HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1947-12-19, Page 8pf TIE WATCHWOID 1e• {MUNE Mudern btaalf and Accuracy Y17J5 j vocal duet 'was sung by Shirley Ben NEWS T i....;.TOWN ! nett and Marjorie Iiaekwell, accom- panied ,by Elva Si oldie° qn. the piano. Np. rthslde Y. P, U, Meets.—The Y. P. U held a social recently with Wal- ton Y.P.U. being the guests and tak- ing the business part of the meeting, The program opened •by singing Hymn 194, followed by the Scripture and prayer by Rev. Hazlewood, A TO PRESERVE YOUR CAR . . . Preserve Its Surface PAINT YOUR CAR... To restore that new -car beauty and sleekness. To save its precious sheetmetal from ruin- ous rust. WE ARE EQUIPPED TO HANDLE A N Y PAINT JOB, CAR OR TRUCK, EXPERTLY AND PROMPTLY. Seaforth Motors Chevrolet- Oldsmobile Sales & Service Phone 141 - Seaforth Alt4 aleareama haot, te#6,-fieo‘eir DOLL BUGGIkS TRICYCLES TRIKE TRAILERS CARD TABLES BRIDGE SETS from $1.85 to $21.35 HASSOCKS Various Shapes and Colors Immediate delivery. Sunshine RtANGETTES Box Furniture Store FUNERAL SERVICE PHONES: DAY 43 NIGHT 2374 or 18 :ORDER YCUR Xmas Turkey. EARLY PRICES SAME AS LAST YEAR These delicious home-grown Turkeys are in all sizes—are dressed—and will be deliver- ed Charges Prepaid. WRITE OR PHONE HARRY McLEOD PHONE 660 r 21 SEAFORTH, ONTARIO Repeat 1947 Egg Production In 1948 (Excerpt from Department•of Agriculture weekly report, Dec. 12, 1947) A RECOMMENDATION OF THE DOMINION- - , PROVINCIAL CONFERENCE This means the purchase of the same number of Chicks at the same time, or earlier, than last year. While export contract negotiations are not completed, the Domin- ion Government has given assurance that Board egg prices will b brought more in line with increased feed costs. This adjustment to apply after Feb. 1 next. PLACE ORDERS NOW FOR EARLY CHICKS Scott Polltry Farms now 1 booking— R.O.P. SIRED BARRED ROCKS CROSS BREDS IN RED X ROCK SUSSEX X RED RED X SUSSEX At Last Years Prices if ordered before' January 1st 14 1,82 iultry Farm 'SEAFOTP y. ONTO Hymn 27 was sung, followed by the topic by Mavis Storey. The meeting 'was clos4d with the benediction. A social evening followed, games being played and a delicious lunch served. • Announcement.—The engagement is announced of :Gwendolyn Irene, daughter of Mr.. and Mrs. W. R. Cooper, of Kippen, to James Ramsar Campbell, son of Dr. and Mrs. A. R. Campbell, of Guelph, the marriage to take place at B1oor Street 'United Church, Toronto, on Dec. 20. Clinton Man Dies Here.—Stricken with a heart attack while calling at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Dale, James Street, early Wednesday after- noon, Charles Ernest Rozell, Clinton salesman,' passed away almost immed- iately. Mr. Rozell, who was in his 65th year,. was well known in Sea - forth. Northside United Churches -Rev. H. V. Workman, Minister: 10 a m., Sun- day School; 11 a:m., Christmas Wor- ship; subject, "Unto Ua a Child b Born"; the Sacrament` of Infant Bap- tism; music by. Senior and Junior Choirs; 7 p.m., Christmas music by our Senior and Junior Choirs; brief Christmas Message. (Remember the extra Christmas Gift envelope). Wel- come to these services: Anglican.