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gcE lo47
Est blished 1860
Keith, McPhail McLean, Editor,.
Published at Seaforth, Ontario, ev-
ery Thursday afternoon by McLean
Members of Canadian
Weekly Newspapers
Subscription rates, $2.00 a year in
advance; foreign $2.50 a year. Single
copies, 5 cents each.
•SEAFORTH, Friday, December 12
Garbage Collection
Cards are being sent out to all the
ratepayers of Seaforth inviting an
expression of opinion on a town sys-
tem of garbage collection. In this
day it would hardly seem necessary
to go to all that trouble before the
council would deem it wise to take
Many, if not most of the towns in
Western Ontario, already have a
town system of garbage collection,
and in the very immediate future all
others will be forced to adopt a simi-
lar system.
The reason is not hard to see. The
day of barns and outhouses, into and
• behind which household garbage us-
ed to be disposed,are gone forever.
Living as we do today so much out
of tin cans, only adds to the difficul-
ty, because cans buried in a garden
do not improve the fertility of the
soil, nor help in gardening opera-
We have heard it said too, that
garbage can easily be burned. But
where, particularly in winter, if a
householder has an oil furnace and
a hydro range?. And those house-
holders have multiplied within a
year and will continue to multiply as
the years go by.
Nor does the argument that a
town garbage collection is too expen-
sive to hold weight. The average cost
to a ratepayer would not exceed at
most two dollars a year. Compared
to the cost of fighting an epidemic of
disease, that is nothing. And because
we now live under conditions that
make some system of garbage col-
lection an° absolute necessity, we are
openly inviting an epidemic, by the
refusal to recognize or accept that
However, we believe Seaforth
ratepayers are sanitary minded en-
ough and progressive enough to
keep our town in the forefront of
modern towns by. a decidedly favor-
able expression of opinion in favor
of a town garbage system.
Christmas Seals
This is the time of year when one
again sees thousands of those bright
little stamps adorning Christmas
letters and parcels, and the more
there are of them this year the bet-
ter it will be for the health of the
people in the year and years to come.
The money that is raised from the
sale of these little Christmas' stick-
ers is used entirely for the preven-
tion of tuberculosis throughout the
It is quite true that tuberculosis
has been pushed back to seventh
place, instead of first, which it held
for so long, as a cause of death in
this country, but the fact can not be
denied that it still takes a heavy toll
of lives every year.
Last year more than 5,000 Cana-
dians died of the disease, and it still
remains the greatest single cause of
death between the ages of 15 and 45
years of age. That is a very distarb-
ing fact, because those are the most
productive years of life, in this coun-
try particularly.
Medical science has demonstrat-
ed that tuberculosis is now curable,
that it can be stopped in its trucks.
One medical authority explains how
in these words: "Tuberculosis is an
insidious disease. It does not blazen
forth its symptoms until the mis-
chief is well advanced. The only
means of wiping out tuberculosis is
prevention, which is based on the
discovery of sources of infection at
an early stage. This can be done by
the all -seeing eye of the X-ray."
It is now possible to X-ray all the
people of Canada, and with the funds
provided froxn the sale of Christmas
seals, the Sanatorium is now engag-
ed in carrying out this great work.
Last year a mobile X-ray unit visit-
ed Huron County and a complete
survey will soon be accomplished.
But it is absolutely imperative
that this plan to discover new cases
early must be carried on continuous-
ly if we are -to reach the goal of the
complete destruction of. tuberculosis.
To accomplish this end, a much
greater response on the part of the
public to the sale of Christmas seals
is necessary.
And surely, with the knowledge Of
thq facts before them, there will be
no doubt but that every citizen will
meet the challenge by buying liber-
ally of the Christmas seals.
Public Ownership,
There are many opinions of public
ownership, pro and con, in this Pro-.
vince and district, but there is one
phase of it that is becoming all too
popular in every community.
