HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1948-07-23, Page 4ossified Ads.' Classified Ads Will Be Inserted At New Low Cash Rates; For Sale, Wanted, Last and round, Etc.—Per word: 1st week 1 Cent 2nd week % Cent 8>G•d week Cent Minimum charge, that inrerti n25 Cent " Eacq figure, initial and abbreviation counts as one word. Card of Thanks, In Identeriam Notices, Coming Eventa-1 cent per word. Minimum, 50 cents per week. Euquirlea May be directed is a Box Number, ole Tha Buren Expositor, for 10 cents extaa. Ten cont additional will be charged if ado in a1sva class are net paid within 10 days of date of final iusertron. Births, Marriages and Deaths inserted free of charge. Auction Sales. Notices to Creditors, Eta—Batu on application Help Wanted WANTED—RELIABLE PARTY TO Ar- " tend to pasture farm. Elderly Protest- ant farm couple preferred. First-class condi- tion. Close to all conveniences. Write P. O. BOX 2.35, Hensall, Ont. 4206-2 WANTED Al' ONCE—CARPENTERS AND o rrpentens' helpers. Apply C. M. SMITH. Phone 484-W, Seaforth. 4205-2 Coining Events �TOUNNY PETRIE AND 1415 OLD-TIMERS in a Barn Dance at the Crystal Palace Ballroom, Mitchell, Friday night 4206-1 DANCE TO THE MUSIC OF ROSS Pearce and his Melody Masters every Sat- urday night at the Mitchell Lions Arena. Free dancing 9-9.30. Jitney dancing 9.30-12. General admission 10c. 4204-4 Lost and Found Notices WHITEWASHING W 111 ROCK LIME, and DDT. Call FRED HARBURN. Phone 44 r 9, Dublin. 4203# RADIO REPAIRING—WILL REPAIR ALL makes of radios. Will pick up Mondays and Thursdays at E. H. Close's Barber Shop. GLENN KECHNIE,, Myth.. ForSale 131,1GS FOR SAT.F—A NUMBER OF GOOD York pigs. 6 to '1 weeks old. JOHN E. McLEAN, R.R. 3, 'Seafonth. 4106-1 FOR SALE -10 NO. ONE YORK PIGS. Apply to A. R. DODDS. Phone 833 r 14, Seaforth. 4206-1 " OR SALE—OIL BURNER COOK STOVia. 4. Apply to HAROLD FINLEY. Phone 14.5, Seaforth- 4206-1 FOR SALES -BAR RADIO. $25.00. Ap- ply to CARL KNIGHT, Market Street. 4206-1 OUND-6-FOOT METAL RULE. OWNER FOR SALE---KITOHEN CABINET. CAN Ft may have same by proving property and be seen at GORDON WRIGHT'S WORK paying charges. Box 685, HURON EXPOSI- SHOP•\ 4206x1 TOR. 4206-1 FOR SALE -17 WEANED PIGS. APPLY OST -1N HENSALL, A SHORT HAIRED to HENRY ENZENSBERGER, R.15. 5, I) black dog with brown face. bobbed tau, Seaforth. Phone 839 r 25. and answers to the name of "Skippy." Ap- ply to EWAN McEWAN, Hensall. 4206-1 TRAILER FOR SALE--THREE-WHEELED, good tires, good ejoudition. Completely equipped• for camping. Apply to HAROLD FINLEY. Phone 195, Seaforth. 4206.1 9'205-1 Personals Name Stan Jackson HYGIENIC SUPPLIES (RUBBER GOODS) Fi OR SALE—HARDWOOD FOR SALE;, 34 mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope I per cord. Apply to ' MRS. GEORGE with price list. 6 samples 25c: 24 sample:; DUBBS. Londesbora Phone 7 r 5, Blyth. 31.00. Mail -Order Dept, T-73, NOVA -RUBBER � 4206-1 CO., Box 91, Hamilton. Ont. 1 FOR SALE -630 NW ERAMP PULLETS, 5,1 months old, commencing to lay: in perfect health. CHARLES BARNETT. Phorfe 100-W, Seaforth. 4206x2 Wanted WANTED—AN ICE BOX. PHONE 714, Seaforth. 4206-1 SOF ALL KINDS WANTED. Clothes remodelled. PHONE 229. 4206-4 WANTED TO RENT — UNFURNISHED house or apartment, in Seaforth or ad- jacent- F/0. HD. MCARTHUR, Seaforth, or Phone 386. 4206-1 WANTED TO BUY—ALL OLD HORSES and dead animals. If suitable for mink feed will pay more than fertilizer prices. If not, will pay fertilizer prices. If dead, phone at once. GILBERT BROS., Goderich. Phone collect: 986 r 21 or 936 r 32, Goderich. 4189-tf WANTED TO PURCHASE PULLETS EIGHT WEEKS TO LAYING, pure bred or Hybrid crosses. Advise age, number and price. Apply TWIDDLE OHICK HATCHERIES LIMITED, Fergus, Ontario. 