HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1948-02-27, Page 4assified Ads. a,§sified Ads Will Be Inserted At New Low Cash Rates: E. t flele; *anted, Lost and Found, Etc,—Per wore 1st week 1 Cent 2nd week % Cent -- 8rd week 34 Cent Minimum charge, first insertion25 cents Each figure. initial and abbreviation counts as one word. Card of Therese In Memoriam Noticeo, Coming Events -1 cent per word. Minimene 50 cents Per week, linquirbe may be directed to a Box Number, c/o The Huron Inspooltor, for 10 cents, eatta. Ten caste additional will be charged lf ad* in above clam are not paid within 10 day" of date of final insertion. Birth*, Mareasee and Deaths inserted tree of charge. Auction Selo.. Notices to Creditors, Etc.—Rates on applications Auction Sales Auction Sales . A UCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK, FEED .`" and lrapIsments.—W. E. Nairn, auction- eer, will sell by public auction on Lot 15. Concession 5, Hibbert Township, 21/2 miles south of Dublin, on 'Teseday. Maroh 2nd, 1948, commencing at 1 °Week, the following: CATTLE -2 Durham cows 4 years old, due in April; 6 Durham cows, milking, due fl October; 6 yearling steers; 8 yearling heifers; 4 fall calves; 1 good Collie dog one year old. Eilflials-175 -Leghorn pullets, laying over 50 Per cent. HAY AND GRAIN -20 tons mixed bar: 1,000 bushels mixed seed grain. IMPLE- MENTS -10,20 McCormick -Deering tractor; Case separator. 22,036, all steel, roller bear- ings ; International 2 -.farrow tractor plow, new: International eaff tooth cultivator; Waterloo double disc, new; 4 -section harrows: International fertilizer seed drill, 13 dies; Case side rake, nearly new, with tractor hitch: International 11/2 to 21/2 gas engine; 2 steel drum roller; International hay loader; International binder. nearly new; corn souf- fler; Massey -Harris aperture spreader on rub- ber; International mower, 5 -ft.•, walking plow hay rack sills: rubber tired wagon; hay rack ; corn rack: sliding rack; 1 -man rack ; Fleury scufeer ; set of scales, 1,000 Lbs.; rubber tire harrow cart: buggy; cutter wheelbarrow; stock pump; 2 -inch galvanized pipe: bag truck; garden sprayer; 100-gaillon gas drum; iron posts: cedar posts ; electric fencer; Stewart electric clipper; sugar ket- tle; stock kettle; International electric cream separates., nearly new, 750 capacity : sap pails : forge drill press ; tap and die set snuckTro ear; milk pails. POULTRY EQUIPMENT --James Way electric brooder, new ; 4 range shelters: 4 range feeders; feed hou.se; fountains; chick feeders; colony house 10x14, insulated and on skids; boat: 1 set double harness; single harness ; horse collars; neckyokes ; doubletrees ; whiffletreee ; forks; hay knife; steel pig troughs; self feeders; Princess Pat white enamel range and pipes: Quebec heater and pipes; also a quantity of furniture; Coleman gas stove with three burn- ers; outside toilet. No reserve: farm is sold. Terms—Cash. NORMAN REIHL, Propriebar; W. E. Nairn, Auctioneer. 4185-1 CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF REGIS- " tered Cledesdele Horse. High Grade Shorthorn Cattle, Fowl. Hay and Grain. Im- plements and Furniture—W. E. Nairm auc- tioneer will sell be pubic atestion on Lot 30, Help Wanted For Sale or Rent piton/STANT 110Uar3tillil PER WANTED by April 1st, for two edul,ts. S. Tamar - SON & SON, Brucefield. 4186x1 WANTED — EXPERIENCED POULTRY- " ina.n Wanted. Married men 'Preferred- Accomsnodation provided. SCOTT POULTRY FARMS. Phone 851 r 32. Seafortb. 41864 WANTED—MARRIED MAN FOR GEN- “ eral fauns work, be the year; house with Hydro and water. Apply” to BOX 27, Kills pen. 41884 Notices leeOTICE--MY HOG WILL NO LONGER BE ." available for service to the public. JOHN POVVELL, R.R. 2, Seaforth. 4185x1 pIONEER CHICK MASH STARTER—. A UCTION SALE Ole FARM STOCK AND Formulated and tested by an expert, Dr. Implements. Let 2, Con. 7, 'vices's°, sl. 11. SPtl eing. in charge' of Nutrition and Township, 8% north and ½ mile west of ervioe of Pioneer Feeds. See tour Pioneer Dublin, Thursday, •March llth, at 1 p.m.: Dealer. 