HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1948-07-16, Page 6uDRARy #k:ll+znyer 'Mllei.?''�>utd: High V'erinillen, Shortx The golden Hawk, k'erbey ; The Wanderiasg' Hearts Cunnham; 1 WanTo An icon . Lockridge;ingThe Tortured ORTH,ADDS E VOLUMES The following new books have re- eeettiy been added `o the Seaforth 4etteille Library: Fiction—The Precipice, MacLennan; Boyd; Johnny L iru Y ttc da Breut'esti Cli ristmh,s, Blake; Pilgrim's Inn, Gqudge; Dora, Green; A Time For Laughter, Wellner; The Hanging Judge, Hamilton; Tobias Brandy - Wine, W'ickenden; Unclouded Summer, Waugh; Thirty-one Selected Tales, Bates; Devil in the Sky, Bradley; 'Call For the Saint, Charteris; Dance Without Music, Cheyney; Marry For Money, Baldwen; Hope To Die, Waugh; Deadly Ditto, Hale; Border- line Murder, Amos; Operation Bug - house, Bowie; Death of an Author, Rhode; Peony, Buck; There is a Tide, Christie; But Death Ruus Fast- er, McGivern; Proceed At Will. Wilk- inson; Within the Hollow Crown, Barnes; Moon Over the Back Fence, Carlson; Milk Route, Ostenso; Whith- er Thou Goest. Sallows; No Trumpet Before Him, White; Immortal Helen, Corbett; Arabesque, Household; Ab- ram, Bauer; No Son of Mine, Stone; The Needle's Eye, Pember; Death of a Worldly Woman, Cunning; Cry the Beloved Country, Phamaten; Blazing Guns on the Chisholm Trail, Chase; gel, Garth; Stronghold, Chidsey; The Flames of Time, K.endirck; Gulf of Time, Standish; Ebbing Tide, Ogil- vie. Non-Fiction—Miss Uulysses of Puke. Puke, Fieshie; United Nations, Ev- an; This Was My Choice, Gouzeuko; Harper of Heaven. Service; Better Speeches. For All Occasions, Wright; Bears of Jasper, Cory; Devil At MY Heels; Bat Boy of the Giant. Gaireau; North to the Promised Laud, Wire; Secret of the Buried Tomb, Knight. Juvenile—A Star Shone, Trent; Peg -a -Leg. Cutler; Canadian Summer, Van Stockum: Big City, Hader; Rosie the Rhino, Conger: Ranger, Strong; Sally Goes Travelling Alone. Eppen- stein; Somebody Else's Shoes, Lane; Art o? Chinese Paper Folding, Soong; She Seated Into Our Heart;, Moore; Builders of the Old World, Heartman; Mystery of Horeshoe Caves, Selkirk; Mountain Puny, Karom; Lost Trea- sure Trail, Maxwell; Daredevil. Silli- man; Daughter of the Mountains, Rankin; The King Nobody Wanted, na; Room -mates, Bendina; Anne and Langford A Girl Can Dream, Cavan- Maryke. Fibres; Children of Prim- rose. Lane. Streatfie.id; The Perfect Zoo, Farjeon; Little Grey. Rabbit's Warty. Uttley; Vulpes, the Red Fox, George: Fork in the Trail, Ames; Touchdown Twins, Harkins; Jared's Island, Ageli; Luck For the Jolly Gale. Edwards; Watch For a Tall etee 3SU for SURGE 2R for PERFECTIOK smoke RARO U6M for iR{!YERS.^,l k LAM Perste U6S 176R for ono at coidio ita I 3R for PERfECtt09 5u WM SEARS wet S OHM 10:1_ 83 for N: CO.SKICA d aero 426R for HINMAN 13R for MOE Select Your Milking Machine Rubber Replacement Parts from this Sample Board .. . We can make immediate delivery from our new stock of new Crude Rubber inflations, at the following prices: McCORMICK-DEERING e , 80c each DE LAVAL UTILITY AND STERLING 800 each SURGE 70c each ALL OTHER MAKES 75c each We also have over 200 Black Rubber Inflations to clear at 40c JOHN BACH SEAFORTH Pure each owid ownships Hold Regular HAY TOWNSHIP HOWICK TOWNSHIP Howiok Coi;ncil met in the Clerk's office, the reeve, John Winter, ie the chair, with all members present. The Clerk was instructed to for- ward a letter of appreciation to Rev. Nimmo and R. S. Hetherington for services in connection with the un- veiling. of the Memorial Plaque, also to the United Church for their help and accommodation. On motion of Gowdy and Zurbrigg, the following accounts were approved for payment: Relief, $31.50; E. Downey, caretaker Township Hall, Gerrie, $17.50, cleaning township sheds, $6.00; Municipal World, office supplies, $24.82; Corporation Tewn of Wingham, attendance of ere truck at R. Adam's fire, $ 37.50; James Dick- son, fox bounty, $3: K. Jackson, fox pups bounties, $10; George Adams, fox pup bounty, $2; J. Warren, fox pup. bounty, $2; Registrar of Deeds, search of deeds. $1.05; Advance - Times, nomination notice, $2.10; Treasurer Village of Clifford, attend- ance of fire truck at