HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1948-06-11, Page 4lassified Ads Will Be Inserted At New Low Cash Rates Fo)t Sale, Wanted, Last and Eopnd, Rte„•-, ser worths 1st week 1 Cent and Week' % Seat:. 8rd week Cent Minimum charge, that insertion25 Cents Each assure, tultlal and abbreviation courts as one word. Card of Thanks, In Memoriam Notices, Coming Events -1 cent per word. Minimum, .50 cents per week. Eaquiriei may be directed to a Box Number, e/o The Huron Expositor, for 10 cents extra. Tencents additional will be charged if ads in alleles class aro not paid within 10 days of date of final insertion.: Births, Marringee and Deaths inserted free of charge. Auction Salm, Notices to Creditors, Etc.—Batu on application. a Notices Notices NOMINATION MEETING Township of McKillop A MEETING OF THE ELECTORS OF 'rim S1 Township of McKillop will be held at Winthrop Hall, on Monday, the 21st day of June, 1948, for the purpose of nominating fur une Councillor. Nominations will ire re- ceived from the hour of one o'clock to two o'clock in the afternoon (D.S.T.). In the se eat of more persons being nom- inated than are required to fill the position• an election will be held on Monday, June 28th. Pulls well be open' from 9 a.m. till 5 p.m, (D,S.T.1, at the following places: Nu. 1: Jame., Cariin's house. Lot 10, Con. 5; James Nolan. A.R.O.; William Maloney, P.C. N. 2: Wilmer Scott's house, Lot 25. Con. 4: James B. Hogg, D,R.O.; Alex Kerr. P.C. N.,. 3: Jceeph Smith's house. Lot 11. S 13th Conoe:ssiun; Elmer Dennis, D.R.O.; Step::en Murray, P.C. N. 4: :School House. No. 7.O, _ ::Ras •- 26, Oonn •eeso-i•.n 13: ,Willis Dundas, .1. M. ECKERT, Returning Officer. 4200.3 MEETING OF HURON . COUNTY COUNCIL THE NEXT MEETING OF THE HURON County Council will be held in the Cati- cn Chambers, Court Hones., Goderich, com- p RADIO REPAIRING—WILL REPAIR ALL makes of radios. Will pick up Mondays and Thursdays at E. H. Olose's Barber Shop. CLENN KECHN1E, Blyth. - 4199x1-tf L4WBI MOWERS SHARPENED AND RE- paired ; also one good used lawn mower for sale. Apply to J. J. DUCKLOW, Royal Apts. Phone 394-W, Seaforth. 4200-1 MONDAY, JUNE 14th, at 2.00 p.m. D.S.T. A: account, notices of deputations and ether business requiring the attention of Coureil. should be in the hands of the County Cleri: so: later than Saturday, June 12th. 1948. N. W. MILLER. County Clerk, Goderich. Ontario. 4199-2 ANNOUNCEMENT MR. AND MRS. MATTHEW THOMSON will cerebrate their Golden Wedding An- niversary on Wednesday. June 16th, at their home. They will be pleased to see their friends from 2 to 5 p.m. and 7 to 9 pen. NOTICE To Whom It May Concern: ARRANGEMENTS FOR PAYMENT OF sell accounes owing to Scott Memorial Hospital must be made by July 1st. after which date steps will be taken to enforce payment of same. SCOTT MEMORIAL HOSPITAL L. De LaFranier, Business Manager. 4200-2 The Barbering Industry Goderich, Clinton and Seaforth Zone Wanes t • j'ANTF•",A 14 171Y" --ALL OLIi HORSES ° and dead alum, aro. If suitable ter mink feed will pay more than fertiliser prices. If hone scelpIeRdead, .pay fertilizer rodercch. Hone collect: 986 r 21 or 986 r 82, Goderich. 4189-tf WHEREAS THE MINISTER OF LABOUR has designated the T_,wns of Goderich. Clinton and Seaforth. in the Province of Ontario, as a zone for the BARBERING INDUSTRY, which he has defined as all work done by barber. in: (a) shaving or trimming a beard or moustache: (b) cutting, trimming, singeing, shampooing or dressing hail : (c) giving, ()) facial massage: or (ii) scalp treat- ment: end id) honing or stropping a razor. except where performed in barber schools licensed by The Industry and Labour Board under The Apprenticeship Act, and has re- ceived a petition requesting a conference of the employer.", and employees, in the said in- dustry and has authorized the convening of NOTICE TO OWNERS OR. inch donferenee' NOW THEREFORE TAKE NOTICE thin H API OURERS OF DOG Township of Tuckersmith.. Spursuant to The Industrial Standards Art, R.S.O. 1937, Chapter 191. a conference of the employers and employees engaged in the said industry within the said tune is herby sum- moned to meet in the Council Chamber. Town Hall, Clinton. Ontario. on