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The Huron Expositor, 1948-01-16, Page 8
l� l iRE, Akr.r9mQ011-g,, CA$UAL,TYp I,IARANT>ME •BON10%. ACCIDENT, vl+ID ei.GK.NFr"SS, BURGLARY AND WINDSTORM Representing Camp:pees. who gt a security with service, 'ALSO AGENTS F Q R ONTARIO 'T! IsE$Rmi.MAN'S /MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE Information, gladly given, WATSON 4* REID M. A VaTAa?roQrietor Insurance & Real Estate PHQNFa'216 ...,:.. SEAFORTH .00000—Go0.0.Ooo '0 0 BOX O ,unseat Otthice Ambulance O Prompt and careful attention. 0 Hospital Bed 0 FLOWERS I':OW ALL 0 OCCASIONS 0 Office Residence 0 18 0 0 000041.000000 000,000000000 0 0 O G. A. WHITNEYO 0` Successor to ` 0 O HOLMES & WHITNEY 0 0 Main Street - Seaforth 0 O AMBULANCE SERVICE 0 O Adjustable hospital bed for 0 0 rent. 0 O Agent for Mitchell Nursery 0 0 Flowers. 0 O Telephone 119 O 0 Nights and Holidays' 66 0 O 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 G. 0© 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o J. A. BURKE o O Funeral Director 0 0 and Ambulance Service 0 O DUBLIN ONT. O O Night or day calls: Phone 43 r 10 0 O 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 '0 0 4- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 O 0 O W. J. CL.EARY o O Seaforth, Ont. O 0 LICENSED EMBALMER 0 0 AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR 0 0 Night or Day Calls -335 0 O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -E. C. CHAMBERLAIN Real Estate Broker INSURANCE PHONES: 334 or 220 - SEAFORTH Has Calendars Aval.lable. -- TheII Catgadiau Bank of Celaimeree, Sea - forth, has a° quantity of 1948 c,ale?n- • Lara which may be obtained by ttiw f tcmers and friends upon aPplicatigne to the branch.—(Adv.). Northalde W. A. troop Meets.— Group 1 of the Woman's Association of the United Church held their monthly meeting at the ° home of Mrs. Sorrenti with an attendance of 22. The meeting opened with readings by the president, Mrs. Hoggarth, Mrs. Workman and Mrs. Ellis. The min- utes of Iast meeting were read and after a few business discussions, games . of crokinole we're prayed. Lunch was served and a social half- hour was spent. A vote of thanks Was given Mrs. Sorrenti. 1111111111111111111111111111 Barclay Square Stratford ,. EVERY FRIDAY: Roy Thompson EVERY SATURDAY: Johnny Petrie - EVERY TUESDAY: Don Robison a n d His CKNX Ranch ,Boys. 1111111111111111111111111111111111111 Seaforth W. 1 To Meet.—The Sea - forth Women's Institute will meet on Friday evening, January 16, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Goudie. The meeting .will take the form of a pot -luck supper, and is for all mem- bers, their husbands and families. The supper is called for 7.30. Please bring your dishes and silverware and W.I. lunch cloths. The menu is scalloped potatoes, cold meat, pick- les, ickles, salad and raisin pie. The roll call is "your favorite magazine and why." Mr. A. Copland will give a talk on his life in the' •North coun- try. This is a very interesting talk and the men will enjoy it. The meet- ing is publicity and Mrs. Raymond Nott is convener. TAXI SERVICE ALL PASSENGERS INSURED Phone 162 — Seaforth CECIL J. LEMON NOTICE ! SALVAGE WANTED Iron and All Kinds of Metal, Rags Highest Cash prices paid LOUIS HILDEBRAND WE WILL PICK UP FOR SALE Asphalt shingle covered dwelling, West William St., Seaforth; furnace;' immediate possession. Frame cottage with. garage, Gode- rich St. East. Immediate possession. Asbestos' covered dwelling on South Main Street, Seaforth, Modern Dwelling on Louisa Street. Frame cottage on South Main St. M. A. REID REAL ESTATE • PHONE 214 Arthur Fraser Income Tax Reports Bookkeeping Services, Etc. EXETER Ann Street Phone 355W OW YON was Q 4ua��q-1`teeit'e iEEO Bela tch fords Chick Sta r. ter SATURDAY, JAN, 17 Cardtio's Hall, Seaforth Introducing— ROSS PEARCE & HIS MUSIC Dancing at 9 p,m. ADMISSION -- 80 GENTS for free StrentWhened W:fh V/TAD/NE it a to write Feeds Toronto Seafor. h Produce Limited SEAFORTH :"HONE 170-W Legion BINGO Hospital CARDNO'S HALL, ,SEAFORTH Friday, January 23 8 p.m. to 10.30 p.m. Featuring Fowl and Other Prizes Lots of Room Lots of Fun Bring the Family Don't Miss It Half Proceeds for Furnishing New Wing of Scott Memorial Hospital Admission Free. - Cards 5c, Special Cards 10c Auspices of Branch 156, Canadian Legion Pres., A. Y. McLean ' Treas., J. M. McMillan Sec., A. W. Siliery I'i 11 LCh s First Presbyterian Church -10 a.m., The Sunday School; 11 a.m., Public Worship: Dedication of the new Bap- tismal Font; 7 p.m., Public Worship: "Lead Us Not Into Temptation." Mon- day, Jan. 26, at 8 p.m.—The annual meeting of the congregation. All members are urged to attend. Northside United Church, -Rev, H. V. Worlunan, Minister: 10 a.m., Sun- day School; 11 a.m., "Opening a Door of Hope"; 7 p.m., "Hearts and Trea- sures." Welcome to these services. ees Northside Y. P. Meets.—The Young People of the United Church met. in the Sunday schoolroom on Wednesday evening, with 19 present. Hymn 124 was sung, followed with prayer by Mabel 'Campbell. The Scripture was read by Betty Langford, after which the minutes of the last meeting•were read by David Bradshaw..diymn 235 was sung, after which the business was discussed in which Betty Lang- ford gave a review on last ' year's meetings. Rev. Workman gave an in- teresting talk on Young People, fol- lowed by Hymn 147. The meeting closed with the benediction. Tuesday Night Club Meets. — The Tuesday Night Club of First Presby- terian Church met Monday evening in the Vestry with 15 present. Miss Alice Reid, the president, was in the chair and presided over an interest- ing and helpful meeting. Robt. Bech- tel 14but. '' Pifer. Chneeh aeh .Secular ' edIng 1,1efe Erle?" A _general discussion fizileeeed; after which; a light lunch was,aoreed, Rev,. Wil .! is oleesed *Me Meeting with prays ,t. Death etiVirs, James: Ryan. The death Accu red in Toronto on Monday, -Jan. 12, of;lldurlanne Klein, a former resident of Seaforth, in her 93rd year. She was born in Luxembourg, Ger- many, and came to Canada- with leer parents. Site is survived by one bro- ther, Mr, Thomas Klein, Seaforth; one daughter, Mrs. George Atkinson, Toronto, and a son in Ottawa. The funeral took place on . the arrival of the 1160 train Wednesday, to St. James' censetery for interment. d ' the Seriletikee . . 'nettle Mill x' lett i7i Pr•h7f % • read a paper .on "Oen the Northstde W. M. S, Meets,—North- side United Church W.M.S. meeting was , held in the classroom of the church on Thursday with a good at- tendance. ttendance. The president, Mrs. R. Lawson, opened the meeting by read- ing a, poem, "Faith," followed by prayer. Hymn 182 was sung, follow-. ed by a Bible reading. Rev. H. V. Workman conducted the installation of officers .for the New Year.' The minutes of the last meeting were read by Mrs. A. L: Porteous. Reports were given for the past year, all of which were very good. A drive for clothing will be held in the near future, for Europe and• other places. The wor- ship service was conducted by Mrs. D. A. Aikenhead, the subject being "Bibles For India." Those taking' part were Mrs. Lawson, Mts. H. Lawrence, )frs. C. C. Keine and Mrs. F, Storey, followed by prayer by Miss