4188x$ HORSES—Brown gelding 6 years old; gray gelding 3 years old. PIGS -8 York pigs 175 lbs.•, 8 York wearers ; 3 cement pig troughs. POULTRY -100 Leghorn hens 1 year old: 1 rain shelter. cArri...z—i Hereford cow bred June 25; Gurnsey cow bred Sept. 3; Holstein cow bred Sept. 18: Holstein cow bred Sept. 6: 4 2 -year-old heifers, bred; Durham cow, bred, freshened in November ;• roan cow, freshened in November; red cow freshened in December; Jersey cow freshened in Deoem- ber; 1 2 -year-old heifer 900 lbs.; 4 baby. beef, 600 lbs.; 8 Fall calves. IMPLEMENTS --McCormick-Deering fertilizer drill, 11 seise (like new): 1 disc harrow; diamond harrowe ; walking plow; riding plow; hay loader; good rubber tired wagon; 16 -foot hay rack ; set of bench sleighs (new) and flat rack; barrels: hay car and 170 feet of rope (new) ; Ren- frew cream separator; 11/2 H.P. gas engine and pump jack ; root teepee; pig self feeder; pie, emote; stoneboet; buggy; cutter; Massey - Harris manure spreader (2 years old). HAR- NESS—Set of backbend harness; number of hotee collars: set of collar tops. HAY AND GRAIN 10 tons of mixed hay; 75 bushels of Vanguard oats. fit for seed. Terms—Cash. JOSEPH S. O'REILLY, Proprietor; Harold Jackson. Auctioneer. 4185-2 3 UCTION SALE OF „FARM STOCK AND e' implements, at Lot 20, Concession 16, Coderieh Township, 1 mile wee of Clinton, on No. 3 Highway and 1/2 mile north. on Wednesday. March Ord, at 12.30 pan., sharp: ,HORSES- 1 matched black Percheron team rising 7 years, about 3.200 lbs. (show type). CATTLE—Registered bull, Duke Abbekerk, De Kol Pabst: Registered Holstein esow, 7 years old, due March 30; Registered Holstein cow, 8 years old, due March 25; Registered Holstein cow, 3 years old, due March 19; Registered Holstein eow. 5 years old, due March 30; Registered Holstein oow, 5 years old, fresh and rebred; Registered Holstein cow, 9 years old. due April 15; Registered Holstein cow, 7 years old, due March 0; Reg- istered Holstein cow, 3 years old, bred Feb. 1; Holstein cow 4 yese. :u Feb. 28; Holstein 33 , 3' TS . ue Marcel 26: Holstein cow, " years. fresh and rebred; Holstein cow, 6 years, fresh and rebred: Holstein COAV, 5 Years. due May 15; Holstein cow, 7 years, due April 20: Holstein heifer, 3 years, due Concession 2, Fellarten, 1 rniie west 013 N.O. Mat•ch 10: Hreeein heifer. 3 years, due Mar. 8 Highway, and 2, of a mile south of Mit- 12: Hee:stein heifer, 2 years, bred; 4 Regis- cherl. :in Wee19 nesday, March 3rd. 1el 2, euro- a -Holeein helots:, rising 2 years; 6 He'- mencing at 12 o'clock share, the foliowlliestein heifers risine 2 years; 5 Holstein heif- HOP_SFS--1 black mere 9 years old; 1 black ers. rising 1 year; 2 Holstein heifers, seven mare 9 sears old: 1 bask gelding $ years 51, re lie All above heifers are vaccinated ; 4 old ; 1 dark brown mare 6 years old; 1 dark lee/ =tee, 2 sena; 2 calves, 6 weeks. Note brown mare 5 years old. ' The ebsve horse. —This iexceptionally good lot,of dairy are all registered; sires Lockinvar. CATTLE rows in good condition. PIGS -8 sows, due —1 Shorthorn cow, fresh, with calf by side; in April; 11 chunks. POULTRY -100 Sussex 1 Shorthsrn heifer, fresh, with calf by side; hens; also 1 new brooder house, 10x12 feet. 2 Shorthorn coves due to calve in Aprd ; 2 IMPLEMENTS -- 10-20 MeCormick-Deering farrow cows; 2 Shorthorn heifers due 10 " April; 3 Shorthorn .heifers due in September; 2 Shorthorn heifers rising 2 years; 1 fat heifer; 1 pure bred Shorthorn bull 2 years old; 3 baby beef; 3 summer isalves. FOWL - 150 Leghorn pullets, 9 months old, laying 70 Per cent. HAY AND GRAIN -12 tons of clover hay; '10 tons ce mixed hay; 75 bushels wheat; 300 bushels Ajax oats; 200 busbels of Cartier oats and Barb Off barley, fit for seed; 280 Welds mixed grain. IMPLE- MENTS — IVLeCormick-Deering 6 -et. binder. sheaf oarrier and truck; International 5 -ft. mower; Frost & Wood hay loader; Interna- tional steel hay rake; International hay test - der: leeCormick-Deering manure spreader; new International 13 -bee seed drill; cultiva- tor; disc harrow; land roller; 2 sets of iron harrows; souffler; harrow cart; 2 -furrow rid- ing plow; single sulky riding plow; walking plow; fanning mill; cute= box; 2 sets of tracks; one-man bay rack; set of sleighs; cutter; 4 -wheel trailer; set of scales; turnip drill; 240 ib. scala; puiper; bay fork and slings; cedar posts; extension ladder; step ladder; 2 sets oi breeching harness; Plow harness; 8 horse collars; single harness; horsse blankets; grain bags; forks, hoes, shov- els; Chevrolet Coupe in first-olass condition. FtTRNITURE—A full Line of household fume tare, including electric washer, 'merle new; 4 bedroom suites, complete with spring -filled mattresses; Clare Jewel range, nearly nee?: dining exam table and deers; Singer sessile; machine; arm chairs; meters; end tables; settee: couch; chest of drawers; kitchen table and chairs; cupboards; bedding: linen: dish- es; kitchen utensils; sealers; etc. Positively no reserve as the farm is sold. Terms—Cash. This sale will start at 12 o'clock; booth on grounds. WILLIAM URQUHART, Proprie- tor; W. E. Nairn, Auctioneer. 4185-1 For Sale poR SALE—FOuR 8ex31/2 WHEELS AND -r tires; also gear. Apply MICR'S BAK- ERY. 4185-1 POR SALE -1A QUANTITY OF GALORE " seed barley. Apply to JOHN J. WOOD, R.R. 3, Kippen. Phone 651 r 88. Seaforth. 4185-1 FOR SALE—SAP PAN AND SMOKE " stack; 1 80 -foot hydro pole; quantity of Galore seed barley and Cartier oats. FRANK JOHNSON. R.R. 1, Dublin. Phone 840 r 13, Seaforth. 4185x1 VOR SALE -4 DURHAM COWS DUE TO freshen soon. JAMES AITCHESON. Phone 886 r 6, Sewer:ell. 4185-1 FOR SALE -1 GANDER, OR 'WILL EX - change for a goose. Apply to GORDON PAPPLE. Phone 839 r 13, Seaforth. 4185x1 pok sgIaOR ,RENT—i30-ORE PARK goad for oropping or PeSeure: aniall house and bp; 40 ;scree bash; oreheed• Halide to Mena E'er seforrnartien apply to MRS. aallailanf BIKMANAN 01 JENNIE. 4aat, 41135-2 QEED GRAIN—CHOICE QUALITY VALOR " oats and O.A.C. No. 21 barlery, mixed. Apply to CHARLES RAU, R.R. 2, Zurich. Phone 98 r 3, Zurich. 4184:6 Tenders Wanted tractor; Massey -Harris 3 -furrow pleve; Mc- Cormick -Deering spring tooth drags; Massey - Harris 7 ft. binder ; McCormick -Deering fer- tilizer drill; McCormick mower, 6 ft. cut; Massey-Haeris No. 6 manure spreader; rub- ber tired wagon; set of sloop sleighs ; Mass seyalarris double aeuffler with bean puller; 4 - section drag harrows ; MeCormick-Deering hay rake; land roller: Massey -Harris cultivator; single smeller; riding plow; walking plow; gang plow; gravel box; new 16 -foot hay rack ; Massey -Harris cream separator, slight- ly used; Epps pressure system; set of Stew- art electric clippers, nearly new; set of 2,000 lb. scales; Clinton fanning mill; electric fencer; 2 -wheeled trailer with stock rack; numerous small articles. HARNESS -1 new set of brass -mounted harness with beekband and breechings ; 1 set plow harness and col- lars. GRAIN -350 bushels of, clean Ajax oats suitable for seed; 100 bushels fall wheat. CAR -1939 Ford De Luxe Coach, built-in radio, sealed beam lights. Roads op- en for ears. Positively no reserve as farm has been sold. Terms Cash. D'ARCY RATHWELL, Proprietor; Harold Jackson. Auctioneer. 4185-1 'FOR SALE -1 BEATTY HAY CAR AND " 3 pulleys ; 1 heavy steel water trough; also some ether tools. Apply to JAMES HART, R.R. 5, Seaforth. 4184x2 VOR SALE—WASHING MACHINE NEW " Thor, used six times; will sell for $100 or nearest offer. Also coal and wood stove. large Wingham Clipper, white enaaael. in- sulated; cost 3139.00, will sell for $80.00; organ, 310.00. MRS. HALLOWAY, North Main St, Sea.forth. 