HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1948-09-17, Page 4p7 is Inverted At New Low Cash Rates: WANTED, SALE, AT7 1>' LO Bt AND FOUND, 1 TC_,—Per word; r - 1st week Cent 2nd week ; ey Cent $rd week s/a Cent ILtiniMum ebargp, first insertion25 Cents vole figure, initial and abbreviation counts as one word. j?6 Memoriam: Notices, Cooping 'vents -1 cent per word, Minimum, BSir a41 vgekk„ xltlH3 ' VOX, :,riiir ted to a Box No., cfo The Huron Expositor, for 10 cents extra. ea.'4i addltdonal wall be charged if ads in above class are not paid within 10 clays of date of, final insertion. Birth, Mar** mut 'Deaths inserted free of charge. 49 41041. Saiies,n N;otieetl -to Creditors, Etc.—Rates on applidation. Help Wanted ANTED2tYOUN'G MAN TO 'WORK at plumbing and heating work. P. J. DOBSEY. Phone 23, 42144 MALE HELP WANTED YOUNG MEN WANTED TO LEARN furneture trade. Must be capable and industrious. Apply in person. JOHN BOSHART & SONS, Seaforth. 4213-2 Coming Events -ptAnil DANCE AT THE CRYSTAL • Pa'lace. BA1room, Mitchell. Friday, Sept. 070..:, with Johnnie Petrie's Ranch Boys. Mcdern and Western Swing Music. 4214-1 Wanted WANTED TO BUY—ALL OLD HORSES and dead animals. of suitable for mink feed will, pay more than fertilizer prices- If not, will pay fertilizer prices. If dead, phone at once, GILBERT BROS., Goderich. Phone collect: 936 r 21, or 936 r 32, Goderich- 41894f For Sale R SALE — LARGE FINLAY OIL ▪ Minting apace heater, PHONE 212-8. 4214x1 VOR SALE -1928 CHEVROLET COACH, motor in A-1 condition. For further particular apply to Box 703, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4214x1 pos. SALE—DRY HARD AND SOFT wood slain: also 12 -inch dry hard- wood. Delivered. JAMES STEVENSON, Box 110, Brussels. Phone 81 r 17 or 16 X2, 4214-4 port SALE --PURE BRED COCKER .Spaniels ; choice red and white or black. Registration supplied 'if desired. PHONE 191-W, Clinton, after 5 p.m. 4214-3 port SALE -1 HEAVY DUTY LATHE. 11// swing, 36" behween centres; 1 polishing head with 1/6 H.P. motor; 1 circular saw with y6, H.P. motor. PHONE 93. 4214-1 pOR SALE — DINETTE SET, LIKE ,ncw ; Atlas drill press, like new. . Ap- ply to GORDON KLEBER. Phone 312-8, Seaforth. 42124 tOR SALE -125 NEW HAMPSHIRE X Leghorn pullets, 51/. months old; lay- ing. Apply to JAMES LANDSBOROUGH, R.R. 3, Seaforth, or phone 665 r 16. 42124 von SALE -CISTERN PUMP, FORCE V --'nip, well pump pipe, quantity of wirdow Mass, large and small sizes; 2 electric 1 -burner hot plates, floor lamp, electri number of flower pots; 2 carpet sweeps CLARENCE REEVES. 42144 Notices WHITEWASHING WITH ROCK LIME and DDT. Call FRED HARBURN. Phone 44 r 9, Dubbin. 4203-tf R4DIO REPAIRING — WILL REPAIR ' a!ll makes of radios. Will pick up Mondays and Thursdays at E. H. Close's Barber Shop. GLEN KECHNIE, Blyth. Personals QTRAIGHT FROM THE SHOW -ROOM— " io how your car w;dl look if you give it a dry-clean with "TARNOFF." Simple, easy to use. 16 -'oz. tin 60c: 36 -oz. tin 31.00. At DUNLOP'S GARAGE. WEAK, TIRED, PEPLESS MEN, WO- mcn. Try O'trex Tank Tabled for new vim, vigor and pep that lasts from early morning to late at night Contains iron, vitamin BI. calcium. New "get cquainted" size ONLY 50c. All drug- gists. HYGIENIC SUPPLIES (RC BBE R Goods) mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with price list 6 samples 26c; 24 samples 81.00. Mail -Order Dept. T-73, NOVA -RUBBER CO., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. Notice To Creditors NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of LETITIA McPHEE ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the Estate of Letitia McPhee: late of the Town of Seaforth, in the County of Huron, Widow. deceased, who died on the 2nd day of September, 1948, are hereby notified to send in full par- tioulats of their claims to the under'vgn- ed on or before the 8th day of October, 1948, after whish date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims then received. DATEDat Seaforth, this 14th day of September, 1948. Md0ONrNaeLL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executrix. 