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The Huron Expositor, 1948-06-25, Page 10
fi MIRO OS OR 2o 9 ZE NEWS OF THE TOWN FiH .AIIT,,r MOBILE, CASUALTY, 1UAIiAN1 EE BONDS. ACCIDENT, • AN0 SICKNESS, BURGLARY AND WINDSTORM Iferpraeenting. Companies 'Vito BYYe lieourlty with. Service. ALSO. AGEiNTS, F 0 R ONTARIO ¶WCESH.W`RMAN'S MUTUAL IMRE INSURANCE Information gladly given. WATSON & REID 'A t. A, REID - Proprietor Insurance & Real Estate PHONE 216 - SFA''ORTH O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 BOX o Junerat'erbice 0 Ambulance •O';: +rom,'pt and careful attention. 0 0<z"' Hospital Bed O O FLOWERS FOR ALL 0 O OCCASIONS , O O Office Residence O O 43 18 0 0 O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 o G. A. WHITNEY o 0 Successor to 0 p HOLMES & WHITNEY O .0 Main Street - Seaforth 0 O AMBULANCE SERVICE 0 0 Adjustable hospital bed for '0 .p rent. 0 © Agent for Mitchell Nursery O 0 Flowers. O O Telephone 119 O O Nights and Holidays 66 0 0 O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 , _ ' i i Lr' a3i -.000000000000 yp 0 0 J. A. BURKE 0 . '0 Funeral Director 0 0 and Ambulance Service 0 O DUBLIN - ONT. 0 A Wight or day calls; Phone 48 r 10 0 -40, .,. -,..- ,_ ee 0 4 4 st> 0 0 0 0 .6 4 0, 0 W. J. CI EARY O A? Seaforth, Ont. 0 0 LICENSED EMBALMER. 0 0 AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR 0 0 Night or Day Calle-336 O 0 0; 000000000000 Announcement, --,-Mr, and Mrs. Elgin Armstro'ng, Brampton, announce the engagement of their eldest daughter, Helen Clara Jane, to Reginald Mc- Leod Southgate, son of Mrs. South- gate and the late W. E. Southgate, Seafortb, the marriage to take place in Brampton Presbyterian Church early in July. Death of Miss Elizabeth Ryan.— There passed away in Chicago on Fri- day, June 18, Miss Elizabeth Ryan, formerly of Seaforth, in her 82nd year. Miss Ryan was a former school teach- er and was principal of Br'own's School iu Chicago for many years. She is survived by one sister, Miss Cath- erine Ryan, of Chicago.' She was a sister of the late Mrs. M. Broderick of Seaforth. The funeral was held from St. James' Church, Seaforth, at 9.30 a.m. Wednesday, with Rev. Father Thomas McQuaid officiating, and was attended by her sister, Miss Cather- ine Ryan, Chicago; Mrs. Catherine Johnston, Detroit, and Mr. and 'Mrs. John Neven, Chicago. The pall -bear- ers were John Devereaux, James Dev- ereaux, Joseph Carpenter, John Nev- en, C. P. Silas and Arthur Devereaux. Interment was in St. James' ceme- tery. C:hu Lilies Northside United Church,—Rev. H. V. Workman, Minister: 10 a.m., Sun- day School; 11 a.m., Worship Service; subject, "The Voyage of Lite"; 7 p.m., Worship Service; subject, "The Cour- age of Consecration." Northside pic- nic supper and sports on Monday eve- ning, June 28, at the Lions Park. Anglican.—Sunday, June 27: St. Thomas', Seaforth-10 a,m., Sunday School; 11 a.m., Morning Prayer; 7 p.m., Evening Prayer. (The last eve- ning service until September), St. Mary's, Dublin. -9.30 a.m., Morn- ing Prayer.—The Rector, Rev, C. F. �. Gilbert, B.A„ at all services. Mae LaneAuxiliaryMeets. — The June meeting of the Mae Lane Aux- iliary'of Northside United Church was held in the school room on Tuesday evening, with the president, Miss Vera Mole, in tithe chair. There was a large attend4.nee. Mrs. N. Knight opened the meeting with a poem, af- ter which the hymn, "Saviour, Thy Dying Love," was sung and prayer of- ' fered by Mrs. Lillian Barber. The econd part of the meeting was tak- he n by Captain Mrs. Jas. M. Scott. T rymn, "Day is Dying in the West" as sung and the Lord's Prayer re- ated in unison. Mrs. P. B. Moffat ave an amusing reading on, "How ro Pull Down the Society, and Mrs. Nilliam Leeming gave an interesting alk on "Our Homes," ending with ane of Edgar Guest's poems entitled, It Takes a Heap of Living." Mrs. B. +. Christie moved a 'hearty vote of .hanks to the speaker and Hymn 221 e-ae sung. The Mizpah benediction vas repeated in unison, after which rs. H. V. Workman conducted a Bible quiz. Lunch was served and a octal half-hour was spent. bon toque, and ehe 'wore a orsage of white carnations and. win* cornflow- ers. Tha attendants e e Mrs. Don- ald aid Srzer, groom's sister, who wore a powder blue lace and crepe gown, as, matrou of honor, and Mr. Donald Siz- er, as• best man. For; her daughter's wedding Mrs. McKenzie chose a dress of aquamarine crepe with orchid flolver hat, white gloves and she wore a corsage of orchid sweet peas and, white carnations. Mrs. Jewell, mother of the groom, wore a rose .silk crepe with corsage of white carnations. Following the reception the wedding breakfast was partaken of at the home of Mr. and Mr's. Vernon Smith, Bridge St.,'Goderich. For their wed- ding trip the young couple motored,to Toronto, Lindsay, Fenelon Falls and Peterborough. Upon their return Mr. and Mrs. Willis will be at home to their frieuds at 27 Market St., Sea - forth. Barbara Kirkman Auxiliary Meets. —The June meeting of the Barbara Kirkman Auxiliary of First Presby- terian Church was held on Tuesday e venrng. The meeting was opened by the president, Mrs. J. E. Daley, who Lsb conducted the business part. The program was in charge of Mrs, M. McKellar's group. Mrs. F. S. Brugger rcai the Scripture lesson and Mrs. J, W. Carter gave the Glad Tidings prayer. The offering was taken by Mrs. Harold Dale and Mrs. Ken Mc- Kenzie. The topic from the study hook was taken by Mrs. Jas. F. Scott, w -ho introduced the subject by telling of the first missionaries from the Presbyterian Church who went to the New Hebrides. Miss Janet Cluff told of the pioneers in the British Guiana field. Mrs. J. E. Willis took the For- mosa field with Dr. MacKay as the pioneer, and Mrs. Kenneth Campbell gave that of Honan with Rev. Jona- than Goforth as the first missionary from the Presbyterian Church. Mrs. J. A. Munn and Mrs. W. A. Wright sang a duet with Mrs. M. R. Rennie as accompanist. There will be no meting of the auxiliary in July. First Church W. M. S. Meets.