HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1947-12-12, Page 5A Q, a I Z 9f: I ZVI. I\V■ NUAL A WT Looking around our Store, we think these articles should find a welcome spot under your �4ristmas Tree BICYCLE BASKETS. -,$1.00 BELLS .. 40c, $1 ' CYCLOMETERS ............$7.50 LIGHTS ...... $6.50 SIRENS.... ... $2.50 LUMINOUS FLASHLIGHTS ........... $3.25 STEERING WHEEL COVERS ..........95c STEERING WHEEL SPINNERS ...... $1.00 SOLDERING IRONS ................... $3.50 TRACTOR SEAT COVERS ............ $2.00 CAR .JACKS .................. $3.50 - $10.50 1 CAR VACUUM! CLEANERS—Specials ..$�00 TROUBLE LAMPS ..................... $1.50 When we consider mir stock- of RADIOS Record Players, we happy to say that we have the . right one for every taste and purse. 1 Music is a part of ' Christmas — RCA' Victor Record Al- bums and Records provide the world's finest music! Daly $ s Seaforth SEAFORTH Exquisite ENGAGEMENT & WEDDING RING SETS BULAVA 15 JEWELS 124" GOVERNMENT PURCHASE TAX EXTRA Complete Stock of WATCHES - CLOCKS - GLASSWARE SILEVERWARE - JEWELERY - CHINA DRESSER SETS NOVELTIES ETC. A small deposit holds any. article "till Christmas. J. As WESTCOTT JEWELLER _ SEAFORTH write a column about that young man I I don't know whether an over - ever week if I were to include all his abundance of th ' •Chr' t t witty sayings, amusing doings, and a,LOW Wee • This& At the Ses;fa -1Tig $96001 Question of the Week!!! „ E$y Tank. WAM,0 ) CEDAR CHESTS ND TALES COFFEE TABLES � AS ON 7�C� COSTUME O TALES AL CHAIRS ° And Many Other Smartly Sty ed Practical Gifts CHENILLE BEDSPREADS SATIN CUSHIONS WOOLEN BLANKETS BEDRO.OM RUGS RUBBER MATS—All sizes Hi, fellow mourners! They're over—and were finished! This is where the mourning comes In. S H.S. finished "Christmas examina- tions last Friday and, the results have been pouring in merrily, without • re- Bard to the feelings• of those who receive them; making many of us want to follow the suggestion of the current saying: "Drop dead!" 11(4- ly ;ieunaorous ones"wi4ere •a sign, bear ing on advice: "Kiri me, please;' Is put on the back of noaat►e innocent vim tin and said victim! carries it around the halls in the normal routine of changing classes, mpanwhile, being thoroughly, and to the victim, ifiex- plicably, kicked. Flip was the latest victim, and only a kind teacher sav- ed him from being kicked entirely out of shape. and colours. FLOOR .COVERING Gold Seal CollgoleuYli 3 yards wide ArmStrong Mar'belle-2 yards Wide And a few Quaker Armstrong Rugs 12x12 and 12x15. ever, for most of the students, it's all over but the shouting—and the parents' remarks when ,they see ye famouse reports. Oh, well, they prob- ably have the Christmas presents bought by now anyway, so their opin- ions of the results won't affect you too much. 6 More Dramal Yes, that's right, another play, This time, Grade 9A girls have a pro- duction coming up entitled; "A Home - Made Christmas.'', Sounde good, eh? The play is to be presented the night of Friday, Dec. 19, with dancing af- —See Our display Of OVerniht P Y Bags, Gladstone, Week -End Cases. Box Furniture Store Since I didn't write the News these last two weeks, a rather imposing pile of items now awaits destruction at the hands of my wicked pen, so I'm going tpick out just the high The girls refuse to say terwards.LUGGAGE what the play is about, except that it is "Very, good, and please come," so you might as well do do. Also, the Grade 12 Literary meeting will beheld on the 19th, probably in the FUNERAL SERVICE " PHONES: DAY 43 NIGHT 237-J or 18 l lights (or owlights, whichever way you look at it) of the past few weeks and, include them. First comes Bert. I think I could afternoon, so come prepared With a gas mask to ward off all poisonous odors. I { aF I\V■ NUAL A WT Looking around our Store, we think these articles should find a welcome spot under your �4ristmas Tree BICYCLE BASKETS. -,$1.00 BELLS .. 40c, $1 ' CYCLOMETERS ............$7.50 LIGHTS ...... $6.50 SIRENS.... ... $2.50 LUMINOUS FLASHLIGHTS ........... $3.25 STEERING WHEEL COVERS ..........95c STEERING WHEEL SPINNERS ...... $1.00 SOLDERING IRONS ................... $3.50 TRACTOR SEAT COVERS ............ $2.00 CAR .JACKS .................. $3.50 - $10.50 1 CAR VACUUM! CLEANERS—Specials ..$�00 TROUBLE LAMPS ..................... $1.50 When we consider mir stock- of RADIOS Record Players, we happy to say that we have the . right one for every taste and purse. 1 Music is a part of ' Christmas — RCA' Victor Record Al- bums and Records provide the world's finest music! Daly $ s Seaforth SEAFORTH Exquisite ENGAGEMENT & WEDDING RING SETS BULAVA 15 JEWELS 124" GOVERNMENT PURCHASE TAX EXTRA Complete Stock of WATCHES - CLOCKS - GLASSWARE SILEVERWARE - JEWELERY - CHINA DRESSER SETS NOVELTIES ETC. A small deposit holds any. article "till Christmas. J. As WESTCOTT JEWELLER _ SEAFORTH write a column about that young man I I don't know whether an over - ever week if I were to include all his abundance of th ' •Chr' t t witty sayings, amusing doings, and e zs in spzrz caused it, but anyway, here's the witty conversational gems. However Question of the Week!!! I'd hate to ruin the circulation of the Who tried to kiss whom good old Explosion (Expositor to you, In the bookkeeping room? Andy), so I'll be content with the (It rhymes, yet). Here's a hint— following "poem" (I use the term the principals are in Third Form. Go loosely): to it, you Amateur Sherlock! A canny young fisher namer Fisher, ✓ Once 43shed on the edge of a fissure, e� A fish with a grin, mate excuses for being late, but for Pulled the fisherman in— BADMINTON Now they're fishing the fissure for ` Fisher. It also permits clubs to shift play- I As Howard would say, "I can't fig- time if we tried. Somehow or other, ure it out." ers within their own class until De - tan, wine and peach. the people of this town think it fash- R Our last assembly program was on larger size Cardio- ionable to be about 15 minutes late the last Friday afternoon before ex- We understand that towns are I ams. The talent committee chose Doris Pullman as talent, and her black and green. t' - piano solo was very much enjoyed. Pr` eed. from r Moving pictures of the Royal Family w r; x i 3.95 to 5095 had been ordered, but as they dict not arrive, we saw another film entitled, PURE BOTANY•K ;•. y..' . "Peoples Of Canada," giving an in- MA.i Pullovers F� teresting outline of different nationali- a. very successful bing o in thel ties and w.tys of life in our country. All botany Pullovers AF " We had the pleasure of entertain - Too Much Giggle Water? ing the Exeter Club on Wednesday Whether or not over -indulgence in evening. About 25 players in all came giggle -water was the cause of it, Jo by chartered bus with racquets and and Mabel were certainly giggling on shoes slung over their shoulders and a large scale a week ago Tuesday. seeking victory. While the play was It was • approaching hysteria when even throughout the evening; Exeter they finally stopped, probably be- very narrowly edged out a victory. cause' of lack of breath. Even the The games were as follows: gigglers themselves don't know what Mixed 'Doubles—Mrs. Meir and T. they were laughing about. Perhaps it Southgate defeated E. and M. Mode, was in relief because the first, and 18-15; V. Graves and N. Beattie tied worst, half of examinations was over, with R. McKillop and D. Grayer, 18 - or possibly' it was because -the exam- 18; P. Troutbeck and G. Hays won inations had taken so much out of 'rom Bob Dinnie and D. Snell, 20-19; their minds that they weren't re F. Matthews and W Way lost to Don sponsible for their actions- Hughes and K Taylor, 18-13; Ray * * * Wuerth and Ann Whitten tied with .After reading the above one might T. Wilbee and Mrs. A. Y. McLean,, get the feeling that S.H.S. is. populat- 15-15; J. Kelly and Jean Moffat were ed entirely with a ;collection of half- defeated by N.' Lewis and D. Case, wits, or, to put, it frankly, nuts, You 15-13; T. Southgate and B. May lost might as well think so, for apparent- to D. Pryde and B. Dinnie, 15-9; Reta ly one of our "furry friends" thought Williard and 1. Hunter-Duvar defeat - that too, and decided to investigate. ed