—Dec. 21: Fourth Sunday in Advent: St. Thomas', Seaforth- 10 a.m., Sunday School; 11 a.m., Morn- ing Prayer; 7 p.m., Evening Prayer. St. Mary's, Dublin -3 p.m., Regular Church Service. (St. Mary's Annual Christmas Service will be held ' on Dec. 28, the Sunday after Christmas, with Holy Communion at 3 Pm.). Christmas lay Services At St• Thomas' Church. -8.30 a.m. Holy Com- munion (Plain) ; 11 a.m., Holy Com- munion (Choral), with an address. St. Thomas' S. S. Christmas Party, Friday., Dec. 19, at 6.30 p.m.—Rector, Rev. C. F. L. Gilbert, B.A. Tuesday Night Club Has Christmas Party.—Rev. and Mrs. R. H. Williams were host and hostess on Tuesday evening for the Christmas party of the Tuesday Night Club, when there I was a good attendance. Plans were discussed for the candlelight service to be held in the church on Sunday evening next, and a committee ap- pointed to make arranguments about a play. Following the business per- iod Miss P. Patterson read a Christ- mas story after which a number of guessing contests were held. A de- licious lunch was served, after which Mrs. W. J. Thompson spoke a few pleasing remarks and Miss Alice Reid presented Mr. and Mrs. Williams with a goose. St. Thomas' .Ladies' Guild Meets.— The eetsThe Ladies' Guild of St. Thomas' Church held its Christmas meeting on Tuesday at the home of Mrs. H. Col- bert. Nine members were present, and Mrs. G. McGavin, the president. opened the meeting with reading of the Gospel for St. Thomas' Day, fol- lowed by prayers for the parish and parish workers and the Lord's Prayer in unison. In the' absence of the sec- retary, Miss Holmes read the min- utes of the last meeting, which were accepted. The treasurer reported $201.14 proceeds from the bazaar. Business closing the year's work and a contest completed the program. Re- freshments were served and a vote of thanks was moved by Miss D. Parke to the hostess. The annual meeting and election of officers for 1948 will he held at the Rectory at 2.30 o'clock on the second Tuesday in January. • Northside W. M. S. Meets. — On Thursday a goodly number of mem- bers and visitors were present at the December meeting of the United Church V.M.S. Auxiliary, The 'first thing to attract attention was the table at the front of -the room. At the centre lay the open English. Bible and on either side and behind were candles, which were lighted by mes- sengers telling of the Christmas story being given not only to the Eng- lish-speaking people, but also given to the Indians, the Chinese, the Jap- anese, the Africans, in fact to all peoples round the world. Mrs. Law- son, the president, opened the meet- ing arid attended to routine and, other business. The new slate of officers for 1948 was presented by the nom- inating cgmmittee and accepted: Past president, Mrs. H. V. Workman; presi- dent, Mrs. Roy Lawson; 1st vice-pres., Mrs. Montgomery; 2nd vice-pres., A. C. Lawrence; recording sec., Mrs. A. L. Porteous; corresponding sec., Mrs. Kaine; treas., Miss A. Fergu- son; Christian Stewardship. Mrs. J. Finlayson; Literature sec., Mrs. F. Harburn; Community Friendship sec., Mrs. Aikenhead, Miss' A. C. Lawr- Special Train Service ALSO Changes in Train Service Account Christmas and New Year's There will be certain changes in train service between December 23rd and January 1st. Consult your local C.N.R. Agent for full particulars. CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS DAN(E Auspices