HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1948-06-18, Page 10<ri 'i. PECIA ' i,Ati7'QMGBii, CASt,#ALTY. ANTEE BONDS, ACCIDENT, 8IcKNES8, BURGLARY, STD WiNPSToRM • representing Colxrpanlea who give security .witla \serviee. ,J r4 O AGENTS F 0 R ONTARIO ?$.i1. Si3ERMAN'S MUTUAL' FIRE INSURANCE Information gladly given. WATSON M. A. REID Insurance & PHONE 215 - 0 0 0 4 4 Q O Q 0 0 0 Q 'I' BOX. unerat OPerbite 0 Ambulance 4 O `Prompt and careful attention. 0 Hospital Bed 0 O r -FLOWERS FOR ALL 0 Q OCCASIONS 0 0 Office Residence O .0 43, 18 O .O 0 O 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 '000 0,00 00 0 0 000 <> & REID - Proprietor Real Estate SEAFORTH 0 0 O 0 G. A. WHITNEY 0 0 Successor to 0 0 . HOLMES & WHITNEY 0 0 Maln Street - Seaforth 0 '0 AMBULANCE SERVICE 0 0 Adjustable hospital bed for 00 0 rent. Q Agent for Mitchell Nursery Q 0 Flowers. Telephone 119 0 Nights and Holidays 65 0 0 TOWN. 'Death Of Mise Mat garet::A•nn O Oan- rior,--Thera' 1?'awed away at tire home of her niece, Mrs. J. C. Eckert, on Friday, Margaret Ann O'Connor, daughter el the late Mr. and Mrs. Patrick O'Connor, of Hibbert Town- ship. Miss O'Connor was born in Hibbert 78 years ago and: lived there and in St. Columban before coming to Seaforth three years ago. She is sur- vived by one brother, Dan O'Connor, of Hibbert, and two sisters, Mrs. Frank Maack and Mrs. Peter Eckert, of Dublin. She was a faithful mem- ber "of St. Columban Church, of the C.W.L. and the League of the Sacred Heart. The funeral was held Monday morning to St. Columbian Church with interment in St. Columban cemetery. The pallbearers were Maurice Dalton, Joseph Doyle. August Ducharme, John J. Murphy, Joseph Eckert and John O'Connor. O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 O '0 J. A. BURKE ° O Funeral Director 0 0 and Ambulance Service 0 '0 DUBLIN - ONT. 0 0 Night or day calls: Phone 43 r 10 0 0 4 „> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 •O 0 0 0 O O O O Q O O O W. J. CLEARY O Seaforth,Ont. 0 O LICENSED EMBALMER 0 O AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR 0 0 Night or Day Calls -335 0 O 0 O 00000000000 Masoln and Jadti Watt, Ie had •bve sisters and tWe brethera, of vrho t of CUnto; is tale Bale surviving; member, At an early .age ^he moved with his :parents to M.Qrria. Township, where be spent his early life. On June 27, 1906, he married Margaret Brigham, and hi 1910 he purchased a farm in Huitett Township., now own- ed by Mr. W. 1.. Whyte, which he operated until his retirement to Sea- forth four years ago. Besides his widow, he is survived by three daugh- ters, Mrs. William J. Storey, Mrs. Sam Scott and Mrs. Arthur Alexan- der, also six grandchildren, all of Mc- Killop. Another dlaughter, Ella, ,pre- deceased him in 1923. The funeral Anglican.—Sunday, June 20th: St. Thomas', Seaforth—Ninety-third Anni- versary; 10 a.m., Sunday School; 11 a.m., Morning Prayer with sermon by the Rev. Canon T. G. Wallace, M.A., •of London; 7 p.m., Evening Prayer, with sermon by the Rev. LaVerne Morgan, L.Th., of Hayfield. St. Mary's, Dublin—Eightieth Anni- versary; 3 p.m., Service, with sermon by the Rev. Canon Wallace. All wel- come. --Rector, Rev. C. F. L. Gilbert, B.A. Northside United Church.—Rev. H. V. Workman, Minister: 10 a.m., Sun - dray School; 11 a.m., The Communion Sorvice; subject, "Thou Preparest a 'fable Before Me"; 7 p.m., Worship Service; subject, ,"Retaining Our Fel- lowship With Jesus." Thursday, 8 p.m., Pre -Communion Service. The Salvation Army.