HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1948-01-09, Page 4it t.. Si ..Classified d, Will Be Ixu sl reed At New Low. Cash -Rates: Nor S"ale.. Wanted. teat Mid 'jewel, Etr Per word: 1sr; week 1 Ceti►t 2nd week %i, Cent 3rd week . i5Cent Minimum ebaree, tilat ince 1;;:e. 85 Cents Each figure, initial and *bbreilation a0 n as one woad, red of Thanker Ii Memoriam Noble**. Corning Evenm-1' cent per wyord. Minimum, ceryls per week. li0ngniriea may be directed be a Box Number, 0/0 19ee Morn E rpoaltor, for 10 acids extra. Ten cents additional will be charged if ads in above class are not paid within 10 days of date of Anal- ,]pt,RFtion, Births. Marriages and Deaths inserted free of charge. Auction Sales, Notices to Creditors, Etc.—Ream on application. •Conllg Ewen• •. 044) , lZA14EIll >soxs Wii,L' .10E ' TIS •orye ai voile .Ballroom, Mitoheli, Fria day, Jenitary 9th. A 'big time in atore ).'or you at this- popular ballroom, 4178.1 For Sale OR SALE—McCORMICK-DEERING PER- "tilizer seed drill, 16 run, in Al condition. Apply ROBERT VIVIAN. Phone 48 r 8, 50 Dublin, 4177-,2 Tenders Wanted TENDERS WANTED TFimiHns WILL BE RECEIVED BY THE undersigned up to and including; January 31st, for ten cords body wood, 124neh, beech or smote, to be delivered to S. S. No. 1, Mullett. ROSS McGREGOR, :Sec.-Treas. R.R. 2, Seaforth. 4178-1 Personals HXGIENip SUPPLIES ($l7BBDR GOODS) mailed poslpsid in plain. sealed envelope with price list 6 samples 25c; 24 samples $1.00. Hail -Order Dept. T-78, NOVA -,RUBBER CO.. Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. Notices OAR FOR SERVICE -1 HAVE FOR SER- ."vlce a Gove meat thorough bred York - /Mire boar. This is a qua/tined sire and out of a qualified dam. The sire won ,grand championship honors at the Championship Yorkshire Show, Erin, -in 1946. The dam qualified in A. R. with a score of 90, the third highest score in Ontario, in •1945.1 Terms, 51.50 cash at time of service, or t $2.00 •booked. JAMES E. SLOAN, Re R. 5, Seaforth. 4178x1 ' APPLICATIONS WANTED APPLICATIONS WANTED FOR T HE position of General Utility Man for the Village of Hensall. For duties apply to the Clerk. All applications to be in the bands ,i of the .Clerk on or before January 2G, 1948, et 8 p.m Duties to commence February 1, 1948. JAMES A. PATERSON, Mundei�pzl Clerk, 'Jensen. Ont. •. 4178-1 MEETING OF HURON COUNTY COUNCIL 'CNEXT MEETING OF THE HURON Co,mty Council will be held in the Coun- cil Chambers, Court House. Goderich, com- mencing Tuesday, January 20th, at 2.00 p.m. All accounts, notices of deputations and other business requiring the •attention of Council, should be in the hands of the Conn- ty Clerk not later than Saturday, January 17th. 1948. N. W. MILLER, County Clerk, Goder4oh, Ontario - 41.78 -2 NOMINATION MEETING Township of Tuckersmith NOTICE IS 'HEREBY GIVEN THAT A y-: meeting of the Electors for the Nomina- iron of Candidates for the offices of School Trustee for the years 1948 and 1949, will be held in School House No. 8, Egmondvil1e, on Thursday. Jandary 8, 1948, between the hours of 1 and 2 pm -- AND IP NECESSARY an election to fill the aboye named office will be held on THURSDAY, JANUARY 15. 1948 at the following places and by the following officers: P.S.D. No. I; Felkar's House; D.R.O., Har- ry Chesney; P.C., Harold Finnigan. P.S.D. No. 2. S. S. No. 8: D.R.O., Roy McGeoeh; P.C., Edward Brown. PP.S.,D., No. 3, S.S. No. 4: D.R.O., Roy Brown; P,C., Frank Walters- P.S.D. No. 4, S.S. No. 3: D.R.O., J. Mc- Intosh; ,P.C., Norri4 Sillery- P.S.D. No. 5, S.S. No. 1: D.R-Q.; M. Traquair : P.C., Glenn Bell. P.S.D. No. 6, S.S. No. 9. D.H.O., W. S. • Broadfoot; P.C. Ivan Forsyth. Polls shall be open from nine o'clock in the forenoon till five o'clock in the after- noon. E ..II',,. CHESNEY, Returning Officer. 