The Huron Expositor, 1948-08-20, Page 4Pete Wic1ieta9eNe 4410 "Buying life insur- ance is like 'seed- ing' — it's the 'har- vest' that eonnth." Confederatiop, Life ,orociat ion Phone 55 *renernmet • assitted Ads Inserted At New Low Cash Rates: •VOIR WM, '91(AlsriWo,, LOST AND 'FOUND, ETC.,.—Per word: 1st week 1 Cent 2nd week. . Cent Ord we 3/1 Cent Millingtin charge, first insertion— 25 Cent: 144;4,44.1re. initial and aobltroviation en ta as one word. arPhaak8. 10,N+0020riarn Nfg*.e0. Corning Esiesula-1 cent per word, Minimum. 4Q'..0814P Per , Eigintriett stray mybe alre4ed to a Rex Na, eteeThe Huron Nopositor, for 14 cents extra. Ten gen* eaddi011al will be charged if ads in above class are not paid within 10 days of dale of $411.1 -insertion. • 15i5tl1. Marriages and Deaths inserted free of ohaige. ' Auction Dales. Notices go Creditors. Etc.—Rates on andierrtion. ry Notices WHITEMAMONG WITH ROCK LIME and DDT. Call FRED HARBURN. Nome 44 r 9. Dublin. 420341 ADIO REPAIRING — WILL REPAIR all Makes of radios. Will pick up Mondays and. Thursdays at E. H. Closes Barber Shop. GLEN ILECHNIE, Myth. For Sale FOR SALE— :$5-POIIND 10E BOX - Call 369, .Seaortb. 4310x1 FOR SALE -350 FEET OF NEW .LNSUL bricir.. PHONE SEA5'OR.T11, 379. 4210x1 -won SALE -1938 FORD coura CASH J= only. PRONE 130, Hensall. 4210-2 Wanted Q11WING OF ALL KINDS W.A.NTF.D- Glothes remodelled. Phone 229. MRS. FRANK PHILLIPS. Seaforth. 4210-4 WANTED TO BUY—ALL OLD HORSES TT and dead animals. Is suitable for mink feed will pay more than fertilizer prices. If not, will pay fertilizer prices. If dead, phone at Onee. GILBERT BROS., Goderich. Phone collect: 936 r 21, or 936 r 32, Goderich. 4189-tf Coming Events pt_A_R_N DANCE AT THE CRYSTAL -1-" Ralace Ballrooan, Mitchel1, Friday, August 20, with Johnnie Petrie and his CJCS Ranch Boys. Dancing every Fri- day night at this popular ballroom. 4210-1 -pioR sALE—BROWN coAT, SIZE 40; nit new. Apply to -Box 692. HURON EXPOSITOR. 4210-1 R SALE—TWO ORNAMENTAL BOX - wood trees, in tubs. Apply to J. G. MULLEN. 4210-2 FOR SALE -14 LITTLE PIC,S, READY to wean Sept. 2. Apply W. IL PFILE, Hensall. Phone 85 r 3. 42103C VCR SALE--DOHERTY PIANO„ IN good condition; other articles. MRS. DEORGE LOWERY, Seaforth. 424.0a1 FOR SALE -- 12,5 PULLETS, NEW Hampshire -Leghorn Hybrids, Ove months eld; laying. JAMES LANDS- R.R. 3, Seaforth. Phone 665 • r 16. 4210-1 VORtALE-100 ROCK X NEW RAMP - shire pullets, ready to .lay, Sclates Astrain. Apply •W. IL PFILE, Hensall. Phone .85 r 3, Hensall. 4210x2 pIANOS—AT MILDMAY, 10 REFINISH - ed, reconditioned plain Case pianos, new benches; 3 new pianos. Free delivery. I. F. SCHUETT & SONS, Mildmay Furni- ture Store. 4210-4 'POR SALE—MODEL 'A' FORD; UP- '. right piano; both in good condition. JAMES ELLIOTT, Dublin. Phone 71 r 8 evenings. 4208-3 ATEGETABLES FOR SALE — BEETS. cucumbers, cabbage, carrots, potatoes, tomatoes (in a week). WILLIAM BRAD - SHAW, Market St Call after 5 Pan- -Phone 50. No Sunday ,business. 42101 Buy Now — Pay Later FIRESTONE AUTO RADIO Easy Terms M. E. CLARKE RED STAR SERVICE STATION POR SALE—LARGE liOT WA'Isat RAD- _iator; good condition. Bargain. FRANK KLING, Seaforth. 4209x2 Lost and Found LOST—WOULD THE PERSON W110 picked up black kitten on John St., Seaforth, Sunday last, kindly return same as party is known. THE OWNER. • 193q CHEV. DE LUXE COACH, IN A-1 condition. Hee a small trunk on the back. The brat offer dan buy this car. PHONE 50 r 3, Dublin, or see VOL DUCKLOW, Dublin, Ont. 4210-2 MEW HOUSE FOR SALE—NEW COT- '‘` tage, three- rooms with bath. As- bestos siding ; hardwood flooring. Apply to DR. E. A. McMASTER. 