HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1948-02-06, Page 61 year and paid by every 'person who I e t. d p- b- drives 4 oat air truol*, 'Farquhar l Oliver,-x,,iberal leader, promised a -u radio address to voters, in the. Hugon by-election. Taxation on gasoline now totals x cents a gallon, an all -tune record, h said, and the Ontario Government im posed its last three cents after the Federal Government relinquished' itQ wartime gasoline tax of like amour Mr, (liver said his party advocate the .siresngthening oR farm lire. in or- der that Young people might find aP- portunity. He said his party su ported :the principle of floor prices for farm products and would esta lish an expertly staffed marketing OLINE ER FQMISES ill Strengthen Farm Life To Provide Opportunity For Young People. A Liberul Government if elected, would relneve lmmediately the extra three. cents' a gallon gasoline tax im- posed by the Drew Government last branch. 0. YOU ARE INVITED TO COME AND HEAR The Hon. T. L. Kennet= Ontario Minister of Agriculture speak in CARDNO HALL Seaforth Sat. FEBRUARY 7th - 2 p. m. Vote for TOM P!Y1 Progressive - Conservative Candidate And Keep HURON in the GOVERNMENT Ranks NEAR Queer's Park Report No. 3 by PREMIER GEORGE DREW "EDUCATION FOR TO -MORROW" Friday, February 6 CKNX 920 8.00-8.15 p.m. It Weald assist 1Q041 gradin-, Pa— ek-ing 'cud 4'Q storage Ala lte,;. w430d guarantee loans at low interest rates to worthy and qualified young men desiring to commence or continue farming, provide all out assistance to county crop improvement associations tq seed cleaning plants and farm fairs,, provide - subsidized veterinary service and all in all to treat sympa- thetically • the problems of the farmer in a way which, he said, had nut been done since the last Liberal regime in Toronto. Mr. Oliver launched into an attack upon the Drew Government's legisla- tion affecting agriculture' and more Particularly the taking over by his ad- rainistratioo of the Toronto stock- yards in order, it was'aaid at the time to put a stop to manipulation and speculation and to assure fair prices. "The yards were taken over sure enough and are now operating at a questionable advantage to the tax- payer of this province," Mr. Oliver said. "You can judge for yourself whether speculation and manipulation has been stopped. "The prices farmers get today in- sofar as they are better than before are due to the policies of the Liberal administration at Ottawa and the bonuses established by the former Liberal administration at Queen's Park. "The present Conservative Govern- ment is living up to the record of performance with regard to agricul- ture which has the practise of its predecessors the Henry and Ferguson regimes which coasted, along ground prepared by previous administrations and basked in the sunshine of a Lib- eral Government at Ottawa, sympa- thetic to the interests of agriculture." The Liberal leader quoted from an editorial in the Rural Co-operator as follows: "The Government agricul- tural record as against Mr. Drew's promises is a sorry one. You prom- ised this and you promised that but you haven't half dorfe this and you haven't touched that."' Bride -To -Be Showered Mrs. John Southam and Miss Mar- jorie Renwick entertained at a mis- cellaneous shower at the former's home in honor of Miss Thelma Ren- wick, bride -elect. She received many useful -gifts for which she made a fit- ting reply. A dainty lunch was serv- ed by the hostesses.—Wingham Ad- vance -Times. Burglarize Minister's Home Crediton residents were shocked on Friday morning when it became known that during the night some culprit had forced admission into the home of Rev, M. E. Reuber and tak- en a sum of money. Steps are being taken to apprehend the thief and all clues are being closely checked. It is many years since an act of this kind occurred in Crediton and the cit-_ izens are standing by to offer to the police •any information that might prove valuable in bringing the guilty party to justice and prevent any fur- ther similar occurrence. — Exeter Times -Advocate. WINTHEOr The W4, and W.M.S. of Cavan Church, Winthrop, will observe the Worid's DAY ,of ,Prayer On Friday, Feb, 13, in the school room of the church. The ineeting will commence at 2 p.m. Roll call is a verse of 'Scrip- ttlre. Various Uses For Flax Shives to 'er i tai„ tile. 0P'a$ea lld tO Ci oasudlties 'off inezttal illii a e# initial 4p will p•e t9net t1 a VIA of Caliad�ana at ease—to' edneate, Ahem to understand that ,mental' sick• ness is not neoessarily hereditary; nor•' inevitable, and that it can be prof-' vented, as well as treated sucoes$-. fully. YOU CAN'T MAKE A SILK PURSE OUT OE A SOW'S EAR UST FE • vB YOi 1.1 In addition to studying both linseed and fibre flax for its fibre and tow content, research at the Dominion Department of Agriculture Pilot Flax Mill, Portlage la Prairie, Man., is di- rected toward possible new uses for the by-products. The material re- maining after the separation of seed and fibre is called skives. It consists of