HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1948-03-12, Page 4''""
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'�' ,', � a tech. I p, shortly lgdve on their Siura4�Y abroad are always on ,hand .to do whatever
�7 were Presented with campaetet while 3s asked of you fai'thfuliy and well.
" ++.WAN"EU- �' F•.AiQSiR.!!}f k"fAGt. ry� p � holesitn Tate,
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,��, , ClassifieAr •#art tee Shorthand anti ty#lag re- _ , wile is moving to Sear We felt that we ecoid not 'let Sao
c � , �' qui�ed Arp}x kv l�sa O i,r, dt N YS. lklr•. Atnah Green, who has„.been forth, >"eGeived a cup and saucer, the leave without in some small way
91$7-1 epending the winter months with Mr. addresses being read by Gladys Luk- showing the esteem in which you are
and Mrs. Robt. Green and Miss Mur
Gixat, TO #fEI,P WTTI3 HOLILSEWORx. er. Mrs. Kerslake, presented the gifts. held. May your Whip” have smooth
9M1i.S. W. 8. 11Ntk'1ILI.i. 6z2 William die Green, of London, returned home;
Classified if1ec1 Ads Will BeB Ituserted At'New IatiW Cash F�atea The recipients replied �ttiiigly. A die- sailing all 'the wet'. We ashL you to
' St, Stratford, or PhoAe 2862 collect Last week,
kir $■.lei Wanted, Leat and 1?eelad, scv.--ra w:Rd: 4187a eussion, period _Followed. The socio accept these little remem rances
lot week ....•...:............... I Cent *as Anna Pattterson, of Ifteter, is tart' read a letter from 'Mr. W. O. from use all. May our present rela-
„ 2nd week ...............
....... •......,. Cent visiting at her home in Tuckeraagith• Goodwin, secretary treasurer Hensall tionship be one of long and happy
Srd week .. ... cleat'• 'lkErs. Doig, of Egmondvllle, aceoln- L� on
"gi .expressing .thanks for the continuance.
bfrm}mum cl and dirt lm■ei; con 6 Cent■
Each egure iultid and abbrevd■Noa aaaub as one woad,g
" Card of Thenlp. in Memoriam. Notice., coming Events --1 coat par word. '*intmam, 50
panied by her son and daughter and,
grandchildren, were .guests of Mrs.
LegionI'ida donated by the Institute.
It was also mentioned that when the
Coleco -,ver weak
Idaquirieo may be directed to a Res Number, a/o The Hans H�aaibor. for 10 esmbs e�
I1her in Seafopth, Apply to Box 646,
HURON E%l?OSITOR. 4187-2
Doig and Janet during the week.
Mr, L. Johnston and family, of Sea-
Legion Hall is in shape the ladies
may hold meetings there if the so
Ten costa additional will be oharved if ads in above' alae■ are not paid within 10 days of
11 date of oral inoertton,
forth, are getting nicely settled in
dire. Mrs: W. B, Cross forwarded'
Births, Marriages and Deaths inserted free of charge.
home, Apply to. MRs, STEPHAN'S
their new home, Mr. Johnston being
a letter of appreciation referring to
Auction _sales. Notices to Creditats. Hca -Rai. on applieatiom
NURSING HOME, Hensall. Phone 1594.,
employed. 'by Mr, A.ndre'w Bell,
the shower of Valentine cards which
Auction Sales Auction Sales
. 4187-2
Mr. Robt. Green, of London, called
she received recently. The- South
on friends during the week. Huron district has chosen the district I
AUC. N SALE OF STOCK AND IMPLE- CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF FARb1l- For Sale Mr. and Mrs, Harvey Damm, Kip- conference, "Personality and Dress,"
meats, Seed Grain and Hay will, be held Stock and Implements, art Lot 34, con- pen, were guest of their son, Mr. which will 'be held in Seaforth' on
on Lot 7, Coueession 12, Tuckersmith, IV2 cession 1, McKillop Township, 2 miles went Felt SALE -QUANTITY OF AJAx SEED Damm, Kitchener, on Sunday. April 2. Those interested should be
mild, west of Chiselhurst, on Thursday, March of Seaforth, on Highway No. 8, on Friday, oats- Phone 43 r 2, 'Dublin. THOMAS in attendance from 1U a.m. t0 4 P.M.