4185x1 In Memoriam ,PLEARING AUCTION SALE OF FARM " Stock, Implements and Household Effects, at Lat 12, Con. 6, 'Packergraith Township, 3% miles south and la mile west of Seaforth, Friday, Marsch 12, at 12 o'clock sharp: — HORSES—Team blue roan geldings, 6 and 7 Years old. CATTLE—Red cow 5 years old, fresh 4 weeks; roan cow 10 years, fresh; red cow. 3 years. fresh 4 weeks; red caw, 3 years. fresh 2 weeks: roan cow 6 years, fresh 3 wee4; grey cow, fresh 3 months, 3 years old; 6 small calves; 8' steers 2 years old, weigh- ing aeproximately 800 ibs.: 6 yearling steens; 2 heifers 1 year old. SHEEP -12 well bred Oxford ewes due to lamb around first of May; 1 Leicester ram 3 years old. PIGS -4 Tam- worth sow due April 15, carrying third lit- ter: 1 Tamworth sow due April 28, carrying third litter; 31 chunks, 100-150 abo. IMPLE- MENTS -1 Standard 81 Maeseyellarris trac- tor almost new, on 'rubber, starter, lights one 2 -furrow Fleury tractor plow (new); 2 section International drag hanows, new; 1 large size New Idea manure spreader, good as new; Massey.Harris binder 74t. cut; 11 - hoe Massey -Harris fertilizer drill ; rubber tire wagon; 1 steel wagon; 1 stiff tooth cultiva- tor; hay rack ; Massey -Harris hay Loader; In- ternational bean seuffler and puller (new); Massey -Harris side rake; Massey -Harris dump rake: riding plow; Deering mower. 6 -ft. cut; walking plow; Deering binder, 7 -foot cat; 4 - section harrows; sloop sleighs; trailer with stack rack ; stone boat; pig crate; net scales 1,000 lbs.; root pulper; electric fencer; grain grinder; sap pan; 50 new gap backets; hay fork; slings and ropes; set double harness; colony house; 2 shelters; colony stove; block and rtadkle: crosscut BEIM (new); 32 -foot ex- tension ladder: some leinch piping; number of used brick; grain bags; fanning mill: neekyokes; doabletrees; quantity plank ; wheel barrow; °ill brooder stave. HAY AND GRAIN —42 tons mixed hay; 100 bushels Alaska oats; 200 bushels mixed grain; grain suitable for seed. Some feed beans. HOUSEHOLD EF- FECTS -6 dining room chairs; writing desk ; washing machine and wringer; kitehen cup- board; coal oil stove and oven; gas lantern; 2 house doors. Terms—Cash. No reserve as the farm is sold. MRS. CASEY WAY, Pro- prietress; H. Jackson, Auctioneer; E. P. Chesney, Clerk. 4185-2 AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK, IM- '" Plements and Household Effects—Mr. Ear - Harold Jackson has been instructed to sell by• public auction on Lot 21, Hayfield Road, South, one-half mile east of Varna, and 3 miles west of Brucefield, on County Road, on Wednesday, March 1011,. at 12 noon, sharp, the following: HORSES—Team of Belgian mares, brawn and black, 8 and 12 years old. weighing about 1600 pounds each; Belgian Ally, 3 years old. CATTLE—Red Durham cow, 9 years old, freshened in January; Brindle heifer, 3 years old, freshened in De- cember: black Hereford caw 5 years old, due to freshen March 1st; Black Hereford cow 10 years old, due to freshen April 1st; Red Durham cow 6 years old, due 'to freshen March 10th; Brindle Hereford eow 5 years old, due to freshen March 7th; 1 Durham steer 2 years old: 4 Hereford steers 1 year old ; 1 Hereford heifer 1 year old: 2 Winter calves. HOGS -10 Yorkshire hogs weighing Dern 160 to 185 pounds eine of sale. IMPLE- MENTS—Ford tractor on rubber and 2 -fur - mw plow, in good condition; Ford -Ferguson stiff .tooth cultivator with Tow crop attach- ments, wide and narrow teeth; Ford -Fergu- son tractor disc, nearly new; Ford tractor belt pulley; McCormick -Deering 10-20 tractor on steel, with new pistons and sleeves, in good condition; 1 McCormick -Deering 2 -fur- row tractor plow; McCormick -Deering 7400t binder on trucks, with tractor tongue and horse tongue, in good condition; McCormick - Deming manure spreader, nearly new; Mc- Cormick -Deering fertilizer 13 -disc drill, nearly new; McCormick -Deering hay loader, nearly new; McCormick -Deering mower, 6 -foot cut, in good condition; McCormick,Deering side rake; Deering 10 -forst dump rake; McCormick - Deering 2-borse scuffler with disc and shields, like new; 4-oection drag harrows Massey - Harris steel roller; threshing belt, 115 feet Youg, 7 tithes wide; Fleury walking plow: rubber tired wagon. 