The Huron Expositor, 1948-09-10, Page 4Inserted At New Low Cash Rtes: ltii'led. Ads eft d .• Ft]ki-84.4% gfANTEaI, LOST ,AND FOUND, ETC... Por '1vai1'd: i• 1st week i Cent 2n4 week iG Cent { arts thelesy. Gent Mlnhinnu• charge. first imertion.. , - 26 Cents Each figure. 'ribs,! aaa4 abbreviation counts asone word,. 9f-."igsa? a In Memoriam, Notices, Cooling Events—4 cent per *ord; 40 Ceuta ±per week; :Amities, may lea directed to a Box Na. c/o The Huron Expositor, for 10 cents extra. 'Beg carats and]Auonal. !viii 4e charged if ads in above orris are not paid within 10 days of :date a briar;' inbertion. }lir Menaiiae�ee and Deaths inserted free of obarge. AnOtion' Sake. Notices to Creditors. Etc. -Rotes on appliaat1on. Help Wanted , ]AwroPi ,GOOD GUU FOR GEN - 1 .enol house work; good wages; ?leas- t Y surroundings. ,(i•1!l1y 40- Box 701. =EON EXPOSITOR. 4213-1 ViTANTER--PART WM HELPER FOR. HOUSE' 'WOR,'K by day. Apply m Belle 702, HURON 'E7I:POsIIOR. 4213-1 ALE HEL?' WANTED iOUNG MEN - WAiiTED TO LEARN furniture trade-t10s-h;4e mixable and industrious. Apply in,Person. MRS. C. A. McALPINE AND FAMILY JOHN BOSR•AIAT:,&, SONS, ,wish to express their appreciation of Serf t*, 4216-2 kindness of neighbors and friends during the relent death of Mrs. M. McPhee. 4213x1 Coming Events MRS. ANDREW HOUSTON WISHES TO J .Land expresher sincere sFDreciation TION ROBERTSON AND HIS RANCH thanks tos all 'those who, remembered her Boys will be at the Crystal Palace with !lowers, cards and treats while a Btillrcomr, Mitchell; .Friday; night, in a good patient in Scott Memorial Hospital. Old Tyme Barn Dance. 4213-1 4213x1 Lost and Found LOST -ONE FAWN COLORED KIT - ten. Finder please return to W. G. WILLIS. 4213-1 Fj oleem--ON WEDNESDAY, AT ST. Odluznban, a man's ring. Owner znaY have same by applying to MARY MA - LONE, St,- Columban, proving Property and . paying charges. 4213x1 Cards of Thanks Wanted yJANTED TO BUY FOR CASH -OLD ,button strings or odd lots. Write, giving description, to Box 698, EXPOSI- TOR. - 4212x2 WANTED ORGANIST AND CHOIR DIRECTOR, or separately, for .Carmel Presbyterian Church. Hensall. State salary. •Apply to J. I3. STEWART, R.R. 1. Sensan, 4212-2 '%ANTED TO BUY -ALL OLD' HORSES v and dead : animals. If suitable for mink feed will pay more than fertilizer prices. If not, will pay fertilizer prices. If dead, phone at once- GILBERT BROS., Goderich. Phone collect: 936 r 21, or 936 r 32, Goderich. 4189-tf For Sale 43.9, SALE -BEECH AND 111.M WOOD. HAROLD JACKSON. 4213-1 JLBR S_ FOR. SALE -MAY FLOWER- •' rug •clip bulbs. BAKER'S GREEN- HOUSE. 4213x1 FOR SALE -1 HEAVY DUTY LAPIta, 11" awing, 36ff between centres; 1 polishing head with 1/6 H -P. motor; 1 circular sass with % H -P. motor. PHONE 93. 4213-1 VOR SALE -TRACTOR, ALLIS-CHAL- mers W -C., one year old, on rubber; A-1 condition. DALE NIXON, Seaforth. 44213x1 FOR SALE. --1 .ELEVEN -HOE McCOR- mickc-Deering fertilizer drill; 7 -foot C.oekehntt traotor disc, both in good shape. JACK FABER. R.R. 1, Hensall- 4213-1 FOR SAT,F-USED 6 -TUBE CABINET Radio; Model 'B' Ford Coach, good condi:ion. Apply J. S. RFTM,,Louisa St. Seaforth. 4213-1 FOR SALE --DE LUXE MODEL, MED - ]um size oil burner, suitable for cot- tage or apartment. PHONE 312-W, Sea - forth. '42124 TULIP BULBS FOR SALE - MIXED colours, double and single blooms; 81-25 per hundred. PURCELL FLOWER GARDENS. Seaforth. FOR SALE - ,DINE I'1.1', SET, LIKE new; Atlas drill press, like new. Ap- ply to GORDON KLEBER- Phone 312-J, Seafarth, 4212-3 Notice To Creditors NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of SAMUEL HANNA A L L PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against ,the Estate of Samuel