HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1948-09-10, Page 3• • if SEPTEMJ3ER 1 19 TSE 1LTR()N I'OtTO7 Fete mall New ewl PtiC r o • Residing United , Choir Presents bolr Lrotu To Mr, an Mics. Carey B. Joynt, ��yy�� WEEKIN �.W� :HENSALL DISTRICT Mr. :aid . Mrs, Coreyi B, .Tryon, 'bridal Couple, ,'have arrived hon* from their wed4ipg tprjr, ,'Fbey' ex- pect to leave > hti't13t for Worces' ter,..IVIalis,-„Whore.:-Mr, cyut; will continue his studies and lectures irl conttectiGOn With a fellowship re- ceiyed frons Clarke Thilversitr. The best 'wis'bes of Meir olahy friends' accompany them to their new tronas: .. .• Dui1'g the, week ti4y re- ceived ,a 1cveiy floor larhp, a gift froiu the llensaii ,'Belted Church choir, oR which 1IzJOynt, who is a Prgmjrient'•ba&a sgloist, has been an active meladber for several years. $. G. 'Ronnie, choir leader, made the. preseatation. The ad dSeras,.ts a� gg4owr3; Dear Anis and Carey: It is in - .teed your calves iatc zfoz t sr Calf® Meal (available also in Pellet Forel) the perfect replacement for whole milk F . Blatchford Feeds Limited, Tornnfu . Seaforth, ProduceLimited PHONE 170-W • SEAFORTH SEPT 13418 Plan to visit Canada's oldest exhibition .. . see wonderful agricultural exhibits . . . su- perlative grandstand performances ... live- stock competitions . . . Conklin's famous midway . . . horse racing and latest in industrial and household appliances . . . wonderful entertainment for the whole family —don't miss this year's .exhibition. W. D. JACKSON, Gen. Mgr. . O N T A R I O deed a s'IteciaLand happy occasion to extend our congratulations ,duct' best wis.oe for your future happi- ness, llecause of your varied abili- ties your reliablenessai,t your willingness, .we admit. we, throw, considerable responsibilrty . 1113011, you .aro are always gra'titied at the uneelflsh response . Wen •ati late you, ,,c"iarey^,, on y'Allr' eIoice Of sueb, a charming and capabtlo iPart, ner,i whom w6 warmlyi "elgonl, tp our eholr activities, t?lea,se all/0W this gift, not Or its intrirhlic value, but as a. token, -of the. ]ole` .arid' high esteer}<t we wish to-coivey: Signed on behalf of the Choir ,4i' Hensall United `Church: Gladys Luker, President; Sam 0, founts, Leader; Greta •Lamn1lc, Organist; Rev. R. 4. Brook, Minister." Mrs. Harriet Oke,,- Exeter,, .was hostess for the Huron,dale Women's. Institute for their autumn meeting. The roll call was responded by ex- changing of recipes. The postpon- ed picnic was held at the Lions .Park„ Seaforth, Thursday, Sept. 2. The JuniorInstitute presented the program, which consisted of a Paper on "Milk For the Convales- cent;' by Donna Mitchell, Who was successful in winning first prize at Bayfield on Achievement Day. Other artists contributing to the affair were 'Miss Velma Ferguson, of Hensall, with readings; an es- say, "The Magic Milk Bottle," Miss Eileen Jeffery; piano solo, Miss Elaine Kernick. A demonstration on the making of custards was in charge of Miss Eileen Jeffery; to- mato soup, Miss Marion Rundle, and Miss Donna Mitchell read the club 'story on why she joined the Milky Way Club. Mrs. Stanley Mit- chell reviewed current events. Luncheon was served. Hensall public school reopened Tuesday, Sept. 7, with the follow- ing staff:. Mr. Blackwell, principal; Mr. Dennison, Miss Juen Brandon and Miss Anita Hildebrandt. Miss Aileen Munn has: accepted a position in the office of the Bell Telephone Co., London, and has commenced' her duties. Dr. and Mrs. J. A. MacLean are spending two weeks vacationing in the Muskoka area. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Cowan and family, of Cookstown, were recent guests with Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Moir, Betty and Douglas. Mrs. J. Reid, London, was a re- cent guest with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Case. Mrs. Lloyd Ortwein and children of Montreal, are spending their va- cation with Mrs. P. Munn. Mrs. Bertha Ortwein, of London, was a week -end visitor here. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Scruton and family, of Port Dover, have return- ed home, following 'their holidays spent with their relatives in the vil- Always but Sitithething Away' 1 There is a time to save, as every good housekeeper knows. And these are days when you would be wise to start a Savings Account. What you save today will be cash on hand when you need it. -Let The Canadian Bank of Commerce Savings Department help you always to put something away. 3 THE CANADIAN BA `. K. OF COMMERCE' SEAFORTH BRANCH G. C. Brightrall,l'atnage 1RIENJS IN NEED with the Stare tie night .;to my' garden. Otnne Shadowed ,forlats, in the darir;. 7r looked at thenar frorrl any: window Azad sought 'what they did to mark; yet neer' druid t `trape out their doing, Nor what was their hands' eanPloy; It seemed as though they were plucking' in Tlhe blooms that were all my joy. And yet when I looked in the day- light y. Over my garden most fair, Never one blossom was missing„ Of all Z had ,planted there; And strange as it seemed in the telling, In what had, been barren Spots, There throve with a shy adorning, Some clustered forget -me -nota! And so in the midst of my garden, Plain in the sunshine to see; Revealed • were they of the shadows, Who came fn the dark to me. For clear from the blooms of their planting, I learned from each flowered plot, As balm for my sad heart's heal- ing, That my friends forget-me-not! REV. ALBERT HINTON, Kippen. lage and elsewhere. Mrs. Churchill, who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs• E. Shaddick, returnefi,'to her home in Toronto the past week. Mrs. Shd,d- dick accompanied her to the city for several days' visit. Mr. and Mrs. L. Scott spent an enjoyable visit in Guelph with Mr. and Mrs. H. White and family. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Smallacombe ac- companied them to the city where they visited Mr. and Mrs. F. Smallacombe and family. Mr. and Mrs. D. Peacock, of Ot- tawa, were week -end visitorshere`. En route home they were accom- panied. by Mrs. Harpole and her grandson„ Terry Peacock, who have been vacationing with Mr. H. Hor- ton. The September meeting of the Hensall Institute, which takes the form of a pot -luck supper, will be held in the council chamber on Wednesday night. The roll call will be 'The most embarrassing moment of my life.” An excellent program is being arranged under the direction of Mrs. H. Horton and Mrs. • E. Norminton. Misses Edna Walsh and Audrey have spent a.week's vacation at the former's home near Blyth. Miss Joyce Scruton has returned to Toronto following a pleasant vacation spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. P. McNaughton and fam- ily. The September meeting of the Evening Auxiliary (United Church) will be held in the schoolroom on Monday night. Those taking part include Mrs. Flynn, Mrs. Sanders and Mrs. J. Corbett. Mrs. W. Jones, Mrs. G. Broderic Mrs, Hyde and idrs- W. Smale form the I social committee. 410, Fitness For All Canadians must be fit for the great tasks which face our nation and our world in the days to come. The person who is fit to get the most out of life and to give the most to better community living must possess not only physical fitness but mental and spiritual fitness as well. Fitness is a well- rounded and all -embracing ideal for everyone. FEDERATION FARM NOTES By: W. V. Rey, uGron. Co, Secretary -The Federation Executive will ,sold` a special executive meeting in the Agrieillturai Office, Clinton, on"Saturday evening, Septentber 11, at• 3,30 P.m. Glare Burt, Secretary of Ontario Farm; Radio 'Forum,,will be in Hur- on County on .September 23, -at- tending a special meeting to dis- cuss the future of Farm Forums in Huron, with representatives of Huron Forums. The Ontario Hog Producers' Ex- ecutive recently took the initiative to call together representatives of the Ontario Agricultural College, the Veterinary College, Live Stock Branches of both Provincial