HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1948-03-12, Page 6�r5 Delivers ember ron e s d;1C�.ex1 Speech eech in House $R. T. PRYDE (Huron): Mr. Speaker, as the most recently elected ]lxtelnber of this House, I feel a little uneasy in launching this debate on ibe address in: reply to the 'Speech Throne. the Thr from #r First, I would like to say that my 'bein'g here at all is the result of a vacancy which l am sure fills every Hen. Member with regret. This Prov- ince was shocked, and the County of Huron in..particular, was tremendous- ly shocked, when the announcement was made last Dec. 17 that the mem- ber for Huron (Dr. Hobbs Taylor) had passed away. We all remember the unfortunate illness which over- took him in this House three years ago and how he hovered at death's sQld,9,7 tills to the 11,0 Of a pe son t be so' universally respected a loved, and when 'Dr, Hobbs Taylor passed away the oommunity for many' nliles around his home in Dashwood ,regarded it as a personal lose. He left his mark' on the community in which he lived, first as the family physician of hundreds; second„ as their representative in this Legisla- tive egislative Assemibiy;. and, third, as a man er specialized Aytng training, and to whom thousands bad turned in time R.C.A.F. Station, Clinton, where stu- of need. He vigorously representesd dents -.receive their training, in radar his •constituency and he will not soon and allied fields of communication. -campaign you cam g election P 1 eerie an thatD sure quiteg e Iam be forgotten. ram voicing the sentiments of all Hon. hear many points of view. There is the rabid partisan who can see noth- ing otaing but his party. There is the one who sees the man. There are those who tell you there is no difference, one is as good, or as bad, as another. I met those types, so did you—but to the latter 1 had this to say. At this time, there is a difference, a distinct difference, in the parties offering themselves for your approval. I will say there is all the difference ld. We, as the Government door for several months, 'how he con ducted his election trona his hospital bed, and the overwhelming vote of confidence given him by his constitu- ents. contra- an fears to the Y, Despite many p r in he was able to resume his labors this House, although prudence de- cieof . ended that he cease the pra.tc his profession. Those of us who were close to him detected a gradual re- turn of his old vigor, but he suffered a relapse and he was called from his labors. His numerous friends throughout the courntry mourn his passing, but as I he spent his adult life ministering to tin needs of a rural community, it is there his loss is most acutely felt. It CASH for YOU OLD, DISABLED OR DEAD Farm Animals COWS --$9.00 HORSES --$7.00 HOGS OVER 300 LBS. - $3.00 PER 100 LBS. ACCORDING TO SIZE AND CONDITION Our Same Prompt, Efficient, Courteous Service SIMPLY PRONE COLLECT PHONES: 390-W SEAFORTH 219 MITCHELL 21 INGERSOLL 215 STRATFORD 44 WILLIAM) STONE SONS LTD. INGERSOLL, ONTARIO the towns and: villages whin we w. 'h to see deyeloped, and, which, in tire-, will add to the prosperity' of the neighboring agricultural districts. But in Huron we also have some- thing else, which should not be over- looked and of which we are very proud. I refer to two Air Training Schools. One, R,C.A:F. Station, Cen- tralia, which trains air crew and ofh- I sayour of this House when ,members heartfelt sympathy is extended to his bereaved wife and daughter, to whole 1 he was intensely devoted. Surely a fitting epitaph would be: "To live in the hearts of those we leave behind is not to die." Mindful that it is the right of the electors in every constituency to con- tinuous representation in the Legisla- ture, the Government lost no time in For Chickens • PEAT MOSS e CHICK STARTER • CHICK GRIT • CANE MOLASSES • COD LIVER OIL ALSO— FERTILIZER AND GRASS SEED Carload of Wire and Steel Posts Seaforth Farmers Co-operative calling an election. Despit the inten- sive campaign conducted by the Lib- eral party, the policies of the Govern- ment were endorsed. Let me say, too, Mr. Speaker, that this was no snap victory. This repre- sents the opinion of a section of the Province which takes an interest in public affairs, because 78% of the eligible voters exercised their fran- chise. In my own home town of Exe- ter, 82% of those eligible cast their ballot. Huron is not on a many East-West artery. I feel quite sure you have be- come better acquainted with its loca- tion oco tion since the by-election, yet, while I am on my feet, I would like to tell you something of our county and of its importance in this Province. The County of Huron is on the shores of Lake Huron and.bounded by the 'Counties of Bruce, Perth, Middlesex and Lambton, so we have important neighbors. 