HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1948-07-02, Page 4Classified Ads Will Be Inserted At Tie* Low Cash Rates 11t"!Ir Sale. wanird, Le$t and Ruaed. Etc. --Per wed: week enc 2nd week le Cent 3rd week 35 (lent Minimum charge, t insertion, 25 Cents • Dub aware. Waal aatd artlon counts as one word. !std of :Meeks. In 3ikm.r tipp. Notices. Coming Events -1 cent per wood. Minimum, Ceuta per week. Eleetu ,iep n,,.x ,,....a-ected t. a Box Number. oro Th. Huron E:pooltor, for 10 cent, extra. Ten eercts additional will be chanced if ads in above class are not paid within 10 days of date of final iwieu<•tton• Births, Marriageo end Deaths inserted fres of charge. Aaobion Sales, Notices to Oriditars. Ste.-Batse on application, 50 Coming Events j Cards of Thanks CKN ( RANCH BOYS IN AN OLD TYME MRS. WESLEY JONES, • OF HENSALL, B: rn Dance Priddy night, at 'the Crystal , lY1 wisher to express her deepest thanks to Palace Ballroom, Mitchell her many friends who so kindly remembered 4203-1 her with cards, flowers, candy and treats while a patient at Clinton Publio Hospital. I 4203-1 Help Wanted G+IRI. • WANTED A; Ply in person Seafor.h. MISS CATHERINE RYAN, OF CHICAGO, desires+ to express her sincere apprecia- FOR DINING ROOM.. tion to the many friends and relatives who COMMERCIAL LUNCH.' extended sympathy and kindness to her in 4203-tf her reeent bereavement. 4203x1 S. 'R. K. MacFARLANE WISHES TO MR HELP WANTED w GIRL WANTED TO ripress sincere thanks to her many heap with housework (please state wagon), e fr.en:ls for the cards, fruit and flowers re - or older person{ who would appreciate good ceived ; special thanks to the neighbors who BOX 97, home 7, er than high wages.Hensall., or phone 108, ,Hensel'. Apply.helped out, also the stair of Scott Memorial 4202-2 Hospital. also Dr. M. W. Stapleton for kind- ( nes during her illness. 4203x1 Wanted MRS. GEORGE DICKSON AND MR. AND Mar: Earl Dickson and family wish to I express their sincere thanks and appreciation WANTED -STANDING MIXED HAY' to their many relative:. friends and neighbors wanted, within 10 mile radius of Kip -1 for their kind expressions of symlpathy extend - Clover and alfalfa esp adios . JAR - 1 d during their rce,ent sad bereavement: spe- .pen. eclat thanks to Rev. R. H. Williams, also to ROTT BROS. Phone 151, Hensall. those who sent floral tributes, or helped in 4201-2 any way. 4203-1 WANTED TO BUY -ALL OLD. HORSES and dead animals. If suitable for mink feed will pay more than fertilizer prices. If not, will pay fertilizer prices. If dead, phone at once. GILBERT BROS., Goderich- P�pne N LOVING MEMORY OF collect: 936 r 21 or 936 r 32, Goderic4189-tf I E:h. lee.n Kyle, who passed away 1944, in her second year. WANTED TO PURCHASE There is a garden up in Heaven, Filled with flowers so rare; God came and took our little one To bloom for Him up there In Memoriam PHYLLIS July 4th, PULLETS EIGHT WEEKS TO LAYING, pure bred or Hybrid crosses. Advise age, number and price. Apply 'TWIDDLE CHICK HATCHERIES LIMITED, Fergne, Ontario. 4202-8 And there our babe is free from pain And free from tears of sorrow: Just waiting till we meet again, In that bright day of tomorrow. --Sadly missed by her Mother and Property For Sale Donnie and Grandparents. HOUSE FOR SALE -,MODERN, FULLY IN- ulated house, air conditioned, thermostats ically controlled furnace, pine panelled 'living roam 20/ x 12/, den. three bedrooms,\ modern kitchen. bathroom. landscaped lot 80/ x 120/. Apply G. F. SANSOUCY. Phone Semforth 392-J. 4203x1 For Sale �.(+OR SALE -ABOUT 250 NEW RAMP. and Barred Rock pullets. 14 weeks old. Box 677, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4203x1 von SALE -LAWN MOWER IN GOOD condition. Apply to J. W. -FREE, Sea- 4.199x1-tf EOR SALE -TWO COLLIE PUPS. APPLY 4`o GILBERT SMITH, R.R. 2, Walton. Phone 848 r 13, Seaforth. 4203-1 TOR SALE-MASSEY-HARRIS HAY LOAD- ' er. in rood working condition. Apply to ANSON COLEMAN, 11 on 95, Hensall. 4203x1 4 NHAY FOR SALE -QUANTITY SECOND cur hay. mixed t'i'mothy and clover. D J. 