HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1947-11-21, Page 4IIU N t •'17, Classi0eti A I Win Be Inserted A - ?ex Bale, 'ut'aRt:POr Xfait rind Fauns. Stc.--Pelf Weid: ,,... Cent 2nd week la Cent 3rd week •-afs t; Minimum charge. first insertion25 Ceuta mph figure, initial and abbreviaaion counts as one •woEd. 94X41•44* X41 'Memoriam Notices, Coming Events -1 cent per word. ]I,inimum, 50 ,ersulba weep 4O4 ea aaia,'Pei be directed to a Box Number, 0/o The -Harm Expositor, for 10 cents extra. Ten melea1i, additional will be charged if ads in above class are not ]Jaid within 10 days el +iKta• aP final Insertion. Blrtbg, M,yar,>liages anal Deaths inserted free at charge. ' Au�olt linins, Notices to• Creditors, Etc. -Rates on application. Auction Sales CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF FATieM ac Steele anal Implements, on Wednesday, November 2eth, at 12 o'cioc harp, Lot '11, Concession 4, Morris Tow • p, Las railer east O f Eelgrave: 30 h of choice Durbams; ,poultry; full line of farm machinery, tractor and equipment; hay and grain- Terms -lash, WILLIAM, • J., McMURRAY, Proprietor ; Har- old Jackson, , Auctioneer. 4171-1 AUCTION SALE OF IIOIISEHOLD EF- fecls he Town of Seaforth, Goderich St Bast, on Monday, December 1st, at 1.30 p.m.: Full line of household effects, including stove, 'wadbing machine, kitchen. dining room, ing room and 'bedroom furniture, wardrobe, dishca, kitchen ..utensils, garden tools and a bolt. of other artieles. Property sold. Terms Cash, MICHAEL CROWLEY, "Proprietor; Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. 4.171-2 CcO MUNITY AUCTION SALE IN THE Seaforth Skating Rink, Saturday, Novem- beP ^22nd, at 1 p.m.: Dining room table, chairs ; 3 china cabinets ; .breakfast • set; buf- fet table; 4 chairs; wardrobe; lazy boy chair; child's cot; ehe:t of drawers ; combination wardrobe and chest; walnut finish single bed; tables; hivh chair; kitchen chairs: doll buggy (like new) ; smokers ; eongoleum rug 9x9; ironing board; radio stand; stoves: Quebec healer and cook stove; dishes; kibehen uten- sils; leather couch and chair; 1 wine studio couch (practically new) ; 2 occasional chairs (like new); chesterfield table; rocking•chairs; sewing machine; cupboards ; sink ; fruit jars ; cherry set of drawers; bedroom furniture; 2- rvwheelk,trailer in good condition; man's fur coat; electric radio ; extension table; 9 kit - ellen chairs ; 4 rockers ; ,3 small tables ; 3 dressers and stands ; springs and mat - trees ; 1 sideboard; ki hen cupboard; box es etoxe and pip; Quebeccook stove; glass cupboard. Anyone wanting to put furniture*. sale, please phone or send list to HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer, before Nov. 15th. 4170-2 AUCTION SALE IN TOWN OF SEAFORTH, Friday, November 21st, at 1 p.m., on Centre Street: Findlay cream enamel cook e (new); extension table; hitcher chaos; stove board; couch; electric radio; Eureka vacuum sweeper; number of small tables ; number- of rockers pantry bake cupboard; ,cherry drop-leaf "table; glass cupboard; wash- ing machine:' oak dining room suite -table, 6 chairs, buffet, china cabinet (like new) ; dav- enport; settee; oak library table; day bed: 2 living room chairs: hall seat and mirrgr: 'number of other mirrors; .numbee of occa- sional chairs ; oval oak parlor table ; Bell upright piano; 3 .bedroom suites -beds, springs, mattresses, dressers, wash stands; toilet sets and, quilt boxes: quantity of wool Auction Sales AUCTION SALE OF COWS AND YOUNG Cattle, at Lot 15, Concession 13, McKil- lop 'Township, on Tneedae, December 2nd, at L30 p.m. ED. DAVIDSON, Proprietor; Har- old Jackson, Auctioneer. 