Monday. June 14th. 1948, at the hour of 9:00 inthe evening, for the purposes of investigating and considering the conditions of labour and the practices prevaling in the said industry and ?or negotiating and submitting to the Minister of Labour a schedule pursuant to the provisions of the said Act: OWING TO EXCESSIVE DAMAGE BEING caused by dogs throughout the Township of Tuckersmith. through such dogs worrying and killing cattle, sheep and chickens. dog owners and harbourers are requested to give their full co-operation to curtail the damage by keeping their dogs tied or shut in 'every night and under proper control in the day - Rime. For the information of owners or har- bourers the Livestock Protection Apt, R.S.O., I937. is set out below and will be strictly en- forced if such co-operation is not forthcom- ing. . 4.049 E. P. CHESNEY, Clerk. Township of Tuckersmith. PartII 1•tie. PROTECTION OF LIVESTOCK 5 In this Part "injured" and "injuring" shall apply to injuries caused by wounding. worrying, terrifying or pursuing. R.S.O. 1927, c. 300, s. 7- 9. Any person may kill any dog: (a) Which is found killing or injuring livestock: or, (b) Which in a township or village is found between sunset and sunrise, straying irc-n the premises where the dog is habitually kept; or, (c) Which is found straying at any time, and not under proper control, upon premises where livestock are habitually kept- R.S.O. 10.27, c. 300, a. 8: 1936, c,' 18, s. 3. 10. (1) Whether the owner of 'any dog kill- ing or injurying livestock is known or not. the Municipality in which the livestock were killed or Injured shall be liable to the owner of the livestock for .,the amount of damage ascertained as hereinafter provided, and shall pay over such amount to the owner within thirty days after such owner has filed with the Clerk an affidavit that to the best of his knowledge and belief the livestock were kill ed or injured by a dog. but not by a dog owned by him. R.S.O. 1927, c. 300, s. 9 11 ' : 1986, e. 18, ss. 3, 5. (2) The Council of a township in unor- ganized territory with the assent of the mun- icipal electors secured at any annual ininiei- Pal election may pass a by-law providing that the municipality shall mot be liable to the owner of the livestock for the amount of the damage, unless such owner furnishes proof to the satisfaction of the council that the livestock were killed or injured by dogs and not by wild animals. 1929, c. 78, s. 3; 3936. c. 18, s. 3. .3) The Munieipality shall not be liable unuer sub -section 1 if at the time the.live- gthek were killed or injured they were run - Ring at large upon the highway or unn- otified land, provided the Council of a town- ehip in unorganized territory may with the assent of the municipal .electors pass a by- law declaring that this sub -section shall not apply in determining its liability. R.S.O. 1927, c. 300, s. 9 (2) ; 1936, c. 18, s. 3. LIABILITY OF OWNER OF DOG 12. (1) A Municipality having paid to the owner of the livestock the amount of the damage ascertained as above provided shall he entitled to recover the amount so paid from the owner of the dog in any court of competent jurisdiction without proving that in was vicious or accustomed to worrying live- stock. (2) In order to aece•tarn the owner of the dog which killeror injured the livetoel: the Clerk on the instructions of the head of the municipality, may issue a subpoena calling upon any persons to attend before the couneii and the member of the council presiding may administer an oath to such persona and any member of the council may examine such person touching his knowledge of the ,nat- ter. R.S.O. 1927, c. 300. s. 11 (1, 2); 1936, e. 18, s. 3. (3) When it appears that the damage was caused by more dogs than one, the court may apportion the damages , as may be deemed just, having regard tb the strength, ferocity and character of the dogs concerned. R.S.O. 1927, c. 300, s. 1.1 (3). (4) Where a dog is known to have killed or injured' livestock the owner, on being duly notified. shall within forty-eight hours cause the dog to be killed. R.S.O. 1027, c. 306, a. 31 (4); 1036. c. 18, s. 3. (•5) When the owner refuses or neglects to kill the dog. he may summoned before any magistrate who may order the dog .be killed and in auela a case a constable may enter upon the premises of the owner and May kill the dog. (6) The magistrate may direct the owner to pay the, sista of the proceedings and of the destruction of the dor, mut if Ise deems the neglect or refusai of the owner to have beet 'unreasonable nasty itnmeee on him a needier I9 2e • G lung $10.00. R.S.I . 