The Huron Expositor, 1948-02-20, Page 4Al E FOUR Ictssified Ads. Classified Ads Will Be Inserted At New Low: Cash Rates Per Sale, Wanted, Lost and Found, Etc.—Per words lst week 1 Cent 2nd week % Cent 3rd week • 46 Cent Minimum charge, find insertion26 Cents Each figure, initial and abbreviation counts as one word. Oard. of Thanks, In Memoriam Notices, Coming Events -1 cent per word. Minimum. 50 cents per week. Inquiries may be directedto a Box Number, e/,o 'ibe Mures Expositor, for 10 cents extra. Ten cents additional wiU be charged if ado in above class are not paid within 10 days of date of final 'fnaertron. Births, Marriages and Deaths inserted free of charge, Auction Sales. Notices to Prechter*. Eta.—Rates on application. Coming Events Wanted DO,N ROBERTSON AND HIS FORMER FARM WANTED — 100 OR 150 -ACRE GKNX Ranch Boys will beat the Crystal farm, near school. with good buildings. Palace Ballroom. Mitchell, Friday, February With hydro, or hydro available. Apply to 20th, in an old-time Barn Dance Box 642, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4184,1' 4184x1 LoSt and Found T .OST—PAIR. PIGSKIN GLOVES. FINDER HYGIENIC SUPPLIES (RUBBER GOODS) '-• please write Box 643, HURON EXPOSI- I mailed parbpaid in plain, sealed envelope TOR., Reward. i with price list 6 samples 25c; 24 samples $1.00. Mail -Order Dept. T-73. NOVA -RUBBER LOST—TWO FOX HOUNDS. IN VICINITY CO., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont dl of Staffa, (Red Bone), (Blue Tick). HARRY NORRIS, Phone 658 r 4, Seaforth. 4184-1 Personals For Sale OST—YOUNG BROWN SPANIEL DOG. POR SALE -1 COAL BROODER STOVE, answering to "Rusty." Anyone knowing in good condition. Apply ANDREW J. the whereabouts of this dog, PHONE 373. • CALDER, Jr. 4184x4 4184-1 FOR SALE—NEW SINGER SEWING MA - chine, 560.00; 10 rods chicken wire. 55.00. PHONE 240-W, Seaforth, 4184x1 ISEED GRAIN—CHOICE QUALITY VALOR oats and O.A.C. No. 21 barley; mixed. Apply to CHARLES RAU, R.R. 2, Zurich. Phone 98 r 3, Zurich. 4184x5 Property For Sale SIX -ROOM HOUSE IN GOOD CONDITION, in Clinton: full basement, hot and cold water; hardwood floors, French doors, hydro, garage. Buy now, possession Sept 1st. WM. PEARCE, Realtor, Exeter. 4183x8 Farms For Sale F1.A.R38l FOR SALE -100 -ACRE FARM ON Mill Road; all under grass except 10 acres in hay; spring water in barn, hard and soft, water in house; Hydro; new furnace. Oue-half mile from school, 4 miles from Sea- FOR SALE -1 BEATTY HAY CAR AND forth; 2 `miles from Brucefield. On direct 3 pulleys: 1 •heavy steel water trough: highway. For further particulars apply to also some other tools. Apply to JAMES MRS. ALEX WRIGHT, Brucefield. HART. R.R.. 5, Seaforth. 4184x2 4184-3 FOR SALE—USED ELECTRIC RANGETTE in good condition, $25. Apply tp MRS. I BLAIR. at J. M, Govenlock's, or phone 123-W. Seafor tih. 4184-1 FOR ,SALEr-DUKE-FINGARD for asthma and hay fever; liquid accompanies the machine. H. GOLDING. MACHINE 1 new can MRS. W. 4184x1 Fl A$M FOR SAT.>. -100 ACRES GOOD grass land, Lot 11, Con. 2, McKillbp : 60 acres cleared, tile drained. seeded for 8 or 10 years, 2 good wells. For further infor- maa,tion apply D. J. O'REILLY, R.R. 5, Sea- for+th. Phone 64 r 16, Dublin. 4184-2 FARM FOR SALE—WEST HALF LOT 5, Concession 7, Tuckersmith, 50 acres in grass. Good water supply. Apply,. A. T. POR SALE ---1 SET 3 -SECTION CnCK- SIM'PSON. Phone 650 r 13, Seafortis. hut spring tooth harrows (new) ; 1 set 4182x3 double harness: 1 circular saw, suitable for Allis Chalmers tractor: 1 1,.g jack inrw'. CALVIN HORTON, Hensall., Phone 73 r 31. 4184-1 TWO KITCHEN CABINETS FOR SALE, in good shape: don't need them. Cheap. HERBERT COOMBS, Egmondville, 4184.1 port SALT ONE PATRIOT HAND WASH- ing machine, in good shape, with prac- tically new wringer; also 2 good Collie pups, nearly full grown. Apply to JACK FLAN- NERY. R.R. No. 1. Dublin. 