4171-1 A A1413UCTION SALE OF DAIRY COWS A13 Young Cattle, at Porters Hill, 3 miles west of Huhnesville. on Wednesday, Novem- ber 2,6th. commencing at 1.30 p.m. sharp. consisting of: 18 choice dairy cows, 2 fresh, 3 cine time of sales balanee due December, January, February; 4 farrow cows; 10 Hol- stein heifers in calf ; 10 Holstein heifer calves; 12 yearling Holstein heifers ; 20 beef ty' c• heifers. This is a good lot of stock and will be sold under usual guarantee. Sale bold under cover. and young cattle, to be sold first. Tervns--Cash. A, E. TOWNSHi' ND, Proprietor; Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer. 4171-1 AUCTION SALE OF PROPERTY AND Household Effects, John Street, Seaforth, 'Saturday, November 29tb. at 12-30 p.m.: Full list• of dining -room, kitchen and bedroom furniture, eta PROPERTY -7 -room 2 -storey sirocco house' with reception hall and large basement, en John Street. Hardwood floors throughout; bath room, heated with practical- ly new oil burner, fireplace, recently redecor- ated. Garage; flower garden. Terms -Chat- tels, cash. Property, 10 per cent down, bal- ance 30 days.. Reserve bid. For further.par- ticulars contact Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. ESTATE OF THE LATE HAZEL ELCOAT; McConnell & Hays, Solicitors for Estate; E. P. Cheeney, Clerk. 4170-3 AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK, MON- day next. November 24th, at 1.30 o'clock, on Lot 15, Concession 7, Hallett, five roads west, three north o; Seaforth: James E. Medd will offer for sale 50 head of Cattle; 18 cows: 5 Dtf{al Purpose: -just freshened; 3 Dual Purpose, to (freshen December and Janu- ary; 2 'Holstein cows rising 4, bred, to fresh- en January; 4 pure bred Hereford cows, bred, to freshen in Spring; 4 Hereford steers, 800 lbs.; 15 Winter calves, 450 to, 500 lbs.; 1 .holstein heifer bred, to freshen in Spring: e -lure fired Hereford bulls, 10 months; 4 fat steers, 1,000 lbs.; 10 yearling steers and heifers ; 1 saddle horse, 8 years • old, quiet; eenerisi purpose mare supposed to be in foal; 1 sow and 10 pigs a 1 English Collie dog; 1 Scotch and English female pup, 10 months. This stock is extra good and will e ecu 'o tne,highest bidder. Terms -Cash, or • credit can be arranged. JAMES E. u91.Uu, Proprietor; Harold Jackson, Auc- tioneer. 4171x1 blankets, guilts and •bed linens; floor cover_ Notice To Creditors ing , picrures; 2 rugs, 9:x12' and 9.x10'; car- pets; 10 scatter math and other floor cover- ings; quantity of dishes ; kitchen utensils and linens ; floor lamp and table Wraps; 2 long Madders ; 2 step ladders ; rope blocks; planes ; squares and other. carpenter tools ; 5 hand saws, chisels, tsCl boars, trestles, wheelbar- row; lawn hose; black robe ;: lawn mower, and other garden tools ; seaders, 50 jars of fruit; crocks ; chestnut coal and wood; host of other articles, W. JOHN MCINTOSH., Pro- prietor; Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. 4170-.2 CL^ARING AUCTION SALE of FARM, Farm Stock and Implements, at Lot 17, Concussion 12, McKillop Township, 2 •miles east of Leadbury corner,. on Thursday, No- vember 27th, at 12 p.m.': CATTLE -Cows: 1 due March 30th. 5 years old; 1 due March 1st, 6. years old; 1 due December 5th, heifer; 1 due November 25th, 4 years old; 1 due March 19th, 9 years old; 1 pure bred Hereford 4 years old; 1 due June 19bh, 3 years old; 1 due.•November 23rd, heifer; Registered Dur- ham bull 2 years old. Cathie --3 steers ris- ing ,2 years old, weigh 800 lbs.; 2 heifers 2 years old, 600 tbs. ; 9 calves; 2 young calves; 17 chunks pigs, 70 lbs.; 1 sow due January 13th. HORSES -1 bay gelding 6 ye rs old; 1 matched team; blue roan, 4 and S years old; general purpose horse 7 years old; 2 sets team • -harness; 1 set good driving harness; horse collar: horse blankets ; 1- Collie dog. IMPLEMENTS. -Binder, '-Massey-Harris, six- foot cut; McCormick -Deering mower, 6 ft. cut; disc drill, fertilizer (11 hoe) ; spring tooth cultivator; packer; 3 -section harrows; 1 set disc harrows; hay loader ; wagon and sliding rack; horse stuffier; John Deere 2 -furrow riding' plow; single. furrow plow ; 2 walking plows ; buggy trubber tires) ; Portland • cut- fer; grindstone; root pulper; car trailer and stock rack : scales 2,00.s 1c6.