The Huron Expositor, 1948-03-26, Page 47,
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, 'n,.l 0 xed - I 'or $41� He 11 � ..t ow. with a r by �Mrs:'�A, 1,?+ ' "
MO _ In his ur'#un "Watlenei, Metre, tail _ ., e�. 1W'
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0, ,,sl� I ,rqR SA 1 hARGA 1)ARTFi1R Q . a1NTE11 CK D� R. ,MUST, " 1n ttawa it s ulte•<blay'';loue,�that the: W Wem. Mrs. Ferguso11u intrafluaed
J" couch. I P 2. 51 A $ �j�% -fir sit sane, •4f Clil4�
ole pertsbRetiv , 13 be ale .$t ape kir, MF -,::. .
N: I O 1
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a RQr1lE'i 2 1. 4.89 reMalrle. A1?ply 4a G6a; (�jAj{[t"piQ}i+T w)1 a Was n" .
fi'ILe ,r . <, EXl?OS I , M changed. Cet, 04 iy . lh@n, aux road, ton, A vote off t. %Uk gi
QJkT FOR SALE-BROWl3 COAT, SI7B 1dv8: 'hBIQ>t $(ki141t@,tl alapes� �,
' '!•;,. , a 4sead avil'1 be` thrnu 11:. the.':Social dem.. Mrs. Frank Wright A mother soil
11 1�1 11.88.» also ,blue dress. size 98, good as new, ih hold i the :6nt8C V ,iOr .I..v11 .. aduete .for,
:� a ''' r PHONE 180. 41894 e S oCl ,tic r.(�gimi� daughter •ban4luilt will be 4 R tr1411,.:,altct your P. I dS Will Ixisexted l �P j,fiW Gish 1 tes 11$ln s %.$Ilius ahur4lh Mai 17. and' tine guest s'Peak: bTen 11 agd i1e
• OR SALE-nSFA.OH 4-F)I.�I'+MENT BLW- it ( Pale wIXl XlB {4�1?�i�t�. .
i `' , '�!'4yt 111 i,� ,;woo. X,"* .All L!' . gid* KW.- r -w Words � trio stove. in goad working order. 14CRETAMIAL AND )lOQifl{F87r VW,Q $ « / er wilk ' b2 M36. W. 11. Xoudg. Re
^�•�1��� ��^'•tt aro
n ,. 7st ......................... 1 Gant PHONE 24: 4189x1 vice. 1le0atds mrlrlRainad +KRt1 pFaDArat�. C114v4rE: freshtuents' were served. 1i�t,�� 1.�,
Slid week •r.. •................... % Gaut 411x • 10ba Reld
for income, tgex, .. W. ... 417N�P1.
" ird, 'weak .�...................... zit G.m# �tp R SALE -SINGER 8Ei4"YNG MAOIANE BpTJTKOA office in i2 i ; Hanle Dedth of Mr¢. 84:rut9n
Xftii n Cbarv% Asst liraskft... 9i Conal FOR for pabehirrg show. SOI WILLIAMS.1Sldg., Seatostl�. 4176 kt � '�
J14ch,Jg4m l*Wai: sad' abbreviation' sv oap• egoshi. taghmentst, Franat Kling eSea#Art)a. hig111y este4ameik resident of tell. PHQNE 1�0 , NSNSA
of Tb 13191, In M�rVOM SONCIa. C00111f 1 01 snot � Mtord. itlnfiaur, so Railway 'Sl, Seaforth. 9189x1 ti
^- (adv,), salt for many years, Mrs: Mary Jane
veuta DMr q•alc, OR SALE �1 YORKSHIRE 'SOW, SEC-
, �Wi Ata�mtM1Y lea dlreatled tot a Bac Number. n/o The 8gren S�aalOsr. fox 10 eantg elttra. FOR litter, due in one Ionil. Phone C- Personals. Misses 'Kay, and Donna BrittaA, of �GrutOn, passed away St 11@r boas
eu additional will be charged If ada In a= also are net bald Within ' 10 data at kiingsvil'Ie, have .btj43n iyPanding a Friday afterIIoon following an illness
. 4}ate of fltFal Rlgr•shota• r 25. HARVEY McLARNON, Kippea, YGIENI SUPPLiI'� (MUBBEIt GOODS)
Q • week with. their grandparents, Mr. which canned her to ,bed since Na
HistLa. l arr;'ia>fa +wd: 1pasffie 'inaeabad area of al4srsti 9189x1 H mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope . A . ,
/fuoti4ln Salm. NatSc4► to Oreditr;a. Eta-Rgu6gs oa'}pptdaatlsn. with pries list 6 sntn9les 260; 24. samples and Mrs. UV411#ata Britton,"owing .to vewber, She was •tTie farmer Mary '
F 'ft Mall -order Dept. T -7s, 6c; 24. ulaB�ut illness at their home. Jane Coxwortb;, and the widow of the
Messrs. Easy Lawson
Auction Sales Auction Sales BRAD8HAW, Seakfarr buck Phone 6 � 4�M Verne i}a1e and Borden � Jewitt ' fate1. Alfr4jd' 3oruton, who passed away
CO., $ox 9!,' Haaailbon, Ont
n Brown at- in November, 1916, thirty-three yearsIn
AUCTION SALE ON .TUESDAY, MARCH CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF FARM - For P.4nt tenddd the banquet of the Farmers ago, Mrs. Scruton was a member of Discs,
80th, at 12.8o via., of Grass Land: 145 C Stock and Implements, Lot 12. Concession OR SALE-McCORMIGK-DEERINGSIDE-
F Co-operative in Dgmondwille Tuesday the United 'Church and a member of
