HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1947-12-26, Page 611! . DECE BER 26, 147 )(ROSIT' TO eite and &IL We WISit YOU th, Merrieat Christ011ie eve r WAtb• a liappy New Year to COMA. • CHRISTIE'S MEAT MARKET Phone 58 SeaOrtb. 14, It is with great pleasere that 'Ire extend our best wishes to all for a happy Yuletide. GILLESPIE'S Cleaners 8z Dyers Phone 196 Serfortit With eaeh beautiful note of the Organ as it peals forth Christmas muale, goes our best for a Hap- py, Happy Yuletide. CECIL LEMON TAXI Phone 162 Seaforth Santa's headiag in your direction with -wishes from es for a glor- ius arid' joyous Yuletide. BORDEN BROWN GENERAL MERCHANT Kirkham Ontario Bless this house, 0 Lord we pray, Make it safe by night -and day; Bless these walls, so firm and stout, Keeping want and trouble out; • Bless theroof and chimneys tal, Thy peace lie over all; 131 s this door, that it 'May prove Ever open to joy and love. •P -1•4t. • • Bless thesenOws shining height, Letting In God's lieaWnry light; Bless this hearth ablazing there, • With smoke ascending like a prayer: Bless the folk who dwell within, Keep them pure and free from sin; 13less us all that we may be Oh Lord, to dwell with Thee. Bless us all that one day we May dwell, Oh Lord, with Thee. H. E. SMITH INSURANCE Phone 122 Seaforth May the warm glow of yule log burning in your fireplace be sym- bolic of our warm wishes for the Yuletide and the New Year. THOMPSON'S BOOK STORE Phone 181 : Seaforth May the holiday seaSein and the New Year be filled with joy and serenity for you. GREEN FRONT DEPARTMENT STORE Main Street..• Seaforth It's holiday joy 'to wish you one, to wish you all, the Merriest Christmas you've ever enjoyed— the Happleat New Year in all the World. May all your dreams come true. ART WRIGHT & STAFF GROCER, -Phone /7 Seaforth greetings to one and all. Orir nrigereitt wiShes for a Merry litistOs and for ilappineSt‘ ' Praaperity thibed e year, TASTY GRILL stsadorth 1 The chant of Christmas carols carry our good wishes to all for a happy, happy Yuletide. W. D. SMITH GROCERIES Phone 12 Seaforth May this Christmas be the mer- riest ever — your every wish ful- filled. J. E. KEATING THE REXALL DRUG STORE Phone 28 Seaforth Like falling snowflakes, our every wish for you is different one— but they all add up to a beauti- ful, joyous Christmas. M. E. CLARKE RED STAR GASOLINE & OILS Phone 146 • Seaforth The sweet notes of Christmas Carols echo our wishes to you this glorious Yuletide. A Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! SEAFORTH CREAMERY • -4. COMPANY Phone 80 : Seaforth The bells ring out our bright and happy wishes to one and all this glorious Yuletide. MAPLE LEAF DAIRY Phone 201 Seaforth For each snowflake that kisses your cheek we send you a good wish for a Christina S of joy and a Happy New Year. J. BO AW & SONS Phone 397 SeafOrth Season's Greetings and wishing one and all a Very Merry Christ- mas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year. JOSEPH T. HUGILL CARPENTER & CONTRACTOR • SEAFORTH We're bursting With good wishes for you this wonderful Holiday. ere's to a gay, tinkling, light- hearted Christmas and New Year! WRIGHT & ItOWCLIFIFE 4.LiAdn PIMA) 267 Seaforth THANK YOU For your continued patronage through the year, we THANK YOU! AND A MERRY CHRISTMAS: BEATTIE BROS. May your Holidays be as bright as our Christmas lantern—that's our wish for you. SEAFORTH SUPPLY & FUEL, LTD. Phone 47 Seaforth For a Merrier Christmas; here are 'w1e11, 'Ptere Tor 40a1th. HaPPiness and. Properity. BOX FURNITURE STORE FliNFRAL SERVICE PHONES: / Night 237-J or 18 Day 43 reeldtprei (we, Our greeting to you kis short, simple, but sincere. Merry Christ mas — Happy New Year. WILLIARD ELLIOTT Quick Lunch Blain Street • Seaforth •Our wishes for the most glorious Christmas ever and for a New - Year filled widi health, happiness sod Prosperity 'are unlimited. T. PRYDE 8z SON MEMORIAL CRAFTSMEN Seafortn Exeter , Clinton D'x Santa has expressednr,,eenti- ments exactly: A Merry Owlet- mas and a Happy New Year to all!. J. J. CLEARY Phone 117 : Seaforth Videiorg bee • Merry Christmas to all our friends —near and far—we wish the sea- son's best. Good