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1 �
Kippen East Women's Instils to
held their" May meeting at the nolo¢
of Mrs, Ernie Whitehouee Wedneed'ay
afternoon. Cohosteee with Mrs. White -
/ma -se was Mrs. Eldon Jarrott. The
roll call, was answered with "my com-
plete name, maiden and married."
Current eyents were reviewed by
Mrs. W. H,. McLean, Miss Margaret
McKay contributed a poem. A demon-
stration on shell craft work was giv-
en by Mrs. R, Dalrymple, of Egmond-
ville. Mrs. T. Kay presented a very
interesting routine of her three
weeks' motor trip .through the Unit-
ed States. The Institute donated $25
to the Hensall Legion. Presentations
of lovely vases were made to Mrs.
Albert Alexander, secretary -treasurer
for the past five years; and to Mrs.
James Finlayson, the latter having re-
cently taken up residence in Egmond-
vilie. The address was read, by Mrs..
W, Broadfoot, and the presentations
Quickly hglps ro clear up these blemishes
leaving skin soft and smooch. Proven over
SO years.
Or. Chase's Ointment
.ppade ,by .Mae: , 14a4110'lhefha�x:
was taken by the xs,M4140Zit, Mrs, Win:
t yle, The imetitttte received nn, MO,
talion to be gueats of the glnviille
Wpznen'e Institute at' their Mecca n.
•tea 'this 'weal;, Refreshments were
The annual meeting of Miranda,
Women's Institute was 'held at the
home of •Mrs, Andrew ,Dougall. The
raising of fees, to: Ofty Cents was en=
dorsed. The, members have decided.
on holding evening meetings during
the summer months. Reports of the
different committees were presented.
The following officers were elected
for the 13348-49 slate: Honorary presi-
dent, Mrs. Lena Kirkland; President,
Mrs. Ila Moir; vice-presidents.,, M'rs.
Gladys Sims, Mrs. Minnie Elford;
secretary -treasurer, Mrs. Oiive,Hicks;
assistant, Mr•s..Serda Beckler; direc-
tors, Mrs. H. Strang; Mrs. R. Jeffery,
Mrs. Dougall and Mrs. Rowcliffe; em;
ergency, .Mrs. Pym, Mrs. R. Jeffery,.
Mrs. Passmore and Mrs. Love; re-
presentatives to district annual, Mrs.
L Moir, Mrs. E. Mitchell, Mrs. A.
Etherington and Mrs. Dorothy Down;
press, Mrs. R. Campbell pianist, Mrs.
Kernick; assistant, Mrs. A. Dougall;
auditors, Mrs. A. W. Morgan and
Mrs. A. Randle.
Mrs. M. Heckler was in the chair
for the program which included a
sing -song directed by Mes. A. Dou-
gall. The topic was ably handled by
Mrs. G. Ballantyne, who spoke on
"Synthetic Rubber." •Lean Kirkland
gave a demonstration of the making
HEAR. ! !
Tom Pryde and others
Huron Progressive Conservative
Over CKNX Wingham
Friday, May 28th 1:15 P.M. (noon)
Tuesday, June 1st ' 12:55 P.M., moon)
Wednesday, June 2nd 8:45 to 9:00 P.M.
Friday, June 4th ..... 12:55 P.M. (noon)
Tests have proven that tires
'broken in" during cold -
- give longer a d'better
service in hot weather. Equip
your car with B. F. Goodrich
Silvertowns now - - - then by
next summer you'll be ready
for hot weather driving.
B. F. Goodrich Silvertowns
have a wider, flatter tread that
puts more rubber on the road.
This means less wear at any
one point --- longer mileage
and greater safety.
Phone 248 Seaforth
Above are pictured Mr. and Mrs. George Anson ,McKinlay, whose
marriage was solemnized in Turner's United Church, Tuckersmith,
the first wedding since its erection in 1862, on Saturday, May 15, 1948.
The bride, the former. Evelyn Anan Johns, is the daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. H. E. Johns, Tuckersmith, and the groom is the eldest son of
Mr. and Mrs. J. Elgin McKinley, Zurich.
