HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1948-01-02, Page 8, Ix T a TRE SIT ri •Bound: into the New Year .follow- led oliow-led by our • very sincerest wishes for a 'Year of Happiness, WATSON & REM M. A. REID - Proprietor uaranne & Real Estate PHONE 215 - SEAPORTS ,000 00400000 o . • BOX uneraL" erbice .balance 4 O 4 . Iprompt lip, ,d; careful attention. 0 © B•apital Bed 0 • FLOWERS FOR ALL 0 0 OCCASIONS 0 4 Office Residence 0 0, 43 18 0 0 0 40000000000;0 10000000000 4 0 G. A. WHITNEY Successor to 0 4 HOLMES & WHITNEY 0 4 Main Street - Seaforth 0 0 AMBULANCE SERVICE 0 0 Adjustable hospital bed for 0 • 0 rent. 0 O Agent for Mitchell Nursery 0 4 Flowers. 0 0 Telephone 119 0 0 Nights and Holidays 65 0 p- O 4 0 4 0 4 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 ,t0 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 p J. A. BURKE 0 0 Funeral Director 0 0 and Ambulance Service 0 4 DUBLIN - ONT. 0 O Night or day calls: Phone 43 r 10 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o R 0 W. J. CLEA0 4 Seaforth, Ont. 0 0 LICENSED EMBALMER 0 0 AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR 0 0 Night or Day Calls -335 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 E. C. CHAMBERLAIN Real Estate Broket INSURANCE PHONES: 334 or 220 - SEAFORTH winniummt• Barclay Square Stratford EVERY FRIDAY: Roy Thompson EVERY SATURDAY: Johnny Petrie TM TOWN HoIngt.iiApd Wlip' Meet. --The .WO melts Hoapttai Aid to. S•'eatt Memor- ial Ieapital will hold their regular meeting on Thursday, January 8, at the home of Mrs. A. Y, McLean,` at 8.15 p.m, Mold Christmas Meeting.-•-Tlxe' C,G. I.T. held their Christmas meeting at the home of Rev. and Mrs. R. I. Wil- liams Friday, with Joyce Glanville in charge. The meeting opened by the group singing a chorus, followed by repeating the Lord's Prayer. Business -was discussed and officers for the new year were elected. The Christ- mas story, in the form of a play, 'was' enjoyed by all. The offering was re- ceived and five answered the roll call. Taps were then sung and at the close of the meeting Mrs. Williams served a delicious lunch. Death of Charles Casey Way. -The sudden death on, Christmas evening of a well known resident of Tucker - smith, in the person of Charles Casey Way, was a shock to his many friends and neighbors. He had undergone a serious operation the week before in St. Joseph's 'Hospital, London. He was born at Goderich, the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Alva Way, and was married in Clinton in 1931. He is survived by his . wife, formerly Mary Pearl Pepper; one brother, Clare Way, of Bayfield, and four sis- ters, Mrs. Russel .Dallas, Tucker - smith; Mrs. Ida Jackson, Hensall; Mrs. Robert Cross, Woodstock, and Mrs. Harold Sherr, ,Seaforth. A largely attended 'funeral was held on Sunday, Dec. 28, from his late resi- dence 'with Rev. A.. W. Gardiner of- ficiating- Interment took place in Maitiandba,Ii oemetery. EVERY TUESDAY: Don Robison a n d His CKNX Ranch Boys. Seaforth Monument Works T. PRYDE ' & SON. Memorial Craftsmen Seaforth Exeter Clinton Seaforth Showrooms open Tuesday 43ee Dr. Harburn for appointment may other time, or Phone 41-3, Exeter. Northside United Church, -Rev. H. V. Workman, Minister: 10 a.m., Sun- day School; 11 a.m. and 7 p.m., Regu- lar Worship Services. Welcome to these services. Anglican. -New Year's Eve: 11.30 p.m.; "Midnight" Communion at. St. Thomas' Church. Jan. 4 -Second Sunday after Christ- mas: St. Thomas', Seaforth--10 a.m., Sunday School; 11 a.m-, Holy Com- munion; 7 p.m., Evening Prayer. St. Mary's, Dublin. -3 p.m., Church Service and