HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1948-01-23, Page 4Classified Ads Will le..Inserted At New Low Cash Rates: For Salo, Wanted. Last mad Found. Etc. -For word; let weelt 1 Cent 2nd week I's Cent . 3rd week % Cent - Minimum charge, first insertion- 25 Cents Each' agate, initial and abbreviation counts as one word. card of Thank, In Memoriam Netires, Gaming Events -1 cant per word. Minitralln. 50 cents per week. Enquiries may be directed to a Box Number. cis Ths Enron Expositor. gor up cents extra, Ten cents additional will be charged l$ ads la aboVe class are not Paid within 10 days of date of ,final insertion. Births. Marriages and Deaths inserted free of charge.. ' Auction Sales. Notices to Creditors. te--Rates on application. Coming Events Personals riKNX RANCH BOYS WILL BE AT TEE TTYGIENIO. SUPPLIES (RURDER. GOODS) Cryttal Palace Ballroom, Mitchell, Fri- mailed postpaid in plain. sealed 8twelope day, January 23. in an Old Tymo Barn Dance. with price list. 6 samples 284; 24 samples 4180-1 51.00. Mail -Order Dept. T-78, NOVA -RUBBER CO., Box 91, Hamilton. Ont. Wanted, Lost and Found AiVANTED—HOUSE TO RENT, FURNISH- , v or ontorodobod. Fmairr.,LiEuTEN_ poUND-1N W. G. WILLIS' 8110E STORE, ANT C. O. hIAGEE, StatMn. Glin- Pair of blue knitted gloves. Owner may 0 41.110x1, have same by applying to Box 636, EXPOSI- ton. TOR. OFFICE and, paying charges. WANTED TO BUY -ALL KINDS OF OLD " iron. 'rags, mattresses, batteries. W511 call for. CLARENUE RwrVES. Seaforth. 4180-1 For Sale 4180-1 In Memoriam TN LOVING MEMORY OF JOAN AGNES. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert McLach- lanv who passed away on January 22. 1946. FR SALE -'29 MODEL 'A' FORD, Al "Ever remembered by her- Parents." conditicm. Apply to THOMAS PRYCE. Phone 840 r 2, Seaforth. 4180n1 FOR SALE -32 YORKSHIRE WEANLING Pas. 7 weeks old. Phone 652 r 3, Sea - forth. MAURICE ETITE. 4180%1 FOR RENT -TWO FURNISHED R0i0MS for rent: suitable for young married �u - Pie, preferably no children. Apply to Box 635. HURON EXPOS/TOR. 4180-1 PIANO AND VIOLIN FOR SALE - right piano. piano, in good condition: also niee viOlin, bow and case; reasonable. Home eve- nings after 5 p.m. JAMES ELLIOTT, Dub- lin. 4178-3 T'OR SALE -1933 TERRAPLANE SEDAN. six good tires. Recently overhauled Ap- ply to ED. SCHWARTZENTRUBER, Zurich_ 4179x2 Business Cards SECRETARIAL AND BOOKKEEPING SER- " vice. Records maintained and prepared for income tax purposes. W. EDWARD SOUTHGATE. Office in Dominion Bank Bldg., Seaforth. 417649 Tenders Wanted MENDERS WANTED -TENDERS WILL BE received until January 30, 1948, for 12 cords of 14 -inch hardwood, for S. S. No. 12, HOGG Secretary. Births WILBEE- In Scott Meanorial Hospital, •on January 16. to M. and Mrs. Thomas Wil - bee. Seaforth, a son -Peter Douglas. McCORMICK-In Windsor, on January 3. to Dr. and Mn Robert McCormick (nee Marion Belch). a son -John Warden. REEKIE-In Victoria Hospital, London. on January 15, to Mx. and Mrs. Andrew Reekie (nee Mildred Britton), a son -Paul Wilson. Usborne Council (Continued -from Page 1) wood, Allan Westeott and Howard Kerslake, constructed. and repaired in the past by owner agreement, inter- viewed the council in regard to hav- ing further repairs made which they believed to be De cssury. Whitney Coatc,, also interviewed tie council about the Wm. Woods is.v.'ard Drain being in need of repairs. The council advised that upon majority petitions these drains could be taken over as brifigea 0,111Varta; $14,000; machin- erY; New '1 16,!000, repairs $2,000; Mitt- OellaneoliS, $800. Total $48,000. -The bylaw was given three, readings and Passed by resolation