'25th, at o'clock : HORSES -1 bay team of. March 19th, at 1 p.m.: HORSES -Bay horse
mares, 9 and 10 years CATTLE- --6 young 13 years old; aged gray horse. CATTLE- i'MORRIS. 4187x1 I Blue Cross Hospitalization cards were
' Durham cows, 2 cows due first week in April: Part Ayrshire cow due March 26th; blue eovv' submitted t0 Mrs. Beer, who Will act
2 cows due end of April ; 2 cows due in May : duo April 2nd ; roan cow due May 9th : Here- FOR SALE QUANTITY GALORE SEED R! E 1 V'SA LL
2 heifers; due 16th of June; Durham bull 2 ford cow due June; Hereford heifer, fresh barley, Apply to P'EARSON CHARTERS, as group leaderand attend t0 Other
years cad; 5 yearling heifers; 9 yearling ened in fall; 9 steers about 900 'lbs. ; 2 steers;: Phone 656 r 4, 1 4187-1 William Dabus, former resident of necessary arrangements, Letters Of
steers. PIGS --3 young sows due end of May; 2 heifers 1 year old; bull calf. PIGS -Reg- — Hensall for many years, died, at Clin- thanks were received from Mrs.
2 dozen White Leghorn hens. IMPLEMENTS istered York sow, due May 4th. IMPLE- Ft UA SALE -ABOUT 15 TONS OF GOOD
1 Massey -Harris 6-f't. cut binder; Massey- MENTS-7-ft. M. -H. 'binder; Eft, out MaOor- mixed timothy and alfalfa hay in barn. ton, in his 65th year, death being at- Brown and Mrs. Walks for cards sent
Harris• 6 -ft, cut mower; 10 foot rake; 11 -hoc wick mower; M.$ hay loader; hay rake; hay ANGUS McKINNON, R.R. No. 2, Kippers tributed to a heart condition from during their illness. The secretary
drill with grass box; 'cultivator: disc har- fork; 13-t. tooth cultivator; 13 -hoe M. -H. Phone 657 r 3'3. 4187x1 which he suffered for some ears. His read a letter of resignation from -the
rows; 2 plows; 2 wagons; seuffier : 1 hay drill; roller; McCormtiek-.Deering manure •--� Y
rack; cutter; buggy; fanning mill; sleighs; spreader; 4: -section harrows; Fleury single COAL - CARLOAD READING BROODER wife predeceased him two years ago. President, Mrs. Kerslake. Mrs. C.
1 set scales; 1 set double harness; I aet sin- plow; small cutting ,box; low wagon ; stove coal on hand; also feed oats for One sister, Mrs. Charles. Weber, of Cook, Mrs, Hess and Mrs. C. Forrest
gle harness; I grindstone; some stove wood; I6 -€oat track with shift 'bap; Clinton sale, KRAUSKOPF BROS. Phone 86 r 18,1 Zurich, and one brother, John, of the were named a nominating committee
quantity of elm planks; grain bags; ' dozen fanning mill: 2,000 -pound scales; turnip Dublin, 4187x1
chair.,; 1 S-g-all,m churn; 1 washing machine: drill; Woods electric grinder, nearly new; De West, survive him. Funeral services to present at the next meeting the
1 bed, springs and mattress: 1 nearly new 3- Laval cream separator; 'tap buggy; set sloop FOR SALE -'36 HUDSON SEDAN; '42 were held Monday with burial in slate of Officers forythe coming year.
burner oil stove: 1 settee; horsehair couch; 2 sleighs; stoneboat• 2 pig crates; 4 range steel_ .0 Ford Coupe, in good mechanical condi-
tables: 150 sealers and other smaller articles: 'tete; feeders; drinking fountains; coal brood- tion; 1 saw dust burner. Apply C. FABER, Clinton Cemetery, Mrs. J. Sangster thanked the group
1934 Chevrolet coach, good tires, perfect con- er; stoves; sap pan; 60 buckets: spiles; grass R.R. 8, Exeter Phone 89 r 4, Hensall. A number. from Hensall and vicin- for 'their nice card. '`the April meet-
,litior., battery and heater. H -AY -6 tors'seeder; set team harness; 3 collars; pair 4187x1 ,ity attended the ice carnival held at ing will be held in the council cham-
mixed and 10 tons timothy hay. SEED woollen ,blankets; robe: whiffietrees ; forks,; Clinton Saturday evening sponsored her. Mrs. Ferguson and Mrs. A. D.