1927, c. lg, The tints' and �tlss anethrd o4 vt'aee- tr'urd see Olt.{ r iind Att Am .Se regarded as tlnitetdv'yr04Sa*Idea is tnlaitcttaal "feisty t(dtli ads': ,tit':elin alar t '. abjeeticai ion •the glitearell that( tii6,3it +sot 'l t etriclt conrpliaado .iltereroa,th. la.S.O. 3991, tee,. e. 19, Business Cards AND FURI'HB.R TAKE NOTICE that such schedule may contain provisions fixing the prices which may be charged for each opera- tion performed by employers and employees in the Barbering Industry and subject to the approval of The Industry and Labour Board and the Minister of, Labour. the Lieutenant - Governor in Council may declare that -'such schedule shall be binding upon all emboyers and employees in such industry which inelpdes all persona in any way engaged or employed in the work or operations included in such industry, DATED AT TORONTO, this 2nd day of June, 1948. ICFIAS. DALEY). Minister of Labour. 3200-1 Popular Stallions aEORETARIAL AND BOOKKEEPING SER - ;eke. Reeorda maintained and prepared for income tax purposes. W. EDWARD SOUTHGATE. Office in Dominion Bank Bldg.. .Seaforth, 4176-tf Enrolment No. 2931 First Class Form 1 The Clydesdale Stallion FYVIE SAMPLE (29930) The property of GEORGE AND FRANK C•OYN.E, Staffa. Phone: 43 r 27. Dublin. Will travel for the season 1945 to interest- ed parties. Terms- 411.00: $2.00 at time of service, balance March 1, 1949, or $13.00 at stable- 4200x1 Notice To Creditors NOTICE TO CREDIT.ORS Personals IIYGIENIO SOPPT•nFe (RUBBER GOODS) mailed postpaid is plain, sealed envelope with price list. 6 samples 25c; 24 samples 81.00. Mall -Order Dept. T-73, NOVA -RUBBER CO., Box 91, Hamilton. Ont. Lost and Found FOUND--IONUR VICTORIA STREET, SAT - day evening, a pair of glasses in case. Owner may have same by paying charges. Apply at EXPOSITOR OFFICE. 4200-1 Help Wanted WANTED — WOMAN TO TAKE FULL charge of flower shop. Apply to BAILEY FLOWER SHOP, Exeter. 4200x1 In the Estate of CHARLES WASMAN ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS AGAINST the Estate of Cha;le? Wasman, late of the Town of Seaforth, in the County of Hur- on, Gentleman, deceased. who died on the 20th day of April. 1948, are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 26th dey of June. 1948, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth. this 3rd day of June, 1948. McCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth,- Ontario, Solicitors for the Executor. 41994 Auction Sales OIL DISTRIBUTOR OCOMPANY WITH NATIONAL DIS- e-"" IS- tribution wishes to appoint agent as local distributor. Must be absolutely reliable, well recommended and financially stable. Unusual opportunity to party qualifying. Personal interview arranged. Box 675, HURON EX- POSITOR. Coming Events CRYSTAL PALACE BALLROOM. MIT- chell, Friday. June 11. presents Scotty McLachlan and his great 10 -piece Orchestra. You will enjoy dancing en •a beautiful marble floor, with fascinating musk that will p}ease You. Dancing 10 to 1. Admission 50c. 4200-1 Tenders Wanted TENDERS FOR COAL TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED BY THE undersigned until June 8th, at 9 p.m., for approximately 7 tons of first quality Hard Anthracite Egg Coal. delivered to each of the seven schools of Tuckersmith School Area, by September 1, 1948. Tenders to state price and analysis of coal. S. H. WHITMORE, Sec.-Treas., Tuckersmith Township Sdhoo, Area No. 1. 4198-2 AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD EP- '''. on Highway No. 4. in Village of Hensall, nn Wednesday. June 23rd. at 1.30 p.m.: Wingham cook stove (like new): washing machine: extension table; glass cup- board ; kitchen chairs: odd chairs: dining room table, square: 6 dining room chairs: bureau: one oak parlor table: two Parlor suites : 1 ardor table: 3 bedroom suites: 3 toilet sets ; hrd springs: 2 sdnele beds; tapestry rug: 1 rug 101'. x 12: all -wool 3 -ply carpet. 