4177-2 Notice To Creditors NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Efate of CHARLES- CASEY WAY AL! PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS AGAINST the Estate of Charles Casey Way, late of the Township of. Tmakeesmith, Farmer, de- ceased, who died on or sRfout the 25th day of Deeeai3,er, 1947, are hereby :notified to send zh to the undersigned on or before the 23rd day of January, 1948, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said last mentioned date, the assets of the said estate will be dis- tributed amongst the parties entitled thereto. having regard only to claims of which the undersigned shah) .then" have notice, to the evx�cclusion of mil others, and the undersigned wiB act ie liable to any person of whose claim the undersigned shall not then have notice for the assets so distributed or any part 'thereat. DATED at Seaforth, this 6th day of Janu- ar , 1948- ALVDv W- S3r.r F PY, Solicitor for the Estate. 41784 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF GEORGE HUDSON, DECEASED. A(.1. PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS AGAINST the Estate of George Hodson, late of the Village of Hensall, in the County of Huron, who died on or about the 6th day of October. 1947, are required to file particulars of same with Ehner D. Bel, Solicitor, of Exeter, Ontario, by the 14th day of Jannary next. after whicb date the Estate will be distribut- ed, having retard only to those claims of which notice has been received. ELMER D. BELL, Exeter, Ontario, Solicitor for' Executor. 4176-8 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF MINNIE 11. Mc),ACHLAN. ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS AGAINST the Estate of Minnie R. McLachlan, late of the Township of Tuckersmith, decesaed, who died on on about the lath day of Decem- ber, 194?, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned en or before the 18th day of 3amYary, 1948, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after' the said last mentioned date, the meets. of lire Said estate will be diattibnted amongot the parties entitled there, to having settee.. only to claims of wh-,�, the Undersigned shall then have notice, '4461 the exeleitibn of ell others. and the under - aliened nit be liable to stet' zletson. of whew the uriderelg;ned slant not then awry the *Mete so dlatribnted or rip IO Br iRo Fal This 2?;ed . of ba- day ablbir,/1 1 firLIMUt $char' 417it,1, Wanted FARM WORK WANTED. APPLY BOX 631, EXPOSITOR OFFICE. 4178-2 ACCOMMODAT1ON WAN'FRD—,FURNISH- ed aecomimodation required by F/0 - Doyle, baby and deg,..'house broken. Apply to OFFICERS' MESS, R.C.A.F., C•lintofr 4178-1 WANTED—HAVE ROOM AND BOARD FOR girl in apartment Apply Apartment 3, Royal Apartment Building. 417.8x1 WANTED. I.-12 -Cords 16 -inch hard body wood, beech end maple. 2.—Applications for the position of Care- taker of Cavan Church, McKillop, Applications to be in the hands of the Secretary by January 14. MRS. T. BETTLES, Secretary, Cevan Church. 4178-1 PIANO AND VIOLIN FOR SALE — right piano, in good condition; also nlee viotlin, bow and ease; reasonable. Home eve. stings after 5 p.m. JAMES ELLIOTT, Dub - fin. , 4178.8 FOR SALE — NEW THOR GASOLINE washer; available for immediate deliv- ery. SEAFORTH MOTORS. 