The Huron Expositor, 1948-10-15, Page 4:PAGE FO V.R • TUE HURON E 'QSI''QR + ' . !lctssif.ied Ads. ossified Ads Inserted At New Low Cash Rates: FOR BALE 'WANTED, LOST AND FOUND, ETC.—Per word: 1st week % Cent / 2nd week l4 Cent 8rd week Minimum charge, first insertion.— 25 Cents Each figure. initial and abbreviation out as per word, Minimum. one word. Card: of Thanks. In Memoriam Notices, Comafns 60 .cents per week. Epgt{iries may be directed to a Boat No., c/o The Huron Expositor, for 10 cents extra. rep gouts additional will be charged it ads in above class are not paid within 10 dew of 'date of final insertion. Birth, Marriages and Deaths inserted free of charge. Auctran Sales. Notices to Creditoria. Etc.—Rates on application, Auction Sales Auction Sales UOTION SALE OF FARM STOCK, CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF FARM A I mplemends and Household Effects, to RIStrode and Impdemepts. at Lot 20. Con_ behold at Lot 4, Concession 4. Tucker— cession 11, Huldett Township. 1% miles smith, Monday. October 26. Y. mile east east of Landesboro, on Thursday, October Of Spraat's Tile'Yard. at 12 p.m.anm.aEORS1 Clyde lie of Farm 'Machinery, hold Ef- team,8 adyearsoaged ms feats. fincludim8Frigidaire and eleetnti,e CATTLE --17 Durham and Hereferd seers, washer; 17 Durham steers. 5 to 10 cwt.; 9-10 cwt. PIGS --11 York pigs 1 months matched black Percheron team,3500 lbs.; ' old; l York saw. PO ULTR Ymoo HY brid Terms—Cash. W. V. JEFFERSON, Pro -1 pullets. IMPLEMENTS — Massey -Harris s prieter; Harold Jackson, Auctioneer; bin2 der; ay losprader; 6 foot new ;s Ning ew P. Chesney, Clerk. I tooth cultivator; harrows; scales ; MasseY- AU•CTION SALE OF FARM STOCK, ATI Harhiscfeertiliizzer drilltrailer and s; 2 tockH P. gas engine Lot 1, Concession 1, adjoining Village 1 2-welso full of Kippein, en Thursday. October 28th, at : SineGRof othertnd lull Brims of inery. Household Effects. D 1 P m. • HORSES—Registered Clyde mare No serve as farm is sold- Terms- . WILLIAM CALDWELL. Proprietor; Har- ald Jackson, Auctioneer; E. P. Chesney, Clerk. 4217-2 5 years old, with Hackney colt by side , Registered mare 10 years old; Clyde mare 5 years ,old. OA'PTCE Registered Durham hull. 2 years old, R. M. Peck's breed; graY cow 6 years old, due April; gray cow 6 years old. due Jany . seJey caw 5 years Help Wanted old. duedFebruary; A Jersey cowRegistered 6 years old due in April; Red cow duo time of sale, 6 Years old; red — registered .cow due March 23, 9 years old; MAN WANTED— rs SINGLE PREFER - roan cow 10 yeaold due December ; blue read, year round employment, Mod - w fresh 1 month ; 2 If$ifers, fresh two ern farm; good wages- Box 709, H4 R8x1 ON POSITOR. For Rent To REN'P FURNISJd.E» ROOM IA/TM Part ; boa all conveniences. 4pplir rd, in writing only. Box 711, HURON EX- POSITOR. 4218x1 mantles : registered heifer 4 years old, c f old, f bred July; at foot: ret, heifer 3 years roan heifer, 3 years old, bred September• with calf at foot; roan heifer with calf at foot: roan heifer bred July 5th; cow 7 years old due March; cow 5 Years old. due February; 9 steers 10-11 cwt.; steers. 12 heifers, 12 spring and summer calves. PIGS -4 sows with 42 pigs: 1 saw .had one litter: 1 York hog; 3 York Pigs, 150 lbs- HENS -150 Hybrid pullets, Rack and Leghorn; quantity of lumber and wood : Massey -Harris Rite Way milking machine, used six months; a number of Registered Females from Huron Cuurety 1,' 1948- l^.me Farm rented. Terms — Cash. DAVID R. STEWART, Coming Events YVINE GOT EVERYTHING AT 'Prim Crystal Palace Ballroom, ?.l2tchell— Canteen, ladies' lounge, checking. conveni- ent e floor, Dancing to the musicc ad1Rns Png, earce and His 1Vlelody Mas- ters, Friday night, Oct. 15, 9.30 to 12.80 x0 pace APPLICATIONS FOR CARETAKER WANTED APPLICATIONS WILL BE' RECEIVED by the undersigned up to and inchrd- ing Oeseber 91 19.18. for the position of caretaker of First Presbyterian Church, Seaforth. A-.plicants are to state salarY required. Duties to commence November Notices WHITEWASHING WITH ROCK LIME and DDT. Call FRED HARBURN. Phone 44 r 9. Dublin. 