—The W.M.S. of First Presbyterian Church held its June meeting Tuesday, which was opened by the president, Mrs. Robert Eberhart, with the hymn, "Jesus Shall Reign Where'er the Sun" and prayer. The minutes of the last meting were read and approved and reports of treasurer, supply secretary and Home Helpers' secretary, the lat- ter reporting $12.20, were received. It was decided not to hold a meeting in July. The fall rally is to be held in Hensa:l the second Tuesday in Sep- tember. Mrs. James Kerr then took the chair for the devotional period and ied in prayer. Sue Nixon, young- est life member, read the Scripture lesson from Luke 6, verses 27-38. A pleasing solo, "0 Canada," was con- .- NOTICE My Studio will be d os - ed during July and Aug- ust while I am in Bay- field, 0 After June 26th, phone 67-W for appointments. frinn's Studio 1 411. Northside W. M. S. Meets. — The June meeting of the Northside Unit- ed Church W.M.S. was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lawson, Huron •Road West, and opened with Hymn 772 and prayer by the presi- dent, Mrs. Lawson, followed by the Lord's Prayer in unison. The minutes of last meeting were given by the secretary, Mrs. Porteous, and the treasurer's report by Miss A. Fergu- son. The collection was taken up by Mrs. Eaton and the program included; report on Stewardship and reading, "The Church's Claim On You," by Mrs. J. Finlayson; reading on tem- perance by Mrs. McQuaig; reading by Mrs. Hay, with 37 answering. A sing- song included "In the Garden," "Brighten the Corner Where You Are," "Where He Leads Me I Will Follow" and "The Church in the Wild - wood." The worship service was tak- en by Mrs. Cuthill of Group 2 and op- ened with a hymn and prayer by Mrs. Cuthill, followed by the Lord's Prayer in unison. A reading by Miss Woods was much enjoyed. A report of the Presbytery was given by Mrs. Law- son, followed by Hymn 383. The meet- ing biased with prayer by Mrs. Har- burn. Lunch was served and a social half-hour waA spent. A vote of thanks was given Mrs. Lawson for inviting the meeting to her home. Willis - McKenzie. -St. George's Anglican Church, Goderich, was pret- tily decorated with June •flowers on the morning of Saturday, June 12, at 10 a.m., when the marriage of Mar- jorie Clarissa, younger daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John A. McKenzie; Sea- forth, eaforth, to Mr. Phillip McCasselton Wil- lie was solearn ized. Rev. 13, H. Farr odielated, Mrs. J. Brown Higgins of Seaforth sweetly sang "For Yon Albite," while Professor A. W. Ander- ton accompanied her at the organ. The bride watt, entered the church on, the ant of her father, who gave her bran, , VS& attired in. a tailor made Milt loseliberiy edlared, matching ribs <r, For Lovelier Hair From the very' first our Perm- anents are soft and pliant. And we know how to cut and shape your hair to give the most flat- tering effect. Yet our pric- es are always reasonable. Make An Appointment. Today ! Cribt ed Mrs.s. W, Wright, h t, IVirs. Gedd=s accon, paatying.' Then follow- ed a interesting erestin& andinstrt ct ve ad- dress by Mrs $drr>whe.said .With the aP.proach of ,'Cianada's eighty-first brrthoay, my su'b9eilt Is mainly patri- otic, centering around the menace of Communism in etitr land, the whole aim of which is destruction of church and state in every part of the world. Twelve million Russian, emissaries are using every effort by underhand means or otherwise to make the world like Russia; where the rulers are million- aireg and the musses of the people are in abject poverty, at the complete mercy of the overlords. Since 1946 every child in Russia is instructed to hate the enemies of Communism, and if they do not surrender, to destroy them, We are now reaping' the result of the San Francisco conference, where prayer and God's name were 'eft out, in deference to the master- mir d Kremlin," The meeting closed with prayer by Mrs Wm. Ament, the hymn, "Lord, While For All Mankind We Pray," and the national anthem. M IJ RI E L' S HAIR DRESSING SALON PHONE 351-W SEAFORTH 1 St. Joseph's Convent SCHOOL OF MUSIC Music classes will be dis- continued during the Summer months but re- sumed in September. Pupils wishing to regis- ter for Fall term, kind- ly do so before July 1st. PHONE 106 McMillan - Nicholson.