1 have the assurance of my Hon. friend from Huron -Bruce that if he gets my support, together we will put Huron "on the map." Needless to say he has that assurance,. and I will try to pull my• weight in any effort to- wards that end. The people of Huron are mostly old Canadian stock, principally An- glo-Saxon and Northern European people of the third and fourth genera- tion Canadian. I need not here recite all their virtues but they are the salt of the earth, and not easily swayed. They think a question through before reaching a decision. That is why I believe the Government should be so happy in receiving the endorsation of people of that type. II is not highly industrialized, but is principally an agricultural county. There are a number of factories in in the wor a party, have a clear-cut program, long-range program, one that is com- prehensive." It was conceived by 'big men, men of foresight, and men of capacity. In contrast, we have the negative policies of the opposition with its failures to see the, opportuni- ties of the future—afraid to venture. Our educational system had not kept pace with developmentsin other parts of the world, but due to fore- sight of the Hon. Minister of Educa- tion, a commission is giving intensive study to the whole question. To give effect to all these changes the whole system of school taxation has been revised and today the burden has been shifted from the back of the. property owner to the shoulders of the Province. The result of this has meant that we now offer our teachers a salary in keeping with other pro- fessions thereby inducing a high type of citizen into the teaching profes- sion. The school buildings are being improved, the curriculum has been so expanded that the needs of an agri- cultural community are now better taken care of than at any time in the past. This all means that young peO- ple in the rural areas are now able to receive an education suited to their needs and in modern school buildings right at their own door. They are en- abled to live at home and not be at the expense of paying board as so many of their older brothers and sis- ters were obliged .to do in the past. This has been accomplished at a owner. Yeadit ush p to our new, Cati.adlana, it must be able, educated 1ea,.cterehi - leadership in the °!Canadian way , . life. Should we fail -to set these high standards, those people themselves) Wray or may not build; the Canada you and 1 would like to see. Agriculture, as I told you, is. the basic industry in Huron, and it is still the basic industry in the Prov- ince. We are aware that one of the greatest difficulties experienced in rural districts is to keep the young. people in the oommunity and prevent their migration to the city in too 1 will help, A great numbers. Nothing this more than improved conditions, those conditions of , living similar to h found in the ;city„ declining The farm population is g • and -yet the greatest need of the world today is the products of the farm. outfor People the world over cry more of the necessities of life. We remember the four freedoms for which we fought—freedom from want was one of them—but that ideal is far from a reality in many lands. Our farmers are doing their utmost to produce food under difficult condi- tions, and this Government is to be commended for its efforts to assist them in every way. We heard from His Honour, the Lieutenant -Governor, something of his plans of the Department of Agri- culture, ably led by the Hon. Minis- ter, who is so highly respected by the farmers of this Province. I am par- ticularly ly interested again in what is TCI4 - oHiEoCiKis D ,, For quick relief from itching caused by eczema. athletes foot, scabies, pimples and otheritching conditions. use _yure. cooling, medicated, liquid D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION, Greaseless and stainless. Soothes. comforts and quickly calms Intense itching. Don't suffer. Ask your druggist today for D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION. 1�tl}9 bavil ahfRW,II. gAVW Wa4t I 14094 Instructive, Aomething' i>iei"r'sane- thing with al 41)0 4 .o the iniagiga- Itiom, . We waltt to• AbOW! a!otttlt that big 'things are to be tabtained in Can- ada and, there is no need to go else- where to find it. 'Today we are suffering for the nQg^•. ative pgiipy of the past. Let us not forget . the accomplishments of this nation in, both peace and war. Young Canadians axe not to be excelled. If I may quote from my own experience in war years, I will refute the asser- tion that Youth is decadent, that it is Let w L as est generation a not whatP me tell you, we have some of the finest young people to be found any- where on the face of, the globe. That is why I am here today. That is why I support the Drew Adminis- tration. That is why the people• sup- ported me as its candidate, The youth of Huron were behind us and when the time comes, the youth of this Province will follow suit. We have the leader; we have the policy; we have the courage, and faith in the future of this • great Province to do big things. Although I have exalted youth, I do not forget the contribution made by an older generation to the devel- opment and upbuilding of this Prov- ince. They will continue to give lead- ership and stability in every walk of life. New Canadians, yes! but let us do everything to retain our own Cana- dian youth—provide opportunities