4177-2 FOR SALE --GURNEY RANGE, WHITE porcelain; kitchen cabinet, white; s5x- piece breakfast suite, white; 2 congoleum rugs, 9e x 10rl.e; 1 congoleum 9x9. Apply to MRS. W. E. LEYBURN. Phone 285-W. 41,784 Busines Cards QECRETARIAL AND BOOKKEEPING SER- " nice. Records maintained and prepared for income tax purposes. W. EDWARD SOUTHGATE. Office in Dominion Bank Bldg., Seaforth. 4176-tf Farms For Sale WANTED TO BUY LD HORSES'-' AND dead animals, suitable for mink feed. Will pay 2c a pound. for horses, and will call and pick up same. Dead animals according to value. If dead, phone at once. Phone collect: JACK GILBERT, 936 r 21, or FRED GILBERT, 936 r 32, Goderich. 4169-tf WANTED STENOGRAPHER, SHORTHAND AND :typing necessary, Apply stating quali- fications, age, experience and enclose snap- shot to Guaranty Trust Company of Canada Windsor, Ontario Attention Edward T. Berry, Manager. 4177-3 WANTED -ROY WITH JUNIOR MATRICULATION to learn the Trust Business, Pleasing appearance. good character. Banking experi- ,nce de.;irable but not essential. Send snap- ahet and references to Guaranty Trust Company of Canada Windsor, Ontario Attention Edward T. Berry, Manager. 4176-3 Auction Sales AUCTION SALE—MR. HAROLD JACKSON has been instructed to sell by public auc- tion on Lot 23. Concession 2, Stanley, 114. miles west and 2 miles north of Brumfield, on Monday, January 19, 1945, at 1. 30 p.m.: Eight cows, due to freshen from January 25 to April: 11 young cattle rising 1 and 2 years old. well bred Shorthorns, Terms—Cash. .1OHN A. alCEWEN, Proprietor; Harold Jackson, Auctioneer, 417,4-2 Cards of Thanks MR. AND MRS. ANGUS McKINNON wish to thank all their friends and 'neighbors, Seaforth C.W,L., and• Lions Club for gifts and boxes sent to Mrs. McKinnon at Christmas, 4178-1 r1'Hf, FAMILY OF THE LATE JOHN Mc- Lean, of Hensall, desire to express their sincere appreciation for the many acts of kindness and sympathy shown during his late illness and death, also to thank those who sent floral tributes. Special thanks to Rev. R. A. Brook. 4178x1 MRS. WARREN SCHILBE AND FAMILY wish to extend their sincere gratitude to relatives, neighbors and friends for kindness and sympathy shown in our sad bereave- ment of a dear husband and father•. Special thanks to pallbearers and flower -bearers and for floral tributes and loan of carr. Sincere thanks to Rev, A. Hinton, and also thanks to Dr, Goddard. 4178x1 MRS- HARRY TYNDALL AND FAMILY wish to extend their sincere thanks to all friends, relatives and neighbors for their sympathy shown and in so many ways help- ed to lighten the burden during their recent bereavement; also for the many beautiful floral tributes. Special thanks to Rey. A. W. diner and Mrs, Barbara Sykes: 4178x1 CARD OF THANKS I TAKE THIS OPPORTUNITY OF EX - Pressing my appreciation to the' ratepayers of 'McK•illop, who by their support at the Polls on Monday made possible my election as Reeve of McKillop - DANIEL BEUERMANN CARD OF THANKS - THE SUPPORT OF THE RATEPAYERS OF MdKillop. which resulted in my elec- tion as Councillor, is gratefully appreciated. ALBERTSIEMON CARD OF THANKS I TAKE THIS OPPORTUNITY OFA EX- presaing my thanks and appreciation to the voters of McKillop, who made possible my election as Councillor, MATT MURRAY CARD OF THANKS THE CO-OPERATION AND SUPPORT accorded me by the ratepayers of Stanlley, Which made possible my election as Reeve, is gratefully appreciated. ELMER WEBSTER CARD OF THANKS THE CONFIDENCE PLACED IN ME BY the residents of Stanley, which resulted in nay election as Councillor, is deeply ap- preciated. HARVEY TAYOR CARD OF THANKS " I TAKE THIS OPPORTUNPIt OF EX - pressing my appreciation to those rate- payers of Stanley whose support made pos- sible my election as Councillor. HARVEY COLEMAN CARD OF THANKS I WISH Tn1; THANK THE ELECTORS OF McKillop who supported me at' the polls on Monday arid made possible my election as Councillor. F. KIRKBY .1 CARD OF TH4NKS I WISH TO EXPRESS MY ANKS AND aei reciation to the voters of Stanley Township, who made passible my re-election as Councillor at the head of the polls. ALVIN MoBRIDE CARD :OF THANKS TAKE TIM OPPORTUNITY TO THANK the eatepayent3 o4 McKiilee for their sap- port in the municipal elections. '' iLSON LITTLE CATHANKS RD OF � �" 'S Chid 'Itijl8CE " i8LA'C> D IN Mhr'' DY khei etcetera, o effoltl1Top which' resorted lit may ele85521 SA bntrhelllor St the Tte l of rte Volts. fa deeply age 'tilted, f.. J'A14L'k3.S e BOW - FAIi',M FOR SALE—LOT 12, CONCESSION 3, Tuekerrmit.h, three miler from Hen- sall, containing 100 acres. On the premises are a stone house, also u barn 40 ft. by 60 ft. with straw shed 28 ft, by 30 ft., pig pen and hen house combined; 1 implement house 28 by 36 ft ; 10 acres of good hardwood bush ; a never -failing sprint; in the barnyard. The farm is nearly all in grass. For further par- ticdlars apply to MRS. J. D. STEWART, Hen- wall. 4177-3 Lost and Found LOST—AT EAST END OF GODERICH ST , :Seaforth, on New Year's Eve, a grey Persian lamb hat, crowmless, Reward. Finder Please PHONE 202. - 4178-1 LOST—ABOUT A WEEK AGO, IN SEA - forth, a gold ear ring. Finder please PHONE 800-3, Seaforth- 4,178x1 FOUND;—ON NORTH MAIN ST., A FUR - lined glove. Owner may have same by applying to Box 620, EXPOSITOR, and Paying Charges. 4178-1 FOUND - SMALL MARKED BEAST strayed onto GEORGE IhrHEAT1.EY'S farm during summer. PHONE 849 r 14, '-'-'—'-- 4178-1 FOUND—WALLET, IN DR, E. A. MCMAS- ter's Vane- Cann- .may have same by applying at his residence, proving property and paying charges. • • 4178-1 Births MUEGGE—In Scott Memorial Hospital, on Jan. 4, to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mueage, Seaforth, a daughter. FINDLAY—At Toronto East General Hospi- tal. on December 31, 1947, to Mr. and Mrs. George Findlay (nee Jean Currie). a son. A brother for Douglas. Deaths PEIHICK- -In Seaforth, on Tuesday, .Ian. 6. Lucy Amelia Iflanehard, loving wife of Samuel M, Pethick, in her 69th year. LYNETT—In Seaforth, on Friday, Jan.. 2, Patrick H. Lynett, of Winghan, in his 84th year. GRIEVE—In Seaforth, on Thursday, Jan. 1, Janet Redd Kerr, beloved widow of the Iate Thomas Grieve. in her 83rd year. REID—In Seaforth, on Wednesday, -San, 7, Catherine Campbell. widow of the late Robert Reid, in her -84th year. Reserve Energy The "thin" child may not be get- ting enough food to build up those reserves of energy so necessary for work' or for play, as well as for pro- tection against disease or injury. A low energy supply may, mead. that the child has to use up proteins which he or she needs for normal growth. This type of preventable malnutr ion, according -to the experts is far too prevalent in Canada and health authorities urge parents to give," more study to the dietary needs of their children. WALTON Death of Mrs. Robert Reid The death occurred at Scott Mem- orial Hospital, Seaforth, on Wednes- day. of Catherine Campbell, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Camp- bell, and widow of the late Robert Reid, in her 84th year. She was ill only about five days and had never been i11 previously. Deceased was a life-long resident of MCKillop and will be missed among her