4 yds. x 0 yd",,: linoleum, 4 yds. x 5 yds.: '13 washstands; couch: pictures : seelers.:pa its : knees, and forks; dishes: Coleman lamp: Alladin lamp; lawn mown : wheelbarrow, and other articles ton numer- ous to mention. Terme of Sale—Cash. MRS. J. SIM(HONS, Proprietress; Ed. Corbett. Auctioneer. 4200-2 AD UCTION SALE OF LUMBER, FOX AN Poultry Equipment, Farm ]Machinery, etc.. at Let No, 3. Maitland Ccmeession, Goderich Township, on No„ 8 Highway. nne- hn+f mile .east of Goderich. on Thu "day. Jane 17th, at 1 p.m., sharp, the following: LUMBER AND EQUIPMENT -Colony house 12' x 200': colony house. 16' x IR,: 2 colony houses, 8' x 14'; 30 wire mesh fox pens, 16' x 1S': 30 woolen fox houses (suit..^.ble also for poultry); barn, 10' x 33e; 2 range shelters': 12 poultry feeding crates': 2 large feed awes: approximately 40 rode of 7 -strand fence: a number of cedar posts: 8 rolls of chicken Wire: 2 pig crates; oak rand door; 20 -foot ladder: cedar siding. 7 feet high (ap- proximately 2800 board feet) : other lumber, including 2x4' scantling. MACHINERY. ETC.-oFairbanks Morse gas engine (5 HP.); large Universal meat grinder: single horse plow; gang plow; sulky rake; 8 -section bar - roves: Renfrew cream separator (550 lbs. capacity); harrow cart: cutter; cutter pole: trailer and stock rack ; 2.000-1b. Reales; cut- ting box; wheelbarrow; garden tools; set of bteaktng hareem: halters; 32 calibre Win - chador repeating rifle; cartridge making niai- chute; Princess Pat enmtnel range (near's' nese; laundry stove; day bed: '2 conches: roek0ng chairs; child's wagon. and mseterous abet (theles. Sale ie being held due 'id i)1 health. a No .4'eserve, 'Pelma—Cash. •MrOS. L, J. MtriVON, Protariettlioa ; Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer. 419'6-2 TENDERS WANTED TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED BY THE undersigned until June 28, 1948, for wir- ing any one or all of Schools. Nos, 1, 4 and 9, in Tuckersmith Scheel Area, in accordaince with plans and specifications proposed by the H.E.P.C.. which may be seen at the office of the Secretary -Treasurer. Work to include con- necting schools to Hydro line and to be sub- ject to",the approval of the wiring inspector, and be completed by September 1st next. Tenderers are requested to state on tender price for each school, number of outlets and type of fixtures and proposed method of in- stallation- Lowest or any tender not necessarily ac- cepted. S. H. WHITMORE. Sec.-Treas., Tuokersrnith' School Area No. 1, R.R. 3, Seaforth, Ont. 4200-2 -^UTI ,1,14-atiai8 •B4'Ye ,E, 2N Q04.a). ^'' oondisiun. Apply t41 Jaab, tntiAAi1+1 A 1..;.A,64, twain St • 4;1041 FGR SALE—TWO RIGIOWAY l A E,4t,C emits, tinct class carnation: climate 11,14t4.1N a. bulge rleuler. 4400-1 FOIL SALE—TEAM' GOO)] WORK HORSI9S for sale. PHONE 83 ring 11, Hansen. 4200x1 Fad, SALE—MODEL 'A' FORD. 4175.00. 1 Apply R. L01SEl.LE. Seaforeh Motors, 4200x1 VILLAGE OF HENSALL TENDERS TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED BY Ines-H Clerk. Mr. James A. Paterson, up untie 12.00 o'clock noon (Daylight Saving Time), TUESDAY, JUNE 22, 1948 for the construction of a waterworks system, a reinforced concrete reservoir, and a deep well pump and pumping equipment, Plans and specifications may be obtained at the office of the Clerk, or at the office of the Consulting Engineers. C. R. Hager Engineer- ing Company, Fort Erie, Ontario. JAMES A. PATERSON, Clerk -Treasurer, Hensall, Ontario. 4200-1 TENDERS WANTED Township of Tuckersmith FOR SALE—GIRL'S SUIT, SPRING COAT, pleated eaten and dresses, sizes 12 to 14 T, Years. r. Can be seen at GILLESPIE CLEOAN42 - FOR SALE—OLIVER BEAN SCUFFLER:. Massey Harris cylinder type hay loader, both in good shape and reasonably priced. WILBUR KEYS, R.R. 3, Seaforth., Phone 666 r 11. 4200x1 FOtR SALE—SEVERAL NEW AND USED hay loaders. GORDON McGAVIN, R.R. 2, Watton. Phone 831 r 23, Seaforth. 4200-1 FOR SALE—MASSEY-HARRIS BINDER, 7- foot cut; used very little: guaranteed A-1 condition. EDISON FORREST, Hensall. 