4210-1 Help Wanted T_TELP WANTED — POSITION OPEN dor clerk in Seaforth, male or feanale Apply in own writing, giving age, etc., to Box No. 691, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4210-1 ssn) liV3:1EAT FOR SALE -150 BUSH - els Cornell No. 595, smut -resistant; cleaned at Government grading station. Apply ROBERT E. McMILLAN; R.R. 2, Seaforth. Phone 844 r 21, Seaforth. • 4210x1 Caretaker Wanted _Cards of Tbanhs Vilest TO TiitAtsliC ALL THOSE *BO sent iloWOm.•fruit. (girds. and letters d.uring tillness. rifaferi MES. W. 21.SIETWAYiffl MR. AND MRS. 404.ATAlg3 NtolicritstoN danrilY WW1% 4o eimress the,ir cereth14.Wae and aPpreciatien for sinumitY and Icindness extended to them in their recent bereavement, also to twee who sent floral trandes, to 'Rev. angli .1*eit and Mm. Kling for their services, and to those who loaned cars or helped in any way. 4210-1 T WISH TO EXPRESS TO TI;TE CIT1- •••• zens efSeafertla and vicinity my deep gratitude for the kindssees extended 4o Ross during the three iears he was al and since his death: for the beautiful floral offerings and all messages of sympathy extended to me, and to any who helped or assisted in any way during his illness and death. NB& ROSS J. SPROAT FULLARTON Dennis O'Sullivan, Toronto, lost a running board off his 1941 car Tuesday about 5 p.m. when he tried to pass a truck and grader on the Carlingford sideroad. The grader blade extends out of the truck about three feet on both sides and hooked the running board as the car went by. The grader is owned by Fulla.rton Township and was driven by Wal- ter Yule, Fullarton. Mr. O'Sulli- van was travelling north on the sideroad. 4MINIMI•4•41•414444.44444..1 I3RUCEFIELD Mrs. J. Ussher, of Barrie, has returned to her home after visit- ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs, C. Haugh. Miss Marion Paterson, London, spent the week -end at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Pat- erson. Miss Margie Zapfe bas returned home after a holiday at the home of Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Addison, Clin- ton. Miss M. Marks is in Clinton Hos- APPLICATIONS WILL BE RECEIVED pital. She sustained a cracked hip by the undersigned for a caretaker in a fall at the home of her niece, for Mrs. Ross Scott. S. S. NO. 9. TUCKERSMITH Duties to be what are required for a ood job and to commence September 1 '10R. SALE — RASPBERRY CANES, .1- Latham variety. For fall plantsng from now until the end of October. at •reasonable prices. Order at once. CHAS. BARNETT, Box 803, Seaforth. Phone 130-W. 4209x2 st 1948. Applicants will please state salary required For further particulars address S. H. WHITMORE, Sec,-Treas., Tuckersmith School Area, R. R. 3, Seaforth. 4209-2 Farms For Sale FARM FOR SALE Estate of Harry Fortune. LOT NO. 4, CONCESSION 1, H.R.S., Town.hip of Tuckersmith ; 100 acres, on no. 5 Highway, 1,74 miles east of Sea - forth. Two barns; one frame house; two wells. Spring water on farm. Foese.sion ,given on Or about 1st November, 1948. For further particulars 'apply to ALVIN W. SILLERY, Solicitor for the Estate. 3210-8 POE,. SALE -1 DINING ROOM SUITE, consisting of oak sideboard, table and chairs, in real good condition; 1 ivory iron bed; 2 rocking chairs; 1 day bed and mattress ; a number of garden 'tools and vise. Apply to J. A. STOREY, George St, 2 Mocks east of Library. 