• Renfrew cream separator (like new),: hayfork rope,.sling and cnaua. pt:l.eys ; w•nnl:etl ses ; forks ; shovels ; wheelbarrow ; bags, 'sacks ; bag holder: 'bag truck; water troa'rh ; bob sleigh: flat rack ; stoneboat;,manure • spreader, Massey -Harris; Cyclone seeder; barrels; 5 -gallon coal oil can; 100 feet snow fence; lumber; cedar posts; steam coal ; grain: hay ; sap Pans, 75 sap nails; c8 -gallon} ,syrup eon; gathering tank; Grimin's evaporator; supply tank; quantity pine roots ; 2 colony houses, 10x12; 1 small one; cbicxen -troughs, etc.; 145 Sussex Red pullets; brooder stove; 1930 P'lymbtfth Sedan. in good condition HOUSEBIOLD EF- FECTS -Drop leaf table; 6 dining room chairs; 1 bed, springs and mattress; dresser; feather ticks; oil'' lamps ; Alladin lamp ; coal • •rove; crook stove;, 1 lounge;' cupboard; kitchen cabinet; churn; rocking chairs; hand wasn.ng machine; man's dog skin coat; lea- ther coat, sheep skin, lined; lantern; lawn mower; portable bath tub. FARM -100 -acre farm; 7 -room bungalow type house; bank barn with all cement stabling; implement shed and garage; wader in barn and house ; drilled well sand windmill. Small spring creek crosses farm. WeII fenced; 5 acres bush. Buildings are in No, 1 repair; land in good state of cultivation. Will be sold subject to reserve bid. Teams -Chattels, cash, Proper- ty, 10 per cent down,' balance in 30 days. MRS. RUBY DUNDAS, Proprie$ress;' E. P. Chesney,- Clerk ; Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. 4170-2. ''CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF FARM ✓ Stock and Implements, Grain, Hay and • Household Effects, at Lot 12, Concession 8, •McKillop,' 21a miles north of Beechwood, 3 Miles east of Winthrop, on Friday, November 28th, at 12.30 sharp: One general' purpose horse, 12 years. CATTLE -1 cow due to freshen 10th February : 1 Durham heifer due in February; 2 Durham caws ; (e part Rol- , stein cow; 4 Durham yearlings-; 1 Durham bull, 1 year; 9 Spring calves, Durham; 20 pigs, 3 months; 75 hens, 1 year; 500 bushels mixed grSfn; 75 bushels barley; 85 bushels A'ax, seed oats quantityof hayand grain; 7 g heavy harness • single harness. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS --Eureka electric washing machine; 1 large storage cupboard; L„large bureus c; I ^ couch and 1 bed with springs; cpditon': t- tery radio (1 t/1 volt) ; 1 bedroom dresser; 1 gasoline iron and 1. gasoline lamp; Aladdin hanging Lamp; .kitchen stove; heating stove and 2 -burner coal oil stove; some kitchen ,chairs; kitchen table, oak finish; 25 -gallon milk cern and number 'of barrels, etc. iM- P'IzEMENTS--1 'Massey -Harris groin binder with canvases; 1 Massey -Harris manure spreader; 1 Massey -Harris eultivater, 13 - ;booth; 1 out -throw disc, 12•plate; ,1 set har- rows, 4 sections, and 1 -horse seufiter ; 2 walk ing 'plows, Oliver corn smeller; 2 -fur- -row gang plow; McCormick -Deering ,mower, 5 foot; 1 gravel box; 1 wagon box; 1 hay loader; 1 flat rack ; 2 hay racks ; • 2 sets sleighs ; 1 dump rake; 1 side rake; 1 roller; d Case fertilizer drill, Il -disc, 2 years old:' alight wagon; rubber tired buggy ; cutter; wagon; 6110+ -inch Massey -Harris grain grind- er;' Curtin fanning mill and bag truck; Renfrew scales and number of bags and sacks ; set of beam scales; steel pig troughs': seeding box for cultivator; 30 -foot windmill ,tower; irh H.P. Johnson gasoline engine; 1 weeny house 10x14 feat and 2 chicken ehel- tors; 1 oil brooder stove; '2 oil drums ; same 6 -gallon cams ; tjuantity of lumber ; root yea rp' er; eliding' rack ; hay fork and set of- sling's; Bang bleak; post • hole digging. equipment : • 3 rolls barbed 'wire and some steel 'pests'; 2 ebop lanes; wbeelbarrdw ; forks and (shwa ela ; 2 pig hangers ; steel fireplace for sap pan With smokestack 2 sugar kettles sap pan Med pails: Meek and tackle.; wagon ,✓lace ; set of wagers wheals 2 trees new have reek' sills end some plank; other articles; Witte ereollont cefiditton ; Model A Forel, 'good shape. 