acres. Let 7, East 3A of Lot 8, in 2nd Con- 7, Morris Township, 1% miles south and 3 delivery rake, in good condition. Apply 11
cession, McKillop. VA rwrfh, 11/d west from miles west of Brussels, Monday, March 29, to SCOTT CLUFF. , 4189x1 TO RENT -0N SHARDS, 20 TO 25 ACRES evening. the Woman's Missionary Society. Sur -
Dublin. Well fenced; good drilled well; wind- at 1 p.m., including horses, cattle and lapis- - of good land. Apply in person to WM. Mr. William Dale motored to To- viving are three daughters: (Mildred') p
. midi' 75 acres two yel seeded. Terms given menta, etc. Terms -Cash. ARTHUR HEN- FOR SALE -A NUMBER OF YOUNG H. M1cLEAN, Kippen., 4189-1 Tonto on' Wednesdayon business Mrs, P. L. McNaughton (Alma) Mrs. 1 and 8 -foot
day of sale. MIKE McCAR1`HY, Proprietor; DERSON, Proprietor; Hamid Jacltaon, Auc- York pigs. JOHN E. ,MacL AN, R.R. 3,
Harold Jackson, Anotfoneez. 4188.2 toner. 4188-3 Seaforth, 4188.-1, PASTURE FOR RENT ---GRASS SDR 12 OR The Councillors aril road suparin- H. B. Horton and Joyce, Toronto; one 4
14 big ateets, with running water. AD- tendent made the rounds of the roads, eon, Harold, Port Dover; two sisters, Available for immediate ,
EXTENSIVE CLEARING AUCTION SALE AUGTTON_ SALE OF CHOICE, DURHAM FOR SALE-bO ACRES GRASS LAND ; ALL ply to ARTHUR ANDERSON, R R 2, Hen oil Monday and' found, that owing to Olive, Detroit, and Frances, Winn4- deliveasrrrar1-
of Farm Shock. Implements, Feed. ---W. Cattle and Implements, Monday, April S. seeded; plenty of water, s% Lot 26, 6alI. Phone 108 r 5. 4189-1 r •
th 41aod the ,I er in bad con Peg- one brother Walter Flint •
E. Nairn, auctioneer, will sell by public sue- at 1 p.m„ at Int 18, Concession 3, Tucker-
kion on Lot 14, Concession 9. Hibbert. one- smith, 1? -s west of Egmondville: 3 and 4
half mile east of Staffs, on Monday. March year pld Percheron team (matched) ; 1 Chest-
29th, 1948, commencing at 12 o'clock showy. nut filly rising 3 years old; red cow due to
the following: HORSES -Matched red roan freshen 'time of sale: noon cow with calf m
team of Belgian mares, CATTLE, --25 head of Loaf : red cow with calf at Soot : b Durham
high-class' Holstein cows consisting of 4 cows due in April; 6 steers. 1,006 16x. (fat);
springers, 6 cows freshened in March, 2 cows a year-old steers: 8 year-old heifers: Massey-
freshened in February, 10 cows due in Octo- Harris spring tooth cultivator, 8 ft.; 2 -fur
her and November, 4 'heifers two years old, raw disc plow. International: Massey -Harris
6 yearling heifers, 6 heifer calves. 1 pure earn seutfler. Terma-Cash, JAMES BLACK,
bred bull calf: '18 of these cows are under Proprietor; Harold Jackson, Auctioneer,
3lpureobr and unser are 4189-2
vaccinated, and from pure bred sire and r+ais- __
vacfive yearn ala; from
ed on farm HOGS -7 Yorkshire :brood sows IrLEARING AUCTION SALE OF FAR@1,
Hay Township. PHONE 128, Hensall.
" 4188x3
OKE -Mr, and Mrs. Orville G. Oke (nee Wi0-
a Rawcliffe), of Clinton, are happy r,
announce the 'birth of their daughter,
Elaine Kathryn, at Scott Memorial Hospital,
Seaforth, on March 20.
BAGS -RAW -In Lindsay General Hospital, on
March 21, to Mr. and Mrs. Waiter Bag-
'haw (nee Grace Free), a eon.
GEMIMELL-In Scott Memorial Hospital, on
March 23, to 'M r. and Mrs. Robert Gemmel],
Tuckersn Sc a son.
GRAY -In Scott Memorial Hospital, on March
24, to 'Mr. and Mrs. Earle Gray, Egmond-
Ville, a son.
DUDDY-At "Merrimead," Hi']denbwro, Kent,
England, to Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Duddy
(nee Mary Holmes), swan -Stephen Chances,
e s roe s w e
Mich., and six grandchildren. Private
funeral services were held on Monday
from her late residence conducted by'I3T�
Rev. R. A. Brook, who paid fitting
tribute to her life. Burial was in Hen -
salt Union Cemetery. The bearers
were, Thomas Walsh, George Hass,
Edgar McQueen', E. R. S'haddick, P.
Z. McNaughton, H@neap, and' Gordon
Vickers, Toronto."'
a �r
' phone - 1`z8 -W
new, used about 10-15 hours, Apply to
C Of Th
F Brantford Street; barn and flue acres of
land: Hydrw : lata of water. Apply to WM.