of council and •directed to be seht to the DePartment of Higtwayti,,for approval. Connell continued the increased price of the crawler tractor and equipment on order with the Sheridan Equipment to $14,495. Delivery of the tractor and snowplow was receiv- ed during the time of the meeting. Grants of $10 each Were made to the War Memorial Children's Hospi- ta.1 and the Queen Alexandra Sanitor- lulu, both of London, on motion of CoUncillors Slinpson and Tuckey. Correspondence was tabled and dealt. with as follows: From the Dept. of Highway, asking for invoice of all outstanding assessments assessed against the Province for drainage works performed in the township. Council instructed that all outstand- ing accounts be forwarded. From W. T. Cornish; Seaforth, bill for 1900 14 - inch tile for the Cann.Mitchell Drain, directed to be paid out of the drain account. The road superintendent pre- sented vouchers to the amount of $1,- 460.72 for payment and further bilis to the amount of $682.60 were passed and orders drawn on the treasurer for payment of the same on motion of, Councillors Simpson and Pincombe. All motion, agreements and resolu- tions were unanimously carried, and council adjourned to meet again in regular session on Friday afternoon, Feb. 6. ZION Mr. Mowet Stacey and Gordon Reed spent Tuesday in Preston. Mr. Morley Lannin spent an after- noon in St. Marys recently. Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Malcolm and Keith visited With her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Gibb on. Sunday after- noon. Owing to the condition of the roads Thursday last. the Women's Associa- tion had to be postponed to a later date. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Pepper attended the funeral of her, aunt, Mrs. David Etty, in Mitchell on Tuesday. 9rcostra,w O ;In att0,11„49409, ' spetis att,p0teer, 1.41 he There will ,he a beeth4411, ••• •gtieSt ex«, • Ti;ip. annual,. congregational ..t1e0FIIM 104.0 .e?tellt,litt ahtettAeed CA, or the United Church will be „hell '11; lierrea atigi 10.„ Mrs, Orville ts), Dettidd HENSALL The annual congregational meeting of Carmel Presbyterian Church was held in the church hall on Friday evening. The minister, Rev. P. A. the Oharch achoolreare, Jae. Q. A pot -luck 'supper will ne served in charge of the WomaiVS440- sedation, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Preeraan, •of Clinton, spent Sunday with Mrs. An- nie Saundercock and family. The Kippen East Woniien's Institute is sponsoring a St. Valentine's euchre and dance in Hensall Town Hall an Friday, Feb. 13. Mrs. F. G. Bonthron was hostess. to the Arnold Circle Evening Auxiliary Monday evening with Mrs. Gordon Schwalm as co -hostess, .Mrs. Glenn Bell, the president, was in the chair. The hymn, "0 God, Our Help in Ages Past, was sung and the Scripture les- son was read by Mrs. Harold Bell. Mrs. ,Alex .Hildebrandt led in prayer. Roll call was the payment of fees. Mrs. P. 'A. Ferguson outlined the new study book, fifth eh -Apter, entitled, "The: Great Commis.sion." The clos- ing hymn, "What a •Friend We Have in Jesus," was sung and Mrs., Stewart Bell led in prayer. Refreshments were served by the hostess, Mrs. Harold Bonthron and Mrs. Harry Hoy. The regular meeting of the Cham- ber of 'Commerce will be held Tues- day, Jan. 23, when the local hockey team will be guests. Torry Gregg, •Inicipal drains. but that cheaper re- Ferguson, I3.A., constituted the meet - pairs could be effected by the owners ing with a brief worship service and coming to agreement and iluceeding presided over the business delibera- without in the township en- tions. Mel. Moir