HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1947-12-12, Page 6TEE' HUB X Q Teem T By Civilr Hensa 1 District Lady Tol Doizs DOLLS • • . DOLLS . e 95c to 4.98 FIGURES F'�k REPSHIELDDRIVE Receives Note Of Thanks' Sins," "It Came Upon' the Midnight Clear;" "Once in Royal David's :City,' For Clothing Donations. "o cone Ail Ye Faithful, "As With NEWS OF WEEK IN HENSALL TODDLERS' SISI SUITS $7.50 and $8.95 SILK ROMPERS $2.69 BOYS' 2 -Piece COTTON JERSEY SUITS ' $1.29 and $1.98 Boys' 2 -Piece Wool Jersey Suits, $2.65 and $3.25 Girls' Blouses .. $1.25 to $2.50 Girls' Brushed Rayon Hoods and Parkas $1.85 Three only Wool Plaid Parkas, sizes 4, 5 and 6 $12.00 KIDDIES SHOP QUEEN'S HOTEL - SEAFORTH Dolena McCuaig Eleanor Wilson '.'f.' :rx FREE ANIMAL SERVICE OLD -DISABLED OR DEAD CATTLE • HORSES • HOGS • SHEEP • CALVES Promptly and Efficiently Removed Simply Phone Collect MITCHELL STRATFORD INGERSOLL 219 215 '21 WE 'DO THE REST! INGERSOLL, ONTARIO The following letter was received by Mrs. Wm, Dickey, of Woodham, in response to anote pinned in an art; isle of clothing whieh was sent over- seas in a clothing drive this summer: Volos, 4th Nov., 1947. My Dear Lady: Excuse me for my courage writing to you, but before some days, gave me a packet with old dresses and in a hat I found your address. I thought to write to you, and in English, be- cause I have finished the commercial school, so 1 know to speak very good English. I' live in Velos, in a small house near the sea, with nay parents, and I have a brother of 23 years old; also is soldier. You know that the circum - ,stances as We live are ne good be- cause plenty guerillas are in the mountains all the time. They. kill the people and burnt houses, and thou- sands of people are coming in the "homes and there' is no work knd no homes to stay in, and the soldiers are in the mountains for them. We are very poor family. My par- ents are very old; myself, I am 28 years, and there is no work for to live, so we are very unhappy and de- stroyed from war and until now is like to have war again. We have no money to buly-only a -little sugar, no bread, no coffee, no rice -nothing, nothing. The life is so difficult. Excuse me again for my courage, and' if you have good heart and you must feel pain for the poor people, you must help us as you can. We are in debt, and we cannot give a few money. because there is no work, and no one to help us. , Write us, please, about your fam- ily and your life. and if you want to have correspondence, if you rich peo- ple give my address to help us. I am waiting for your response. Excuse me for my bad English. With love. HELEN DIOIUJANTOPULLEE. Spyridy St. 42, Volos. Greece. Mrs, Hedden and Miss Sutherland were hostesses for the monthly meet- ing of the Evening Auxiliary on Mon- day night. The hostesses were assist- ed by Miss Margaret Shepherd. The president,,, Miss. .Michie, opened the meeting with• "While Shepherds Watched," "Hark! the Herald Angels .=-L 1, i, r1• ; 1... F FRANK KLING'S BED LAMPS - Complete $2.45 and up PIN-UP LAMPS Complete $2.85 and up DRESSER LAMPS Complete $3.50 and, up Drop in and see these inexpensive Lamps that make a rich looking, use- ful gift. Everyone will be pleased to receive these as gifts --for Him, for Her, and for the Children's Room. Gladnes.' Fallowing a Clristanas reading` by tike president, "0 Little Town of Bethlehem"- was sung. In answer to the roll eall, many' Lovely toys, games, etc,, were received. for distribution . to the London Protestant Orphanage. Margaret Shepherd and Mrs. Redden offered to attend to the packing and forwarding of same. The various reports showed splendid pro- gress throughout the year. The Aux- iliary bazaar, which was held recent- ly, was a decided success. Miss Mar- garet Glenn; treasurer, gave an en- couraging 'financial report. Miss Vio- let McClymont handed in further money for Christmas cards. The treasurer was instructed to forward $150 to headquarters, also to give the W.M.E', a $50 donation, on motions of Mtss V. McClymont and Mrs. L. Chapaaan. It was moved by Margar- et Glenn, seconded. by Miss McCly- mont, that the two past presidents receive life memberships in the Even- ing Auxiliary. Carried. It was also decided to reduce price of Flint books to 35 cents in an effort to dispose of them. Correspondence was read from the Canadian Association of Consum- ers. Miss Ellis volunteered to look after the presentation of the opening chapter of the new study book at the next meeting. Gladys• Luker, Mrs. Flynn 'and Margaret Shepherd were named a nominating committee for the purpose of submitting at the Janu- ary meeting the slate of officers for 19.8. The nexth "Joy To the World." Th devotional period was conducted b Mrs. X. Corbett, us- ing "Christmas" as -her theme. Mrs. A. Hyde' read the Scripture, Matthew, chap. 2, verses 1 to 11. Prayer was repeated by Mrs. Chapman. Mrs. B. 