Sermon. -Rector, Rev. C. F. L. Gilbert, B.A. First Presbyterian Church. -Minis- ter. Rev. Richard H. Williams, B,A.; music, Robert E. Bechtel; 10 a.m., the Sunday School; 11 a.m., Public Worship: The service of ordination and induction of new Elders; 7 p.m., Public Worship: The Minister will preach. Chesterfields and - Occasional Chairs REPAIRED AND RECOVERED Also Auto Seats and Backs, Verandah Swings and Steamer Chairs Repaired. Stratford Upholstering Co. Stratford TELEPHONE 579 `dor further information apply at Box's Furniture Store SEAFORTH 'ME McKILLOP MUTUAL TIRE INSURANCE CO'Y. HEAD OFFICE -- SEAFORTH, ONT. OFFICERS: Frank McGregor, •Clinton. - President Chris Leonhardt, Brodhagen, Vice -Pres. Merton A. Reid, Seaforth - Manager and Secretary-L'resstirer, 1DIRECTORS: • Ohris. Leonhardt, 'Brodliagen; E. J. 'Trawarthar Clinton; Harvey Puller, tR It, 2, Goderich; 3. H. IVICEutilig;Itit. Frank 1.fcGregor, RJL 5, a halon; i{ugh A1hzandiet, R.R. 1, Writ. '.loin;; 'WilliaYl A rcilibaliI I.E. 4, afarth: .jefintZ Malone, rat. R.R.5, Sea tortlh, s. i . Waiitmore, stat, 3, Sear *00, `jtOtAlilf ay Melteroher, R, •1, Dublin; eloper, : diield; J. P neter, gage's; George: A, Watt, Blyth, Death of Henry Edward Tyndall. - In the passing of Henry Edward Tyn- dall, who died at his home in Tuck- ersmith, on Monday, Dec. 39, the com- munity loses a good friend and high- ly respected citizen- die had been in failing health for eleven years. Mr. Tyndall was born on the .. London Road, Usborne Township, 79 years ago, „ and came, • to Tuekersmith 63 years ago, where he farmed ever since. In his younger years he was a widely known thresher. In 1898 he was married . to Elisabeth Murray, who survives, together with three sons, Murray, of Brucefield; Robert, at home, and Neil, of Sudbury, and and one daughter; Mrs. Clifford Broadfoot, Seaforth.. A private fun- eral was held Thursday from his late residence, tot 7, con. 4, Tuckersmith, which .was conducted by Rev. A. W. Gardiner. Interment was in Egmond- ville cemetery. and jived All ' •11•ee We there, Mian Pleu. racheuta was 'it faaith:ful attend- ant of Egwondville Ghuroh. She is survived by one sister, Mrs. William Powell, of 'Toronto. The funeral was held on Tuesday' at 1 p.m. from ,her late residence, with„Rev. A. W. Gard- iher officiating, The pallbearers were W. L. Pawelt, Frank Bond, J, W. Modeland, Harold Finnigan, Thomas Jackson and George Powell, Inter- meat ntermeat was in Egmondville cemetery. LOCAL BRIEFS • Mr. Jack Derrance, of St: Cathay ines, was a ' Christmas guest of his mother, Mrs. Mae Dorrance. • Miss Ruth Joynt, of Toronto, spent the holiday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Joynt. • Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ford, of Auburn, Indiana, and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Wright and family, of Hamil- ton, spent Christmas week -end with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Wright. • Mr. and Mrs. S. Cudmore, of St. Catharines, are guests of, Mr. and, Mrs. Cecil Oke, Tuckersmith. • Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Wilson are spending New Year's in Detroit. Young Hockey Players Death of Mrs. J. G. Docherty. -The death occurred on Saturday, Dec. 27, at the home of her daughtel•, Mrs. A. W. Coon. Norfolk, Virginia, of Margaret Smith, widow of the late J. G. Docherty, in he 83rd year. Mrs. Docherty left here flowing the death of her husband about two years ago and had been in poor health for three months prior to her death. She was born in Stratford and •before her marriage was a school teacher. •In 1889 she was married