Hanna, late of the Town of Seaforth, Gentleman. deceased, wbo died on or about the 17th day of August, 1948, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned on or be- fore the 29th day of September, 1948, full particulaxb of their claims, Immediately alter the said last men- tioned date, the assets of the said estate will be distribu amongst the parties entitled thereto, aving regard only to claims of which the ersigned shall then have notice, to the exclusion of all others, and the undersigned will not be liable to any person of where claim the undersign- ed shall not then have notice for the assets so distributed or any part thereof. FATED at Seaforth, this 2nd. day of September, 1948. ALVIN W. SIT,T.FRY, Seaforth, Ont, Solicitor for The Estate. 4213-3 poet SALE --125 NEW HAMPSHIRE X Leghorn pullets. 51/3 months old: lay- ing. Apply to JAMES I..NDSBOROUGH, R.A. 3, Seaforth, or phone 665 r 16. 4212-6 Business Cards ""ECRETARIAL AND Boo -Kee -velem service. Records maintained and pre- pared for income tax purposes. W. ED- WARD SOUTHGATE. Office in Dominion Bank Bldg., Seaforth. 4176-tf Notices MONEY TO LOAN -ABOUT THREE thousand dtUlsns, on fust mortgage on good farm, at -5 per cent. interest. JOHN ELDER, Heneall. 4213x1 'BZTEWASHING WITH 'ROCK . LIME and, DDT_ calf, FILED HARBURN. Phone 144 r 9,' D'idai t. 4934f RADIO REPAIRING -WILL REPAIR all Makes of radios. Will pick ue Mondays and Thursdays at E. Ii- Close's Barber Shop. GLEN KECHNIE, Blyth. Personals V•OU 'CAN GRT A. GLISTENING POL- iali jot on your' car the economical way. by using "TARNOFF'--mo washing, n0 poliShhig. Just rtab on, and wipe off. 16 -oz. tin, 60c; 36 -oz. tin, $1.00. AT DUNLOP'S GAB,AGE.: HYGIENIC SUPPLIES (11 U B BE R Goods) mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with price list. 6 samples 26e; 24 samples $1.00. Mail -Order Dept, '2-73, NOVAit'RUBBER CO., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. Auction Sales In Memoriam TN LOVING MEMORY OF CORPORAL Harold Chesney, who passed away September 7, 1945. -Sadly missed by his wife, Alma. QTEPH'EN'SON-IN LOVING MEMORY of a dear husband and father, Charles Rob -,rt Stephenson, who passed away two yc:arsago. today, September 10, 1946. CLEARING AUCTION SAT OF FARM mak, Imrplements and Household Ef- fedts, Lot 34, Concession 8, McKillop Twp., 2 milds west of Winthrop, Monday, Sept. 13th, bit 1 p.m MgGomnilok Deering F12 Routcrep Tractor; Oliver 2 -furrow plow; 7 -ft, Frost & Wood binder; mower; bay 4oader; sulky rake; Massey Harris man- ure spreader; MNtssey-Harris cultivator; 7 section Harrows : 2 disc harrows ; Massey - Harris seed drill; scr„ii filer ; walking plow; stone host; &arming Mill; hiaasey,Harris 10.4mch grain: grinder; 2 -Wheel trailer; 240 lb. scales ; farm wagon; : hay tack; gravel box; set Of Sleep elefglta ; inch kettle; sap pan; -Renfrew cream sebarater and mek pails: tvheel'lierriw; ateel Pig trough : a white nth dostgttes xru:9•iittty of lumber and elate; 'seal I izeint Salol, in good eon. e tion; tee 4 Jpiiete"; riga. Shne0Ta, pump laek, r1hAirt5•vit?t$'+atl>'er frtldid. HOleeles' 2 work holsei 1 set Of bneechini bar- ntess; dgThtne CATTt 2- Gheiee ]lairs Coetle ritiyr isiir'i 4ll'?kt -,iluc lla freshen frcatt IFe'G]:itakse.t, Aiirii;• 3 4 -seer -del lidif. see, ,eyed eete,fireteene 205 lbs: ; et years Medea tth1 itiiife't •; t0 e51hli calling, 2. t cwr-btd Dunks#! bill; 1 'reek 8o v. Yue iirpt lath 85 ldattrber 1 1Yet,k sow with .10 pike, rcWIY 'td wean; .20, btflltels Of ,pots.. *5683 050 bu•ielele of oete•nntt einl'e7i sold•: tans of 4?btoa: It.ttyl 1„60 $,vitIstas, ,'ire, PO Y-44,0 :6»tr-ald: br19,1 ,its f'f0G Itebr e4Ilekzy choly. td :lay'; r9Plien erase OISItti NOn4ei n'teVe r ill sante -. 