health, happiness and a year of prOperit. NORMAN SCOINS CLEANERS & DYERS Phone 242 • • • Seaforth Just as the snowdrifts embank year home, may Happiness and Success pile high this Christmas and throughout the New Year! INA GRAY Beauty Shop Phone 669 Seaterth The tree in the window symboliz. es all that's beautiful about Christmas—including our sincere wishes for your happiness. HURON FEEDS LTD. GEORGE KRUSE, Mgr. Phone 664 r 33 : Seaforth Into every chimney of every, home—we're dropping a Christ- mas package of _best Yuletide wishes for everyone. LEE'S TA.XI Phone 128 Seaforth rahristnas 412 giteefings Our wishes for you this Christ- mas are as bright as the stir- • dusted candles that light up your tree. W. J. FINNIGAN & SON EGM6NDVILLE The very best of healh; happi- ness unbounded; much prosperity are the very best wishes we know this happy Yuletide season, R. K. DAVIDSON Welding Shop & Service Station WINTHROP The happy voices of children lift- ed up in Christmas carols sing out the good wishes in our hearts for you this glorious Christmas, SCOTT HABKIRK • For every star i' the sky we have a Christmas wish for you . wishes for happiness, health and prosperity everlasting, SHINEN'S Dry Goods, Ready -to -Wear Main Street • Seaforth May the Yuletide lantern glim- mer with MIS of untoanded joy and contentMept on ' Christmas and daring the, New Year. F Ig..4G PLUMBING & ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Phone 19 • Seaforth SUPERTEST SERVICE STATION Phone 226-W Seaforth Ever bright is the Star of Bethle- hem. Ever bright is our wish for you; for the most joyous Christmas ever. G. D. FERGUSON I-IARDWARE Phone 61 Seaforth Iglert57Pir I' — .•••••••••• May the glowing lights of Christ- mas shine 'upon you all' theyear long with joy and prosperity. WRIGHT & LEYBURN TRUCKING Phone 283-J • Seaforth At this glorious, time of the year we want to take time out to wish one and all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. SEAFORTH PUBLIC • UTILITY COMMISSION 1 • • The hells ring out their iriehidiouS greetings for all far and near. WALKER ELECTRIC Phone 95 • Seaforth 41,4 ,,,14-11p14111,4 11174,1111/11 11111114,,,,,.11111. An abundance of Health, Hap- piness and Good Cheer is our Christanas wish to you and min! GORDON MeGAVIN COG*SH'UTT IMPLEMENTS PhOne 831 r 26 Settforib Greetings from us to Yott along with our sincere thanks for your patronage ;this past year. We extend our best vviahet for a Merry Christmas — a Happy New Year. SEAFORTH FARMERS CO-OPERATIVE Produce Division CLAIM MPH, Manager Phalle 13 Seaforth We extend to you every good wiala for a joyous Christmas and a Very Happy New Year, J. A. WESTCOTT JEWELLER Main Street • Seaforth Happy holiday to all. Our sincer- est wishes for a Christmas filled with poy—for a New Year filled with happiness, health, prosper- ity. GORDON McGONIGLE GROCERIES' Phone 166 Seaforth • Best wishes for a wonderful Christmas and a joyous New Year! Our thanks, too, for your appreciated patronage. W. G. WILLIS Phone 11 Seaforth Our chubby little Snowman is rolling over to your door to wish you the gayest, happiest Christ- mas season. COMMERCIAL HOTEL ROY DUNG -EY, Prop. Phone 227Seaforth • It's always a pleasure for us to wish everyone of our friends a Christmas ard New Year filled to overflowing with happnes. SEASON'S GRIta..1 MOS ! JACK'S REPAIR To all our friends go our wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. ISAAC HUDS6 N Phone 168 Seaforth Mr, Snowman joins us la wishing one and all the,Merriest Christ- xdas ever and a Happy New Yeast H. K. FINLEY DECORATOR Phone 145 • Seaforth • Everyone loves Christmas and we all eagerly wish each other well during this jovial season. To you from us — a Merry Christ- mas and a Happy New Year, DALY'S Phone 102 Seaforth To our many patrons and friends we extend our sincere good wish- es for continued health and hap- piness for the holiday season. JOHN BACH Phone 17 Seaforth May you enjoy to the fullest a truly old-fashioned Christmas— is the best wish we know. Good cheer, good health to you and yours. WHYTE'S BUTCHER SHOP Phone 96 : Seaforth. A wealth of Health, Happiness and Prosperity is our wish for all our friends. HAASE