42144 NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of JOHN ABELL A L L PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the Estate of John Abell, late of the Town of Seaforth, in 'the County of Huron, Gentleman, deceased, who died on the 19th day of August, 1948, are hereby notified to send ie full partieulara of their claims to the undersigned on of be- fore the sth day of October, 1948, after which date the assets will be distributed,. having regard only to claims then receiv- ed. BATED at Seaforth, this 14th day of September, 1948. MdCONNELL & HA.YS, Seafforth, Ontario, Solicitors for the Administrator. 4214-3 NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of SAMUEL HANNA A L PERSONS RA -VINO CLAIMS lagainsrt .the Estate of Satnuel Hanna, Tate of the Tanen ref Seaforth, Gentleeaan, dediee el. will died do lir stunt the ,170t deer of Augest, 1948, ate hereby notified to lend in to the undetsigted oil at be- foee the 29th day of September, 1943, foil Par;tidtilars of ;their elahna. 'Iiontedimltely after the said 'last men- tioned data the assets Of the said estate will be ,di tributeti +amongst the ilartles Olftiltled thereto, hutting• regard oitLy to elaiins of • mili31l the tirideraigned 811811 then 1oa ye natide to the excltlsrdtt of all 'atllers, and thea tintlerairgittted yw'i1l .110 he liable to taity,iiertan .0'1006,n -141M the undersign. t half nee theri. 'Ilona for. the' hsi ee dla'tribated or4iily ]pant thereof. DATED at Setiferth. (thio atal .lav' aa. fl6I tranibmt )194. ASsttll<i,:"StY ' oittittde. iu" y't 0 Lost and Found T OST BETWEEN CLINTON AND EX- - oter, buff -colored tarpaulin. Finder please contact W. C. SINCLAIR,'Clinton. Phone Clinton 62.1 r 22. 4214x1 LOST—LICENSE PLATE, SOME TIME within the last week. Finder please contact ARNOLD SCOTT, R.R. 1, Sea- forth- Phone 835 r 13, Seaforth. 9.214-1 ,OST ---ON TUESDAY, IN SEAFORTH, a gold wrist watch. Reward- PHONE 118. 4214-1 Tenders Wanted TENDERS WANTED Township, of Hay TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED BY the undersigned up to September 22, 1945, for .the necessary digging and in- stalling 1,940 feet of tem -inch bile in ac- cordance with the Tu.okey Drain By -Law, ami the necessary digging and installing of 600 feet eight -inch tile, 547 12-4nch tile and 966 feet six-inch tile, in accordance with the Forrest Drain By -Law. All work is to be completed by Novem- ber 1, 1948, in accordance with the plans and specifications as contained in the re- spective by-laws. Plans and specifications may be seen at the Clerk's Office, Zurich, Ontario. H. W, BROKE'NSHIRE, Clerk, Township of Hay. 4214-1 Auction Sales AUCTION SALE OF YOUNG COWS, Poultry and Feed, at Lot 31, 6th Con- cession of Goderich Township. 1 mile south of Potter's Hill, un 'Saturday, September 18th, at 2 p.m., am;isting of: CATTLE --24 young cows, Iiel_teins, Jerseys and Durhama; some fresh, balance springing or milking. These are good cows and will be sold on your approval; 3 choice beef tybe calve,: 1 vealer. POULTRY -100 'lbrid Susex X New Hampshire pullet;. bc,Eel—Quantity of feed oats. Ternu•-- Caeh. A. E. 