D. Park and W. May, 15-13; N. His tour of exploration started—and Lewis and S. Simmons defeated G. ended—in the gymnasium. When first Earle and J. Kelly, 15-12; M. Mueller observed, he was -hopping sedately and T. Wilbee defeated J. Mahoney across the floor, but when a whole and Ted Jackson,, 15-2; L. Southgate class of boys, clad for P,T., burst in and N. Beattie lost to A. Miller and on him, his exploratory venture turn- Art Campbell, 21-18; Mary and Rich - ed into a rout, with Zeke in the lead. and Box were defeated by, M. Mode Yes, I feel safe in saying that that and D, Grayer, 15 -4 - was the only case of a nut chasing a Men's Doubles—D. Grayer and M. squirrel, , instead of the squirrel go- Mode defeated N. Beattie and R. Box ing after the nut! 15-9; Ted Southgate and G. Hays, lost ht * * to R. Dinnie and D. Hughes, 15-13; Hard -Luck Story W. May and T. Wilbee defeated R. If you 'think you've had it tough Wuerth and P. Pryde, 15-12; J. Kelly during the last few days, cast an eye and N.. Beattie lost to A. -Campbell on this tale of woe. The victim man- and 1, Hunter-Duvar, 15-5; G. Hays aged to lose an examination paper and R. Box defeated J. Lewis and T. which he had written, ,thereby losing Jacksdn, 15-5; T. Southgate and N. his chance of getting some extra Beattie won from S. Simmons and J. marks. He lost two pages of histori- .Love, 15-3. cal ,information which be had prepar- Ladies' Doubles—Esther Mode and ed, by dint, of spending the better Dean Snell defeated V. Graves and P. part of an evening at the Public Lib- Troutbeek, 15-0; Mrs. H. G. Meir and rary, and he had to do it all over Mrs. A. Y. McLean were edged out by again He was driven to the point of Kay Taylor and Ruth McKillop, 15-12; screamigg out loud through a whole L. Southgate and J. Moffat lost to N. period by the continued attentions of Lewis and A, Miller, 15-11; Ann Whit - two• of the best ear-slappers and rib- ten and B. Dinnie defeated B. May -ticklers in the class. And to top it and G. Earle, 15-6; M. Mueller and all off, he was caught chewing gum Mary Box lost to J. Mahoney and R. fourtimes; not once each by four Williard, 1.5-14; D. Parke and P. different teachers—no, sir! This char- Meir were defeated by R. McKillop atter had to do it the hard way, by and N. Lewis, 15-11. being caught twice each by two teach- * ac ge ers, thereby collecting one or two Whatever we do in life we have to detentions. All this was over and take the bitter with the sweet. So above the usual state of misery into far your reporter has passed compli- which one is thrown when exam re- ments to the club and its members, sults appear. If you think you can compliments which were justly due produce a more miserable hard -luck too. This time he is goiflg to do some story, properly authenticated, I'll complaining. Last night the Exeter print it. Club was here on time, 3.e,, 8 p.m., ated. We hope your interest in this and 'only about four of our members No Sense, No Feeling were on hand to welcome them, I At least one of these incidents think it only right that those who crop up at every writing, worse luck. intend to play on an evening when What incidents? Why, the supposed we are either entertaining or going Invisible Minding Reweaving Moth Holes, Tears and Burns on Men's Suits and Ladies' Dresses -MENDING OF ALL KINDS Hand Pressing on 'Trousers or Suits Mrs': Ina Finley Phone 145 MAIN ST. Seaforth Ladies' All -Wool Housecoats Lovely pastel shades in all -woof flannel or gay Scotch plaids, in a wide assortment of shades. Smartly styled and trimmed. x,2.95 to 16-95: • MAY WE SUGGEST A i ruse FOR "HER G.IFTi Dainty new' Blouses inJ Sheers, Crepes, Washi Silk, in long, short ori cap sleeves, in all pop-' alar necklines. Trimmed with lace, ties, sequins. and braid in black, grey, white, pink and turquoise. I� Sizes 12 to 44, PRICED AT i>7 4M50. to 100951,I TREMENDOUS REDUCTIONS ON ■ Lovely Quality New Winter(oats Gift,,. BATH TOWELS Never before have we slashed prices on New Winter Coats so early in the season You'll save man dollars buying now! A charming gift in heavy weight towels in pastels or plains, with gay check or strip borders. Varied sizes and weights, priced to suit you, from - 50c to 3.50 All these coats have. "the new look" you want. Every coat is a this season's hit. 