EDGAR, Seaforth. 4189x2
bushel; No, I Conrmeroial Galore barley,
$2,00 per bushel; sacks free. l l e BELL,
Kippen. 4188x2
THE wish to extend thanks to friends,
relatives and neighbors for many kind ex-
preesions of sympathy and floral tributes;
special ,thanks to Rev. R. A.. Brook, Harold
Boathron, funeral director, and bearers.
„For Rent. -Vacuum cleaner and at-
tachments. Frank Kling, Seaforth.
. (Adv,), -
personals: Mrs. Lucy Burns, Lon
don, with her daughter; Mrs, Harold
Tomlinson, Teddy Rowland, Wallace,
ufh spreader, used :two years, like new.
- 4189.1
flex in good condition; washing machine
due m •March and April; Yorkshire sows Farm Stock and Implements, Lot 28, Con-
with litters; Is -hogs, 175 lbs. each; 26 hogs, cession 11. McKillop, on Wednesday, April 7,
The above hogs are from a registered, at 1 o'clock. 13'1 north, % mile west of
sire and dam. FOWL - 250 fowl one Winthrop. HORSES -Brawn mare, 9 Years;
year Rock and Leghorn. ,HAY AND GRAIN brown mare. 12 years; brown gelding, 12
--10 tons of mixed hay' 50 bushels of wheat: years ; team of roan colts, mare and horse,
500 bushels of Ajax oats, cleaned for seed; rising two and one years old. CATTLE -2
10 feet of silage. IMPLEMENTS - Allis- cots:; freshened 2 months; heifer freshened 1
Chalmers tractor, on rubber. 35 H.P.;'Goodi- month; a' cows freshened I 'month; cow fresh-
son separator, 36x50, equipped with grain ened 3 months; '2 cowr_s to freshen time of
thrower, water pump, straw cutter, in Ent sale ; cow to freshen in May, 2 heifers ria-
class condition; 120 feet of drive •belt, nearly ing 2 years, one in calf; Registered Shorthorn
mew, cable and -pulleys; McCormick -Deering bull, years ; 4 steers. 2 years; 4 steers, 1
3 -furrow tractor plow, new; Case double disc. Year: 3 heifers, 1 year; 4 spring 'calves.
power trip, .nearly new', 'MeCormdek-Deering PIGS --Sow due April 28; 11 chunks, i -:i lbs.;
hammer mill, No. 1 B: '2 rubber tired wag- 12 chunks, 17'5 lbs. IMPLEMENTS-- M'assey-
ons; McCormick -Deering hay loader, new; ,Harris. binder 7 ft. .cut. ; Massey -Harris man-
h4'oCorunick-Deering side rake, new; McCor- ure spreader: Massey -Harris hay loader, drop
mi:ck-Deering cultivator, nearly new; �MeCor- head; International mower, 6 -ft. out; Inter-
crick -Deering mower, 5 -foot cut; Massey- national side delivery rake; roller; set of
Harris binder, 6 -foot out; Massey -Harris dump discs; etiff tooth cultivator; riding plow;
McCormick.Deering manure spreader; walking plow; set of 'harrows : seed drill :
Champion oat roller, new; 2 H.P. electric harrow cart; cutter; 2 wagons, steel tires;.
motor, new; 3 3'4 H.P. electric motors : elec- ( gravel box: 16 -foot hay rack with half rack:
' trie fence and equipment: Web -ter spray 1 set of sleighs with flat rack; Clinton fanning
painter, nearly new; and numerous other I mill ; cutting box ; cream separator: stone-
Tann imp,ements. DAIRY EQUIPMENT-- hos.: seu'9c•r, new; set of breeching harness;
Universal Shan -tube milker, 2 single units.1 sat of plow harness ; horse collars ; 4 range
and piping for 25 cows ; Viking power cream! shelters; barrels ; chains : wire stretchers;
separator, nearly new; milk pails; also large, ym ,{one: 200 sap spi'1e5: some elm lumber,
electric Clare Jewel stove, new; 7 -feat Frigid- 2 ,-nd 1 inch. FURNITURE -Extension table;
sire refrigerator, nearly new. Positively no; 6 chain; bedroom suite; spring -filled mat-
-eserve. Farm is sold. Terms --Cash. This! t,.e._.: bedstead: set of sprin'es: glass cup-
being an exceedingly la'r'ge sale, will start 1 _;•d: •'t0:h, scales. FARMS -Lot '-'8: 10o
�1 - •t 12 oc9ock Booth on grounds.' - f 1 b h ell i i ed
with enamelled tub and pulley for gas en.
Phone 100 r 12, Hensall. ' 4189x1
OKE -Mr, and Mrs. Orville G. Oke (nee Wi0-
a Rawcliffe), of Clinton, are happy r,
announce the 'birth of their daughter,
Elaine Kathryn, at Scott Memorial Hospital,
Seaforth, on March 20.
BAGS -RAW -In Lindsay General Hospital, on
March 21, to Mr. and Mrs. Waiter Bag-
'haw (nee Grace Free), a eon.
GEMIMELL-In Scott Memorial Hospital, on
March 23, to 'M r. and Mrs. Robert Gemmel],
Tuckersn Sc a son.
GRAY -In Scott Memorial Hospital, on March
24, to 'Mr. and Mrs. Earle Gray, Egmond-
Ville, a son.
DUDDY-At "Merrimead," Hi']denbwro, Kent,
England, to Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Duddy
(nee Mary Holmes), swan -Stephen Chances,
burg, with his mother, Mrs. Winnifred
Rowland; Lorne Rock, London, with'
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert
Rock; Misses Theresa and Mary Mar -
aret Ryan spent
g P Ili the week end at
their home; Joseph Flanagan, :Lon -
don, with his parents, Mr, and Mrs.