600x16 tires, good condi- tion; bay rack, flat bobtails, 16 feet long, neatly new; set of sloop sleighs with bunks and flat rack, good condition; Portland cut- ter; 20 cedar pests: De Leen.] cream sepses, tor; electric fencer; root melper; wheelbar- row; wagon box and stock rack; Chatham teaming mill: Renfrew truck scales; hog crate; chicken crate; hay fork: slime chain: sling ropes; iron kettle; fire extinguisher; forks, •ehains, sacks. etc. POULTRY EQUIP- MENT—Large size electric brooder stove; 4 range shelters; chicken trough: drinking einintains. HARNESS—Set of braetemounted team breeching harness, nearly new; set of siIver-mounted single' harness, like new; set of backbend harness; collars; collar tops: spread singes GRAIN AND IFIAY-504 bush- eD of mixed train; 150 bushels of barley; 6 tons of mixed hay. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS —Good (Meet range5 berms coal ar wood; Beech electric stove, heavy duty, 2 plates and overt: 1 sheet iron heater; extension table; leaf table; braes bed; dresser and stand; wooden bed With geed springs; brown steel bed, neatly mete; set ,of good snrings ; brawn elm' single bed with' mattress and syringe; 2 felt mattresees; -1 esprifigefilled mattress, ttearly rase; 1 feather bed mattress; 2 kets dressers and stead; 2 toilet gets: 2 rocking eheits; studio *soli; ettarbertecet oalc beffet: 1 teem of xmitsoloun, 8 'yds. by 6 yds.; 1 pieteuf consoleura 3 Vie. he s2,4 Yds.; 1 Place of UO10:41111 1 pd. by 534 yda, 6181110 so above; X tiitigOleuti tug 3 Yds. by 4 gds.; 1 Week flfelteell esda YdSi' Piece of IU0 Wo Irrr 6%, rds„- %tree* of'. itirta Miter/ 8" AR* climetra:4 ,rtitateara. *ball table; I dant "ariatal na flsefCferaa*,3 manage itraitle'r oit,otti idaf.,kar atti•la arafrica" Evaryihi alo ;red** .* ' the „P*Mieler. It • aiOldatte' ;ifintOn „aTtiltataaa eagle AVIIIIIWP ali464likleor 4' fldta .414101**,a litith 44: V.. Pi Obetteete Clark THOMSON—IN LOVING MEMORY OF A " dear husband and father, George E. Thomson, who passed away February 26, 1942. From our happy home and circle, God has taken one we loved; He is borne away from sin and sorrow, To a nobler rest above. TENDERS WANTED Township of Tuckersinith TF-NDBas WILL BE REOBIVED BY TIES undersigned usii to 8 p.m., March 6, 1948, for the supply of approximately 6,000 yards of crushed gravel through %-incb screen, to be laid on township roads in 1948. Contractor to supply all requirements, in - eluding gravel, crushing. trucking, labor, ete., work to be completed by September 1. 1948. Work to be done under the direction and BUP- eryision of the Township Road Superintend- ent. A bond of 3200 in the form of a marked cheque insist accompany each tender. Tenders must state the price per cubic yard and envelopes must be plainly marked "Tender" and mailed to the Clerk. For further information apply to Robert Dalrymple, Road Superintendent, Eamon& ville, Ontario. Lowest or any tender not necessarily ac- cepted. E. P. CHESNEY, Clerk, Township of Tuolcenimitli. R,R. No. 4, Seaforth, Ont. 4188-3 No one knows how muse we miss him; None but aching hearts can 'teal, Lost on earth, but found in Heaven, Jesus doth all things' well. —Ever remembered by his Wife and Fam- ily. 4185x1 Farms For Sale PARA( FOR SALE --62 ACRES, CLOSE TO Seeforth, on No, 8 Highway; lots of ngs; choice buildiwell drained; drilled well, wsindmil1; Hydro. Half cash, 4 % on bal- ance. Apply to T. J. Adams, R.R. 2, Sea - forth. Phone No, 667-14. 4185x2 TeENNINGS—IN LOVING MEMORY OF A " dear wife and mother, who passed away four years ago, March 2, 1944. The depths of sorrow we cannot tell, Of the loss of one we loved so well; And while she sleeps a peaceful sleep, Her memory we shall always keep. —Sadly missed by Husband and Daugh- ters. 4185x1 WRELN—IN LOVING MEMORY OF A dear mother, Mrs'. Alice Wren, who passed away one year ago, February 25, 1947. A tribute of love and remembrance, To a dear one gone to rest: The joys that she missed on Fife's highway May she find in God's garden etf rest. s —Ever remembered by the Family. Lost and Found Ity.1c4gt notify Dee. 644, IlUltelal• . 