4203 -td RADIO REPAIRING — WILL REPAIR all makes of radios. Will pick up Barber Mondays a 8 hop. GLENKEOHNIE. Blythand Thursdays at E. H. . THOMAS BUTT, Proprietor; Harold Jackson, Auctioneer; E. P. Chesney, Clerk. 4112 AUC'11ON SALE OF DAIRY CATTLE,' Hav:,nr purchased a heal of T.B. test- ed cows, al -lo a herd of vaccinated heifers, we will sell by auction at our farm, south of Pcrter's Hill. Lot 31, Goderich T'ow'n- ship. on Wednc day, October 20th, at 1.30 p.m., the fcdiowinc: 12 T.B. tested cows: 17 vaccinated heifers, scene springing; 17 vaccinated heifers, 10 months old: 14 vac- cinstcd heifers. 6 months old. This is a good lot of steak, mostly HolsteMs with some Jerseys and Ayr -shires. These cattl: will h- sold cm our usual terms. A. E. TOWNSHEND, Proprietor; Edward d'78 Elliott. Auctioneer. "OLD AT 40, 50, 60?" MAN 1 YOU'RE crazy( Thousands peppy at 70. Ostrex 'Panic Tablets pep Up bodies lack- ing iron. For rundown feeling many men, acquainted" New "get q Ne uainted" g call "old."women size ONLY 50c. At all druggists, NOTICE—aWE ARE ALWAYS LOOK- ing for a new customer to please him. Why not call 60 'in Dublin and have Yonr Eggs and Poultry picked up at your door. We haul poultry to the U.S.A. and can offer you a. good 'price- STAPLETON'S PRODUCE, Dublin. Phone 50. 4218-tf Secretary Board of Managers. 4217-2 Wanted URGENTLY WANTED — APARTMENT or small house; married couple with two children. Box 708, HURON EXPOSI- TOR, TOR. WANTED TO BUY—ALL OLD HORSES and dead animals. If suitable for mink feed will pay more than fertilizer Prices. I£ not, will -pay fertilizer prices. If dead. phone at once. GILBERT BROS., Goderich. Phone collect: 936 r 21. 4189 orr 936 r 32, Goderich. CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF FARM Stork, Implement•+. Grain and House- hold Effects, at Lot No. 23, Bayfield Road North, Stanley Township, 1 mile east of Varna, or 3 miles west of Brucefield, on Fr:day, October 15th, at 12.30 sharp, con- sisting of a matched team of Belgian mares, 5 and 6 years old; 11 Durham, Ayrshire and Holstein cows and heifers. which have been T.B. tested; 21 steers and heele'ns ranging from 2 years old to calves; 2 Yorkshire sows- A full dine of farm irnpiemenia, including M. -H. No. 20 Row Crop tractor (one year old), fully equipped; power lift scuffler ; power lift 2 -furrow plow- Also for sale is a large supply of electric equipment; harness ;a 1,000 'bushels of mixed grain, and some household effects. Full listing in last week's paper. Terms—Cash. No reserve as the farm is sold. MELVIN L. WEB- STER, Proprietor; Fred Watson, Olerk ; Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer. 4218-1 NOTICE COURT OF REVISION Township of McKillop CONSTANCE - week k 1 W e tSale n ext ?;hexa(( One -Cent —Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, Oct. 20-23, at Keat- ing's Pharmacy. Phone 28, Sea- forth.--(Ad:v.). Mr. and Mrs. George Addison and Betty visited relatives over the week -end at Simcoe and Brantford. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Jowett, of Kincaid Sask arrivedhere Friday THE COUNCIL OF 'THE TOWNSHIP of McKilinm will meet as a Court of Revision rn the Assessment of 1949, at Carnegie Hall. Seaforth, on Monday, No- vember 1st. 1948, at 10 a.m. Parties in- terested should govern themselves accord- ingly. J. M. ECKE•RT, Clerk, McKillop. Property For Sale HOUSE FOR SALE—FRAME HOUSE with garage, on Victoria St.; 8 rooms, hardwood floors. All modern convenienc- e;. Apply to IL W. HART, Preston, 817x.. Sox 14,8 - CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF FARM Stock and Implements, at Lot 19, Con. 14. McKillop Township, Friday,. October 29th, at 12.30 p.m., 12, south. 