Joseph Flanagan; Miss J11dy Friend'
entertained a number of girt friends
in honor of -her birthday On Friday
F mom arm chair; one plats gasoline stove,
Cheap, MRS. F, C. ANDERSON, James St-,
Seaforth. 4189x1
1 tires and battery; 1948 license. ADP1Y
to JAMES McQUAID, R.R. S. Seaforth, or
Phone 96. r 14, Dublin. 4188-�2
new, used about 10-15 hours, Apply to
bushel; No, I Conrmeroial Galore barley,
$2,00 per bushel; sacks free. l l e BELL,
Kippen. 4188x2
—' ---
Standard make hearing aid batter -
ies. available at Frank Kling's, Sea:
forth. -(Adv.),
Mrs, Emmerson Kyle has been ill
for a week.
Mr. ElmOrO McBride has 501d his
farm and intends removing to 'Exe-
RELD-In 3ea,Eorth, an Tuesday, March 29,
Jane' Reid:
Dr. F. I Burrows
(Continued from Page 1)
H. Close read a poem written by John
seed. Apply LOU BOLTON, R.R. 1,
Dublin. Phone 840 r 22, Seaforth.
ity, Valor and Urban Oats, OA.C. 21
barley. This is exceptionally well cleaned
s'ed. Reasonably priced. W. R- ARCHI-
BALD. 665 r 16. 4187x9
t0 say'
. a. p a , ac, es, a acres o map a use , w e ra n ,
LORNE HODGE, Proprietor: W. E. Nairn,I ,.,.,,,7 from,• house covered wits asphalt
Sunday With Mrs. John Bolton.
Mr. and Mrs. Alonza Ortwein, of
wheat; s bushels wheat; 60 alfalfa and __
timothy seed- FUR heater: WANTED TO BUY -USED COPY 'TIEw
tents of machine shop with equipment
{o sharpen 'lawn mowers: power lawn mower,
A-ctO,:neer. 4181;-1:,h.nr_'�; L bank harm. Farm in wonde,-ful
pill- teacher and our friend, we Come
� ij.
London, were recent visitors with
Mr, and'` Mrs. M. G. Drysdale,
. --•'--- I t,ite cf ru!:i-ration. Lot 24. 75 acres, ail in
chen range; 6 -piece breakfast' suite, black
t0 say'
Standard make hearing aid' batter-
ply Box 651, EXPOSITOR.
Jackson, Auctioneer. 4188-2 ( 4188-2
LEARING AUC':ION SALE OF FARM, y,;,;,,, rerm- cn Cnattels-Cash. 'Perm: on
and white: Apply to WILLIAM LEYBURN,
ies available at Frank Kling's, Sea-
like new but inside sidewala alightly
Stool: and Implements, at North Half of -property ma,',� kno•a'n day :, sale, STANLEY •--Phone,
Le; 25. McKillop Township, 6 mile.; north of <:.kRNIiAM. Proprietor; sHarold Jackson,
;caaforth. on County Road. on Thursday, I Auc.ti,neer; E. P. Cl;,.4ney, Clerk.
283. Seaforth. 4189-1
Hew re regret that you must go away.
But we, your Class, will ever thought-
fill be,
forth. -(Adv.).
(Continued from (Page 1)
SCI E to,
timber frame. Roof in
April 1st, at I p.m.: -Bay horse 1
8 horse and mart-
good condition,
7-o be removed from property. Priced right
For precept and example all so free.
highsFt in crokinole. were Miss talar-
at her home Monday evening for the
yea- „Id: agsd grey
we:ghine 1400 the., work single or double.
for quick sale. Apply GEORGE WEISEN-
garei Glenn and Mrs. Tom Kyle. The
Percherbn Marla a+isflng 6. CATTLFr-cow
bred; L good Durham calf, one week
old: also a 'pure bred year-old sow due April
I ___ _ _
CATTLE-2 Hereford heifers. fresh in Feb-
ruary t Hereford cow, fresh in March; Short -1 Waisted
"' Furs heifer due time of sale: Shorthorn cowl
Hereford due time of -UP.
BERG, Brussels, or ,phone 56 r 9, Brussels.
— — -
Even if you are ataxy, away out there,
We'll bridge the distance with a
prize for the- best box went to Mrs.
Jack Corbett, F. Appleby -was Judge.
g three -act drama, "In the Dog
,Go -h atesS with Mrs. Bonthron Was
d^ase time of sale: mw , OUSE WANTED -HOUSE IN GooII coN-
,all : Hereford cow due in April]: 3 heifers H
clition. Apply to J. BELL, Louisa St,
F „
area hen April 4 : ,1 Holstein cow, ani•Ik-
ra er;
And now the Come, we C011ld not, let
H011se,' trill be presented by a Cast
craning 2 years std: 3 steers comiagI2 years:
ins -nod, bred February 5. Apply to OLDEN
it pass,
Ailsa. Craig, sponsored by the
the quick and deep reaction to Rua -
present. The president, Mrs, Glenn
year-old calves; 3 young calves. PIGS-
r sow due April 3: 1 E41W due April 15th. '—�--�---'-"'-,---`-'
CRICH, R.R. 3, Seaforth. Phone Clinton 614
r 13. 4189x1
So please accept. this token from your
Women's Association of the United
Church, April 9.