41004 -• VARNA, FARM FOR SALE -175 ACRES LAND; 100 acres, Lot 28, Con. 11, McKillop; frame house with insulated siding; barn, 40x60: straw shed 36x48; drilled well ; water in stable; 38 acres plowed for crop: 6 sores of bush; 56 .acres hay and pasture; 75 acres rough pasture, Part Lots 23 and 24, Con. 1.1, McKillop, STANLEY GARNHAM, R.R. 4. Walton. 4185x2 VARGA FOR SALE -100 -ACRE FARM ON •A; 11,1111 Road ; all under grass except 10 acres in hay; spring water in barn, hard and soft wafter in house; Hydro; new furnace. One-half mile from school, 4 miles from Sea - forth; 2 miles from Brucefield. On direct highway. For further particulars apply to MRS. ALEX WRIGHT, Brucefield. 4184-3 ee'ENNTNGS—IN LOVING MEMORY OF my mother, Mrs. Fred Kennings, who Passed away March 2, 1944. It's lonesome here without you, Mother, And sad ehe wedry way, For 'life can never be the same Since you were called away. _Ever remembered by daughter, Margaret. son-in-law Alfred, and Grandchildren. Cards of Thank PARIYI FOR SALE -100 ACRES GOOD " grass land, Lot 11, Con. 2, McKillop; 60 acres cleared, tile drained. seeded for 8 or 10 years, 2 good wells. For further infor- mation apply Le J. O'REILLY, R.R. 5, Sea - forth. Phone 64 r 16, Dublin. 4184-2 Notice To Creditors • , • • • •L'f Personals HYGIENIC SUPPLIES (RUBBER GOODS) mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with price list. 6 samples 25c; 24 samples 31.00. Mail -Order Dept. T-78, NOVA -RUBBER CO., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. Property For Sale NOTICE TO CREDITORS MRS. ANNIE .FITZPATRICK AND PAM- ily wish to extend their sincere grati- tude to their relatives, neighbors and friends for the kindness and sympathy shown them in their recent sad bereavement; special thanks for the many Mass Cards and gener- ous offerings of pastry, etc. Again, many thanks to each and a11. 4185-1 Q4X-ROCYM HOUSE IN GOOD CONDITION. " in Clinton: full basement, hot and cold water; hardwood floors, French doors, hydro, garage. Buy now, possession Sept. lst. WM. PEARCE, Realtor, Elcerter. 4188x3. Wanted WANTED—ONE-CAR GARAGE TO RENT. " Apply A. MURRAY, Bank of Com- merce, Seaforth. 4185x1 larANTED—QuAUFIED 311.1240 TEAM. " er wanted for S.S. No. 6, McKillop. Ap- ply to FRANK JOHNSON, Secretaly-Treacalr. er. Phone 840 r 13, Seafarth, 4135%1 Deaths •IVIrs, Tuffin, of Staffa, is visiting at the home of her daughter and sen -in- law, Mr, and Mrs, Aldington. Mr. and lairs. F. Grieve as little son, of BrIcefield, Were week -end guests at the home of Mr, M. Elliott. A little daughter has come to glad- den the home of Mr. and Mrs. Will Clark. ZION Mr. and Mrb. George Pepper and Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Barker and family visited Sunday afternoon with Mrs. J. Balfour and Dalton. Miss Velma Moore, Stratford, spent Monday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Moore. Mrs. Dalton Malcolm and Keith spent a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Gibb, Strat- ford. 11111111•1=1.1111111.111.• - ELIIVIVILLE In the Estate of JOHN ANDREW BOLTON. late of the Town of Hereall, in the County of Jluroii, Retired Farmer, deceased. A II. PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS AGAINST "" the estate of the late John Andrew Bolton, who died at the said Town of Hensall on the 21st day of October, A.D. 1947, are required to file the same with the undersigned on or be- fore the 12th day of March. A.D. 1948, after which date the Administrators will proceed to distribute the estate, having regard only to the claims of which they then shall have had notice. DATED the 26th day of February. A.D. 1948. GU'ARANTY TRUST COMPANY OF CANADA Administrators Guaranty Trust Building, urANITID – WANTED TO Dim, ALL vy kinds of mixed iron, mattresses, rotted rags, lead, old tires and copper. Will pick up and pay highevt prices. OLARRNOR RE.EVES, Seaforth. 4186.1 liTirANTOD — ROUSE WORK THE " reek or month. Amply to MISS Skala Sibislatal, c/o Mra. Pearl atran, Remooll Bouts ess Cards BELL—In Seaforth, on faraday, beb. 19, William Earle Bell. CRONIN—In St. Columban, on Friday, Feb. ea, Johanna (ironin, in her 81st year. MeGUE—In Victoria, B.C:, on December 14, Mrs, William McCue Eliza Kemp), daughter of the late Walter Kemp. AD fl�Ok,Kft it4 todsbiliod.; 0.0.4ssied tor Isarits isatitOk. • It,' trevr sotkatotitt orirce DoSidilliat BM& Molina , 4/64 . " • s s s s Windsor, Ontario. 