11,x. east of Walton: Clyde team, 3200 1•bs., 7, and 8 years old. CATTLE—'S" DU'rham clime due in March; 3 heifers rising 2 years old; 1 steer rising 2 years old; 1 yearling steer; 3'spring calves. PIGS --4 York pigs, 70 lbs. HARNESS—Single harness ; 1 brass mounted breeching harness; number of horse collars. IMPLEMENTS—M.-H. bin- der; McCormick mower 6 -ft.; sulky rake; seed drill; spring tooth cultivator; diam- ond harrows; walking plow; riding plow; international manure spreader (in good .condition): rubber tired buggy; set of sloop sleighs and flat rack; farm wagon; hay rack; gravel box : scuffler; fanning mill; 2 piano boxes ; hay fork; whiffle - trees ; neokyokes ; log chains; McCormick - Deering cream separator (•practically new). FARM -75 -acre farm, frame house, bank barn; 6 acres of good hardwood bush. Farm well drained, good water supply. All in hay and pasture. Terms on farm given day of sale. Reserve bid. Terms—Cash. MRS. REBECCA J. DEN - NIS, Proprietress ; Harold Jackson, Auc- tioneer. 4218-2 Personals 4218-3 OCTOBER 1.0, ohaset in a revolving -belt Saw at the ,,)en. sen, 'i umber 'ComlpanY," ,C+ Deter, -'rhe 'middle fingers. of his hand, were badly' cut, but after surgery he was reported, to be resting coshfort- ably. Dr. .S. J• Milner, of Exeter, attended. RAY. Harold T. Kendrick, minis- ter of the Pentecostal Tabernacles, ; Exeter, accompanied by his son,. Arnold, was returning to his home after taking his son, Kenneth, to Clinton to take the train to To- ronto Tuesday morning, when he and intend to spend the winter lost control of his car which turn - with their two sons, William and ed over in. the ditch. Neither Mr: Wilbur Jowett. Kendrick nor his son were injur- The church services will be with- ed, but were badly shaken up. The accident occurred half a mile north ofHensall in front of Ernie Chip - chase's farm. Provincial Police J. Ferguson, of Exeter, investigated. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smallacombe and family, of Guelph, spent Thanksgiving with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smalla- combe. The many friends of Miss Mary McAsh will regret to learn she suf- fered a severe stroke - on Friday, i and at date titin of writing still Il un- conscious. Mr. and Mrs. Al. Pearson, Tor- onto, and,, Mr. and Mrs. B. Donald- son, London, spent Thanksgiving with Mrs. Annie •Saundsrcock, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Riley and Sharon spent Thanksgiving in Londesboro. Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth Manns and Donald and Mr. and Mrs. Clar- ence Shepherd and daughter, of Toronto, were Thanksgiving visi- tors with Mrs. F. Manns. Mrs, J. A. MacLean 4s returned home from Toronto where she flew by plane to be with her father who met while with a serious accident working on his cottage at Musko- ka. At date of writing he was still in a semi-conscious condition. Rev. and Mrs. Robert .Passmore, of Salford, and Mr. and ,Mr's, K. C. Passmore, of Hamilton, spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mr's. John Passmore. The monthly meeting of the W. l. S. of the United Church was NOTICE Township of Tuckersmith MARY. J. SMITH'S NURSING HOME, Mitchell, for convalesoemts, invalids and elderly people. PHONE 69, Mitchell. 4219-tf RESIDFSITS OF THE TOWNSHIP Tuckersmith are invited to attend openine of the Broatlf e. Pridee in Township on Tuesday, October 19th, 3.30 p.m. HYGIENIC SUPPLIES (11 U B B E R Goods) mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with price list. 6 semples 2,5c; 24 samples 31.00. Mail -Order Dept. T-73, NOVA -RUBBER CO., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. For Sale E. P. CHESNEY, Clerk. draw the next two Sundays be- causei of anniversary and jubilee of Londesboro United Church. Mr. Donald .Stephefson, of To- ronto UniversitY, spent the. 