—Lieut. E. J. Ivany: Services on Sunday conduct- ed by Band Sgt. and Mrs. H. Faulk- ner, of London Citadel Corps. All are invited to worship with these special visitors at 11 a.m., 3 p.m., and 7 p.m. O 0: O Hahn Gammon. — A very pretty wedding took place in St. Thomas' Church,, Seaforth, on Saturday at 3 p.m., when Katharine Jane, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gammon, was united in marriage to Mr. James Henry .Hahn, son of Mr. and Mrs. Austin Hahn, of London. Rev. g. F. L. Gilbert performed the ceremony. The bride, who was given in marriage by her father, was pretty in a floor- ( rngth gown of ivory satin with short ain, full length veil and Mary Queen Scots headdress. She carried a bouquet of white carnations, and was attended by Miss Julie Gammon, of Kitchener, as matron of honor, who wore a dusty rose floor -length gown an off -the -shoulder style, her acces- ories and tiotrers being in a violet hade. The bridesmaid, Miss Marg- ret Hahn, of Montreal. wore a simi- an gown but in a pale orchid shade. The groomsman was Mr. Jas. Sage. of London, and the ushers were Or - v J Cille Putterburgh. of Montreal, and ohn Summer, London. Mr. George lark, organist of the church, played the wedding music and accompanied Mrs. J. B. Higgins when she sang "Be- cause'' during the signing of the reg- ster. Following the ceremony a re- ception was held at the home of the hride'•s parents. Following a trip to Montreal, Mr. and Mrs. Hahn will re- side in Kitchener. e. Y ✓ :. tn u 6 1 TAXI SERVICE AALL PASSENGERS INSURED Phone 162 — Seaforth CECIL J.- LEMON NOTICE ! SALVAGE i WANTED Iron and All Kinds of Metal, Rags Highest Cash prices paid LOUIS HILDEBRAND WE WILL PICK UP t f RADIO SERVICE Pick up and Deliver MARK MILLS Sparling St. - Seaforth PHONE 363 DANCE WINTHROP HALL rchestra Malady- McQuaid Orchestra- FRIDAY, JUNE 18th FRIDAY, ADMISSION - - 35 CENTS CLEVE CARTER'S t5'AXI COURTEOUS SERVICE PASSENGERS INSURED ' - Phones: DAYS NIGHTS 182 346-R Lawn Tea THE CATHOLIC WOMEN'S LEAGUE WILL HOLD A Lawn Tea at the home of MRS. F. S. SILLS on THURSDAY 24th fr'orri it to 6 p.m. Silver: Coileoiiou FOOTBALL 4 — AT — WINTHROP WALTON vs. WINTHROP Friday, June 18th A.DMISSION 25 CENTS Game starts at 7.30 p.m,. w.as be$d' from WS :lite l'estde)1.0P. 9» Friday, 31)=e . R4rtr, 7d,;'V. pinofilt>piran. oficiate 1 Owing the Service M. Frank 7, ling cling 'Mae Old .Ragged Cross," The pollbearera were Sendrd' Matries, Joseeh Mai, Millet Ad- ens, Walter Seott, Edward Domince :and Ed. Pryce. The fiower.bearers were Thomas McMillan, W. L.. Whyte, Joe Rowland, Aub. Hunter, Dr. Har- burn and Scott . Clt}ff. Interment was in Burns' cemetery, Mullett. FOR SALE One and a half storey frame dwel- ling, with new furnace, in Egmond- vAle. Early possession. Duplex, solid brick. All modern conveniences. Immediate possession. Asbestos covered dwelling on South Main Street, Seaforth. Modern Dwelling on Louisa Street. Frame cottage on South Main St. M. A.' REID REAL ESTATE PHONE 214 For Lovelier Hair From the very first our Perm- anents are soft and pliant. Andi we know how to cut a n d shape your hair to give the most flat- tering effect. Yet our pric- es are always reasonable. Make An Appointment Today ! Dies in London.