. 19, to Mr. and Mrs. Rosa mnntgomery (nee Marjorie Golding), Seaforth, a son. PFAFF—At the Stephan Nursing Home, Hensall, on Friday, Oct. 16, 1948, 4o Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Pfaff, Crediton, (nee Marjorie Hoffman, Zurich), a son. MAY ---In St. Joseph's Hospital, London, on Wednesday, Oct. 13, 1948, to Mx. and Mrs. Warren D. May, Exeter, a daugOh- iter. EGMONDVILLE' The snow of the week -end made one feel that 01d Man Winter was rapidly approaching. The blanket of snow was so heavy that the trees, with their autumn foliage, were in some cases weighted to the ground. Mrs. Jas. Finlayson spent the week -end with relatives in Toron- to. des ZION Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Hannon and Roy, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Barker and Terry, and Mr. and Mrs. Nor- man Bushfield spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Archie Jeffery and attended Staffa anniversary. Mrs. W. B. Janes, Stratford, is visiting her cousins, -Mr. and Mrs. James 'Malcolm. . Mr. and Mrs; George Pepper vis- ited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Al- bert Seale. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Roney and Carl spent Sunday in Preston with her brother, Mr. Williams and Mrs. Williams. Mrs. H. Workman, who spent the past week with her daughter, Mrs. 't•Terli, l ritton and Mr. Brit- ton, returned to her home in Hen- sall on Silnday. Mr. and Mrs. Mb. Roney vipited on Sunday with Mr. and MrS, Geo. Ahrens. Mr. and fruits. Sack Kemp, ,Mit- eh8Il, spent 'Sunday with Mr. and 400.,2 Mrs, 41ennPepper. _... or, Miss June Hil,son, Miss Bev- erley Cornish, Mrs. L, More, Jr., St. Catharines, and Miss Patricia Shewan, Poplar Hill, bridesmaids. Mrs. Nicol wore a -blue moire taf- feta gown, fashioned with a sweet- heart neckline, capped sleeves, el bow length gloves, full skirt with side peplums and carried a colon- ial bouquet of pink roses. Miss Nil- son chose an aqua style of dress s'tr.ilar to the matron of honor. Mrs. More, Miss Patricia Shewan. and Miss Beverley Cornish chose gowns of frosted taffeta in colors of yellow, green and mauve, styled with square neckline and full ,skirts, and carried colonial bou- quets of white roses. Lloyd Hed- den, St. Catharines, brother of the groom, attended as best • man, while Vernon Hedden, L. More, Jr., Harry Jones and Ted Kaye, St. Catharines, ushered. ' For the re- ception held at Queenston Hall, St. Catharines, for one hundred guests, Mrs. Cornish received gowned in grey crepe with black accessories, and wore a corsage of red roses. The groom's mother was unable to attend owing to illness. For their honeymoon trip to Sarnia and Port Huron the bride travelled in a grey wool dress over which was worn a loganberry wine coat and accessories in black. Mr. and Mrs. Hedden will reside at 6 Woodland Ave., St. Catharines. Guests were present from Poplar Hill, Komoka, Dresden, Clinton, Hensall, Port Huron, Hamilton and Toronto. Mrs. Jas. Sangster left Friday where she will spend the winter with her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. George Sangster. Mrs. George Hudson left on Sun- day for London, where she intends to spend the winter months with her sister, Mrs. R. Jarrott, Mr. Jack Farquhar has returned' Pete Wic Zeue94 afs 44(0 "A life insurance estate is there when it is needed." Confederation Life Association Hensall Phone 55 MONSTER --EUCHRE-- Friday Nite, Nov. 5t6 IN CARDNO'S HALL AT 8.30 SHARP $100 in Cash Prizes 1st PRIZE $60.00—($30.00 for each Partner) .� LONE HANDS $30.00 CONSOLATION $10.002-($5 for each Partner) DOOR PRIZE $5.00 .. ADMISSION -- $1.00 per Person Come Early and Bring a Partner Everybody Welcome! PROCEEDS FOR PURCHASING UNIFORMS Sp'sored by The Seaforth Fire Brigade ALF CLUB For 1949 SEAFORTH. FALL FAIR Will all boys and girls (12 years and over), who wish to belong to a Local Calf Club, please notify Mr. Robert Campbell, R. R. 1, Dublin; Mr. Oliver Ander- son, R.R. 1, Londesboro, or the Secretary, Mrs. Joseph Grum- mett, R.R. 2, Seaforth, as soon as possible. Eighth Annual Sale of REGISTERED erefords presided. The 1114'04'44We. re rt in- dicated ndicated ' circulatiOa d'off'ing ',`, ebteritl. ber had decreased froth 434 In 107, to 064. Tile rk ase o1 A; .let Cr 0-10 ''e'1enediA :.: ritallAi•A t4180,8f , Afi: 04reed Vii" • The undersigned will sell by Public Auction for Stott Bros. 2 Miles Northeast of For- est, 1/4Mile East of' High- way no. 21 Sat., Oct. 23 31 HEAD 18 BULLS AROUND 1 YEAR OLD 9 BRED HEIFERS 4 OPEN HEIFERS Herd Fully Accredited 1BULLS BLOOD TESTED Heifers Vaccinated Offerings sired by our Crapo Bred Sires: Ellis Domino 18th C.F. 152208;' Repeat. Donlino 18th C.F. 120823. The Bred .Heifers are mat- ed to our new Herd Sire, M. B. Eni,'blem 203 4586913, purchased from Meadow Brook Farms, Roches- ter, Mich. SALE AT 1 P.M., SHARP Catalogue on request. . W. S. O'N,EIL, E. M. LESTER., LINC. WHITE — Auctioneers, c CARDNO'S HALL Friday, Od.H2.204 EUCHRE 8.30 LUNCH' SERVED Due to Tax Exemption received,by Institute since+ previous advertisement, ADMISSION NOW IS— EUCHRE AND DANCE 50o DANCE ONLY — ' 35c Auspices: SEAFORTH WOMEN'S INSTITUTE 19th ANNUAL Lions Hallowe'en R.O. CLIC R -I -N -K $EAFORTH FRIDAY OCTOBER 29th • • PARADE • PROGRAM • ALL THE FAVORITE GAMES. • BINGO • DANCING • CHILDREN'S EVENTS • Prize - Drawings • DANCING IN CARDNO'S HALL • One-half Net Proceeds go to Scott Memorial Hospital Building Fund Adults 25c • ADMISSION: Children under 15, FREE S -E -A -F -O -R -T -H Stares -Shops Offices -Homes and Service Stations ARE AFFECTED BY NEW HYDRO REGULATIONS NOW IN FORCE ! See Page 7 of this issue for full details. PENALTIES ARE PROVIDED BY THE POWER COMMIS- SION ACT FOR VIOILATION OF 13EG'iULATIONS. If further clarification is required, please call 100-4 Public Utility Commission OF SEAPORT'S