C. Jarvis' fire, $5.00; Treasurer County of Huron, balance hospitalization due to increas- ed rates, $32.25: P. Durst. part salary, $70; postage. $5.t0: telegram, 37c; O.A.P. $15. Moved by Strong and Gowdy: That we accept G. A. Wearring's applica- tion for tax collector for the year 1945. Carried, Moved by Strong and McCallum: Thai the road accounts as approved be passed. Carried. Moved by Gowdy and Strong: That this meeting do now adjourn to meet again in Gorrie on August 5, or at the call of the Reeve. Carried. BRUCEFIELD he Council of the Township of ay met in the Hay Towps'hip Hall, Zurich, when the following cor- respondence was presented: F, Don- nelly re J, N. Cantin. The following motions were r assed: P . That W. H. Edighoffer be appoint- ed assessor for Hay Township, to complete the assessing for Hay Town- ship as required under the county assessment for Hay Township for the year 1950. This return to be com- pleted as per Assessment Act and any amendaments c thereto, salaryt to be $1,100, this to include a completed roll; no allowance to be made for transportation, postage not included. That Ed. Erb be paid $25 and Amos Gascho $10 for the Hay Township road portion of ditches dug across the road between Con. 12 and 13, adjac- ent to these persons lands. That the by-law on the Logan 'Drain as initiat- ed by the Township of Stanley and (filed in the clerk's office June 30, 1948, be accepted and necessary proceed- ings carried out. That the auditor's report for the Township of Hay for the year 19.47, as received from Mon- teith Sr. Monteith, be accepted and ac- count paid, Clerk to have 50 copies printed. That we are agreed in the interests of the Township of Hay to accept a quit claim deed to Leon Bedard on the Bedard lots in St. Jos- eph survey under dispute, for which we agree to cancel all arrears of tax- es and penalties as registered against Jean N, Cantin for years up to and inclusive of 1947, without prejudice. That accounts for Hay township roads. relief, Hay Township general acet i H Muni 1 T I ourl s ant ay ctpa e e - phone System be paid as per vouch- . ers: AIM Relief for July—Mrs. John Suplat, Mr. Don Ross visited on Sunday at $30; Ernnta llassow, $8.90; Mrs. Edith the home of Mt-. and Mrs. William Mason, $15: A. Heideman (rent), $5. Henry.Roads—Alvin Walper, $38.75; Sim - Mrs. LaFontaine and granddaugh- ter" Donna and Lynn Skaife, left Monday for a trip to the West. Miss Elizabeth Scott is holidaying in the village. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Berry, Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Baird and. Mrs. Madge Nees visited on Sunday with Dt•. and Mrs. J. W. Aikenhead in Toronto, Mr. Ray Sutton is visiting at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Abe Zapfe. Misses Ruth Scott and June Tay- lor, of Vineland, visited at the home of their parents over the week -end. The ladies ofethe W.A. are holding a baking sale on Saturday afternoon. They are asking that all donations be in by four o'clock. Mr. Jim Hill, of Stratford, is holi- daying with friends and relatives. Miss Patsy Neil, of Glencoe, is vis- iting; with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Stackhouse. Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Stackhouse also included Mr. W. McDowell and Miss M. Thornton. of Westfield,' and Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Stackhouse a.n.d chil- dren, of London. Gordon Mustard, R.C.N., is visiting his parents for a month. White Sail, Bell: Book of Three Fes- tivals, Lillie; Teti Me. Walpole; Lilun, Treffinger; Fisherman Simme, Dannecker; At Sung Harbour Inn, Seyeeour. Modern Harvesters' Excursion to Help Canadian Farmers A New Era in Harvesting Started by Massey -Harris Combines Trainloads of Massey -Harris combines rolling across the country to the grain farming areas are a common sight nowadays. They have replaced the once familiar annual harvesters' excursions which brought thousands of harvest hands to the prairies. Modern mechanical harvesters like the Massey -Harris self-propelled combines, have brought many advantages to grain growers. With them, crops can be harvested with the minimum of manual labor, a great money -saving feature when, in times like these, experienced farm help is in short supply and wage rates are high. Massey -Harris self-propelled combines speed up harvesting—one man can cut and thresh 50 acres and upwards in a day. Operating costs are low too with o self-propelled—one motor supplies power to propel and operate the machine. There is no expense for twine or stooking. And the combine has done away with the work, worry and expense of threshing time. The demand far combines indicates the trend towards modern mechanical harvesting. From factories with capacity increased greatly, more and more Massey -Harris combines are being built to help Canadian farmers harvest their crops easier, quicker and at less cost. MASSEY-HARRIS COMPANY, iiMITED Ettohfished 1847 Winnipeg, Brandon, Regina, Saskatoon, Swift Current, Yorkton, Calgary, Edmonton, Vancouver, Toronto, Montreal, Moncton on Hoffman, $1.50; Elmore Datars, $5; Dennis Ducharme, $11,50; Harold Stire, $11,50: Michael Masse, $14.50; Harold Campbell. 75c; Jas. Masse, $131.10; Wm. Gould, $2.75; Amos Gascho, $10: H. W. Brokenshire, $5; Drysdale's Hardware, $1,65; Joseph Hoffman, $1.50; Alfred iMeidinger, $6; Stewart Blackwell,' $4.40; Ed. Sore, $6.50,; Alphonse Masse, $48.40;` Lloyd Campbell, $1.50; Wm. Denomme, $20.50: Louis Cantin, $26.50; Ed. Erb, $25; Klapp's Garage, $22.30; Harry McAdams, $1.30; Geo. Grenier, 80c, Hay Township General Accounts— J. W. Haberce, $15; Lorne Rader, $6; Treasurer Hay Municipal Telephone yetenl $7QQF Monteith + CAIltQlth: $250e Harness Scheel, $2i H. W. >3ro.kens°hire, $75,74; Oliver ,Argos, re Ausable River Cenaervatiou Andros' its, $126; Conrad Simeon, $277-X2 i Pearl Wurtz, $1$5.62; Bank of Mont- real, $144.98, Hay ;Municipal Te1elehone System— T. 11. Hoffman, $523.19; H. W. Brok- enshire, $69.74; Northern Electric Co., $216.52; Receiver General, $565.80; H. G. Hess„ $305.94; A. Heideman, $5; Automatic Electric, $21.25; Bell Tele- phone .Co., $8¢.21. That Monday,August 2, 1948, be declared a Civic Holiday by virtue of a resolution passed by the council of the Township of Hay. That the pieta-, ing be adjourned to meet again on Tuesday, Aug. 3, at 8 p.m. ELIMVILLE Mr. and Mrs. Jack O'Hearn, of To- romto, visited with their son, Don, and Mrs. O'Hearn at their home here last week. Mr. Elgin Skinner, teacher at Mil- ton, is taking a summer course at the University of 'Western Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Bell and. fam- ily. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bell, Mrs. "Phos, Bell, Florence Bell and Mildred Miller were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stephen Sun- dry, where they gathered to wish Miss Florence Bell a safe journey on an extended trip to New York, accom- panied by Miss W. Stephenson, of Birr, and Miss Besse Bell, through the United States to the West Coast 'and British ,Columbia to visit with Graham Bell ands family. Mr, Harvey Sperling' has accepted a position with the Brennan Con struction Co. at Centralia Airport as weighm en. Mr. and Mrs. Berris, of St. Marys, visited with their nephew, John Rid- ley, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Allan McDonald and SURGE MILKERS DAIRY MAID Hot Water Heaters J. B. HIGGINS PHONE 138 - SEAFORTH Authorized Surge Service Dealer, Mr. and lWre, ;Tob.l). er sett retRyn- ed ou, Sunday evellling after ependillsg a week with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Sm,,ith in, Guelph. Mr. and Mrs. Norman. Long. were in Owen Sound on Sunday visiting Mr. Long's aunt, who is til. Mr. Jack Rasa, who has been living in Norman Long's apartment, moved Ins household effects to Clinton last Friday. Mr. and Mrs, Carl Russel, of ,Guelph accompanied by Mrs. John A, Wood, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. IL H. Damm over Sunday. Mr.