.(Engraving courtesy Clinton News -Record)
of slip covers, and Jean Johns review-
ed current events. Bank books were
given out to eight children. Lunch-
eon was served.
Hold Social Evening
Hensall Institute members and
guests held a delightful social even-
ing in the Town Hall, Hensall, Wed
nesday. Progressive euchre formed
the entertainment. Prize winners
were as follows: 1st prize, Mrs. C.
Cook, Hensall; 2nd, Mrs. C. Devlin,
Hensel]; consolation, Mrs. Ross Love,
Kippen. Thirteen tables were in play.
Mrs. Drysdale won the lucky chair
prize. Refreshments• were served.
The affair was convened by Mrs. F.
Beer, Mrs. J. Paterson and Mrs. A. D.
McEwan. The proceeds will be given
to the local community building fund.
Death of Mrs. Burt Fowler
Word bas reached Hensall of the
death of Mrs. Bert Fowler, who pass-
ed away at her home in Wolseley,
Sask. She was the former Jessie Mc -
Ewan, of Hensall, and was born and
spent her earlier years on the Mc -
Ewan homestead one-quarter mile
south of Hensall on Highway No. 4.
She has resided in the West for 38
years. Surviving are her husband and
one son, Manse]; one brother, J. E.
McEwan, Hensall, and .three sisters,
Mrs. Postie, Winnipeg; and Misses
Lillian and Edith McEwan, of Lon-
Consitt - Shepherd
Margaret Aileen Shepherd, daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. William Shepherd,
Hensall, became the bride of John
Henry Consitt, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Roy Consitt, Kippen, at the United
Church Manse, Saturday noon- Rey.
R. A. Brook officiated. The bride
wore a traditional white satin gown
styled on princess lines, sweetheart
neckline and long sleeves tapering to
points. The full skirt was trimmed
at the front with raised satin roses.
-4..A-.15.elutes--Eaiza,bet h--bea•ddxass•-held--
her veil of embroidered illusion. She
carried. a cascade bouquet of roses
and lily of the valley. Miss Barbara
Shepherd, ,her sister's only attend-
ant, wore a powder blue net gown
with matching feather headdress and
carried a Colonial bouquet of roses,
sweet peas and lily of the valley.
Ray Consitt was his brother's • best
man. The reception was held at the
home of the bride's parents. The
bride's reather received in a gray fig-
ured jersey dress with black accessor-
ies and a corsage of pink roses. As-•
sisting was the groom's mother wear-
ing an aqua gabardine dress with
black accessories and corsage of yel-
low roses. The couple left later for
a motor trip through Eastern Ontario.
The bride travelled in a gray suit
with black accessories and corsage of
red roses.
McKellar - Noakes
A lovely early summer wedding
was solemnized at the United Church
Manse, Hensall, on Saturday at 3
:p.m., when Helen Noakes, of London,
youngsst daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
E. G. A. Noakes, of Hensel], became
the bride of Earl Neil McKellar, of
London, son of Mrs. E. Bayle and the
late Duncan McKellar, Brigden. Rev.
Dealers, Bakers, Farmers & Feeders
"Gold Star" Top Patent
"Excellence" Second Patent
Give Them a Trial — (Quality and Prices are right)
� Excellence Feeds
Calf Meal Pig Starter
Hog Fattener Chick Grower
- Laying Mash Sow Ration
Chick Starter
Hog Grower
Dairy Ration
Feed Division of Excellence Floor Mills Limited
R. A. Brook officiated at the cere-
mony. For her wedding the attractive
bride chose a grey suit with matching
accessories and wearing a corsage of
red roses. She was attended by MiSs
Leona Cox, of London, ' wearing a
black check suit with accessories to
match with corsage of yellow roses.
The groom was attended by Ross
Parr, of London. Following the cere-
mony a reception was held at the
home of the bride's parents for twen-
ty guests, where Mrs. Noakes receiv-
ed the guests wearing a silk jersey
costume with corsage of white gar-
denias. Mrs. Bayle, the groom's
mother, assisted wearing a grey two-
piece ensemble with a corsage of
white gardenias. A buffet luncheon
was served. Pink and white stream-
ers and wedding bells formed an at-
tractive setting for the dining room.