'holi- days at his home here. _ Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dale attended the Ontario Plo*ing Match at Lindsay on Tuesday and Wednes- d'av of this week. Mr. Chas. Dexter returned home from the hospital on Saturday, but for d to his room will be confine some time. Mrs. Archie Hoggarth returned to her home in Wallaceburg on Monday after spending six weeks with her father, Mr. Wm. Britton. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Reekie and family spent the holidays at the Britton home. OF the the at 4218-1 NOTICE Court of Revision KIPPEN Recall One -Cent Sale next week -Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, Oct. 20-23, at Keat- ing's Phone 28,S ea- iris's Pharmacy. Sea- forth.—(Adv.). THE TOWNSHIP OF HULLETT WILL hold the Creirt of Revision on the 1949 Assessment Roll, • MONDAY, NOVEMBER 1st at 2.30 - p.m., in the Community Hall, Londeshoro. All appeals mut be in the hands of the Clerk prior to this date. GEO. W. COWAN, Clerk. 42'18-3 FOR SALE -13 YOUNG PIGS, SIX weeks old. .LESLIE McCLURE, North Main St-, Seafarth. 4218-1 FOR SALE—TRAILER, 600x16 TIRES; body size 4/x7'x14". Price 975975.x. PHONE 347.1, Seaforth. FOR SALE — GLASSED -IN A N D screened veranda, 141/2 x 8r. ApolY to Box 710, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4218-1 CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF FARM Stock and Implements, at west half of Lot No. 19, Bayfield Road North, just north of the Village of Varna, on Mon- day: October 18th, at 2 p.m-, the follow- ing: CATTLE—Black and white cow 81/2 years old, due April 36th ; red cow 21/3 rears old, due April 25th; red heifer 2 years old, due April 5th. IMPLEMENTS —1927 Buick Aubotrac, in good running order, with lights; M. -H. spring tooth cultivator (tractor hitch); M. -H. 15 -disc fertilizer drill; M. -H. binder, 6 -ft. cut; M. -H. dump rake; M. -H. bean sculIler with harvester; 6• section of diamond harrows with stretcher; Otago No. 21 tractor plow on rubber (narrow bottoms) ; Otaco man- ure spreader; 14 -plate Bissell spring tooth harrows; Deering mower, 6 -ft. cut; two - drum steel roller ; 2 farm wagons ; hay rack; etane boat with tongue; M. -H. root Milner; Mcoormick-Deering walking plow; sprang tooth cultivator; G+linton fanning mill; 1 -horse plow; set of :bench sleighs with bunk and flat rack; single scorner; set of Renfrew 2,000 -Ib. scales; McCor- rniek-Deering cream separator No. 2-S with stainless steel discs (500 lbs. capacity) ; steel tire top buggy, demountable rims (5.25" x 21r size). The above imyle- menrta are all nearly new. Terms—Ciss'h. ALVIN R AUSTIN, Proprietor; Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer. 4217-2 FOR SALE -12.5 NEW HAMPSHIRE Mid Leghorn pullets, 7 months old. Apply to JAMES LANDSI3OROUGH, R. R. 3, Seaforth. Phone 665 r 16. 4218-1 FOA SALE—BEAUTIFUL H EINTZMAN piano, walnut finish. small size. Ex- cellent condition. JAMES ELLIO'IT4Dubb3- lin, . alter 6 p.m. Notice To Creditors NOTICE to CREDITORS W.M.S. Holds Thankoffering The W.M.S. of St. Andrew's Unit- ed Church met on Thursday after- noon at the home of Mrs. William Alexander for their thankoffering meeting, temperance .being com- bined. The president, Mrs. Robert Elgie, presided and opened the meeting with Hymn 674. Mrs. Mor- ley Cooper led in prayer. A Scrip- ture reading, referring to temper- ance, was given by Mrs. Eagle. Mrs. M. Cooper read the Scripture lesson and Hymn 577 was sung. Twenty-five members answered the roll call with the text word being "Thanksgiving." Business was dis- eussed and Mrs. Elgie reported that Hensall and Brucefield Auxil- iaries had accepted the invitation to the birthday meeting to be held in the Sunday School in Novem- ber, the guest speaker to be Mrs. (Rev.) Workman of Seaforth. The nominating committee was elect- ed as follows: Mrs, Alex McMur- trie, Mrs. B. Peck and Mrs. Eldon Jarrott; program committee, M1•s. R. MacGregor, Mrs. J. McLellan, Mrs. Carl McClinchey and Mrs. John Anderson. Mrs. Hinton was appointed as delegate to the Sec- tion Presbyterial meeting in Cen- tralia, held Oct. 12. 