Lawr- • ence for the missionaries, Miss Mary Martin, Miss Drummond and Miss Paterson, in India. Mrs. John Finlay- son gave a reading, ''Let Me Think," followed by Hymn 240. Mrs. Work- man was organist. The meeting clos- ed with the Benediction, and 12t Peter, 5th chapter, 10-11 by Mrs. Aik- enhead. ' IT'S TIME TO THINK ABOUT -Fertilizer We think the wise mat will order early, and be assured of good Fertilizer. The price may jump any time. Freight rates will likely rise as in U.S.A. We have a carload of Fertil- izer rolling. BUY NOW — PAY MAY 1st WM. M. SPROAT PHONE 655-r=2 Are You Wondering How to Spend That Christuas Cheque? A RADIO will provide sure and Entertain - anent for the Whole Family! OUR STOCK will give you the Radio you have been looking for. SEAPORTH Your Saturday Night Entertainment ! W.O.A.A. — M -I -D -G -E -T — HOCKEY ELYTH vs. SEAFORTH SAT., JAN. 17th 9.15 P.M. These boys (under 16 years of age) go all-out for 60 minutes! You'll see plenty to cheer forl It's YOUR Night to HOWL! ADULTS 25c CHILDREN 15c MORE OF CRICH'S BREAD HELPS BALANCE the FAMILY BUDGET ! • When you buy CRICH'S White Clover BREAD, you are not only buying the BEST and - CHEAPEST food energy in Town, but are helping to give employment to TEN Townspeo- ple, and to support THIRTY- ONE Residents. FOR REASON FOR FLAVOR D -E -M -A -N -D -CRICH'S WHITE CLOVER BREAD PHONE 34 - Seaforth OUR FRIENDLY SALESMAN WILL CALL i Passengers Insured PHONE 128, 'Seaforth I» ;*PlloWay $Zan 0 n, d d ei! epek4x4$ a we. We Yana„ P ie ToroZfto ! Mae. Allan .Reran,, x,istewel ,, spent, the weekend at his home dere. •• Mr" , Paxid a tlten . Of ., W ater1go, s{ eat the Weal -end at the home of hie, Harents, 'Mr, and Mr's» Leonard olton, +► Agit:: and Mrs. >l;ittie; of .'St, Catharines, were here 'tips week at- tending the funeral pf the late Mrs, Sam Pethick. + Mies Betty Anderson, of Mona— ten, was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bell over the week -end. • Mr, and, Mrs. A. Pratt, of Hud- son. Que., are guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. T. `Milton. • + oQuebec Mr. R. G. Websterf Q City, was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. Copland on Monday. d WINTH,ROP The W.M.S. and W.A. of Cavan Church held the first meeting of the year on . Wednesday, Jan. 7, in the schoolroom of the church. The presi- dent, Mrs. Russell Bolton, was in the chair and was assisted by Mrs. Louis • Bolton, Captain of Circle 2. Mrs. Frank Johnston was pianist for the meeting. According to the reports presented the society bas had one of the most successful years finan- cially in its history. The W.M.'S. sent , $290 to the Presbyterial Treasurer, which is considerably over previous years. Hymn 682 was sung and Mrs. Bolton led i prayer. A prayer ser- vice for MI eeters, a missionary in China, was nducted by Mrs. R. McFarlane. The Scripture lesson, Psalm 57, was read by Mrs. Earl ' Hawley and the study was taken by Mrs. McFarlane. The roll call was 1 spending.taken with twenty-one members re - During the_.business per- iod it was decided to combine the regular February meeting with the• World's Day of Prayer and the com- bined meeting to be held on Feb. 15. Lunch was served by Circle 2, and a social half hour spent. The Helping Hand Mission Band held their annual meeting in the schoolroom of the church on Satur- day. The Scripture was read• by Iris Buermann and Dorothy Cuthill led in prayer. The story, "Fig Tree Village" was finished by Mrs. Hogg. The elee- tion of officers followed and were in- stalled. The officers for 1948 are as follows: President, Betty Axtmann; vice-president, Mae • Montgomery; treasurer, Donald Dodds; secretary, Iris Beuermann; press secretary, Jim- mie Axtmann. The meeting closed by all repeating the Lord's Prayer. St. Thomas' Church Guild Meets.