'to Sits, ,Air *etttt1+ 'ttaeil'i M1ed#1•a' 6000 O"(Yd1t711K?LPi OTS,; l 4rrle, r,+bit' 64 ' s + its Si�ar bTtTikaTtb. He is away, but not forgotten, And as dawns another 'year, In our 1oneiy hours of thinking,, Thought; of him are always near. Days of sadness still come o'er us, Friends may think the wound is healed But they little know the sorrow That Jives within the heart concealed. -Ever remembered by his Wife and r amity. 4213x1 STEPEENSON-IN LOVING MEMORY of our dear son, Stewart George Stephenson, who passed away two years ago today, September 10, 1946. ,From our happy home and wale God has talcen one we- loved: He is borne away from sin and sorrow To a nobler rest above. No one knows .how much we miss him, None bat aching hearts can tell: Lost on earth, but .found .in Heaven, Jesus doeth all things well, -Sadly missed by Father, Mother and Brother, Charles. 4213x1 Births evive Wu, utinued"frout Page 1) iti'n, Loretta Cenuo11y, Kathleen Scott, Iris lteueru gnE, goal! Suns-. Tnel villa„ TtQse Mary Lane, Arlene Riegel, Mary ('Conator, Marie Dal - 0/4 !eV- Sdoott, Beth Boyd and Jac`kyy Da1s. 'Gilbert , Murray,with 150 Points, wasetllei;:winner of a. livestock judg- ing contest, conducted by R. S. lidolCercleer. Tom Sloan, Kenneth Cam11bel and Gerald Beuermann were tied for wend with 142 points. Among the girls compet- ing, Nita Beuermann Was top with 123 points; Hazel Doerr had 120, Marjorie Fischer 119, and Joyce Diegel 102. Other competitors were John Maloney, G. Murray, Joe Sloan, Pa 'Murray, Jack Murray, R. Skinnier, 'Steve Johnson, F;' Hicknell, E. Stacey, M. Dalton, G. Buuck, D. Keyes„ M. Godkin, N. McGavin, M. Horan, H. Doerr, Ross Leeming, M. Cognolly. Schools taking part in the fair were: S.S. 1, Beechwood, Miss Beta Foster, teacher; S.S. 2, Miss Ann Brunk; Union &S. 3, St, Col- umban, Mother Maly Alice and Mother St. Louis; S,S. 4, Mrs. E. J. Weber; S.S. 6, Foster T. Fowler; S.S. 7, Leadbury, Edwin Litt; S.S. 8, Miss Florence Brown; S.S. 9, Dennis', Miss Marion Kale; S.S. 10, Winthrop, Mrs. John Kellar; S.S. 12,• Mrs. Nan MacDonald. First prize in a public -speaking contest was won by Olene Godkin, S.S. 6, and second prize went to Cecelia Connolly, also of S.S. 6. Third and fourth prizes went to James Axtman, S.S. 12, and Ken- neth Lane, S.S. 3, respectively Other competitors were: q Marie Dalton, Dorothy Walters,Clarence Lv alters and Rose Marie Ducharnie, all of S.S. 3, and Larry Wheatley, Betty Campbell, Elsie Storey and Florence Sloan, all of S.S. 6. A complete list_ of prize winners will appear in next week's issue. LANNIN-In Scott Memorial Hospital. on Sept. 3. to Mr. and Mrs. Fergus Lan- nin, R.R. 2. Dublin, a son. H]ORAN•-In Scott Memorial Hospital, on Sept. 5, to Mr. and Mrs. Fergus Horan, McKillop, a son. HILLEN-In Scott Memorial Hospital, on Sept. 5, to Mr. and Mn;. Stanley Hil- ton. McKillop, a daughter. CURTIN-In Scdtt Memorial Hospital, on .Sept. 9, to Mr. and Mr3. Jame; Curtin, Dublin, a son. BAKER -In Victoria Hospital, London, on Sept. 7. fp Mr. and Mrs. Howard Baker, formerly 6f Somali, a son. Deaths McPIWSE--In Seafortln, en Thursday, Sept. 2. Letitia ,M. Duncan, widow of the - late Melvin McPhee, in her 71st year, McKILLOP Mr. and Mrs. John Arnold and family, of London, spent the week- end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Beuermann. Mr. Sam Regele is at present confined, to hospital at London re- ceiving treatment. Miss ',Leota Hoegy left on Sun- day for Detroit where she has se- cured' employment. Some of the young men of the vicinity are employed at the to- bacco farms. CROMARTY The W. M. S. of the United Church