'REILLY, R.R. 5, Seaforth. 4203x1 FOR SALE-1113GHEs' HOT POINT ELEC- +-ie stove. four plate+. with oven. PHONE 52, Seaforth. 4203x1 T{10R SALE -NEW GOonTc0N elfitzleH. + ine machine 528-46: new Oliver Combine, motor driven: new 2 -row Olives- scniryere.....1. used Deerine mowerall reconditioned. Ap- ply to A. KFRSLAKE• Hensall. Oliver Deal- er. Phone 40. 4203-2 Business Cards C(ECRETARIAL AND BOOKKEEPING SER - vice. Records maintained and prepared for income tax pnrpesee. W. EDWARD SOUTHGATE. Office in Dominion Bank Bldg.. Seaforth. 4176-tf Notices WHITEWASHING WITH ROCK LIME and DDT. Call FRED HARBURN. Phone 44 r 9, Dahlia 4203tf RADIO REPAIRING -WILL REPAIR ALL makes of radios. Will pick up Mondays and Thursdays at E. H. Close's Barber Shop. GLENN KECHNIE, Blyth. SHAVINGS FREE A QUANTITY OF SHAVINGS ARE ,AVAIL - able free of change. Help yourself now before the supply is exhausted. ' Available during business Moors only. JOHN BOSHART & SONS, Phone 397 Seaforth 4203-2 Auction Sales Father, 4203-1 Births Announce Exam (Continued from Page 1) Fr. 2, Lat. 1, Math. 2, Sc. 1, Hist, 3, Geog. O. Murphy, William--.H•ealth A, Eng. 2, Fr. C, Lat, 2, Math. C, Sc, 1, Met. 2, Geog. 2. Murrap, Beatrice -Health A, Eng. 3, Fr. 3, Lat. 3, Math. 2, Sc. 2, Hist. 3, Geog, C. Murray, Gilbert -Health A, Eng. pr., Fr. pr., Lat. C, Math. 1, Sc. 1, Hist. 0, Geog. 1. Simpson, Mary -Health B, Eng. 1, Fr. 2, Lat. 2, Math. 2, Se. 2, 'Hist. 1, Geog. 1. Grade IX Barrie, Loretto -Health A, Art B, Guidance ,B, Eng. C, Fr. 1, Math. 1, So. 2„ Geog. 0, Hist. C. Bowman, Regina -Health A, .Art A, Guid. A, Eng. 2, Fr, 1, Math. 1, Sc. 1, Geog. 2, Hist. 1. a, Costello, Joseph -Health B, Art D. Guid. C, Math. C, Sc. C. Feeney, Anne -]Health B Art A, Guid. C, Eng. C, Fr, 2, Math' C, Sc. 1, Geog. C, Hist. pr. Feeney, Leonard -Health B, Art C, Guid. 0, Math, 0, Sc. 3. Feeney, Ursula -Health A, Art B, Guid. A, Eng. 3, Fr. 1, Math. 2, Sc. 2, Geog. C, Hist. C. Feeney, William -Health 13, Eng. C, Sc. 3. Flanagan, Francis -Health A, Art A, Guid. B, Eng. 3, Fr, 3, Math. 1, Sc. 1, Geog. 2, Hist. C. Jordan, Veronica -Health •C, Art 13, Guid. C„ Eng. C, Fr. C, Math. C, Sc. 2, Geog. C. Hist. C. Maloney, Lorraine -Health 13, Art A, Guid. B, Eng. 2, Fr. 1, Math. 1, Sc. 2 Geog. C, Hist, C. Maloney, Stephen -Health A, Art C, Guid, 13, Eng. 3, Math. C, Sc. 1, Geog. pr., Hist. C. Morrison, Mary -Health B. Art 13, Eng, C, Guid. B, Fr. 2, Math. 1, Sc. 1, Geo. C, Hist. 3. Murray, John -Health C, Art 13, Guid. A, Eng. 1, Fr. 2, Math. C, Sc. 1, Geog. 3, Hist. 1. Murray, Rita -.Health A, Art A, Guid. B, Eng, C, Fr. 3, Math. 1, Sc. 1, Geog. 1, Hitt. 2. Ryan, Alice -Health A, Art A„ Guid. B. Eng. 3, Fr. 1, Math. 2, Sc. 1, Geog. 3, Hist. 2. Sloan, Thomas -Health 0, Art C, Guid. 0, Eng, C, Fr. C, Math, 2, Sc. 3, Geog. C. BARRY -To Mr. and Mrs. Walter Barry (nee Mary Sp>voatl, Detroit. on June 29, 1918, a son (Dennis Pmtrick), a .brother for Michael. LA.IIONT-In Scott Memorial Hospital, on June 21, to Mr. and Mrs, James Lamont, Seaforth, a son. STONE -•In Scott Memorial Hospital, on June 28, to Mr. and Mrs. George Stone, R.R. 1, Walton,' a son. WALSH- In Scott Memorial Hospital, on June 29, to Mr. and Mrs. John Walsh. Dublin. a son. McKNIGHT-Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Elgie announce the birth of their grandson. Ron- ald Edward, son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald McKnight (nee Frances Elgie), of Galt, in Scott Memorial Hospital. Seaforth. June 27.. MAITLAND--In St Joseph's Hospital, Lon- don. on Sunday, June 27, W Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Maitland (nee Mary Jean Maorhouse), a son. FARQUHAR-Auhrcy and Grace Farquhar, Tuckensmith, are happy to announce the birth of their son at Clinton Hospital, June 28. AUCTION SALE OF HOUSE AND PROP- erty..--The undersigned has received in- structions to sell by public auction in the Village of Hensel], on Wednesday, July 14. at 8 o'clock p.m., two-story 8 -room frame srucq-, house, bath and furnace, full base- ment, hot and cold running water. Hoose would be suitable for a duplex- Terms of sale made known day of sale. J. 11MWI'1't', Proprietor; Ed. Corbett, Auctioneer. 