—'St. John's United Church, Kemptvilie, was the scene of a lovely wedding at three o'clock on Saturday afternoon, June 12, when Olive Rip Nicholson, daugh- ter of Reverend and Mrs. Richard R. Nicholson, became the bride of Wal- ter Hamilton McMillan , -son of Mrs. McMillan, of McKillop -Township, and the late John McMillan. The bride's father performed the. ceremony. Miss Todd was at the organ and Mrs. P4 - vis sang "The Lord's Prayer" ano "Ave Maria." Given in marriage by her brother-in-law, Mr. Robert Mayo, the bride wore a gown of ivbry satin with veil and coronet of 111y of the valley and carried white sweet peas and Talisman roses. Miss Alice Nich- olson, of Ottawa, was her sister's matron of honor and Miss Grace Nich- olson, sister of the bride, and Mrs, Malcolm Wilkinson were bridesmaids. They wore green taffeta dresses and carried muffs of mauve sweet peas. The bride's little niece, Margaret Mayo, was flower girl. and was dress- ed in pink taffeta and carried a 'bas- ket of pansies. Mr. Arthur J. Dinnin, of Toronto, was groomsman, and Dr. ,Eric Tollef ;i, of Ottaway and Mr, George Inghan:i, 0 Elmira, Were the its1ior#. The bride's mother wore a edUdre blue crepe dress with white accessories and corsage of red roses, and the groom's mother wore a bine facone dress with pink and white ac- cessories and corsage of pink roses. The reception was held in the recep- tion room of the church. Later the happy couple left amid showers of confetti for New York, Washington, D.C., Chicago, and Hart, Michigan. The bride chose for travelling a blue snit with matching hat and corsage of pink carnations. On their return they will reside in Toronto. Guests were present from Washington, D.C., Ot- tawa, Toronto, Smith's Falls, Elmira and Seaforth. FOR SALE Seven -roomed frame house, bath- room, Hydro. Situated on Jarvis St. Immediate possession. E. C. CHAMBERLAIN Insprance Broker SEAFORTH - ONT. Phones: Office 334 Residence 220 TAXI - Passengers Insured PHONE 128, Seaforth LEE'S health,aLthou able to wa.ls d. c wn 'town nearly every day. Re had been, an �Street oet , morning g ooh is death aand the afternoon had in h aft r h beep. working in his garden. In 'tlle eve- ning, however, whin has `daughter re- turned from church, tihe found that he had passed away. The deceased was a son of the late Robert John- stone and was born in Simeoe Coun- ty •on October 12, 1873, and came to, .Seaforth with his, parents as a• child, where he continued' to reside for over 70 years. In his early life he was a fine athlete, a member of the Beaver Lacrosse Club, and one of •the finest and best known players in Western Ontario. He was also a. noted curler and bowler. His wife, the former Jean Bowland, of Egmondville, prede- ceased him in 1947, but he is surviv- ed 'by a family of two daughters, Mrs. J. J. Dillane, Hamilton, and Miss Mary Johnstone, at 'home. A private funeral was held from his late home, North Main Street, on Monday after- noon, when •the service wa8 conduct- ed by Rev. LaVerne Morgan, 'Rector of Bayfield,. during the absence of Rev. C. F. L. Gilbert, Rector of St. Thomas' Church, of which Mr. John- stone was a member. Interment was in Maitlandbank cemetery, the pall- bearers being Messrs. J. P. Bell, R. J. ,Winter,, W. D. Smith, J. A. Case, Jelin-;M;acKay and Lloyd Hoggarth. ee • Henderson - Vock.—A double ring ceremony featured the marriage of PeaCri_ Madelena Emilie Vock, daugh- ter of'Mr. 'and Mrs. William F. Vock, of R.R. 1, Bornholm, and John Elgin Henderson, M'eKiliop, son of Mr.. and Mrs. Ivy Henderson, Seaforth, which,. was solemnized at St. Peter's Luth- eran Church, Brodhagen, on Friday, June 18, at 2.30 p.m. Rev. William Schultz was the clergyman. The bride was given away by her father and wore a long white satin gown with lace insertion an lily point sleeves, long veil with train and headdress of orange blossoms, and carried a bou- quet of red roses tied with white satin ribbon. Miss Erma Vock, of Born- holm, was the matron of honor and wore a pink taffeta dress with net skirt, short puffed sleeves, sweetheart neckline, pink gloves and a shoulder, length veil, and carried a nosegay of pid'1i roses and carnations tied with blue ribbon. The bridesmaid was Miss Nita Beuermann, of Walton, who wore a blue taffeta dress with rret skirt, short puffed sleeves, sweetheart neckline, blue gloves and shoulder - length veil, and carried a nosegay of pink roses and carnations tied with pink ribbon. The ring -bearer was Earl Rock, R.R. 2, Walton, dressed. in white trousers with blue jacket, and carrying a heart -shaped cushion, and the junior bridesmaid was Carole Rose, R.R. 1, Bornholm, wearing a long yellow dress of taffeta with net skirt, headdress of net, yellow gloves and carrying a small nosegay of yel- low roses and mauve sweet peas. The groomsman was William Henderson, Seaforth, brother of the groom, and the ushers were Carl Vock and Stew- art Henderson. Mr. Eric Schultz, of Bornholm, was the organist, who play- ed for Miss Grace Weitersen when she sang "Oh Promise Me" and "Be- cause." A reception was held at the home of the bride's parents, the bride's table being centred with a four -tier wedding cake decorated by the bride's grandmother, Mrs. Lena Bennewies. The bride's mother received in to tor- quoise eyelet sik jersey dress, trim- med with black and black accessor- ies. The bridegroom's mother wore a tomato shade dress with white acces- sories and a corsage of white carna- tions. Those assisting at the