The bridal table was centered with a
three-tier Vet:Tsang cake, while pink
and white tapers in silver containers
and vases of roses completed the de-
corations. Baskets of narcissus, tul-
ips and white and purple lilacs form-
ed an atractive (floral background for
the home decorations. Attending the
wedding was the bride's grandmother,
82 -year-old Mrs. Annie Richardson, of
Hensel:. The groom's gift to the bride
was a string of pearls. Mr. and Mrs.
McKellar left for a wedding trip to
Toronto and other points. They will
reside in London. The bride is secre-
tary to, the personnel manager of the
Dominion Stores, London, and a pres-
entation was held for her by the staff
prior to her marriage when she was
presented with a kitchen shower and
table lamp. She was also feted at
many showers and was the recipient
of massy lovely wedding gifts. Out-of-
town guests attending the .wedding
Were Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Noakes and
family, Auburn;. Auburn; Mr. and
Mrs. .Bayle, Ross McKellar .and .Mr.
and Mrs. Harold McKellar, Brigden;
Miss Leona Cox and Mr Ross Parr,
Mr. Jack Corbett underwent an op-
eialionr appendicitis in Bt. Jo'seph's
Hospital, London, on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lamont, Zurich;
Mr. Sydney MacArthur, Hensall; Mrs.
Jean Manson, Mr. T. Laing, Mr. and
Mrs. Hilton Laing and Mr. Harry
Snell, all of Exeter, spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Stewart McQueen
and attended centennial services at
.Carmel Presbyterian Church, Hensall.
Mr. and Mrs. George Gibb and Phyl-
lis and Rennie visited on Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Malcolm.
In the Garden
T Little Co-operation Will Help
Nature is pretty generous, and it is
surprising how she will make things
grow even if the soil is poor, the lo-
cation not the best and the climate
discouraging. But nature expects and
appreciates a little co-operation. This
means, first of all, that the proper
seed or suitable nursery stock should
be chosen.
• There are certain things that will
grow well in ,the united States or
Great Britain, but that will not do
well in Canada. And there are great
degrees of hardiness and special likes
in the things that e e can grow in
Canada too. A little study of these
special requirements' will pay the gar-
dener rich dividends.
Use Best Seed
In seed, for instance, it is import-
ant to use only those recommended
for Canadian eonditinns, Those listed
in any reputable Canadian seed cata-
logue will be suitable because they
have all been tested for Canadian
conditions. The best seed costs only
a few cents per packet. but without
the best it does not make much dif-
ference how well we prepare the soil
or look after the resulting growth.
But cultural directions should be fol-
' If there is still danger of frost,
then only the very hardy types of
vegetables and flowers should be
sown. These are listed as hardy,
e hardy ; . d tender in the ca.ta-
'cgue. Nothing is to be gained by
rushing the season. With tender
things like tomatoes, melons, squash,
peppers. petunias, begonias, dahlias,
gladiolus, etc., experts caution against
planting until soil and air are warm.
Guard Against Pests
With certain things, ton, it ie ad-
visable to treat the seed against rots
and other diseases that niay be lurk -
big in the soil. This is especially true
of gladiolus and. potatoes and come
other things that may be '8pehiallp
Yer#i e>tt bUl of hire
nt tieh en thu ax et PeAVI Rbr
lilirpoae 'r'hesei protect fre0 +;lisease:
and 01MOU ,age that iiu..i,~k grow: that _
aQ ngces4ax it w«3 are gab g. to gel;
early, 1indenlaged blef n ,anti; tender:
After tile plants ,start to grow; too,,''
the • good gardener will icaep an eye
for insect or .ether peat damage, Vie.
will ,guard against this by epceurag •.
ing rQwth by frefluent cultivation, by
spacing or thinning for room aia4 by
sprays, dusts or other protection ap•
plied just as soon as the first a'ttacka.
are noticed. tTnfortunatelyi for almost
every variety of fruit, vegetable or
flower in Canada Or any other coun-
try theme seems: to :be a special •pest.