of Kippen East Institute HENSALL HALL MON, DEC. 29th Flanigan's Orchestra Ladies please provide Lunch Ladies' Lucky Lunch Ticket. Dancing starts at 9 p.m. ADIVIISSION 50c ;r' ence; A, seooiate Helpers seo,, -Mrs. J. Barran; temperance sec„ Mrs. A. Mc- Quaig; Missionary Monthly, sec„ Mrs. Glew, Miss Somerville; supply sec., Mrla, Cuthill; Baby Band sec., Mrs. Storey; " Watch Tower, Mrs. Hay; pianists, Mrs. Workman and Airs. Lawrence; finance comtpittee, • Mrs. Lawson, Miss Ferguson, Mrs. Finlayson, press see., Mrs. G. Eaton; , auditors, Mrs. Glew and Miss Somer- ville. The worship service was con- ducted by Mrs. Glew and those assist- ing her were Mrs. Barber, Mrs. Bar- ron, Miss Somerville, Mrs. Pollard, Miss Wallace and Miss Ferguson, Af- 1 ter the regular meeting the executive met and, appointed leaders for the Circles and rearranged the groups for 1948. Death of Mrs. Hugh McLachlan.— The death occurred at her home in Eg- mondville on Saturday of Minnie R. Martin, beloved wife of Mr. Hugh Mc- Lachlan, following a three weeks' ill- ness. Mrs. McLachlan was born in Tuckersmith, the daughter.of the late Mx-. and Mrs. James Martin, 'and was in her 72nd year. She was married on June 2, 1914, to her now bereaved husband. She is also survived by two CHRISTMAS TREES Also have some POTTED PLANTS and Mixed Pans These are designed for Christmas BAKER'S GREENHOUSE S£A.FORTI-I Recptiou will be held in • Winthrop Hall TUESDAY, DEC. 23rd for Mr. and Mrs. ROES McDonald (newly-weds) Everybody Welcome PLEASE BRING LUNCH ANNUAL Christmas MITCHELL TOWN HALL Thursday ti DEC. 25th RON PEARCE and the MELODY MASTERS • TAXI SERVICE ALL, PASSENGERS INSURED Phone 162 — Seaforth CECIL J. LEMON 411111111311111011111116, Beattie Was ers (Gasoline or Electric) ARE ARRIVING REGULARLY Place yeyr order now for early delivery. BORDEN BROW N GENERAL STORE Phone 841 r 2 - Kinburn PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW FOR Fl� wers Cyclamens Begonias Poinsettas - Azaleas Cherry Trees - Mixed Pans CHOCOLATES CANDIES NUTS CIGARETTES TOBACCOS CHRISTMAS CAKES SHORT BREAD COOKIES ICE CREAM PIES AND BRICKS FROZEN FOODS Peas, Corn, Strawberries and that DELICIOUS WHITE CLOVER '3READ CRICH'S Phone 34 - Seaforth SATURDAY, DEC. 20 Caydno's Hall, Seaforth Introducing— ROSS PEARCE & HIS MUSIC Dancing at 9 p.m. ADMISSION 50 --CENTS sisters, Mrs. Lew Tebbutt, of Sea- forth, eaforth, and Mrs. Wi},� am Luff, of Ham ilton. Mr., and Mt McLachlan lived in Hibbert.Towns ip and later in Stanley Township following their mar- riage,- retiring seven years ago to Egmondville where they have resided since, Mrs. McLachlan was a faith- ful member of First Presbyterian Church and a member of 'the Wo- men's Missionary Society. The fun- eral was held Tuesday at 2 pm. from her late residence in Egmondville, with Rev. R. H. Williams officiating. The- pallbearers were Messrs. A. 0. Routledge, W. D. Smith, Nelson Keys, George Coleman, John Watson and Thos. Robinson. Interment was in Maitlandbank cemetery. Death of Mrs. Thomas Johnstone.