and went to Brandon, Man., to live. Surviving are two sons, W. S. Docherty, of Ed- monton, Alta.. and J. Frank Docherty, Of Conneaut, Ohio, and one daughter, Mrs. A. W. Coon, of Norfolk, Va. The funeral was held Tuesday afternoon from the G. A. Whitney funeral chap- el with Rev. H. V. Workman officiat- ing. The pallbearers were William Forrest, Dr. F. S. Harburn, William Finnigan, W. D. Smith, James Hen- derson and Sam Scott. Attention Pleas e ! Boys 14 or' 15 years of age, and also those boys 16 years of age since November 1st of this year (1947), living in the Sea - forth district, will be given a trial to catch a place on the Seaforth Midget Hockey Team. You must be a strong, fast skater, and of igood size for your age. We need three or four good boys = if you think you can fill the bill, see J. E. WILLIS as soon as possible. SATURDAY, JAN, Cardno's Nall, 'Seaforth. Introducing ROSS PEARCE & -HIS MUSIC Dancing at 9 p.m. ADMISSION -- 50 'ICENTS • Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Williams, of London, were Christmas guests of Mr. and Mrs. •M. McKellar. • Mr. and Mrs. S. McKenzie and family, of Georgetown, were guests of ' •Mrs. John M. Cardiac) and Miss Campbell for the holiday week -end. • Miss Shirley Muir, who is at- tending school in Brantford, spent the Christmas holidays at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Muir. • Mr. and Mrs. Peter McCowan and family and Mr. and 'Mrs. George Eaton and family spent Ch.*istmae Day with Mr. and Mrs. Foster Bennett. - • Miss Minnie I3abkirk, of Gode- rich, spent' Christmas with her sister, Mrs. Harold Dale and Mr. Dale. • Mr. and Mrs. kax Hadfield, of Milton, were visitors in town for the Christmas holidays: • • Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Balfour, of Preston, spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. B. O. Muir. • Miss Bella Watson, of Galt, 'pe the holiday with her mother; Mrs. Annie Watson, in McKillop. • Mrs. Bristow of Stratford, Mrs. Cockburn and Miss Audrey Langelle, of London, were holiday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Scott. • Miss Ethel McKay and Mr. Ron- ald McKay, of Toronto, were Christ- mas guests of Mrs. Hugh , McKay. • Mr. and Mrs. Del' Krauel. and daughter, of Brantford, were Christ- mas visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Har- old Dale. • Mrs. A. " Sparling and daughter, Hazel, of Wroxeter, ;spent the Christ- mas holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Wal- ter Eaton. • Miss Lillian. Faulkner spent Christmas in Galt. DANCE WINTHROP - HALL Friday, January 2nd McCall's Orchestra LUNCH SERVED Admission - ` 50 Cents Colling - Whitfield. -On Saturday, Dec. 27, at 3 p.m., a quiet wedding was solemnized at Central United Church Parsonage, in Stratford, when Rev. Norman Healey united in marriage Helen Marguerite, daughter of Mrs. L. Whitffeld, of Ridgetown, and the late Mr. L. Whitfield, and Mr. Lloyd Douglas Colling, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Ceiling, of Mil- ton. The bride was smartly dressed in a dressmaker suit of navy blue gabardine with dubonnet accessories and a corsage of American Beauty roses. She was attended by her sis- ter, Mrs. Robert L. Mitchell, of Strat- ford, as matron of honor, wearing a black wool suit with blush pink ac- cessories and a corsage of pink ros- es. Mr. Robert L: • Mitchell, Strat- ford, was the best man- Following the ceremony dinner was served at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mitchell. Following a short honey- moon, Mr. and Mrs. Calling will re- side in Ridgetown......... ..... Intermediate B' O.H.A. HOCKEY 2 BIG 2 GAMES Tuesday, January 6th GODERICH ' VS. SEAFORTH (Bosharts) - AND - Thursday, Januar 8th Y MITCHELL VS. SEAFORTH (Bosharts) • You can't afford to miss these two opening games! Death of Miss M. Flenrscheutz.