4184x1 Business Cards QECRETARIAL AND BOOKKEEPING SER- "' vice. Records maintained and prepared for income tax . purposes. W. EDWARD SOUTHGATI1. Office in Dominion Bank Bldg., Seaforth. 4176-tf Notices RS. W. J. THOMPSON WISHES TO DE- clare. to whom it may concern: I did not know who it was 1 saw in an intoxicated condition, Sunday, 10 a.m., February 15; nor did say any name concerning same, lust said 'a' man, 4184x1 PIONEER CHICK MASH STARTER— Formulated and tested by ,an expert, Dr. I. R. Spanling, in charge of Nutrition and Service of Pioneer Feeds. See Your Pioneer Dealer. 4183X3 WOOD WANTED TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED BY THE undersigned until February 24th, for 40 cords of good body hardwood, beach and maple, all to be delivered to the various schools o£ the Tuckersmith Area No. 1 by June. tat, S. H. WHITMORE. Sec.-Treas., R.R. 3, Seaforth. 4183.2 Auction Sales CLFARING AUCTION SALE OF FARM Stock, Implements, Feed and Furniture.— W. E. Nairn, auctioneer, will sell by public auction on Lot 30, Con. 2. Fullerton, one mite west en No. 8 Highway, and % mile . south of Mitchell. on Wednesday, March 3rd. I948, commenoing at 12 o'clock sharp, the following: Registered Clydesdale horses; high-grade Shorthorn cattle; 22 tons hay; 800 bushels mixed grain; a full line of farm implements; also all the household furniture. Positively no reserve; the farm is sold. Terms —Cash. This sale will start sharp at 12 o'clock, Booth on grounds. WgLLT.AM URQUHART, Proprietor; W. E. Nairn, Auc- tioneer. 4184-1 CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF FARM Stock, Implements, Feed and Furniture.— W. E. Nairn, auctioneer, will sell by public auction on Lot 15, Con. 5, Hibbert Township. 2r,4 miles south of Dublin on County Road, on Tuesday. Marek 2nd, 1948, commencing at 1 o'clock sharp: High-grade Shorthorn cat- tle; 1,000 bushels grain; 20 'tons of hay; fowL; a full line of tractor, farm implements and furniture. A full lust will appear in next week's paper. Positively no reserve; the farm is sold. Terms — Cash. NORMAN RIEHL, 'Proprietor; W. E. Nairn, Auctioneer - 4184 -1 Notice To Creditors NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF .LACK FRANKLIN KELLAND ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS AGAINST the Estate of Sack Franklin Kelland, late of the Town' of Seaforth, Merdhant, deceased, who -died on or about the 6th day of Febru- ary, 1948, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned on or before the 5th day of March, 1948, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said last mentioned date, the assets of the said estate will be distributed amongst the parties entitled there- to, having regard only to claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice, to the exclusion of all others, and the undersigned will not be liable to any person of whose claim the undersigned shall not then have notice for the assets so distributed or any pant thereof. DATED at Seaforth, this 12th day of Feb- ruary, 1948. ALVIN W. SII.T.FRY, Barrister, Etc., Solicitor for the Estate. 41844 Tenders Wanted TENDERS WANTED Township of Tuckersmith ►'ENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED BY VIE undersigned up to 3 p.m., March 6, 1948, for, the supply of approximately 6,000 yards of crushed gravel through %-inch screen, to be laid on township roads in 1948. Contractor to supply all 'requirements, in - el g gravel, crushing, trucking, labor, etc_; Ivor to be completed by September 1, 1048. Wegle'to be done under the direction and sup- erviaiott of the Township Road Superintend - A, band of 62(1: in the foram of a marked chktlne maidt aceorr,sanp yeah tender; 'i`endorO linnet, stale the ,priceper dolga yard anti' : eittvdlape8 .441114 b6 dslainly .marked r4rtde'r+r ta)8d' iailctl, kd• wire Clerkt. Ir`it dE:tlllr b'ifernititfou apply to std Da�Trgiph�i t tia34 Sui54rint ndetit, Egniu 41feflfTtCii