1:4'6 reset -ire 4 'fa hoe .beet/ eold- Th. (ll;TtALb. RA; Proprio- tar'ante* L I'tltatl,. Ditbiin. Auctioneer; Tistelaa CeRourke, Meerlf , 4171x1 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of LEO DORSkY FORTUNE ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS AGAINST t)le Estate of Leo Dorsey Fortune, late of the Township et Tuckersmith. Drover, deceased, who died on or about the 8th day of Novem- ber, AD., 1947. are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned on or before the 17th day of December, 1947, full particulars 'of their clahits. Immediately after the said last mentioned date, the 'assets of the said estate will be distributed amairgst the parties entitled there- to, having regard only to claims d2 which, the undersigned shall then have notice, to the exclusion of all others, and the undersigned will riot be liable to any person of whose claim the undersigned shall not then have nuL,re fir the assets, so distributed or any part thereof. DATED at Seaforth this 17th day of November, 1947. , ALVIN W. SILLERY, Seaforth, Ot, s i • Solicitor 'for the Estate.' 4171-3 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of WILLIAM G. DUNDAS ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS AGAINST the Estate of William G. Dundas, late of the Township.of McKillop,in the County of Huron, Farmer, deceased, who died on the 3rd day of November, 1947, are hereby roti, fied to send in fullparticulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 8th day of December. 1947, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims then received. DAIS) at Seaforth, this 7th day of No- vember, 1947. McCONNELL & HAYS, ° Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executrix, • 4170-3 Notices CLERK'S NOTICE Of First ,Posting of Voters' List VOTERS' LISTS, 1947, MUNICIPALITY OF' THE TOWN OF SEAFORTH, COUNTY 01; HURON. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT I have complied with Section 7 of The Voters' Lists Act and that I have posted up at my office at Seaforth, on the fifth day of November, 1947. the list of all persona en- titled to vote .in the said Municipality at Municipal. Elections, and that such list re- mains 'there for inspection, And I hereby call upon all voters to `take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected according to law, the last day for appeal being the twenty-sixth 'day. of November, 1947- D. H. WILSON, warming closet and reservoir. Apply to A. aai1 Fours S YGil-c- AE -0140 a to tna, property some t ue'ago.. er nleY have same by proving proper PaYing eaPenees. WILIZAM DORSI Y4 wa- Ilub- 71x1 Salesman Wanted C"lOUaIB TY SALESMAN -AN OLD ESTA- lieshed insulation conepany, with head of- fice in Toronto, seeking the right man to operate in the County of Huron. The man o'hosen must be a willing wgrker, sober, cap- able of earning $2,500 a year ani...leave ear. Remunerationis on a straight commission basis. This is an excellent proposition for an ex -farmer with selling✓•• asbiliity. Box 615, EXPOSITOR. 4171x1 Coming Events HURON AND PERTH JUNIOR .FARMERS' Public Speaking Finals at the High School Auditorium, Thursday evening, Nov. 20th, 3.30 p.m, Everybody welcome. 4171-1 CKNX RANCH ,BOYS AT THE ORYSTAL V Palace Ballroom, Mitchell„ Friday, No - ',ember 21st. Enjoy dancing on a beautiful marble floor. New heating systeminstalled for your comfort Check moan and refresh- ment booth. 4171x1 Teachers Wanted ,TEACHER WANTED APPLICATIONS ARE INVITED BY THE undersigned for a fully qualified Protest- ant teacher for S. S. No. 2, Tucketsmith. Duties to commence January 5, 1948. Applicants to state qualifications, experi- ence and references, particularly name of last inspector, if experienced. Salary $1,500.00 and up aeeording to experience. S. H. WHITMORE, Secrebary-Treasurer, Tuckersmith School Area. 417b-tf Help Wanted HELP WANTED-MIDDLEAGED LADY TO assist with house work; family . of two adults. Apply Box 611, EXPOSITOR. 4170x2 EXPERIENCED BREAK-OUT MAN TO take charge of our cut-off saw and lum- ber shed. Also experienced cabinetmaker or youth to learn cabinetmaking. Pleasant work- ing conditions, good wages, very steady em- ployment. Living accommodation available. See or write full particulars , JAMES COLD FURNITURE COMPANY, Ingersoll. • 4171,1 Wanted WANTED -PERMANENT POSITION FOR: qualified bookkeeper and typist, male or female. Good wages and working, conditions. Apply to Box 612, EXPOSITOR, stating.ouali- fications and references. 