recep- ttion were Mrs. Gordon Mogk, Geor- gina Bach, Mona McCowan, 'Helen Kistner, Doris Rapien and Mrs. Lloyd Capling. Following the reception the happy couple left for Detroit, the bride travelling in a brown gabardine suit with brown accessories. On their return they will reside in McKillop. Guests were present from Newmar- ket, Flat Rock, Mich., Kitchener, Wal- ton, Mitchell, Seaforth and Bornholm. Death of Mrs. James F. Reid. -- In the death of Mrs. James F. Reid, which occurred at her home, Crombie Street, on Friday morning, June 18, Seaforth suffered the loss of not only one of her oldest citizens,:but one of her most widely known and beloved residents. Mrs. Reid had been • in failing health for the past twenty-five years and for 14 years had been con- fined to her room, a complete invalid. Despite her Jong and at times, very painful illness, however, she always took an active interest in local and world events, and her wit and bright- ness were always an inspiration to the many friends who visited her. Born at Edmonston, peel County, now known as Snellgrove, Mrs. Reid came to Seaforth as a child with her par- ents, the late Edward Dawson, one of the pioneer businessmen of this town, and Elizabeth Stinson, and had continuously resided here for the past 74 years. In 1887 she was united in. marriage to Mr. James F. Reid, head miller in the Ogilvie Flour Mills here for marry years. Mrs. Reid was one of the oldest members of First Pres- byterian Church and of the W.M.S. and Ladies' Aid, and during the First World War took an active part and interest in the War Auxiliary and Red Cross Society. Mr. Reid predeceased her in 1918, and a son, William Ralph, in 1940, but she is survived by a fam- ily of three sons and. two daughters: Mr. D. L. Reid, Seaforth; Mr. Daw- son Reid, on the Guelph Customs staff; Major R. S. Reid, Stratford; Miss Hazel Reid, at home, and Mrs. Frank Cudmore, of Wallaceburg, She is also survived by three sisters: Mrs. W. Steacy, Hamil:ton; Mrs. C. J. Bale - den and Mrs. J. Ballantyne, and by two brothers, Mr. Edward Dawson, of London, and Mr. Richard Dawson, of Florida, A' private funeral was held from the Whitney Funeral Chap - ed on Monday' at 2 p.m., followed by interment in the family plot in Mait- landbank cemetery. The pallbearers were Messrs. D. L., Dawson and Reg. Reid, Frank Cudmore, W. D. Smith and Gordon Dick. Death of Thomas H. Johnstone.— Death came with startling suddenness to .an old and widely known resident on Friday evening, June 18, in the person of Thomas H. Johnstone. Mr. Johnstone suffered a stroke six years ago and since had been in failing D. H. McINNES Chiropractic - Foot Correction Commercial Hotel Monday, Thursday - 1 to 8 p.m. CHEVROLET 1947 Robin Egg Blue Coach — Low Mileage This is a dandy! See it in our show rooms. SUPERTEST GAS STATION Across from Bank of Montreal, Clinton If you want to sell or buy a car, give us a call. 1 J. E. Hugifl & Sons CLINTON PHONE 784 LOCAL BRIEFS regent Theatre Seal NOW PLAYING --THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY—IN TRUGOLOR " ON THE OLD SPANISH TRAIL " with ROY ROGERS ,,JANE FRAZEE,, ANDY DIVINE Singing the songs the whole country as humming. ,It's the Wild West's Show of Shows, with plenty of action! MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY — Adult Entertainment " KISS OF DEATH " with VICTOR MATURE COLEE.N GRAY BRIAN DONLEVY. One of the most suspense -laden gripping dramas to come to the screen in many days! NEXT THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY — IN TECHNICOLOR MATINEE — JULY 1st, at 2.30 p.m. " THIS TIME FOR KEEPS " with ESTHER WILLIAMS, LAURITZ MELCHOIR, JIMMIE DURANTE A show full of Durante's solid comedy routines — Cugat's Music — Johnnie Johnston's crooning and trips to the Mackinac Island in, Winter and Summer. Corning: Double Feature: "DAISY KENYON with Joan Crawford - Dana Andrews and "SUSIE STEPS OUT" with David Bruce - Nita Hunter 1 • Mr. Douglas M. Beattie, of Ot- tawa, spent the week -end With his father, Mr. John Beattie; and Mrs. Beattie. • Miss Marguerite Westcott, R.N., and Mr. Ronald Evans, of Toronto, were week -end guests of Mr. and "Mrs. J. A. Westcott. • Miss Bella Watson, of Galt, spent the week -end at the home of Mrs. Mae Dorrance. • Mrs. 'Mary Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Phil Present are moving to Mit- chell, where they have purchased the residence of Mrs. Hosie Thompson, which they will convert into a nurs- ing theme. • Mrs, J. C. Mark and family, of Ottawa, are guests of her mother, Mrs. W. H. Golding. • Mrs. R. C. Anderson, of Hamil- ton, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Robt. Bell. • 'Miss Jean McMaster, of Hamil- ton, spent a day at the home of her parents, Dr. and Mrs. E. A. McMas- ter. • Mr. William Faulkner, of Kit- chener, spent a few days with his sister, Miss Lillian Faulkner. • Among those who attended the funeral of the late Mrs. J. F. Reid or. Monday were: Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cudmore • and Nancy, Mrs. W. W. Meredith and Mrs. C. Baughman, of Wallaceburg; Mr. and Mrs. Reg. S. Reid, Barbara and Douglas, and Mrs. Ed. Balsdeh, of Stratford, and Mr. Dawson Reid, Guelph. • Miss Mildred. Johnstone and Dr. and Mrs. J. G. Dillane and