for being done for the young people. I intelligent young men and women,' so note with satisfaction the expansion that they will not find it necessary to of strong, self-reliant, self-governing seek their fortune elsewhere. organizations such as Junior Farm- Therefore, my closing words are ers and Junior Institute Girls. these: Let all parties in this Legis - We were all delighted to hear in lature co-operate to produce sound the Speech from the Throne of the legislation, which will give encour- announcement that at long last we agement to ;industry, stability to ag- had a Government which had the riculture, freedom and security to all courage and the vision to see the the people, and create opportunity for necessity of changing Hydro in South- youth. Let us not sell our Province short, Let us see in it great things. Let us work and strive to make it the best place on earth in which to live and raise our children. reduced cost to the prop -eft In a word, it is a fulfillme t of the promise of. this Governme t to as - ,nine 50% of the cast. of education, which Hon. membe s e Opposi- tion said could not e done. In my riding, as an example. the ratepayers in Clinton saved, in 1947, on every $1,000 of assessment, $23,00; in Goderich, $13.30; in Seaforth, $16.S0; Exeter, $24.70, and in Hensall, $13.00. These are examples of the savings effected all across this Prov- ince because of the wise policy of this Government. Education is considered of prime importance. If we are going to give yoriel your eget TheU such are pwgl at peBelpg.ay" wits Ostnts• fordo foitwei5ar' runeown.nouns QU4 be.p I1�[ «4w Walt nutty IDU isat fi'' vor dome Tomo 'ranters rat pep r %NO& very sex. New ~got aoauafattd°- a MM Pah ger nee alt (tog claw engvINIt, ^ T 44, The deportment of the engine plant whore Plymouth engine* are given their initial "rust' before being Dynamometer -tested for brake horsepower and general operating efficiency. Pixlitou'rns are built in Canada by Chrysler! In huge, modern plants, skilled Canadian craftsmen and powerful machines work miracles of production. If you could walk down the long production lines, you'd see the extreme care that goes into every Plymouth. Every operation is a fine example of precision manufacturing. There is no lost motion and nowhere is precision sacrificed for speed. Rigid en Bering standards and specifi- cations are strictly adhered to. Skilled technicians constantly check production to assure unvarying quality. The specially designed instruments and gauges used for checking are marvels of ingenuity and accuracy. On the long assembly line the big Plymouths rapidly take form until, after complete assembly and a final thorough inspeeion, they roll out of the busy plant, gleaming and handsome—fine Canadian -built Plymouths, ready to give top performance, greater safety and increased economy to their owners. 10011 AT THESE PLYMOUTH FEATURES • Safety -Rim Wheels with Super Cushion fires for blowout protection • All -steel Safety Body • Body Guord Bumpers • Hotchkiss Drive to cushion stoning and stopping • Front-end Sway Eliminator • Safety Hydraulic Brakes • Floating -Power Engine Mountings to smother vibration: Pian., No. 2—lhe Chrysler Corporation engine plant of Windsor, Ontario. *MIA PRECISION MANUFACTURING MEANS/� woe�v In this modern plant, skilled craftsmen build the extra values you get in Plymouth. Snperfiniahed crankshaft r and camshaft journals -- heat -resisting exhaust valve seat inserts—lightweight aluminum pistons — full -pressure lubri- cation and full length water jackets are only a few of the Engineering advancements that make Plymouth a long-lasting, economical car to own and operate. BUILT IN ''hal A ■'W A D A PHONE 2 SCOTT HA KIRK SEA,,L" OIaH ern Ontario from 2,5 to 60 cycle fre- quency. This is a huge undertaking which can only be carried through by men of foresight, such as we have directing our affairs at this time. The name of the Prime Minister of this Province will go dawn in history to. be linked with those of Sir James Pliny Whitney and Sir Adam Beck whenever and wherever the people speak of our great public utility. In the fall of this year about 160,- 000 additional H.P. of electrical en- ergy will be made available to the people of this Province. When all the developments now under construction are completed over one million H.P. will have been added and made avail- able to industry and agriculture in the Province of Ontario. In rural areas we fully approve of the increased assistance to townships for road maintenance, bridges, etc. Farmers wish to use their cars 12 months of the year as city people are privileged to do. With the increased assistance new snowplowing equip- ment is being procured, thereby mak- ing motor travel possible all the year round. Hon, members who came into the riding of Huron just recently will know that never once was it neces- sary to resort to sleighs . to get around, We had snow in abundance but the roads were clear. It might be mentioned that this was just a normal winter in Huron and the snow 'will ensure good crops next season. 