4170-2 ]'ANTED TO BUY -OLD HORSES AND dead animals, suitable for mink feed. Will pay •Ic a pond for horses.'and will call and • pick up same. Dead animals according to value. If dead, phone at once. Phone colldct: .TACK GILBERT, 936 r 21, or FRED GILBERT, 036 r 32, Goderich. 4189-tf Personals asaYGTENIC SUPPLIES (RUBBER GOODS) mailed ,postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with price list, 6 samples 25c; 24 samples 31.00. Mail -Order Dept. T-73, NOVA -RUBBER CO., Bax 91. Hamilton. Ont. For Sale aaOR SALE -A QUANTITY OF LUMBER; 4 colds kindl.ng wood; 1 good inside toilet. Apply to J. W. FREE. 4171-1 von- SALE -CHILD'S 3 -PIECE SNOW -suit, 4 to 4X; brown . tweed. Apply to 'Box 616, HURON EXPOSITOR. - 4171-1 FOR SALE -1938 FORD COACH, NEW motor; good shape; 3700. T. A. DUT- TON, Brucefield. 4171-1 FOR SALE -100 LIGHT SUSSEX PUL - lets, laying. V4IL'LIAM ALEXANDER. Phone 848 r 15, Seaforth. 4171-1 Fort SALE -SINGER SEWING 'MACHINE, first-class condition. PHONE 150. e 4171-1 .FOR SALE -ONE BULL DOG PUP; ALSO 10 chunk,; of pigs. PHONE 33 r '79. Hensall. 4171x1 FOR SALE -TWO LADIES' BLACK COATS, fur -trimmed and plain; both in. first class condition. -PHONE 383, Seaforth, FOR SALE -BOY'S BICYCLE, IN -'EXCEL - lent condition. Apply to DAVID BRAD - SHAW, Seaforth, or phone 50. 4171x1. FOR. SALE - RENFREW COOK RITE stove, 2 years' old, in expellent eonditllbn, with water front and copper reservoir. PHONE 302, Seaforth. 4171x1 FOR SALE -THREE-PIECE CHESTER - field suite, slightly used; electric fire- place; 3 -piece bedroom suite; dinette set; cook stove; linoleuma on floors; drapes. PHONE 278-W. 4171-1 FOR SALE -'88 CHEVROLET MASTER De Luxe Coupe, A-1" condition For fur- ther particulars apply to JOHN ANDERSON, R,R. 1, Seaforth. • - - 4171x1 FOR SALE -3 .RANGE STOVES, 2 WITH Clerk of Seaforth. JOHN PETHICK, North Main Street, Sea - 4170 -2 forth. 4171x1 CLERK'S NOTICE Of First Posting of Voters' List MUNICIPALITY QF HULLETT TOWNSHIP • Huron Cooniy - NOTICE, IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT i have complied with Section 3 of the Vot- ers' Lists Amendment Act, c , 1987, and that I.. have •posted In) at my office, Londeshoro, op' the 28th day of October, 1947,'lihe list of all persons entitled to vote in the said Munici- pality for members of parliament and mun- icipal elections, and that such lists remain there for inspection. And T hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or emissions corrected ac- cording to law; the last day for appeals being the 21st day of November, 1947. GEORGE W. COWAN, Clerk of Hullett Twp - 4179 -2 TREASURER'S SALE OF LANDS FOR TAXES• ,c. The Town of Seaforth County, of Huron • TO WIT: By vrrtve of a warrant issued by the Mayor of the Town of Seaforth under his band and the seal of the said Corporation bearing date the 22nd day of September, 1947, sale of lands in arrears of taxes in tote Town of Seaforth, will be held in the Town Hall at the hour of three o'clock in the afternoon on the fifth day of January, 1948, unless the -taxes and coats are sooner paid. Notice le hereby given that the- list of lands for sale for arrears of taxes was publfahed in the Ontario Gazette on the Fourth day of 'October, 1947, and that espies of the add dist may be bad at rat" office. J. H. WILSON Treasurer. 41116-4 F▪ OR \SAT.F FOUR 750x20 USED • TRUCK tires. with 700 mile: on. Apply to KEiL- LAND'S. TIRE & BA 1"1 m.RY Phone 248, Seaforth. 4171-1 *piOR SALE -1 COOK STOVE WITH RES- 'eavoir; 3 -burner coal oil stove with oven in A-1 condition: 1 building lots approxi- mately one-half acre, on George St. Apply M ANGUS M,cLEAN. Phone 865, Seaforth. 