- and Mrs. ° Joe Hillen and fam- ily, Mr. and Mrs. George Bailey and family and Mr. and Mrs. Churchill, all of Detroit, attended the • Watson re- union held in Bayfield ort Saturday last. Mr. Howard Dayman, who purchas- ed a speed boat at Goderich recently, transferree it from Goderich to Grand Bend beach on Sunday last. Miss Etta aTarrott, of Toronto, Dr. James Jarrott, of New York, and Dr. Gilbert Jarrott, of Stratford, are holidaying at their home here with Pamela, of Owen Sound, spent last week with Mr. and 9Virs, P. Murch, Friday luncheon guests with Miss Florence Bell were the fellow mem- bers of Middlesex Board of Health: Mrs, D. Hawkins, Reg.N., Miss W. Stephenson, Reg.N., Miss L. Arm- strong, Reg.N:, all of London; Mrs. Lloyd Bell and children, of Exeter, and. Mrs. Charles Stephen and Betty Anne. #1' *110ie1'4 Mrl: >i4#la, Sri ttii: iVtlss rilarguerlto 0044 01"0. Stll,r el Mrs isaau Jarrett atnd tane'ly. Mr: iuid Mrs, ]R.tlgar • ISfthaelr a#td► to nil ', of 0anrro8e, Alberta, are via - tang at the home of Mr. "and M'ra. Robert Mc$ride. Mte Wm. $enuieetoe, who bas been visiting friends in this community for the past few weeks, left for his home in Clevelandone Monday. - oflnseclt Bite—SoP1i2. Quickl Stop itebbta of freed bite, heat rash, eCsC anjd iveee, pimpfr . ecaiee ecablee,,pthlete's t~stRterally Mused Akin tuii tiles. uec qquick-act;nn'z�. eggtbipe,.aatipeptia D.O. D. PIt�SCYfl/trAp11►, Gtece!leas,; u stops or gens mons Lek, your tttocks D. O. iI. INEl CIall� tl7PM' a Now Available USED GOO x 16 TIRES and TUBES 111111111111111111111111111111111111/ Many with low mileage which have been traded in on new _ Goodyear Super Cushion Tires. -SEAFORTH MOTORS Chevrolet . Oldsmobile PHONE 141 - SEAFORTH Profitable DairyCows More Essential Now Than Ever 1 Dae to depleted years ell culdvaded and growing of crops the roil becomes of many necessary minerals, etc., consequently many grains do not contain adequate nutritive value. This is one reason for the need of supplementary feeds to make a pro- perly balanced ration for dairy cows. You can't get milk without feed. The more a cow will eat the more milk you will get. Rut the feed must be properly balanced and contain the necessary amounts of vitamins and.. minerals as well as proteins and car- bohydrates. To make more money, keep only well bred cows and feed them to the limit with.. Blare/slant's Dairy Meal which is very palatable, contains abundant quantities of all the essen- tial vitamins, minerals and is the most economical feed you can buy. For Sale by bA1RY MEA .swsv..so 're Seaforth Produce, Ltd Phone 170-W, Seaforth • LUE CROSS... Your non-profit Hospital Plan gives you more protection than ever! just' when you need protection more than ever 81.,L TgESE ' E'ITS gEN 'NEW (Effective July, lege *Provided s or1 rYrwe'b neuctrtitnionoo „nechospital, charges for in-patient X Ray Services up *X-RAY • • ' Hospital admission• such as penicillin, up to $25.00 to $25.00 MONS • • • MODERN MEDICATIONS according to admission.201 days 51 to each � CARE • ' . ct con DAYS HOSPITAL tri MORE of participation• included in family length UNDER 1 R YEARS • ' to 1p months CHILDREN charge.eriod reduced without extrawaiting P MATERNITYridlimit t of 12 days removed• and limit of PLUS MI Hospital Benefits previously covered! .........................'?::;%. Because hospital costs are higher than ever, your need for hospitalization protection is greater than ever. Blue Cross has provided for that need. Subscribers may now receive a mini - AND THE RATES ARE LOW 5¢ A Day Protects Your Family MONTHLY RATES PAYABLE IN ADVANCE Standard Ward 'Semi - Private SINGLE SUBSCRIBER $ .75 $1.00 SUBSCRIBER, SPOUSE AND ALL CHILDREN UNDER la YEARS 11.50 for oil $2.00 far all mum of 51 days of hospital care, rising to a maximum of six and a half months! And extra benefits are now added, including X -Ray and such modern medications as Penicillin_ A NON-PROFIT COMMUNITY SE'RVI'CE Backed by the hospitals of Ontario themselves, Blue Cross is a non-profit organization now protecting one family in every four in Ontario ... more than a million Ontario participants. Throughout Canada and the U.S.A., over 30 million people . have let Blue Cross relive them of the worry of hospital expense. BLUE CROSS .. . protects the people --BLUE CROSS ... is the people. , ENQUIRE ABOUT CROUP ENROLMENT For full information, write: Plan for Hospital Care, 135 St. Clair Ave. ' West, Toronto BlollECRoSS dam.+ �1�da.'•„�+.+....._-,,,-.. ,. Jcj ONTARIO HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION 6C -34M