GRAIN^50 bushels Banner oats; 500 bushels ' ,hovels, and numerous other articles, Terms OR SALE - REGISTERED YEARLING
mired grain, cleaned. suitable for seed. i -Cash- ROY LAWSON, Proprietor; Harold 1+ Durham bull: Aso 2 or 3 'loads of good by the Clinton Lions Club and pres- MCEwan will be hostesses. ROIL call
Term, -Cash. No reserve as farm i:= sold. Jackson, Auctioneer. 4186-2 bay, Apply to GEORGE LOWERY. Phone ented by Kitchener .and Waterloo Will be a handy dish to leave for the
JAMES TURNBULL. Proprietor; Harold -- 661 r 16, Seaforth. 4187-1 Skating Club. Amon the young art- men's supper. The guest speaker will
Jaekson., Auctioneer- 4187= AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK AND g
Implements will be held at Lot 24, on ists who took part were Carolyn and be Miss H. McKercher. "Home, Sweet
CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF FARM McKillop Boundary, 1 mile east of Walton FOR from Certified seed; 200 bushels He10II Spellman, daughters Of Dr. J. Home" was sung, Mrs. Kerslake in -
Stock and Implements, at Lot 4, Con. 2, on Monday, March 15th, at 1.30 sharp: Ajax and O.A.C. No. 21 row barley. mix- A. Spellman and MI's, Spellman, of troduced Mrs. M. Oesch, of the Zur-
Stanl•y T,w-n.hiv. lit, west and 1 mile north HORSES -1 good working mare, about 1500 ed: also a quantity of feel grain. Phone73-6,
of Kippen, on Thursday. March 18th, at 1 lhs., work single or double. CATTLV --3 Hull, or write URBAN DUCHARME, R. Kitchener. lCh group, Who took charge. The pro-
P.m.: HORSES --.1 Clyde gelding 13 year., heifers 2 years old; I heifer rising 1 year; R. i, Hensall. 4187-3 Mrs. Grace Harpole expects to leave gram presented by the visitors •in -
old; 1 Belgian gelding rising 4 years old; 1 1 heifer calf 3 months old; 1 heifer calf 2 shortly to spend a few months with eluded: "O Canada," Mrs, O'Dwyer,
black matched team Percherons, 7 & 8 yrs. old. months old PIGS -7 chunks. IMPLE- SALE -SEED GRAIN, HIGH QUAL- her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and pianist; "The Old RU
CATTLE -All choice Durham cattle: 1 grey MENTS-1 Massey,Han-is binder 7 -ft. out; 1 F P Rugged Cross";
rty, Valor and Urban Oats, -O.A.C. 21
cow due March 30; I white cow due March International bay loader (good condition)' I ,barley. This is--,excep,tionally well cleaned) Mrs. D. L. Peacock and Terry in Ot- reading, Mrs. Leonard Erb; duet,
29; I red cow due March 21 : 1 white' cow fertilizer seed drill with grass seed box (good seed Reasonably priced. W. R. ARCHI- tawa, "Smilin' ThI'u," Belva Truemner and
due April] 8; 1 white cow due April 13: 1 condition; 1 Brantford mower, 5 -ft cut; I BALD. 655 r 16. 4187x3
red' cow due April 30; 2 red heifers, fresh 2 Deering mowers -ft, cut; 1 12 -plate disc; 1 _ _ Death Of Charles Moore Mrs. Kenneth Breakey; playlet, "A
month.-: 4 heifers rising 2 years old; 1 heifer Peter Hami}bon cultivator; 1 Massey -Harris FOR
SAIF, -BEAVER OATS, GRADE -1. Charles Moore, prominent business- Proposal"' duets, Mrs, Louis Durand
calf 3 months old; 1 Registered Durham bull. manure spreader; I 10J;4 -foot dump rake ; 1 .L'
14 months old, sired by Barrage Advance,dark Quebec sulky plow: 1 walking plow'; 4 -section Commercial, $1.60 per bushel; Galore man and resident Of Hensall for the and Mrs. Maurice Durand, "Signed,'
l h ;
Grae , Commercial, $.0 per use
red in color. These are all choice Durham diamond harrows; 1 land packer; 1 good farm barley, past 38 years, died at his home Tues- Sealed and Delivered," accompanied
sacks free: cleaned at seed cleaning plant.