4 short time ago the Pahlerston
Observer made an editorial rrefer-
ence to it in these words: "The ways
of some folks are hard to under-
Atand. Many turned out to form a
bucket brigade at Moorefield last
Friday, and help ELI, \,--; what could be
saved of the feed storage building
there. The hardware man released
his entire stock ofi hew pails that
there might be enourh to go around.
The Observer was told that, he issued
24 new pails, but when the fire was
out, only 18 could be found. The
pails were probably earned through
the efforts of the bucket brigade, but
taking them without asking was
hardly the correct,thing. Then some
one returned later, and helped them-
selves liberally to the binder twine
that escaped the blaze. Looting af-
ter a fire or similar disaster is look,
ed upon as a.serious offence, and we
believe it is the only offence in Can-
ada where officers are empowered to
shoot offenders,"
Looting is a serious offence, and
perhaps there are times when looters
deserve to be shot. But there is an-
other kind of looting that is grow-
ing increasingly popular, and while
we do not advocate shooting as a
remedy, we believe some stiff sen-
tences should be handed out by the
Almost every day some persori los-
es a purse or a parcel, a watch, or
something else of value, on the
streets of a town, at some public
gathering, or on the roads of the
country. There is no doubt what-
ever, that nine times out of ten ,these
articles are picked up by some one.
But not once in five hundred is any
effort made to find the owner, or any
return made to him or her, even
when identification is 'present.
There seems to be a feeling today
among far too many people that it
is quite all right to pick up did carry
off anything that is not securely nail-
ed down. That any desirable article,
.or anything that strikes their fan-
cy, is public property and they have
a perfect right to appropriate it to
their own use whenever opportunity.
There is nothing either moral or
healthy in the practice of that phase
of public ownership. Yet every com-
munity suffers from ft, and what an
example it is to the rising generation
who need no further relaxation of
either moral or civil laws.
Honepmoon Over
An Associated Press despatch from
London, England, this week says
that the British Admiralty has an-
nounced that Prince Philip will pur-
sue his naval career in a chair job
'Close to home.
The former Lieut. Philip Mount-
batten will return to duty December
15th as an officer in the Admiralty's
Operations Division in Whitehall.
He and Princess Elizabeth are now.
on their honeymoon in Scotland.
Everything comes to an end, even
a honeymoon, but we think the
powers -that -be might have left the
groom free until 'after Christmas
Threshing With Oxen
(W. L. Clark, in Windsor Star)
In some of the villages of Eastern Europe, the
peasants thresh by having oxen draw a board
along the ground. Then, the chaff is separated,
from the corn by throwing the lot in the air and
letting the wind blow away the chaff.
There are machines to be used, but the peas-
ants prefer the old way best, Progress is not
part and parcel of their lives. They plod along
and live in frugal fashion.
It is to escape such life that so many people
come to Canada. Also, that is why s0 many peo-
ple over there new desire to cotne to Canada.
And'once here they surely do not -Want to bother
with those Who aim to overthrew the Government
of Canada and recline all Canadians to the frugal-
ity of peatatita.
Years Agone
Interesting RM. Picked From
The Huron lialpoidter of Fifty and
Twentrilya Years Ago.
From The Huron. Expositor
December 15, 1922
Mr. Henry Horton, of Brucefield,
has purchased Mr. Edgar Armstrong'
farm and his stock and implements,
paying the sum of $13,000.
Frank Aikenhead, G. W. and Wal-
ter Baird, Arthur McQueen, Thomas
Baird and John McCowan, of Bruce -
field, attended the stock show in
Guelph this week.
On Tuesday evening a hurried call:
to the Reeve of Hensall was rung in
and it was found that the residence
of Mr. William Pearce, northwest of
the village, had caught fire from the
furnace. The neighbors got the fire,
under control after it had burned a
large hole in the first floor of the
The choir of the Methodist Church
at Constance gathered at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Anderson Wed-
nesday evening last. During the eve-
ning a well-filled purse was given to
the organist, Mrs. Andersitm.