bread, flour tin, good condition, ,price $4, I
lame Quebec heater, 11 gibes, 1 elbow, 1
HENS -80 Barred Rock hens. MACHINERY
-McCorvnick-Deering tractor 10-20: Cockshutt rat.,, tires, mattresses and batteries. Will
pay highest and pick up. CLARENCE
Miss Alice Hackney, of Exeter,' 1S
are now buying
by the Scripture lesson, Matthew 28:
2 -furrow plow: 36-50 Decker blower, feeder prices,
REEVES. 4189-1
from Certified seed; 200 bushels
a house guest this week with MI's.
with bagger attachment; set scales; wheel- June 15, 1948. For further particulars al
atHarris t; se
hood, white, reversible, $17.00; "rawer
end elevator extension pipes: 7 -foot cut Deer-
Ajax and O.A.C. No, 21 row barley, mix-
'just a little chain, links made of
chest , ,$10.00; 8 bags of Cement. MRS,
HOLLOWAY, North Main St.
Prime Minister reminded hifn that the
of Gladys and Margaret Moir, 'Joan
'nog binder: 6 -foot cut mower; 12 -foot Mc-' - -
ed; also a quantity of feed' .grain. Phone 73-6,
John Bolton.
rack; crates: gravel stone
Stanhope top buggy; shay fork and rove; espied.
•C'crm:ck dump rake: Maxwell side rake: ANTED -A LIMI'T'ED NUMBER OF CAT-
Cockshutt 13 -disc fertilizer drW. sowed three tie to pasture, from May to October 1st-
Hensall, or write URBAN'DUCHARME, R.
R. 1, Hensal•I. 4187-3
And may each link a precious metal-
Mr, and Mrs. M. G. .Drysdale Spent
ernment for its action in exposing the
crops: Massey -Harris inthrow disc, 12 ft,; 2 Good grass, water and shade. Apply to ROY
subversive and Spy activities of ag-
ory hold
Sunday last; guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Milne Benstead Barbara
Call 5� Dublin for further information.
• I'. & W. cultivators: F. & W. steel 8 -drum LAWSON. 4189x1
Of Seaforth friends you leave behind
and Miss
t g
planks-. grain bags and sacks; thresher's
roller: •walking plow; drag harrows; Cock- -^--^-----'
shutt manure spreader ('like new) : rubber ANTED -WILL HAVE ROOM FOR ONE
,tire wagon, box and stock rack new); 2 or two in car'going to Manitoba shortly.
suitable for seed, and .some Mixed Grain,
Ajax ,oats and Galore. barley, suitable for
seed. Price $3.50 a cwt- N. R. DORRANCE.
today, - •
Good-bye, good luck, GOB speed you
Richardson, of Strathroy.., .
Don MacKinnon, Jr., 'had' the
��Op� �■ Staple
farm wagons, wagon rack; gravel box: cut- Apply to Box 6.14, HURON EXPOSITOR.
Phone 839 21, Seaforth.
tario and Saskatchewan, C.C.F. So -
cialist members have been accused of
fortune while employed at Welsh'S
blankets. GRAIN -Abort 100 bushels Alaska 3, 1948, for 5,006
r 489x1
On 011r way,.
Date and 100 bushels mixed grain, suitable for approximateli yards of
being Communists. Mr, Caldwell,
ting box; cutter; fanning mill; sleigh; col-
seed; about 75 bushels fall wheat; a few crushed gravel, through 1 -inch screen, to be
bvshels beans; hay, marrgele laid on the township roads under the super
sawmill to fracture his left arm when
Provide This U81C
Fop- per bushel : International 13-hce
ony house 10x12; Gollins electric brooder; 2 -
incubators: 9 range shelters; scuffler; lawn WANTED TO BUY -ALL OLD HORSES
mons, admitted in reply to a ques-
a two and a half inch lank he was
R. Y. MaeLAREN, Proprietor; Harald Jack- Work to be complered by September 30, 1948.
son, Auctioneer 4188-2 A bond of $200 in the form of a certified
Friday, March i8. Irish Music by the CKNR
Ranch Boys. St, Patrick hate for everyone.
mower; Massey -Harris spreader, 3 H.P. en- I and dead animals. If suitable for mink
electric fencer: cream separator (Me-! feed will pay more than fertilizer prices. If
with motor) t oil dfru r : not, will pay fertilizer prices. If dead, phone
grain drill, in excellent condition ; steel tire
farm ,wagon; also clothes wringer. JOSEPH
KALE. R.R. 5, Seaforth. Phone 46 r 10.
• S
� �� �
handling slipped.gine;
11r. and Mrs: Gordon Clemas, Mar-
llyn and GOrdOII Of London spent
. stee] poste : dnve he1'bs , wh, a Fees , or at once. GILBERT BROS.. Godench. Phone
ett-, vyater tank: harness; 400 bushels mixed collect: 936 r 2'1 or 936 r 32, Goderich.
grain; 100 bushels oats; 25 bushels 'buck- 4189-tf
Dublin. 4189x1
Sunday With Mrs. John Bolton.
Mr. and Mrs. Alonza Ortwein, of
wheat; s bushels wheat; 60 alfalfa and __
timothy seed- FUR heater: WANTED TO BUY -USED COPY 'TIEw
tents of machine shop with equipment
{o sharpen 'lawn mowers: power lawn mower,
Detroit, and- Mr. Milton Ortwein, of
kitchen babies 4 chairs: beds: chars; Per-
airs; beds; Atlas of Huron County," pub-
fection oil heater; occasional chairs; couch; lisbed by .H. Belden & Co., 1879, or will
25 -inch cut; 1940 Chev- Special Club Coupe.