cattle. PIGS --8 York pigs, 150 lbs. IMPLE- ,wagon; 16 -foot hay rack; 1 Clinton fanning day in his 62nd' year. Mr. '_Moore had by Miss B. Bedard; "My Wild Irish
M7;NTS-Massey-Harris binder; Internation- 'mill; 1 Renfrew cream separator; 3 set sloop Phone 91 r 5. Hensall. RUSSELL BROD-
al 11 -hoe fertilizer dill; : (:e,eksl^.0:t manure-leighs with rack ; ^_,000-1b. <cales; 1 grind- ERICK, R.R. 2, liensall. 4187-2 been in failing health for some time Rose"; reading, Mrs., Newell. Geiger;
spreader tii'se newt; 1 -I -Plat,• dv�c harrmv. -Tone; 1 work ben, t stood rice; 1 turnip -- - and had been confined t.o his home "Sally's Surprise," a playlet: cast,
m -fl: ,,w• il,ke new, ; •1-seati n d;amond bar- <r c-: I pct cuuble harness; 1 22 -inch col-, FOR SALE -GRADE NO. 1 AJAX OATS, since October. Taken suddenly worse Mrs, Roche, Mrs. W. Assume, Mrs,
,-ow11r_:et'-Ear^< tea,: =:•uffler and puller: :',:': 1 20 -,nob collar; 3 3 -inch Plank for door; $1.50 per bushel; Grade No. �. Galore.
,_ ht barley, $2.00 per bushel. Sacks free. This is on Saturday, his death came at 4 a.m. Denomme, Mrs, ;Masse; piano solo,
+amu • ^ 2 -inch h be ch •lank • ]a ,,antic
-•Toil r: .in':c c •e e quantity' 1'1•cC:,rm�i+•� L , .s. exceptionally good seed; power cleaned. A. Tuesday. ncu l$er; \1cGu:-mirk G-ic,ot mower; C.,ckshu'ct of goon hay: 10 bushels of red slower; 7 Y• He was well known in Hen- Mrs. O'Dwyer; playlet, "Doctor, Come
side ;,� 'ne'wr; Cca:ksitnc push bar hay bL*hels of alsike; 10 bushels of timothy. and B. BELL, R.R. 2, Kippen. Phone 93 r°2, Sall and surrounding district, having 'Quick," Mrs. Kerslake called upon
wade- f � n• w•, : :0-f +,+: iiw -inlr dump rake; other .mall articles. Terris -Cash. WAL- 1 Hensall 4186x3
8-:'.,,'- 13:-ee:i c•.:;::, packer; walk:ne pl°w'; TI:-�, DAVIDSON, Proprietor; Harold Jack-•-- conducted a machine Shop here for '.Vire. R. Eigie, who proposed thanks
'.l a:,-< -:i.._ .... r„w• �,:.• •d „w: t truck Au•c:i,mee. 415c-_ �ARN FOP. SALE -ABOUT 26 FEET many years. He will al=o he remem- to all who had taken past in the af-
,,,ag,.-,; ] farm ,wag:r,. YL -i,,: stat rne'.: w.,.n i :-,fu:,rv. This barn is all lines] inside with tiered for his kindness to charity ;;nd fair. At the close dainty refresh-
li,::r 1 .-•. - ...s❑- and flat I __ cuneus' nn,l t•rnoced lumber. Can be mowed. 112' were ser✓ed b • Mrs. Beer,
%':.. .., „ K:, IoarrJ v . • 1'uolx,r •:-,' l Ain.1y CHESTER LEE. Seaforth. was ];ever known to ever refuse t0 y
11�f"!,.:• •,.: m I1,_ Ei•:,- Conti -g Events 4136x^ contribute to any good :21d W01 -thy 111 Mousseau and their assistants.
Hr , :u.,.c .�,
.en3ra- -- ^ ! _- _��- Nmpe. He was born in Clinton and The. Event ivas larvely attended. The
.,,� ... , _,,:_ ,h. ,,.,. -� .. .ti„ ..c, .,,., I oats ar.-1 O.A.C. No. 21 haricot', mixed: lea4. a member c:' the Urilr(1 Chill-^h.-ld-re:'SeS were as follows: Deal' Miss
.... .,.,r.,,• l':•. :ala:•,_ .• hell.