— The sudden death of Mrs. Thomas Johnstone, which occurred in Scott Memorial Hospital on Saturday, was a shock to her many friends and rela- tives. Mrs. Johnstone was partially asphyxiated in her home the week be- fore and this was followed by pneu- monia, from which she did not rally. She was born in Lucan, but came with h'er parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Bowland, to Egmondville, where she lived until her ,marriage. She is sur- vived by her husband and two daugh- ters, Mrs. J. G. Dillaue, Hamilton, and Miss Mary Johnstone, of Seaforth, and a sister, Miss Ann Bowland, of Egmondville. A daughter, •Mrs. Don- ald McLaren, lost her life in a fire at Red Lake in 1945. Mrs. Johnstone was a faithful worker in St, Thomas' Anglican Church, of which she was a member. The funeral, which was private, was held on Monday after- noon from her late residence, North Main Street, with Rev. C. F. L, Gil- bert officiating. The pallbearers were J. A. Case, H. G. Meir, J. P. Bell, Thos. Jackson, John McKay and J. E. Willis. Interment was in Maitland - bank cemetery. LOCAL BRIEFS • Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cudmore and daughter, Miss Nancy, of Wallace - burg, spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. J. F. Reid. • Mr. and Mrs. Russel A. Walter, of Dundas, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Willis. • Mrs. John Gordon, of McKillop, underwent a successful goitre opera- tion in Scott Memorial Hospital last week. • Mr. Arnold Lamont, of Hamilton, is a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Murdie. • Messrs. Harold Jackson and H. Glenn, Hays were in Toronto last week. • • Mrs. Sam Hannah had the mis- fortune to fall and break her collar- bone. • Mr. W. E. Southgate spent the week -end in Woodstock visiting the Rev. J. H. Geoghegan. • Miss Dianne Jean Lemon,, of London, is visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. David Lemon. • Mr. Dawson Reid, of Guelph, spent the week -end with his mother, Mrs, J. F. Reid. • Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Bechtel will spend Christmas in Kitchener. • Mr, Fred Beattie, who has been occupying the residence his mother, the late Mrs. James Bea le, left on Tuesday for Ottawa where he will spend the winter. • Miss Mildred Johnstone and Dr. J. G. Dillane, of Hamilton, were here this week attending . the funeral of the late Mrs. Thomas Johnstone'. • Mr. and Mrs, David Simpson and daughter. of Stratford visited Mr. William Cudmore on Sunday, who is in Scott '.Memorial Hospital. • Mrs. Robert Dickey and Miss Al- ma Dickey, of London, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Amos Corby. Mrs. Cor- by has been under the, doctor's care tor the past week. • Miss Marion McGavin and Miss Margaret Tucker, nurses -in -training at Stratford General Hospital, were week -end guests of Mr. ani Mrs. Geo. McGavin. 1. • Miss Jean McMaster, of Hamil- ton General Hospital, spent a few. days at the home of her parents, Dr. and Mrs. E. A. McMaster. • Mrs. James Devereaux -is visiting her brother, P. P. Lennon and Mrs. Lennon, in Montreal. • Mr. John Spurr, who has been spending some time in,British Colum- bia, is visiting his sister, Mrs. A. Y. McLean, and Mr. McLean, (ADDITIONAL LOCAL ON PAGE 5) TAXI Passengers Insured PHONE 128, Seaforth LEE'S NOTICE SINCE CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEARS Fall on Thursday WE WILL SHIP HOGS ON THE PREeEDING TUESDAY IN EACH OF TIIE TWO WEEKS Wright & Leyburn Phone 283-W. - Seaforth NOW PLAYING, WITH ALL. -SCAR G.AST •-- THURS., FBI„ SAT. " ABIE'S