4208-2 Deaths SCOTT -In Mitchell, on Wednesday, June 30, Agnes McKellar, loving wife of John Scott, Cromarty. in her 70th year. McKILLOP AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD 17- fetes, in' Village of Hensall, on Wednes- day, July 7th. at 1.30 p.m-: Dining room (table and 6 chairs; electric radio: sewing machine: bedroom suite; organ; 2 rocking chairs; arm chair; settee; writing desk; kit- chen table; baking table; Bisset carpet sweep- er; 6 table lamps; book ends; coal oil stove with oven; 2 beds; clock: Octaves; sink ; bed- ding: pillows; linens: all sorts of odd dish- es; baking utensils; knives and forks: flower vases; copper boiler: tennis rackets: 2 howl- ing balls; 2 snowshoes: golf clubs; sealers: tZ lawn mowers: garden tools; 2 -burner hot Plate; ,coal oil heater: hand sleigh: other articles too numerous to mention. MRS. BERTHA BELL, Proprietress; Ed. Corbett, Auctioneer. 4202-2 Notice To Creditors ripen; !M'rs Loretta - $,l n$d*> Strafe ford, with b:dr sister, Mrs. Elleabe b Cronin; Miss Mary 'Bvans, Windsor, with her .mother, Mrs. Katharine Ev- ans; , G9rden Costello, London, with his parents, 'Mr. and Mrs. Dan COS, teiio; Mr. and Mrs. H. Pugh and Glen at Grand Bend; Mr. and 'Mrs. WRn. Stapleton and Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Kahle attended the ordination of their nephew, Rev. John S. Stapleton, C. S. 13.., at St. Basil's Church, Toronto, on Tuesday; Martin Feeney ie. Detroit; Miss Bridget Costello at Grand Bend; Miss Dorothy Ann Costello at Lon- don; Rev. Dr. Pelow, S.F.M., Toronto, and Rev. Father Murphy, S.F.M., St. Marys, with Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Mc- Iver; Mrs. James Jordan at London. Mr, and Mrs. William 'McIver and Mrs. Patrick Jordan were in (Coronto attending the graduation exercises at Convocation Hall this week, Thomas McIver received his degree from Os- goode Hail. Y.i tie M.ayda Buermann had her tonsils removed on Monday and is recovering nicely. Children's Day, celebrated in the Evangelical Church here recently, was enjoyed by a large audience. The program consisted of readings, reci- tations, solos, duets and violin' selec- tions. Rev. R. Lederman, the pastor, gave an inspiring address. Mr. and 'Mrs. Wm. Hoegy, Mrs, L. Regei.e, Mr. Harry Regele and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Regele and fam- ily, also Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Fisher and Misses Viola and Muriel Fisher and friends, of Fullerton, were at the silver wedding anniversary celebra- tion of Mr. and Mrs. Will Gross, of Hullett. Mrs. Grose was' formerly Ida Regele, daughter of the late 'Mr. and Mrs. Charlts Regele. Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Koehler spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Sea - back in Fullerton. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Weitersen spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hoegy of Grey. 'Messrs. Norman Eggert and Man- ny Benneweis spent the week -end with friends in Galt and Morriston. Mrs. ]Norman Beuermann recently spent a day with her sister, Mrs. Boyd of Logan, who has been ill. Mrs. Julius Mueller, of Logan, spent a few days last week with her daughter, Mrs. Dan Beuermann. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of HARRY FORTUNE ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS AGAINST the Estate of Harry Fortune, late of the Township of Tuckersmith. deceased, who died en or about the 6th 'day of June, 1948, are hereby notified ,to send in to the undersigned on or before the 6th day of July, 1948, full. particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said last mentioned date, the assets of the said eatstte will be dis- tribtited amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to cinema of which the undersigned shall filter have notice, to 'the exclusion of all others, and the undersigned velli' not be iieble