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The Huron Expositor, 1948-07-09, Page 3
REPLACEMENTPARTS T2SUI3SU for •for 2R for " fiRFICUON T- amAWEM 3R of fotlriax kin WM SEARS WARM DUI RS UTE AT SEARS, „ 4268 r' •'for foSURGESURGE NINIIM U6MU6S /or plryggg end • (�edel for `° 176RI83 for ME IEEIEIC 111E THEE % for ""Mil IandG DWI ... .. 13R for ' ,n . ; t ,.. x.: 08D for IkUVIL ( - „,. tr era f tea ate via,,.,nt ;Ti .4 Lc D escetidants of Tatefitew- art SJ.niIlieHensall; Gather For Annual Pic- nic. NEWS/QF HENSALL -AND DISTRICT Ideal weather prevailing, Bayfield proved an ideal setting for the 1948 reunion of the Sztrillie clan Saturday. Sixty-five descendants of the late Stewart Smillie, whowas born on the Smillie homestead, a mile north of Hensall, Highway No. 4, now occu- pied by. Mr. 'Clarence ,Smillie, enjoy- • ed a delightful day, a' picnic dinner and supper being highlights, of the event. A line of sports Y f'r Skimen, woe K .ski gain 5,10,15 lbs. Get New Pep, Vim, Vigor What a thrill. Bony limbs fill out. ugly hollows 110 up: neck no longer scrawny, -body loses half- starved, sickly "bean -pole" look. Thousands 01 girls, women, men•, who never could gain before, are now proud of shapely, healthy -look( bodied. They thank the special vigor building. tleslbuilding tonic, Ostrex. Its tonics, stlmidants. Invigorators, iron, vitamin B,. calcium, enrich blood, improve appetite and digestion so food gives you more strength and nourishment: put flesh on bare bones. Don't fear getting too fat. Stop when you've gained the 5. 10, 15 or 20 lbs. you need for normal weight. Ceets little. New "get acquainted" size oris 000. Try famous Ostrex Tonto Tablets for new vigor and added pounds, this very day. At all druggists. opla were Mu of gild: ,the wiU4are in, the, various eye tte were' Jlaees • ' for' small here, JIMMY' Statham, Kings ville; girls, Joan SnoiWe, Sit ,Oath er* Ines.; obsitaole rage, BilIY Haute, Lon- don; kiekitlg. the .Slipper, Mrs, 'Lorne Elder, Hamilton; •horeeehoe throwing, R. M. Peck, Kippen. The sports was climaxed with a 'ball game: Officers elected for 1948-49 were: President, A. G. lymnillie, Hensall; 'vice- presidents, Lorne Elder, tHamilton;t treasurer, Mrs. Mildred Shepherd, To- ronto; executive: Jaznes Soilillie,.Jien pall; 'Dr. Jennie Smillie, Toronto; re- freshment committer, 'Mrs. R. B. Peck, Kippen, convener; 'Mrs. James Smillie, Hensall, co -convener. Attending the reunion from a dis- tance were Mr. Samuel .Buchanan, Medicine Hat, Sask.; Mr. Stewart Smillie and family, St, Catharines; Dr. Alex .Smillie, Niagara Falls; Dr. Jennie Smillie, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Howe and family, London; Mrs. Jean Statham and Billy, Kings- ville; •Mr. and 'Mrs. William; Brown and son, Detroit; Mr. and Mrs'. Lorne Elder and Kenneth, Hamilton; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Elder, Oshawa. The 1949 reunion will be held at Bayfield. The following new books have been received at Hensall Public Library: Fiction—Lucinda Brayford, Boyd; A Light in the Window, Rinehart; Portrait of a Playboy, Duping; Full Moon, Wpdehouse; The Foxes of Harrow, Yerby; Contrary Winds, Sel- lars; Eagle in the Sky, Mason; Milk Route, Ostenso; Music At the Close, McCourt; No Trumpets Before Him, White; Eleven Came Beek, Seeley; NOTICE . Ratepayers of the Village of Hensall . THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD hereby appoints Tuesday, the 13th day of July A.D., 1948, at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon, D.S.T., at the COUNCIL CHAMBER IN THE VILLAGE OF HENSALL for the hearing of the parties interested in support of or opposed to the installation of Waterworks. DATED at Toronto, this 24th day of June, A.D., 1948. M. B. SANDERSON, Secretary. J. A. PATERSON, Municipal Clerk. 