'Hymn 441 was sung and Mrs. Earl Sproat‘gave, the study, "Language Without Diesey' Hymn 589 was sung by two griupa responsively. A temperance story. "Alcoholic Pleasure, What Is It " was given by Miss Margaret Sin- clair, Mrs. J. McLellan and Mrs. Hinton. Hymn 399 was sung and Mrs. Elgie pronounced the bene- diction. Lunch was served by Cir- cle No. 1. Mr. Edgar McBride left 00 Sun- day to visit his sister, N1rs. 1). •Schnell, of Camrose, Alta., ani other western points. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jones vis- ited on Sunday with Mrs, J. Love near Hillsgreen. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pollard, of Guelph, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. A. Gackstetter. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hornet', of Exeter, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. Gackstetter. The W.A. of St.. Andrew's Unit- ed Church are holding their bazaar in the Sunday School room on Sat- urday, Nov. 13. In the Estate of KEITH MCPHAIL McLEAN AL L PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the Estate of Keith McPhail McLean, late of the Town of Seaforth, Publisher, deceased, who died on or about the 22nd day of September, 1948, are here- by notified to send in to the undersigned on or before the 30th day of October, 1948, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the ,said last men- tioned date, the assets of the said estate will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice, to the exclusion of all others, and the undersigned will not be liable to any person of whose claim the undersign- ed shall not then have notice for the assets so distributed or any part thereof. DA FMD at Seaforth, this 6th day -of October. 1948. ALVIN W. SILLERY, Seaforth, Ont.. Solicitor for the Estate. 4217-3 FOR SALE --RED WINTER COAT Plaid back raincoat; plaid wool flan- nel dress, size 12-14. in good condition. May •be seen at Seains, the Cleaner. MRS. GEORGE WHEATLEY. 4218-1 FOR SALE—BROWN COAT, JUST new, size 38; only wo'rn four times. PHONE 180, Seaforth. FOR SALE—KITCHEN RANGE, FOY, coal and wood ; also one electric •rangette with Oven; both lite new. For sale at half price. H. H. DAMM,'Kip- Pen. i - pen. AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK AND Implemental, at Lot 7, Concession 3, Stanley Township, on Wednesday, Oetober 20th, at 12 ,Din., sharp, the'following: HORSES—Team Clyde geldings, 9 and 10 years old. CATTLE—Registered Shorthorn bull ,bona February, 1947; 3 Durham cows due early December ; Jersey cow due in' Februeaw ; white cow due February; while cow due in March; black cow due in March; red heifer due in April; black cow due in April; 2 yearling steers; 8 baby beet, 600 obs.; 2 spring calves y Ito.: sunnier calves. PIGS -10 hogs, a0 hogs, 125 lbs.; 50 New Hafnpshire Pul- lets, laying IatPI..E:MENTS--ABMs-Ohal- ,nets M deI C tractor on rubber, with starter arid fights, with 'muffler and bean Duller attachment, 8 years old; Interna- tional side delivery rake, nearly new : Cockshutt tractor drill (mew) ; Cocicshtttt hely 'loader. nearly new: Cniver 24urrow Plow (nearly new) ; Otaco manure u19rearl-' er; rubber tired wagon • flat rack; Deering Ma:4er, 6 fit 8-d'xum steel roller; McCor- 3alelisbeetling stuffier and miller; 4 eection8 aiarltotrd: htarowa; 14-hisate doable disc: ayeet.ibinder, 6 -ft