many friends. She was a member of Wal - on United Church, and is survived by one son, Nelson Reid, of the North Road, and three daughters, Mrs. Wes. Hackwell, Mrs. Elmer Hackwell and Mrs. Lawrence Ryan, also by two sisters, Mrs. John McKinley and Mrs. Robert McKinley, Stanley Township. There are 15 grandchildren. The funeral will take place from the resi- dence of her son, lot 26, con. 14, Mc- Killop, on Friday, at 3.30 p.m., with Rev. R, G. Hazlewood officiating. In- terment will be in Maitlandbank cemetery. WINTHROP Mr, and Mrs. Charles Dolmage, well-known residents of McKillop, celebrated their 40th wedding anni- versary on New Year's Day. Owing to the severe storm an New Year's bight a fowl dinner was held at their home on Saturday evening which in- cluded members o' the family. Mr. and Mrs. Dolmage were the recipients .of. many suitable gifts. CLINTON Visitors over the New Year's holi- day were: Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Wal- lis with Mr. and Mrs. John Turner at "Turners"; Mrs. Wm. Wise and family with Mr..and Mrs. P, Towns- end; Miss Libbie Gibbings, of Toron- to with r M .and Mrs. B. J. 2libbi ns Mr. . and rK: ' 1V� g, M "C�`fi1�a m Vod e d and n family with Mr, and Mrs. H. Charles- worth; Mr. and Mrs. M. Aiken with Miss Susan 'Acheson at Holmesville; Mr. and Mrs. P. Evafis and Miss 1$l plipe R ltll " A. Mrh, F:ral:001 Zavalle r ` l! las 'Coma s . W'eOGIQtr � • "qi'' i healey, 4her holne here, e Mr. and Mrs. Pletcher WhiitMOre. anti Mr. Carman W'hitm.are -visited with Mr. :and' Mrs. F. TownsVnd on Sunday last: Promotion .exercises were held in. Ontario St, Church Sunday School on Sunday, Jan, 4. BAYIELD Mr. Harold Scotchmer, of . Taranto, visited friends in the village this week. Mr. Charles Gemeinhardt spent the New Year in Ridgetown. ' L.O.L. No. 24 held a very largely attended euchre and dance in the Town Hall on New Year's Eve. Win- ners at euchre were: Ladies, 1st, Betty Heard; consolation, Phyllis Bell; gents, lst, Fred Telford; con- solation, Lloyd Sowerby. An orch- estra from Exeter provided,the ram - lc. Mr. and Mrs. John Lindsay and George spent the New Year's holiday with friends in Toronto. Misses Mary and Maxine Edighof- fer, of Mitchell, spent two days at the Albion Hotel last week. Clarence Larson, who spent the Christmas holidays with his parents, returned to London on Sunday. Miss Beverley York, who is attend- ttending the London, Normal Schdol, is ing practice teaching this week at Bruce - field. Mrs. Stanley Kemp, of Toronto, who has been visiting her brother, Mr. J. Hutchings, and Mrs. Hutchings, for a week, left for Goderich where she will visit friends. - Miss Kathleen Elliott, of Brucefield, is the guest of Mrs. J. Richardson. Miss Elizabeth 1 eid is visiting friends in London. ' Mrs. Clara Guest returned home on Sunday after spending the past week in London. L.O.L. No. 24 held their annual meeting and election of officers for 1948. Worshipful Master Keiineth Merner; Deputy Master, Lloyd Scotch - mer; chaplain, Clifford Talbot; re- cording secretary, Leslie Elliott; fin- ancial secretary, Charles Gemein- hardt; treasurer, H. Stinson; Mar- shal, R. Cornish; Lecturer, Reg. Mil- ler; Deputy Lecturer, W. Macllwain; lst Committeemen, T. Sherritt; Com- mittee, Robert Orr, Fred Wallis, Mal- colm 'Toms and Emmerson Heard; tyler, Harold Penhale. The funeral took place on New • Year's Day of Joseph James R. Rich- ardson, who died very suddenly at his home here late Monday evening. Mr. Richardson, who was the son of the late Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Richardson, Enfield Lane, Stanley Twp., was born ' in Bluevale July 21, 1882. The fam- ily moved to Stanley Township when he was a child, where he lived on the hcmestead until September, 1946, when he moved to Bayfield. , He was an Elder in Knox Presbyterian 'Church, Bayfield, and president of the Bayfield Cemetery Board. Sur- viving are his wife, Fanny MacKen- zie Richardson, and three sisters, Mrs. Martha Peck, of Seaforth; Mrs. Clara Miles, Toronto, and Mrs, Laura DTun•can, Sarnia. The pallbearers were Archie • Armstrong, Hugh Gilmour, Arthur Peck, Norman Greer, Alfred Westlake, Wilmer Reid and William Clark. Rev, D, J. Lane officiated and interment was in Bayfield cemetery. Among those attending from a dis- tance were Mr.. and Mrs. Duncan, Sarnia; Mr. and Mrs. Leslie MacDon- ald, Wyoming; Mr. 'and Mrs. George• Miles and Clark Miles, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. A. 1 acIntyre, Waterloo; Mr, and Mrs. J nes Phinney, De- troit; Mrs. John 'MacKenzie; Wind- sor; Mr. and Mr . Charles MacKen- zie, London; Mrs. Peck, Seaforth; Mr. Ed. McAsh, London, and Miss May McAsh, Hensall. McKILLOP° Death of Mrs. Samuel Pethick One of this township's oldest citi- zens and a lite -long resident, passed away. in Scott Memorial Hospital on Tuesday, ,Lan. 6, in the person of Mrs. Samuel M. Pethick, Mrs. Peth- ick had been in failing health for the past year, but it was only ten days before her death that she became , seriously ill. She was the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs, Hiram Blan- chard, pioneer residents of McKillop Township, where she was born on August 6, 1879, and her whole life was spent in this township. Forty-three years ago, on December 28, she was - united in marriage to Mr. Samuel M. Pethick, also of McKillop. Mrs. Peth- ick was one of the oldest members of 'Cavan United 'Church, Winthrop, and took an active and interested part in the church• activities, Besides her husband, she is "survived by a family of one son and three daugh- ters: Mr. Harold Pethick, of Sea - forth; (Mabel), Mrs. Roy Patrick, Mc- Killop; (Margaret), Mrs. Reg. Little St. Catharines, and (Blaflche), Mrs. Alvin Steven, of Varna. She is also survived by two brothers, 'William R. Blanchard, • British Columbia, and Mr. Hiram Blanchard, Winthrop, and 10 grandchildren. The funeral will be held from the Whitney Funeral Chap- eF; Seaftiath oiu`Friday, Jan. 9, at 2 p.m., when the services will be con- ducted by her minister, Rey. J. R - Peters. Interment will be made in Maitlandbank cemetery. �Kel=s. runs,_.• Warren August Schilbe Passes A shadow Of gloom was cast over 1 this community on Saturday when it was learned of the very sudden pass- ing of Warren August Schilbe. Mr. i and Mrs. Schilbe had just completed the evening chores when he was f stricken with a heart attack and s passed away immediately at the barn. Mr. •Schilbe was born on the 14th con- cession of Hay Township, west of Zurich, fifty-one years ago and at- tended public school on that line and . nigh school in Zurich, later attending lollege in Clinton. Upon graduation !ram there he , Was employed in a f bank in Detroit, On June 22, 1921, r he was united in marriage with Jen lie' Eb 1 ins Mc e h Lu ' Clinch at the Luther - in yn ,C'Shltrn3r in tY;,«irrA' t,ti 7492 an , bought the farm on the 2nd conces- sion of Tuckersnlith, near here, where he has carried On a ,very. successful farthing career. lie Was • a faithful 0 IR Services at St. Paul's Anglian Church, Hensall, Burling the Christmas and New Year's