4202-8 Business Cards StECRETARIAlI AND BOOKKEEPING SER - vice. Records maintained and prepared for income tax purpoees. W. EDWARD SOUTHGATE. Office in Dominion Bank Bldg., Seaforth. 4176-tf Notice To Creditors NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of MARY WHEATLEY ADAMS A LL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS AGAINST the Estate of Mary Wheatley Adams. late of the Township of 'McKillop, deceased, who died on or about ,the 22nd April, 1998. are hereby notified to send tin to the undersigned on or before the 13th day of August, 1918, Sall particulars of their Claims.. Immediately after the said last mentioned date, the assets of the said estate will be distributed amongst the parties entitled there- to, having regard only to claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice, to the exclusion of all others, and the undersign- ed will not be liable to any person 'of whose claim the undersigned shall not then have notice for the assets so distributed or any part thereof. DATED at Seaforth, this 22nd day of July, 1943. ALVIN W. SILLERY; Seaforth, Ont, Solicitor for the Estate. 4206-8 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of ALEXANDER CHARLES LILLICO A LL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS AGAINST the Estate of Alexander Charles Lillico, tate of the Township of Tuckersmith, in the County of Huron, Retired Blacksmith, de- ceased, who died on the 6th day of July, 1948. are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or be- fore the 6th day of August, 1948. after which date the asset; will be distributed, having re- gard only to claims then received. DAI•..IO at Seaforth, this 15th day of July. 4948. MCCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executrix. 4205-3 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of JOHN HASTINGS ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS AGAINST the Estate of John Hastings, '}ate of the Township of Hibbert, County of Perth, de- ceased, who died on or about the lst day of July, 1948, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned an or ,before the Slat day of July, 1948, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after .the said 'last mentioned date, the assets of the said estate will be dis- tributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice, to the exclusion of all others, and the undersigned not be liable to any person of whose claim the undersigned shall not then have notice for the assets so distributed or any part thereof. DA1'.ta) at Seaforth, this 9th day of July. 1948. ALVIN W. SILLERY, Seaforth, Ont., Solicitor for the Estate, 4205-3 NOTICE TO CREDITORS in the Estate of GEORGE H. DTCKSON ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS AGAINST 1l0 Estate of George H. Dieloaon, laic of the ?township of McKillop, Retired Farmer, deceased, who died on or about the 24th day of lune, 1948, are hereby notified to send in do the undersigned on or before the Shit day of July, 1948, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said last mentioned date, the assets of the said estate will be dis- tributed amongst the partiss entitled thereto, (raving regard only to claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice, to the etch:shin of all others, and the undersigned will not be liable to any person of .chose oldfia the tuider•9ighed shall not then have etetide for the effeete so distributed or any ptithe ttltereof. ATmD ?at i YLilikti, 'On*,., this 9th day of Jtil ., 1948, ATaVii3 'P9i, STLT�r1Ylit, fleitortk Ont„ 13011lil;tar toe "the alstate. 