4210x1 YOUR USEtiREs ARE WORTH MORE at FIRESTONE Get our Big ALLOWANCE on FIRESTONE De Luxe Champion TIRES M. E. CLARKE RED STAR SERVICE STATION Tenders Wanted TENDERS WANTED Township of Tuckersmith TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED BY the undersigned for 'cleaning and re- pair work to the Mitchell and Geiger Drains in the Township of Tuckeramith, up to 8 p.m., August 28, 1948. A hand in the terra of a certified cheque for 10.70 of tender price must • accompany each fender, as a guaranty of faithful per- formance of disty. Work must be com- Pfeted October 1, 1943. Lowest or any tender not necessarily neeented. • For particulars apply to the Clerk. E. P. CHESNEY, Clerk, Township of 'ruche:smith. 4209-2 Notice To Creditors Personals "ni.,D AT 40, 50, 60?" MAN! YOU'RE s." crazy./ Thousands peppy at 70. Ostrex 'Panic Tablets pep up bodies lack- ing iron. For rundown feeling many men. women call "old." New "get acquainted" size ONLY 50c. At all druggists. T_TYGIENIC SUPPLIES 111U BBE 11 4-j- Goods) mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with price list 6 samples 26e; 24 samples $1.00. Mail -Order Dept, T-73, NOVA -RUBBER CO., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. Business Cards SECRETARIAL AND BOOKKEEPING " service. Records maintained and pre- pared for income tax purposes. W. ED- WARD SOUTHGATE. Office in Dominion Bank Bldg., Seaforth. 4176-tf Auction Sales A UCTION SALE OF YOUNG COWS AT Lot 31, Concession 6, Goderioh Town- ship, 1 rmild south of Porter's Hill, Fri- day, August 20th, 7 p.m., the following young cows, consisting of Holsteins, Jer- seys, Durhams; some fresh, balance to freshen and milking well; 5 young 'calves will be sold on your approval. Terms— Cash. Please note the time. A. E. TOWNSHEND, Proprietor: Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer. 4210-1 NOTICE to CREDITORS To the gaiter of the Estate of WILLIAM DILLON, Deee'ased. LL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS "'" against Ole estate of " %Main Dillon, late of the aity Permiale'in the Count" of Orikland:"•and State of 31iehigart, one Of the United States .OF /Poetics, decode- eti,„, Whir died On osrtibellt -the tgrartAentb. <lay of May. 1947, are tticinired to. Send Partietilins Of the sable do the undersign- ed: en or beor6 the tett)day ocAranza. 144#0 attor !Wh4olt4,date epsatit.,i,r. the deem:seri iIII0diStrif4tisa tict,tuk...1,rdit5try 44 trie dhilii*Otin:1,4661,Ved 4iit '011 : 44, 6t %lttiht WittiAtiir • • mt1, ELIMVILLE CREDITON Mrs. Uorbert K, KilOck#r • 1, died at her home in Oreditoli day. She was the form; ' MarY Lindsay Girvin. Sairyiving. addi- tion to her husband, axe `e, daugh- ter, Mrs, Ward. (Bernice) rVit.g, of Zurich; a sister, Mrs. Rath Ander- son, Lucknox; a brOther, T. A. Girvin, Saskatoon, Kull., and one grandchild. The body rested nt the Dunney funeral home, Exeter, and the funeral service was held in Crediton Evangelical UR. Church at 2.30 o'clock Thursday. Inter- ment was at Crediton Evangelical U.B. Cemetery. 1111111111111MINIIMIN WINTIIROP Mrs. Archie Kerr returnel from her trip Friday, having had a pleasant visit with relatives in Manitoba and Saskatchewan. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Davidson and daughter, of Stratford, visited with Mr. and Mrs. R. K Davidson Rev. J. R. Peters left Sunday evening to spend his holidays in British Columbia. Mrs. Peters is at their cottage in Muskoka. Miss Isabel' Betties, of Toronto, spent the week -end with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. T. ,Bettles. Mr. Ross Montgomery, of 'Brant- ford, is holidaying at his home. Mr. Zack McSpadden and Mr W. E. Hawley visited with Mr. and Mrs. Sam McSpadden, Burgess- ville. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Henderson and Larrie, of Morris, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Glen Cuthill. Mrs. G. Kirkby and two children visited her sister, Mrs. Glen Haase and Mr. Haase. Mr. and Mrs. Robert McClure visited with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Merrill, Summerbill. Miss Betty Montgomery is visit- ing .in Collingwood. Mrs. Thomas Bell is staying with Mrs. Sam Hanna, Seaforth, as her brother, Mr. Samuel Hanna, is critically ill in Scott Memorial Hos- pital following a fall from an apple tree last Wednesday, in which he suffered a fractured shoulder hip, ankle and heel. Mr. and Mrs, Don O'Hearn and Donna spent the week -end in To- ronto. Mr. and Mrs, Jim O'Hearn, who have spent the past two weeks with his brother, returned home with them. Miss Ruth Skinner has returned from a motor trip with friend's from Exeter to Montreal. Mr. and Mrs.. Charles Stephen, Betty Anne, Laurie, Murray and Donnie visited with Mr. and Mrs. William Jeffry, Sebringville, on Sunday. Master Ronnie Parrish, of Lon- don, is visiting at the home of his grandmother, Mrs. H. Sparling. Messrs. Amos and Herman Herd- man attended, the funeral of their cousin, Cecil Harris, Hensall, on Thursday last. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Bell, Sharon and Noel visited with Mr. and Mrs. V. Montmorency on Sunday. Mrs. W. Routly, Anna and Grace are visiting relatives in London and St Thomas this week. _ CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF FARM, "-•' Farm Stock and Implements, Thurs- day, August 26th. at 1 p.m., Lot 25, Con- cession 5, WI,dKillop Township, 2.1/2 miles north of Seaforth: CA.TTLE-8 Durham and Hereford cows, freshened last three months and bred again: 7 Durham and Hereford calves. IMPLEMENTS—Massey- Harris binder; Deering mower; manure spreader; hay loader; wagon: hay rack; cultivator; harrows; disc ; sulky rake; scuffier; fanning mill two well pumps; work bench; brooder stove; De Laval cream separator (like new) ; milk pails cedar posts; 3 chicken shelters; riding plow; :breeching harness; single harness; horse collars; barrels; cutter; 3 rolls of barb wire: 15 toms of hay ; 75 Hybrid year.'old hens. FURNITURE — Aladdin hanging llama; Aladdin table lamp; 2 bedroom suites; diming table; chesterfield suite; Quebec heater; odd rockers; small tables ; chairs; coal oil stove; antique settee; dash churn; dishes and other articles. FARM -100 acres, more or less ; 21/2 miles north of Seaforth on County road; good 11/2 storey brick house; bank •harn; garage; clay loam. Reserve bid. Terms—Chattels, Cash. Farm -10 per cent down. balance 30 days. Reserve bid. BEN RISING, Proprietor; Harold Jackson, Auc- tioneer; E. P. Charnel., Clerk. 4210-1 Births SCHWALM—In Olinton Public Hospital. on Monday, August 0, 1948, to Mr. and atm. Gordon Schwalm, Hensel!, a daughter --Barbara Louise. BURNS—In Clinton Public Hospital, on August 2nd, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Burns, Exeter, a son. WRIGHT—In Clinton Public Hospital, on Saturday, August 14, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wright, Kippen, (Esther Mel - wain), a son—James Robert George. O'REILLY—In Scott Memorial 1.