— The annual meeting of St. Thomas' Guild was held on Tuesday at the home of the president, Mrs. George McGavin. Thirteen members answer-. ed the roll call, including one new member, Miss Cox, and one returned, member, Mrs. Deem. The meeting was opened by the president reading the Gospel from St. Luke II for the first Sunday after Epiphany, followed by prayers for the New Year, for the Parish and the Lord's Prayer in uni- son. Most encouraging reports were read from all committees and all ob- jectives for the year were met with a balance of $754.81 and the Mem- orial Window Fund at $258:70. The officers elected for -1948 by acclama- tion are as follows: Honorary presi- dent; Mrs. C. Holmes; president, Mrs. G. McGavin; lst vice-presdent, Mrs. H. Colbert; 2nd vice-president, Mrs. J. J. Merner; secretary, Mrs. W. E. Southgate; treasurer, Mrs. Ada Reid; representative to Board of Manage- ment, Mrs. Ada Reid; representative to Hospital Aid, Mrs. Colbert. After a vote of thanks to Mrs. Holmes of the W.A., and to the hostess, the meeting closed with the dedication of the offertory and the benediction. Re- freshments were served and a social hour enjoyekby the members. Fitzpatrick - Millman.—St.' Joseph's Church, Stratford, was the scene of a wedding at 11' o'clock Saturday morning when Dorothy Imogene, on- ly daughter of Mr. T. H. Millman, 48 Rebecca Street, and the late Mrs. Mabel Gertrude Patterson Millman, was united in marriage to Mr. Wil- liam Anthony Fitzpatrick, London, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Fitz- patrick, Seaforth. Rev. S. J. Mac- Donald, 'Clinton, officiated- The altar was decorated with Christmas flowers. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a white slipper satin. gown with lace insertions and a train of satin. Her long veil was held in a coronet headdress and her Sowers were yellow Talisman roses. The maid of honor, Miss Geraldine James, wore a powder blue taffeta gown styl- ed with sweetheart neckline, a bustle back and cap sleeves. Long gloves of the same color and a nosegay of pink roses completed' her costume. Miss Betty Fitzpatrick, Seaforth, sis- ter of the bridegroom, as bridesmaid, was in a frock of fuchsia taffeta, made in identical style as that of the maid of honor's. Both wore bonnets to match their gowns with contrasting ostrich plumes. ' The bridesmaid also carried a nosegay of pink roses. Mr. Edward Fitzpatrick, London, was best man. Ushers were Mr. Jack Ewasick and Mr. Albert Fitzpatrick. Miss Jeanne DuCharme, the soloist, sang "Ave Maria" and "Because," accom- panied at the organ by Mrs. J. 3. DuCharme, who played the wedding music. The bridegroom's mother was dressed in a black crepe dress trim- med with insertions of black lace ov- er pink satin with accents of dove gray. A reception was held at the Maple Leaf Hotel in Baden- For a honeymoon trip to' Detroit the •bride donned a pearl gray suit, a black seal coat and black accessories. Wedding guests were present from Stratford, Seaforth, London, Kitchener and De- troit. LOCAL BRIEFS • Miss Jean McMaster, nurse -in - training at Hamilton General 'Hospi- tal, spent the week -end at the hotne of her parents, Dr. and Mrs. E. A. McMaster. • Mr. W. J. Bell, of Toronto, spent the week -end with his sister, Miss Mary Bell. • Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Faulkner and daughter, of Galt, are guests of Miss Lillian Faulkner. • Mr. Robert Smith