1 1 CASH FOR YOU! OLD, DISABLED OR DEAD FARM ANIMALS With Undamaged Hides and According To Size and Condition Cows up to $8.00 Horses up to $7.00 Bogs (300 lbs. each) $2.00 Plus $2.00 per 100 lbs. for additional weight AT YOUR FARM Phone Collect PHONES: SEAFORTH 390W MITCHELL 219 INGERSOLL 21 FOR PROMPT, EFFICIENT, COURTEOUS -SERVICE WILLIAM STONE SONS LTD. ' INGERSOLL, ONTARIO Applicants are Wanted For a Nurse Assistant's Course at the Stratford General Hospital. • For Information apply to the SUPERINTENDENT OF NURSES Stratford General Hospital ,Stratford, Ont. 4 4 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Melady were married in St. James,' Church, Seaforth, on June 26, Mrs. Malady is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Eckert, of McKillop Township, while the groom is a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Frank Melady, of St. Columban. Always With Me, Nicols; Death Knell, Kendricks; Renegade Range, West; District Nurse, Baldwin; Office Nurse, Humphreys ; Chatterton S q u a r e, Young; One Fine Day, Canter-IDounso; The Curse of the Bronze Lamp, Dick- son; Gentlemen's Agreement, Hobson; Song in the Green Thorn Tree, Berke; The Handsome Road, Bristow; Three Loves Are Mine, Colver; The Eter- nal Mountain, Covert; Hit the Sad- dle, Elson; With All My Heart, Grey; The Case of the Turning Tide, Gard- ner; Ace -in -the -Hole, Hawkins; Tang - ed Trail, Manning; Cottonwood Creek, Marshall; Dangerous Honey- moon, Killard•; Short Grass Range, Lee; Assignment Without .Glory, Spinella; The Locusts, Shragg; You Can't Escape, •Baldwin;',The Valley of Dry Bones, .Grodere; He Married a Doctor, Baldwin; The Rich Are Not Proud, Warren. Juvenile Fiction—The House of the Swan, Coatsworth; Something Differ- ent, Evans; Arctic Adventure, Mac- Millan; Growing Pains, Taylor; Quite Contrary, Ormston; The Stronger Heart, Vance; Swmap Leland, Wirt; The Cry At Midnight, Wirt; The Ghost Town Mystery, Wolverton; Freddy and the Poppinjay, Brooks; Four Young Teachers, Chase; Nav- arre of the North, Darling; Bertie Comes Through, Telson; Triple Threat, Haines; Enchanting Stories, Hildreth; Faraway Ports, Hildreth; Bobbey Twins Treasurer Hunting, Hope; Bobbsey Twins, At 'Gloverbank, Hope; Secret of the Old House, Leighton; When the Fires Burn Blue, Lovell; 'Mystery at Lock House, Lewis; Once is Forever, Mallette; Anneliaranne and the Jumble Sole, Osborne; Anneliaranne Bridesmaid, Osborne; Secret Cargo, Rease; The Horse That Takes the Milk Around, Sterling; Once Long Ago, Bruce; Thine is the Glory, Taylor. Non-Fiction—The Higb]ands of Scot - and. Quigley; Cache Lake Country, Rowlands; Hunters Holiday, Hamble- ton; Colony To Nation, Lower; Cana- dian Novelists, Thomas; Father on the Farm, Cragg; We Live in the Arc- tic, Helmericks; Inside U.S.A., Guen- ther; The Silent People Speak, S John; This Was My Choice, Gowz- enko; Popular Quotations For All Uses, Copeland; Better Speeches For All Occasions, Wright; Face Powder and Gun°'Powder, Ellis; Witnessing Though a Century, edited by Rev, P. A, Ferguson. The book committee wishes to call special attention to the books: "Pop- ular Quotations For All Uses" and "Better Speeches For All Occasions," which they hope the readers will find useful; also to the new book, Gowzen- ko's story, entitled "This Was My Choice." Mr. and Mrs. E. Fink, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Peters, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Mc- Clinchey, Mr. and Mrs. L. Baynham and Mr, and Mrs. L. Siemon spent the week -end vacationing at Kintail. The Hensall Girl Guides helda successful home cooking sale Satur- day afternoon and 'realized nearly $15.00, which will be donated to the Hensall Community Building Fund. Mrs. Gladys Smith has returned to Montreal after spending some weeks with her mother, Mrs. Annie Saunder- cock. Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Goodwin, Mrs. Maulkinson and Miss Mary Goodwin have returned home after a pleasant vacation spent at Turnbull's Grove. Miss Marguerite McDonald has ac- cepted a position in the People's Jewellery store in London and has commenced her duties there. Mrs. G. Voth and Gwen and Jimmy, of Detroit, are vacationing with Mrs. L. Simpson. Don't persuade the other fellow that he's wrong . . . persuade him 'that you're right. Wool anted All Wool shipped to JACKSON'S is graded in Seaforth and full settlement made from there. H. M. Jackson SEAFORTH ,Phones: 3-W and 3-J ON HEARING A CARUSO RECORD I heard him sing' the other day, A high, tremendous ringing lay, Who still, though dead a score years, Can move with ease the heart to tears. Enthroned was music,,,on the height, Fv thispuissant tenor's might, Whose tones of flawless vibrancy,. Made art approach infinity, They tell me of a wondrous thing Caruso did as he did sing: He shattered goblets by the slcore, When distanced thirty feet or more. I know not what the truth may be, 'Tis wonder high enough for me, That I have'heard a golden song, From that great throat now silenced long! of They tell me more: His. song shall sound Beyond our time's confining bound; Who live milleniums from now, Shall freely to his magic bow. Secure they say,. beyond a rink, By endless pressi'hg of a disc, This voice—now willed. as from grave,— The rave.