to dry person of whoee claim the . uitdereigeed shell not then have notice forethe aeelsfs to diett'•hated or any tarty he t. DAT7L7lY tit 'fid fat , rthi8-1 ,tis "day el .ruse, M99. Atitill FIZMItIt, Seaferth, nit hoi ' h for ,the'I7atwt•: 42014 Honoring the choir of St. Patrick's Church, Dublin, a picnic sponsored by the pastor, Rev. Dr. Ffoulkes, was held on the Continuation School grounds. Various games were played including bingo for which prizes were awarded, A bounteous lunch was served in the parish hall by the Ursu- line Sisters. A lucky number prize was won by Louise Feeney. Thirty members of the choir were present. An impromptu program was present- ed, followed by a social hour. • Seaforth Schools Mr, sepal Mrs, 'l2elxxgis' I iclt0►4tult, of Gritty ton, were Pests of -I0 and il!1l'a. At, sturgeon over the week-e1>d. The death stcaua'red at her home to London on Friday, June 25, of Mary Helen (Eily) Meorhowse after a long illness- Mrs, 1V,ioorhouse was born in London, the dsaughter• of the late Mr. and Mrs, Breiggler. In 1910 she was married to Kennedy Moorhouse and spent her,married life in London and Bayfield. .Surviving is one• daughter, Mrs. J. C. Maitland, of London. The funeral took place on Monday from the A. 'Millard George Funeral Home, London, the Rev, H. C. Merrifield, of St. James' Westminster, conducting the services. Interment was in Wood, - land cemetery. Among those• attend - nig the funeral from Bayfield were Mrs. J. W. Jowett, Mrs. James Fer- guson, Mrs. Roy Porth and Mrs. J. A. Ferguson', of Godlerich. (Continued from Page 1) issued in the latter part of August for the followings subjects of Grades 11 and 12. Class 1, 75 to 100%; Class 2, 66 to 74%; Class 3, 60 to 65%; C, 50 to 59%. Agar, Donna, A. & M, Hist. 2, Alg. '3, Ag. Sc. 2; Bennett, Shirley, A. & M. Hist. C, Alg, C, Ag. 'Se. 'C; Bolton, Yvonne, A. & M. Hist. 2, Alg. 1, Ag. Sr. 2; Boswell, Mary, A. & M. Hist. 1, Mg. 2, Ag. Sc. 2; Boyes, Phyllis, A. & M. Hist. C, Alg. 1, Ag. :Sc. C; But - chart, Bill, A. & M. Met, C, Alg. C. Caldwell, Mona, A. & M. Hist. 1, Alg. 1, Ag. Se, 1; Campbell, Mabel, Eng. C, Mod. Hist. C, Alg. 1, Geom. 1, Fr. C, Lat. C„ Ag. Sc, 2. Campbell, Mur- iel, A: & 'M. Hist. C, Alg. 2, Ag. Sc. 3; Chapman„ Jim, A. & M. Hist. 1, Alg. 3, .Ag, Sc. 1; Chesney, '.Marilyn, A. & M. Hist. 3; Clarke, Mae, A. & M. ,Hist. 2, Alg. C, Ag. Sc. •C; De La Franier, Ann, Eng. 2, Mod. Hist, 1, Alg. 2, Geom. C, Lat. 2, Fr. 2, Ag. Sc. 3; Dor- ranee, Stanley, A. & M. Hist, 2, Alg. 1, Ag. Sc. 1; Elgie, Eleanor, A. & 'M. Hist, 3, Ag, Sc. C; Hackwell, Howard, Eng. C, Mod. Hist. C, Alg. C, Geom. C, Ag. Sc: C; Hagan, 'Mary, Eng, C, Mod. Hist. 1, Alg. C, Geom. C, Lat. C, Fr. C, Ag. Sc. C; Huisser, Edna, Ag. Sc. C; Huisser, Frances, Eng. 1, Mod. Hist. 1, Alg. C, Geom. 3, Lat. C, Fr. C, Ag. Sc. 2; Lane, Mary, Eng. 2, Mod. Hist. 1, Alg, 1, Geom, 1, Lat. 3, Fr. 3, Ag. Sc. 1; Langford, Betty, A. & M. Hist, 1, Alg. 1, Ag. Sc. 3; Leem- ing, Norma, A. & M. Hist. 1, Ag. Sc. C; Livingston„ Lorraine, A. & M. Hist. C, Alg. 1, A.g. Sc. 2; 'McIver; Joseph- ine, Eng. 3, Mod. Hist. 1, Alg. 1, Geom. C. Lat. 2. Fr. 2, Ag. Sc. 2; McSpad- den, Earl, Eng. 1, Mod, Hist. 1, Alg. 1, Geom. 1, Lat. 2, Fr. 2„ Ag. Sc. 1; Mills, Murray, A. & M. Hist. 1, Alg. 2, Ag. Sc. 2; Pullman, Doris, A. & Hist. 1, Alg, 1, Ag. Sc. 2; Richardson, Lois, A. & M. Hist. 1, Alg. 1, Ag. Sc. 2; Russell, Barbara, A. & M. Hist. 1, Alg. 2, Ag. Sc. 3; Sanderson, Enema, Ag. Sc. C; Shaw, Bert, A. & M. Hist. 3, Alg, C,, Ag. Sc, C; Sills, Ron., Eng. 3, Mod. Hist. 2, Alg. C, Geom. C, Lat. 3, Fr. C, Ag. Sc. C; Snell, June, A. & M. Hist. 1, AIg. 2, Ag. Sc. 1; Stev- ens, Bessie, A. & M. Hist. 1, Alg. 2, Ag. Sc. 1; Stevens, Leona, Alg. 2; Stevens, Margaret, A. & M. Hist. 1, Alg. 2, Ag. Sc. 1; Stewart, Donald, Eng. 3, Alg. 1, Lat.