HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1948-01-02, Page 4• ed Ads Will Be Inserted At New Low gash Rates rli,'. Pattseted. Last and Fennel. £6C. -Per ward; 1st week 1 Cent 2nd weekard 3, Oehl ini week charge, Brat insertion26 pCe'b Each figure, Initial and abbreviation counts as one word. Thanks, In Memoriam Notices, Corning Eluents -1 cent per word. Minimum. 60 'Per week. et} may be directed to a Box Number. 'e/o The Harm Expositor, for 10 cants extra. 'ear 'i:imts additional will be charged if ado in above class are not paid within 10 days s date of final insertion. Births. Marriages and Deaths inserted free of charge. .Unction Sales. Notices to Creditors, Etc. -Rates on application, 0 Help Wanted (7.Is73INETh'MAKER-EXPERIENCED, MUST `'' be good craftsman. Daylite plant, :tap wages, very steady employment. Living ac- commodation available. See or write full par- tioulars JAMES ONE FURNITURE COM - Ingersoll. 4177-1 Lost and Found FOUND -ON. SATURDAY, GOLD EAR - ring with atone- Owner may have same by proving property and Easing charges. Apply to Box 628. EXPOSITOR - 4117 -1 FOR SALE-PHILCO OAR RADIO, CUS- FOUND-ON MAIN STREET ON SATUR- .L tons built push-button; fits any Chrysler day, December 27, a 3 -strand string of car. Practicglty new. PHONE 192-11. pear(' beads- , Apply to Bac 629, HURON I 4177-1 • EXPOSITOR- 4177-1, EOR SALE -A MUSKRAT COAT, IN GOOD r condition. and a brown lady's suit- Ap- ply to Box 627,EXPOSITOR OFFICE.,' r 4177-1 For Sale FOR. SALE-McCOR3 1CK-DEERING FER- tilizer seed drill, 15 run, in Al condition. Apply ROBERT VIVIAN. Phone 43 r 8. Dublin. 4177-2 FOR SALE -1980 CHEV, SEDAN, IN EX- eelent condition. SEAFORTH MOTORS. 4175-2 FOR SALE -PAIR GIRL'S BLACK SKATES size 6; pair "boy's black skates, size 7 '- pair boy's black skates, size 9. PHONE 192-11. 4177-1 Wanted ZJIjAIsi TO BUY�,PAIR SKI BOOTS, FOR SALE -SLEIGH RUNNERS FOR AT- �■ size 9; pair boys' skates, size 8; Pair tooting to c's bungs,. I. Phonehi condi- . tion. MRS, FRANK GRIEVE. 659 boys' skats, size 11. PHONE 192-R. . 1 r 3. 4177x1 4177-1 WANTED TO BUY -OTD HORSES AND dead animals. suitable for mink feed. Will pay 2c a pound for horses, and will call; port SALE -ONE-HORSE SLEIGH, WITH rack. Phone 847 r 4, Seaforth, or apply • BELL, R.R. 2, Seaforth. 4177-1 and pick up same. Dead animals according ' __ to value. If dead, phone at once. Phone FOR SALE -A NUMBER OF YOUNG collect: JACK GILBERT, 936 r 21. or PRED J' ,per Apply to JOHN McGAVIN. Phone GILBERT, 936 r 32, Goderich. I652 r 42, Seaforth. 4177-1 416941 ' WANTED TENOGRAPHDR, SHORTHAND AND 1,4 hyping aeceao,ry. Apply stating auah- fieations, age, experience and enclose snap- shot to v Guaranty Trust Company of Canada Windsor, Ontario Attention Edward T. Berry, Manager. 4177-3 WANTED ' BOY WITH JUNIOR MATRICULATION to.learnthe Trust Business. Pleasing appearance, good character. Banking experi- ence desirable but not essential. Send snap- shot and references to Guaranty Truest Company of Canada Windsor, Ontario Attention Edward T. Berry, Manager. 