.,n••.-•. :.'sey F:i,i:,y, faarrh ;9. 1.;.-:, la is by ::•• CKNN, '1pp;y to CHARLES RAU, R.R. 2, Zurich. He was not married ;inti lived with rate: Wheii ay One Tivikes a change,
:JJ `.,-+-:. h;:y ... :-. pe; :+:� ; ::�n,• - i'.,.; 1'a:.•ck , as Ai•' rc,•ry°ne. Phone 98 r 3, Zurich. 4184x5 his sister, Mrs. Lillie 11, 3o3hn.,tan. i.iley say that what. is one com,mun-
.,•i,; - ;. -1 ,,. ' i,.:`:',; ,p,,: ,I,nc,• _ f,ttturi:... a i,iz �.` Who survives him. Fitne•ral Services ity's. Ions is another's gain, and we
s- 9vtr.w nrcky n, and other art- ,n'tati.,n d:.r..e r ,:.,iy :.:,d Sen:. FOR 4LF 9 GRAS -3 .1 EF.RS. 2 YEARS
HAFLNFS,� 1 •rt of 'brr,¢hinsr hvr i q ,...,..soft 71 cent.. t'b--2 • '111 :,, 100 ]b,. :.I aL,od flesh: two were held in the United Church on do hope you will enjoy your new
. rays: l Set of b:,.ckband har news: Plow har-j heir'•::-. 2 year old, clue to as:wo in May: 4 Thursday and W@I'e colldUcled br- his }tome which 19 not so far distant. We
ne,. and single' harn,-hs: 5 good hon- c,,-! -,-. ____ •o.,•• , ::n,i G yea:•.+ old, due to calve in minister, Rev. R. A. Brook. Burial .have a rfciated
or., HAY Alii, GRAIN -A few u•n: of : .Td:+rr5: 1 international slid rake: 1 Cock- pp yOU. w11I1ngIl8ss t0
rioter hay: 2-0 bushels of Cartier oats, suit-' Lost and Found ^Ut-: ,4 -inch rid;n,r plow', ,rood as new steel ',vas in Clinton cemetery. help in every 'good endeavours'. We
:.o:•- I"- •eed. Quantity of household ,dz, _<. >hed, 16x16, 9 feet high. on .kids, suit -able Miss Better Bernice Mouse.ea.u. of offer you this 'token of our friendship
l art:•, :o.d. Perm:---Ca<h. STANLEY LOVE,' Lusr--rWG STEP LADDERS BETW'KEN ,for rtractor or garage. Ar,ply to CLE'M Zurich, was one of the class of wirses along with our very best wishes for
Y: t:•,e;nr: Harold la.;i".an, Auctivnrer• �,.,iforth and Uub!,n. GEORGE CGYhZ?. 4 LE... Phone 6L5 li. 4187: at Stratford General Hospital to re- happines&, prosperity and good health.
-'-'- I Phone 43 r 27, Dublin. 4187x1 I Ce:ve her cap o� Saltu't'ay afternoon Dear Sirs. R4ot�sseau and Mrs, Horton:
"~;:. ',. and Implement„ at l.nr "9. C.,r,. ; -"- n''i 19 Tractor: llniver al carrier in
:_ .•,YaKI]uP -Town-brae :' mile; south xn.. l I c;,ndaion; can h;• wed on ]and; Percheron Mrs. fines Laminip will celebrate
S rad- north and I Tenders Wanted
r. .... �., ,,; -,\..:: .:�. or tone. weight 1500 ]its.: Registered Shorthorn her 80th birthday un Sunday, March
mise west bf Srafortb, on Wednesday, March but:. Lewita Star 2nd, 279022, 2% years old, 21.
T' t 1 a.m. ,- arp: HOP,SES-Team of TENDERS WANTED },reel by Kinsman Bros., sire Klaymore, Gem:
Miss Ann Tate is leaving for Sea-
- ;.,>g., :, and 1' years old, quiet. work Jamcsway electric brooder, used 8 months,
r, cher single or di�uble. CATTLE Holstein Township of Stanley 00 capacity. Apply to BERT FABER, 1�' foI'th March 15, where She will Open .
row 7 year-, due in May; Holstein cow 6 mi!e.i northwest of Kippen. 4186x2 a studio. Ann will be much missed ���lou
yean,, due in March; Holstein heifer 3 years, ENund RS WILL BE RECEIVED BY THE -
fresh, vaccinated: Holstein cow ti years, due undersigned up W 12 o'clock noon, Agri] From 011I' Village, but we W1Sh her
], 1948, for a tractor and mower. Mower to
an March; Ha'itein caw, 7 years, due in May: - SUCCOSs 111 Seaforth.