entertained the members of the Mission Band and Baby Band at the ball grounds on Friday with about 75 persons present. Mrs. Keith Webster, of Blyth, was the speaker for the afternoon. Games and contests were conduct- ed by Lois Wood, Frances and Vera Lyon, and a lunch was serv- ed by Mrs. Lillie Webster's group. Personals: Rev. and Mrs, S. H, Brenton have returned atter a month's vacation - in Manitoba Mrs. A. Fangrad in Hamilton and Stratford; Miss Doris Holmes, London, with Mr. and Mrs. S. Ly - 6n; Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Radford, John and Jim at Toronto and Nia- gara Falls; Mrs. R. Shaddick has gone to Drayton, where she will spend some months; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hamilton, London, with Mr. and Mrs Wm. Govier; Miss Doro- thy Little has returned to Toron- to, accompanied by her mother. Mrs. R. Townsend; Misses Olile Moon and E. Jamieson have re- turned to Toronto: Mr. and Mrs. E. Hesk, Mr. and Mrs. S. Lyon, Mr. and Mrs. J. Lyon, Mr. and Mrs. E. Gaunt, Mr. and Mrs, H. Durnin and Mrs. H. Lyon attended' the Web- ber -Kerslake wedding in Exeter on Saturday; Mrs. H. Riley and Mur- ray have moved to their new home in Clinton; Mrs. Stuart Robinson, Blyth, with Mrs. J. Shaddick; Jack Reid, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. George Moon; Mr. and Mrs. Mac McCool, Windsor, with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Miller.. CONSTANCE g Hum,' ,'11X The C lnstanee W.A. and W.M.S. held their regular useetIllg at the home of Rev. and 'Mrs, Brenton en Tuesday. The president, Mrs Pet- er Lindsey, openedthe meeting• with prayer and also gave some thoughts on the theme, "The faith whereby our church must live." The minutes were read and adopt- ed. t- ed, The Qctaber regular meeting will be held on the first Thursday of the month, the thankoffering meeting to be held at the home of Mrs, Earl Lawson in October, Mrs. Brenton will be the guest speaker. Mrs. Dave Millson was appointed delegate to attend •the sectional meeting, to be held in Duff's Church, McKillop. Mrs. Lindsay thanked the leaders, Mrs. A., Dex- ter and Mr. Wm. Jewitt, for .their work in the copper contest. Mrs. Jas. Hugill took charge of the pro- gram and Mrs, E. Adams offered prayer and Mrs. Hugill gave a reading on '"Purpose." The study book was taken by Mrs. Earl Law- son. A guitar solo by Mrs. Grim- oldby was enjoyed. The Scripture lesson was taken from 2nd of Chronicles, 7th chapter, by Mrs. P. Lindsay. A piano instrumental was given by Mrs. Wm. Jewitt. A reading, "It Pays To Advertise," was given by Mrs. Jas. Hugill. "Breathe On Me, •O Breath of God" was sung and Mrs. William Brenton gave a few words of wel- come, Mrs. E. Adams thanked Mrs. Brenton for the use of her home and Mrs. Brenton closed the meeting with prayer. Lunch was served. BRUCEFIELD Mr, and Mrs. Earl Lawson spent a few days in the Muskoka Dis- trict. Mrs. Harvey Taylor and Mari- ilyn and Lawrence spent the week end in London. Mr, Wm. Jewitt left on Thursday to visit his former home in Kin- caid, Sask. Miss Doris Lawson and Mr. Ted Warren bare returned to London after spending a wee with Mr. and Mrs, Earl Lawson, Mrs. R. Jamieson and Hazel spent a day recently in Stratford. Mr. James Jamieson has left by motor for the Western Provinces and will remain for three months. The Golden Links Mission Band held their regular meeting at the home of Mrs. Ross McGregor on Thursday. The meeting opened with the Mission Band Purpose and Hymn 432 was sung, followed by the Lord's Prayer in Unison. Ross Williams read the Scripture lesson and Janet McGregor gave a piano solo. The collection was taken by Nicky Whyte. Mrs. Dave Millson