4200x2 PLOW FOR SALE—McCORM,ICK-DEERING two -furrow plow, in good shape. Phone 830 r• 31. DAVE SHOLDICE, 13th Conces- sion, McKillop. 4200x1 TENDERS ARE INVITES) FOR THE CON- struction of the Bell Bridge, Lot 13, Con, 2. L.R.S.. Township of Tuckersmith. such bridge shall be of reinforced cement construc- tion containing approximately 170 cubic yards of concrete, 8 tons reinforcing steel, and will require approximately 1600 yards of fill. Contractor to furnish all necessary machin- ery, tools and other means of construction, do all the work, furnish all material except reinforcing steel and cement:, which will be supplied by the Township. Marked cheque in the amount of 10% of the amount of the tender must accompany each tender. Tenders mist be submitted on forms sup- plied by the Township and shall be sealed. marked "Tender" and delivered to the Clerk of the Township. FOR SALE -15. CHOICE YORKSHIRE pigs, six weeks old. Apply to RAY McK1NNON, R.R. 2, Kippen. Phone .657 r 33, Seaforth, 4200-1 FOR SALE—NEW SAWDUST BURNER for•furnaoe. Apply to PHIL PRESANT, Egmondville. Phone 666 r 11, Seaforth. 4200x1 FOR SALE—MCCORMICK-DEERING FARM - all 'A' tractor in good running condition. Larger one required to drive threshing ma- chine; also buck rake to fit tractor. Apply to BERT SELVES, Hensall. Phone 178 r 23, Exeter. Tenders will be received up to 9 p.m.. June 19th, 1948. Plana and specifications may be seen at the Clerk's Office. Lowest or any tender not necessarily ac- cepted- E. P. CHESNEY. Clerk. Township of Tuckerstnitb, R.R. No. 4, Seaforth, Ont. 4200.2 FOR SALE—BELL CABINET UPRIGHT Grand walnut piano, with mandolin at- tachment. Apply to :HISS LAIDLAW. FOR SALE—TRUCKING BUSINESS WITH Class "lE" license (Dublin district), con- sists of 3955 Ford heavy duty truck with load- ing equipment and other accessories. License in effect for over 15 years. For further in- formation apply to JOE MA1THOWS, Dub- lin. 4200x1 FOR SALE—NEW McCORMICK DEERING green crop hay loader; 1 McCormick- Deerine mower: both new. Apply to OLIVER ROWCLIFFE, R.R. 1, Hensall. 4199x2 TENDERS FOR COAL AND COKE Federal Buildings—Province Of Ontario EAI.ED TENDERS ADDRESSED TO THE Undersigned and endorsed "Tender for (ewe" will he received until 3 p.m. (E.D.S.T.). Tuesday, June 18. 104e, for the supply of cnal and coke far the Dominion Buildings throughout the Province of Ontario. Forms of tender with specifications and c,•nditions ettnchecl can be obtained from the Purchasing Agent., Department of Public Works, Ottawa, and the Supervising Archi- tect, 36. Adelaide St. Enst, Toronto, Ont. Tenders shou)d be made on the forms sup- plied by the Department and in accordance with departmental specifications and condi- ticne attached thereto. Coal dealers' license numbers must be given avhen tendering, The Department reserves the right to de- mand from any (successful tenderer, before awarding the order, a security deposit in the form of a centftied cheque on a chartered hank in Canada, made payable to the order of the Honourable the Minister of Public Works, equal to 10 per cent of the amount of the tender, or Bearer Bonds et the Dominion of Canada er of the Canadian National Railway Company and iia con- stituent compniea unconditionally guaranteed oa ,to principal and interest by the Dominion of Canada, or the aforementiotfesi bonds and a certified cheque, if required to make up an odd amount Such security will serve sa a guarantee for the proper fulfilment of the contract. By order, J. 103. SO141ER•VILLE, Secretary. Department of Public Werke, Ottawa, May 26, 1049. 4199-2 Cards of Thanks MRS. FRED BURDGE, BRUCEFIELD, wishes to thank all relatives and friends for cards, gifts, flowers and fruit sent her when a patient in Scott Memorial Hospital, Seafonth, with species] thanks to Drs. Mc- Master and Brady and the nursing staff, and Rev. Mr. Stanway. 4200-1 li c] 1ix�uh: ttellded lila teeeral • 004.0 tha late. Nlra, W. • , '( salines, qf. E);WQ Yi114 , fermarly Of Burma' Q urcb, who was Laid to rest MolidaY afternoon .of last week. Wo valet, to extend sincere sympathy to Mr, Gard- iner arid other friends. ills, and Mrs. Isaac Rapson Spent Sunday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Neil'ana. , We are very sorry -that Mrs, Ella Smith is bedfast, but hope as the weather gets warmer she .will im- prove, in health. Leiper brothers are improving the looks of their place, putting up a new fence, .