But it is amazing how easily. these'
can be controlled if measures . are
taken promptly.' The careful garden-
er will be ready with sprays or dusts
and get started with ,these before any
damage gains headway.
There is No Hurry
There is plenty of time yet in any
part of Canada to have a real garden.
Practically all sorts of hardy flowers
and vegetables can still be sown and
they should continue to be sown at
intervals of ten days to two weeks
until well into summer. Spreading ottt
the garden in this way makes the
work easier and more pleasant, but
it also spreads the harvest of blooms
or vegetables aver weeks and months
instead of days. In these times of
high-priced, sea.rcevegetables there
is a real dollars-and-centssaving in
having a plentiful supply of vege-
tables coming en right lintel': fall.
A Lot For a Little
In the town garden where space is
at a premium the wise gardener will
concentrate. on those space -saving
vegetables • like beets, carrots, spin-
ach, lettuce, onions, beans and simi-
lar large -yielding things that can be
grown in rows or from 12 to 15 inch-
es apart. Tall or sprawny vegetables
like corn, potatoes, peas, tomatoes,
squash, cucumbers, etc., create a spe-
cial problem. These require rows or
hills at least 18 inches apart.
'Where the plot is restricted, most
people will give up growing their own
potatoes, and possibly some of the
others. Peas, COM and lomat lesr;
however, though they do eopupy a
good deal of roosts, are so Mulch tag
tier yvjien freshly picked from the
garden at the door, that special•..ao -
sideration is often given 'them.
A good deal of space can be saved
where the tomatoes are trimmed and
staked, and the cucumbers and squash
too, if grown around the edge of the
plot and allowed to run•. over the
paths, perhaps can be crowded in.
The little acorn type of squash will
yield a lot for the space occupied.
"lkl0kird �wilai�,,r
!be a g.904,110.A.
na<a't7t` lector "au
Your. larottth;,
i steal sQ4e
,(call i$g WAI T FOND'
et'ery' ySr0dq!1,0fia1.:
Qliiill24 920 -" 7.30A
feed your calves
Blatchford's Calf Meat
( available also in Pellet Form)
the perfect replacemezzt for whole milk
Blatchford Feeds Limited, Toronto
Seaforth Produce..._. Limited
A Few Worth While
Frequent Elections
In the last 45 years the average time between elec-
tions was 31 years. Great projects require frequent
endorsation of the people. That is democracy.
European countries would be glad to have the right
to hold free elections.
The people of each riding have a right to have a
representative in the Legislature at each session.
The Liberals could. have refrained from nominating
a candidate last February, then there would have
been no by-election. Scores of people in the riding
can testify that Tom Pryde has been of service to
them as their representative in the Legislature.
Let him carry on the work.
The Hydro Change -Over
Progressive -Conservative Candidate
from 25 to 60 cycle will not cost the domestic (home) consumer one cent. That
is definite. After the change -over, motorized appliances will cost much less—up
to 33 per cent.-
The Amusement Tax
The continuance of the amusement tax will enable the government to increase the
maintenance grants to hospitals from $2,200,000 a year to $5,400,000 a year.
The Gasoline Tax
The continuance of the gasol ine tax will enable the government to give larger
grants to the counties and municipalities so that we can have our county and muni-
cipal roads kept in better shape both Summer and Winter. Then, again, why
shouldn't the man who drives 10,000 miles pay more than the man who drives
2,000 miles? And why shouldn't the American tourist pay something toward the
upkeep of our roads?
The Embargo
which prevents the shipment of cattle and certain other products to the United
States is purely a Dominion Government affair—and the Provincial Government
has nothing whatever to do with it
The Airforce Voter
If he'and his wife are living OFF the station he has the same voting privileges as
the civilian. If he lives ON the station he must have been in Ontario one year.
and keep the highway improvement up, help the hospitals provide services to the
sick, advance . and improve the Hydro system, and keep. Ontario strong.
Published by Huron Progressive -Conservative Association