� ij.
London, were recent visitors with
Mr, and'` Mrs. M. G. Drysdale,
etc. Terms -Cash. No reserve: farm sold.
ROBERT McFARI_ NF Proprietor; Harold trade copy similar Prrth County Atlas. Ap-
The minstrel show .osis sponsored
g P
ply Box 651, EXPOSITOR.
Jackson, Auctioneer. 4188-2 ( 4188-2
9 K C�
by the Ladies' Aid of Carmel Church
like new but inside sidewala alightly
is being held Thursday, April 1, rather
Stock and Implements will be held on W lady or young girl capable of taking full
scored. Suitable for wagon or trailer, Tire
and tube, $6.00, WILLIAM HART, Sea-
than Friday.
Led 8, Concession 1, Tuckersmith, half -mile' charge of house and two small children.
forth. 4189x1
Mrs. Harold Bonthron was hostess
north of Hensall. on No. 4 Highway. Friday. I Household duties not heavy. Apply Bac 656,
at her home Monday evening for the
April 2nd, at 1 o'clock: HORSES -Black EXPOSITOR OFFICE, at once.
matched team Clydes, rising 10 years; black
Faster meeting of the Arnold Circle
Percherbn Marla a+isflng 6. CATTLFr-cow
bred; L good Durham calf, one week
old: also a 'pure bred year-old sow due April
Evening Auxiliary of Carmel Church.
bred recently: rnw fresh; cow due April 16;
10, third litter. Apply to 'GEORGE WL-
by observer
,Go -h atesS with Mrs. Bonthron Was
cow due April 2a: sow due May 12; yearling
steer; calf; 90 Bdrred Rock hens. Tenders Wanted
CLnton, R.R. 1, Clinton, Cli miles north of
ML'S, Stewart Bell. A largo' attend
1NIPLEMENTS--'11Rassey-Harris binder 6 -foot:
Clinton, Phone 806 r 31, Clinton
The most obvious note in Ottawa is
anc0 Of members and guests was
International mower 6 -foot: 11 -hoe fertilizer
drill with grass seeder attachment: Massey- TENDERS WANTED
the quick and deep reaction to Rua -
present. The president, Mrs, Glenn
____ -
wood, natural finish, porcelain top, mixt,
Harris spring tooth cultivator; Frost & wood
disc; dump rake. bay tedder; hay loader; 3- Township of Staple
p y
sign and Communist aggression in
Bell. was in the chair and, resided
for the call to p. The theme,
drum steel roller; 1 -furrow Cockshubt sulks ENDERS WILL BE REEEIVED BY THE
plow: walking plow; 3 -section harrows; bar- TENDERS
bread, flour tin, good condition, ,price $4, I
lame Quebec heater, 11 gibes, 1 elbow, 1
Europe. Last Week the Progressive
Conservative leader asked that a de-
"Lift LP Your Heads,' was• follpwe'd
ed u to 12 o'clock noon, April
rrw cart.; Cackshutt bean cultivator with p
for a tractor and mower. Mower
dh,n'toes. 1 sisal, $; 2-d pair lady's black
F toes. 9198 7, $4.00; 2
bate be held OU. external affairs and
by the Scripture lesson, Matthew 28:
discs: walking scu®er; Massey -Harris bean • h e 5- de
; fanning mill; have 5 -foot tatting bar. Delivery to be made
puller: Nler
-door cardboard wars-
i e. $2.00; folding bed type go-cart with
intimated' that the government had
1-8 read by Mrs. Melvin Moir, Mem-
bers of the Mission Band,
with bagger attachment; set scales; wheel- June 15, 1948. For further particulars al
atHarris t; se
hood, white, reversible, $17.00; "rawer
been reluctant to permit A. The
ply to ROY KEYES, Road Superintendent,
barrow; set sleighs: low wagon; Bain low' Varna.
chest , ,$10.00; 8 bags of Cement. MRS,
HOLLOWAY, North Main St.
Prime Minister reminded hifn that the
of Gladys and Margaret Moir, 'Joan
wagon; slat rack with sliding platform; stack Lowest or any tender not necessarily ac -Johnston
hog box; hove;
Progressive Conservative and C.C.F.CCF
and Lola V011an�d' COntrlbllt-
rack; crates: gravel stone
Stanhope top buggy; shay fork and rove; espied.
Parties had, both denounced the gov-
ed a musical number; meditation, St.
John, 2, Mrs. Stewart Bell.
sling ropes ; barrels ; grass seeder : chicken
R.R, 3, Bayfield-
and Found
ernment for its action in exposing the
Vega cream separator: No. 12 De
• shelter; V .
subversive and Spy activities of ag-
Mrs. Harold Bell favored with a love-
separator; neekyokes;, chains; wire
strebeher; whitfletrees; shovels; forks; hoes. TENDERS WANTED
and *numerous other articles: number elm
'license. Owner may have same by pay-
eIItB of the Russian government and
planks-. grain bags and sacks; thresher's
ing charges and proving property. Box 655,
some Canadian Communists.