family, of Hamilton, and Mr. W. A. Johnstone, of Listowel, were here this week at- tending the funeral of the late Thos. H. Johnstone. (ADDITIONAL LOCAL ON PAGE 6) DANCE SATURDAY, JUNE 26 Cardno's ilall, Seaforth Itttr'oducing--` ' ROSS PEARCE t& HIS MUSIC Dancing at. 9 p.m. ADMISSION 60 CENTS 10°0 Special Reduction TO JUNE BRIDE'S On Chesterfields, Occasional Chairs, Studio Couches and Sofa Beds. UNTIL JUNE 30th G. A. WHITNEY FURNITURE FUNERAL SERVICE Phones: Day 119 - Nights and Sundays 65 SEAFORTH — ONTARIO A Special Bargain We still have on hand a quantity of the Reclaimed Siding, and Sheath- ing, 2x4rs, 2x6's, and B.C. Timberseon hand. The price range is from $40 to $65 - GET IT WHILE IT LASTS! IF YOU ARE GOING TO BUILD, WE WILL GLADLY GIVE YOU AN ESTIMATE AS TO MATERIALS, PRICES, ETC. Our materials are priced very low for your benefit and our large variety of stock will fill any orders in lumber and building supplies. Lumber Doors Shingles Sash Siding Lime Plaster Plywood Masonite Insulation ASK FOR IT! WE HAVE IT! Seaforth Supply & Fuel Co. "Where the Best Costs No More" Phone 47 Seaforth Lakeview Casino GRAND BEND Summer Opening Saturday, June 26th NIGHTLY UNTIL LABOUR DAY NEIL McKAY MONICA TURNER NEIL McKAY AND HIS ORCHESTRA Hear Ontario's Newest CBC Radio Orchestra Recorded on "Musiciana" Records "The Octette on Coast -to -Coast Don Harding Show" Sensational Monica Turner on Vocals, recently on Horace Heidt Show Artists of "CFPL Goes Calling" Programme Tunes with "Arrangements 1948" by McKay YOU'LL LIKE THE BEST ! , E I € t 1 i ' ,0',,,'`.2",,” ass ?, TAXI SERVICE ALL PASSENGERS INSURED Phone 162 — Seaforth CECIL J. LEMON NOTICE ! SALVAGE WANTED Iron and All Kinds of Metal, Rags Highest Cash prices paid LOUIS HILDEBRAND WE WILL PICK UP RADIO SERVICE Pick up and Deliver MAC MILLS Sparling St. - Seaforth PHONE 363 CLEVE CARTER'S t6AXI COURTEOUS SERVICE PASSENGERS INSURED Phones: • DAYS NIGHTS 182 346-R FOR SALE One and a half storey frame dwel- ling, with new furnace, in Egmond- 'ille. Early possession. Duplex, solid brick. All modern conveniences: Immediate possession. Asbestos covered dwelling on South Main Street, Seaforth. Modern Dwelling on Louisa Street. Frame cottage on South Main St. M. A. REID REAL ESTATE PHONE 214 . SCHOOL PICNIC The ratepayers and friends of Tuekersmith School Area are cordially invited to attend the ANNUAL SCHOOL PICNIC to be held in Lions Park, Seaforth -' ;or, _ Tuesday Afternoon June 2 The ladies Will pleads' pr'bvide Ulna �}yj1 $1 VY H Moria Oet:,rdhs, ; bon toque, and ehe 'wore a orsage of white carnations and. win* cornflow- ers. Tha attendants e e Mrs. Don- ald aid Srzer, groom's sister, who wore a powder blue lace and crepe gown, as, matrou of honor, and Mr. Donald Siz- er, as• best man. For; her daughter's wedding Mrs. McKenzie chose a dress of aquamarine crepe with orchid flolver hat, white gloves and she wore a corsage of orchid sweet peas and, white carnations. Mrs. Jewell, mother of the groom, wore a rose .silk crepe with corsage of white carnations. Following the reception the wedding breakfast was partaken of at the home of Mr. and Mr's. Vernon Smith, Bridge St.,'Goderich. For their wed- ding trip the young couple motored,to Toronto, Lindsay, Fenelon Falls and Peterborough. Upon their return Mr. and Mrs. Willis will be at home to their frieuds at 27 Market St., Sea - forth. Barbara Kirkman Auxiliary Meets. —The June meeting of the Barbara Kirkman Auxiliary of First Presby- terian Church was held on Tuesday e venrng. The meeting was opened by the president, Mrs. J. E. Daley, who Lsb conducted the business part. The program was in charge of Mrs, M. McKellar's group. Mrs. F. S. Brugger rcai the Scripture lesson and Mrs. J, W. Carter gave the Glad Tidings prayer. The offering was taken by Mrs. Harold Dale and Mrs. Ken Mc- Kenzie. The topic from the study hook was taken by Mrs. Jas. F. Scott, w -ho introduced the subject by telling of the first missionaries from the Presbyterian Church who went to the New Hebrides. Miss Janet Cluff told of the pioneers in the British Guiana field. Mrs. J. E. Willis took the For- mosa field with Dr. MacKay as the pioneer, and Mrs. Kenneth Campbell gave that of Honan with Rev. Jona- than Goforth as the first missionary from the Presbyterian Church. Mrs. J. A. Munn and Mrs. W. A. Wright sang a duet with Mrs. M. R. Rennie as accompanist. There will be no meting of the auxiliary in July. First Church W. M. S. Meets.—The W.M.S. of First Presbyterian Church held its June meeting Tuesday, which was opened by the president, Mrs. Robert Eberhart, with the hymn, "Jesus Shall Reign Where'er the Sun" and prayer. The minutes of the last meting were read and approved and reports of treasurer, supply secretary and Home Helpers' secretary, the lat- ter reporting $12.20, were received. It was decided not to hold a meeting in July. The fall rally is to be held in Hensa:l the second Tuesday in Sep- tember. Mrs. James Kerr then took the chair for the devotional period and ied in prayer. Sue Nixon, young- est life member, read the Scripture lesson from Luke 6, verses 27-38. A pleasing solo, "0 Canada," was con- .