'POWNSHEND, •Proprietor: Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer. 4214-1• • CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF FARM Stack, lmplcntents and Household Ef- feces. at Lot 19, Concession 3 S:an4ey Township, ?.; mile south of Varna, on P..rr Line, on Friday, September 24th, at 1 p.m.: 14 y..ung Leicester ewes ; 40 y: a r old hen;: 500 bushels mixed grain: 10 cord.; hardwood. M ACIILNERY--McCor- mick binder: Deering mower: fertilizer drill' ; eu'ltiva'. ,r ; disc ; 5 -section harrow; ; land roller; bean eeufner; bean puller; manure spreader; walking plow; wagon and box: bobsleighs; cutter; cutting box; grain roller; fanning midi: 2,000-1.b. scales; circular saw; electric brooder cream sep- rator ; electric cooker ; grain grinder : buggy: tractor plow: trailer: full line of hou;chord eftects. Terms --Cash. W. H. DOWiSON, Proprietor; Harold Jackson, Auctkncer; E. P. Chesney, Clerk. 4211-2 AUCTION SALE AT LOT 27, CONCES- ,,ion 14, McKillop, in Village of Wal- ton, on Saturday, September 25th, at one o'clac k: CATTLE -1 Ayrshire cow, 7 year.; old, due 'in November; 1 Ayrshire cow, 6 years, due in November; 1 Ayr- shire cow, 4 year, due in November; 2 Ayrshire cows, 4 years r1d. fresh; 1 Ayr - :hire cow. 3 years, fresh: 9 steer and 2 heifer 1600 to 700 lbs., Durham): 3 Dur- ham sprint calres; 3 calves, 4-6 weeks 'eel; 21 pie.; about 110 lbs.: 3 Registered :,owe, 21.0 months old; 300 pullets; Mas- scy-Harris binder, 6 -ft. cut: Deering mov- er, 6 -ft. cut; cultivator; Massey -Harris se:d drill; Maxwell hay loader; dump rake; '4 -section harrow; ; Bain wagon on rubber; hay rack; land roller: turnip seeder; grindetene ; wheelbarrow; 2,000-1t. _calm; root pulper: grain grinder; 1.500 bushel; mixed grain ; euantity of man - golds ; range shelters; chicken feeder.; ; water fountains ; baled shavings : exten- sion ladder; barrel sprayer; 3 -gallon hand sprayer; quantity of oy_ter shell and some lumber; 13 gallons paint; paint' sprayer; dcnble harness; doubetreea: chains, forks, shovels, tools and numerous other articles: 50-1b. scales; Acme Quebec heater (with oven and reservoir) ; kitchen table. Terms of Sale•--Ca,h. HAROLD FRANCE, Pro- prietor; Harold Jackson, Auctioneer: Har- vey Johnston, Clerk. 4214-2 CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF FARM Steak, Implements and Household Furniture, at Loh 5, Cones .cion 8. Morrie Township, 11/4 mile, north and 114 miles east of Blyth, on Monday, September 27th, at 12.30 noon, sharp, the following: CATTLE --Red Durham cow, second calf, due Oct. 10th; red Durham cow, due Dec. 29th; 3 Durham cores, supposed to bs in calf, to freshen early spring; Durham heifer, bred Sept. 11 th ; Registered Short- horn bull, 3 year old, Culbert breed; 9 Durham steers, ranging from 800 to 1200 lbs.; 4 Durham heifers, ranging from 600 to 800 Its. ; 11 Spring calves. PIGS -17 pigs, 2 months old; young pure bred sow. POULTRY --65 year-old Leghorn hens; 250 Leghorn pullets, 41/2 months old ; 4 shelters,—McCormick-Deering cormick-Deering binder, 7- tcucut, in perfect condition; Massey -Harris manure spreader. nearly new; McCormick -Deering aide delivery rake, nearly new; Massey - Harris oil bath 6 -ft. mower, clearly new; Massey -Harris 14 -plate disc, new; McCor- midkDeering hay loader, nearly new; Mc- Cormick -Deering 13 -disc fertilizer drill, nearly new; Beatty electric grain grimier, practically new; 1/4 H.P. electric motor; Portland cutter ; Chatham fanning mill; sap pan, new; pails and spiles ; shingles: eling ropes and chain: self -feeder pig hop- per and other article,. GRAIN—Quantity of mixed grain; about 3 tons of second cut alfalfa hay: potatoes. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE -3 -piece walnut dining room suite. good as new; kitchen table and chairs; couch; bed and springs. Farm is sold. Terms—Gash. TORRANCE DUN- DAS, Proprietor; Harold Jackson, Ante Li^neer : E. P. Chesney, Clerk. 4214-2 Business Cards QECRETARIAL AND BOOKKEEPING service. Records maintained and pre- pared for income tax purposes. W. ED- WARD SOUTHGATE. Office in Dominion Bank Bldg., Seaforth. 4176-tf Cards of Thanks VMS. JACKSON WALKER WIS1i;E'S TO ,express her sincere appreciation of the k'inslnesses shown her by her neighbors and friends during her cad bereavement, mpedially Rd, R. A. Brook and Mr. Har- old Benbhron, foneiwl director. 4214-1 Births JACK—In Sydney, Nova Scotia; on Sept. 7, to Hey. and Ere. Hugh Jaelc, a daugh- ter. llARTE7R-'-•In Scott Memorial Hospital, on 'Sept. 14, 16 Mr. and • Mas. Kenneth rtes, Seaforth, a daughter.. ST i'l1l8OMS -•Tn. Scott Memo -rind Hospital, .4iu Sept 14, to Mr. and Mrs. Jaelc Sim- 1tldi10 „Heennslall, a daughter. Deaths riSStn&1eo somtttn� E"vanaThursdved' "d�ifpd. ' .;;�'itrfifC•C,lttitleS«' itt �1tsr 78'bir o'esri The monthly meeting of the C..' W. L. was held with the president, Mrs. John A. Murphy in the chair. The meeting opened with prayer. The minutes, as read, were adopt- ed Correspondence nc included a let- ter from Scarboro Foreign Mis- sions for cancelled stamps receiv- ed, also a letter re provincial con- vention to be held in Toronto Sept. 15 and 16. One hundred and seven members were reported as having paid fees. The treasurer's report showed a balance of $39.77. Mrs. John Coyne and Mrs. Joseph Eckert were appointed to visit the sick. The president requested that those having the travelling apron keep it moving, as all returns must be in for the October meeting. The meeting closed with prayer. DUBLIN Dublin Continuation School has an enrolment of 63 students' for the present term. Mother M. Moira succeeds Mother Francis Clare as principal. Frank Cronin, while adjusting a pipe in the well at his home, lost his wrist watch in the well, After pumping all the water out he found the watch still ticking. He took it to a jeweller and was informed that it was absolutely unharmed. Honoring Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ryan, whose marriage in St. 'Col- umban Church was an event of last week, a large group of friends and relatives attended a reception in Looby's Hall on Friday night. An address of congratulations and good wishes was read by Mrs. Jno. Moylan, and presentation of a drop walnut table was made by Miss Mary Malone and James Sloan. Ted Melady also presented a smoking set on behalf of the St. Clumban Football Club. The bride- groom responded suitably on be- half of his bride. A social evening of dancing followed, music being supplied by the McQuaid -Delaney orchestra. A group of volunteers served lunch. Special ceremonies took place at St. Patrick's Church for Cemetery Sunday. Benediction was celebrat- ed in the church by the pastor, Rev. Dr. Ffoulkes, and a large con- gregation walked to the cemetery, where special prayers, including the Rosary, were offered for the departed. Personals: Mrs. M. Doherty, Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Doherty and Mrs. M. Beaulieu, Detroit, with Mr. and Mrs. John Meagher; Mrs. Rae Pringle, Carole and Robin, of Galt, have moved into one of the new Gerald Holland apartments; Jim Krauskopf and Ryan Jordan and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dill attended Toronto Exhibition; Mrs. John Meagher and Phonsine at London; Mrs. May Dorsey and Miss Camilla Williams, Detroit, with Mr. and Mrs. David McConnell; Mrs. R. Dakin, Galt. with her daughter. Mrs. Rae Pringle; Miss Marie Evans, London, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Evans; Miss Doris Ruston, London, with Mr. and Mrs. Hubert O'Reilly; Miss Kay Woods, Glanworth, with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Patrick Woods; Jack Cleary, Sarnia, with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Evans; Miss Barbara Holland is taking a course at Loretto Business College, Strat- ford; Rev. John McIver, S.F.M., who has been vacationing with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. 