- Death removed one of the oldest resi- dents of Egmondvi11e on Sunday, Dee- eember 28, it the person of Miss Margaret Fleurecheutz, who had reached the lige of 91 years. About a year atld a half ago she `suffered a stroke and spent ,some of the time in Toronto With t'elatives before be- ing removed to Scott Memorial Ems - vital, Where she passed array, Niles Fietireelteittz and her brother, the late Lode Plettrscheufiz, listed on top Of the hill in E"gxnondvitle and while lie lived lead a beautiful a ardeti 0i PALACE RINK Admission: 35c and 15c SEAFORTH AMATEUR ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION _TAXI Passengers Insured PHONE 128, Seaforth "LEE'S FOR SALE Asphalt shingle covered dwelling, West Wiiiliarh St., Seaforth; furnace; immediate possession. Frame cottage With garage, Gode- rich St. East. Immediate possession. Asbestos covered dwelling on .South Main Street, Seaforth. Modern Dwelling on Louisa Street. Frame cotage on South Main St. M. A. REID REAL ESTATE PHONE 214 Arthur Fraser income 'fax Reports Bookkeeping Service'**, Etc. X ET•ER Anwl Street. Phone USW tiotvexe, Rhe wao twrt- b3tri it* eif,0 ..: ,.. .... . sist • TO START THE NEW YEAR RIGHT EAT (rich 's White Clover Bread • BETTER FLAVOUR • BETTER COLOUR • BETTER ,TEXTURE AND MORE FOOD VALUE THAN EVER BEFORE ! - PHONE 34 - Our Friendly Salesman will call. • NEWIMONSEMINF roxm nicOMPx Or. szse/F,OVVVA TAXI 'SERVICE ALL PASSENGERS INSURED Phone 162 - Seaforth CECIL J. LEMON 1. Mr, and Mess Norniaa Z%$ght aria: faanjly spec t Ghrlstznaa jn Exeex•, • 1'4r, apo Mrs. Ray . Xerr apeat l hriatInes in Flint, Mich, .w Mr,, Walter Meldillan,; of :the alni, versityof Toronto, spent Christmas with his: another, Mrs, HelenMaMi, Ian. • 9li1r.; W. J. Hell, of Toronto, spent Christmas with his sister, Miss Mary Bell. • Mies Helen McKercher, of 'Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y,, .who spent Christmas. with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, F.• McKercher, in, McKillop, will return on Sunday, • Mrs. Bishop, of Toronto, was a week -end guest et Mrs, J. B. Thome- son for the Christmas holidays. • Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Wallace and family spent Christmas in London, Miss Dianne remaining for' the holi- day season. • Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Clark and son of Woodstock, spent Christmas with the Misses Seip.. • �Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Matthews and Bill; of Clinton, and Misses Pauline and Betty Matthews and Mr. Lester Leonhardt, of Kitchener, spent Christ- mas with Mr. and Mrs. J. Matthews. • Bobby McCowan, of Roxboro, Spent a few days with his. grandpar- ents, Mr. and Mrs. George Eaton. • Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mitchell and children,' of Stratford, and Miss Hel- en Whitfield, of Ridgetown, spent Christmae Day with Mr. and . Mrsi John Currie. • Mr. r. ad Mrs. L. G. Kruse and son, William, of Galt, Mr. and Mrs. gar Lawson and Mr. and Mrs. Oli- ver Anderson, of Auburn, were week- end guests of Mr. and Mrs.. John Fin- layson and Mrs. J. 3. Sclater. • Christmas visitors at the home of Mrs. R. S. Hays included Mrs. May McKinnon, Clinton -Miss Marney Mc- Kinnon, Ajax; Mr. John S. Matyr, Hamilton, Bermuda, and Miss Doris M•cEwan, of the University of West - et• ,Ontario, London. •1Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Little and family, of Galt, and Miss Pearl Mc- Minn, of Toronto,, 'spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Lowery. • Mr. Jos. Trimbach spent Christ- mas with his mother, Mrs. Trimbach, in Stratford. • Mr. Ross McNab and Mr, and Mrs. John McNab and son, Paul, of Toronto, spent Christmas with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex McNab. • Mrs. Frank Bond and. Mr. W. Powell, of Toronto, were here this week attending the funeral of the late Miss Margaret Flenrscheutz. • Mr. and Mrs.