Mr. 'J. W. Beattie, of town, had the
misfortune to sever the cords on his
left hand with a knife last week, and
although he is able to be about, it
will he some weeks before he will
have the use of• his hand.
Mr. Harold Stark, of Hamilton,
spent the week -end with his mother,
before being transferred to the Kit-
chener branch of the Dominion Bank
as accountant.
' Mr. w. D. Hoag, of town, made a
shipment of 1600 pounds of honey to
a Montreal firm on Saturday.
The Choral ,Society of South Hur-
on rende:ed "The Messiah," in the
Evangelical .Church at Crediton on
Tuesday evening last.
Mr. John Bonthron, of Moose Jaw,
and his daughter, Norma, are in Hen -
sail visiting relatives and friends.
The officers of the Kelly Circle at
Brucefield are as follows: Hon. pres.,
Mrs, (Rev.) McIntosh; pres.,
Kate McGregor; lst vice-pres., Miss
Edith Bowey; 2nd vice-pres.; -Mrs.
Hugh Aikenhead; sec., Miss Margar-
et Aikenhead; treas., Mrs. James
Mr. Benjamin Snell ,was visiting
relatives in Toronto and while there
took in the Royal Show.
Master Kelso Adams, son of _Mr.
and Mrs. Ernest Adams, 'Constance,
has been in a very critical condition
the past few days with pleuro -pneu-
Mr. Howard Armstrong, Constance,
is showing one of his thoroughbredsat Guelph Winter Fair this week.
On Wednesday eveninglast a -large.
number of friends and neighbors gath
ered at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Thos. Melady, Hibbert. Representa-
tives of the C.W.L. were present and
presented Mrs. Melady with two sil-
ver candlesticks as a token of their
appreciation of her service •as treas-
urer of the League. Mr. and Mrs.
.Melady were also presented with two
handsome chairs and an address.
From The Huron Expositor
December 17, 1897
Three tramps broke into School
House No. 3, Stephen, recently and
carrying in a good simply of wood,
started a fire and remained until
Mr. Hiram Proctor, of Constance,in cattle of 5.6 per cent compared
left for Idaho where he will engage. with 1946, that is, 'from 3,167 thou -
in business. sand to 2,987 thousand. Milk cows
Mr. William McDougall took a car decreased by 3.5 • per cent; heifers
load of hOrses to the Michigan lumber; over one year, 6.1 • per cent, and
steers and bulls by 8.5 per cent.
The shortage of grass and feed-
stuffs was reflected in the increased
supplies of cattle for slaughteriag,
which in the Period July 1 to Sep-
tember 6, totalled over 188 thousand
head, or more than double the sup-
plieiLin-lhe corresponding period of
1946. Milk production in the third
-quarter of 1947 was almost 20 per
cent lower than in the equivalent
months. of 1946. Butter production
of a communication from Mr. Ander-
decreased by '22.8 per cent to 32.3
son, special agent of the Dominion to thousand tons, of which 75 per "tint
was exported, compared with 62.7 per
There's a aoft, wet snow :falling and
everything seems to have that Christ -
massy feel about it. Here in the
eountry I do think that Christina_
means more than in the city. It comes
'more naturally and with less commer-
cial 'fanfare than in the city.
Last week I happened to be in the
city. It was snowing and seemed to
be just the right kind of a day for a
person getting out and doing the
Christmas shopping. The first. thing
that happened was when a man in the
railroad station came up and tried "to
sell me an exploding mouse.
. . "Ha
. . . ha . . ha!" he said. "This will
be just the thing to frighten the day-
lights out of everybody on Christmas
I went into a store and a record-
ing machine was playing a tradition-
al Christmas number in a sort of jazz-
ed up tempo. Every place you look-
ed there was somebody trying to sell
you something for Christmas and in
the big stores the salesgirls looked as
if they had sore feet. Every time you
cane to a corner a Santa Claus, with
a big iron pot, would ring a bel in
Your ear and scream at you to help
"somebody or something."