4176-3 Personals �YGIENIC SUPPLIES (RUBBER GOODS) mailed postaaid-in plain, sealed envelope with price list 6 samples 25c; 24 samples 51.00. Mail, -Order Dept. T-73, NOVA -RUBBER CO., Sox 91, Hamilton, Ont. . Auction Sales AUCTION SALE OF LIVE STOCK AND Hay, 1%. east an+ 1 mi -le north of Au- burn, Tuesday, January 6th, at 1 p.m-: Eight cows, some fresh, and others due to freshen February some March; 21 Durham Sind Here- ford steers, 600 to 900 lbs.; 5 Durham and Hereford heifers, 800 be.; 8 other young eat- abtlg; 25 pigs, different sizes; 30 tons hay ; tie; 1,000 bushels mixed grain; 200 bushels bar- ley. Terms -Cash. CARL GOWER, Pro- prietor; Harold Jackson, Auctioneer, 4177-1 Y Farms For Sale WARM roe SALE -LOT 12, CONCESSION 3, Tuckersznith, three miles from Hen- ault, containing 100 acres. On the premises are a stone house, also a barn 40 ft. by 60 ft.: -With straw shed 28 ft. by 30 ft, pig pen and ben *house combined ; 1 implement house 28 by -36 ft.; 10 acres of good hardwood bush; a never -failing spring in the barnyard. The farms is nearly a1I in grass. For further par- ticulars apply to MRS. J. D. STEWART, Hen- aalL 4177-3 Notices NOMINATION MEETING Township of Tuckersmith NOTICE IS HEREBY "GIVEN' THAT A nee 'pg of the Electors for the Nomina- tion',Candidates for the offices of' School Truatee''f'7it the years 1948 and 1949, will be held in School House No. 8, Egmondvflle, on Tlforgday, January 8, 1948, between the hours of 1 and 2 p.m ' AND IF NECESSARY an election to fill the above named office wall be held on THURSDAY, JANUARY 15, 1948 at the following places and by the folowint officers: PAD. No. 1, Felker's House; D.R.O., Har- ry Chesney; P.C., Harold Finnigan. P.S.D. No. 2, S. S. No. 8; D.R.O., Roy McGeoch; P.C., Edward Brown. P.S.D., . No. 3, S:S. No. 4: D.R-O., Roy Brown; P.C., Frank Walters. P.S.D. No. 4, S.S. No. 3: D.R.O., J. Mc- •Intosh • P.C., Norris Sillery. P.S.D. No. 5, S.S. No. 1: D.R.O., M. Transmit; P.C., Glenn Bell. ^, :, P.S.D. No. 61 S.S. No. 9, D.R.O., W. S. Broadfoot; F.C., Ivan Forsyth. Palls shall be open from nine o'clock ha: the forenoon till five o'clock in the alter - norm B. P. CHESNEY, Returning Officer. . 41'77-2 Notice • "To Creditors NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF GEORGE HHU;bSON, DECEASED. 'ALT, PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS AGAINST the Estate of George Hudson, late of the Village of Henson, in the County of Huron, who died on or about the 6th day of October, 1947, are required to file particulars of same with Elmer D. Bell, Solicitor, of Exeter, Ontario, by the 14th day of January next, after which date the Estate will be distribut. ed, having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. ELMER D. BELL, , Exeter, Ontario, Solicito1''' for Repenter. 41764 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Ilii „'nit ESTATE Or MINNIE R. li AMMAN. A. PERSONS HAVING CLAIM'S AGAINST retries of 'Miatdfe R ''McLachlan, 'late dr the Township of 'Tuckeramith, deceased, Aho died on or aboftt the lith day of Decefn- 8 0 unffinargeted op obei, 11r41, ate r before the 16th notified to in, to dday of rehear*, 194%'fall particulates of theft' claims: Tf enediaiete rater the Raid best mentioned d Ike. the owlet*, of 4k 'Bette eststte still be iiretib(tied amongst th$ parties entitled there - 1 ha ' rfg' 'id brtele to elaima of Which etre,. s41 aril theft. have 4totice, eta. eta ofi Ali ehltete end tbe" •Vitdef, iirLlltld "` ank ltd• *Me itti fs'tiof. ;betierft' vff:. it lrtAs riff! ;ifnderrigfted shell het then 9ttVer fare the ttRaets ao• distributed or fail #6+fitad:' .. fie fif+tii •rttiia • trail' Mt of .; , stbiidi1�4r5dt itfeti: .ad 4t 44 EOR BALE - NEW THOR GASOLINE washer: available for Immediate deliv- ery. SEAFORTH MOTORS. 4177=2 Business Cards SECRE'T'ARIAL AND BOOKKEEPING SER - vice. Records maip'tained and prepared for income tax purposes. W. EDWARD SOUTH'GATE.' Offices in Dominion Bank Bldg., Seaforth. 