4171-1 FOR' SALE 200- PULLETS, READY To lacy, Sussex - New Hap; Lakeview, al Exeter, strain. HAROLD COLEMAN, Staf- fs. Phone 658 r 23, Seaforth, or 48 "r 4, Dublin, 4171-1 F▪ OR SALE -A QUANTITY OF 12 -INCH sea wood: also n 20-30 Wallace tractor. in ✓nod condition. Apply to NORMAN MCI-TOLSON, R.R. 2, Blyth, or phone T{I r 11, 4,170x2 Cards- of Thanks THF- .FAMILY OF TEE LATE MR. J. WEL- 1nn-stnn •lohnaton wish to extend their sincere 114•atitncle to their relatives, neighbors and friends for the kindness and sympathy shown them in their recent bereavement; also for the beautiful floral tributes. Special thanks M Rev, Reba Stern, Dr, .T. A. Gorwill and to those who so kindly loaned cars. 4171x1 I•n Memoriam KENNAIlD-IN LOVING MEMORY OF my dear husband, George Kennard, who passed away four years ago, November 26, 1948. Nothing can ever take away The love a heart .holds dear; Pond memories linger every day, Remembrance keeps him near. What would I give bis hand to eilasts, • His happy ,fare to see, To bear ilia voice and see his smile, That meant so much to me. 4171x4.-Lovlmkly ..ernembere I by his Wife. HENSA, . RESIPENaY " T T iTY,EWVi 1T , T WEEK Mrs. Catherine Baker, oldest resi- dent of Hensall, .next Tuesday will observe her, 95th birthday. A week ago Mrs. Baker poked for her photo and the next ,day developed pneumon- ia and was taken to Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, where her condi- tion is regarded as satisfactory. Her great age seems no bar to Mrs, Bak- er's activities and she delights in helping her daughter, Mrs, John Pfaff, •witth whom she lives, with the house- work and mending. Duringthe past four years she has braided twenty- five mats as she listens to the radio, which is her favorite pastime. She was horn in Kitchener and has lived in Cranbrook, Goderich, Exeter and - Hensall. She is unusually active for one of her years, and her memory is very keen. She recalls happenings of many years ago ands how as a child she watched her father make pine shingles from wood cut in the 'bush. She and her little brother used to carry the wood from the bush, her father making bon -fires • of the shav- ings. This pastime 'Same to a sudden end' one day when her brother "ran through the hot ashes in his bare feet and burnt his feet badly. • Mrs. - Baker has one daughter and' two sons: William, of Goderich, and Leo, of Windsor; 17 grandvhildren and 12 great -grandchildren - 4•.....,..s VARNA Floyd McAsh, of Toronto, spent the "week -end at the parental 'home.. Mrs. M. Reid spent last, week with relatives in London. Mr. George Foster, of Windsor, spent the week -end with relatives . here. Mrs. Stelck returned' to Wind,- sor with him. Mrs. Robinson Wood and Miss Charlotte Johnston, of St,-Helend, were recent visitors in this vicinit; , They were accompanied -by M.rs. Vic- tor Taylor, of Brucefield. Mrs. Jamieson and little sons, of Centralia, are spending some time 'with her mother, Mrs. Gertie Reid. ' Mr. J. M. Glenn, of Hensall, and Mr, Morley Goodfellow, of Toronto, were recent guests with Mrs. M: G. Beatty. Mr. Isaac Medcalf, of Wingham, called last week on his cousin, Mr. James Stephenson, DUBLIN • Personals: Mi. and Mrs: Peter Ec- kert and family, of Timmins, with Mrs. Theresa Eckert; Edward Mc- Grath, Stratford, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Patrick McGI'ath; Mrs. Charles Stump, Kitchener, with her sister, Mrs. William Flanagan;; Chas. Malone, .Trenton, with Mrs. Malone and Mrs, McGrath; Mrs Jas. Ackroyd, Toronto, with her mother, Mrs, Jos. O'Rourke; Miss Margaret McLaughlin, Seaforth, with her brother, Joseph McLaughlin;' Miss Jean Costello and friend, Londoli, with, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Costello; Miss Monica Byrne has returned home after a week in Detroit; Mrs, Mary Ryan, Stratford, with her sister, Mrs. Minnie Schul- man. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Williams spent a few days last week in Detroit. Mr. Hewit 'Wilson, 'James Delaney and '• 'Leo Ryan , left on Monday by motor to Vancouver. Mr. Frank Holland, of Kansas, vis- ited Mr. and Mrs. John Flynn and Mrs. Barbara Holland. Continuation and public school chil- dren enjoyed a holiday Thursday in honor of Princess Elizabeth's wed- dling. HENSALL Word bas been received from Min- nie Reid, of Orlando, Florida, where she will spend the winter. • Residents' of Hensall were shocked to learn of the passing of Mr. ,Watson Wood, who died suddenly on Friday evening following a heart seizure, in his 77thear. Born ern in this district; where he had resided all his life and where he was highly thought of, he Was a'member of Car'm'el Presbyter- ian Church. Surviving are« two bro-. thers, Frank, Brandon, Man., and Jahn, Hensall, and two sisters, Eliza and Mary, of 1=lensail, Private funeral serifices were held from his late resi- dence Monday, conducted by his Min- ister,' Rev. P. A. Ferguson. 'During, the service Mrs, James A. Paterson sang by request "Unto . the Hills." Burial was in Hensall Union Ceme- Births SALLOWS-In Scott Memorial Hospital, on Nov. 13, be Mr. and Mrs. James Sailows, a daughter. VODDEN-'In Scott Memorial Hospital, on Nov. 14. to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Vodden, R.R. 2, Seaforth, a daughter. - BUERMAN-In Scott Memorial Hospital, -on Nov. 16, to Mr. and Mm. Orville Beerier - man, McKillop, a daughter. DALE -In Scott' Memorial Hospital, on Nov. 19, to Mr. and Mss, ,borne Dale, Jr., Sea - forth, a son. BARRY- an &ote Memorial Bospi£al,, _�, ,,ppint Moe. 39, to Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth, Biers, Ssaifortb, a son. STEC/fastr--,In .Clinton Hospital, on Satur- day, Nov. 15, to Ma and Mrs. Ivat4 Steckle, Barfield,. a Ben. MBILI ER --In Clinton Public Hospital, on Sutadilq',,' Nov. 16, to Mr. and Mrs. Merton Iliteilltoi (nee Lorna Westlake); a dols. tery. 'T. C. Joynt, Bert Horton, Bill Parke, Bill Parker and Cecil Pipfer return- ed home from a hunting expedition to Manitoulin Island with three deer. Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle, Betty, Charles and Bob and -Miss Betty Row - Cliffe motored to Toronto last Satur- day to see the Santa Claus parade. Geo. Hess of, Hensall, • Herb. Mous- seau of Zurich and E. Mousseau of Kippen are hunting in the Silver Lake District, The Young People's Union of the United Church held their meeting in the church schoolroom Monday eve- ning. The meeting .opened with a: ,hymn, followed by the call to worship by Lenore NormintoiT. The Scripture lesson was read by Bill Mickle and Miss Mary Goodwin led in prayer, ,followed with the Lord's Prayer in unison. The roil call was answered by 10 present. Bill Elliott took up the collection. The topic was given by MOB tit 1094; With the si11t- Ta.gg. of a yarn, * n I henetlietion audi grip Of tri ndi®1aliA►, the Xneeting G n• oit!dO, • Miss Oonsitt is it Toronto at- tending the 21o3ta1 Winter RIO, Mr. Vermin Spray, son-in-law of fix. anii_Mrs. E. •Geiger, and who was re- cently operated, on for an eMergency appendix operation in Victoria Has- pital, London, is improvllig nicely'. At the .United Church Manse, Heil- on eilon Saturday, Nov. 15, Bev. rt. A. Brook officiated at the Marriage of Mrs. Susie :Oesch of Zurich, and Ezra I{ipfer of Hensall. They will reside in Hensall. Bill Mickle, Bill O'Brien and Camp- bell Krueger, of Zurich, were in Lon- don last Saturday and saw the rugby game between. Varsity and the West- ern University team. Mr. A. J. Hummel and son-in-law, pr. P, Irey, off 1)41111/111e, Pa., visited over the week -end with Mr. Hummel's sister-in-law, Mrs. J. Bolton, and oth- er relatives and friends. Mrs. Jean Cawthorpe Ls in Toronto where she will undergo an operation., Mrs. Jas. W. Bell • left -Friday of this week •for Oakland, California, where she will spend the winter Months. She will make the trip by bus and will travel through Indianapolis, In- diana, St. Louis, Missouri, Pheonix, Arizona, and other places. Mr. Wellington Blatchford, 68, of 654 Waterloo Street, London; passed away in London on Friday, following a lengthy illness. Mr. Blatchford was born in Hensall, a son of the late Richard .Blatchford, and was well known here; leaving here 30 years ago for London. He was