lieCCbbttily , o y a. 4y oi�E#}'r 4884 Births BOSHART—In Stratford General Hospital, on Feb. 19, to Mr. and Mrs. Enos lloshart, Seaforth, a son. PO WELL. --In Scott Memorial Hospital, ' on Feb. 12, to Mr. and Mrs. Ken Powell, Sea - forth, a daughter. ERICKSON—In Scott Memorial Hospital; on Feb. 16, to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Erickson, Egmondville, a son. KENNEDY—In Scott Memorial Hospital, on Feb. I6, to Mr. and Mrs. Clarke Kennedy, Hensall, a daughter. FLANAGAN—In Stratford General Hospital, on Feb. 6. to Mr. and blrs. William Flana- gan, McKillop, a son. Brother for Mary Margaret on her birthday. HEMPHILL---Born to Betsy, wife of W. Howard Hemphill, in Stratford General Hospital, on Feb. 14, 1948, a son --Gordon Ingram. A grandson for Mr. and Mrs. A. W. E. Hemphll of Bensalll. Deaths DUNLOP—In Seaforth, on Saturday, Feb. 14, Iingb Dunlop, in his 77th year. FITZPATRICK—In Hibbert, on Monday. Feb. 16, Peter Fitzpatrick. • THE .HURON EXPOSITOR Help Wanted WANTED---MARIUED MAN FOR GEN - oral Barras work, by the year: house with Hydro and water. Apply to BOX 27, Kir. Pen. 4188X8 HAYFIELD Mrs. James Ferguson left on Tues- day to spend a month in London with her son, Mr. J. Ferguson and Mrs. Ferguson. Miss Melvena Sturgeon, of London, spent the week -end with her parents, Mr. and MI's. W. Sturgeon. Miss E, Reid left last week to visit friends in-KintaSl. Jack Murray, of Owen Sound, is visiting his sister, Mrs. J. McLeod, Jr. Misses M. and J. Stirling left last week for Port Elgin where they will spend the next month. ELIMVII.LF, „ . Master Donnie Stephen had his lip cut with a puck while playing hockey last Thursday evening, requiring five stitches to close the wound. Master Johnnie Brock is spending some time with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Dobbs. of near Barrie, owing to the arrival of a new baby brother. Mrs. Drummond, of Brandon, Man., is visiting her daughter, Mrs. John Miners, The World's Day of Prayer for the W.M.S. and W.A. was held at the home- of Mrs. Harold Bell on Friday last. The printed program was fol- lowed with Mrs. William Johns as leader. Prayers were given by Mrs. W. Routly, Mrs. C. Stephen, Mrs. Newton Clarke, Mrs. H. Delbridge and Mrs. E. Skinner. Mrs. Alvin Cooper read the Scripture lesson. It was decided to donate used clothing for the church relief abroad to be in at the next meeting at the home of Mrs. Wm. Walters. Winchelsea. A successful carnival was held in the church shed rink last Tuesday evening. Winners were Miss M. Bow- den and Sam Skinner, Beverley Skin- ner and Bill Gilfillan; costumes, fan - Cy, June Sinclair, Wanda Stephen and Mrs, Ross Skinner; Aldene Pym, Len- ore Cooper, and Floyd Cooper; comic costumes, Mrs. H. Bell; Ruth Skinner, Harvey Sperling and Elaine Hern. The youngest skater was Betty Anne Stephen. A Valentine social was held at the school on Friday evening with 25 boxers sold by auction by Mrs. H. Bel; and M. Lamb as auctioneers. Progressive euchre winners were Miss June Walters and Ross Skinner. Proceeds of about $30 was for the Student Parliament, The Euchre Club met at the Hall Wednesday evening with the Kellet family as hostess. Nine tables of euchre were in play. Winners were Mrs. Alvin Cooper and Lorne Ford; consolation, Lenore Cooper. A dainty lunch ,was served by the hostess and csmmittee. WINTHROP The W.M.S. and W.A. of Cavan Church, Winthrop, observed the R'orld's'Day of Prayer on Friday last in the schoolroom of the church. The roll call was answered by 25 mem- ber. Mrs. Russell Bolton presided, as- sisted by Mrs. Robt. McFarlane and Mrs. Gilbert Smith. Mrs. Jas. Hogg was, the pianist for the meeting. Those leading in intereessory i ciety. He is survived by ffis Widow, prayers were Ml's. Jas. Hogg, Mrs. 11. two daughters„ both",Of Detroit, and Slanshard, Mrs. Wm,' McSpadden, Mrs. Wm. Dodds and. Mrs. E. Ten. The Scripture