have 5 -foot cutting. bar. Delivery to be made
Hointe;n cow 10 years, due in March: Hol- hfiBusiness Cards The wohel0 CIflSS Of the united
stein cow 6 year, due in March; Holstein cow by June 15. 1948. For further particulars ap- _- •k
5 years, fresh, vaccinated: Holstein cow 6 ply to ROY KEi'ES, Road Superintendent, - Church are holding a crokinole party
years, 'fresh; Holstein caw, 6 years fresh; S vice- Records maintained and prepared and box Social in the church base•
Hnlstein cow 6 years. milking, due in Coto- Lowest or any ;,ender not necessarily ac- for income tax purposes, W. "EDWARD ment Tuesday evening, March 16th. lehn
her: Holstein cow 5 years, due in March: cePted. SOUTHGATE. Office in Dominion Bank -. "
Hols:ein cow 6 years. due in March: He]- FRED WATSON, Clerk, Bldg., Seaforth. 4176-tf Members -of the Wohelo e,laSS are
stein heifer 2 years, due in April. vaccinated: R,R. 3, Bayfield, starting a canvass of the congrega- RF
Holstein heifer -2 year, bred in March, vac- 4186-4
cinated; Holstein (heifer '2 years old, due in tion for donations for "Save the Chat
May, vaccinated; Ho-,tein heifer 2 years, due TENDERS WANTED Personals iron Fund." it is to be )loped that
in April, vaccinated; Holstein heifer 2 years, everyone when called upon will give
due ,n March; Holstein heifer, 2 years. Township of Stanley HYGIESIIC SUPPLIES (RUBBER GOODS) generously to this very worthy ap
due in Mayr vaccinated; Holstein heifer 2 r 'n`
years old. due in October, vaccinated ; 2 mailed postpaid' in plain, sealed envelope peal. p
ENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED BY THE with price list. 6 samples 25c. 24 samples
grass steers: SO 'Polled Angus x Holstein A delightful event was held in the
IT up to 12 o'clock noon, April. $1.00. Mail -Order Dept, T-73, NOVA -RUBBER
cacti rising one year; L Holstein heifer calf. TUWII Hall on Tuesday night when
•+accitrated : Registered Palled Angus bull 2 3, 1948, for approximately 5,000 yards of CO., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont.
year-, old; some spring calve PIGS -16 crushed gravel, through I -inch screen, to be the Hensall Institute members had as
:hunk= about 80 tbs.; 16 chunks about 150 laid on the township roads under the super- - their guests the. ladies Of the Zurich
lb; : 2 sows due on May 17 and 18; one vision of the Township Road Superintendent Farms For Sale Institute. :Mrs, Beer and Mrs. A.
Registered York hog. IMPLEMENTS -Mas- Work to be completed by,September 30, 1948. Mousseall were the hostesses and
sey-Harris 102 G. S. Senior tractor with 13- A bond of $200 in the form of a certified -
nch Firestone tires (like new); MoComick- chertue must accompany each tender. Tenders FI AR34 FOR SALE -LOT 29, CONCESSION Mrs. A. Kerslake presided for the op- 1
must state thtj price per cubic yard and en- 3-g double
adjustable plow; Mx Cor- 7, Hibbert: good brick house; 2 good bank ening exercises, which consisted. of
-ick-Deering double tractor disc; stiff tooth '-'elope must be plainly marked "Tender" and barns with cement from
stabling. Convenient '- the Ode and. "Home 'On the Range."
mailed to the Township Clerk. ge•" '
etiltivator: IS�liac McCormick -Deering for- schools: 6 miles from town. Apply to Wil- �
tUizer drill; Massey -Harris drophead hay load- For further information apply to Roy LIA71R P. McIVER, Staffa. 4186x3 Prayer Was repeated by the presi- .
er: Massey -Harris side rake (new) McCor- Keye?. Road Superintendent, Varna, Ont. / .
dent. The members presented a war
mick mower 5 St. cut; Massey -Harris binder Lowest or any tender not necessarily ac- ARM FOR SALE -100 ACRES, LOT 20, ` -
7 -ft. cut, with Almite fittings and oil 'bath cepted. F Concession 7, Hibbert Township; Hydro; iety Of suitable items for shipment
Vmr; Massey -Harris No. 9 manure spreader FRED WATSON. Clerk, modern 3 -piece bath; good as new pressure overseas. firs. J. Sangster and Mrs.. _, .
,nearly new); Cgcl®hutt 10?., -inch grain' R.R. 3, Bayfield. system. Brick house in A-1 condition; fur- W. Parke offered to attend t0 the I
isrinder {nearly new): 60 -foot 6 -inch rubber 4186-4 nace, slate roof on house. Large-sized bank
belt: 6-9ections harrows with long and short barn, good stabling• equipped with electric Packing and shipping. Mrs. H. W. •
stretchers; 1 -horse scuffle,: law wooden truck FOR SALE Sander; drilled well; pie pen; double -deck
v.•aiton :' hay rack with half rack; set sloop henhouse, modernly equipped; running wa-
sleighs ; cutter: set scales, 1200 lbs. capacity: ter. Good hardwood bush: 10 acres fall T�,T
C:fnton fanning mill: walking plow; 7 80 -ib. wheat; lr/.i miles from school: lr/q miles frrnn In Memoriam r -
milk Carrs (new); Renfrew cream separator: THE FOLLOWING TWO PARCELS OF whets road Apply ROBERT VIVIrom
2 wooden water troughs: ,Jamesway fuel oil land belonging to the Estate of the late Staffs. VIAx2 Fi ORBES-IN CHERISHED MESIORY OF
brooder stave; colony house, 10x12; 3 range Johanna Cronin are offered for sale by ten- .