- NOTICE My Studio will be d os - ed during July and Aug- ust while I am in Bay- field, 0 After June 26th, phone 67-W for appointments. frinn's Studio 1 411. Northside W. M. S. Meets. — The June meeting of the Northside Unit- ed Church W.M.S. was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lawson, Huron •Road West, and opened with Hymn 772 and prayer by the presi- dent, Mrs. Lawson, followed by the Lord's Prayer in unison. The minutes of last meeting were given by the secretary, Mrs. Porteous, and the treasurer's report by Miss A. Fergu- son. The collection was taken up by Mrs. Eaton and the program included; report on Stewardship and reading, "The Church's Claim On You," by Mrs. J. Finlayson; reading on tem- perance by Mrs. McQuaig; reading by Mrs. Hay, with 37 answering. A sing- song included "In the Garden," "Brighten the Corner Where You Are," "Where He Leads Me I Will Follow" and "The Church in the Wild - wood." The worship service was tak- en by Mrs. Cuthill of Group 2 and op- ened with a hymn and prayer by Mrs. Cuthill, followed by the Lord's Prayer in unison. A reading by Miss Woods was much enjoyed. A report of the Presbytery was given by Mrs. Law- son, followed by Hymn 383. The meet- ing biased with prayer by Mrs. Har- burn. Lunch was served and a social half-hour waA spent. A vote of thanks was given Mrs. Lawson for inviting the meeting to her home. Willis - McKenzie. -St. George's Anglican Church, Goderich, was pret- tily decorated with June •flowers on the morning of Saturday, June 12, at 10 a.m., when the marriage of Mar- jorie Clarissa, younger daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John A. McKenzie; Sea- forth, eaforth, to Mr. Phillip McCasselton Wil- lie was solearn ized. Rev. 13, H. Farr odielated, Mrs. J. Brown Higgins of Seaforth sweetly sang "For Yon Albite," while Professor A. W. Ander- ton accompanied her at the organ. The bride watt, entered the church on, the ant of her father, who gave her bran, , VS& attired in. a tailor made Milt loseliberiy edlared, matching ribs <r, For Lovelier Hair From the very' first our Perm- anents are soft and pliant. And we know how to cut and shape your hair to give the most flat- tering effect. Yet our pric- es are always reasonable. Make An Appointment. Today ! Cribt ed Mrs.s. W, Wright, h t, IVirs. Gedd=s accon, paatying.' Then follow- ed a interesting erestin& andinstrt ct ve ad- dress by Mrs $drr>whe.said .With the aP.proach of ,'Cianada's eighty-first brrthoay, my su'b9eilt Is mainly patri- otic, centering around the menace of Communism in etitr land, the whole aim of which is destruction of church and state in every part of the world. Twelve million Russian, emissaries are using every effort by underhand means or otherwise to make the world like Russia; where the rulers are million- aireg and the musses of the people are in abject poverty, at the complete mercy of the overlords. Since 1946 every child in Russia is instructed to hate the enemies of Communism, and if they do not surrender, to destroy them, We are now reaping' the result of the San Francisco conference, where prayer and God's name were 'eft out, in deference to the master- mir d Kremlin," The meeting closed with prayer by Mrs Wm. Ament, the hymn, "Lord, While For All Mankind We Pray," and the national anthem. M IJ RI E L' S HAIR DRESSING SALON PHONE 351-W SEAFORTH 1 St. Joseph's Convent SCHOOL OF MUSIC Music classes will be dis- continued during the Summer months but re- sumed in September. Pupils wishing to regis- ter for Fall term, kind- ly do so before July 1st. PHONE 106 McMillan - Nicholson.—'St. John's United Church, Kemptvilie, was the scene of a lovely wedding at three o'clock on Saturday afternoon, June 12, when Olive Rip Nicholson, daugh- ter of Reverend and Mrs. Richard R. Nicholson, became the bride of Wal- ter Hamilton McMillan , -son of Mrs. McMillan, of McKillop -Township, and the late John McMillan. The bride's father performed the. ceremony. Miss Todd was at the organ and Mrs. P4 - vis sang "The Lord's Prayer" ano "Ave Maria." Given in marriage by her brother-in-law, Mr. Robert Mayo, the bride wore a gown of ivbry satin with veil and coronet of 111y of the valley and carried white sweet peas and Talisman roses. Miss Alice Nich- olson, of Ottawa, was her sister's matron of honor and Miss Grace Nich- olson, sister of the bride, and Mrs, Malcolm Wilkinson were bridesmaids. They wore green taffeta dresses and carried muffs of mauve sweet peas. The bride's little niece, Margaret Mayo, was flower girl. and was dress- ed in pink taffeta and carried a 'bas- ket of pansies. Mr. Arthur J. Dinnin, of Toronto, was groomsman, and Dr. ,Eric Tollef ;i, of Ottaway and Mr, George Inghan:i, 0 Elmira, Were the its1ior#. The bride's mother wore a edUdre blue crepe dress with white accessories and corsage of red roses, and the groom's mother wore a bine facone dress with pink and white ac- cessories and corsage of pink roses. The reception was held in the recep- tion room of the church. Later the happy couple left amid showers of confetti for New York, Washington, D.C., Chicago, and Hart, Michigan. The bride chose for travelling a blue snit with matching hat and corsage of pink carnations. On their return they will reside in Toronto. Guests were present from Washington, D.C., Ot- tawa, Toronto, Smith's Falls, Elmira and Seaforth. FOR SALE