4176-tf Cards of Thanks MRS., CASEY WAY, BROTHER AND SIS- ters wish to extend, their sincere grati- tude to relatives, neighbors and friends for kindness and sympathy shown in our sad' bereavement of a dear husband and kind bro- ther. Special thanks to pallbearers ander flower bearers and for floral tributes and loan of cars ; sincere thanks to Rev. A. W. Gard- iner, Mrs. John McGregor, Mrs. Elmore Stephenson and Miss Anna Watson for duet and solo rendered, and also thanks to Dr.. M. W. Stapleton. 4177x1 THE FAMILY OF La LATE MRS. ROBT. Shortreed� wish to express their heartfelt thanks to neighbors and friends for their expressions of sympathy, floral tributes, etc., extended to them during their sad bereave- ment, to Dr. J. A. Gerwill and the Staff of Scott Memorial Hospital. " 4177x1 I TAKE THIS MEANS ,TO THANK EACH and every one of the "Gang" on No. 8 Highway for the nice warm sweater I re- ceived for Christmas, and also for the kind thought that went with iti It was greatly appreciated. Wishing you all a Happy and Prmperous New Year. Your Mail Courier: 4177x1 BEN RISING Births VANCE-At Stratheona Hospital, Toronto, on December 28, to Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Vance (nee Leona Box), a son. WRIGHT-In Scott Memorial Hospital, Sea - forth, on December 25, • to M.r. and Mrs. Arthur J. Wright (nee Margaret Dale), a son -Blaine Alexander. BENNEWIES-In Scott Memorial Hospital, on December 26, to Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Benneweis, Seaforth, a son. FRIEND -In Stott Memorial Hospital, on December 27, to Mr, and Mrs. Charles Friend. Ddblin, a daughter. ANDERSON -In Scott Memorial Hospital, on December 81. to Mr. '+and Mrs. David An- derson, Londesboro, a son (still born). Deaths- BENNEWEIS-In Scott Memorial Hospital, on December 27, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Benneweis. TYNDALL-In Tuckeramith, on Tuesday, December 30, Edward Henry Tyndall, in his 80th year. FLEURSCHEUTZ-In Seaforth, on Sunday. December 28, Margaret Fleuhscheuta, in her 92nd year. • DOCHERTY-In Norfolk, Virginia, on Satur- day, Dec. 27, Margaret C. Smith, beloved . widow of the late.John G. Docherty, in her 83rd year. WAY -In London, on Thursday, December 25, Charles Casey Way, in his 42nd year. McKILLOP The Late Mrs. D. Regele Mrs. Daniel Regele, formerly Caro- lina Drager, died hi Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, on Wednesday, Dec. 24, after being in hospital for five days. She was born in .McKillop on Feb. 11, 1581, and lived on the farm where Mr. and Mrs. Regele mov- ed to when they were married forty- eight years ago, until 'Mr. Regele died. 15 years ago. Four years later the farm was sold and Mrs. Regele mov- ed to Seaforth. There are two chil- dren to mourn her demise, N� s. Les - le Raplen, of Chicago, and Mr. Gor- don Regele, of Sudbury; also five grandchildren and one great grand- child. One daughter, Vine, died in infancy. The funeral was held at the Evangelical Church on Saturday, Dee. 27, conducted by Rev. G. L. Gross, who took as his text Revela- tIon, 14:13. The Doerr -trio and Mrs. Elmer Koehleh and Leota Hoegy sang special numbers. Burial was in the cemetery adjoining the church. The cemetery were Clarence Reg - le, Harry Regele, Walter Regele, C1iffbyd oegy, Morley Koehler and 1Vorman ggert. There were several sprays' of flowers. •Friends from a distance came from Chicago, Sudbury, 1i21tchell, Stratford, Fullerton, Sea - forth, Brodhagen and Kitchener. Mrs. Andrew Steinacher, of