hook. HARNESS-.cet breeching harness; set Township of Stanley
In at least two +Legislatures; On -
backhand harness; set rubber -mounted single, TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED BY TELE
harness; collars and caIlar tops; horse TENDERS up to 12 o'clock noon, April
tario and Saskatchewan, C.C.F. So -
cialist members have been accused of
IC R REC 0 R D 5
blankets. GRAIN -Abort 100 bushels Alaska 3, 1948, for 5,006
Comic Events
Date and 100 bushels mixed grain, suitable for approximateli yards of
being Communists. Mr, Caldwell,
seed; about 75 bushels fall wheat; a few crushed gravel, through 1 -inch screen, to be
bvshels beans; hay, marrgele laid on the township roads under the super
C.C.F. leader in the House of 'Com-
Provide This U81C
seed quantity
and turnips. Terma-C,aab. Farm is sold. vision of the Township Road Superintendent,
•U Dance at the Crystal Palace, Mitcbe)l,
mons, admitted in reply to a ques-
R. Y. MaeLAREN, Proprietor; Harald Jack- Work to be complered by September 30, 1948.
son, Auctioneer 4188-2 A bond of $200 in the form of a certified
Friday, March i8. Irish Music by the CKNR
Ranch Boys. St, Patrick hate for everyone.
tion from Walter Tucker, M.P., that
he wa6 not sur that there was not
cheque must accompany each tender. Tenders Lota of spot dance prizes, featuring a big a for EASTER -TIME
. • must state the price per sable yard and en- elimination dance: prizes for lady and gent. a minority of Communists in the So-
LEARING AUCTION SALE OF FARM velope must be plainly marked "Tendeu" and Admission 75 cents. 4187-2 cialist party (page 2314 Hansard,
mailed to the Township Clerk.
C March 17). Mr. Coldwell suggested
Stock and Implements. Saturday, March For further infomna'tfon apply to Roy
27tb. '12.80 sharp, Lot 86, Concession 8, Logan Keyes, Road Superintendent, Varna, Ont that there might be some members • Nowt, is the Hour
Towhship, 13/1 north of Dublin, on County Lowest or any tender not necessarily ac- Farms For Sale . on the government side who were Charlie Spivak
Road: IH'ORSES-,Gray mare, 4 years; brown cepted. sleeted' with Communist support, • •' • • • ' • • • -'
mare, 5 years; brown gelding, 7 years; brown FRED WATSON. Clerk, OR SALE -116 -ACRE GRASS FARM,
mare, 9' yearn old. 1TARNESS-2 sets of R.R. 3, Bayfield F Lot afi, concession 14, McKillop. Never- which, of course,,i9 quite a different l+nq Looking Over a Four -Leaf
(0 TR i. ,
horse cd harness; 1 set of single harness: 4186-4 failing spring creek. Apply to THOMAS thing•
horse collars. CATTLE- -Durham oam due Clover ......The Three Suns
August 20; Durham cow due August 25; 4 NAShI, R.R. 5, Seaforth. 4189x1 Mr. 7 Ow, the 'Social Credit 1@oder,
Derham scows dna in September: 4 Durham ,w ,•� '
cows recently fresh and breed again; 8 Dar- Notice To Creditors FARM FOR SALE -•400 ACRES ON COIiN- quoted W. Irvine, L.C.F. member for Because ....... Perry Como
ty Road, 4 miles ,from Brussels, a Caribou, who said in an address at
" N A(,T
ham steers, 1,000 lbs. ; 4 Durham steers ria- - from school, Comprises 65 acres cro 1�and Edmonton, June 26, 1946, (just after
ing 2 years: 2 Durham heifers rising 2 years; NOTICE TO CREDITORS in Beg Your Pardon
8 Durham steers and heifers, 1 year; 6 Dur- lying to the south; well drained: Feat in pas- he was elected as a C.C.F, member BARLEY
ham calves. These cattle all been T.B. test- In the Estate of ANNIE WATSON Lure. Outside fences good. Buildings close Larry Green and his orchestra
ed with no reacbors. PIGS ,3 'heavy ebunks. ALL PERSONS SAVTNG CLAIMS AGAINST. together and all have good roofs, nearly all of parliament) : "We (the C.C.F. So- _
HENS ---i00 New Eiamitabire here- colony the Estate of Annie Watson, late of the roofed recently. Drilled well .near house. cialist party) should have made it The Thousand Islands' Son
house Sx10r; 2 rafn'shelters; brooder stove Township o8 McKillop, in the County of Hur- Good barn; large framed implement shed; 9 We will pay 10 cents a Bushel more for
s clear to Canaddana that Russia, a
and other poultry equipment. SEED GRAIN on, Widow, deceased, who died on the 27Th 7 -roamed brick house with: cistern; inside and , •'LOUiS Prima and, •1118 OTC ra
AND RAY -_25 bushels of Galore barley: 160 day of January, 1948, are hereby notilied to outside cellarways; a new furnace chimney+•. Socialist country, is Our type.' . Barley grown from our Registered Seed
bushels of Ajax oats; 175 bushels of Ajax send in full particulars of their claims to Some standing firewood and compact cedar After much questioning by "Walter At the Candlellgitt Cafe A
oats and Galore barley, mixed one-third bar- the undersigned on or before the 9th day of bush. River crosses end of farm close to K U.A.C. 21 than tke price we will be pay -
ley M.P., Mr. Ill, C.C.F.
ley and ,two-thirds Date; 2 tons 2.12-6 Ler•- April, 1948, after which date the assets will road. Must be Bald m close estatR Priced ...........The Three Suns ,
tilizer; 10 bags Katahan pabatoes (all above be distribtfted, having regard only to cls ins to sell. immediate possession. Apply in leader, admitted, (page 2314 Hansard) ing for Malting Barley.