gave the study book and Muriel Dale gave a piano solo. Hymn 432 was sung and the business dis- cussed. The meeting closed with the Mizpah benediction, and lunch was served. Going to the Fair? BE SURE TO SEE our display of • FORD TRACTORS • IMVIPLEMENTS and • ACCESSORIES • FORD TRUCKS . • FORD ANGLIA tAPouir Mr..and MI•s, Ed, Moran, of St. Catharines, spent the week -end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.' L. Hill. . Miss Janet Watson left this week to resume teaching duties at Aly - mer. Miss Betty Allan also return- ed' to Hyde Park to her school there. Misses Ina and Ellen Scott, of London, were week -end guests at the home of their brothers, Mr. and Mrs._. Bili Scott and Mr. and Mrs. R. Scott. Miss Margaret Aikenhead, Lon- don, was a holiday visitor at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Aikenhead. Mr. Wes. Ham is holidaying at his home here. Miss Ruth Scott left this week for St. Thomas, where she is at- tending Alma College this year. . Misse.s Marion Paterson, Betty Woolley and Amy Aikenhead, of London, spent the week -end at their homes here. Miss Mary Lane has entered St. Joseph's Hospital, London, and Miss Madeline Wilson, Stratford General Hospital. where they will, train for nurses. Mrs. Campbell, Seaforth, has re- turned to her duties at S.S. No. 3, Tuckersmith; Miss Phyllis l,ic- Bride, Zurich, to her duties at S.S. No. 10, and Mrs. G. Swan. has re- sumed her duties at Clinton pub- lic school. HENSALL ,snag (Continued from Page 1) ley, Mass„ has sold the 100 -acre farm, lot 9. con. 12, Hibbert Twp., to Mr. Malcolm Lomond, of Hib- bert. Sandford - Coxworth Standards of pink and white gladioli, ferns and candelabra, formed .a pretty setting on Satur- day in St. George's Anglican Church, London, for the wedding of Joyce Marie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, . Mervyn Coxworth, Wharncliffe Road South, to Basil Paul Harris Sandford. son of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Sandford, Mame- lon Street. The bride is the grand daughter of Mrs. A. Coxworth of Hensall. Rev. A. C. Calder per- formed the ceremony. Orwell Thornton sang "Because" and "Through the Years," accompanied by Theodore Gray at the organ. Escorted into the church by her father, the bride wore a gown of white satin with Swiss all-over lace, sweetheart yoke highlighting a fitted torso bodice and lily -point sleeves. A gathered skirt with tunic effect swpt into a graceful train, and a sweetheart headdress held her fingertip net veil. An -arm bouquet of Starlight white roses completed her ensemble, Miss }Welt McInnes, Stant r §$,Te4t; atµ; tended bite bride , R ; a- o'w R waltz blue,s111t velvet, sty e4'wttb off -shoulder scallePes1.' • ne6101.4et boiifaut skirt and rfiatgahig 'head. dress. She curled an arip,'bousiuet, of deep yellltw ..rosea, Alfrad' Mowles, Maitland, Street, was beet man, awl. the 'u hers} Were Arthur. a a s a ,, Sandford, of Waterloo„ and' Elgin Coxworth, For a reception at Llyn Lodge, the bride's Mother received wearing a frock of navy blue crepe with matching aceeasattes, accent- ed with pink, and a corsage: of pink end white robes. For travelling the bride donned a suit of cherry red gabardine with black aCeessoriee and corsage of Talisman roars. The 'couple will reside in London upon their return. Mr. Ray Schwalm and. Mr. Alfred Westgate attended Toronto. Exhibi- tion last week. Mr, Stewart Bell and daughter, Gertrude, are attending Toronto Exhibition this week. Miss Betty Mickle and Miss Ber- nice Jinks' attended the . Toronto Exhibition last week -end and were guests with Mrs, Emily Boyle and Miss Helen Boyle. Miss Hazel Hudson, Toronto, is spending