'Whi. Mc- Iver. has returned to Scarboro Bluffs, Toronto. BRUCEFIELD Mrs. Archer, of Kitchener, and Mrs. M. Longley, missionary on furlough from China, were recent visitors with Rev. and Mrs. E. R. Stanway. Mr. George Mustard, who has spent the summer in Newfound- land, has returned to his home and will remain a few days prior to r•esulning studies at the University of Western Ontario. Miss Laura Snell is visiting her sister, Mrs. Fred Boyce. Mr. and Mrs. C. Scott, 'Sr., and sons, Harold and Rev. and Mrs. Charles Scott and Mrs, Rachael Frances, of Sydney. N.S., have been visiting at the Manse. Mrs. Frances and Mrs. Scott are sis- ters of Mrs. Stanway. Rev. Scott, who has been .recently ordained into the ministry, assisted Rev. Stanway in the service of worship o11 Sunday and delivered a very fine sermon. Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Sloat and Mr. and Mrs. G. Gaunt, of Brighton, and Mr, and Mrs. J. Hill, of Strat- ford, were week -end guests of Mr. and Mrs. J K. Cornish. ' Miss Marg. Henry, London, spent the week -end at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. •W. Henry. M:cs Blanche Zapfe is attending Normal School in London. Mr. J. McCully is visiting in Stratford. The regular meeting of the W.A. was held recently in the church basement. The meeting opened by all repeating the Creed, Mrs. Stan- way had charge of the opening wor- ship period, the theme being on Paul. Miss Edith Bowey, president, had charge of the business period. Sweet Corn GROWERS Are You Short - Handed? Why not have your Corn picked by a picker approved by the canners? For prices and arrangements write or seer ELAM W. SHANTZ Hensall, R.R. 2 Phone Zurich 01 r 13 .• iselo , •.. THZ RON lion 'call showed •Stanley st'111 in the lead. Mrs. 11. Allah "irao AP - pointed flower 00Pa aittee foi,'.'Sep- tember, After a lengthy bu'ainess discussion the meeting closed in the usual way. Mrs. W. Mclieath conducted a contest. The regular meeting of the W. M.S. was held Tuesday afternoon th with t e president, Mrs. H. Dal- rymple, in the chair and Mrs. R. Scott at the piano. The worship service was in charge of Mrs, W. Scott, the theme being, "The faith wherebyl the church must live." Scriptures were read by Miss E. Bowey, Mrs. T, Baird and Mrs. A. Zapfe. Mrs. B. Keyes read a very interesting article on temperance. The study hook, "West of the Gorg- es" by K. J. Beaton, was taken by several members, Mrs. ,A. Zapfe had charge and was assisted by Miss E. Bowey, Mrs. H. Dalrymple and Mrs. Bili Dalrymple. Mrs. Stanway told some interesting facts about their work in West China, and about the people we will study in the next few months. The meeting closed with prayer by Mrs. Stanway, and the hymen, "Jesus Calls Us Or the Tumult," HENSALL Hensall District School Fair will be held on the school grounds, Hensall, Friday, Sept. 24, a meet- ing of the Hensall Community Agricultural School Fair Board, held in the council chamber Fri- day evening, decided. Those pre- sent included A. W. Kerslake, chairman, W. Parke, P. McNaugh- ton, W. Davidson, J. A. Paterson, along with the following .teachers: Mrs. R. Simpson, Miss Hildebrant, Mr. Blackwell