—The future generations have! the I would their privilege .could rhyme With ours who live in this our time, That there might ring from far away The voices of the past, today! O Edison, hadst thou but lived Two thousand years ago, and thrived, Then we today should plainly hear The living words of yesteryear! The mighty minds whose loftp speech. Didi art of gracious living teach: Could them we hear, as well as read, Might startle us to greater heel! Of them is One who might inspire A brighter, more celestial fire, T r give more light and warmth to life, d bid begone all evil strife. For in this world that writhes with pain, From warrings gone — and feared, again— What audience were better tryst; To meet and hear the voice of Christ! To hear and heed His holy word: To take and tell it all abroad, Then all,the world might 'find re- lease— From fear to faith — from war to peace! REV. A. HINTON, Kippen. ELIMVILLE Mr. and Mrs. Jack Madge and fam- ily, of Russeldale, were Sunday visi- tors with Mr. and Mrs. Grant Ford and family. Mr. Jack Ohambers,'of London, avis- ited last week with his chum, Murray Stephens. The families of Mr. and Mrs. Ev- erett Skinner, Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Skinner and Mr. and Mrs. Melville Skinner attended the Skinner reunion in Stratford Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. P. Murch and Mr. Harry Murch and Launie, of London, motored to Owen Sound on Sunday and visited relatives there. Mr. and 'Mrs. Howard Otis and baby visited with relatives atBur- gessville over the week -end. Mr. Murray Stephens has accepted a job as bookkeeper with the Bren- nan Construction Co. at Centralia Air- port. Mr. and Mrs. De Montmorency were recent visitors with their parents at Beamsville and Toronto. Over 400 people attended the straw- berry supper at the church here on July 1. Those able to get into the church enjoyed` the play, "The Haunt- ed Haunted Tea Room," presented by the Y. P. U. of Fullerton. While returning to their home here from London an Saturday afternoon, the car driven by Laurie Stephen, who was acccmpa.nied by his Cousin, :Mildred Mi11(Ir as passenger, was struck by a car driven by ?rank Hud son, of Granton. The Stephen car was badly damaged in the impa'©t and ran into the ditch, breaking off a telephone pole. All suffered from, shock and bruises.. Miss Donna 'Mo.F''alls, of Exeter, spent the week -end with the 'Misses Anna and Grace Routly. Mrs. Wein and eon, Donald, of Dashwood, visited last week with Mr. and Mre. Laub. ',0 l.r. TSTA** ;aaiifoxn3%...;r Yleitinle at the home o It i1V , tae house• MTs'» >rer' cot is hozi(1011 dMr. 'end Mee. Ben , aleer, • Mie Mg) 1V>xel R. McKenzie and ,114ra 7, lfai$er,, tie Detroit; spent the weeleend wit12;`. Mrs, H. Zapfe, 'Mrs. B. "T saws ani:: Mrs; J, Kaiser are remaining Or tee. week, Dr. and •Mrs. J. Ailcenhead and soul' Jolla, were�,Sun,day visitors with rel- ativee,• 141r. and Mrs. J. E. Stackhouse event Sunday at the home of his parents, Mrs. Lorne Wilson ha& returned from a visit withfriends in Ottawa and Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Freeman .and Mr, and 'Mrs. A. Zapfe, of London, visited Sunday with friends. Mrs. Zapfe and Wayne are visiting a few days at the home of her father, Mr. Drew Swan. The garden party held last week on the church lawn was very well at- tended, Seaforth Band was in at- tendance and entertained with sev- eral musical numbers. Others taking Part in the program were Misses' June Murdoch and 'Eva Stackhouse, Mrs. E. R. Stanway and Sam Rennie and Tone Sherritt, of •Hensall. There Was a good attendance at the annual decoration service of the I.O.O,F., held in Baird's cemetery last Sunday. Last Sunday evening's service was in charge of the Y,P.T7., with themale chair, under the direction of Rev. E. R. Stanway at the organ. Several anthems were much enjoyed, as well as a beautiful organ solo played by Mr. Stanway. On Tuesday evening . of this week i members of the male choir entertain- ed