Seven -roomed frame house, bath- room, Hydro. Situated on Jarvis St. Immediate possession. E. C. CHAMBERLAIN Insprance Broker SEAFORTH - ONT. Phones: Office 334 Residence 220 TAXI - Passengers Insured PHONE 128, Seaforth LEE'S health,aLthou able to wa.ls d. c wn 'town nearly every day. Re had been, an �Street oet , morning g ooh is death aand the afternoon had in h aft r h beep. working in his garden. In 'tlle eve- ning, however, whin has `daughter re- turned from church, tihe found that he had passed away. The deceased was a son of the late Robert John- stone and was born in Simeoe Coun- ty •on October 12, 1873, and came to, .Seaforth with his, parents as a• child, where he continued' to reside for over 70 years. In his early life he was a fine athlete, a member of the Beaver Lacrosse Club, and one of •the finest and best known players in Western Ontario. He was also a. noted curler and bowler. His wife, the former Jean Bowland, of Egmondville, prede- ceased him in 1947, but he is surviv- ed 'by a family of two daughters, Mrs. J. J. Dillane, Hamilton, and Miss Mary Johnstone, at 'home. A private funeral was held from his late home, North Main Street, on Monday after- noon, when •the service wa8 conduct- ed by Rev. LaVerne Morgan, 'Rector of Bayfield,. during the absence of Rev. C. F. L. Gilbert, Rector of St. Thomas' Church, of which Mr. John- stone was a member. Interment was in Maitlandbank cemetery, the pall- bearers being Messrs. J. P. Bell, R. J. ,Winter,, W. D. Smith, J. A. Case, Jelin-;M;acKay and Lloyd Hoggarth. ee • Henderson - Vock.—A double ring ceremony featured the marriage of PeaCri_ Madelena Emilie Vock, daugh- ter of'Mr. 'and Mrs. William F. Vock, of R.R. 1, Bornholm, and John Elgin Henderson, M'eKiliop, son of Mr.. and Mrs. Ivy Henderson, Seaforth, which,. was solemnized at St. Peter's Luth- eran Church, Brodhagen, on Friday, June 18, at 2.30 p.m. Rev. William Schultz was the clergyman. The bride was given away by her father and wore a long white satin gown with lace insertion an lily point sleeves, long veil with train and headdress of orange blossoms, and carried a bou- quet of red roses tied with white satin ribbon. Miss Erma Vock, of Born- holm, was the matron of honor and wore a pink taffeta dress with net skirt, short puffed sleeves, sweetheart neckline, pink gloves and a shoulder, length veil, and carried a nosegay of pid'1i roses and carnations tied with blue ribbon. The bridesmaid was Miss Nita Beuermann, of Walton, who wore a blue taffeta dress with rret skirt, short puffed sleeves, sweetheart neckline, blue gloves and shoulder - length veil, and carried a nosegay of pink roses and carnations tied with pink ribbon. The ring -bearer was Earl Rock, R.R. 2, Walton, dressed. in white trousers with blue jacket, and carrying a heart -shaped cushion, and the junior bridesmaid was Carole Rose, R.R. 1, Bornholm, wearing a long yellow dress of taffeta with net skirt, headdress of net, yellow gloves and carrying a small nosegay of yel- low roses and mauve sweet peas. The groomsman was William Henderson, Seaforth, brother of the groom, and the ushers were Carl Vock and Stew- art Henderson. Mr. Eric Schultz, of Bornholm, was the organist, who play- ed for Miss Grace Weitersen when she sang "Oh Promise Me" and "Be- cause." A reception was held at the home of the bride's parents, the bride's table being centred with a four -tier wedding cake decorated by the bride's grandmother, Mrs. Lena Bennewies. The bride's mother received in to tor- quoise eyelet sik jersey dress, trim- med with black and black accessor- ies. The bridegroom's mother wore a tomato shade dress with white acces- sories and a corsage of white carna- tions. Those assisting at the recep- ttion were Mrs. Gordon Mogk, Geor- gina Bach, Mona McCowan, 'Helen Kistner, Doris Rapien and Mrs. Lloyd Capling. Following the reception the happy couple left for Detroit, the bride travelling in a brown gabardine suit with brown accessories. On their return they will reside in McKillop. Guests were present from Newmar- ket, Flat Rock, Mich., Kitchener, Wal- ton, Mitchell, Seaforth and Bornholm. Death of Mrs. James F. Reid. -- In the death of Mrs. James F. Reid, which occurred at her home, Crombie Street, on Friday morning, June 18, Seaforth suffered the loss of not only one of her oldest citizens,:but one of her most widely known and beloved residents. Mrs. Reid had been • in failing health for the past twenty-five years and for 14 years had been con- fined to her room, a complete invalid. Despite her Jong and at times, very painful illness, however, she always took an active interest in local and world events, and her wit and bright- ness were always an inspiration to the many friends who visited her. Born at Edmonston, peel County, now known as Snellgrove, Mrs. Reid came to Seaforth as a child with her par- ents, the late Edward Dawson, one of the pioneer businessmen of this town, and Elizabeth Stinson, and had continuously resided here for the past 74 years. In 1887 she was united in. marriage to Mr. James F. Reid, head miller in the Ogilvie Flour Mills here for marry years. Mrs. Reid was one of the oldest members of First Pres- byterian Church and of the W.M.S. and Ladies' Aid, and during the First World War took