42054 (Continued from Page 1) year, and the secretary was ordered to notify the Canadian Bank of Com- merce of the eltanges on the board and of its officers. The board reasugaged Scott Rah—kirk to transport Grade 7 and 8 pupils, once each school week that classes are held, to Seaforth High School for home economics and manual training at a price of $65.00 per month for 10 months, subject to road and weather conditions, the contract, to be signed following completion of timetable, for the High School, olid the secretary was ordered to invite S.S. Nos. 3 and 10 Schools to participate in this ser vice, the costs to be apportioned ac- cording to assessment. Clarence A. Trott was appointed to spend three half -days each week teaching special subjects in the var- ious schools of •the area, and to sup- ervise generally, provided a satisfac- tory and dependable supply can be secured to take his work in No. 8 School and Mr. Trott was authorized to advertise for a supply. The Treasurer was ordered to pay to the caretaker of each school used for election purposes in the last pro- vincial election, the sum of $3.00•, the said amount having been received from the Returning Officer of Huron Riding, for the purpose of extra care- taking involved, in addition to the $8 received for the use of the school. Accounts were approved and order- ed paid as follows: H.E.P.C., Hydro accts„ Nos. 5, 7 and 8 Schools, $25.96; picnic expenses, $30.25; Seaforth News, adv., $1.1.81; News -Record, adv.,, $9.80; Middleton's Drug Store, sup- plies, $7.48; Moyer's School Supplies, book racks, $9.70; G. A. Whitney, flowers, $10; A. H. Erskine. Treasur- er, member's fee. Huron Co. Library Association, $50,00; Clarence Dining, extra caretaking, No. 1, $3.00; Walter Pepper, extra caretaking, No. 4, $3; Roderick McLean, extra caretaking, No. 8. $3; Jas. Upshall, extra caretak- ing, No. 9, $3.00. The meeting adjourned to meet in S.S. No. 1 School on Tuesday, August 31,' at 9 p.m., S.S.T. FOR SALE—UP-TO-DATE MODERNIZED new storey and a half house. North Main Street. with furnace and heatalator fireplace. Apply to SEAFORTH SUPPLY & FUEL CO. 4206-1 'TOR SALE—HOUSE DOOR. 6r 9r4" LONG. 2' 714/1 wide: also lawn mower. Apply to MINNIE PROCTOR, R.R- 3, Seaforth. 4206x1 :FOR, SALE -1 COW FRESHENED THREEweeks. good milker, with calf ; 1 (Imp - head Raymond sewing machine. ORVILLE DALE. N. Main St., Seaforth. 4206x1 FOR SALE--MASSEY-HARRIS BINDER, 7- foot cut: used very little. Guaranteed A-1 condition. EDISON FORREST, Hensall. 4205-2 FOR, SALE -1927 PONTIAC SEDAN, IN good running order. Three new tires. Apply KLING'S STORE, Seaforth. 4206x1 FOR SALE -116 NEW HAMPSHIRE X Barred Rook Hybrids, hatched March 1. Apply to WILLIAIM DOLMAGE. Phone 850 ✓ 32. Seaforth.' 4206x1 EOR SALE—N1•; W OLIVER 6-F2. MOTOR driven combine. Immnediate delivery Oliver Dealer: A. KERSLAKE. HanealL Phone 40. 4206-1 FOR SALE -75 -ACRE FARM, LOT 45, CON - cession 2. Tuckersmith (near Radar School) : seven -roomed cottage: bank barn: implement shed: about 8 acres bush. Apply MRS. ALEX LILLICO, R.R. 5, Clinton. 4206x2 Cards of Thanks MRS. WM. DEITZ AND FAMILY DESIRE to express their sincere thanks to the friends and neighbors, for the kind expres- sions of sympathy and the assistance render- ed during their recent bereavement MISS DONNA McBRIDE WISHES TO EX - press sincefe thanks to her many friends and neighbors for the Bards, flowers and gifts, special thanks to the staff at Scott Memorial Hospital and Dr. Goddard. MRS. EVELYN DENNIS AND MRS. GER- aldine Walmsley wish to thank their neighhors and friends for flowers and other kindnesses on the recent occasion of the death of Mrs. James Brown. 