was appointed con- gineer, as the proposed projects were gregational secretary. Excellent re- ot large: After co7.si,lerable discus- ports were gi,ven, showing steady pro - ion the owners • appointed (=nit- gress and faithful service in all de - res towork with a committee from partments. he council to see to having, the work Reports were read as follows: -Kirk one. Committees appointed '.vere: Session, W. R. Davidson; Church eywood. Westcott, Kerslake Drain- School, A. W. Kerslake; W.M.S.,.Mrs. Wilson Morley, Victor Heywood. Wil- A.' D. McEwen; Mission Band, Mrs. lam Woods Award Drain - Garnet R. MacLaren; Arnold Circle, Mrs. F. cFalls, Gordon Heywood. Whitney G. Bonthron; Y.P.S., Bert Thomson; oates. Wilson Morley to apply for Ladies' Aid, Mrs, Mel. Moir; congre- he services of a drainage surveyor gational statement, Mr. Glenn Bell. ron3 the Drainage Department of the After eighteen years as envelope .A.C., Guelph. seeretry- and treasurer, Fred G. Bon - Harvey Godbolt interviewed coun- thron tendered his resignation. The •:1 regarding, the condition of disre- matter was left in the, care of the )air which he believed to exist on Board of Management. A. W. Kers- ,ortions of the Fletcher Municipal lake .tendered his resignation as sec - rain. and 1.s. an interested owner pre- retarydreasurer of the church school, rented a written demand for repairs and Chas. Forrest was appointed to .. R. R. No. 4, Walton. 4179-2 - 8 TENDERS WANTED t 1. For Painting !TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED BY THE 1 undersigned up to •and including Febru- I ary 2, 1948, for painting and the supply of 1 necsary materials- for the painting of the .„ new Nving of Scott Memorial Hospital. Sea- - ,rth. . ( Plans and specifications may be seen upon aro-lication to the undersigned. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. LAWRENCE DE LA FRAMER Scott Memorial Hospital, ' Seaforth. 4180-2 1 I TENDERS WANTED FOR WOOD QIXTY-FIVE CORDS OF HARD BODY " wood, 12 inches Song, half maple and half beech. Tenders .to be in by January 25th. For further particulars apply to GEORGE L. REID, Sec.-Treas., Stanley Township School Area. 4179-2 Notices • , TF BIRDS ARE DOWN IN PRODUCTION, ' try a bag of Pioneer Big 3 Laying Mash_ Leading poultrymen advise f ceding pellets at noon. Pioneer 1€4i, and 24% Dairy Feeds, containing molasses. are now available. See It.. KERSLAKE. 4180x3 rHARIS FOUNDATION GARMENTS -ONE- " Piece girdles and bras: Charis wishes to announce Mau. Lemon has been appoint- ed representative s.for Seaforth and district - Have a demonstatfion in your own borne. No extra charge. Sold on money back guar- antee. Price range, 54.45 to 521.50. 417.3.3 NOTICE Township of Hullett A, CAR OWNERS IN rah T7NSHIP of Tiollett are requested not to arktheir ears oo the Roads of the Township during the winter. Cars that are left on the roads are at the owner's' risk and a detriment to the operators of snow plows. . GEO. W. COWAN, Clerk. 4180-1 NOTICE Township of Hullett APPLICATIONS 11 Ori.h CLERK OF rtin. TOWNSHIP OF ''' Hullett, George W. Cowan. Londesboro, will receive applications for the Position of Road Superintendent for the Township of Mullett 'The rate of pay has been set by the Council at .60 cents per hour. MI applica- tions to be in the hands of the Clerk on or before 130 p.m.. Monday. February 2, 1948. GEO, W. COWAN, Clerk. 