4185-3 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Gordon Ford, son of Mr, and Mrs. Grant Ford, has a broken arm from contact with a desk while running at school. Mr. Harvey--Sparling; Bill Donnie Stephen, Keith Heywood and Beverley Skinner were on an educa- tional tour to Toronto over the week- end, taking in the hockey game at Maple Leaf Gardens, also visiting the Parliament Buildings, Zoo and Casa Loma Castle. Members of the council and the roaa. superintendent, W. Routly, are attending the good roads convention in Toronto .this week. Mr. and Mrs. Eric Carscadden Jimmie visited on Sunday with and Mrs. Garnet Miners. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Cooper and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mr. Russel King. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Bell and family of Exeter, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. V. De Montmorency. The Euchre Club met Tuesday eve- ning at the Hall with ten tables in play, Winners were Mrs. Harold Bell and Mr. John R4dley; consolation, John Miners. air. and Mrs. Lamb, the hosts, served a dainty lunch. and Mr. stir Mrs 1111t1Mri.110.11 001TeItti alle1Em Bar spent Aunday with Mr. and Mre. Leo Stenhenfion and Mrs. Etnel StePb" Onson, Mesers. Win, pale and Wm. Jewitt are i Toronto this week attending the good roads convention. Mr. and Mrs. L. Lawson were in Stratford on alonda'Y, Mr. Lawson on business and Mra. Lawson visiting Miss Belle McCully,, who lives witb her brother, George. adrs, Thos. McMichael, of Auburn, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Wm. Daie. .1•111111•3111111.1111M.M.M IN TIDE ESTATE OF JACK FRANKLIN KELLAND A IsL.PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS AGAINST ▪ the Estate of Jack Franklin Kelland, late of the Town of Sea:feral, Merchant, deceased, who died on or about the 6th day 'of Febru- ary, 1948, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned on or before the 5th day of March, 1948, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said last mentioned date, the assets of the said. estate will be distributed amongst the parties entitled there- to, having regard only to olaims of which the undersigned shall then have notice, to the exclusion of all others, and the undersigned will not be liable to any wagon of whose claim the undemigned shall not then have notice for the assets so distributed or any Pant thereof. DATED at Seaforth, this 12th day of Feb- ruary, 1998. ALVIN W. SILLE'RY, Barrister, Etc., Solicitor for tbe Estate. CONSTANCE in a pocket or e" 0*•1144clt• Wart ceived by tbe writer Whose hesband at the preeent,Ilale in the 11101114111110 fighting the Pent - =mists: ,aa,MY Dear Ladyl, I received your let- ter and it gave Me Plearalre, lint am a little late in aneWerlag taitat I am very worried. 'Please forgive nae, my dear lady; it's been 'WO. MOntlis since I have received a letter from my hus- band and I cloal 1010w where be is or what to do. MY hOY is ill with. Pneu- monia and' I dontt know What,to do. I haven't any Money and here in 'the village"there is no doctor. I took him once to the city and the doctor Mid me that he has pneumonia. He gave me some medicine and told me that in six days he wanted to see the child again. I haven't any money and I am very worried; I can't take the child to the city again and I will lose him. That's how things are. If I had my husband I wouldn't be like this. I don't know if he is alive. I haven't received a letter from him In two montha. There have been many killings recently in Greece. But God help us, my lady, if you can help me God will reward you richly. Think how wretched I ans. The earth is God's and so is peace, but here in Greece life is wretched. Good-bye, my lady, I am waiting for an early letter from you. If you can do any- thing for me, an unfortunate one, please do it. Good-bye—I kiss you. Niki. Mrs.. Niki Moyzakiths, Greece. HENSALL (0;mtinued from Page 1) Guide laws. Rev. P. A. Ferguson ad- dressed them, while a quartette con- sisting of Bert Thompson, R. Taylor, Jas. Bengough and Russel Moore sang "I'm Looking Beyond." , The ratepayers of S.S. No. 10, Hay, are holding a box social, euchre and dance in the schoolhouse on Friday, Feb. 27. The proceeds are in aid of the Save the Children Fund. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Case left on Sunday for Ph6enix. Arizona, and Los Angeles, California, where they will spend the next six weeks. The following letter was received by Miss Mary-McAsh, of Hensall, de- picting conditions in Greece. Miss McAsh some time ago in sending clothing to Europe, enclosed a note MALTING BARLEY This year we are again contracting Barley for The Canada Malting Co. Contact us for particulars. Geo. T. Mickle and Sons Nights 133 Phone 103 HENSALL, ONTARIO 4184-8 Births WHITE—In Metropolitan Hospital, Windsor, an Feb. 21, to Mr. and Mrs. A. G. White (nee Jean Irvine), Kingsville, a sem—Don- ald Charles. McKENZIE—In Stott Merforild HesPital, on February 24, to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mc- Kenzie, MeKillop, a daughter. .03334131AttlAtt PRICES (UT WE, MUST CLEAR EVERYTHING AT, OUR SELLING OUT SALE! IINIMIIIIIM=1110111111 CLEARING MEN'S OVERCOATS BUY NOW FOR NEXT YEAR BOYS' TWEED SUITS 2 PAIR OF PANTS. Don't miss these MEN'S RUBBER RAINCOATS A NECESSITY FOR SPRING WEAR. Out they MEN'S SCAMPERS For dress and sports wear. Reg. $2.98. TO CLEAR $2.00 BOYS' LEATHER HI -CUT BOOTS Regular $5.25, $5.95. They must -go at $4.00 BOYS', CHILDREN'S PLAIN OVERRUBBERS At a price that can't be beat 49c BOYS' BUSHMANS $1.25 GOLOSHES—To Clear 99c Pair WOMEN'S and CHILDREN'S WEAR LADIES' BALBRIGGAN BLOOMERS 50C In Pink and White. TO CLEAR CHILDREN'S PANTIES—To clear 25c INFANTS, VESTS—Tie-on style. Special 25C CLEARANCE OF LADLES' SHOES 90. • • • $12.00 $11.50 $5.75 OXFORDS, STRAPS, PUMPS AND SOME LOAFERS • Regular $3.00, $3.95, $4.50 lines. TO CLEAR Green Front Dept Stores OPPOSITt POST MICE SEAPORTE A. crokinole party will be held in the basement of the church on Fri- day. Feb. 27, to which all are welcome. The W.A. of Constance 'United Church voted $50 for aid to European children, also the people of the com- munity responded generously in the giving of clothing. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Medd and Mrs. Ernest Adams went to Blyth on Sun- day, Mr. and Mrs. Medd visiting Mr. and Mrs. Phillips, and Mrs. Adams visiting Mrs. John Mills. Mrs. Mills has been very poorly since her daugh- ter's passing. , TO FRESHEN THE APPEARANCE OF YOUIR, CAR FOR SPRING . . . We have a complet stock of • Seat Covers and Floor Mes . PLASTIC GLOSS POLISH $1 SO Special All -Chrome WHEEL RINGS $11.95 Set LICENSE PLATE BRACKETS.. 65c and 75c DALY'S GARAGE SEAFORTH A HYDRO USERS . You can avoid additional interruptions by voluntary saving in the use of hydro. Seaforth's quota, as allotted by the H.E.P.C., is 13,800 kilo- watt hours each 24-hour period. Despite co-operation of local industries who have reduced their working day by one hour, the hourly interruption in the case of Commercial users and the two- hour cutoff for Domestic Consumers, consumption in Seaforth continues to exceed the quota. Unless consumption is voluntarily reduced, additional cutoff periods must be ordered. EXISTING INTERRUPTIONS WILL CONTINUE AS FOLLOWS: DOMESTIC—(Including certain Commercial users on domestic circuits) — Daily, except Saturday, Sunday and Monday morning. FROM 9 A.M. to 10 A.M. FROM 1 P.M. to 2 P.M. COMMERCIAL—(Including certain Domestic consumers on Commercial circuits) except Saturday and Sunday FROM 5 P.M. to 6 P.M. YOU CAN SAVE BY • Using not more than one bulb in each room • Reducing size of bulbs • Turning off all lights not needed • Turning off appliances when not in use Save Hydro All Day Every Day REDUCE KILOWATT HOURS! Seaforth Public Utility Coramissiort 11