Strat- ford, Mr. and 'Mrs. Wes. Fisher ef, Fullarton, Mr. and Mrs, Alex Stos- kopf . of. Fullerton, Mrs. Rhine Kahle and Shirley of Mitchell visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Koehler on Satur- ay. Mrs. A. J. Huether, •Misses Joy and Dorothy Huether and Mr. Wm. Mis- er, of 1ttorriston, spent the week- olid at the home of Mr. and Mrs. X11 trite 11ggeirt. °Mr, and hire.. , ani Smyth • -and Georges loft Miteheli, rset'e Christmas rYisitors: with *t'. and Mrs. tit*%11. Hoek, Mr. i>ii`m boor , and tinnily Were ollrintnl'axt iiiiktttil^s it the borne of Mr. anti(• Mrs :e 1. rixri Mr. .06 grit 1414 WSW and .04.1drea,, of %Alt, spent the CbrlstInee holidays with his Parents, Mr, and 'Mrs. Wm. HoegY. Mr, and 'Mrs. Carl ,Eisler, and fare- iiy; of Willow Grove, and Mr. and; Mrs. Leslie Weitersen, of Bornholm, spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Henry' Weiter-sea. Mr. Harvey Benneweis; of Kitchen- er, •spent the holidays at his home here. TUCKERSMITH S'.S. No. 3, Tuckersmith, held its annual Christmas concert on Dec. 16, with Rev. E. R. Stanway acting as chairman. There was a good attend- , ante of parents and interested visi- tors. The program was varied and in- teresting and each one played his or her part in an excellent manner. Recitations were given by Bobby Fotheringham, Jack Broadfoot, Nancy Stanway, Bruce Walker, Billie Dallas and Bobby Broadfoot; Ronnie John- ston sang a solo, and there were three dialogues, "The Sick Doll," "Trials of a Teacher" and, 'The 5:15"; -a bunny drill and a •huhnorous action song, "Hiram and Mirandy." The three -act cantata, "The Land of Dreams Come True," was one of the special num- bers. um bers. A pageant, "The, -Christmas Vision," was an inspiring sight. "God Save the King" was sung and Santa Claus arrived' with the numerous gifts. WINTHROP Rev. and Mrs. R. J. Peters spent Christmas in London. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Betties and chil- dren, and Mr. and Mrs, Theron Bet- ties and Bobby spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. R. Grimoli by, Con- stance. Mr. Andrew Montgomery and Ross, of Brantford, spent the week -end at their .11om,e. Mr. and Mrs. 'Adrian Hogg, of Col- lingwood, 'visited with Mr. and Mrs. James Hogg. Miss Hazel Dodds, of Galt, visited at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs, R. C. Dodds. Mrs. Margaret Horne and Donald spent Christmas in Windsor. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Haase, David and Margaret Anne spent Christmas with Mrs. A. Murray, Walton. Misses Doris and Agnes Broadfoot of London, are spending the Christ- mas holidays with Mr. and Mrs. 'Jas. McClure. Mr. and Mrs, Arthur McClure and infant son visited,with Mr. and Mrs. J. M�Clure. Guests with . Mr. and Mrs. Zack Mc- Spadden were Mr. and Mrs. Bert Mc- Spadden and Jackie,- of London; Mr. and Mrs. C. Hawley, Seaforth; Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hawley and MI': and Mrs. W. G. McSpadden, Leslie and Earl. Mr. Gordon Betties, of London, spent Christmas week at his home here. The W,M.S. and W.A. of Cavan Church, Winthrop, will meet on Wed- nesday, Jan. 7, in the schoolroom of the church. Circle 2 will -have charge of the meeting. Mrs. Wm. Mo tgom- ery will take the topic. Will all the members have a complete- report of last year's work? ZION Miss Lettie Lannin,.R.N., Sarnia, visited her brothers, Messrs. Morley and Fergus Lannin, for a few days. Mr, and Mrs. Gorman and "Ella Louise visited on Monday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Herb, Britton and Mr. and Mrs. Albeit Roney spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Tubb. Mr. and Mrs. James Malcolm spent a few days with their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Gor- don. returning home on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Fergus Lannin and family were in Atwood for Christmas with her parents, Mr.' and Mrs. Jas. Broughton. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Gibb, of Chat- ham, hat ham, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Malcolm. M'r. and Mrs. Charles Roney and Carl spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. A•ldon Williams, Munro. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Britton, Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Britton and Mr, Vern Britton visited last Sunday with Mr., and Mrs. King Salton, Mitchell. A Large Crowd of • neighbors and friends attended the golden wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Britton on Sunday. CONSTANCE Miss Donelda Adams, of the staff of the Clinton public school, is spend- ing the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Adams, Mr. and Mrs. Kelso Adams, of Saltford, spent Christmas with Mr. Adams' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Adams. 3AYFIELD Dr. E. P. Lewis, who. spent the holiday season with Mrs. N.' W. Woods, returned to Toronto on Mon- day. He was accompanied home by Mrs. Lewis, Who has spent the past three weeks with Mrs. Woods, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Hovey spent the Christmas holiday in Lucan with Rev. and Mrs. L. Harrison. . Miss Mabel Scotchmer, of Toron- to. is •spending the holiday with Mrs. Robert Scotchm.er. Clarence Larson, of London, is the guest' of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. .Rheney Larson. Mr. Allen Ormond, of Dearborn, Mich., is the gtleet of Mr. and Mrs. H. Mackay this week. , Mr. and Mrs. Harold Weston and 'family, of Detroit, 'arriv'ed: on, Monday! to spend the New Year's holiday with the former's father, Mr, George Wes- ton. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Sturgeon and Miss $sa Sttir eo tt 11 of. Preflton � r . i1iid Mr, and lire; rieti iia Disbatrk; o! t°;xia- tdtr, *two holidtt vfnihor's 'With 'Mr, and Mrs. g Sturg il, fita Mier Maynard didrr1e 'lull den tibirict., ' eiidnt the holiday Siratt'Orl, f" iMr. ap,kt Mr13T. OLtW#ddteirii: OM son, BOby`, of ensall, were esta of Mr -s, N. W. Woods Over the itc11I-' c;aY.. Miss Kathleen Wright, of Toronto,. spent Christmas with Fit, 7./t.., and Mrs. A. Harris and her aunt, Mrs. Dl, A. Volume, Miss Gloria Westlake, of London, spent the holiday with her parents, Mr. and "Mrs. Walter Westlake. Miss Lola Elliott, of Detroit, is spending this week with her mother, Mrs. M. Elliott. Mr. and Mrs, Henry Miller, of Mt. Clemens, Mich., were guests of Mrs. Elliott over Christmas. Mr. Lawrence Fowlie, of London, spent the holiday season with his sisters, Misses F. and E. Fowlie, Mr. and Mrs. A. Furter and sou, William, of London, were guests of Mrs, William Stinson over the Christ- mas season. Mrs. Lulu Burt, Ronald, Howard and Mary Lou Burt and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Baker and family, of London, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Baker over Christmas. Rev. and Mrs. LaVerne 'Morgan and. Karon have returned to the village, where Mr. Morgan has resumed his ministerial duties. Miss Melvena Sturgeon, of London, Is 'spending a few days with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Sturgeon, Malcolm McLeod, who has been salting on the "Cobourg Royal," and John -McLeod, who has been fishing at Erieau, and Mr. and Mrs, Robert Maceod, of Goderich, spent the Chr• turas season with their parents, Mr' and Mrs. Louis MacLeod. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Pruss, of Lon- don, were guests of the latter's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Parker, over the holiday., KIPPEN Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be observed in St. Andrew's Unit- ed Church on Sunday next at 11 am. A large attendance is hoped for. WALTON " Personals: Lorne Dennis, of Moose Jaw,with relatives here; .Donald Wil- son, London, with Mrs. R. W. Hoy; Mr. and Mrs. Crosby Ennis, London, with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ennis; Mr. and Mrs. Pringle, Galt, with friends here; Mrs. Mary Driscoll, Toronto, with Fred and Mrs, Ennis; John 'Ben- nett, Guelph, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Bennett; Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Lawless in London. Moody Holland has disposed of his trucking business here. Ernest Clarke, of Seaforth, spoke in Duff's Church on Sunday, telling of his experience on a mission field in the ,Oanadian West. HENSALL A New Year's Eve dance will be held in the Town Hall, sponsored by the Hensall Girls' Dance Club. Miss Greta Laramie and the girls of her Sunday` School Class gave much enjoyment Tuesday evening when they visited 17 sick and shut-ins and sang carols, and also presented them with Christmas treats. Miss Laramie entertained her • class to tea. In the group were Nita Smith, Shirley Chap- man, Elaine Beer, Betty Armstrong, Marie Boyd, Shirley Flynn, 'Eleanor Cook, Bernice Jinks, Dorothy Mc- Naughton, Peggy Roweliffe, Jean In- gram, Betty Smale, Marlene Petske, and Audrey Walsh. Mr. and Mrs. Gorden Hillbprn, of Mexico City, Mexico, were recent - guests with Mr. and Mrs, Lorne Chap- man, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Shorthouse, Mr. Herb Hedden, `Mr. Russell Redden, Miss Shirley Cornish, Miss Phyllis Case, all of St. Catharines, spent the Christmas holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Whitney Carter, Clinton, and Mrs. C. M. Hedden. Mrs. Hedden returned with them to St. Catharines, where she will spend the winter months with members of her family. Miss Barbara Broadfoot, daughter of Rev:- Tom Broadfoot, 'of Tdronto, while demonstrating a two-day course in Home Economics to the Women's Institute of Crediton, spent the week end with her cousins; Mr., and Mrs. McAllister,+oft 0, Jar Zd*14)r Mr, .and Are, • 144a114,,ig mg,. 1GII, ere spending l}SR11tar .irn Urbane, 111,, ' at the. home 0 their son, Mr. and Mia, Ralph B1'oatt and lit- tle daughter, of Toronto, Mr, and Mrs. Keen Brook, Galt, and kit's, T, Gastitn, Toronto, wore Christmas• guests, with, Rev. and Mrs. R, A: 'Brook at the Manse, Mr, and Mrs. John. Soldan, Patrick, and Michael, of Zurich, were Christ- mas day guests with lar. and Mrs, Harry T. H.offmas and family, Dash- wood - Mr. and Mrs. Jas. A. Paterson spent the Christmas holidays with relatives, in Kitchener and visited with Rev. and Mrs. W. Weir and Freddy at Hespeler. Mr. and Mrs. G. Votb, Gwen and Jimmy, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Simpson and ' Billy and Bobby, of Detroit, were Christmas visitors with Mrs. L. Simp- Son. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Spray and children, of London, spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. E. Geiger. Dr. and Mrs. A. R. Campbell, of Guelph, visited with friends in Hen- sall over 'the week -end and attended the reception for their son and Baugh- ter -in -lay, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Campbell. Mr. and Mrs: J. E. McEwan spent Christmas day with° the Misses. Edith and Lillian McEwan, of London. Mr. and Mrs. James Bonthron spent, Christmas with their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. M. Greer, of London., The Town Hall was packed to ca- pacity Friday evening, Dec. 26, for a reception for Mr. and Mrs. Jim Camp- bell, of Toronto, a recent bridal cou- ple. During the bourse of the evening ,they were presented with a substan- tial purse of money, Ed. Corbett do- ing the honors. Jim, on behalf of himself and his wife, expressed his sincere thanks in a very fitting man- ner. Mrs. Campbell is the former Gwen Cooper, of Kippen, and Jim is a former popular Hensall boy, and a son of Dr. and Mrs, A. R. Campbell, of Guelph. IT IS VITAL TO ELEC TRICIjy isvate Phenomenalgrowth- in Ontario's productive activity creates an all-time record demand for electricity. Until new power stations, now under construction, can be completed PLEASE SAVE ALL THE ELECTRICITY YOU CAN. Do not use electric air heaters or grates. Switch off lights and appliances immediately they are not needed. 847 THE`-HYDR,O-ELECTRIC POWER -Co fillttION OF ONTARIO Mats why we say ITS BEST TO INVEST IN G. F. Goodrich Silvertowns lite sew wider flatter B. F,•Goodrich tread puts more rubber on the road to share the wear. This greater contact area mans more grip Cin winter roads, Tess skidding and better dropping. Equip your car with 0. F. Goodrich Silver - towns and get better mileage, maximum traction and greater safety. FOR THE 0.00x.16/SIZE hoose ]h'. F. Goodrich baneries for your car, barb, bus or tradmt and be sere of long, .dependable service. , KELLAND'S TIRE AND BATTER'S Phone 248 t: Seaforth BeECTOOdrieh FIRST IN Ru ivR •lxfie,u.i'stl ' . ...,. voti Mlyin. esnor0 *f;rf r , . a Ztay'd r. s 4ore and 'fe'`zuily, of Delhi; - Mr. and Zri rs A,, Passmore anti falnlly A Thaler; Rev,. and Mrs Robt• Passmore, New Ycrk; Itxr, and Mrs. Z,rorino Elder and Kenny, Hamilton; Mr. and Mrs. Ken PrifirMore, Ransil, ten, and Mr. and Mrs.•.Carl Passmore, Ronald and $orn1a,; oaf Heiman.. In the recentrabbit drive near Hen - sail, some 60 hunters bagged 26 shack rabbits, and Lloyd Venter and Dave Birk shot two red. foxes. The drive was held on the ,farm of Geo. Steph- enson, of Hillsgreen. Mr, and Mrs, D. H. Peacock and. Terry, . of Aylmer, Quebec, spent Christmas with Mrs. Grace Harpole, Mrs. Peacock's mother. ,Campbell - Cooper Rev. G,' C. Pidgeon, D.D., perform- ed the ceremony at Bloor St. United Church, Toronto, on Saturday, Dec. 20, when Gwendolyn Irene, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Cooper, Kippers, became the bride of James Ramsay Campbell, son of. Dr. and Mrs. A. R. Campbell, Guelph;' and formerly of Hensall. The lovely bride• was eharming in a powder blue dress with feather hat to match, black ac- cessories and a corsage of pink ros- es. Attending her sister, Elaine Coop- er, $ippen, wore a royal blue dress with 'black accessories and a corsage of pink ,roses. William Campbell, brother of the groom,, was best gran. Dinner was served at the Hearthstone and a reception was held for` "the bridal party at the Royal York Hotel. Funeral service was Held here for John McLean. A life-long resident of this community; he was in his 86tH year. He is survived by two daugh-. ters and five sons: Melvin, of Port Dalhousie; Robert, Glen and Lloyd, of Hensall; Ross, of Detroit; Mrs. Oliver Roweliffe, of Hensell; Mrs. ILar416 1 I(T�e W4t***r ',OOP n ,I6 �!' #4i Q •erei . *4*. , .rA�y .7.a, 139t1r_. F'pnerad H*me P 1 #t+ 4''P°14. 