• C, Fr. C, Ag. Sc. Pt. 2, 3; Traquair„ Bob, A. & M. Hist. 3, Alg. C, Ag. Sc. C; Walace, Jack, Eng. 1, Mod. Hist. ,1, Alg. 1, Geom. 1, Lat. '1, Fr. 1, Ag. Sc. 1; Wallace, Ruth, A. & M. Hist. 1, Alg. 1, Ag. Sc: 2; Wilson, Madeline, Eng. 1, Mod. Hist. 1, Alg. 1, Geom. 1, Lat. 1, Fr. 2, Ag. Sc. 1. The pupils of St. Columban Separ- ate School held their annual picnic on the school grounds. Games were played and the teachers directed var- ious races and distributed prizes. Hot dogs and soft drinks were contribut- ed by the school board. Ryan - Jordan Red and white peonies adorned the beautiful altar of St. Patrick's Church, Dublin, for the double -ring wedding on Saturday when Miss Jean Frances Jordan, third daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Jordan, Dublin, was unit- ed in marriage to Mr. Maurice F. Ryan, Dublin. Rev. Dr. 'Ffoulkes of- ficiated at the ceremony and the nup- tial mass. The choir, under the di- rection of Mother Frances Clare, sang "Ave Maria" at the offertory and "On This Day, 0 Beautiful Mother," dur- ing the signing of the register. Given in marriage by her father, 'the bride wore a floor -length period gown of white slipper satin fashioned with a wide bertha collar of satin and lace and a net yoke. The barque bodice v. as snugly fitted and the long lace sleeves with satin inset were taper- ed to points overThe 'bouf- fant the hand skirt had alternative panels of satin and lace extending in a long train. A full length veil of embroid- ered illusion net was caught with white blossoms. She carried a bou- quet of red roses. The maid of honor was the bride's sister, Miss Lorraine Jordan, London, who wore a floor - length gown of white taffeta, fitted bodice with double net skirt, sweet- heart neckline trimmed with lace, and short puff sleeves. She wore long Ikce fingerless gloves and matching white headdress. The bridesmaids, Misses Theresa and Patricia Ryan, sisters of the bridegroom, wore iden- tical floor -length gowns of white bro- caded silk, fitted bodice with double net skirt, sweetheart neckline, white brocaded bows at the waist and short puff sleeves. They wore white head- dresses and white long fingerless gloves, and the attendants ell carried nosegays of roses and sweet peas. The hest man was Mr. Jack Blood, Detroit, Cousin of the bridegroom, and the'ushers were Mr. Ryan Jordan and Mr. Joseph Delaney, Dublin. Follow- ing the ceremony a reception was beld at the home of the bride's par- ents. The bride's mother received the guests wearing a pearl grey dress with grey and black picture hat, black accessories and corsage of pink ros- es. She was assisted by the bride- groom's mother, who wore a navy blue costume with matching bat and white accessories and corsage of red roses. A dinner was served at the Royal Hotel, Mitchell, where the bride's table was decorated with white streamers and a three-tier wedding cake. For travelling the bride chose a grey ,wool and green shortie coat with white and green accessories and corsage of red roses. Among the guests attending the wedding were:, Mr. and Mrs! Mellville Blood i bd son, Jack; Miss Anna. McAleer, Mrs. Matt Williams and two daughters, all of Detroit, and Mr. and 'Mrs. Harvey Naylor, London. Personals: Charles Malone, Fort William, with Mrs. Malone and Mrs. Mary McGrath; Rev. John F. MdCon- nell, M:M., Maryknoll, N.Y., and Mr. and Mrs. Harry I. Din.geman and sons, Detroit, with Mr., and Mrs. David Mc- Donnell; 'Mil's Katharine 'O'Connell andM � Betty London, Webber, La do , with Miss Molly O'Connell and Mrs. Eliza- beth Bruarer; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sullivan, , Detroit, Joseph 'Morrison, Windsor, and. Sorin 'Morrison, Handl- Mr, and, Mrs, Stewart Sturgeon and was well attended. A social time was ton, with Mr, and Mrs. James A. MOT- Miss Jean Sifirketni, of Preston, and spent, climaxed by a ball game. Death of George H. Dickson The sudden death of Mr, George Henderson Dickson at the home of his son, Earl M. Dickson, Delhi, on Thursday last, came as a sthock to his many friends in McKillop and vicin- ity. Mr. Dickson was born in Mc- Killop in 1873 and was married in 1904 to Miss Lily Ida Martin, of Hun lett Township. He was• in his 75th year. Mr. Dickson attended school at No. 2, McKillop, and Was a suc- cessful farmer. On April 10 •Mr. and. Mrs. Dickson went to live with their son. He is survived by his wife, who is he poor health also, and one son, Earl, of Delhi. Mr. Dickson was a faithful member of First Presbyter- ian Church, Seaforth. The funeral was held on Saturday at 2 p.m. from Whit- ney's Funeral Chapel, with Rev. R. H. Williams officiating. Interment took place in Maitlandbank cemetery. 