'Our wells and springs will be replenished, once again demonstrating that Huron County is well blessed by nature. The Department of Municipal Af- fairs brings the Government of the Province into close contact with the' lives of the people through municipal councils. The Municipal Board gives advice and guidance in the matter of capital expenditure so that we will avoid a repetition of the disastrous conditions of the 30's. New services must be provided but supervision is given to prevent unwarranted expen- diture. - I am pleased to note that debenture debt of all municipalities had decreas- ed over 16 million dollars at the end of 1946. By way of comparison, the gross debenture debt of all munici- palities at the end of 1946 was $214,- 648,000, compared with a total gross debt in 1932 of $504,756,000. The hon. Minister of Health has shown a keen interest in the smaller hospitals throughout the Province. Due to the new policy announced last summer, grants are net' available for capital expenditure. In Huron Coun- ty, three hospitals, at Goderich, Clin- ton and 'Seaforth, have been greatly assisted in making new additions to their buildings by reason of these grants. It is well known that more people are hospitalized today than; ever before in the history of the Province, and it is imperative that increased accommodation be provid-. ed, These new grants for capital ex- penditure have given fresh encourage- ment to those public spirited citizens who comprise the boards of these small hospitals. They struggle along against heavy odds to provide hospital accommodation for the sick in their community, and I am happy to note the new policy of this Government. There can be no real progress where one section of the people is barely able to procure the necessities of life, At the outset of my speech, I made mention of the citizen who made the claim that there was no difference in political parties. In my own way I have tried to point out the difference —the people of' 'Huron. on February 16 said there was a, difference and indi- cated their preference. This is really a Government look- ing ahead, a progressive Government with faith in the future of this great Province. This was what appealed to the people of Huron: They saw it led by a man of vision, able to grasp a problem, however big — courage to tackle it and ability to see it through. That's what the people want; that is what they are getting. And, too, this is what our young people want. There are many isms in the world today. The only way to fight them is to give the people some- thing better. Tfie young people see this and .that is why they are flocking to the banner of the Government of this Province. During the recent election our op- position was well briefed in the short- comings of our country, but the peo- "MERYES s/ ea!d ec f'1 Losing interest—los- ing friends—she never went out any more—always too tired. "Nerves", she thought—but it was her kidneys—the fil- ters of her blood— that needed attention. She used Dodd's Kidney Pills at once. The improved action of her kidneys helped to clear away blood impurities and excess acids. Fatigue, backache, headache, lack of energy dis- appeared. Dodd's Kidney Pals contain essential oils and medicinal ingredients that act directly upon the kidneys—and help restore their normal action. 144 Dodds Kidneir Pills `■ =d11 [j�f i■■SIB ■■■■�■�y�%i air ■ LjjJj�le� i-;;ia:: .a. •y NM 1: C •MJ11.vtrw ■ ■■■1■ 1 ■ t i ■ al ter ■ EU`,, . •,, . NMP r 1�-'J1 RA =ir i.� 1111111 la thRkJfJ!'!T"1 ■■ HOM E0 ;AUTO SUPPLIES SWIFT, SURE STARTING IN COLD WEATHER! Tirestone BATTERIES 16.45 UP Tees oowu-psdtsd belittles we designed, ltam;o,ire depsedebls „shef. su • ELIMINATES FOG as a Driving Hazard! "Firestone DELUXE SEALED BEAM FOG LIGHT Amber sealed beam fog light makes driving safe even in a log. Smart chrome finish with universal mounting bracket. SPECIAL 6.00 PRICE .J' PILES ��$Yyiih a reword of 20 years ns n most aaiis- Vust oa bus Etw8� dei eiiBleu Or hemorrhoids, DEPENDABLE AT ALL HOURS, in all kinds of weather, she's at her post. You count on her and she's proud of it. VII ith switchboards busier than ever because of the many more telephones, hers is still "The Spirit of Ser- vice." More telephones are being added right along. Our constant aun is to provide more and better service ... always at the lowest possible cost ... to give greater value to every telephone user. THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA BE T.iRE WISE ,! BUY THE NEW • tt,•1 'Firestone Pauxe CHAMPION Canada's No. 1 Tire (600.565 for Safety, Mileage; 18.45 Pe/forenames end Value ' FOR EXTRA VALUES IN '49, I SEE YOUR FIRESTONE DEALER M. E. Clarke *Red Star SERVICE STATION GASOLINE AND OIL OIL BURNER SERVICE Fhone146,Seaforth Be Quick --Phone Dick - FOR THE BEST IN CHESTERFIELD RE -UPHOLSTERING New Patterns and Colours now available to match your room Highly skilled workman on all our work. "A CUSTOMER ON EVERY STREET" is your assurance of satisfaction. Just pick up your phone and call 342-W NO OBLIGATION 7 Day Service — No Waiting JACK SUURRMAHN of JOHN DICK & SON