'Kyle then reviewed the closing chap- ter of the study.book on India, The January meeting will be held in the United Church schoolroom, the social committee to be Margaret Glenn, Mrs.. Shortt. Violet McClymont and Mrs. Sanders, Miss Michie will give the devotional exercises. The meet- ing closed, _with "Silent Night" and the Mizpah,, benediction. A dainty luncheon followed under the -direc- tion of the hostesses' and their assist- ants. Miss Margaret Glenn and Mrs. B. Kyle were named to select a fare- well gift for Mrs. Ivan Kipfer, who has left the village. ZION Mr.. and Mrs. George Moore and Wanda visited with Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Barker on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Bell, Seaforth, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Roney, on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Pepper and family visited on Sunday with Mrs. J. Balfour and Dalton. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Barker and family visited Sunday evening with Mr, and Mrs. Charles Roney. Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Malcolm -and Keith spent Thursday, in Stratford. 31r. and Mrs. Irvin Aikens visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Ken neth Ropey, Stratford. Mrs. A. Whitham, Dublin, was hos tess to Zion Women's Association on "Tuesday afternoon when the election of officers for 1948 was held. It was decided to again have four presidents, namely. Mrs. R. S. Aikens, Mrs. J. T. Malcolm, Mrs: Wm. Smith and Mrs Earl Barker, each to'hold office for a three-month period. Other officers are as follows: Treasurer, Mrs. Lloyd Barker; secretary, Mrs. Lawrence Hannon; assistant secretary, Mrs. D Malcolm; pianist, Miss Ethel Roney; assistant, Mrs. Charles Roney; buy ing committee, Mrs. Lloyd Barker Mrs. J. T. Malcolm; lunch, Mrs. B Barker, Mrs. George Pepper. The secretary reported a fine Sum on hand and reported that the 'bazaar held last month totalled $210.00. Net Amount Raised Totals $1,609.7&, Capt. Halli- well Reports. The following are the net returns from the Salvation Army's Shield Delve, conducted this fall in Seaforth and district, released by Captain F. Halliwell, district organizer for the drive, and local oommanding officer. The 41,600 quota was reached by the following returns: 'Brueeileld $ 37.00 Dublin 21.00 Egmondville 83.00 Exeter 566.30 Grand Bend' 36.50 Hensall 113.00 •Kippen 9.00 Seaforth 677.70 Walton 31.00 Zurich 35.26 Net Grand Total $1,609.76 In commenting on the success of the drive, Capt. Halliwell said: "I Would like to express the sincere thanks and appreciation of Col, Wm. Dray, national campaign director, as well as my own personal indebted- ness to all those who assisted in any way to make the drive the success it was -especially Mr. E. C. Chamber- lain, who acted as treasurer for the whole drive, and Mr, T. Pryder who was the Exeter chairman." WHEN IN TORONTO Mak• Y••r Nom• (i 111 31htrt amity LOCATED on wide SPADINA AVL At Colleg,e Street • .. RATES • • • Single $1.50-$3.50 Double $2.50- $7.00 Write for Folder We Advise Early Reservation A WHOLE DAY'S SIGHT-SEEING WITHIN WALKING DISTANCE a A. M. POWELL, President 115' AFFILIATED CO-OPERATIVES in Ontario used their Provincial Wholesale in 1946-47 to a greater degree than ever before. As a result the Wholesale was able to increase its volume, earnings and. patronage returns. The local co-operatives in turn distributed these wholesale earnings to their farmer members. Workingtogether in an increasing number of common undertakings, the Central and the local co-operatives record with pridea year of progress. ayeaa,c eo-otcxazlue 'Vlialesate THE UNITED FARMERS CO-OPERATIVE CO. LTD. • Seaforth Farmers Cooperative R. S. McKERCHER, President HOMER HUNT, CLARE REITH, General Manager Manager Produce Division When You Give a Hardware Gift, You Give a Practical Gifts - Something That Lasts Year in and Year Out! 14 GIFTS for HIM - The Man in your family will appreciate receiving as a Gift any of our Fine Stainless Steel Tools! Electrical Gifts 1 Cr THIS WAY FOR T�YS REMEMBER OUR SPECIAL CHRISTMAS OFFERING Monday, ' December 15th, Last Day 20 PER CENT. DISCOUNT ON FLOOR, BRIDGE AND TABLE LAMPS GIVE ELECTRICAL SERVANTS Irons, Toasters, Hotplates, Kettles, Vacuum Cleaners and Mixers. C.G.E. PORTABLE IRONER HEATING PADS AND AHI. HEATERS RADIOS Electric 'and Battery irattsse- "Ladies, Be Seated! Let your G.E. Ironer do the work." A real labor-saving Electric Servant. "Prolong the warth of the Christmas spirit" -A gift that will be remembered throughout the year. "For sound giving" -in all sizes. A few'Jeft at the old price. Buy now 'and save the tax. ' • Schick Shavers • Poultry Water Warmers • Stewart Clipmaster FOR THE HOME - Edwards Non -Electric Chime Door Knocker, easy to install; the gift that is different. A new fixture -You've heard "the folks" mention that fixture they would like to have changed. Surprise them this year. Factories and farms must have more electricity to keep up full employment and product. tion. FERGUSON'S )'HONE 61 ,(/AIRVIVARE. To Farmers and Feeders A Splendid assortment of Christmas Tree Decora-a' • tions - Lights in series and multiple sets. M. K Elleettid' ifeaddliariters 19 FORTH ONLY 10 DAYS LEFT TO GET ACQUAINTED WITH THE Quality of Our Excellence Feeds SOLD AT Special Prices of $3.00 to $4.00 per ton reduction for one month from November 20th to December 20th. Please him off lights and ap- plianceswhen not needed. 547 THE HYDRO-ELEC1 RIC POWER COMM13s 3N OF OP?Tt RIO WECAN ALSO SUPPLY YOU WITH BRAN, FEED FLOUR, OATS, BARLEY -WHOLE OR GROUND -AT MARKET PRICES TURGEON GRAIN and PROCESSED FEEDS SEAFORTH, ONT. TELEPHONE 354 Peed Division of Excellence Flour Mills Limited