-lbsPital, On August 14, to Mr. and Mrs. John. O'Reilly, 286 Erie St., Stratford, a son. HENDERSON—In Seaforth, on 'Wednes- day, August 78, Mary Louise Render - RCM, in key 84th year. Deaths Water For Thirst TUCKERSMITH:. People doing an average amount of work in summer drink about a gallon of water a day. Those in strenuousoccupations may drink as much as two gallons. Since perspiration robs the body of salt as well as water, medical science suggests lots of salty food, as well as drinking a little water at fre- quent intervals. NTOHOLSON—In Tuelcersmith, on Sunday, August 16, John Nicholson, in his 89th year. London, on Thuraday, August 81, Thomas 11. Make, TUckeramith, in fo'ig 'Mika wet; Seatonth, on Friday,. Augnat ' Xidfrolag P. Davi., Irk his 90th year. HA,010WELL—In Landon, po Pri4i, 'agast 18, Jattlai 0 Haelcwell, of ate- • Teo. int its, S'ah Yettl's Seidatil4 �i.eisdot, Acigtist dit, SAM* Hatina, rift 8844 yam; tite*AY,41--Xn,,goir ,.11*!lues(tioi ,Atao, Ohadth "c4041'. • Dentist to girl in chair: "I'm sorry, but I'm all out of gas." Patient: "Ye gods! Do dentists pull that ,old stuff too?"•44...../.44414/..remorr...•••••••••••••••.4•20..., Sweet Corn GROWERS Are You Short - Handed ? Why not have your Corn picked by a picker approved by the canners? For prices and arrangements write or see: ELAM W. SHANTZ Hensall, R.R. 2 Phone Zurich 91 r 13 Death of Miss Johanna MacKay The death occurred in Scott Memorial Hospital on Tuesday of Miss Johanna MacKay, in her 70th year. She was born in Tuckersmith and resided at lot 8, concession 6. Deceased had been in ill health for the past two years and had been in St. Joseph's and Victoria Hos- pitals, London, and later in Scott Memorial Hospital. She was known for her quietness and sociability in her home and will be Much missed by her brothers and sisters, Messrs. John B. and Robert C. Mac- Kay and Miss Bessie MacKay, all at home. She was a faithful mem- ber of First Presbyterian Church. The funeral will take place f rom her late residence on 'Friday at 2 p.m., with Rev. Hugh Jack offiCiat- ing. Interment will be in the Ross cemetery, Brucefield.. 7,4' 47,r PP9, fifteen yeugeatBayileld,• ITe at- "gasoital, Landon, suffering frrpa, tended the old .Ing„ Scheel 404 and' Sproat's, and is ' (VW. el the la§t 0.14 VrfttheIMA4awt, 1400-Tqii#g9., PloAeera who r91igeO4t. t#a $Preat 1v00 tahen, 'll.011thriD110' 4ththn- briehYArd, farr N1,0191094 11,YeVOI.1, 1a*0. 40)4. Vt.ida,V 44,101 the, Mil Road tot t4.nasi fort Y hrOtherriltOttW on SlilldaY, 430M years, where he• was ah• active men are' the itmgatten ward where their.00ndition t4elng, care- fully watchea. jack deyeloped polio sides be came front the west a month ago to attehd the funeral of, his, father, the late William: •Deitz, Mt', Munroe, who ligeti near Muskoka, Came down. to help with the harvest. Both in'were at- • tended 'by Jx, J. D. IVIeLean, Hen - Sall, ,and Dr. E. iicIViaster, Sea - forth. Victoria Hospital authori- ties said Eugene Webber, six-year- old son of Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Web- ber, Exeter, is progressing very well. Eugene was admitted; to hos- pital with polio three weeks ago. Mr. Wed J. Appleby has return- ed home after spending a few days in Pittsburg, where he was a guest of the 1.7th Unit Spanish-American War Veterans' Association. Miss Lenore Norminton, Toronto, is vacationing at her home. Miss Gretta Haberer, London, whose marriage to- Charles Mal- colm Pulford, of Windsor, will take place in St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Zurich, on Saturday, Aug. 21, has asked her slater, Miss Arvis Haberer, Toronto, to attend her as maid of honor, and Miss Barbara Balfour, to be bridesmaid. Wil- liam Horne, London, will be best man, and the ushers will be Jim Douglas and John Matheson, of