—••William J. White, 65, died suddenly Thursday, last at St. Joseph',s Hpspital. Born inHen Hen- sel", he was aresident in London for 28 years. He was a member of St. John's Lodge No. 20, A F. and A.M., and an active member of St. Paul's Cathedral. kb is survived by his widow, Vera McCallum White; two sisters, Mrs. D. Boxwell, Ohio, and Mrs. R. Hardy, 'Detroit; two sons, Dr. W. Harold White, of Sarnia, and John E. White, of London; six brothers, Ray, London; J. H. Detroit; Kenneth, Detroit; Frank, Toronto; Elwin, Bur- lington; Harry, Calgary; and three grandchildren. Mrs. Margaret White; Seaforth, is a sister-in-law. Funeral services were held Monday at the A. Millard George funeral home. Burial was in Woodland cemetery, MURIEL'S LOCAL BRIEFS • Mrs. Neil Gillespie and son, James .of Toronto, were guests in town over' Geddes spent the week -end in Bay - the week -end. Mrs. Gillespie went to field with Mrs. James Ferguson. Cromarty and will spend a week there. • Mr. and Mrs. Syd. Morton, of • Mr. and Mrs. George Love, of Shipka,' spent the week -end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James F. Scott, Thornton Hall. • Mr. and Mrs. William Kelley spent Sunday in Walton with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bennett. wb': itteatded 'snhool, there •xetvi,n nth 77�,h,�pr. �r �y p Petr • •!tri , Willial SitihnerR, of` Petro 1S visiting her megzer, Mrs. R. S. lHtaYwl, R Mrs.' R. Thonxlison, ct Lansing, Mich., "s visiting. bar mother, lArs. W. 'Charters, who is in Scott Meal r' dal Hogpltal suffering front pneunoxi' ia• and pleurisy, but - is improving slowly, • • Muss Nellie Pryce has sold her residence •on Ord Street to Mr. Jas'. Turnbull. • Mr. and Mrs. Eric Wilson, of Midiand,,Mic'h., spent a Yew days with Dr, and Mrs. J, A. Munn. • Mr. Reg, Pryce, of Hornepayne, spent a few days with his aunts, the Misses Nellie and Annie Pryce. • Miss Greta Thompson, Librarian of Seaforth Carnegie Library, hal; passed the recent examinations for a Grade E Librarian's Certificate. • Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Bell, of St. Marys, visited Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Bell. on Sunday. • Mts. J. H. Shaw, of Hamilton, was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Murray last week.. • Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Harvey, of Toronto, spent the week -end with Miss Edith Davidson. • Miss Alice Reid left on Monday, by t+. us for Gull Lake, 'Sask. • Miss Minnie tlabkirk, of Gode- rich, spent a few days •with her sis- ter Mrs. Harolds Dale. • Mrs. E. Geddes and Miss Mary HAIR DRESSING SALON PHONE 351-W : SEAFORTH Death of William George Reeves.— The sudden death of,.William George Reeves early Friday came as a shock o his family and a large circle of riends. He had not been in his us - al health, but had been at band•prac- ise the previous evening, and about 12 p.m. took a serious heart attack ar.d passed away before one o'clock. Ile was born on September 1, 1882, n Mitchell, the son of the late Mr. and Mrs, Gabriel Reeves. With his parents he lived in Zurich for a num- ber of years, coming to Seaforth in 1893 where he has since resided. He w -as, married in 1903 to Margaret Schade, who survives. He was a mem- ber of L.O.L. No. 793, I.O.O.F. and a faithful member of the Seaforth High- landers Band. At the time of his death he was caretaker of First Pres- byterian Church, which position he had capably and courtesly filled for years. Besides his wife he is siirviv- ed by one son, Charles, and four daughters: Mrs. B. Hildebrand, Sea - forth; Mrs. Wm. Neely, Stratford; Mrs. James Nott, Clinton, and Mrs. Wm. Webster, Exeter; also by two brothers, Thomas Reeves, Stratford, and Fred Reeves, Seaforth. There are nine grandchildren and one great grandchild. The funeral, which was largely attended, took place from First Presbyterian Church on Monday at 2.30 p.m., with Rev. R. H. Williams officiating, and