'Phe (pallbearers were Clarence Martin, Ross Broadfoot, Wilmer Broadfoot, Harold Connell, Alban Armstrong and Peter Dunlop. The flower -bearers were Alvin Dodds, George Martin, Or- ville Dale, E. Martin, Les Oliver, Ken Stewart .and Sam McClure. KIPPEN Visitors over the week -end with Mrs. Little were her daughters, Mrs, Albert 'Flaring and Mrs. Ivan Jones, of London, and her Sister, Mrs.. Lee Sherman, of Detroit 'Vire. Annie Harrison and daughhttr, ,of Parkhill, and ,M'r. W;n1, Bennington, ,,Cif Cleveland, visited last week with Mrs, Anse 'D1ns'dN'afe, +Whir returned! Parkhill 'with them for, the week -end. WALTON ELI1 IVILLE Mrs, Harry Sparring, Harvey and Hazel are spending a couple of weeks at a cottage at Pike's Bay, on the Bruce Peninsula. Misses Wanda Stephen and Eunice Penhale attended Junior Farmers' Day at Guelph, taking part in the Huron girls' ball games and races. Mrs. Thomas Bell is spending a couple of weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Bell and family at Exeter. Mr. Murray Stephen who 'has been taking special art at Beal Teck, is spending the summer holidays at his home here. Soma of the visitors during anni- versary Sunday were: Mrs. G. Rat- cliffe and Linda, Mr. and Mrs. Calder McKay, Miss Greta Hunter, London; Mr. and Mrs. Russel King, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Johns and Be, sie, Mr. Sano Johns, Mrs. W. Veal, llama and Norma, Mr. and Mrs. Don ��J ooper, Mr. and Mrs. Ron Denham, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Rny 'Brock, Mr, and Mrs. Maynard Marti - son, of London; :Miss Dorothy Pooley, Mr. and Mrs. M. Pym, Mr. and Mrs. E. Pym and Mr. and Mrs. J. Kirk- land., Miss Mildred 'Miller and her friends, Misses Hazel and Donita and Fran- ces Richardson, of London, spent Wednesday at the former's home here. Miss M. Smith, Reg.N., and Maas Florence Bell, of London, spent Fri- day evening with the latter's mother, Mrs. Thos. Bell. Mrs. Bannerman, of St. Marys, was a recent T isitor at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Lloyd Johns. Anniversary services were held at the church here with large congrega- tions in attendance. At the morning service the Sunday School chi:dren were in the choir and Rev. DtlffieId, of Lambeth, was the speaker. In the evening Rev. R. Bates, of Mop well, gave a fine address. There':was special music by the choir, with a quartette comprising Miss June Wal- ters, Mrs, H. Bell, Mr. Ronald Elford and Kenneth Johns. Miss June Wal- ters played a violin solo during the offering. The church was nicely dec- o/rated with baskets of flowers for the d)ccasion. FIOl la$1 ! Gro,S1 less iYl'ar are#. Mara,gnitt (Goldie) -Cross, R:eg.N., daughter of Mr, and Mrs. W1)ia1n..CxRss, Hensall, becaAae the b$der 'of »onal4 R;bbinson, eon Qf Mr, and Mrs, J. Robinson, Walirer .St., E. codon, at the Church of Christ dis- ciples, Friday, June 25. Dr. B. C. Eck- ardt officiated'. Ewart George presid- ed at the organ, The bride, given in marriage 'by, her father, wore pink brocaded satin in a long gown faslt- oned with a 'panier hipline. Her headdress .and, veil were in matching tones, ani she carried a prayer book with Talisman roses and showered with .streamers ,caught with roses. Miss Marjorie Brook, Reg.N., was the Cully bridal attendant. She wore a pink net frock wJth bouffant skirt. Her headdress was of pink taffeta, and she carried 'a colonial bouquet of sweet peas in blended tones. Lawr- ence Robinson was 'his brother's best man. Follineing a A dinner at Hotel London for,the bridal party, the eou- ple left on a trip to Muskoka. For travelling the bride chose a pink dress with white