but• d'eeetions lever harrova 4 itflti£reav5 , elewtric oreaa'n,..yf'somas ley set 's erg 'f8 hes yYtaun Mill tam- eness 86181( barrel ePrai2tr; b'l Y: tot; t.'C4tat2i'.arliis beam. acufllet and ritxtl44a ixyyw H P: •gas ntei dda 4 tango 1alrelterd I ; iis'a ek • a•teve G0 eau bectiete Minor ,folie et1C ' iii 4'i`dany btftt ati+lr hoIte tots fltiJatkii to t4eititItt fe o i 'ls$Y 4 d06 haaliEla tori bf r+t4' he0a>d BOLTS tsojreetYel'r ;1,3004, FOR 'SALE -ONE DURHAM BULL, 18 months old; good cow, 5 years old. to freshen about January 1. GEORGE COLCLOUGH, Clinton. Phone 805 r4 51. .FOR SALE—MODERN 8 -ROOM HOUSE on East William Street two storeys. brand new furnace. Property includes 3/10 acres land sand other ,buildings. An - ply WALTER CORNISH, 47 Milton St., Stratford. 4218x3 Cards of Thanks ligttriSd s11k jersey With blade neeessol'ie . and:, 'a *Mite gladioli cgrsagee, ar their *ridding trip to Toronto and Niagara Falls, the .bride coursed a gray gabardine suit with black acoesaories. They will reside in London. Mr. Laird 'Mic(((e, 'Mr. R, H. 'Mid- dleton* id dletona ., and the Aliases Betty Mjokle-, Eleanor Gook and Bernice Jinks attended the VaTaitY Western rugby game at 'the - Western versity Stadium, London, Saturday last. The auction sale of Mrs. Charles Jinks, scheduled for Wednesday, Oct. 13, has .been postponed until Saturday, 'Oct. 16, owing to 'wear ther conditions. The Evening Auxiliary of the United Church met in the base- ment of the church. Tuesday even- ing. A 'pot -luck supper preceded the program. Rev. R. A. Brook gave an interesting message; il- lustrated motion pictures ill teeh- nicolor were shown by Mr. and Mrs, M. G. Drysdale, depicting their trip to the West, Vancouver, Vic- toria, Calgary, Kamloops and through- the States. Vocal duets in byWigs Aud- rey were sung Walsh and' Miss Marlene Petzke. Miss' Edna Walsh was accompanist. The devotional, "Thanksgiving," was ably taken by Mrs. D. Kyles; Fred Appleby ren- dered a lovely piano solo, and Ml's. Jack Corbett took the chair for the meeting and expressed thanks to Mr. and ;Mrs. Drysdale for their kindness in showing the pictures. Mrs. Maude Hedden was' program convener. Hydro service will be cut off in Hensall from 5 to 6 p.m. from Mon- day through Friday, commencing Thursday Oct. 14, until further remain op- en, P notice. The stores will en, using gas lanterns• and lamps. Death of Miss Mary McAsh "MRS.W. G. WRIGHT DESIRES TO express her sincere appreciation for the many acts of kindness extended to her in her recent sad bereavement; also to thank Mr. James T. Scott who sang, and Miss Marion Mason, as accompanist; Rev. Douglas Stewart and Mr. A. C. Routledge, 'whose name was omitted as flower -bearer: also to ,thank thoee who loaned ears and sent flowers. 4218-1. POR SALE—PLAY PEN, 4 l''1~:ET square; girl's winter coat end hat: harrier isee 14. placid jacket;NE regulation FOR •SALE—DOMINION CIRCULATOR heater stove and pipes ; small oil heat- er: bed with felt mattress and springs: feather mattress ; 2 small cabinets: Pair awnings. Apply •to INA GRAY, Egnmond- ville 4218-1 Business Cards In Memoriam held on Thursday in the school- room. The meeting opened with Mrs. W. B. Cross in the chair. "My Faith Looks Up To Thee," was fol- lowed by the Lord's Prayer in uni- The devotional was taken by s.on, Miss M. Ellis and Mrs. Laramie led in prayer. Mrs. Ed. McQueen read a paper on Temperance. Roll was, called and the minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted, 14 members and , one visitor , being present Miss M. Ellis was named delegate to the Presbyterial at Centralia. Mrs. L. Mickle and Mrs. F. Manns were appointed on the lunch committee for November. Mrs. Fred Appleby rendered a TN LOVING MEIVLORY OF A DEAR SON and brother, Pte. Sidney Taylor, killed in action in Belgium October 19, 1944. • I have died for the deer old hmare, And the land of the brave and the free, And always remember that dear mother Whenever you think of me. And now this war is over, And others dome marching home, You will think of your fallen hero, Who will never more return. Just Look upon them, mother dear, Though tears may dim your eyes, Remember your son was a soldier, too, And not afraid to die. —Lovieerly remembered by Mom, Dad, Sisters and Brothers. 