tbeir wives, mothers and friends at a delightful strawberry' supper. After a lovely supper all enjoyed a sing -song, interspersed with solos, duets and number by the choir. CASH PRIZES FOR JAMS, JELLIES AT SEAFORTH FAIR By permission of the Fair Manage- ment, the makers of Certo brand fruit pectin are giving special cash prizes at Seafofth Agricultural Society Fair, Sept. 9.th and 10th. Prizes for jams made with Certo are: first $4; sec- ond 1$3; third, $2; fourth $1. Similar prizes for jellies made with Certo. Exhibits must be entered to conform. with Fair Regulations and the de- cision of the Fair judges will be final. Consult the Fair rules as to how to enter this friendly competition. Certo is on sale in grocery stores. 72 -kit- chen -tested recipes are given with every bottle of Certo.—(Adv.). Hold Wedding Anniversary About one hundred and fifty friends and neighbors of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fuss, of the Parr Line, Hay, gather- ed in honor of their silver annivers- ary Monday evening last. During the evening Mr. and Mrs. Fuss were pre- sented with an address read by Mrs. O. Reichert and a .beautiful service alit] purse of money. eller. Fuss, al- though completely taken by surprise, responded. thanking them all on ,be- half of himself and Mrs. Fuss. A very tasty buffet lunch was served and the remainder of the evening was spent in dancing to the music of the Desjardine-Jarrott orchestra. — Zurich Herald. FIREPLACE FURNACE A POWERFUL HEATER FOR YOUR HOME The Tweed Steel Works Fireplace Furnace draws the cold air out of the room, heats it and sends it back into the room hot. It saves fuel. Why install an old-fashioned fireplace to let the heat go up our the chimney to heat the outside world. Send for free catalogue and list of satisfied users. You will be interested in a Fireplace Furnace. TWEED STEEL WORKS LTD. TWEED ONTARIO Outstanding .Q The O Iy Safe Milk Most Deity •dwellers and many: *thee Canadian residentlp receive an wail- Ing, safe supply of .pasteurized milt. But when summer reale around malty People move to summer camps where their milk anpplyi is°not socarefulln guarded. Health officers say that when at camp it is necessary 'te re- member that the only safe Rnilk is pasteurized milk. If pasteurized' Milk is not obtainable it is easy to pas- teurize it oneself by (bringing the milk quickly to 'a boil and then pouring it into clean, cold containers that have been well scalded.4 The Spice of Life Doctors say parents should never force a child" t� eat. To insist upon: a child eating something he obviously dislikes is a sure way of provoking an force •stit tf�& qn�ck will is izfvitiza' fr oa]u111e'r inti +eipertt? .Roln;t 'o1>t.;"'tii,,x doft't ai bays want Glrp; nlA of fogdr :evezy rla'Y't AoS%Qe, monotony in tpieir ,d;<et. Pare}ntE `vR dad the ' ohfld'; feec(nng 4tim tiler smoother, happier event if'OW 1, the ingredients of the ohlid's' digit a ; introduce new methods of food per- paration.. T' -or Morley Back For quick relhlfromt caused ',. stbieteefoot. scabiest-pinto and°Oaf conditionsua-e��vpure..codiu medtcatcd ik D, D. D. g'RESCNIPriot as stainless. Soothes. comforts and quiciciy-�ti Intense itching. Dont suffer. AskLottc,drug D ` Sodas tar . D. D. PRESCRi ON: , - We Will pay the following Prices for Poultry FOWL -5 lbs. and up LEGHORN FOWL SPRINGERS 4 to 5 lbs. SPRINGERS -3 to 4 lbs. 30c lb. 25c lb. 38c ib. 35c lb. Also Best Prices Paid For ALL KINDS OF SCRAP Parkdale Poultry. PHONE 245 Select Your Milking Machine _Rubber Replacement Parts from this Sample Board... We can make immediate delivery from our new stook of new Pure Crude Rubber Inflations, at the following prices: McCORMICK-DEERING 80c each DE LAVAL UTILITY AND STERLING 80c each SURGE 70c each ALL OTHER MAKES 75c each We also have over 200 Black Rubber inflations to clear at 40c each JOHN BACH SEAFORTH Dealers, Bakers, Farmers & Feeders WE CAN NOW SUPPLY YOU WITH OUR FLOUR "Gold Star" Top Patent (ALL PURPOSE FLOUR) "Excellence" Second Patent (BREAD FLOUR) Give Them a Trial — (Quality and Prices are right) Excellence Feeds Calf Meal Hog Fattener Laying Mash Pig Starter Chick U rower Sow Ration Chick Starter Hog Grower Dairy Ration THEY ARE EXCELLENCE IN NAME AND QUALITY TURGEON GRAIN and PROCESSED FEEDS SEAFORTH, ONT. TELEPHONE 354 Feed Division of Excellence Flour 'Mille'Liniiiea 1.