I wandered into one store trying to
find some present. for Patricia Ann
and Mrs. Phil. It was a ladies' wear
HArry Morn
store and you should have seen that
Ineb,' They pushed. and kicked and
screamed and tried to maim each
other. I had just recovered from a
pUnch in the stomach when somebody
knocked my hat off. Then I tried to
squeeze down and pick it up and some-
body kicked me. I was glad to get
out of the place with my life intact.
The battle was too much. The
couatry wanderer decided to head for
heme. When 1 got off the train at
the village, Ben Peters who was do‘kia
to pick up the mail, said "Merry
Christmas, Phil." I walked on down
the Main Street. There was a little
bell hanging up inthe window of the
butcher shop. ,Ine 'Maguire had ,a
wreath that lit' up hinging in the
window of his barber shop. It shone
out over the snow in a pretty sort of
way, in that,dusk that comes down so
swiftly on a winter eveniag.
I stopped in front of the old, church
on Main Street. There was music
seeping out in a quiet and pleasant
way. Abigail Peters was practicing
up for Christmas. I stood listenin
to the old hymns and Christmas mel
dies and when I came out
reverie it was to discover at lea
dozen other people were doing
same •thing.
We parted, but the greetings that
rang out sounded very sincere.
,The new baby proved to have Very:
powerful lungs. One day his brother,
aged five, said to his mother:
"Mother, baby came from Heaven,
didn't he?"
"Yes, dear," answered the mother.
The small, boy was silent for a
moment, then he went on: "I say,
"What is it, dear?"
"I don't blame the angels for sling-
ing him out, do you?"
• .
Housewife, to tramp: "You seem
to be an able-bodied man. You ought
to be strong enough to work."
Tramp: 'I know, mum, and you
seem to be beautiful enough to go on
tlie stage, but evidently you' prefer
the simple life."
Housewife: "Step into the kitchen -
and I'll see if I can stir tip a meal for
Friend: "I'm surprised that he
didn't pay you what he owed you. I
thought the fellow had at least some
good points."
Miss: "Yep, so have pins — yet
they'll stick you."
Pal: "How's your wife today?"
Al: "She can't 'complain."
Pal: "Oh, I didn't -know she was
as ill as all that."
Chemistry Professor: "What is the
• WOO BiOcks Highway
Six sno4loWs were kept busy or"
Huron County highways on Fridays
last during the first storm of an early
-winter season. In the vicinity of
Auburn some ,of the roads were
blocked to a depth of one and a half
feet. Heavy drifting snow to a depth
of •two feet blocked No. 8 Highway
early in the daY. Some of the . air-
men of Clinton Radar School, who
live in Goderich, were Unable ,to get
through to Clinton. Highway No. 21
was reported open from Hayfield to
Araberley.—Clinton News-I:cord.
Grand Championship
Mr. Pearlion Dearing and son, Ger-
ald, returned last,,yasek Itann the Roy.
al Winter Fair at Toronto bringing
with them a fine display of ribbons
carried off by their flock of Dorset
Horned sheep. They were awarded
the grand championship for both ram
and ewe, first prize for flock and first
prize for lamb flock. With thirteen
sheep shown, they won 16 ribbons.
Unfortunately they lost by death
hat they considered their best ewe
b t they had another to take its place.
eter Thnes-Advocate.
'Minister Dies in Hospital
There passed away on Monday,
Dec. 1, at mid-day in St' Joseph's Hos-
pital, London, one 19f Exeter's best
loved citizens in the person of Rev.
Kenneth MacLean, B.A., in his 73rd,
year. Although he hal only been min-
ister of Caven Presk:terian Church
for a little over three years, yet' the
citizens of Exeter had learned to ap-
praise his worth not only as a min-
ister of the gospel, but as one whose
outstanding ability was always avail-
able whenever occasion demanded.
He was recognized as being possessed
of great intellectual ability, well read
and whose advice was eagerly sought.