4218x1 Q•ECRETARIAL AND BOOKKEEPING. service. Records maintained and pre- pared for income tax purposes. W. ED- WARD SOUTHGATE. Office In Dominion Bank Bldg., Seaforth. Tenders Wanted Births splendid piano solo, and the study book was given on India. "Unto the Hills Around Do I Lift Up" was sung and the meeting closed with the Mizpah benediction. On Wednesday evening a group of Hensall associates met at Miss Ellis' home and then proceeded to the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Glenn, where a delightful social time was enjoyed, in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Hayter, recent bridal couple, who have returned home from their wedding trip. Af- ter viewing the beautiful array of. china, linens, household furnish- ings and wedding gifts, Mrs. B. Kyle,\ Mrs. D. Kyle and Mrs. Lil- lian Hyde provided entertaining contests. Miss Ellis contributed a humorous reading in costume. The guest of honor, formerly Miss Mar- garet Glenn, received the following gifts: A coffee table and what -not, from the group of girl friends; a Hymnary from the. Evening Aux- iliary, and a clothes hamper from the Wohelo Class. She,made a fit- ting reply. Delicious refreshments were served at the close. Mrs. B. Kyle, Mrs. D. Kyle and Mrs. Lil- lian Hyde, who arranged the af- fair, were ably assisted by Mrs. Glenn and Mrs. Hayter. of Your` Family Is Our- lisiness TheProtection . om 1; `. Here is a family with our C pany',s Head Oce and ¥a ilt Branch in the background. Sim- ilarly, in real life, qur 'gompany.: stands behind .many' families„ providing Experience and o'Under- standing in estate administra- tion. You can assure Your Family friendly. guidance and protection by appointing The Canada Trust Company as your executor. ' _ f r A highly esteemed resident of Hensall passed away on ThursdaY at her home in the person of Miss Mary McAsh, in her Sist year, fol- lowing a week's illness. She suf- fered a severe stroke a week ago and did not regain consciousness. Born on the homestead at Varna, daughter of the late John and Jane McAsh, she was a resident of Hen- sall for 12 years, coming here from Saskatoon. She was a member of Hensall United Church and always attended the services and church meetings when health permitted. She is survived by a sister, Mrs. Munshaw, of London, "and two brothers, Ed. McAsh of London, and Dr. John McAsh, of/ Belmont, formerly of Tara. A public service will be held from Bonthron's fun- eral home on Saturday at 2 p.m., with Rev. R. A. Brook officiating. Interment will be in Baird's ceme- tery. To Hold Anniversary Services The congregation of St. Andl+ew's United Church will hold their an- nual anniversary on Sunday next at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. The guest speaker at the morning servite will be Rev. Beecroft, of Wingham, while the evening speaker will be Rev. 