accessories and a corsage of roses. The bride, a graduate of St, Michael's Hospital, Toronto, has been on the staff of Westminster, Hospi- tal, London. sasy Duff's Church held a successful gar- den party on Friday evening on the church lawn. Supper wry; served from 6 to 8 p.m., after which a program of music was presented bythe Paul Bros., of Kirkton, assisted by Miss Jean Johnston, of Walton. Seaforth Highlanders Band was present and rendered several selections during the evening. The Mission Band sponsor- ed a booth with W. C. Bennett in charge. BAYFIELD er- HENSALL Mr. George Dick, highly esteemed and life-long resident of Hay Town- ship, died, at the home of his daugh- ter, Mrs. Charles Forrest, Hensall, on Monday evening, June -2.8, in his 72nd year. Mr, Dick had been in failing health for some time, had received hospital care and all that medical science could do was done for him, but to no avail. Mr. Dick was born on the homestead, two miles west of Hensall, in Hay Township, where he spent his entire life. In his early life he attended the O.A.C. at Guelph. He was married' to Miss 'Nellie An- derson of Chicago, Ili.,. in 1907, who predeceased him in July, 1940. Mr. Dick was a very fine citizen, a kind. father, a good neighbor, and his pass- iug will be mourned by his family, An Old Boys' Reunion will be hel'di at St. Peter's Church, St. Joseph, on July 3, 4 and 5, and on each day sipe- cial afternoon and evening programs have been arranged. -Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Drover were hostesses at their home near Chisel - burst for the 25th annual Bell reun- ion. Sports were enjoyed and a pic- nic supper served. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Munn were in New York attending the wedding of the former's sister. Miss Helen Munn. Evening services have been with- drawn in the United Church during one months of July and August. Mrs. R. A. Orr was hostess at her home Monday evening for the June meeting of the Arnold Circle of the L• .eaing Auxiliary of Carmel Presby- terian Church. Mrs. Harold Bell was co -hostess. was taken e. s The chairby the president, Mrs. Glenn Bell, and the topic was ably handled by Mrs. Harold Bonthron, who divided the circle into groups to discuss the topic. Mrs. P. A. Ferguson presented a very interesting item from the Glad Tid- ings. • Baby clothing was handed in for the bale. A business discussion took place, after which dainty refresh- ments were served. The roll call was responded to by 18 members. The death occurred in Melville, 'Sask„ on Friday, June 18, of Millie G. (Beek) Motter, wife of J. E. Mot - ter, and sister of Mrs. Kemp (Hilda), of London, and Mrs. A. Boxworth ' (Blanche), Windsor, Funeral services were held from Melville, Sask. Mrs. Matter was born in Hensall and well known here, being a daughter of the late Mr, and Mrs. Beek, of Hensall. Hensall girls' softball team enjoyed a threatre party at Leavett's Theatre, Exeter, last Tuesday evening. Their host was Mr. Saunderson, coach of the team. Mrs. E. J, Dinnin, Seaforth, spent the past week the guest of Mrs. John Bolton. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Kyle, Steve and Nancy are vacationing with relatives in St. Catharines. Miss Greta Lammie was in Brant- ford last week attending the music refresher course 'held at the school there. Mrs. Jack Corbett has returned: home from' St. Joseph's Hospital, London, where she underwent a ton sil operation, Miss Doris Buchanan, of Parkhill, was a week -end guest. with her mother, Mrs. Mary Buchanan, and Lloyd. Mr. and Mrs Harold Heiden, of Dresden, and y rs. C. M. Hedden, of St. Catharines, i isited on Sunday with relatives in Clinton and Hensall. Mr. and Mrs. ppJ. Henderson and fam- ily visited witi'i Mr. and Mrs. James Morris and falinily, Goderich, on Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. R. .I. 