'lnteriaeot was i> H all '!Citron, d peter The aeOlee was caitll nisch . b9 Rev, :It.A, book,.' oC' Ie4#44Uopite4 . . •'Cbllreb the. .palter+ were 4140 grandone Qte17 . andIiapn, 'MG- i.,ean':ot-'oxt-DalhOU0, 'a* M'4Lea of Detroit,-.Wi'lliaj, :McLean OttBre' ter, lien Mdl.elrn, pf I tinea 1' 40 '401 Rowfsliffe Of.:leRsatl, Mr. and :Mrs.. Tanis 4ovo sem.. Nancy and '30yce Pherxetl',', of 'Olir'oa Michigan, spent :Coals' '- With gr. 'and Mrs. J.. E. 101.0W %. , Mr. and- Mrs- a'. B. hell, and lion' aid and Mr. and Mrs. Egerdene,' of London;. 'and Mr. and' Mrs: Nelstnxt Pfaff spent Christmas : with Mr. ands Mrs. John, Pfaff and family. Flowers ORDER YOUR ' _COR,SAGE for the New Year's Party - from - Ba�ley's Phone 393 - Seaforth To the Ratepayers of McKillop At the request of a number of ratepayers I have agreed to stand as Councilor and request the vote and influence of the ratepayers of Mc- Killop , at the election January 5th. JEREMIAH DOERR To the Ratepayers of McKillop • Your support and in- fluence is requested to ensure my re-election as a Councillor in the Township of McKillop. • FRANK KIRKBY To the Ratepayers of McKillop As a candidate for • the Council of the Township of McKillop at the elections on Mon- day, I respectfully re- quest your vote and in- fluence ALBERT SIEMON To the Ratepayers of McKillop Having been nomin- ated as Councillor for the Township of McKie - lop, and having permit- ted my name to be plac- ed on the ballot, I re- spectfully request, _the, vote and influence of each .McKillop voter. WILSON LITTLE To the Ratepayers of McKillop Having served you as Councillor for a num- ber of years, I have ' now agreed to allow my name to be placed on the ballot for Reeve. I respectfully request your vote and influence at the polls on Monday. DANIEL BEUERMAN To the , Ratepayers of ,McKillop Having been a mem-, ber of the Council for the past three years, I again request the vote and influence of the ratepayers of McKillop at the forthcoming municipal elections. Wishing all the com- pliments of the season. MATT MURRAY To the Ratepayers of McKillop Having be a Coun- cillor for the past three years in McKillop, am now asking for your confidence in me as Reeve at the forthcom- ing municipal elections. 'Molding oldng you the conx;- plim nts of. the season. To the Ratepayers of McKillop At the request of a number of ratepayers, I have consented to stand for election to Council; and respectfully request the vote and in- fluence of the citizens of McKillop at the elec- tions next Monday. HARVEY McILLWAIN To the Ratepayers of McKillop I ask you for your suuiport at the Polls oft January 5th, as Council- lor. If elected I will at- tend to your business as if it were my own. I ad- vocate economy, pro- gress and co-operation. - Wishing you the com- pliments of the season, I am, Yours faithfully, W. EARL MILLS To the Ratepayers of McKillop Having been request- ed by many ratepayets to stand for Council, I have decided- to permit my name to go on the ballot. - I respectfully request 'the support andillflu a'ail- ' ence of . all ratepayers of the. Township. %IAMBS score 7'. al 6 a R •j ] 5 • r - • t m. A At