Arthur Edwin Forbes„ a beloved husband
shelters; Stewart electrid clippers; set of bei• written tenders will be received at the and father, and e-randfakher, who passed
team harness; 1927 Pontiac panel truck, good office of McConnell & HAYS, Seaforth, for away March 17, 1946.
running condition, good 'tires; 1933 V-8 Ford the properties separately, until Monday, March Notice To Creditors Miss Crowning knows
Coach, with reconditioned mater, and host of '-'2nd, 1948. Highest or any other tender not
other articles. GRAIN -About 150 bushels necessarily accepted. His thoughts were 817 so full of us
of Ajax oate fit for seed; about 100 bushels Terms -10% cash with tender and balance He never think
fat. w boN' easy It r l forge.
faA wheat Terms- --Cash. No reserve as on closing 30 days after acceptance of tender. NOTICE TO CREDITORS And so must
think th iv where he is she's on a line . . .
,arm is sold. FRANK KIRKBY• Proprietor; FIRSTLY: Modern 5 -room stucco cottage He must be watching yet. pity
Edward W. Elliott and Fred Ahrens, Auc- and Lot on No, 8 Highway, in Village of S•t in the Estate of CATHERINE COYND and that others may be
tioneers. 4187x1 Golumban_ , Bathroom and pressure system ; ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS AGAINST As Angels keep their' watch up there,
Pelase, God, just At him know
- telephone. Built new 12 years ago. Law the Estate o4' Catherine Coyne, late of waiting. .So She keeps a
taxa+Near church, school, stare and poet the Village 8f Dublin, in the County of That we down here do not forget,
LEARING AUCTION SALE OF FARM office. Immediate possession. Perth, Spinster, deceased, who died on or We love and milia him so. watiehfal eye on the Clock
CStock, Implements and Household Effects SECONDLY: 100 -acre grass farm. Well about the 4th day of Marchi, 1948, are hereby 'Tis sweet to remember a father so dear, --and limits the length
at Lot 1, Con. 8, H_R.S., Tackeysmith Town- watered ,by natural sDrxiinngg Lot 24, Third notified to send in to the undersigned on or So absent from us.
Concession. Hibbert: Ir/,milea south of St. before the 3rd day of April. 1948, full par- yet ever so 'fir' of her calls.
ship, 6 miles south and 2r/y east of 9eafarth, Coltrmban. ticulars of their claims, after which date the Unseen by the world he stands by our side.
on Wednesday, March. 17th, .at 12 o'clock, asses at file said ®tate will be distributed And whispers, "Dear children, death can -
sharp: CATTLE. -Choice Durham catWe: Apply . .'
Pure bred Dunham bull, 2 years; 1 cow due McCONNELL & HAYS amongst the partiea entitled thereto, having .nat divide."
March 16. 1 cow due March 28; 2 cows due Seadorth, Ontario regard only to claims then received. -Lovingly remembered by his Wife and PARTY
April 47; 1 cow due April 18; 1 cow due Solicitors for Estate. DATED at Seaforth, this 8th day of March, Fami'lyr 4187-1
April 21; 2 8 -year -01d .heifers, recently fresh- 4186-8 1948.
ened ; 3 cows recently freshened; 3 fat Beafortorthhsteers, McCO, . & 'HAYS,
Of ThanksCOURTESYIS 1150 lbs.: 5 steers rising rising 2 years old; 5 •heif- TENDERS solicitors for the Executors. Cards'
' ors rising 2 years old; 11 heifers and stoma
GRAN -16 eters of choice meed bay; 200 T
friends affd nei bJrors 'for the Tavel Dards
u"' day, ,]
TOE, TA,p.
Picone ,91 r
further I
This year we are again contracting Barley for
The Canada Malting Co.
Contact us for particulars.
Geo. T. Mickle and Sons
Nights. 133 Phone 103
Malting Barley
For particulars
W. G. Thompson
Hensall • — Ontario
' a
Barred Rocks Crossbred Chicks
Year after year, we're conscientiously
improving the profit ability of our
breeding dock, by the only sure meth-
od —the sound application of the
progeny test.
Two Modern Breeding Farms
Scott Poultry
PHONE 851 r 32. - SEAFORTH, ONT.