and Mr. Dennison. The public speaking, spelling and recitations will be held in the Town Hall on Friday evening, Oct. 1. • Judges named included: Grain, etc., Geo. Thompson; vegetables. etc., W. R. Dougall; flowers, etc., Mrs. H. Dalrymple; poultry, etc.. Leroy O'Brien; livestock, Agricu'- tural Representative; the contests in the Hall, Miss Ellis, Mrs- P. Fer- guson, Mrs. A. Shirray and Mr. M. Sanders. Committees appointed a r e : Sports„ P. McNaughton and J. A. Paterson; printing. W. Parke and W. R. Davidson; advertising, J. A. Paterson, and the secretary was asked to invite the two Public School Inspectors to attend. All schools in the community are invited to attend and fees are to be paid to the secretary on or before Sept. 24. Those wishing to enter their schools are invited to get in touch with any of the mem- bers before show day. Mrs. -James Wr!ght has returned ho r a `tel? gpendiilg,t'We vSteelits *14, itilp ,lie 804 'acid 441W, Mr acid Mrs. Gordon Wright, ai Lorne Par1G, and frieodp, ill Barrie, h of D J. s a et A highly esteemed 1:esidezit, Mr. L Jackson Walkelr, pa.8eed, arab at hip home in IiensallThursd'ay-eve-. ding, Sept. 9, following a fe'w"daze Ulna havin&'aa to ill on ke n ken 1 Monday, and despite, the hent of care of medical attention, passed peacefully away. Mr. Walker was on the police force in Toronto for twenty-five years, sleeping car conn ductor on the C.P.R. from Montreal to Winnipeg, a life.member of the Masonic Order, and three years ago was invited to Toronto where he was presented with a gold med- al for 50 years' service as a life member. He was a member of the United Church. A native of Wing - ham, he resided in Goderich for two years before coming to Hen• - sail nine, years ago. Surviving are his widovw, the former Anna Car- lile, three daughters and one son, all of Toronto. Private funeral ser- vices were held from his residence Saturday, Sept. 11, at 4 p.m., con- ducted by .Rev. R. A. Brook, who paid fitting tribute to his life. In- terment was in Hensall Union Cemetery. The bearers were M. G. Drysdale, W. R. Davidson, R. H. Middleton, Thos. Welsh and Mer- vyn Brown, Hensall, and a grand- son. Donald Lansing, Toronto. The sympathy of the' community is ex- tended tors, •Walker in her sad loss. Mr. Walker will be much missed from the village where he had made a. host of friends and neighbors who will mourn his pass- ing. Stan - Sangster A lovely autumn wedding was solemnized at Carmel Presbyterian Manse, Hensall, Saturday at high noon, when Rev. P. A. Ferguson united in marriage Laura Letitia, youngest daughter of Mrs.. Sang- ster and the late James Sangster, Hensall, and Victor, son of Mr. and Mrs. S. Stan, London. For her wed- ding the attractive bride chose a street -length dress. of Light blue` wool gabardine with black acces sories and corsage of American Beauty roses. Her only ornament was a necklace worn by her mother on her wedding day, the gift of her late father. Her bridesmaids were her sister, Miss Marion Sang- ster, London, and Miss O. Banchuo, Detroit, cousin of the groom, the former wearing a dress of fawn gabardine with black accessories and a corsage of Better Time ros- es, while the latter was gowned in blue aqua with corsage of Ophelia roses. The groom was supported by his brother. John Stan, London, and John Sangster, brother of the bride. For the reception held later at the home of the bride's mother in Hensall, Mrs. Sangster received N -E -W Farm Mach inery • SIX-FOOT CLIPPER COMBINE with Motor and Pick-up Attachment • FORAGE HARVESTER with Pick-up and Corn Attachment • Seaiorth Motors Chevrolet - Oldsmobile Massey -Harris Sales & Service PHONE 141 SEAFORTH Great Front Dept. Store Foiced SELLING OUT SALE toVacate Our Time is Running Short! Here is. a Chance To Buy Merchandise At Wholesale Prices! COME IN AND SAVE MONEY! MEN'S OVERCOATS A few Men's Overcoats. jjjj Regular $23.95, TO CLEAR AT.. 1.2100 MEN'S AND BOYS' SUITS In Tweeds, Botany, Wool, Serges and Wor- steds, AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, as our time is growing short! BOYS' BREECHES Special 1,49' MEN'S WORK SOX 25cc Pair -2 Pair to a customer One Box of LADIES' HOUSE SLIPPERS Regular up to $1.59. TO CLEAR AT 49c pR. LADIES' SILK BRIEFS and PANTIES Regular 59c. TO CLEAR AT or 3 Pairs for $1.00 LADIES' RUBBERS Plain Over Style in High and 5,0,c Medium heel. PAIR l! We still -have a full line of Men's, Ladies' and Chil- dren's Footwear at Un- heard of Prices for the present day! Green Front Department Store OPPOSITE POST O!`IG 35c 4,, eht �1e 'thlrt gli,eetp wearii{g^ swizle dro0a d a. cageage of trice Mrs, .St9, 90919t94,'*941394. in blacie with a• tierogge. of "redrose bu t the as r coli AVia. azul cell Was se wed. The lionae decorations were pixilt and white, while the , bridal table centre+, the wedding Sake, Basli,ets of gladioli and fern form- ed the or thei d e. floral F r wedding, trip to Detroit the bride travelledin a green snit with ac' cessories in blacll. They will re- eds in •Donlon where the groom is a student at University of West- ern Q'ntarid: The groom's gift to lthe.ebride was a strand of •pearls,. to the bridesmaids, perfume,' and to the °groomsmen, fountain pens. Miss Minnie Reid has returned after visiting with friends in Kit- chener itchener and Guelph. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Carlile and Mr. A. E. Carlile, of Detroit, at- tended ttended the funeral of the late Jack- son Walker.. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hedden and Bobby; .of Dresden, spent the week end with Mrs. C. M. Redden and Herb. Announcement, Mr. and Mrs. John M. Glenn, Hensall, wish to announce the en- gagement of their only daughter, Margaret Annetta, to William Mer- vyn Hayter, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. WILL Hayter, Varna, the marriage to take place the latter part of • September. Mr. and Mrs, A. Drury, of Long Branch, and Mrs. .Gallichu, of To- ronto, were week -end guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Paterson. Peee �C Zesa9C e6tut "Life insurance automatic - 'ally provides guaranteed,'' life-long estate manage- ment at no extra cost" Confederation Life Association Hensall Phone 55 1 NEW NQDET,i BlizzariCut _ • SMALLEY HAMS. EV R MILLS • FOOD MIXER • SCOOTERS • WAGON UNLOADERS We carry a Full Line of OLIVER TRACTOR and PLOW REPAIRS A. W. KerSlak� Oliver Farm Equipment Phone 40 Hensall Men Wanted BOTH SKILLED AND UNSKILLED Particularly young men desirous of learn- ing to be craftsmen in a highly specialized industry. Interested only in those who wish permanent employment. , D. P. EMIGRANTS WELCOME Apply to: SHERLOCK-MAN NIG PIANOS LTD. CLINTON, ONT. HYDRO RESTRICTION; ARE NOW IN -AFFECT THE REGULATIONS: 1. Restrict the amount of .lighting permitted in Stores and Offices. 2. Limit the lighting of Show Windows. 3. Prohibit the lighting of Outdoor Signs. 4. Prohibit Decorative Lighting. 5. And in other ways restrict the use to wihich you may put Hydro in your Home, your Store and your Fac- tory. • THE CO-OPERATION OF ALL HYDRO USERS IS EARNESTLY REQUESTED DURING THE EMERGENCY ! For further information or for advice and suggestions as to how you can SAVE, phone or call: - Seaforth Public Unity Commission • PRONE 100--.J SEAFORTH • y• a v 4 • r' • 4 r . • � 4