was under the aus- pices of the Independent Order of Oddfellows. The pallbearers were D. L. Reid, Archie Hubert, James Hen- derson, J. A. Westcott, Dr. Harburn and M. McKellar. The flowerbearers were W. 3, Thompson, Charles Cun- ningham, Ed. Benneweis, Les. Flem- ing. E B. Goudie and John Gallop. In- terment was in Maitlandbank ceme- tery. Death of William Mason. — The death occurred on Tuesday, June 8, at his late residence on East William St., Seaforth, of William Mason, in his 73rd year. His death was preced- ed by an illness of almost six months which he bore with great patience and Christian fortitude. His friendily and generous nature won for him a hast of friends and acquaintances who deeply mourn his passing. In politics he* was a Liberal and in religion a ra:thful member of First Presbyter- ian Church. He was born in Huilett Township, a son of the late John TAXI Passengers Insured PHONE 128, Seaforth LEE'S Lakeview casino GRAND BEND dancing SATURDAY June 19th JACK McLACHLIN and his Music For Moderns Port Nelson, were calling on Seaforth friends this week • Mrs. Fred Burchill, of Perth, is the guest of her aunts, the Misses Brine, Goderich St. • 'Friday, June 25, will be visitors' day at the Kindergarten of the Pub- • Miss Julie Gammon, of Kitchener, lic School, commencing at 9.30 a.m. and Miss Margaret Hahn, of Mont- • Mrs. George E. 'Ferguson, Miss real, were here last week attending Jean and Russell Ferguson and Miss the Hahn -Gammon wedding. 'Adele Cooper, of Toronto, were Sum- • Mrs. John McMillan and, Mr. Wm. day visitors with the Misses Annie and Maud Ferguson. • Miss Ruth Shinen, of Toronto, spent the week -end with her parents,' Mr. and Mrs. Sam Shinen. • Mr. and Mrs. Fred Larkin and sons, James and Richard, of Wind- sor; Dr. W. W. Moffatt and Mrs. Mof- fatt and sons, James and William, of Port Colborne, and Mr. and Mrs. How- ard Kerr and Esme and Elizabeth, of Toronto, were here' on Sunday attend- ing the unveiling of the memorial plaque for the late Dr. F. H. Larkin. The only descendants of the late Dr. Larkin not able to be present were his daughter, Miss Helen Larkin, pub- lic health nurse, of Whitehorse, Yukon Territory, Canada, and three grand- sons. Fred and John Moffatt, of Port Colborne, and Ian Kerr, of Toronto. • Members of Edelweiss Rebekah Lodge have been invited to attend a Memorial service in Clinton on Sun- i'_ay evening. Mrs. Andrew Moore is in charge of arrangements. • Mr, and Mrs. W. L. Whyte were in Kemptville on Saturday last at- tending the McMillan -Nicholson wed- ding. • Miss Alice Daly and Mrs. T. D. Sills were in St. Thomas last week attending the C.W.L. convention. FOR SALE Seven -roomed frame house, bath- room, Hydro. Situated on Jarvis St. Immediate possession. E. C. CHAMBERLAIN Insurance Broker SEAFORTH - ONT. Phones: Office 334 Residence 220 WE HAVE THESE IMPLEMENTS In Stock for your Ford Tractor • SWEEP RAKES • WEEDERS • CULTIVATORS • DISCS • FRONT END LOADERS • TRANSPORT BOXES • TRACTOR BUMPERS • HYDRAULIC SEATS DALY MOTORS Seafoith McDowell were in Kemptville attend- ing the wedding of Mrs. McMilian's 1 son, Mr. Walter McMillan. • Miss Jean Scott is spending a few days in Toronto. • Mr. John McDonald and daugh- ters, Margaret and Elizabeth, of Luck - now, spent Sunday with his •mother, Mrs. Janet McDonald, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Smith. • Dr. C. H. McDonald, ex -Modera- tor of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Canada, was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Smith on Sunday. . • Mrs. Dominic