- Burns' Church Ladies' Aid and W. M. S. accepted the invitation to hold their June meeting at the Parsonage In Is,enfesboro, Wednesday afternoon of last week. There was a large at- tendance. MRS. JOHN E. HENDERSON DESIRES TO express her sincere appreciation to her many neighbors and friends for the kind ex- pressions of sympathy extended to her in her recent sad bereavement: also to think those who sent flowers and loaned cars. THE FAMILY OF THE LATE MARY A. Coleman desire to express their sincere appreciation to the many friends and neigh- bors for the kind expressions of sympathy ex- tended to them during- their recent bereave- ment; special thanks to Rev. Reba Bern and all those who assisted in any way with the services. 4200x1 In Memoriam M/ cGREGOR—IN LOVING MEMORY OF our dear =flier, Margaret Gertrude Mc- Gregor, who passed away June 16, 1944. And while she lies in .peaceful sleep, Her memory we shall always keep. —Lovingly remembered by Family. IN LOVING MEMORY OF OUR DEAR parents, George McGlinchey, who passed away June 17, 1939, and annie McClinchey, who passed away June 14,`1947. As long as we live we will cherish their name. In memory we see them ever the same; Still in our hearts they are living yet, For we loved them too dearly to ever for- get. —Sadly missed and always remembered bo the Family. 4200-1 DAYMAN--IN LOVING MEMORY OF A dear mother, who passed away July 9, 1947. Sleep on, dear Mother, for it js true You suffered lots and told but few; Memories and treasures more precious than gold, Of a mother whose worth can never be told. —Ever remembered by her Children. 4200x1 McLEAN--IN REMEMBRANCE OF MRS. Ross McLean, who was laid to rest June 7, 1947, in Forest Lawn' Cemetery, Detroit. Oh for the touch of your vanished hand, The sound of your voice that is still. The world seems so different Without yc,ur smiling face. I miss year cheery, `Hi, There," Almost every place. Those happy hours we once enjoyed, How sweet their memory still, Your going has Left a loneliness This world can never fill. • -Ever remembered by her niece. Births KIPPEN WATSON In Scott Memorial Hospital, on June 10, to Mr. and Mrs. James Watson, Seaforth, a eon - 8 Deaths FORTUNE. 1n Tuckersmith, on Sunday, June 6. Henry .lames Fortune, in his 69th year. MASON In Seaforth. on Tuesday. June 8. William Mason, in his 73rd year. PHILLIPS In Seaforth. on Tuesday, June 8, Thomas Phillips, .in his 63rd year. Reneall veered two rum, 1>w eaoh of the Prat flour hinina'a,, and then held on to •defeat Mitebell >3.4 in a wren» Perth Intermediate O.B.4, game in Hensall Friday. The tilt was called after six frames because of darltness. Saddler pitched four -hit ball' for the winners and fanned 10 of the Mitchell batters, MaIcho and Powell hurled for Mitchell. Balfour led the Hensall batters with a home run anti a dou- ble. Mickle; also of Oki) winners, con- nected with a triple. Anniversary services will be 'held in the 'United Church Sunday, when the guest speaker will be Rev. V. T. Mooney, B.A., D.D., Toronto, Treas- urer of the United 011urch of Canada. Special music will be rendered by the choir, under the direction of S. G. Rennie, with Miss Greta Lammie at the organ console. On June 19 a home -cooking sale will be held in the United Church school room under the auspices of the Wo- men's Missionary Society. Sunday was Church Membership Day in the United Church, when sev- eral young people joined the church at the -.morning service. The choir rendered two anthems. At the eve- ning service Rev. A. E. Hinton, of St. Andrew's United° Church, Kippen, was guest speaker, and also sang "The Lord's Prayer," A trio, com- posed of Miss Betty Mickle, Miss Betty Rowcliffe and Miss Jean Arm- strong, sang a pleasing number, "Now the Day is' Over." The Town Hall was packed to ca- pacity Friday evening for a reception honoring Mr. and Mrs. Jack Consltt (nee Margaret Shepherd), a recent bridal couple. The guests of honor were presented with