4206x1 In Memoriam CUDMORE—IN EVER LOVING MEMORY of our mother, Margaret Ann Cudmnre, who passed away on July 26, 1932. —Sons and Daughters. 4206x1 THE FAMILY OF THE LATE JOHN S. Shannon wish to thank their friends and neighbors for kindness and sympathy shown to them in their recent bereavement. They wish to extend a special .thanks to Rev. H. V. Workman, of Seaforth, and to those who sent beautiful -floral tributes. 4206-1 LAMONT—IN LOVING MEMORY OF A dearly beloved son, A-627 Tpr. Hector 3. Lamont, ,missing July 25, 1944. later presum- ed killed in action at Venrieres. France. As we look upon your picture, h Sweet memories we recall Of a face so full of sunshine, A smile for one and all_ Though your smile has gone forever And your hand we cannot touch, We shall ,never 'lose sweet , nemroraes Of the one we loved ao mach. -Sadly missed by Mom, Dad, Brothers and Sisters. 4206x1 Births DOIG—In ,Scott Memorial Hospital, on July 14, to Aft. and Mrs. Murray Doig, of Sea - forth. a son, PRIJTTER—In Scott Memorial Hospital, on July 17, do Mr. and Mrs. Earl' Prutter. Dublin, a daughter. FRT'1DAY=7n Scott Memorial Hospital, on Jul.; 21, to Mr. and Mrs. Herman F. rre- day. Seaforth, a daughter. NOTT—In Scott Memorial Hospital, on July ^ 21. to Mr. and Mrs. Earl Nott, R.R. 4, Clinton, a daughter. LONDESBORO Personals: Mrs. Walter Somerville and children, Walton, with Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Ross; Misses Frances and Vera Lynn and June Lear at Lake Co' Pines . Beach; Mr, and Mrs. Murray' Fingland, Cochrane, with Mr. and Mrs, John Figgland; 'Mrs. R. Shad - dick and Miss Ruth Shaddick have re- turned after a week at Port Dover; Mrs. Allen Shaddick and children and Miss Lois Wood at Munro; Mrs. S. H. Brenton with ,friends. at Ethel;" Rev. S. H. Brenton has returned af- ter directing the sulmmer school at Goderich ter a Week; Mr. and 11 4% Itober'i 'Gibb; Hamilton, with Meanie h`er'e. Hensall Is High In Huron -Perth Standing in the Huron -Perth is as follows: . Hensall Clinton Lucan Goderich Centralia Zurich Clinton Radio Mitchell St. Marys Exeter Dashwood W L T Pct. 9 2 1 .818 S 2 1 .800 6 3 1 .666 6 4 2 .600 7 6 0 .538 5 6 1 .454 4 6 3 '.400 4 6 3 .400 3 6 0 .333 3 7 2 .300 3 10 0 .230 WALTON LOSES TO ST. COLUMBAN M*s. Ialoyd Cohaattoaln recently, ev, and Mrs. Harvey Moiare, of bur Pena., rs. H. Mollo o Pittsburgh, g �' , 'iM y, f St. Thomas, and Mrs. Harvey Han- non, Mitchell, .visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. R. .Sadler afld Mrs. Reed. Mary Dearing, daughter of Ed. Dear- ing, had •the misfortune to break her leg while playing with her brother last week. Mt'. and Mrs, Norman Dingle, To* ronto, spent a few days with Mrs. O. Reed. Mrs. Milton Hodgert spent a few days last week with her 'parents, Mr, and Mrs. J. M. Miller. Mrs. Archie Luxton is spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Scott, Fullerton. Mrs. G. Agar, Mrs. J. Drake, and Mrs, M. Dearing have returned from Grand Bend where they spent a week. Walton Steam Rollers soccer team went down to defeat against the bat- tling Irishmen of St. Columban 4-2. At the end of the first period Walton had one goal, St. Columban two. A record crowd witnessed the game. On Monday night Brussels and Win- throp played a 1-1 tie at Winthrop, and the following night—Tuesday— Walton. played a no -score game at St. Columban. Winthrop meets Brussels at Brussels Friday night. WINTHROP Hold Family Gathering At Staffa Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Crandall, of Falconer, N.Y., spent several days during the week with Mrs. Crandall's brother, Mr. Lloyd Colquhoun and family at Staffa. On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Colquhoun