Windsor. Soloist will be M. R. Rennie, Seaforth, and the organ- ist, Mrs. John Turkheim, Zurich. The Women's Missionary, Society of Carmel Presbyterian Church held its regular meeting on Thurs- day, August 12. The meeting op- ened with a hymn and prayer by Mrs. Logan. Mrs. Edwards took the Scripture study. Minutes of the last meeting were read by the secretaty, and roll call followed with "Grace" as the text word. The president took charge of the business period and Joyce Hareing of London played a piano solo; Mrs. Hudson led in prayer; Mrs. Workman took the topic, "For- mosa," out of the study book, and Joyce Hareing favored with an- other solo, "Safe in the Arms of Jesus." This was followed by a hymn and the Lord's Prayer in 'unison. There were six visitors present. The mother bear and her four cubs, which have been the object of several searches in the Hensall district recently, were sighted on Tuesday by a posse of 15 men and. two provincial constables. The quintette were seen 1% miles east of Hensall by Keith MacLean, truck driver, but before they could be nabbed or shot, they scampered into William Pepper's bush. Lead- ing the posse were Provincial Con- stables Elmer Snell, •Seaforth, and Jack Ferguson, Exeter. Mrs. Harry Stewart, Seaforth, and Mrs. Clifford Cox and small son, Toronto, were recent callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle and family. Mr. and Mrs. George Mickle and their two sone; Donald, and 'John, were guests last Wednesday of Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle and family. 4114.9.1*MA his VD*, right lin, • until ,tho lad few houre beere:be • cited, alwaye Was .his, wisp to die in the harness. He 'was; 'a staunch, Libel* all his life and a great lover of 31111SiC. He was pt.'s - deceased by •bis Wife, the late M- ole Wright, who died :2/' years ago, at the exact hour and date, They. were buried on the same date. Sur- viving are his eon, Arthur, on the home farm; Mrs. William Forbes (May), of Lanley.Prairie, B,C., aod Mrs. Samuel Laidlaw (Gertru(1e), of Climax, Sask, and two sisters, Mrs. Agnes Currie and Mrs. Bert Bick, both of Bayfield. Funeral services were' held at the residence of his son, Arthur, on Tuesday, August 17, at 2.30 p.m., with Rev. Hugh Jack officiating, Mrs.,,Frank Kling rendered a beautiful solo, "Como Unto Me." Interment was in Maitlandbank cemtery, the pall- bearers being William Cameron, George McCartney, E P. Chesney, Cecil Oke, Dave McLean and Tho.s. Lane. The flower -bearers were four grandsons: Harold, Jack, Ross ands Garnet Allan; and Clarence Reid, of Hensall. Friends from a distance were: Mrs. Neil Grant, Calgary; Robert Laidlaw, Sacra- mento; Mrs. Eva Harvey and Mrs. Clifford Weston, Detroit; Alex Weston, Goderich; Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Sproat, Detroit; Miss Char- lotte McBurney, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. McBurney, Mrs. Greg. Shiells, and Mr. and Mrs. Jack McBurney, all of Wingham; Adam McBurney, Kingston, Mrs. Victor Young, Brus- sels. The whole community extend their sincere sympathy to the be- reaved' family and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Bingham and littla daughter; Evelyn, of Hayter, Alberta, visited their cousins, the Way family, during the past week, and are spending a week with rela- tives in Goderich and Lucknow be- fore returning hoe. The Late John NIchtilson 1.. The community was shocked:to hear of the death of John Nicol- son, which occurred at his horn .bn Sunday morning, August 1k, *- four hours' illness. He