lesson was read ;by Mrs. McDougall and Mrs. Wm. Mont- gomery sang "The Lord's Player," with Mrs. Jos, Little as accompanist. A short address on prayer was given by Mrs. W. Dolmage. The business period was conducted ' by Mrs. R. Bolton. Arrangements were made to provide clothing for the European re- lief. All donations to to be left with the committee, namely, Mrs. A. Cham- bers, Mrs. Earl Hawley, Miss Ethel McClure or Mrs. John Pethick. A moment of silent prayer was observ- ed in honor of Miss Peters, our spe- cial missionary for prayer this year. The meeting closed with the benedic- tion and a social half-hour was spent when lunch was served by Circle 3. The W.M.S. and W.A. of Duff's Church held the World's Day of Prayer at the home of Mrs. William Kerr on Friday. There was a good attendance of ladies. The meeting was in charge of Mrs. Chester Hen- derson • and Mrs. N. R. Dorrance. Prayers were given by 1Vlrs. C. Hen- derson, Mrs. W. Shannon, Mrs. Jas, Kerr, Mrs. Geo. Campbell, Mrs. F. McKereher and Mrs. J. Hillebrecht. The Scripture lesson was given by Mrs. Eldon Kerr and prayers were offered by Mrs. John Gordon, Mrs. Percy Smith. Mrs. Robt. Campbell and Mrs. John Kerr. Mrs. Dorrance sang a solo and also gave 6 -reading con- cerning the World's Day of Prayer. A minute of silent prayer was ob- served in'memory of Mrs. Annie Wat- son, a valued member of the society. Mrs. Wm. Shannon, president of the W.M.S., discussed business. The min- utes were read and adopted, A so- cial hour was spent with lunch serv- ed by the hostess and her helpers. DUBLIN s�e•asa' . The Late Peter' Fitzpatrick Peter Fitzpatrick died at his home from a heart attack on Monday eve- ning in his 60th year. He was born in Simcoe County and moved to the Township of Hibbert 32 years ago. He was a member of St. Patrick's Church and of the Holy Name So - two sons, IVlattr'iee of the American .4.,r1ny Overseas, ,and J'phn at home. The funeral was 'held' Thursday from his late residence to St. Patrick's Church at 10 o'clock where Requiem High Mass was sung 'by Rev. Dr. Ffoulkes. Interment was in the ad- joining djoining cemetery. The Ladies' Guild of St. Mary's Church held their monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Joseph Dill on Thursday. The - president, Mrs. Al- bert Rock, conducted the devotional period and business session. The lad- ies spent the afternoon quilting. Lunch was served by the hostess and assistants. Personals: Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Burns, Sarnia, with' Mr. and Mrs. Frank 'Burns; Mrs. Joseph Melady,, Mrs. Wilfred Maloney and Mrs. John Murray in Milwaukee; Miss Marie Krauskopf, London, with her mother, Mrs. Catherine Krauskopf; Mr. Chas. Malone, Ingersoll, with Mrs. Malone and family; Mr, Gerald Holland in Milwaukee; Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Stein- berg, teinberg, Kitchener, with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Drauar. - HENSALL rr Announcement Mr. and Mrs. J. Robert Munn. Hen- sall, wish to announce the marriage of their youngest daughter, Mary Elizabeth Lois, to John Frederick, son of Mrs. Simmons and the late Fred Simmons, of Hensall. The girls' softball team is sponsor- ing a dance in Hensall Town Hall on Friday, Feb. 27, with music by Lionel Thornton and his orchestra of Lon- don. Hensall Girl -Guides will attend ser- vice in a body in Carmel Presbyter- ian Church on Sunday, at 11 a.m., when Rev. P. A. Ferguson will address them. Hensall polled the largest number of votes in its 'history in the by-elec- tion, when 399 voters turned out to exercise their franchise. T. Pryde re- ceived a majority of 91. There were eight spoilt. ballots. The oldest voter to cast her vote was Miss Jean Mur- ray. Congratulations are extended to Lenten Foods FRESH FROZEN FILLETS— iod Haddock . Salmon Sole Whitefish Smoked Haddie . FRESH FROZEN FISH— White Fish Red Salmon