4180-2 Notice To Creditors NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of MARGARET C. DOCHERTY A T.s, PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS AGAINST ''''' the Estate of Margaret C. Docherty, late of the Village of Egmondville, in the County crf Huron, Widow, deceased, who died on the 27th day of December, 1947. are hereby noti- fied to send in fall thepartfeal . of their claims 5, to undersigned on or ore the 7th day of Folarclary, 1948. after vrhi h date the assets will be distributed. having regard only to claians then received. DATED at Seaforth, this 15th day of Janu- ary, 1948. • • McCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth. Ontario, Solicitors for the Executor. 4179-3 NOTICE TO CREDITORS n be effected. Council accepted the demand and directed that the town- ship engineer be asked to make an examination of the Fletcher Drain as soon as possible and report to council. The Clerk was authorized to return C. Smith's guarantee cheque on his gravelling contract since the statutory 30 days were well passed. Bylaw No. 1, 1948, known as the money borrowing bylaw, authorizing the Reeve and Treasurer to borrow from the Bank of Montreal, Exeter branch, on behalf of the municipality, a sum or sums not exceeding in the aggregate $35,000, for the purpose of the proper carrying on of the busi- ness of the township for the ensuing year, this bylaw was given three readings and passed by resolution of council. Bylaw No. 2, 1948, providing for the total expenditure on the roads of the township for the year 1948, the sum of $48,000 made up of the following items: Construction: Roads $2,000. bridges and culverts $8,200, building $5,000; maintenance: roads, In the Etate of CHARLES CASEY WAY A LL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS AGAINST - the Estate if Charles Casey Way, late of the Township of Tuokersmith, Fanner, de- ceased. who died on or about the 25th day of December. 1947. are hereby notified to send 1» to the ander:1114mM on or before the 23rd day of jarreary, 1948, full Particulars of *felt claims. hateedintelr after the said last mentioned date, the assets of the said estate will be dis- tributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, ifailita heard only 40 etaltas of which the treidetsbrned shall then ha'l'e notice, to the exclusion of tell others, and the undersigned gal not be liable te, any retrou claim the tindetithoted shall tot then have notke for the resell 9,,aistribitect any port thereof; gotiforqt, tine eth day of Seine. eat 1040, &Anilw. Seffettet Int the DuAAti, drffs-a the office. Appointments to the Board of Management were as follows: Ed. Munn, A. D. McEwen, Archie Hog- garth, Rex Dick, Harold C. Bell. Vote of thanks were enthusiastical- ly tendered to Mr. Bonthron for his long service and excellent care of the financial matters of the church; to Mr. Kerslake, for his service as secre- tary -treasurer of the Sabbath School, and to the minister, Rev. P. A. Fergu- son, to whom a substantial bonus was voted. Mr. Ferguson spoke of plans in preparation for the coming year and thanked the congregation for their loyalty, friendship and service during the past years in which splen- did -progress has been made. Follow- ing conclusion of the business, re- freshments were served. Miss Mary Ann Hoggarth left last week to spend the winter months with Mr. and Mrs. Archie Hoggarth. A bingo and dance, sponsored by the Hensall branch of the -Canadian Legion, will be held in the Town Hall, Friday. Jan. 23, with good prizes. Mur - 1 Our $64 questimi is: "What makes a groaner a crooner?" Our answer . . . A Complete Oil and Grease change will make your car purr and sing like !Ting." Seaforth Motors Phone 141 Chevrolet - Oldsmobile Seaforth • • .