grain cleaned and graded for seed) ; 10 bush- 'then received. person or by letter to MRS. CLOTORD that the Labor Government of:..lGreat
MARKS, R.R.4, Brussels, Ont, Easter Parade.... Perry Como
els of timothy seed 16 twill df mixed hay. DATED at Seaforth, this 18th day of Britain hall said the Communist cap-
I,MPINT$-F. & W. binder, 7 f.; M. -H. Marsh, 1948. 4188x2 t>Lr@ of aZeehoSlowakia by force Wo,lld You will also get a better•yield from
mower. 6 ft,; hay loader; sulky rake; hay McCONNELL & HAYS, , My Old Flame.. • , Spike Jones
tedder; grain drill; M. -H. cultivator; 5 -see- not :have been possible "without 'sup- Registered Seed.
tion, 4section and 3 -section of diamond her- Seaforth, Ontario, • port. from a minority within the camp +
I 'mese; 8 -drum, steel roller; International man- Solicitors for the Executor, In Memoriam „ I'm My Own 4arandpaw
1 i of democratic Sodielism.
nre spreader; 4 -row, potato sprayer; Massey- 4188-9 .. ......Lonzo and Oscar
1 Horris corn scufRer: 2 single walking Setif- - McARTTLL7ii IN EVER LOVING MEMORY Reaction Acsross Canada Or Particulars:
1, 9ers: 1 po,bato plow; ,2 -furrow` riding plow: of )ean, beloved' wife of Sydney McAr- A perusal of. daily newspapers all par
i .1 I Single riding plow: 2 walking plows; 2 disc NOTICE TO CREDITORS thnr, who passed away March 28, 1947. Y (Clair de, Lune.. • • ..Jose Iturbi DONE 54 HENSALL
1 serosa Canada sllbvtrs that the retic -
barrows, in and out throw; rubber tired wag- In the Estate of CATHIMtNE COYNE -.Husband and Son, f
on, 2 farm wagons; set of bench sleighs and ALLP'ERSON+SHAVING OtAIM3 AGAINST 9189-1 tion of the dangers of Communist ag polonaise in A Flat„Jose Iturbi
tanning Thin seedk gravel ,box; 4 ladders: the Estate of Catherine Coyne. tato of gr�gren In fleetioneofatla n's capital is a OR CALF AT OUR OFFICE
rack • 16 -ft, flat rack,
cool. I .
grain gfmder; 2,000 lb. the Village of Dublin, in the County of N LOVING, OF A DEAR SON
I e feeling of the Warsaw Cance'rto
scales ;y,4tfantritq of ttfmliek' hnd plank ; ear Perth, Spinster, deceased, who died on 'or and brother, P•te. Melvin Taylor, tvha rotas
fi and h'AV Pope, 1.75 feet; slings; sling Chain about the 4th day of March, 1948, are hereby killed in action in Germany three,yeare ago, Canadian people. Boston- "'POPS” R*Oorchestra / e
„I �Lll ,I and hay :fork; totter; 1 rubber tired hug+gy; notified to send in to the nnderaigned on or Mareh 24. 194:5. Ilan Cameron e4 file Windsor Star,
robber tiered W,hee'Ibarr'aw; Renfrew cream before the 8rd day of Aini1 1948, full par- Remembrance in a golden chain B
Mara of their claims, mfker which date the ,Death tries to break, but all fir vain; i9 writing a series OY articles, Which1.
� '�Sll I -
`` itkea); 14'' ILP, i3:ra engine, Irat**KUond'1' 3 assets Of the said estate will be distributed To have, to love, and then to part is being printed in many dailies, giv i L.,
attar • Atte • ertalat separator (Never kit
Mp �1m+tet°natwum gati' engine, primp Lack: a t the .parties entitled thereto, having Is the greatest sorrow of on'e's heart, ing his 'findings in weeks of search
. pool& do >h4tV eoiety stolid; lids kottles; regard to claims then received. for the truth Of Coli YntlniSt activities 9
L "I", , ,.Iart,e r Itn'ttte, 2,ctbYiaCYut hrswsp fdikS. DATM at Seaforth, this Sith day of.MA%tb, The years mo wi s, out 'many thin", and eiieCtiveiless ill• Cailnda. 2'he � �� 'IWA 'a
htrhaiillb "og�ju6 ,5 LA lis. vihJffleWaear desk- 194$x' But Mils .they wipe' out never
1hak4is;'rlrobt.of ,` dt-titY lea. Tc+rmd C�tBlr. McCO1V1�ELL 6c BAdiS, The rh'e ,ory. of those hs,ppy days facts are startling: to those wh'll 1x118 �y�yCt y
• L'.EO l[tRAtTirO�, 2 iopofxir;' Pli►oid Jack Seafoitbh, OrttarlA,
tK>ken a were all tagetfi'er.' YreedOln a g $BA(ifhl'F'IPJJ�'e'f1iL +
sift aid :7oateilt 8;?�. AtilcitAiiA. SAilobtoig far the RrteeutoPa.. S,ovin1t11 rometnbered X�y M Dai: Bis- nd peace 911(1 Sll"oVr gP1iy:L. , .
ugg,2 419743 °y1 "If U -e elect a`"SOX. C,tove'igmelit
tors, e,nd Brothers.
,t , , 4199x1
4 %
., - -
L 1;
. ..
t `
b. r r ..
, r
e, . r' .i::: , n
.. :. ,,: .:.r. ,. ,` ,..,I.. , ..
I 1,
' Li
:.: .,
.t -'.,r ,r ., ,..,.. 1