a lovely chester- 'field suite. Dancing was enjoyed and refreshments served. Anniversary services will be ob- served in St. Paul's Anglican Church W. M. ,S. Meets The W.M.S. of St. Andrew's United Church met on Wednesday afternoon last at the home of' Mrs. Robert El- gie with a good attendance of mem- bers and several visitors. The presi- dent, Mrs. R. Elgie, opened the meet- ing with a poem. Hymn 252 was sung and Mrs. Winston Workman read the 21st Psalm and led in prayer. Busi- ness was discussed concerning simply work, Mrs, Charles Forrest and Mrs. Clark Kennedy, of Hensall, favored with a piano duet. The study, "No Trespassing," was given by Mrs. Ar- thur Finlayson, Mrs. C. Kennedy, of Hensall,' sang the beautiful solo, -Jesus, Lover of My Soul," accompan- • led at the piano by Mrs. C. Forrest.' Mrs. T. Kay gave an interesting read- ing on "The Book of Books, the Bible." Hymn No. 262 was sung and Mrs, El- gie closed the meeting with prayer. A dainty lunch was served by Cir- cle 2. ° There will be no church services or Sunday School on Sunday next in St. Andrew's United Church here, due to decorating of both the church audi- torium and the Sunday School. A special invitation has been extended from Hillsgreen for Kippen congrega- _ion to attend their service at 11 a.m., Mr, and Mrs. Bernard Keyes and Marlene. of near Bayfield, and Miss Ellen Love and Mr. Clarence Love, of Hillsgreen, were Sunday visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Harold Jones. Miss Isabelle Alexander, of Toron- to. 'spent the week -end with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Alexander. Mr. and Mrs. A. Gackstetter visit- ed on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. Motz, in Crediton. Mrs. W. Horney, of, Exeter, visited recently with her niece, Mrs. Arnold Gackstetter and Mr. Gackstetter. Dr. W. R. E. Sproat was in Welland on Saturday attending the wedding of a classmate, Dr. David Wilson, to Miss Jeanne Diana James. Dr. W. C. Sproat, Stratford; Mr. and Mrs. Clarence McLean, London; Mr. and Mrs. John L. Henderson and, Mr. and Mrs. J. Earle Sproat attend- ed the graduation exercises of Uni- versity of Western Ontario in Lon- don on June 2. HARLOCK We K ish to extend sincere sympa- thy to Mr. and Mrs. Norman Shep- herd k Mr. 1 amt ''• of Harlot and a • mil . and Mrs. Eddy Farquhar -and family, of near Clinton, as Norman and Mre. Farquhar", father, the late William. P F Sh h r but p n j, of Clinton, formerly of Harloc'k, aas laid to rest on Wednes- day of this week. Mr. and Mrs. 1.obert McDonald, of Pontiac. Mich., visited for a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Neilans. Mrs. McDonald is a niece of Mr. Neilans. Her maiden name was Mies Lizzie Hannah. Mr. Ler; Watt had bis wood circled On Monday when he had. Archie and his friend from Centralia and Donald and Jimmie Scott, of Toronto, home for the holiday. Mr. and Mrs. William Knox and family attended the trousseau teaof :,VIrs. Kn•ox's niece, Mildred Carter, at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Won. Carter, of Wawanosh, Wednes- day evening of least week. Miss Mar- jorie was a waitress and was also a waitress at list cousin Mildred's wed- ding on Saturday afternoon to Mr. Stewart Am.ent. • We' wish to extend congratulations to the young people. A number of the pGopie of 13ur1Ig' HENSALL i The June meeting of the Whom- Missionary Society of the United Church was held in the church school room Thursday afternoon, June 4, at 3 p.m. The president, Mrs. W. 'B. Cross, was in the chair. The devo- tional was in charge of Mrs. N. E. Cook. Prayer was offered by Mrs. S. Merner and the roll call was answer- ed with a Bible verse oontaining the word "Peace." Business discussion followed and arrangements were made to hold a home cooking sale in the church school room on Saturday, June 19. Conveners and committees were appointed for the booths and tea trifles. The society will pack a bale a: clothing on Monday, June 21. The study was presented by Mrs. R. A. Brook, and Mrs. Mande Hedden ren- dered a solo, "In His Garden," Mrs. T. J. Sherritt accompanying. It was decided not to have the annual picnic this year. Hurondale Women's Institute