'cowers and Mr. Charlee/ Fown0end, Mooge Jaw, Sask., were the guests of J. D. and 'Hannah M. Craig for a few days Last week. A strawberry festival Was held on the lawns of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Nor- ris, of Chiselhurst, Friday evening, under the ausp es •of the 12th con- cession of Hi'bbe t group of the Wo- men's ,Mistionart Society of Chisel - burst United 'Church, The festival Members of 'the Pioneer Park As- sociation met recently to complete plans for a rummage sale to be held in the Town Hall, Bayfield, on the evening of July 9. This is the first event in a program to raise $1,000, to complete the purchase and com- mence improvements of the Pioneer Park property, adjoining Signal Point. To help keep this delightful spot op- en for the enjoyment of the public, citizens are asked to contribute some unused household article or other white elephant to the saile. A very enjoyable surprise party was tendered to Mr. and Mrs. 'Edward Sturgeon by their family on Satur- day night, the occasion 'being their 35th wedding anniversary. The even- ing was spent in dancing and singing and a delicious lunch was served, the dining room being decorated in pink and white. The table was centred by a large two -layer wedding cake. At the close of the evening Mr. and Mrs. Sturgeon thanked their family and friends for their thoughtfulness. Mr. and Mrs. A. Furter and son, Bill, of London, spent the week' -end with the latter's mother, Mrs. W. J. Stinson. Mrs. A. Suppnick, of Detroit, spent the past week at her cottage. Mrs. W. M. Purves, of Birmingham, Mich., accompanied by her sisterein' law, Miss Purves, of Princeton, N,J., are at the former's cottage for the season. Miss ,Mildred Cameron attended • the wedding of her nephew, John Grey Cameron, to Helen Jane Shuler, in. Detroit on Wednesday Net. Mr, Lawrence Fowlie, of London, spent the week -end with his sisters, Misses E. arid IE. Fowlie. 'Mr. and ,Mrs, Wm. Stethers and family, who have been residents of the village since February,' moved ,to Em.bro on Monday where they "'Aire purchased a hardware business..: brotha'e• axle 011glb;, fl teride, Aft', •wad aA,t. ' ;<►xier h'1 esbditerlan, 040/4 / ffe*s k .. vivilxg..ala t'wQ titexia, Pall ani Edawif, of chf94104.'t4a; lR4>rr Ndau44Ver , George,lyitbgoe (Margaret), 'Strath- roy; hirer. Wilailer Broadfoot (Grace), Kippers; Mrs, Jack Yerbeena (Jeaeie). Point k7dwal' ., and Mrs. G, Forrest (Helen), HeneaJ ; two ,brothers, J. D. Dick, Orillia, and Charles Dick, Van- couver, B.C.; and three sisters, 'MAcb, Tait, Toronto; Mrs, Hertha Bell u4 Mrs, Caldwell, Hensall. Pubk(e Iran- eral ,services Were held r from Bflu- thron's Funeral Rowe, 'Hensall, on Wednesday at 2.30 p.033,, conducted 'bbl 111s minister, Rev. I'.' A Ferguson, +into paid high tribute to his 'life. Bair was in Hensall Union'Celueterp. Additional Hensall News on Page 3 Pea df2 d i2Conferation Life has been serving Canadians since four years after Confederation - 76 years." Confederation Life Association Hensall Phonr 55 NOTICE • Ratepayers of the Village of Hensall • THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD hereby appoints Tuesday, the 13th day of July A.D., 1948, at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon, D.S.T., at the COUNCIL CHAMBER IN THE VILLAGE OF HENSALL for the hearing of the parties interested in support of or opposed to the installation of Waterworks. DATED at Toronto, this 24th day of June, A.D., 1948. M. B. SANDERSON, - Secretary. J. A. PATERSON, Municipal Clerk. 0 Ford Tractor Owners STEP -PLATES -• For Ford Ferguson Tractors NOW IN STOCK $ yy10100 HOW ABOUT A BICYCLE FOR THE SUMMER HOLIDAYS? We have a good selection of NEW AND USED BICYCLES Come i t and see them. ply Motors Seaforth FORD MONARCH SALES AND SERVICE SPECIAL NOTICE We Are Operating the SUPERTEST GAS STATION in CLINTON, across from Bank of Montreal And carry a Complete Line of Dominion and Dukap Three and Tubes for Cars Trucks and Tractors. ALSO CAR ACCESSORIES - GIVE US. A CALL WHEN IN CLINTON - We handle Washing Machines, Electric Stoves, Clean -Easy Milkers, portable and pipe line. J. E. Hi .'ill & Sons Oris GIVE US A GALL - WE OAN SAVE YOU MONEY l PHONE 784 . CLINTON