and Dominion Governments, Feed Man- ufacturers, Packing Plants and all interested in production of hogs in regard to supplemental feeds, par- ticularly in relation to production and diseases. Two very successful sessions were held and largely as, a result the entire day of a three- day conference, at the College, Sept. 15, will be "Swine Day." Producers of hogs are especially, invited to attend and to feel free to ask questions. For detailed in- formation, contact Chairman of Township Committee, or County Committee of Huron Hog Produc- ers or County Secretary. Two Plaques Dedicated The Wingham General Hospital was the scene of •an unusual ser- vice Friday evening when two plaques were dedicated. One plaque headed "In Memory," contained names of Air Force personnel from Wingham who paid the supreme 'sacrifice in the Second World War. These were Leslie Adair, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Adair; George King, son of Mrs. T. C. King and the late Mr. King, and George Lloyd, son or Mr. and Mrs, R. H. Lloyd. The other plaque bore the names of those who in the cam- paign to raise funds for' the new hospital wing gave subscriptions of $500 or more.—Brussels Post. Buffalo N,Y Sept 5 1048, The Ediitor of The Expositor: In „view of tb,e,forltl?tepming Pub iir<ation iu- Poo*C;,PM of the mater- :141 •about the: Ater- f,o7OtfY recently • r p 'llted . ju The px99fator, x. would be hoRpy• to have .additions and. -cprreetions, ,One such ; relates to. Tames •Scott„ of *oxboro. The s'tate- •fent • that he hod a hotel: in, Rex bora in the early 1$60',& is icor net, and I am In debt, to members; of his family for setting me right on. the point. There :are certaluir other errors; and I should be pleas, ed to know of them, and of any fact or story about the Iferrs omit- ted from the narrative. Readers are invited to com3nunicate with Mrs. James Kerr, of ' Seaforth, or the office of The Expositor. WIILFRED BRENTON KERR Weak, Tired, Nervous, Pepiess Men, Women Get New. Vim, Vigor, Vitality Say goodbye to these weak, always tired feeling' depression. and nervousness due to weak, tete blood. Get up feeling fresh, bo Peppy all day, have plenty of vitality lett over by everting. Take Cruex Contains iron vitamin 13,, esWium. phusp'rurus for bloodlfttlkilns, body strengthening, atlnmlat:,,n Invigorates system Imi:rnvcs appetite, dlacstiv'e powers. Costs- little. New "got acquainted' diae only .,tin. Try °stres Tonle 'tablets ter now ear mol pep, vim, vigor, this very day. A. 111 ,'-tun; s• Seaforth Monument Works T. PRYDE & SON Memorial Craftsmen Seaforth Exeter Clinton Seaforth Showrooms Open Tuesday See Dr. Harburn for appoint- ment any other time, or Phone 41-J, Exeter. 11 Be Quick -Phone Dick FOR THE BEST IN CHESTERFIELD RE -UPHOLSTERING New Patterns and Colours Now Available To Match Your Room Highly skilled workmen on all our work. ",A. CUSTOMER ON EVERY STREET" is your f;ssur ance of satisfaction. Just pick up your phone and call 342-W .60 OBLIGATION 7 Day Service — No Waiting ■ Horsey $4.50 "each Tlgg.QS peri( CAL COLLECT Exeter 2: A. S II' rl n ra presents THE STORY Of THE ADVANCES 1N:.i'., SURGERY AND HOSPITAL CARE • ,rhes vex quaint go forint fife,! t :be Ira ipub/• ° ,ac. , hiveus s .Wif/j 'rho na e'otulrhotact to l�nf°rl ftsafelyF deno tv.:0/41iTLEY:citi."D. operative se ROUTLEF; Onra oY-rrtasurer - Association itai "This excellent short subject will do much to reduce the fear of sur- gical treatment in hos- pitals and it is my hope that every man, woman and child will take the opportunity to see it." J. H. W. BOWER Chairman Board of Administration Blue C'ross Plan for Hospitol Core THE ONTARIO H O S P ITA L ASSOCIATION'S... WE CROSS </4 CA PITO�L -zt TP tt T� JACK SUDERMANN ofJo6n Dick & Son � yyy �R E,i \I ' , Let this overwhelming preferenee for Goo4year's 'extra mileage, extra sof,aty and extra economy be •your; buying guide. -See your Goodyear dealer MORE PEOPLE RIDE ON GOODYEAR TIRES THAN ON ANY OTHER 1< fy