this week with her mother, Mrs. George Hudson. Miss Doris Buchanan, Parkhill, spent the week; end holiday with her mother„ Mrs. Mary Buchanan, and Lloyd. Mr. Garfield Broderick has sold his farm to t'he Elder Brothers, w:io get possession in April. ' - Mr, and :Mrs. E. Geiger and fam- ily, Toronto, spent the .week -end and •Labor Day with Mr. and Mrs. E. Geiger. Mr, and Mrs, Edgar 'McClinchey, and Mr, and . Mrs. Manley Jinks: spent the week -end and Labor Day at Bayfield. Complimenting Mrs. Donald Joynt (nee - Audrey Russell);, a recent bride, members of the Hensall soft- ball team arranged a miscellaneous. presentation in her honor held at the home of her mother. The guest of honor received many lovely' gifts. A social evening was spent and luncheon was served. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. A. Paterson attended the Toronto Exhibition last week. Mr. Wilson Allan, who recently had the misfortune to fracture his arm, is a patient at St. Joseph's Hospital, London, where he is re- ceiving further treatment. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Deitz spent Sweet Corn GROWERS Are You Short - Handed? Why not have your Corn picked by a picker approved by the canners? For prices and arrangements write or see: ELAM W. SHANTZ Hensall, R.R. 2 Phone Zurich 91 r 13 ���v✓vim�AA�._. Qa4 "I'LL BE SEEING YOU AT THE FAIR" Confederation Life Association Hen all phone 55 �vv ,nit ;.#ori air will!' het deli lkl ,g,t°r + at1**,se: i * .#t.' �. )1/9.0)/nae. returned! at bud ^at ea 194, ati '' QCenpied Aaisi O . >�1 pi at 'tris, ",Tatted' Ckt train oh'unsi last, Serltioes,', wilt be '%aid` aaa and •eve! lug, Bone. nlew4,ng Sent; 1 e 1 Winnipeg, •;1kir 'ear , s 1?ear ey, Wi nip g, and M. And . s. Alred. Pearls a Mr € y and little, daughter, Shirley, WInd- sor, were week -end guests with :Mrs. Pearley°s sister, Mrs, C. Dev- lin. 'Mr. Pearley is a nephew or Mrs. Devlin. , Miss Minnie Reid' visited with ;Wingham friends over the holiday week -end, Announcement Mr. and Mrs. Samson Moral's, Exeter` announce the engagement e 9*t1 n t d d l do, er A tQ 4:40r ' Case, 'Ci lana• el 'e?c,; $94 Q ' and, r MIA '1V1• '1?t•.t?n den,,' Mr, � s,. . bn �, s. l`, the ,,.yed' 'in :to 'take olaaee' a, Septembei^'X'5 at larges St;, tali: Ac1;; Wlui'olt, t' x..etel, . . Ms, abd lure. earl newer, 4X. Waterloor visited their aunt, Mrs. Sohn 11oltQn, Labor. Bay, In the "Irving . Berlin Musical Contest," sponaered by Teeraw'e! Theatre, London, there were twelve' hundred entries. Miss Minnie Reid. of Hensall was one of three con- tes•tanta to win -a cash award. Mr. Harry H. Cook, of Windsor,' son of Mr. and Mrs, C. Cook, Ken- succeeds ensucceeds Mr. McFarlane as assistant service manager in the Ford plant. Mr: Coolt, a. Uni- versity of Toronto honor glad eisli3OkidA en ;f011x , ar ili`th alitgligljytZtlH1,•: i epair tr 4tltl a td. ins e r r as P,*.'?n> tiriletot<;•t�,n; tib &d>11t pip. ,�. 1►1 '.,..Sgisia;Ge''at ti a 't1>rXt a0it*t; t+A . Cb ktto 'lo re Goads in . 38, re 'has8p0Th .lbhe Past 10. years in service wgrlfr`t'Wia ht',:' 11 b fu. �•ortiiltO 'branGll.aust sig , �, '��, , hervice, department ,0the' ;Jloilpti ; oft'icds:,H'e is a,native, or Halligan. and Leeained .his early .''01.$ 0414 Isere, and iia. Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. 'Frank Si3!yt 9.. o v eneenver,> 13,.C,, were week -and guests with Mr. and:. ,slice 0,. Coolk at their sumliler cottageAt Grime Bend'. , Additional • Heizsall News, ors Page 3 t$ln; 41111111,--11111.---..