The Huron County Crop Improvement Association
.Annual Seed Fair
. Collegiate Auditorium, Clinton
Prize List include Classes for all Cereals, Small Seeds, Roots and
Tubers, and prize money totals $450.00
In the morning thele Will be a Seed Judging Competition for young.
men 26 years of age and under. In the afternoon Professor Bryden,
of the Soils Department at the O.A.C., and Mr. K. S. Murphy, of the
Crops, Seeds and Weeds Branch, will .address ,the meeting.
Township of McKillop
. bushels 6 -rowed barley: 300 bush 2ie mixed
grain This grain ,is suitable for need. IM-
Townhhrp of Hullett for the cruT ng and
hauling of approximately 5,000 cubic yards
9 y
flowers, fruit and other kindness received by
me during &mess in Scott Mem-
��T�� �.�
All C'cir Owner$
PT,EMENT9-,G. F. Model Minneapolis Marine
of gravel for Township roads. Crusher to
my recent
oris.] Hospital, Seaforth, They were very
• a •
In the Township of
tractor. 66 horsepower, on rubber, smarter and
lights; 36-50 Gootbson separator, grain throw-
sera in Sanderson's pit on the 13th Cones-
tion. Crushing 4u commence on or about
of ,
much -appreciated.
McKillop are requested not t0 park their
p q
er, cutter, water pump, on rubber : Masses-
Harris 10%62 grain grinder and speed lack;
September 1, 1948. Tenders to be for bo19r
%-inch screen and —inch acreen, A1, ten-
the Estate of Johanna Cronin, late of the
Putting Q. illlt0 i<1Qe
Cai�B On the roads of the Township during
160,foot drive belt, , 7 -inch; 140 -foot 7 -inch
drive belt (good} 200 feet of cable; 2 tarter
dere to .be in the )rands of the Olerk on or
before 2.00 p.m-, Monday, April 5, 1948. AI'i
Township of Hibbert, in the Comnty of Perth,
Spinster, deceased, who lied on the 20th day
family wish to extend their heartfelt av-
on every eau you make ils
the Winter.
steel Dulteya; robber *red wagon • Mamey.
tenders to be accompanied by a marked cheque
of February, 1948, are hereby noticed to send
in full to the
preciation to the friends and neighbors, es-
Aerially Rev. • A. Lane Rev. E. R. Stan-
Off, �ICd.
y guarantee tthw
Harris mamrre spreader -.32-ft. extension lad-
for 4200.00,
particuJara of their claims
der; Massey -Harris hay loader; 1 set 2,000
lb. sdk3w, 1 tet 240 A. seales• tanning grill;
Lowest or any tender not nemearily ae-
undersigned on or before the 22nd day of
March. 1948, after which date the aeeats will
way, for expressions of sytntmthy and 'beauti-
I'd floral tributes; indly Oko those who so k
Othe1C$ 1�lU a0 ti web
16 -foot aliding Bat hay rack; Universal milk-
be distributed, having regard only to alsipm
foamed their cars or helWd in any way.
&r you.
Cars that are left on the roads are con -
i3* insaMifti i double fruit, practia'sily .no*,
Township Clerk,
-then received.
1935 Chevf'olet truck, 13 ,tort, stock rack
Londesboro. 4186-8
DATED at Seafor•tb, this e7.th day of
February, 1948•
trary to the Highway Traffic Act, and are a
___ _
(good oondition) , 4-fttirrow International
tractor (tubber to -fact stiff tootle
Keep � �
• ..
dertiment to
cultivator: disc hartaw afore carkia�e) )Nae-
sey-Hams bean seirflief 'and 0,aor Cockahntt
1 i1►7
Salfcibnna for the Exeeotote.
2. ptyp p Cp� ,e
operations of snowplows.
side rake' Massey ITilmq alder. 1 -ft. (newt-:
airlity p 9-d steel
--In Sarnia General on
to . oIjtdd W -m. W. W.TRal1o�
3• cwd �-p ." 16
9- t mk,-.- rnrn lril8-f mower aie4
hipW Hum
- After March 12 1948 lease note that pro.
pJUw; vrsslk" plow: H3 dine Cookabntt for-
.w1--- .1'..111. w-.- , ._.-:, _. K-em..K..n etas-
the followi•Itii ih'alno:
'h'}ATI}f it.'• .4 A. 1 fuhilrh gwtrrr nmil".
ft., ii,. LLS... -e v--" —ft—ft, nn••, &
AkTARTMV_Tn Q. " MwF.n'Y.if� ir—, ;}A1- tat
- .to eftwoe t1,
e f f
._.�A�:��-.9 71\.1• 41i • • .r _