employed as a carpenter in the C.N.R. carshops un- til he retired three years ago. He was a member of the Moose Lodge and sang in the choir of Metropolitan United Chxh'ch. He is survived by one son, Richard, of London, and one grandson. Hie wife, Mrs. Florence Blatchford died in 1945. Also surviv= ing are three sisters: Mrs. Alice Pet- erson, Rapid City, S.D.; Mrs. C. Hoi- ly, Windsor, Virginia; Mrs. C. L. Jinks, Hensall, and one brother, Jas. Blatchford, Vancouver. The remains rested at the Evans' Funeral Home, Richmond St., where a service was held :Monday at 2 p.m. Dr. W. E. Mac- Niven, of Metropolitan Church, offici- ated and paid high tribute to his life and spoke of him being a very kind ,husband and father, and his kind deeds to his friends will long be re- membered. . The bearers were Wm. Chapman, Geo. Lovie, .'Casey Dunker - ford, Jack Thompson, Gilbert Kelsey and Arthur Lepard. Burial was in London Memorial Park. Attending the funeral. from Hensall was his sis- ter, Mrs. C. L. Jinks. The November meeting of the Arn- old Circle Evening Auxiliary will be held at the home of Mrs. Melvin Moir Monday. Miss Helen Moir will be co - ,hostess. The topic 'will be presented by Mrs. W. Brown. A public meeting of the electors, of the Municipality of Hensel] will be held on Friday, Nov. 21, from 7 to 8 'p.m., when nominations for a reeve, four' councillors, three school trustees and one Hydro Commissioner will be received. The auction sale of the estate of the late Mrs. J. W. Ortwein was held Wednesday afternoon last and was Very successful. The property was sold to J. Roberts, of Centralia Air- port for $4,000. The Wohelo Class sold hot dogs and coffee and realized about ,$11. The bingo and dance, sponsored byN the 04sadiall 'E egien on Wednesday evening,, Warti. i,arffelY atten4ed'f, 4/0c;wjtTrs a(; pgzesl glean, •e'«,tier fifiae War' won by MinMolt " 1 IArd9a1t' ire!^^ eStra fitleni132led' the MUsio 'ter dime-- Tile ine-''1 a acid bingo ,arc%.4000 TIM be held Dec. A delightful evening Wap. spent izt Carel Presbyterian March Monde! when an . rgan recital was presented on the ne Hammond organ, recently' installed in the church. Mr. Max Mc- Gee of -Lo on was at the orga>pl, con- sole for th recital and was assisted by Mr. Gayle Gordon of London, vio- linist. Rev. P. A. Ferguson introduc- ed the artists. The program inciudl ed: Organ numbers, "Arise," by Bach; Mr. Max Magee, organist; March ila 'D', Handel; Beethoven's Sonata, first movement; Gayle Gordon, "violinist; Air for 'G' String, Bach; Old Refrain, Kreisler, ,"Smilin' Thru" Mr. Magee, organist; "Moonlight," Debussy, or- ganist; "Golden Wedding," Lieke- straum, Lizt; -Violinist, Souvenir; The Rosary, Nevin, "Play, Fiddle, Play"; organist; Nocturne in `E' tFlat, Chop- in, "Warsaw Concerto," own arrange- ment. The Evening Auxiliary of the Unit- ed Church will 'hold a bazaar and home cooking sale in the basement of the church Saturday. Tea will be served by the W.M.S. Mrs. E. J. Dinnin has returned to her home In Seaforth after spending the past three weeks with Mrs. J: Bolton. - BATTERY -CONTAINED, ALL -IN -ONE The Smallest, Lightest, Most Powerful All -in -One Hearing Instrument Ever ,Created by Acousticon-Maker of the World's First Electrical Hear- ing Aid A EOno-wmi MOM t,1, ISda. rw.,a OIYA ID -Ilam t4m,ml Rome* INTERNATIONAL DEMONSTRATION Thursday, Nov. 27th . 2 p.m. to 9 p.m. Commercial Hotel, Seaforth W. S. HAMMOND, 214 Royal Bank Bldg., London, Ont. Send rne'fnal information about your FREE SPEECH -HEARING TEST. Name Address City J THIS TIRE IMPLILL5 YOU THRU WHEN- THE GOING IS TOUGH! TRADE IN YOUR OLD TIRES ALLOWANCE N,�w B. F. Goodrich Silvertown,s When roads get soft, snow - packed, treacherous - - switch to famous B. F. Goodrich Mud. Snow Tires. in soft going the massive tread buttons dig deep- - give you gear -toothed traction in forward or reverse gear. On pavement the contits- uous bars take over and yo,rJ/� ride smoothly and safer KELLAND'S TIRE ANI) BATTERY Phone 248 . • Seaforth B.F. oo rim FIRST IN RUBBER