entertained relatives in honor of their guests, forty-two gathering together from Brucefield, Carlingford, Mitchell, Fullerton and their own community. A picnic lunch was enjoyed on the lawn. STAFFA The W.M.S. and W.A. of Cavan Church, Winthrop, met at 'the home of Mrs. S. Garnham recently, when Mrs. Russell Bolton presided. Mrs. Robert McClure was in charge of the worship period. The Scripture lesson, Daniel I:8-20, was read by Mrs. E. Toll. Mrs. W. Church led in prayer. The W.M.S. report for the second quarter was given by Mrs. H. Alex- ander, showing $55.25 raised. Mrs, C. Millen conducted the temperance pro- gram. A temperance reading Was. giv- en by Mrs. 1-Iillen. The guest speak- er was Mrs. Les. Bolton, who brought a challenging message to the meeting on the temperance situation today. Mrs; R. Bolton again took over the meeting to conduct the business' The roll call was answered by 26 mem- bers. Mrs.'Bolton reminded the meet- ing that the mite boxes were to be handed in at the August meeting. An 'invitation was extended by Mrs. H. Blanshard to the Mission Band to meet •at her home on Wednesday, August 4, when the W.M.S. and W.A. will entertain them to a picnic. The meeting closed with the benediction. Miss Dorothy Dodds has returned from attending summer school at Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. James frit and fam- ily, of Windsor. were here attending the funeral of the latter's father, Mr. John Shannon. Mrs. Lite and chil- dren remained to spend some time with her sister, Mrs. Chambers. Donald Dodds is visiting his aunt, Mrs. Clendon Christ4e, and Mr. Chris- tie in Cromarty. Mrs. Carl Briggs and family and. Mrs. Art Treffry and Shirley, of Flint, Mich., spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Walter O'Brien. Mr. and Mrs. Don Tindal and fam- ily, London, were week -end guests of Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Elliott. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Hodge have moved to their new home in Credi- ton. Mr. and Mrs. B. Boles, of Niagara Falls. N.Y., visited Mr. and Mrs. Al- bert Sma.le recently. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Dearing and family have returned to their home in Windsor after spending two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. John McDonald.. Mr. and Mrs. G. Fitzgerald, Strat- ford, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Dearing and Mr, and Mrs. Wilbur Johnston spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Mc- Donald. Mrs. F. Tuffin spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. John Allington, Varna. Mr. arid Mrs. Millard Crandall, of Falconer, N.Y., visited with Mr. and ANNIVERSARY SERVICES CROMARTY Presbyterian Church Sunday, July 25 at 11 a.m. and 8 part. Special Minister REV. 13. L. WALDEN, B.A. of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Stratford, will officiate at • both cervices'. retial Music by' the Choir CROMARTY iltdidaYilig at ,the home of Mrs: Win. Houghton, `Dr. Murray Scott,, -with .his wife and faintly, visited With Mr. and Mrs. Ken McKellar and, called on Other friends. Mr. and Mrs, Tptn Laing,' accom- panied by 'Mrs. Grace Scott, spent a day at Erin with Mrs. Jas. Reidie, Miss Grace Chalmers has returned home from a trip of six or seven weeks with friends in Scotland and other points. She travelled both ways 'by plane and reports having enjoyed her visit and also the tights across the pond. Mr. and Mrs. Garfield Hodgert with their ,two daughters, .of Regina. are the guests of his uncle. Mr. Sandy McKellar, and many other relatives. They are also attending the Old Boys' Reunion at Kincardine and