season, featured numbers by the Junior .Choral Group. Shown here are: Front row, left to right, William Lavender, Graham Farquhar and John Henderson; at rear, Jean 'Lave nder and Lois Henderson. (Photo by Ann's Studio) member of St. Andrew's United Church here. He leaves to mourd his passing his sorrowing wife and four daughters: Grace, Mrs. Mervin Hod- gert, of Bornholm; Kathleen, Mrs: Gordon Hodgert, of Exeter; Jean, Mrs. Wilmer Ferguson, Cromarty; Olive, Mrs. Norman Ferguson, Byron, and his aged parents, Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Schilbe, Zurich: There are five sisters: Mrs. (Annie) Finkbeiner, Zurich; Mrs, (Alice) Deters, Cromar- ty; Mrs. (Gertie) Sitter, Thedford; Mrs. (-Greta) 'Cruikeral, Aerin, Ohio; Mrs. (Irene) McClinchey, Varna; a brother, Henry Schilbe, of Zurich, and four grandchildren also survive. A short private funeral service was held from his late residence'on Tues- days followed by a public service at St. Andrew's United Church, Kippen, conducted by Rev. A. Hinton. A duet, "Behind the Sunset," was sung by two nieces, Irene Harburn and Dorothy Simpson. The pallbearers were Messrs, Bob Elgie, Carl McClin- chey, Roy Consitt, Jim McNaughton, Morley Cooper, Bill Deitz, Tom Kay and Donald Daysnond, The " flower - bearers were nephews of' the deceas- ed. Interment was in Exeter ceme- tery. Relatives attended the funeral from Acrin, Ohio, London, Thedford, McKillop, Byron, Zurich, Exeter, Cromarty and Varna. Miss Lsabelle Alexander has return- ed to Toronto after spending the -holi- days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Alexander. Mr. and Mrs. S. Beattie and family, of Wingham, spent New Year's with Mr. and Mrs, Robert McBride, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Damm and lit- tle son, of Kitchener, spent a few days with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Damm, Mrs. Alice Cook, of ' London, i•s . spending'a few days, with her mother, Mrs. J. McClymont, • Mrs. Arnold Gackstetter returned to her home here on New Year's day after spending three weeks with her aunt and uncle, • Mr. and Mrs. W. Horney, in Exeter, Mr, and Mrs. Archie P on and family spent New Year's with Mr, and Mrs. Joe Ferguson, of Chiselhurst. Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Westlake, Ronald and Sandra and Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Keyes and Marlene, all of Bayfield, spent New Year's with Mr. and Mrs. H. Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Love and Nancy returned to their home in Caro, Mich.,: after spending the holidays with Mr. R. Cooper and Beatrice. Word has been received of the death of Mrs. Margaret McNevin, of San Bernardino, California, on the 28th of December. Mrs. McNevin liv- ed in the vicinity of Kippen for many years before moving to London a num- ber of years ago, and has lived in California for the past 20 years or more, HENSALL (Continued from Page 1) Death of Mrs. F. Cawthorpe The death of Mrs. F. Cawthorpe formerly Jean Dick, of Hensall, oc- curred in Toronto General Hbspital on Tuesday, Dec. 30. The deceased was well known here. Following her marriage to the late Dr. F. Caw- thorpe, they took up residence in Tavistock where he predeceased. her a number of years ago.. She is sur- vived by one son, Capt. Dr. Joseph Cawthorpe, of Montreal, and also by three sisters, Mrs, Bertha Bell, Hen- sall, Mrs, Tait and Mrs. Caldwell, To - onto, and three brothers, -Geo. Dick, Hensall;, John Dick, Orillia, and Chas. Dick, Vancouver. The funeral was held at Tavistock with interment in