IRISH ROSE " with MICHAEL CHEKOV ' JOANNE DRU RICHARD NORRIS A Bing Crosby Production—The most beloved story of Youth and Love —It is without a'doubt the most Riotously Romantic Hit in Pictures! Don't miss this Comedy Classic! DOUBLE FEATURE — MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY rn "BOOMERANG" with DANA ANDREWS and JANE WYATT rt actually happened• a number of years ago, and today remains on the books of the Police, an unsolved murder. TheArgis of the scenario is taken from an article•in Reader's Gigest. AND " THE WALCOTT - LOUIS FIGHT " IN TECHNICOLOR -.— NEXT THURb$AY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY " THUNDER IN THE VALLEY " with LON McCALLISTER and PEGGY ANN GARNER Based on the novel, "Bob, Son of Battle," by Alfred &liivent. Coining: "WINTER WONDERLAND" with LYNNE ROBERTS - CHARLES DRAKE ROYAL WEDDING PICTURES Thursday, Friday and Saturday — December 25th, 26th and 27th r r:=Pr-' F rr :.r t r rr. r; r 'r: ,r r- r r; re r: 'rere re r,:' CHESTERFIELD SUITES SOFA BEDS and STUDIO COUCHES BEDROOM SUITES LAZY BOY and COGSWELL CHAIRS BREAKFAST ROOM SUITS TRI -LIGHT LAMPS TORCHAIRE LAMPS - TABLE LAMPS PINUP and BED LAMPS COFFEE. TABLES OCCASIONAL CHAIRS OCCASIONAL TABLES MAGAZINE RACKS WOOL BLANKETS CHENILLE BEDSPREADS METAL BEDS SPRING AND SPRING -FILLED MATTRESSES AXMINSTER RUGS 9x12 and 7'/2x9 •• : CEDAR CHESTS CORNER CUPBOARDS MIRRORS—Ail sizes and shapes ' Give Home Furnishings For Christmas G. A. WHITNEY FURNITURE , FUNERAL SERVICE Day 119 Phones: Nights and Sundays 65 SEAFORTH — ONTARIO +}i :'rf ; ' 1; N i ; r i (, r, i .• Jr -4k r}; }i 44i x i w1i r.E. w i Ali vrli < �•, -... S. K . -,' •-'4 7 . ,. - "r. `S. ,. S... ,. , 4 , "Y. ,. Si. -- 4' „ S- First Presbyterian Church Seaforth, Ontario Christmas Sunday, December • 21, 1947 10 a.m.—The Sunday School: The girls and boys are asked to bring their White Gifts. 11 a.m.—PUBLIC WORSHIP: "The Christmas Message" CHOIR—"Christians, Awake! Salute the Happy 1loi.: " SOLO—"Selected" Miss Marion Mason. 7 p.m.—PUBLIC WORSHIP: Carol and Candlelight Service with the Senior and Junior Choirs and Members of the Sunday School participating. This will be one of the outstanding services of the year, Plan to be present! w}, r t r}i SDN w} ,.'• i,t+4 Y;e• .?" )731„46,..• ON HAND -1 car of Cedar -2" x 4" to12"", and 3" x 14" to 12"— Lenths 8' to 22'. SPRUCE—In 1 and 2 -inch, all widths and lengths; also a car of tongued and grooved spruce, 5, 6, 7 and 8 -inches wide. PEELED CEDAR POSTS—Straight, and in good sizes. CEDAR GRAIN SHINGLES—Dover White and Grey,, Famous Johns - Manville siding. INSULATION—Loose or by the carton. Reclaimed. Cedar Shingles. go. 1 Red Band XXXXX Cedar Shingles. PLYWOOD -1/s, 3/16, and 1/4 -inch, various sizes. BEAVERBOARD AND FLEIXBOARD HARDWALL PLASTER ROLL ROOFING SASHES AND DOORS LIME ASPHALT SHINGLES %" NEW OAK HARDWOOD FLOORING ON HAND—Syme Good Egg Coal; Car of Rosedale Hard Lump Coal on the way; Stove Coke; Alberta Nut, Seaforth Supply & Fuel Co. "Where the Best Costs No More Phone 47 • Seaforth ., r i.rif , i•n,.A aF 9, ri .4 .44, 4' Fresh .. . CHOICE TURKEYS THIS IS THE BEST LOT OF TURKEYS WE HAVE EVER HAD Buy them by the bird or half a bird ALSO GEESE, DUCKS AND CHICKENS DRAWN WHILE YOU WAIT CHRISTI'S WATT MARKET , PHONE 58 SEAFORTH w, S Yr