meet- ing was held. at the home of Mrs. Garnet Hicks and Mrs. Hicks, Sr. Ten dollars was donated) to the Can- adian Cancer Fund. The members are catering to a luncheon supper for the Junior Farmers Field Day being held at Exeter Community Park on Friday. June 5. It was planned to have a short course, "Your money's worth of food," which will prove helpful in these times of bigh cost of living. Community singing was featured and Marilyn and Kathryn Hicks favored with two vocal duets. accompanied on the guitar by their father. Mrs. Albert Etherington reviewed her trip 'to Flor- ida last winter. Mrs. Ligget present- ed a demonstration on personality and dress. Luncheon was served. Something unusual and rather un- ique took place at the regular meet- ing of the Hensall branch of the Can- adian Legion Monday evening• when Frank Bean of Hensall, l+eterans of the Boer War. was initiated into mem- bership of the branch. The Independent Order of Oddfel- lows and Hensall Branch of the'Can- adian Legion are holding decoration service n Sunday, o June 24) when tl Y, wreaths will be placed at the Ceno- taph and the graves in Hensall Un- ion and MnTaggart's cemeteries, The Hensall Masonic Lodge will at- tend divine service at St. Paula An- glican Church Sunday evening, June 20th, at 7.30 p,m„ where they will be addressed by Rev. Mr. Langford. The guest soloist will be Bro. Rev. A. E. Hinton, minister of St. Andrew's United Church, Kippen. Miss Mary Goodwin spent the week end with relatives in London. Mrs. Sydney Clark, accompanied. by her son. Douglas, and wife and baby, all of London, were Sunday guests with Mr, and. Mrs, W. O. Goodwin and Mrs. Maulkinson. Seven hundred' and. thirty •residents of Hensall and distriet took advant- age dvantage of the free X-ray clinic.held in the Town Hall on Wednesday and Thurs- day last, Each member received X- ray fii)ns of their lungs. The Depart- ment of Health supplied the equip- ment and. trained personnel, as , well as assuming a Portion of the overall. cost. The personnel in charge were G. Stockier and R. Guthrie, of Porolt to. r s. .li Sunday,: when Rev, S. 14 fleesierfge4. of Myth, w ll be the glle0 speaker for the day'; •Special mud() 1* .'P:( iAg ar- ranged by the OhQil The play, "T'he Little C1odhepper," scheduled Ito 'be Heid in, the TOWS]. Halle Friday, June 11, by -the young people of Val.= and Aoehen, (has been can- celled, owing to illness of One, of the members of the cast. Mrs. Eldon Kerr and Mrs. J. Reye. of Seaforth, were guests Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. ]Aston .Dawson. Mr. and Mrs. W. Cook, of Goderich, were also guests in the Dawson resi- dence during the week. Mrs. W. Winter, who Is at present living with her sister,. Mrs. E. Dow- , son, is enjoying a trip to variou1c points. Pete WicZaze 11 441,4 "Life insurance is the only investment free from all pro- bate court costs." Confederation Life Association Hensall Phone 55 The play 5it,,°e °t the oat on ISMAH SCAM PERS (Trade Mark Ret.) Your favourite play shoe its back . .. more attractive, more comfortable than ever before — in a new moccasin design. Keep your feet rood and comfortable all summer long — with a pair of Sisman Scampers — on display a2 our store illis' Shoe Store SEAFORTH C*me .Just As You.. Are! JUNE 12th, 1948 IS AIR FORCE DAY IN CANADA and the gates of all R.C.A.F. Stations across Canada will be thrown open to the public. It's your Air Force, so come along and see us on Air Force Day — Come just as you are! The R-C.A.F. Unit in this area is NO. 1 RADAR AND COMMUNICATIONS SCE OOL Clinton The Station will be open to the public from Noon until Midnight Frank Fingland LIBERAL CANDIDATE takes this opportunity of expressing his appreciation of the support ac- corded him at the polls Monday. NOTICE Town of Seaforth All persons in the Municipality owning or har- boring dogs must purchase 1948 License for " same on or before 12th' July, 1948. Licenses will be issued from the Treasurer's Office in the Town Hall, or from the Tax Collec- tor, J. Cummings. After that date summonses 'through the court will be issued to the owners or harborers of dogs not having licenses. ALL DOGS MTJST WEAR TAGS