an active part and interest in the War Auxiliary and Red Cross Society. Mr. Reid predeceased her in 1918, and a son, William Ralph, in 1940, but she is survived by a fam- ily of three sons and. two daughters: Mr. D. L. Reid, Seaforth; Mr. Daw- son Reid, on the Guelph Customs staff; Major R. S. Reid, Stratford; Miss Hazel Reid, at home, and Mrs. Frank Cudmore, of Wallaceburg, She is also survived by three sisters: Mrs. W. Steacy, Hamil:ton; Mrs. C. J. Bale - den and Mrs. J. Ballantyne, and by two brothers, Mr. Edward Dawson, of London, and Mr. Richard Dawson, of Florida, A' private funeral was held from the Whitney Funeral Chap - ed on Monday' at 2 p.m., followed by interment in the family plot in Mait- landbank cemetery. The pallbearers were Messrs. D. L., Dawson and Reg. Reid, Frank Cudmore, W. D. Smith and Gordon Dick. Death of Thomas H. Johnstone.— Death came with startling suddenness to .an old and widely known resident on Friday evening, June 18, in the person of Thomas H. Johnstone. Mr. Johnstone suffered a stroke six years ago and since had been in failing D. H. McINNES Chiropractic - Foot Correction Commercial Hotel Monday, Thursday - 1 to 8 p.m. CHEVROLET 1947 Robin Egg Blue Coach — Low Mileage This is a dandy! See it in our show rooms. SUPERTEST GAS STATION Across from Bank of Montreal, Clinton If you want to sell or buy a car, give us a call. 1 J. E. Hugifl & Sons CLINTON PHONE 784 LOCAL BRIEFS regent Theatre Seal NOW PLAYING --THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY—IN TRUGOLOR " ON THE OLD SPANISH TRAIL " with ROY ROGERS ,,JANE FRAZEE,, ANDY DIVINE Singing the songs the whole country as humming. ,It's the Wild West's Show of Shows, with plenty of action! MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY — Adult Entertainment " KISS OF DEATH " with VICTOR MATURE COLEE.N GRAY BRIAN DONLEVY. One of the most suspense -laden gripping dramas to come to the screen in many days! NEXT THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY — IN TECHNICOLOR MATINEE — JULY 1st, at 2.30 p.m. " THIS TIME FOR KEEPS " with ESTHER WILLIAMS, LAURITZ MELCHOIR, JIMMIE DURANTE A show full of Durante's solid comedy routines — Cugat's Music — Johnnie Johnston's crooning and trips to the Mackinac Island in, Winter and Summer. Corning: Double Feature: "DAISY KENYON with Joan Crawford - Dana Andrews and "SUSIE STEPS OUT" with David Bruce - Nita Hunter 1 • Mr. Douglas M. Beattie, of Ot- tawa, spent the week -end With his father, Mr. John Beattie; and Mrs. Beattie. • Miss Marguerite Westcott, R.N., and Mr. Ronald Evans, of Toronto, were week -end guests of Mr. and "Mrs. J. A. Westcott. • Miss Bella Watson, of Galt, spent the week -end at the home of Mrs. Mae Dorrance. • Mrs. 'Mary Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Phil Present are moving to Mit- chell, where they have purchased the residence of Mrs. Hosie Thompson, which they will convert into a nurs- ing theme. • Mrs, J. C. Mark and family, of Ottawa, are guests of her mother, Mrs. W. H. Golding. • Mrs. R. C. Anderson, of Hamil- ton, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Robt. Bell. • 'Miss Jean McMaster, of Hamil- ton, spent a day at the home of her parents, Dr. and Mrs. E. A. McMas- ter. • Mr. William Faulkner, of Kit- chener, spent a few days with his sister, Miss Lillian Faulkner. • Among those who attended the funeral of the late Mrs. J. F. Reid or. Monday were: Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cudmore • and Nancy, Mrs. W. W. Meredith and Mrs. C. Baughman, of Wallaceburg; Mr. and Mrs. Reg. S. Reid, Barbara and Douglas, and Mrs. Ed. Balsdeh, of Stratford, and Mr. Dawson Reid, Guelph. • Miss Mildred. Johnstone and Dr. and Mrs. J. G. Dillane and family, of Hamilton, and Mr. W. A. Johnstone, of Listowel, were here this week at- tending the funeral of the late Thos. H. Johnstone. (ADDITIONAL LOCAL ON PAGE 6) DANCE SATURDAY, JUNE 26 Cardno's ilall, Seaforth Itttr'oducing--` ' ROSS PEARCE t& HIS MUSIC Dancing at. 9 p.m. ADMISSION 60 CENTS 10°0 Special Reduction TO JUNE BRIDE'S On Chesterfields, Occasional Chairs, Studio Couches and Sofa Beds. UNTIL JUNE 30th G. A. WHITNEY FURNITURE FUNERAL SERVICE Phones: Day 119 - Nights and Sundays 65 SEAFORTH — ONTARIO A Special Bargain We still have on hand a quantity of the Reclaimed Siding, and Sheath- ing, 2x4rs, 2x6's, and B.C. Timberseon hand. The price range is from $40 to $65 - GET IT WHILE IT LASTS! IF YOU ARE GOING TO BUILD, WE WILL GLADLY GIVE YOU AN ESTIMATE AS TO MATERIALS, PRICES, ETC. Our materials are priced very low for your benefit and our large variety of stock will fill any orders in lumber and building supplies. Lumber Doors Shingles Sash Siding Lime Plaster Plywood Masonite Insulation ASK FOR IT! WE HAVE IT! Seaforth Supply & Fuel Co. "Where the Best Costs No More" Phone 47 Seaforth Lakeview Casino GRAND BEND Summer Opening Saturday, June 26th NIGHTLY UNTIL LABOUR DAY NEIL McKAY MONICA TURNER NEIL McKAY AND HIS ORCHESTRA Hear Ontario's Newest CBC Radio Orchestra Recorded on "Musiciana" Records "The Octette on Coast -to -Coast Don Harding Show" Sensational Monica Turner on Vocals, recently on Horace Heidt Show Artists of "CFPL Goes Calling" Programme Tunes with "Arrangements 1948" by McKay YOU'LL LIKE THE BEST ! ,