Herring We Carry a Complete Line of FRESH FROZEN FRUITS and VEGETABLES— • Strawberries •. Raspberries • Peaches • Asparagus Tips • Asparagus Cuttings • Beans- • Peas Whyte's Butcher Shop - - SEAFORTH Mr. and 11i'irs. T. J. Sherritt, who re- cently celebrated their 2fith wedding a iv - eras A newa d old-time dance will be held in the Town Hall Friday, spon- sored by the Hensall branch of the Canadian Legion. Cooper , Smith A lovely wedding was solemnized at Bloor St, United Church, Toronto, when Norma Mae, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Orville Smith, of Hensall, became the bride of Donald William Cooper, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. 94$_ G'ooper, of KippeII )lilfl attetidanta were Mr. and Mrs Jas} Campbell, of Toronto, , sister and brother-in-law of the groom. For her wedding the at- tractive 'bride chose a powder illus dress' trimmed .with silver •beads,, black accessories and a corsage of pink roses, Her bridesmaid also :wore a powder blue dress with black ac- cessories and corsage of pink roses. A short honeymoon was spent in To- mato and upon their return they will reside on the groom's farm at Kip - pen. MALTING BARLEY This year we are again contracting Barley for The Canada Malting Co. Contact us for particulars. Geo. T. Mickle and Sons Nights 133 Phone 103 HENSALL, ONTARIO Selling Out Sale! FORCED TO VACATE After fourteen long years of business in Seaforth, we are forced to close our doors! Here is the chance of a lifetime to' buy at whole- sale prices. We are,going to sacrifice our entire stock to the people of Seaforth and surrounding countryside. BUY NOW AND SAVE DOLLARS! Men's Overalls—Lighthouse and Big B. Size . 44 only Special, pr. $2.50 Men's Overcoats—Values up to $22. To clear $12.00 Men's Ribbed Cotton and Wool Shirts— ' Regular $2.25 To clear $1.25 Boys' RainCoats--Here is something for the rainy weather ahead. Reg. $6.50. To clear $4.50 Boys' Bushmen's Work Rubbers... . To clear $1.25 Men's Bushmen's Work Rubbers . , .. To clear $1.50 Men's 15 and 12 -inch Leather Tops and Rub- ber Bottoms, To clear, $2.00 pr. Ladies' Shoes, Oxfords, Pumps, Sandals, Ties, Straps To clear $1.49 pr. Men's Oxfords, in black and brown. To clear $1.50 pr. Children's Snow Suits. Reg. 7.95; 8.95 and 10.95 To clear $5.00 Boys' and Children's Rubbers, broken lines 25c pr. Ladies' Fur -Trimmed Velvet Overshoes ... $1.50 pr. Small sizes only. Children's and Girls' Wool Leggings. Reg. $4.50 and $5.50 pr. To clear $2.00; P ae S Green Front Dept. Stores Lower Opposite Post Office - Seaforth DRO • USE -ES WARNING The Seaforth Public Utility Commission has been oilIergd by the I1.E.P.C. to reduce the daily consumption of energy in Seaforth by approximately 3,000 Kilowatt Hours, using ' the October daily average consumption as a base. While voluntary savings on the part of consumers have been of some help, the total sa$ed falls far short of meeting the H.E.P.C. requirements. Therefore, effective immediately, notice is given that service in various parts of the town, including commercial services, may be cut off entirely for periods not exceeding one hour ,fit: a time, as lokig as the prese'ht emergency ezdgts. ' In so far as possible, notice will be given of the time of the cut. Because of circumstances beyond its control, it may not be possible for the Commission to give such notice and, accordingly, consumers are warned to be prepared for an interruption at any time. Manufacturers are co-operating. Your voluntary co-opera- tion and saving can reduce the period during which you and your neighbor may be without Hydro. DURING THE EMERGENCY STREET CcLIGHTING THROUGHOUT THE TOWN WILL BE CURTAILED. PEDESTRIANS ARE URGED TO TAKE ADDITIONAL PRECAUTIONS WHEN WALKING ON ROADS !ou Must Save Every Day - - -All Day to Avoid Further Interruptions Seaforth Publie Ukili4y Commissi • * M R 4' 4- , •• . r • .4 •