CHOPPING MILL WINTHROP Phone 832 r 11 : Seafortb, To every home . . . to every- body from great -grandpa down to the new baby — a wonderful Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. SMITH'S SHOE STORE Phone 97 • Seaforth May the musical bells of Christ- mas resound with peals of joY and happiness for you ani yours this holiday Season and through- ' - out the entire New Year. WILLIAM AMENT Phone 52 Seaforth re' r To one and all we extend our wishes for a better than ever Christmas with a glorious New Year to come! SEAFORTH BEAUTY SALON Phone 157 Seaforth We're brimming over with en- thusiasm in wishing you the very best of Christmases and a jovial, light-hearted New ,Year! SEAFORTH PRODUCE LTD. Phone 170-W : Seaforth Along with the gifts tumbling out of your stocking are our many good wishes for a Merry Christ- mas and a Happy New Year. McKINDSEY'S DRUG STORE - Phone 111 , Seaforth The best wish you can think of to wish is that all your dreams come true . . . and have a Merry Christmas! E. C. CHAMBERLAIN INSURANCE - REAL ESTATE Phone 334 Seaforth Sparkling es the star-studded winter skies . .• sincere as your gift-aden tree are our wishes to one and all for a Merry Christ- mas and a Happy New Year. HAROLD JACKSON AUCTIONEER Phone 661 r 14 : Seaforth To all go our best wishes for a Christmas, filled with all your dreatns come true and for a New Year filled with fun and gladness. R. J. SPROAT GROCERIES Phone 8 • • Seaforth The bells ring out their special greeting of joy and happiness for everyone this holiday season, VOGUE BEAUTY SALO MISS GRACE SCOTT Phone 31 Seaforth We've sent Santa yOur Way with his Sack full of beet Whales for wondeful Christmas season. SSEMI3LY BiLtIARDS LE, 1W. Pilate 128 `" Our wishes for your health, hap- piness and prosperity are unlimit- ed. May you have an extra Share of all things good this coming year. 4 SAVAUGg'S JEWELLER & OPTOMETRIST In the good -old-fashioned sense of the word — may You have a rollicking, gay Christmas a *Ions New Year. Phone 194 Seaforth KIDDIES' SHOP ELEANOR WILSON OOLENA McOlJAIG SHAPORTH q47.10°' Good old St. Melt is bringing Y01.1 our message of . Unbminded Joy this glorious Chritittlnas. A. W. DUNLOP GARAGE Phone 246 Seaforth Prom the bottom of our hearts we wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year B. W. HART • seAronTH • - , We always look forward to this time of year when we have the opportunity to wish you all a Merry Christmas, a Happy New Year, and to thank you sincerely for your appreciated patronage. GORDON MUEGGE FLOOR SANDING' Phone 331-W • Seaford'. We extend to you and yours the joys and good wishes of the sea- son! BAILEY FLORIST SEAFORTH and EXETER • We wish to extend our personal greeting and to wish one and all the Merriest Christmas and Hap- piest New Year ever. P. J. DORSEY Phone 23 Seaforth '1.1(911- 140-¢awy Santa's -back with a fuller pack of Christmas cheer. Ali good things to you and yours. SEAFORTH WELDING & MACHINE SHOP KEN CAMPBELL Phone 1228 Seaforth Much joy and happiness is our wish to all this glorious Yuletide season. DR. J. 0. TURNBULL V.S. Seaforth Phone 105 May your home be filled with the Christmas spirit; may your hearts he filled with good cheer and may your every dream come true this happy holiday. REG. KERSLAKE FLOUR & FEED Phone 6 Seaforth May the bells of Christmas ring out their tune of joy and happi- ness for you and yours this holi- day season and all through the New Year. C. W. MONSIDE SEAFORTH We extend to joys and- good son! THE *AR CAFE you and yours the wishes Of the sea - THOS. CHONG, Prop. We wish to extend to one and all sincere wishes for a happy holi- day and our heartfelt thanks for your considerate patronage. REGIER'S TRANSPORT Phone 167 Sea.forth Gay with, sincerity and, brightness are our gala Christmas wishes for you and yours. May this Holiday be the finest ever. May your New Year be the happiest in, all the world. SCOTT POULTRY FARM Phone 851 r 32 : Seaforth 13"r wisgEs MERRY CHRISTMAS We ettend our Most heart -felt wishes to one and all for a Christ- mas and New Year • . Un- precedented in joy and wish-ful- tilltheti J. W. MODELAND ELECTRICIAN Phone 660 r 4 : Seigorth