• Sti Cooper, son of Mr, and Mrs. Williare R. Cooper, of Kien, the marriage VI take place the early Partof Pabrie ary,. Norma" Smith, on the staff of the local telephone Office here, ad bride -elect of early February, was presented with -a lovely blanket by the staff and a theatre party enjoyed fol- lowing the presentation. . Four persons were injured and a taxi driver was charged with, danger- ous driving as the result of an colli- sion between a car and a truck on Dundas St, at William St., Landon. Injured and in Victoria Hospital are Jack Peebles, of Hensall, who is suf- fering from a fractured left knee, and Miss Dorothy Culley, 540 Adelaide St., who sustained severe head injuries. Treated at the hospital and later al- lowed to leave were Frank Raven, 23, of 37 Hyla St., driver of the taxi, and Donald Van de Peer, 47 Appel St., a passenger in the taxi. Raven receiv- ed lacerations to his right knee while the passenger suffered bruises and lacerations to his right ear. In city court Raven was charged with dan- gerous driving. No plea was taken and he was released on bail of $1,000 until Jan. 28. / A;T01/041 Ofettietl• 0;04Shwtitid 0.4% /latormeclift.t0 bOeheY gave at B4440r. Tuesday tight, brand and .041001140.0, with two 0415 eat*, led the lIeliS411, attaglf.. •DariittWead--4100.1, Weide; defense, I. Hayter and Kleinstiver; centre, R. RayIer; wingS; Muer andrtaugh; 'tubs., Geiser, Schroeder, Willert,. man, Ford. Dayntam; defense, 'CIIIPchase and Cameron; centre, 'At- tie; wings, Nicholson and Burns: subs, Doig, Hildebrand, Mason, J. $augster, D, Sangster. RefOree-,-Ik‘i0401 First Veriet141i' $Te404115 bratd; -7,01 ' &o04, 194491 ($0x09400,, IMO t, remilt910-4-130.146; T Doig, 1C10104irer (-2)•. 'Seems:1,140444-A, k19443011, j, stet', 404 4, A.000011, 0100000. (Th» ,0020, 5.00;iiagi4*494, liPISfter, 7.99; RePsaJA, 0:119040e '13,494, 7, 'Ma- tialL 1.014ebra.n4; • 'Pen:UMW-- P(4g. tkaii4"/41, Uaugb (R. goter), 440; 9, liensall, 8011 (tittlq), 13.00. POnaltles--4110441- Animmilm99011•11=11110.0111.1011011111111101.1111.1•111101MIIMIIIM MALTING BARLEY This year we are again contracting Barley for The Canada Malting Co.. Contact us for particulars. Geo.- T. Mickle and Sons Nights 133 Phone 103 HENSALL, ONTARIO A BODGESFea. SUPER CUSHION TIRES NOW STANDARD EQUIPMENT ON -ALL DODGE PASSENGER CARS DODGE Wail -RIM WHEELS . WITH SIJPER CUSHION TIRO GIVE 'YOU ADDED SMIII OD A SMOOTH -ER RIDE DODGEagain adds a luxury car "extra" to all its passenger cars --uniqu.e, nedesign Super Cushion tires to assure you greater comfort and safety. Combined with the new, wider Dodge "Safe Rim" wheels, these bigger tires set a new standard of safety. They run cooler which lessens the chance of a blowout. Should a blowout occur, the deflated tire stays on the "Safety -Rim" wheel— even at high speed — allowing safe, straight stops. Super Cushion tires use only 24 pounds air pressure yet they carry Womore air , volume, which greatly reduces road vibration. They cushion the car against crosswise shocks —the softer tires taking the jars wb.en they hit ruts, stonds or rough pavement. This newest "Extra" joins such other outstanding Dodge extra features as: "Safety-Rirn" wheels; Full Floating Ride; 6 -cylinder brakes; an oil filter; four rings per piston; All -Fluid Drive on Custom models. • Dodge engineers have .,,,,, done wonders to cushion '1.‘ cars against up and down ' shocks. (left). Lateral, or crosswise, shock had never been satisfactorily absorbed until Super -Cushions were produced. These bigger, more cushioned tires soak up lateral shock (right) giv- ing asrnoother, steadier ride. GIVES YOU MORE • , THERE'S NO SUBSTITUTE F.OR T.I•ME-TESTED DODGE'.ENGINEERING! 4 WRIGHT & ROWCLIFFE • 1110/431 267 SEAF01011 • 4 4, 51 11 1