'Regular Coats to .$40.00 for ..........2'9.73 Regular Coats to $59.50 for .......... 42 50 Regular Coats to $75.00 for ..........;59'5.0 Phone y Seaforth, 32 Ont. '���'+tw away to visit another club, should i new ruling "permits a centre with m • i h0l''It „ - chai1 � I will admit that there are exceptions EVER''GI1=T IS PAO'Kgp t�11 .. A BRIGHT CHRiSTMAS C0,e� .,:� P•r i;�, ✓ ALL -WOOL mit a centre with a large population CARDIGANS mate excuses for being late, but for + , 1 to play in a lower series." FOR. CHRISTMAS ` All -wool botany, •but• It also permits clubs to shift play- I ton `Front Cardigans, time if we tried. Somehow or other, in white, turquoise, pink, green, gold, ' ers within their own class until De - tan, wine and peach. the people of this town think it fash- Also a range of�I,i!� cember 15. larger size Cardio- ionable to be about 15 minutes late Bans, 38 to 44, in 0 , `•. We understand that towns are blue, grey,, fawn, 0 ` s for an appointfnent, and this proves black and green. t' - classed according to their size an& Pr` eed. from r very embarrassing for those responsi- w r; x i 3.95 to 5095 I can only obtain players from towns: ble for the success of the occasion. PURE BOTANY•K ;•. y..' . of the same size in the same class. MA.i Pullovers F� From now on let us'all try to, be on a. very successful bing o in thel If that is the case; Goderich will not. All botany Pullovers i in long or short I be able to enter a team in the In sleeves, in shades as * *r / above, ' Sizes 14 to ' termediate. °B' but will be able to play 20 only. w :i Don't forget the Christmas party Q� PRICED 350 UP Ladies' All -Wool Housecoats Lovely pastel shades in all -woof flannel or gay Scotch plaids, in a wide assortment of shades. Smartly styled and trimmed. x,2.95 to 16-95: • MAY WE SUGGEST A i ruse FOR "HER G.IFTi Dainty new' Blouses inJ Sheers, Crepes, Washi Silk, in long, short ori cap sleeves, in all pop-' alar necklines. Trimmed with lace, ties, sequins. and braid in black, grey, white, pink and turquoise. I� Sizes 12 to 44, PRICED AT i>7 4M50. to 100951,I TREMENDOUS REDUCTIONS ON ■ Lovely Quality New Winter(oats Gift,,. BATH TOWELS Never before have we slashed prices on New Winter Coats so early in the season You'll save man dollars buying now! A charming gift in heavy weight towels in pastels or plains, with gay check or strip borders. Varied sizes and weights, priced to suit you, from - 50c to 3.50 All these coats have. "the new look" you want. Every coat is a this season's hit. 'Regular Coats to .$40.00 for ..........2'9.73 Regular Coats to $59.50 for .......... 42 50 Regular Coats to $75.00 for ..........;59'5.0 Phone y Seaforth, 32 Ont. r ... .,.,.. - .. „'.�..,....... ....„. .... �.. ... .:. r•. r . . ..... ...... ...rir. •'*•.... -..., r�if Hr1�.J. r. .rr r.r.,, away to visit another club, should i new ruling "permits a centre with m • make an extra effort to be on time.DUBLIN i small population to play in a higher I will admit that there are exceptions ! series, if it wishes, but does not per - to all rules and some will have legiti- Mrs. Gilbert Murray, Mrs. Louise, mit a centre with a large population mate excuses for being late, but for Flanagan aRtd Mr. Pat Flanagan spent to play in a lower series." the most part, nearly all could be on the week -end in Toronto. It also permits clubs to shift play- I time if we tried. Somehow or other, Miss Patricia Holland, of ers within their own class until De - the people of this town think it fash- visited with .Mrs. Minnie Schulman. ulman. cember 15. ionable to be about 15 minutes late Miss Velma Moore, of Stratford,) We understand that towns are for an appointfnent, and this proves visited with her parents, Mr. and classed according to their size an& very embarrassing for those responsi- Mrs. Leslie Moore. I can only obtain players from towns: ble for the success of the occasion. The public