other plac- es, Mrs. Hodgert being a Bruce Coun- ty resident. Mr. James Scott, Mrs. Grace Scott, Mrs. Thomas Scott and Mrs. Williada Houghtcn were recent visitors with friends in Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs, George Wallace and Mr. and Mrs. Lin McKellar and sons spent :Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Armstrong, near Hensall. Shirley Wallace. Annetta Sorsdahl. Caroline Walker and Norma HarbZrrn are enjoying a few days at the beach. Mrs. Frank Irwin and son. George, with their little niece, Caroline Was - man, of Putman, visited Sunday with in r mother, Mrs. D. ,Davis, and sister, Mrs, Otto Walker. The Misses Irene and Audrey Kemp Saiiiiiiiseendowiessossee DUBLIN Mitchell - Hocking A quiet wedding was solemnized at the Main St. United Church Parson- age, Mitchell, recently, when Rev. A. H. Johnston united in marriage Jean Bella Hocking, elder daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Hocking, Mit- chell, to George ,Laverne, son of Mr. Thomas 'Mitchell, Dublin, and the late Mrs. Mitchell. Given in marriage by her brother, the bride wore an ankle - length gown of white silk jersey with short d'leeves and low cut necklinrb with full skirt and long gloves to match. Her finger-tip veil was held by a satin halo and she wore a two hun- dred year heirloom brooch, and car- ried an arm bouqueC- of pink rose- buds. Mrs. Leslie Miller, sister of the bride, was matron of honor, wearing a gown of turquoise blue with lace trimming with matching headdress and sLort gloves, and carried a nose- gay of pink carnations, pink rosebuds and sweet peas. Mr. Leslie Miller wa„' best man. Following the ceremony_ the wedding dinner was held at the Fisher restaurant, Mitchell, with the immediate families present, the table hceig centred with a three-tier wed- ding cake. For a honeymoon to Nia- gara Falls, Toronto and Kincardine, the bride donned a figured, brown suit of bengaline with white accessories. Prior to her marriage the bride was tat recipieylt of two largely attended miscellaneous showers at the homes of Mrs. Eccles and Mrs. Coy, both of Toronto, The Danforth United Church Sunday School presented Jean with a Holman Bible and her class of 14 boys gave her a French morocco en- graved hymnary. Upon their return they will reside at. R.R. 2, Dublin. CONSTANCE Britton on Sunda. y. The many friends of vs. B. Snell,. 'Chiiliwacl�, B;C,, and M . and Mrs, J. Nottingham, of Ladner, B.C., are glad. to know that they escaped the ears ious -floods in that province. The Minder is heard again and some are cutting wheat and oats. There is surely a bountiful harvest. Mr. W. J. Dale is spending a few days in Toronto this week. Messrs. Frank and Craig Malatt, of Garden City, Mich., are spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Ephriam Clark. A number of neighbors and friends gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ephriam Clark on Monday night to honor Miss Marion Lawson, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lawson, bride-to-be, with a shower. The heav- ily laden wagon was drawn in by Misses Mary and Margaret McGregor. A mock wedding was performed, after which the bride-to-be opened the gifts. A short program was given. On Wednesday afternoon a trous- seau tea was held at .the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lawson, when Mrs. Robert Lawson and Mrs. Roy Lawson received the guests, Mrs. James Ait- cheson received the guests and direct- ed them to the various rooms. In the afternoon Mrs. J. Davidson and Mrs. L. La,wson poured tea, and Mrs. P. B. Moffat and Mrs. H. V. Workman served lunch. The gifts were display- ed by' Miss Mildred