-11111.1.11-i-il--II111111111111S19-111® , Student 'Nurses anted To Enter a Three - Year Course Leading to Provincial Registration SCOTT MEMORIAL HOSPITAL, Seaforth, will commence at an early date a new Class of Student Nurses, for which applications from prospective students will be received up to September 25. The Course will provide complete in- struction leading to Provincial Registration. An instructress is being provided by the Provincial Department of Health. QUALIFICATIONS TO ENER : Junior Matriculation. 1 Applications are to: be forwarded to, or additional information obtained froth: mkt MISS M. GI .INYi''E ,, .$u rzntendent- ' anommonigioNtimst National Immunization September 12-1.S If a business man scorns the use of a safe for his valuables and loses them through theft; if a farmer neglects to protect his property by the use of lightning rods resulting in destruction of his home or barn, the public generally may sympathize with his loss but say, "He has no one but himself t� blame:" Vaccination for Smallpox and Toxoid innoculations for Diphtheria will guard and protect a child from these diseases with greater certainty than safes will protect valuables and light- ning rods will save buildings. Yet in spite of these known, safe and simple preventatives, there are more deaths in Canada from. these diseases than there are due to Infantile Paralysis. Scarlet Fever can be practically eliminated by innoculations. The medical profession and Public Health workers are aware of the danger continually threatening from these, diseases, a danger that can be completely overcome provided the general public and parents do not become negligent or indifferent because these diseases are not at present prevalent in their community. The week of September 12th- has been proclaimed National Immunization Week for Canada, and all parents are urged. to review their children's health innoculation record and ensure that they are fully protected. Each child- should receive Diphtheria and Scarlet Fever innoculations when six months of age; Smallpox vaccination be- tween six and 12 months. Subsequently they should receive booster doses before school age and every three years thereafter. Now is the time, before tkea;.oynin_g_,winter.on; to,take advantage of this ounce of prevention. See your doctor now. BOARDS OF HEALTH: TOWN OF SEAFORTH TOWNSHIP OF McKILLOP TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMITH Inscription of Names WAR MEMORIAL VICTORIA PARK, SEAFORTH After considerable research and investigation, the Seaforth Branch of the Canadian Legion has compiled a list of names of those from Seaforth and vicinity ,who gave their lives in •World War II, with a view to having such names inscribed on the War Memorial in Victoria Park. While it is believed the list as compiled is complete and Accur- ate, the public and particularly the next of kin of such service personnel, is requested to examine it carefully and to advise the undersigned of any errors, omissions or inaccuracies. For the information of the public, the list, is reproduced hereunder. Unless advice to the contrary is received by Septem- ber 15th, ft will be assumed the list is complete and accurate in every respect, and action will then be taken to have the names inscribed on the Monument in the manner as shown hereunder. Names of Service Personnel who gave their lives in World War II for inscription on Seaforth War Memorial: AR'C'HIBALD, ARNOLD BELL, VAN E'GMOND BROADFOOT, JAMES CHESNEY, :f-IAROLD CASSON, FRANK DEVEREAUX, FRANK FRAISER, ARTHUR • GREJG, WILLIAM GRAHAM, B. LAMONT,, HECTOR 'l MILLER, JOHN McTAVISH, HOWARD McIVOR, HARRY ' McSPADDEN, JOHN ,McCALLUM, ROBERT McQUAID, NORMAN O'REILLY, CLARENCE O'LEARY, FREDERICK PAPPLE, .ROBERT SHANNON, MELVIN D. IL , ,. • utXic paliiy of the Town of Seaforth,J e tit 4 '4 A S 1, • • • • , r 1