His congregatiod° deeply regret his
passing as he had endeared himself
to young and old for his sterling
Christian character.—Exeter Times -
'Boy Rescues Little Girl From River
Tom Willis, undaunted by the icy
waters, waded waist deep in the
Maitland River Saturday to bring to
chemistry safety six-year-old Frances Myers.
outstanding contribution
• - These iwo, With a group of other
has made te the world?
youngsters, were tobaggoning at the
river bank on the Myers property,
when the toboggan carrying Frances,
daughter of Dr. and Mrs. C. A. Myers,
plunged into the water with the little
girl clinging to it. The quick -thinking
boy, 12 -year-old son of Mr. and Mrs.
W. E. Willis, threw off his coat and
went into the icy waters ,to rescue
the youngster.—Brussels Post.
Has Hand Injured
Mr. Norman Fleischauer, an em-
ployee at the Kalbfleisch Mills, had
the misfortune of receiving a painful
injury to his left thumb when a large
sliver penetrated through the lower e
part. Medical attention was immedi-
ately,given by Dr. P. J. O'Dwyer. Mr.
Fleischauer's many friends wish him
a speedy recovery.
Have Moved
Mr. and Mrs. Orville Witmer have
moved into their apartment adjoin-
ing the bakery business formerly
owned by Mr. Leeland Willert, who
has moved his family and household t
effects into the dwelling adjoining the
Zurich Dairy, and 'formerly occupied:
by Mr. Witmer. Mr. Wi;:•.et, is now
the milkman and makes his rounds -
every morning. We welcome Mr. and,
Mrs. Willert over here on Victoria St.
—Zurich Herald.
Celebrate Silver Wedding
Mr. and Mrs, Ervine G. Zinn cele-
'brated their silver wedding- annivers-
ary at their home in Ashfield on Wed-
nesday, Nov. 26, with a family din-
ner. Guests were present from Owen
Sound, Belmore, Clinton and Gode-
rich.—Goderich Signal -Star.
Enjoy Firemen's Party
The Goderich Fire Brigade enter-
tained at a' very successful party' on
Friday night in the Masonic Temple.
A large and representative attendance
of citizens was present, and enjoyed
a pleasant evening at cards and danc-
ing. Delicious refreshments of sand-
wiches, cake and coffee were prize/id-
Student: "Blondes."
"Hard-working little wife you've
got, Bill," said the traveller to the
small shopkeeper as he watehed the
man's wife busy in the shop.
"My word, yes!" replied the shop-
keeper. "I only wish I 'ad a couple
more like 'er!"
Huron Federation Of
Farm Production Down in Denmark ed. The bus or cheesy matter should
Agricultural production in Denmark be: squeezed out and the cavity pack -
has recently declined. Drought con- ed with gauze saturated with iodine
ditions which prevailed throughout or mercurochrome.
the late spring and summer of 1947 In treating turkeys, a four per cent
severely affected ,the numberof-cat-
silver nitrate solution, or 15 per cent
tle, says "Agricultural Abroad," a argyrol, placed in the cavity gives
digest of agricultural policies in ef- good results. The pus is removed as
fect or under consideration in various
described and 15 to 20 drops are plac-
countries, issued by the Ecc.nomics ed in the cavity. A veterinary syringe
Division of the Dominion of Canada,similar to that used for treating hors -
Department of griculture. The July
es for Encephalomyelitis can also be
census of Denmark showed a decline
used. Insert the needle into the low-
er portion of the cavity and draw back
the plunger. This will remove the
pus. The syringe should be removed
from the needle, leaving the needle in
place. The syringe should then be
washed out and filled .with four per
cent silver nitrate, or 15 per cent
argyrol. One cubic centimeter Should
then be injected into the sinus cav-
ity. Treatment in the early stages is
essential. This treatment may also
be effective with chickens. Birds
which have develope,d the swelling
on the face or which have had a,ser-
ious attack, should be fattened and
marketed da soon as recovered, as
they may become carriers.