Thamesford cemetery, Miss Annie Hood, life-long resident of the village, celebrated her 95th birthday quietly at her home Wednes- day, and received many cards and birthday congratulations. Miss Hood who lives alone, is very active for her years. She does her own housework and looks after herself, Mrs, M. C. Dougall, the very effici- ent organist and director of Carmel Presbyterian 'Church, was surprised when she was presented with a lgve- y table lamb at the conclusion of the service in the church by thh choir. Mr. and Mrs. -Sam Rennie and fam- ly spent New Year's in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs, Casey Hudson and amily, of Goderich, spent New Year's Vith Mrs, George Hudson. Mrs. L Simpson left for Detroit, where she will spend the winter months with members of her family, Miss Doris Buchanan, of Parkhill, was a recent week -end visitor with her mother. Mr. and Mrs. Walker 'Carlile and atnlle and 'Mrs. R>i'iison ,Carlile were Cent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Richard -son at Goderich, 714. A 1ln er R ltm an. w io h been Very poor- health for slits' time. Was' 'taken to Victoria l4osl►ital, Lon - den, for further treatment11rs. 11. Arnold 'was visited by her dlste 'a Baia, $ew ' or ; :40d.r '(� 'd> oY, Mrs. Lammie, Amy and Greta were regent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Laramie and Bobby. Mrs, V. • Schwalm' and Ray - ars yi:,i:ing with relatives in St. Thoma:. 141x, and Mrs. 15,.. A. Orr. and family visited with relatives in Windsor ov- er the holiday. Rev. R. 11. Sanderson and Mrs. Sanderson have returned to their home in Lumsden,. Sask.,'after a visit spent with their daughter and son-in- law, Rev. and Mrs. P. 'A. Ferguson and family. Miss Helen Munn, R.N., New York, is visiting with her parents, Mr.• and Mrs. R. Munn. Dr. Norma Cook has returned to Toronto after spending the holiday season with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Cook. Miss Wilma Dinnin, on the teac'1- ing staff at Sarnia, and Bert Dillies, of Toronto, spent the holiday season I1'e;r :('Cllr s, Mr. alla Mrs. '\'i. Dinnin, Miss Phe. ;Hs Dougall, Sat:lt SI.r.•. Marie, visited lies pnrests, _Mir, rn;:t Mrs. W. 11, Dougall, recently. Miss Helea McNaughton and GIenn. McNaugbtcn, rf Toronto. visited their parents, , Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Me- Naughtcn for the holiday season. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Case were in Lcndon recently attending the 50th welding anniversary of Mrs. Case's parents, Mr. and Mrs, John Reid, residents of London for the past 22 years. Mr.. and Mrs. Stewart Barbour were: holiday visitors with Mr. and' Mrs. James Hoggarth and Mr. and Mrs. C. Kennedy and Jean. Mrs. Gladys Smith, Montreal; .Mr. and Mrs. Donaldson, London, and 'Al. Pearson, Toronto, spent the holiday season with Mrs. A. 'Saundercock. Mr. and Mrs. George -Walker spent Christmas withtheir son and daugh- ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wal- ker, Toronto, and with their daugh- ler and son-in-law, Mr, and Mr.?. Geo. curd, The many friends of George "Bunt" P,-er, who is at present a patient at St. .Tost•uii's "tl, London, will lt' ]'leased t,,; learn he is impioving urccly and expects to be home in the near future. 'Additional Hensall News on Page 3 x... �. , a. a • _,,, ST LLS Ygy fff CALLS HAULS ERVICE STAT I01' TAKE IT FROM A BACK SEAT D ' R The little woman always recommen'? us for Quick, Prompt Service (including towing), 24-HOUR CALL — TO ANY PLACE IN TOWN eaforth Motors Phnrire 141 Seaforth a V