• S. F. 'Grainger and son, of London, and Mr. and Mrs. Ken Ament, of Kitchener, spent Christmas with Mr, and Mrs. William Ament. • • Mr. W. R. Plant, C.N.R. station agent at St. Marys, and who for a number of years occupied the same position in Seaforth, has -been trans- ferred to Guelph. • Mr. Lorne McDonald, of Peter- boro, was the guest of his mother, 'Mrs. McDonald, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clintop. E: Smith, • Misses Margaret and Ernestine White, of Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. W. Gibson White and family, Wind- sor, have returned to their homes af- ter spending the Christmas holidays with their mother, Mrs. M. 'White. • Miss Bessie Carnochan, of Ot- tawa, spent the Christmas holidays 'with her father, Mr. Sam Carnochan.� • Mr. and.Mrs. Victor Overholt, of Zurich, and Mr. and Mrs. Armand Bedour, of Goderich, were Christmas guests of Mrs. Ther'' a Maloney. • Miss Helen McDougall, of De- troit, spent 'Christmas with her niece, Mrs. Leslie McClure -and Mr. McClure. • Mr.' and Mrs. Frank Sills, Jr., of St. Marys, were Christmas guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Sills. • Mr: Neville McMillan, of Milton, spec.:- ihristmas with his parents Mr. and Mrs. J. M. •McMillan. • Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Carpenter and family, of Chatham, spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. John C. Crich. • Mr. and Mrs. Murray Savauge, of Toronto, were Christmas guests of Mrs. Fred S. Savauge. • Dr. and Mrs. Freil Stewart, of Windsor, were guests over the holi- day of Mrs Charles Stewart. • Mr. and Mrs. William Stevens and family, of Hamilton, spent the Christmas holidays with Mrs. Wm. Stevens. • Mr. John Stevens spent New Years in London. • Captain and Mrs. J. H. Grant and son, John, of Ottawa, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. K. M. McLean. • Mr. Gordon M•eKellar, of Toronto, was here this week. visiting his father, who has been confined to his home, for several days. • Mr. R. E. Bechtel spent Christ- mas with his family in Brampton. TO PRESERVE YOUR CAR .. . Preserve Its Surface PAINT YOUR CAR . .. To restore that new -car beauty and sleekness.. To save its precious sheetmetal from ruin- ous rust. WE .ARE EQUIPPED TO HANDLE A N Y PAINT JOB, CAR - OR TRUCK, EXPERTLY AND PROMPTLY. Seaforth Motors Chevrolet Oldsmobile Sales & Service Phone 141 -geafOrth NOW PLAYING-: IN TEGHNICQ'LQR'-- Show atarta 7 p.m, ' MATINEE - JANUARY 1st, and 8rd TILL THE CLOUDS ROLL BY" with June Allyson, Robert Walker, Judy Garland, Van Johnson, Lena Horne,. Frank Sinatra The Mammoth Musical of Jerome Kern's Dramatic Life Story. BE SURF? TO SEE THIS ONE! . MONDAY,' TUESDAY, WEF3•NESOAY " THE GHOST, AND MRS. MUIR " with GENE TIERNEY and REX HARRISON This story, it can be said quite honestly, stands to outdo All" Ghost Stories! Rex Harrison is enjoyable • to watch and listen to in the character of the Ghost of the Seaman. NEXT THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY - IN TECHNICOLOR " THE BELLSOF SAN ANGELO " with ROY ROGERS and DALE EVANS COMING: ADULT ENTERTAINMENT "POSSESSED" with Van Heflin, Joan Crawford, Raymond Masagy DUBLIN Robert E. Becktel Organist -Director, First Presbyterian Church will commence to teach ORGAN AND PIANO JANUARY 1, 1948 SEAFORTH ONTARIO res cies i-;sissr:r,r : ,],hr • G. A. WHITNEY FURNITURE - FUNERAL SERVICE' Phones: Day 119 - Nights and Sundays 65 SEAFORTH - , ONTARIO �1, ✓r4 ,. 