the woody core of the flax plant, the weeds, and the chaff from leaves and seed bolls, says J. C. Woodward, the chemist at the mill. It also con- tains ontains varying amounts of short and broken fibre. The shive is uniform in length to the extent that it has been broken into short lengths by the breaking equipment. Shives make about 75 per cent of the deseeded straw after processing for water or dew retted ,fibre or for paper stock, and 50 per cent if mak- ing upholstery tow. Investigations so. far show that the shives have a va- lue as livestock litter, for fuel, and as a possible constituent of a panel- ling board. Baled shives are being marketed from an eastern flax mill as poultry and dairy litter. It is generally agreed by farmers on the Portage Plains that shives are superior to wheat or oat - straw in absorption capacity and con- sequently keep the animals• cleaner and drier than straw. Shives are used as a partial source of heat at the Pilot Fibre Flax Mill, and as the only source of heat in a paper mill dehydrator .at West Kil- donan. Air dry shive, when subject- ed to heat and pressure, will form a dense compast briquette, which has approximately 89 per cent of the fuel value of w000 waste. Board ' from the original shives have decided tensile strength, are rigid, and may be sawed or nailed. They are too dense, however, to meet the specifications for insulating board, being about three times as heavy as ten -test. Present investiga- tions are concerned with water -proof- ing the board so that it may compete, as a panelling board, with such pro- ducts as masonite and arborite. Mental Mishaps Sickness of the mind is related to general physical condition, Canadian health authorities are out to squelch the belief that it is something shame- ful. Canada is now actively mobiliz- ing all the farces of medical science Perils of • Pyorrhoea Many people visiting the dentist' with an advanced case 'of pYorrhoett do so because they are '''shot feeling' well," or have some definite phyS104 complaint. They may have been seat" for a dental check-up by a physician' seeking the source of some diseased condition, and suspecting mouth in- fection. The Affect- of' neglected pyorrhoea' would be bad enough if limited to the mouth, It causes loss of as many teeth as decay, and, "unfortunately,.' many other illnessesare due to Py- orrhoea. However, Canadians can be assured that nearly every ease of pyorrhoea is preventable. "I have a wonderful new popular son," said the music publisher. "So what?" inquired the secretary. "Call in my staff of pluggers, pub- licity men, arrangers,. disc experts and so on. Oh yes, and get two verse writers to put some words to the. melody, too." /3 Ot 104/I, CrA444 FILL YOUR PURSE OUT OF PIGS bey will�c�ow tuiicket fere Seep beabh ler' and read „ivatket, we g d of 1prrter ' feed cont. much soQger ap FEE D 'B, Pig 5► rEtet'• -, fi�4 'start np tO lS . FEED . $og Grower, ket wet ' �r--,—����ro��m,,,�,?5. lbs. to mar' . FEED � l 1. ' Hog .Conenp'14ll iben you want to feed year own home 'glroivn grains. Giver i4f1 years' a riches. iu t>ze cc eflh is prepar(itton,: of hveQt tek feeds ensures Merhug merft, �,,Y'na(i -+,-•air:+ S.ea%rth Produce Li,mified PHONE 170-W • • SEAFORTH To Dealers, Farmers and Feeders The Quality of Excellence Feeds is Known to be Second to None at Home and All Through Eastern Provinces OUR SPECIAL OFFER OF $3.00 TO $4.00 PER TON. REDUCTION WILL CONTINUE FOR THE MONTH OF FEBRUARY WE CAN NOW SUPPLY YOU WITH FLOUR Our "Gold Star" Brand Top Patent (ALL PURPOSE FLOUR) Our "Excellence" Brand Second Patent (BREAD FLOUR) Give Them a Trial — (Prices Are Right) MARKETS ARE NOW REASONABLY LOW — BE WISE — BUY YQUR WINTER NEEDS RIGHT NOW ! FUTURE SUPPLIES VERY UNCERTAIN TURGEON GRAIN- and PROCESSED FEEDS ?: SEAFORTH, ONT. TELEPHONE 354 Feed Division of Excellence Flour Mills Limited VOTER'S OF HURON IENSON • l: ' ASKS YOUR CANDIDATE zyh's,•.'' 2"S:G••,F'S:•':SY.r;+%/"y//..��•,' n i'. Zoe ARE YOU SATISFIED ? ARE YOU SATISFIED WITH THE DREW GOVERN- MENT? ARE YOU SATISFIED WITH THE 22 UNFULFILLED PROMISES ON WHICH IT WAS ELECTED? ARE YOU SATISFIED WITH ITS FAILURE TO EXTEND RURAL HYDRO AND PROVIDE RESERVE OF POWER? ARE YOU SATISFIED WITH ITS HOUSING FAIL- URE? ARE YOU SATISFIED WITH PER CAPITA EXPEN- DITURE OF $57.50, AGAINST $30.00 UNDER THE LAST LIBERAL GOVERNMENT? ARE YOU. SATISFIED WITH DREW'S INCREASE OF THE CIVIL SERVICE BY 2,000 EM- PLOYEES? ARR YOU SATISFIED WITH ITS FAILURE TO REACH AGREEMENT WITH OTTAWA ON TAXATION WHICH MEANS YOU WILL PAY ` A PROVINCIAL INCOME TAX BEFORE LONG? • ARE YOU SATISFIED WITH GOVERNMENT BY ROYAL COMMISSION AT A COST OF $250,000.00? . ARE YOU SATISFIED WITH ONE-MAN GOVERN- MENT WITH A SUBSERVIENT CABINET OF SIXTEEN? ARE YOU SATISFIED WITH DREW'S EXTRA THREE CENTS TAX ON GASOLINE, WHICH MAKES 11 CENTS IN ALL? if you don't like these.,and other things the Remedy and Opportunity are Yours On February 16th in the Huron Bye -Election ERAL -Vote TUCKS d PIIBLISIIED Bit" TAE HURON LIBERAL ASSOCIATION •a, --. 1 1