HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1948-06-25, Page 6rt e am' a bcreased Accommodation Provides 27 More Beds In Up-to-date Building Each Room and Ward Indi- vidually Designed To Pro- vide Maximum Comfort For Patients. When the new 27 -bed addition to Scott Memorial Hospital Is opened next Wednesday it will make avail- able additional hospital accommoda- tion ccommmodation in Seaforth, the need far which has been recognized by the Board for some years. Decision to proceed with an addi- tion was arrived at in May of last year and construction of the wing was commenced in July of that year. Following receipt of approval of the plans by the Department of Health, construction was rushed to such an extent that early in the new year all work, other than decorating andi furnishing, had been completed. Nucleous of the new wing was a portion of the Air Force Hospital• at the Port Albert R.O.A.F. Station, which was dismantled and removed to Seaforth. The design of the ,addi- tion was adopted by Barnett & Reider, the architects retained by the Hospi- tal Board, to use; with as little change or loss as possible, the materials con- tained in the Air Force building. The actual construction was in charge of a committee of the board, including Dr. E. A. McMaster, chairman, N. R. Dorrance, Ross McGregor, G. C, Brightrall and A. Y. McLean, who worked through L. F. De Lafranier, appointed by the committee as con- struction superintendent. The man- ner in which he co-ordinated, the var- ious trades -involved in the construc- tion onstruetion and expedited the materials nec- essary to its completion, made 'pos- sible the rapid construction. Off frame and bric%• construction, with a slate roof, the addition, which is fully insulated, provides 6,000 feet of floor space and makes possible 27 additional .beds In this number are three private rooms, three semi -private rooms, one four -bed ward, two five - bed wards, and two two -bed saloriums. A full basement makes possible a nurses' recreation room, storage space and ultimately the X-ray de- partment and emergency ward. In arriving at a decorative scheme for the wing, consideration was giv- en the arrangement which would prove most beneficial to the patients who would use them. This led the board to adopt individual decorative schemes for each room—in each of which the color chosen is carried throughout the entire furnishings. Congratulations to Scott, Memorial Hospital WE WERE HAPPY TO SUPPLY LUMBER, SASH, FRAMES, TRIM AND PLASTER, ETC., FOR THIS FINE MODERN ADDITION. A. Spencer & Son PHONE 102-W HENSALL, ONT. Plumbing Heating and Electrical Work ON THE NEW WING OF SCOTT MEMORIAL HOSPITAL WAS COMPLETED BY FRANK KLING Plumbing, -Heating and Electrical Contractor ASK US TO QUOTE ON YOUR REQUIREMENTS PHONE 19 SEAFORTH PUBLIC INVITED 0. J, Telfer, Inspector of Hos- pitals under the Ontario Depart ment of Health, will represent Hon. Russell T. Kelley, Minister of Health, at the ceremonies being held in connection with the open- ing of the new wing of Scott Memorial Hospital, on Wednesday, June 30. The public is cordially invited to attend the ceremonies at 2.30 p.m., following which tea will be served at the nurses resi- dence. In commenting on the completion of the project, James M. Scott, chair- man of Soott Memorial Hospital Board, who during the construction period has been largely responsible for the tying in and co-ordination of the building with the ordinary day- to-day operation of the hospital, point- ed out that the completion of the wing marked but the first step in the construction program with which the hospital is faced. "While the new wing alleviates for the time being our bed shortage, con- sideration must be given immediate- ly to alterations which the Depart- ment of Health considers essential in the main •hospital," Mr. Scott said. "As a result of qualifications intro- duced by the department as a condi- tion to the payment of grants, the board has in process of preparation plans to provide for certain re- arrangements in the hospital proper which will result in a greater ultility on the part of those of the public who must of necessity use the hospi- tal facilities." No decision has been arrived at by the Board as to when the alterations made necessary by the department's ruling will get under way, •but it is intended to proceed with this phase of the program as soon as funds per- mit, Mr. Scott said. Members of the Board are: J. M. 'Scott, chairman; Harold Finnigan, vice-chairman; P. D. McConnell, sec- retary; M. McKellar, treasurer; Mrs. F. Kling, Mrs. Edith Russell, Dr. J. A. Gorwill, G. C. Brightrall, Ross Mc- Gregor, Leslie • Butson, M. A. Reid, A. Y. McLeaa. Miss M. Grinyer, R.N., is superin- tendent, and the business manager in L. F. De Lafranier. 11111111 BRUCEFIELD Miss Janet 'Watson, Alymer, was a week -end guest at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Watson. Miss Nora Eyre has accepted a position with the Royal Bank in Clin- ton. We wish her every success. Mrs. Madge Ivens, Regina, is visit- ing her cousins, Mrs. T. B. Baird and Mr. H. Aikenhead. The many friends of Mrs. F. Burdge will be sorry to hear she is not pro- gressing ae favorably as they would 'ike. Mr, and Mrs. Drew Boyce and daughter, of Moose Jaw, are visiting Miss Mayme Swan and Mrs. Alice Ham and other relatives in the com- munity. Miss Eva Stackhouse and Mrs. A. Paterson visited Sunday at the home Barnett and Reider ARCHITECTS A Kitchener - o Toronto HOSPITAL AID WILL CO-OPERATE ON OPENING DAY Annual Hospital Day Will Be Held in Conjunction With Opening. Annual Hospital Day, under the aus- pices of the Women's hospital Aid to Scott Memorial Hospital, will be held in conjunction with opening ceremon- ies on Wednesday. Following the of- ficial opening, the Hospital Aid will Serve tea at the nurses' residence. The occasion will provide an oppor- tunity pportunity for citizens of the community to assist the hospital by contributing articles necessary to its operation. Articles which will be gratefully ac- cepted include: Baby blankets, pink or blue; small plain pillows, toilet soap, water pitchers for bedside tables, sugar and creams, pepper and salt shakers, drinking glasses, tea towels, face cloths, bath towels, can- ned soups and vegetables and fruit jams, large enamel or earthenware bowls, dower vases (large), or any- thing useful in a home. In lieu of articles, cash will be accepted. of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. Sholdice, and brother, Mr. K. Shol- dice, near Brinsley. Mrs. R. Dawson has returned home after being some time with relatives in Inwood. The many friends of Mrs. Stevens are glad to know that she has been able to return to her home in the vil- lage. She is being visited by her daughter and son-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Eleley, of Mount Forest. Growing Up A growing feeling of independence of thought and action is one of the normal and healthful manifestations of adolescence. It is one of the ways. in which growing b:oys and girls try' to prove that they are no longer chil- dren. This formative period may be a trial to both parents and youngsters and understanding and real sympathy are necessary to help the growing youngsters develop into normal, heal- thy adults. Congratulations to Scott Memorial Hcspita ON THE OPENING OF THE • New 27 Bed Wing AS GENERAL CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBLE FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE WING, WE ARE. PROUD TO HAVE BEEN ASSOCIATED WITH THE BOARD OF SCOTT MEMORIAL HOS- PITAL IN MAKING POSSIBLE THIS MUCH- NEEDED ADDITIONAL HOSPITAL ACCOM- MODATION IN SEAFORTH. • M. McADAM GENERAL CONTRACTOR CLINTON ONTARIO S I M P S O N' S is pleased to have co-operated in the furnishing and interior decoration of the new Scott Memorial Hospital Seaforth, Ontario Furnishings, including beds, bedside tables, dressers, easy chairs, bedside chairs, bedspreads and linens, linoleum and drapes were supplied and installed by Special Contract Division The Robert Simpson Company, Toronto •y� a 9 L •