continuation school held of the same size in the same class. From now on let us'all try to, be on a. very successful bing o in thel If that is the case; Goderich will not. ;time for engagements. f party parish hall on Friday afternoon. I be able to enter a team in the In * *r / About 300 persons attended the' termediate. °B' but will be able to play Don't forget the Christmas party Christmas concert of Jarmuth's in this group. •Goderich is over 4,000► next Wednesday, Dec, 17. Also the School, held in Kennicott Hall. Miss in population, therefore must enter little gist costing not more than 25 Catherine Woods is the teacher. their team in Class 'A.' cents to help Santa Claus. Plays, reditations and dances com- pleted the -program, and Santa Claus Leaders in the scoring race are as arrived and distributed candies and follows: Apps, of Toronto, has 13 WINTHROP presents to the' pupils. The music goals, 13 assists, for 26 points; Rich - was under the direction of the music ard, :Montreal, 10 and 1.1, for 21; and A very interesting and pleasant teacher, Mn Harley. Music for dane- in third place is McFadden, of De - evening was spent in Winthrop Hall ing was supplied by the Ryan acid troit, with 9 and 12, for 21 points. on Wednesday evening last when two .McQuaid orchestra. In the Junior 'A', Stratford has newly -married couples were honored, <•limbed to second place, while in the namely, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Cuthill Senior 'A' the Stratford team has and Mr. and Mrs. Austin Dolmage. TOWN climbed to third place. Dancing was, -enjoyed to Stewart. :bit- Call's orchestra. Later in the e.vPning National Hockey League Standing each of the brides was presented (tnelnd;ng -Wednesday night games)' . with a. sewing cabinet, and the grooms WHISPERINGS GP Pts with smoking stands. Mrs. James To4onto ................ 1 22 28 Hogg read tl,e addrPss to Mr. and BY LEE -WEE Detroit .................. 20 23 Mrs\ Oscar Cuthill, and Robert :plc- Roston ............... . . . 21 23 Clure and Arthur Alexander present- IN THE REALM OF SPORTS Montreal •............... 21 2+0 Pd the gifts. Mr. Kenneth Bettles New York .... • ..... • • • • 1.9 18 read the address to Mr. and Mrs. Thanks to my friend in Colorado c1lieago ... 21 12 Austin Dolmage and E. Haase and for the fine present! It arrived in Allan Campbell made the presenta: fire shape find is very much appreci- The new O.H.A. ruling has brou9bt tion. The brides and grooms passed ated. We hope your interest in this the small towns to a more even class: wedding calve to all the guests, column will continue to grow, and' which should make them more or lest f! we'll be glad to hear from you at any happy, in that it will mean each time.. That goes for all sport fans sma.il town will be able to muster KII'PEN who wish to comment or send in sug about the same calibre of hockey tal- gestions for the betterment of sport. ent. This in turn' will mean a more More Chrlstmas stock arriving a.] - Thanks again. even competitive spirit amongst the most daily at Damm's Store. Start- Since the O.H.A. held their annual players, The teams should be one s Ing Dec. 15, this store will remain meeting last Saturday we hardly more even footing with the next kilow just what to write about, since town, and this will give the fans s open for sbopperR in the evening. the small, towns have been affected betterbalanced group, rather than (Continued from Page 1) to such an extent by, new rulings. one or two teams running over the However, the Association has given others and causing less fan Jntetest. Mrs, Arthur Jones, in St. Thomas. the small• towns proteotlon by creat- We feel this alone will be Worthy of Quite a number from here took ing a new Junior 'D' class and, a re- the motto that we advoe9tte In our. their children to London"on Saturday, •vived Senior 'B' Group. column from week to week: f; , to see Santa Claus. President George Panter said the "CLEAN, SPORT IS 0000 SPORE"'' l r ... .,.,.. - .. „'.�..,....... ....„. .... �.. ... .:. r•. r . . ..... ...... ...rir. •'*•.... -..., r�if Hr1�.J. r. .rr r.r.,,