To improve the general health of ed by the ladies. Music for the danc-
the birds, fish oil should be fed. Thising was provided by the CKNX Gold -
cab be mixed in the dry mash at the en Prairie Cowboys. The prizes at
euchre were won by Mrs. E. Fisher
and Mr. Reg. McGee, and at Fiiie Hun-
dred by Mrs. Robert Good and Mr.
W. Burt.—Goderich Signal -Star.
Fire Brigade Organized At Bayfield
On Monday a group of Bayfield
citizens met at the Little Inn to form
a fire department; The following were
elected to office: President, Ernie
Hovey; vice-president, Grant Turner;
secretary, Reg.' Francis; treasurer,
Les. Elliott; directors, P. Weston, G.
"White" Weston, H. Gilmore, Charles
Toms, Lloyd Scotchmer. The crew
includes Fire Chief Walter Westlake,
lst Lieut. George Little 2ncl Lieut.
woods and while there went to see
Mr. John Waugh, who lives in Reed
City, who is prosperous and happy.
Mr. Benjamin .Makins, of town, has
gone to St. Marys, where he" has se-
cured a good situation in a steam
Miss Grace McFaul sang at Mitchell
on Monday evening at the opening of
the new Episcopal Church. •
The fame of Coleman's salt is wide.
The Messrs. Coleman are in receipt
Japan, asking for a quotation' on their
table salt, to be 'delivered to Yoko -
Mr. Rueben Graham, of the Ameri-
can Hotel, BruCefield, proposes hold-
ing a shooting match for turkeys and
geese at his hotel on Christmas'Day.
A pleasant' 'event took place on
Tuesday. Dec. 14, at the home of Mr.
James Gemmell, when a goodly num-
ber Itof guests from Hensall, Bruce -
field, Clinton and Kirkton, assembled
to celebrate the tenth anniversary of
the marriage of the worthy council -
Mr. James A. Taylor, who has been
engaged in business in South River,
has returned to his home in Hensel].
,Mr. and Mrs. John jarrott alnd
daughter, Alice, of, London, were this
week visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
McGavin, Leadbury.
Mr. Wilson Eagleson arrived at his
heme in Bayfield this week from
North Dakota.
C A. Haugh and son, of Goderich,
have purchaSed the Mercer jewellery
stock and are opening out in the
Whitney block in the store' recently
occupied by Harry Speare.
, Mr. James Purcell, travelling agent
for the Michigan Catholie, a paper
published in Detroit, is at present on
a visit to his ,many friends in Eg-
Mr. Samuel and Misa Maggie Little
arrived here from McGregor, Man., on
Mr. J. R. Habkirk, of Hensill, will
soon have the addition to his dwel-
ling completed, which will Make his
house more roomy.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hamilton, of
Syraciise, New York, have been
spending a few days this week at
the borne of the lady's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. J. S. Porter, in Egmondville.,
Mr. David Moore, of Egmondville,
informs us: that on Wednesday night
he heard the croaking of a number of
frogs. It is the first time in Ids 501
years' experience thathe had heard
them in the fall..
Miss :Leslie, of Clinton, is visiting
her sister, Mrs, Jas: Watsoi
cent in 1946. Cheese production was
lower •by 17.4 per cent at 16.6 thou-
sand tons.
• In accordance with the terms
the existing agreement negotiations,
trade discussions between represent-
atives of the British Ministry of Food
and the Danish Government and Ex-
port Boards began at Copenhagen on
September 9 and were adjourned on
September 11. Resumed • later on,
September 27, they brokedown
again without any agreement having
been reached.
* * *
To Prevent Colds, Roup in Poultry
During the fall and winter months
colds and roup frequently occur in
poultry flocks. Partly matured mil-
lets appear to be rnore susceptible
than older hens. The first symptoms
are usually a watery discharge from
the nose and eyes. The birds sneeze
and throw up their heads in an effort
to clear the nasal chambers. In ad-
vanced cases the breathing apparatus
may become affected, or a puffiness
or swelling mut" develop about the
eye. The eye itself usually becomes
closed by the swelling,
Though the disease is caused by
one or more specific germs, it is
thought that birds which are not on
a well-balanded diet may be more
susceptible. 'It is believed particu-
larly that a Vitamin "A" deficiency
may be Partly responsible. This vita-
min is found in succulent green reed
and fish oil.