'H. V. Workman, of Seaforth. Special music will be furnished) by the choir, assisted by guest solo- ists. STEWART—In Hotel Dieu, Windsor, on .Wednesday, Oct. 6, to Dr. and Mrs. Friel Stewart, a son—Charles Gregory. BELL—In Stratford General Hospital. on October 9, to Mr. and Mrs. Harris Bell, Brussels, (nee Lois McGavin), a daugh- ter --Susan Elizabeth. CASKINETTE--In Scott Memorial Hos- pital, on .October 10, to Mr. and Mrs. Edward Caskinette, Seaforth, a son. SPENCE—In Scott Memorial Hospital, on October 12, to Mr. and Mrs. Bert Spence, Mitchell, a son, SCOTT—In Scott Memorial Hospital, on October 18, to Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Scott, R.R. 2, Seaforth, a daughter. SMILLIE—•Clarence and Ann Smillie are happy to announce the arrival of their son, Brian Clarence, on Saturday, Oct. 0, 1948, at Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, a baby brother for Margaret, Sharon, Carolyn and Brenda, Senator, Ont. KIPFER--Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Kipfer (nee Jennie Jolly), are pleaded to announce the arrival of their ern. Daniel Thomas, on October 12, at Farwell Nursing Home at Zurich. TENDERS FOR SNOW PLOWING Township of Tuckersmith prztroz AR'E INVITED TO SUPPLY and oyd+rafe e490Tntient to area P1mb ',ltoivnaft,tf roads in the winter of 1948- .1940 Ustaraubically dlltrated equipment to be e1N ed and the contractor...so mealy ulll Tete milts will be lilted. nderd to sante a rate pet. hoar and akifi4 he fife they (Merit* hands iiiY, 2 o.in Sidvein 6, .),949' Lowest' et ht1Y Wake trit ilevk i8a418AteM ksuu YJ;wYarµ •fry ytya irkapislY (d ' 2r YY' ..)IfOY'141P1:7G1, SU lit B. '+li 'i)wS'2r1 1"]fy 4)Xf Deaths HENSALL ROBB--In Seaforth, on Sunday. Oct. 10, .lane Robb, in her 91st year. LA DLAW—In Wolealey. Sask., on Friday, Oct. 8, Mary McGonigle, widow of the late David I:aid1'aw, in her 77th year. John Farquhar, of Hensall, was rushed to Victoria Hospital, Lod- don, Monday with injuries receiv- ed when his hand became caught Pete 711c lIetal ta''iv. "Life insurance is the only investment that liquidates automatically for a known sum in the case of death." Confederation Life Association Hensall Phone 55 Davey - McCulloch At the Parsonage of Thames Road United Church, Margaret Jean, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy . McCulloch, Cromarty, became the bride of Kenneth Albert Davey, on- ly son of Mr. and Mrs, Francis Davey, of London. Rev. Wm. Mair ,officiated. The bride wore a pow- der blue suit accented with black accessories and a corsage of Amer- ican Beauty roses and ostrich plumes. Mrs. Robert Anderson, of London, as matron of honor, wore a gray suit with 'accessories in black and. corsage of American Beauty roses and gladioli. Robert Anderson, London, attended the groom. A reception and, dinner were held at the home of the bride's parents. Mrs. McCulloch iciq.LO?`. (liar. and Mrs Louis toagy And ahild.Defi, of Gilt, have been width '. Jag at theyi,i+ydMe",'d1 . his parents, M 'arttdy'1t'1.ro W+y, Byoast', 1l+Li", filed marrr6. -red 1to'egy vi0it e(l` at the thonio +s>C •het' 10r0110. lti' ', Wall', ali' 0044 .0 04,0)0 rr READY for WINTER ? • ALCOHOL • HEATERS • RADIATOR CLEANING • SNOW AND MUD TIRES • DEFROSTERS - • RAD AND HEATER HOSE' and • THERMOSTATS COMPLETE TIRE SERVICE 24 -Hour Service on Vulcanizing 1 You are invited to discuss your estate plans with one of our Trust Officers - John D. Wilson, who is in Seaforth and district from time to time. C"le A RU ST an Coro y P Main Branch: Dundas and Clarence - London, Ontario • 'Royai NoIbyTraction Dorn o on Pll us EA 1ILE oto onihe Roughest Ro,ds Deep. husky nobs dig—give extra pulling power. No need for chains when you get Dominion Nobby Traction Tires. 'Wright RcIiffe- Seafo.rth, Ont. Phone 267 bOMIP110N • ROYAL TIRES 2 ..HYDRO INTERRUPTIONS ON DAYS WHEN INTERRUPTIONS BECOME NECESSARY, THEY WILL OCCUR AT 10 A.M. AND 7 P.M., AND WILL NOT EXCEED. ONE HOUR IN DURATION • • • While it is anticipated that not more than two interruptions will be necessary on any one day, Monday through Friday, should conditions arise necessitating additional interruption, such inter- ruptions may be made without notice. Housewives Please Co-operate -- SAVE IIIDflO • i Public Utility Commission PHONE 1004 SEAFORTH 1 44, Oh 4