Aitchesom and Mrs. L. Carter. In the evening 'Mrs. J. Busby and 'Mrs. Earl Lawson pour- ed tea and Miss Wilma Hay, Miss Janie Moffat, Miss Beth Simpson and Miss Norah Reynolds attended the door in the afternoon and evening. Miss Shirley Busby was in charge of t'he register. Mrs. Anna McLean, of Buffai'b, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Peter Lind- say. Mrs. Thomas Hill and Mrs. Cecil Hill, of London, called on Mr. William Earn -While -You -Learn YOUNG MEN AND WOMEN To learn to be Knitters, Loopers and Boarders. Good trade and steady employment. Apply Thomas Churchill CLINTON HOSIERY MILLS CLINTON •ONT. vommummummisimmummanimummensemiummo HENSALL The following.are its pro1000.011 re- sults of Heiman Public School, names placed in order of merit: • Senior Room—Grade 7 to Grade 8,— ,Carlile, Ann Hildebrant, Ewen MelbIWen, Allan rohnstort. Grade 6 to Grade 7—Margaret Hew- itt (Hon), Jerry Rennie, Jean Wen- der, Ruth Soldan, 'Marlene '.Petzke, Ronald Passmore, Jeanne Soldan, Le- Roy Peters, Ronald Chuter. Grade 5 to Grade 6—Joan Johnston (Hon.), Barbara Hewitt, Grace Mac- Leod, Donald Koehler, Robert Bell, Russell Kirk, Cudora Hyde; Jack Hen- derson,'Gordon Lavery. Miss Edith Foster and Miss Marion Orton, Tonawonda, N.Y., were recent guests with Mrs. Lamniie and Greta. Mr. and Mrs. Ray-Lammie and Bo'b- by and Jean, Centralia, Mr. and Mrs. Dickins, Lucan, and Miss Amy Lara- mie, London, were recent visitors WE TAKE THE 11 ENT" out of Accident BY PAINSTAKING BODY REPAIR WORK and CAREFUL INSTALLATION OF NEW SAFETY • GLASS No job is too tough for us, and what's more .. . our prices are right! 24-HOUR TOWING SERVICE, TOO! Seaforth Motors Chevrolet - Oldsmobile Massey -Harris Sales and Service PHONE 141 5i:I'0Itr11r with. Mre, 1,4annuie 'and (4e14, Mies $lllitll, c fit. Paterpbl•*rg, »P d Mr. 014 R it i an , With 'Miss Minnie 13.etd .this liueelt." Additional Hensall News on Page 3 Pete ,v eopt "Plan to be as in- dependent at 65 as 4,. you are now." Confederation Life Association Hensall Phone 55 Ore you RUPTURED ?' Enjoy an active life with the SPORTSMAN TRUSS Unbelievable Comfort 10.50 and Guaranteed Not To Slip! Or Money Refunded. Single Style Double Style 11.60. • Steel truss wearers ... Now it is possible 'to get maximum retention with real comfort. The Sportsman has no steel bands or metal parts to gouge or pinch. There is nothing to bind. Every part is flexible. Yes; and it CAN'T SUN Why? Because the inner pad remains fixed in its position, while the soft, pliable truss moves with the body. The Sportsman provides maximum reten- tion for all reducible inguinal hernias and won't slip under ere'- uous activity, active sports and everyday stretching and benc5; Consider these essential features • Scientilcaliy Designed' for Self -Fitting • Maximum Protection No Personal fitting Buy Over Counter e Real Comfort Without Fricticn • It is Unconditionally Guaranteed Take home—Put On anti Forget Your Rupture! MIDDLETON'S DRUGS Stationery - Wallpaper The Rexall Store Phone 20 'HENSALL PLAN TO ATTEND T H E FINAL NIGHT of the Seaforth Lions Club mmer Carnival ! At the Beautiful Lions Park FridayNight. July 23rd' Friday Night Attractions • LADY IN THE SKY • SEAFORTH HIGHLANDERS BAND • INTERNATIONALLY FAMOUS PRESTON BOYS' BAND • BANNOCKBURN PIPE BAND a • EL. CLIFFE—SLACK WIRE ACT • GOOFUS • DRAW FOR $300 IN VALUABLE PRIZES • MAMMOTH FIREWO,RKS DISPLAY • OPEN-AIR DANCING—NORM CARNEGIE'S BAND • GAMES AND FUN FOR ALL Entire proceeds of Frolic for Lions Welfare Work and Maintenance of Lions Free Pail and' Pond YOU ENJOY THE PARK — HELP SUPPORT IT, PLEASE! �y 'Admission 25 Children Free FREE PARKING f. w l,.,vd;,