1, rj, 1 ; 1, : 1. ; 1„r,(, c 4 .'1 r}, ; 1, ,tet, v1 ,�1, yi, it tr1' 1, 1 u 1r 1, .(i ; r x� Holiday visitors included: Mr. and. Mrs. Fergus Reynolds, Detroit, and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Carpenter and two children, Chatham, with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Carpenter; James Jordan and friend, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Evans; Misses Mary Mar- garet and Teresa Ryan, London, with Mr. and Mrs, Patrick Ryan; Miss Marion Meagher, of London, John Meagher, Goderich, with Mr. and M,ys. John Meagher; sgt. Jas. Newcombe, Mrs. Newcombe and son, Jimmy, of Montreal, and Dr. and Mrs. Frank Stapleton, Galt, with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stapleton; Charles Krauskopf, Detroit, with Mr. and Mrs. James Krauskopf; Miss Ally Looby, Kit- ehener, with her mother, Mrs• A. M. Looby; Miss Margaret Holland, Tor- onto, with Mr. and mrs. Geo. B. Hol- land; Mr. and Mrs, Clayton Hill, of Chicago, with Mrs. James Shea; Miss- es Mary and Jean Costello, London, with Mr. and Mrs. Dan Costello; Miss. Mary E. Feeney and Thos. Feeney, Stratford, and Jim Feeney. Kitchener with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Feeney; John E. Molyneaux, Merlin, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Etue and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Ellie; ooh; 'with 111.ir. and. Mrs. Thos. J. 1ifolyneatI ; Miss Doris Flanagan and Mr. And Tillie. Karl. Steinbach and, ben, Keuieith, LondaliL, and Joseph Flanagan, Kitchener, with Mr, and M're.. "Josep'h Flanagan; Mr, and 'Mrs. Thomas Feeney, Betty and Joseph, Landoll,, lvith, Mr. ,'sad, Mrs; Patrick Feeney; Mr. and Mrs, Earl'. 'dally. Blyth, and Miss Dorothy Dom *telt, Goderieh, nvith Mr. and Mrs. 'Bose Donnelly; Miss lhia'i'it Reale in ON HAND -1 car of Cedar -2" x 4" to 12", and 3" x'14" to 12"; Lenths 8' to 22'. SPRUCE -In 1 and 2", all widthsand lengths; also a car of tongued and grooved Spruce, 5, 6, 7 and 8 -inches wide. PEELED CEDAR POSTS -Straight, and in good sizes. CEDAR -GRAIN SHINGLES -Dover White and Grey, Famous Johns - Manville siding. INSULATION -Loose or by the carton. Considerable reclaimed, in- sulation. SHINGLES=No. 1 Red Band XXXXX Cedar Shingles. Reclaimed Cedar Shingles. PLYWOOD-%", 3/16" and WS various sizes. BEAVERBOARD and FLEXBOARD HARDWALL PLASTER' ROLL ROOFING -Reclaimed • SASHES and DOORS LIME o' ASPHALT SHINGLES ON HAND --Stove Coke, Alberta Nut - Car of Rosedale Hard Lump Coal on the way. Seaforth Supply & Fuel Co. "Where the Best Costs No More" Phone 47• Seaforth Stratford. At tate Hibbert Township nomina- tion meeting, Joseph Atkinson, reeve during the past four yearn, resigned. The 1948 township council will be: Reeve, Frank Allen; Councillors, Jno. Coyne, Clifford Dow, Edgar Butson and Earl Dick. The Christmas dance held irr %ooby's Hall was a decided success, and the music was all that could be. desired. A new fire escape has been erected on the hall. Mr, and Mrs. Mervin Manley and Kevin visited with Mr. and Mrp. Wm. Duffy. High Prices For POULTRY SPECIAL PRICE FOR PULLETS • Bring Us Your Rabbits • ALL KINDS OF FEATHERS AND HORSE HAIR BOUGHT We, will pay $1.00 for Scrap Batteries Parkdale Poultry PI4,ONE 245' MITCHELL 5'