Birds showing advanced symptoms
of the disease should be isolated.
Treat the flock by spraying at night
with the following mixture: Six ounc-
es Listerine; 2 ounces Eucalyptus; 1
ounce Spirits of Camphcir; 2 quarts
Coal Oil. Continue spraying every
night 'Until the trouble Clears up.
Birds suffering badly with the disease
can have their beads idipped into the
soltition. The head should be held it
until the bird begins to struggle, as
this assures that the solution is drawn
into the nasal passages. In Oases
*here a swelling has developed it
should be opened after it has niatur-
rate of one pint per 100 pounds of
mash, or it ban be fed in a warm wet
mash at noon each day. •Four to six
tablespoons per 100 birds per day
should giv.? the required amount. If
the oil is mixed *ith the, mash, it
should be rubbed in by hand until
thoroughly mixed and free from
Additional information may be se-
cured by writing to the nearest Dom-
inion Experimental Station or Agri-
cultural College.
* *
Poultry Boxes
Because poultry boxes of dressed
Grant Turner; engineers, M. Merner,
poultry must be packed and marked
A.Makins, T. Castle, R. Francis;
according to governmefit regulations, 1. '
the booklet, issued by the Marketing. chief maintenance man, W. West-
lake; electricians, A. Makins and R.
Service, Dominion Department of Ag-
riculture, giving the dimensiOns and
sizes of Canadian standard. dressed
poultry boxes, together with samples
of correct stencilling, will be of value
to the poultry industry of Canada. A
free copy of the booklet may be ob-
tained by writing to the Dominion
DeParthent of Agriculture, Ottawa.
* * *
Forest Industries Give Scholarships
To aid the prosecution of a long-
range forest insect control program
and implement the investigations
carried out by the Entomological Di-
visions of the Dominion and Provin-
cial Departments and of industrial
agencies, the Canadian Forest Indus-
tries have instituted eight scholar-
ships which will be known as the
Forest Industries Entomological Schol-
arships. Each scholarship will have a
value of $200 a year for four years,
and two each will be made available
for forestry students registered in the
second or higher years at the Uni-
versities of New 'Brunswick, Laval,
Toronto and British - Columbia,
Awards to students will be made 'on
the recommendation of a comiaittee,
representative of each of the four
universities mentioned, the Forest In-
sects Control Board of the Depart -
Ment of Reconstruction and Supply,
and the Dominion or Provincial En -
(Continued, on Page t)
Francis, Other men are to be assign-
ed to ladders, hose, etc. As this is a
self-supporting organization and not
sustained by. ;the village„ donations ,
will be gratefully received by George
Little, 'chairman of the funds com-
mittee.—Goderich Signal -Star.
Poultry Fancier Wins At Winter Fair
Norman Schafer, Mitchell, who last
year resumed his hobby of poultry
raising, carried off the William Mc-
Neil memorial silver medal at the
Royal Winter Fair last week for the
best cock, hen, cockerel and pulle,t in
the show. Showing five birds, he won
first awards for cock, hen and pullet
in the Single Comb Minorcas, and two
thirds for cock and. hen in the Se -
bright class.—Mitchell Advocate.
Poet Receives Award
Lillian Collier Gray received word
this week that she had been award-
ed 'first prize in the short poems sec-
tion of the annual contest conducted.
by the Edmonton branch of the Omar
dian Authors' Association. It's title
was, "Of a Small Boy's Future." Mrs.
Gray is a gifted poet and this honor
is well merited. The poem will a'p-
pear in the Year Book of this Associ-
ation containing the work of poets
across Canada, as will another of her
poems, "Sister Felicia," which she
entered in a different grouping.—Mit,
chell Advocate.