Scalisi and son, of Woodstock, attended the funeral of her father, the late Thomas. Phillips. • Mrs. C. H. Rudd, of Toronto, is visiting her sister, Mrs. G. H. Mont- gomery, and her brother, Mr. G. A. Smith. • Mrs. Lorne Wilson, of Tucker - smith, is spending a week near Ot- tawa. • Mr. Oban MacTavish has been successful in passing his second year in Architecture at the University of Toronto. • Mr. and Mrs. David Lemon spent Sunday in Woodstock. • Mrs. Margaret White was in Lon- don on Monday attending the funeral of her brother-in-law, Mr. W. J. White, who passed away in St. Joseph's Hos- pital the previous Friday. • Mrs. L. G. VanEgmond. and her sister, Miss R. Vanstone, returned re- cently from Stratford where they spent the winter. Prior to their re- turning the neighbors cut the grass and tidied the yard for them, which was greatly appreciated. • Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Free, of Stratford, spent Sunday with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Free. • Mrs. Chester Henderson and Mrs. Albert Baker are in St. Catharines this week attending the Rebekah As- sembly. • Misses Kathleen Crowe, of Co- bourg, and Mary Crowe, of London, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Crowe. • Mr. Anthony Renna, of New York, City, visited his sister, Mrs. Thomas Phillips, last week. • Mr, and Mrs. W. A: Campbell, of Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs.. Robert Smith and Mrs. J. Patterson over the week -end. • Mrs. John Muir was in Brant- ford on Monday. Miss Shirley Muir, D. H. McINNES Chiropractic - Foot Correction Commercial Hotel Monday, Thursday -- 1 to 8 p.m. LADIES: READ THIS ! Unwanted hair removed instantly from face, arms, legs, with Flash Bair Remover. Harm- less—leaves skin soft and smooth. You can't lose. Money promptly refunded if hair grows back after third application with no questions asked. Complete treatment 12 pottpaid. (C.O-Das — footage extra). KAPEX PRODUCTS (Dept. 409) Box 22, Station B, Montreal, Que. FOOTBALL At Winthrop St. Columban vs. Winthrop Thursday, June 24 ADMISSION 25 CENTS Game called at 7.30 p.m. LETTUCE HEAD and LEAF Garden Fresh ALSO 'I'OMATORS AND CAPE CAB$AGE,PLANTS BaIce is Gra ons€ s $RAFORTH TURN wES`i`: ,AT CREAMERY r DUBLIN - Personals: Edward Beale, Detroit, and Lawrence Beale, Stratford, with their sister, Miss Mary Beale; Mrs. Thomas Kay, Kippen,- with Mr. and Mrs. William Smith; Miss Rose Feeney, Toronto, is vacationing with her mother, Mrs. Kathleen Feeney; Frank McConnell, London, and Mrs. Edward McGrath and son, of Ilderton, with Mr. and Mrs. D. McConnell; Miss Loraine Jordan, London, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Jor- dan; Mrs. James Shea is spending a few months in Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. Martin Klinkhamer, in London; Frank Evans, London, with his mother, Mrs. Katharine Evans; Mr. and Mrs. An- drew Dantzer and Billie Feeney at London; Mrs. Pat Flanagan in De- troit. A large representation from St. Columban and Dublin parishes at- tended the Holy Name Rally at Clin- ton on Sunday. Honoring Miss Jean Jordan, whose marriage to Maurice F. Ryan is an event of this month, a miscellaneous shower sponsored by her sisters, Mrs. Michael Coyne and Mrs. Frank Williams, was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Jordan on Sun- day. Twenty girls were present to extend congratulations and good wish- es to the bride -elect. An address was read by Mrs. M. Coyne and presenta- tion was made of various gifts of sil- ver, china and linen. Games were played and -a dainty 'until,was serv- ed. VARNA NOW PLAYING IN '1'E,CHNICOLOR ' THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAYI�Y�.