was rn on the John McGavin farm, lo 12, concession 5, Tuckersmith, 1„ 89 years ago. He was 'the only IM of the late Mr. and Mrs. Wilithin Nicholson, and lived all bis WA in Tuckersmith, with the exception of itt000010,oir Funeral of Thos. E. Blake A private funeral service was held from his late residence in Tuckersmith on Sunday afternoon for the late Thomas E. Blake, with Rev. Hugh Jack officiating. bar- ing the service "Abide With Me" was sung. The pallbearers were John MacKay, Oliver MacKay,, Charles MacKay, John McNaugh- ton, Dr. W. J. Switzer and Wm. Switzer. The flower -bearers were John E. McLean, Bruce McLean,, Ross McLean, Max Switzer, Jack Switzer, William Switzer, Bill Bickell and Harold McTaggart. In- terment was in Maitlandbank cem- etery. HENSALL, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Shepherd and Miss Barbara Shepherd, spent a few days this week vacationing in Southampton. Miss Gladys Luker was at the organ console atthe United Cfinich' •Sunday for the morning service, and will continue to play for the ndxt two Sundays during the ab- sence of the oranist, Miss Greta Lammie, who is on vacation. Two men from the same Kippen household were taken to Victoria Notice to the Public Raving purchased the Tire and Battery Business of the,,late John F. Kelland, I would solicit the same good -will and patronage extended to him. OPEN NOW FOR BUSINESS Parnell's Tire and Battery PHONE 20 : • SEAFORTH Asiffinaiminionfts FARM MACHINERY and EQUIPMENT FORAGE CLIPPER—For your corn harvest TWO -ROW CORN PICKER—Self-propelled RUBBER TIRED WAGONS—On Timken bear- ings — $165 TRACTOR GRAIN GRINDERS -10" and 12" ELECTRIC GRAIN GRINDERS—Special price HYDRAULIC TRACTOR SEATS BEATTY SHALLOW - WELL PRESSURE SYSTEMS WHEELBARROWS: -On Rubber or Steel CREAM SEPARATORS AND MILKING MACHINES 1 10 -FOOT POWER LIFT STIFF TOOTH CULTIVATOR 13 -RUN POWER LIFT FERTILIZER DRILL Seaforth Motors • Chevrolet, Oldsmobile' ' Massey-narriS Sales arta Service PHONE 141 SEAFORTH • . 0 RADIO ACCESSORIES A 11 (A) LONG DISTANCE ANTENNA 5.95 (0) ADJustxtviouta ANTENNA 4.95 (C) FENDER WELL ANTENNA 7.95 BAK-SEAT SPEAKER Mounts under package shelf la an at back of car • .• arm cower REPAIR BILIS 'Preston* OIL FILTERS Dirty oil wre-ars motors, Install o Firestone Oil Complete Install/Woo Filter. 1.65 FREIEI CAR COAT HANGER • , Ideal for summer 1 'Pita any car win- dowl E. CLARKE ed Star Garage Phone 146 - Seaforth CONCERT and DANCE Seaforth Agricultural Society is pleased to announce they have been able to secure 1 H. W. SIMPSON ENTERTAINMENT CO., OF WINDSOR who will present a very outstanding Concert: FUNZ A-POPPIN' in Cardno's Hall, Seaforth on THURSDAY, Sept. 9th at 8.15 p.m. This is a varied entertainment of very high quality—the pick of Cana- dian and American talent. They play to packed houses on two, and even , three consecutive nights, in various towns, and are booked solidly for entertainments during the. Fall Fair season. THEY WILL ALSO BE ONE OF THE SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS AT THE FALL FAIR, SEPTEMBER 10th! • • Reserve your seats early, for this is sure to be a sell-out! Tickets may be bought in advance from any Member of the Agricultural Society and exchanged for Reserved Seats at McKindsey's Drug Store on pay- ment of 25 cents extra. • Plan for Reserved Seats opens Friday, September 3rd, at 1 pAn.- TICKETS — Adults $1.00 Reserved; 75c Rush; . 35c Children * ALSO DANCE FRIDAY• NIGHT on 9.30 - 2 a ni in Cardno's Flail NORM CARNEGIE AN'? IIIS BAND Admission, 115e '1 • ' 4 ••• r 41