is' confined to his home through illness. • Mr. Louis Hemberger sang a solo at the evening service at First Pres- byterian Church on Sunday evening very acceptably. • Miss Jane. Reid is. taking treat- ments reatments in Scott Memorial Hospital. • Mr. Ed. Fitzpatrick, Jr., of Lon- don, visited hie parents and also Mr. and Mrs. William Vitzpatrick over the week -end. • Mr. and Mrs, Alex i%arpin spent the past week;. in Mbntrndl, • Mr. Jack Cleary, of Sarnia was a week=end guest of his parents, Mi. and Mrs. W. SL' ti #. Euchre and Dance ST. COLUMBAN WEDNESDAY, JAN. 21st Delaney -McQuaid Orchestra LUNCH ADMISSION 5od Glass .. FOR ALL Makes of Cars AND Trucks FITTED WHILE YOU WAIT! Daly's Garage SEAFORTH FOWL Wanted We are paying 25c for YOUNG HEAVY FOWL in flocks NO THIN OR 'SICK FOWL WANTED Isaac Hudson Phone 168 - Seaforth Exhibition HOCKEY LONDON VS. SEAFORTH 1? VINO - , THAIRSCDAY : Rli,1AV SAT41RD. Y " RONE r.,�,rOON "% xiu.1#FI SKtRLEY• TEMPUE , and ER�ANC'HOT ;TONE Miss OleteXj,gro,is And Mr. Amot'0U8 ` , in 4 gay ,elopement advance ttre that';inakes; Mexico City ,b1ushl De Mite , R see this light vain e•,Mesllag comedy; ' MONDAY,' TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY "HEARTBEATw" ADOLPHE MEN.JOU, GINGER ROGERS, JEAN PIERRE AmmoNT Ie a Rornantie OomedY that rates a$ . entertainment plus -- an ex- tremely amusing variation on the Cinderella theme. NEXT THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY " CHEYENNE " with JANE WYMAN, DENNIS MORGAN, JANIS PAIreE Those wive Can take their sagebrush, or leave it alone, will claim it as good, actlonfu1, exigrossine entertainment! A real top-notch Western with Dennis Morgan. COMING: ADULT ENTERTAINMENT O "THE STRANGER" with Edward G. Robinson, ' Loretta Young, Orson Welles Story deals with a Nazi mastermind who escapes to America, but is caught through a hobby that he cannot repress., Thursday January 22nd PALACE RINK SEAFQRTH at 8.30 p.m. - Admission - 35c and 15c r Seaforth Amateur Athletic Association January ' -- OF Chesterfieids and • SPECIAL REDUCTIONS LINES DURING MEAN BIG SAVINGS • G. A. WHITNEY FURNITURE : ,, FUNERAL Phones: ' Day 119 - Nights SEAFORTH — -- , amps ON THESE JANUARY WILL TO YOU ! SERVICE and Sundays 65 ONTARIO lin Opportunitp 1948 Chick customers are ordering Sexed Pullets. This trend is province -wide, due no doubt to the sat- isfactory export egg contracts for 1948-49. It appears at this time that Cockerel Chicks should be an exceIIent proposition for broilers or roasters. a The strong upward swing in the poultry market during the last two weeks is due primarily to prices obtainable on the United States market and to the reduction in the U.S. tariff on chicks and fowl that became effective on January 1st. Scott's Heavy Breed Cockerel Chicks are priced at 4c for Crossbred, and 5c each for Rocks. This small investment is your opportunity to make money on poultry meat in 1948. Order Cockerel Chicks for February and March !. Scott Poultry Farrns PHONE 851 r 32 SEAFORTH, ONT. . Smith's Clearance OF WINTER FOOTWEAR Continues Through ,.'/i��oor, a y� . , r � • Fleece collar,. Warm STADIUM WOMEN'S FLIGHT BOOTS Red or white leather, zipper soles, shearling lined. REGULAR $10.95. SALE Women's High Cut ' BLACK VELVET MOTOR Fur trim, dome fasteners. REGULAR '$5.50. SALE ALL WINTER LINES SEArOI 11111.1111 iiiiIl l lhiimrnir Sale January Women's 'Stadium" Brown All -Rubber Zipper PULLOVER lined, brown fur to fit ' flat heels. and waterproof, Regular $5.35 SALE PRICE $3,87 fasteners, rubber PRICE $8,87 BOOTS PRICE 8,s REDIJCED NOW Q pSmith'sStore PH tarirrrrrr •••••fi.r.r......_.