•r—��Fi'rst Show 7 P.M. " .F YEARLING ?a With C1iREGORY PECK` JANE WYMAN.: (0.1.A4J'pE JAR:MAN, Jr.. One of the Great Pictures Wall time ---one you'll "never forget—.so beautiful it will bring •tearsto your eyes andi a lifet1n a of remember - MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY ---') OUBLE FEATURE " THAT HAGEN • GIRL " with SHIRLEY TEMPLE. and. RONALD REAGAAN, The story of a girl haunted by the whispers of an indiscretion She was too innocent to understand, AND— "BULLDOG DRUMMOND STRIKES BACK" NEXT THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY " ON THE OLD SPANISH .TRAIL " 'With ROY ROGERS and ANDY DEVINE Don't mins Roy and Trigger in another Good Western,Story! COMING: ADULT ENTERTAINMENT "KISS OF DEATH" with Victor Mature, Colleen Gray, Wien ponievy Several ladies from St. -John's Church attended the W.A.' meeting of the Huron Deanery in Bayfield on Thursday. Mrs. Bolton and Mrs. Thompson, in company. with Miss Logan, of Men- sal!, were recent visitors. at the home of Mrs. M.' G. Beatty and Miss Mos - sop. Mr. and Mrs. Soper and family spent Sunday with relatives in Straf- fordsville. Mr. and Mrs. M. Elliott, in company with Mr. and Mrs. Stockton, of Cali- fornia, motored to Sudbury and, spent the week -end with the formers: daugh- ter, Mrs. Ferguson, and Mr. Ferguson. ,and family. Mr. C. C. Pilgrim has been enter- taining his brother, of Detroit, for some time. Mrs. M. G. Beatty and Miss Mos - sop, in company with Mr. Jas. Steph- enson, spent Tuesday with friends in Brussels. Mrs. J. F. .Smithand daughter, Gertie, are spending some time with the formers' daughter, Mrs. Lorne El- liott, Walton, and her many friends trust the change will improve her :health. Miss Mary McClynront is home from training in Toronto for the sura- mer months. On Sunday*, /'urge 20, there will be no service in St, John's Anglican Church, owing to the Absence of the Rector, Rev. R.aVerite Morgan, who will .be in charge .of St. Thomas' Chitral, Seaforth, On; account of the illrreoa of Rev. C', F. L. « 11bert. BEDROOM SUITES. Latest and most pleasing designs, in Walnut or Mahogany finish. There is a large selection from which to choose. G. A. WHITNEY FURNITURE FUNERAL SERVICE Phones: Day 119 - Nights and Sundays 65 SEAFORTH — ONTARIO A Special Bargain We still have on hand a quantity of the Reclaimed Siding, and Sheath- ing, 2x4,'s, 2x6's, and B.C. Timbers on hand. The price range is from $40- to $65 GET IT WHILE IT LASTS! IF YOU ARE GOING TO BUILD, WE WILL GLADLY GiVE YOU AN ESTIMATE AS TO MATERIALS, PRICES, ETC. Our materials are priced very low for your benefit and our large variety of stock will fill any orders in lumberand building supplies. Lumber Doors Shingles Sash Siding Lime Plaster Plywood Masonite Insulation ASK FOR IT! WE HAVE IT! Seaforth Supply & Fuel Co. "Where the Best Costs Phone 47•• No More" Seaforth SPECIAL NOTICE We have taken over the SUPERTEST GAS STATION IN CLINTON across from the Bank of Montreal ANYTIME YOU ARE IN TOWN, CALL IN We can supply you with the Famous Dominion or Dunlop Tires and Tubes, Prestoiite Batteries and Car Accessories. We also Wash and Polish Cars J. E. Hugiil & Sons PHONE 784, CLINTON We Will Buy All Inds of SCRAP If you have any to dispose of, eithersend us a letter or phone and we will pick it up at you door. — Highest Prices Paid — Also Highest Prices Paid For POULTRY Parkdale Poultry PHONE 245 - MITCHELL