HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1947-10-31, Page 8ti Il Pi �Ta 1JEUN E POSITOR. UST! OEC 3I, 194 ` 'r'iRE, AUlromo, }ILE, CASt,IALTY, 141, ,A11Rf►NT!'1,' BONDS, AIGCYDENT, A V..R 81C10,1ESs, BURGLARY AND WINDSTORM ,1iepre8.enting Companies who ,give; security with servfice. b Q AGENTS E,13 R ONTARIO r SHERM,AN'S MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE form tion gladly given. WATSON . & REID • M. A. REID '- Proprietor • Insurance & Real Estate PHONE 215 •- SEAFORTH O 00400<>0<>000 o O 'O BOX ' 0 Jut -tend •o Ambulance 0 -o• --34.0mpt and careful attention. 0 Q.; Hospital Bed 0 O FLOWERS FOR ALL 0 •O OCCAS'IO'NS 0 O Office Residence 0 'O 43- 18 0 1 0 000000000000 4000000000,0 0 O G. A. WHITNEY O Successor to • HOLMES & WHITNEY .0 Main Street = Seaforth 4 AMBULANCE SERVICE -0 Adjustable hospital bed for - .0 ' rent. - ▪ O Agent for Mitchell Nursery Flowers. O Telephone 119 O Nights and Holidays 65 Q • a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ▪ J. A. BURKE Q O Funeral Director 0 .0 and Ambulance Service 0 .0 DUBLIN • - ONT. 0 O Night or day calls: Phone 43 r 10 0 O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 "0 O 0000000.0000.0 4' . W. J. CLEARY Seaforth, Ont. O LICENSED EMBALMER -0 AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR O Night or Day Calls -335 O O0'0000000.000 O 0 O O O O O x �ce..sxz 3� TAXI SERVICE' ALL PASSENGERS INSURED Phone 162 - Seaforth CECIL J. LEMON Seaforth Monument Works T. PRYDE & SON Memorial Craftsmen Seaforth Exeter Clinton Seaforth Showrooms open Tuesday See Dr..LHarburn for appointment any other time, or Phone 41-3, Exeter. • r -- BODY AND FENDER REPAIRS AT Seafortli Motors PHONE 141 chesterfields and • • Occasional Chairs REPAIRED AND ' RECOVERED Aliso Auto' Seats and Backs, Verandah Swings and Steainer Chairs Repaired. Stratford Upholstering Co. Stratford TELEPHONE, 579 For liirther information apply at Box's Furniture Store SEAFORTH McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO'Y. W. 1, To' Meet, -The Seaforth W.I. will -meet on iPuesday, Nov. 4, at 2.30 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Cecil Oke. The roll call will be "A neighborly thing d have seen done recently." Mrs. Wm. Leeming _ will be the guest speaker. This is community activi- ties and social welfare meeting with Mrs. Michael Williams and Mrs, Jas. Brown as conveners. Members are requeated to note change of place and date. ... C. G. 1. T. Group Meets. -The C.G. I.T. held their regular meeting on Tuesday, Oct. 21, at the home of M.rs. E. Stevens, Walton. 'The meeting opened by all singing a hymn, fol- lowed by the 'Scripture reading and prayer by Jacqueline Habkirk. The Purpose was repeated and the group sang a hymn.. Marie Armstrong read' a very interesting story, and the min- utes were read and business discuss- ed. • The offering was received and nine answered the roll call. A hymn was sung by the group, and at the close of the meeting Taps were sung and a delicious lunch was served. First Presbyterian W.M.S. 'Meets. -j' The Senior Auxiliary of the Women's Missionary Society held its Thank - offering meeting in First Presbyter- ian Church ,Tuesday. Mrs, D. J. .,Lane, of Clinton, was the guest speak- er. Mrs. R. Eberhart opened the meeting by reading a Thanksgiving psalm and the program included, Mrs. Charles Aberhart, 13ible l read- ing; Mrs. Wm. • Thompsdn, a prayer; address by Mrs. Lane; vote of thanks ,to Mrs. Lane moved by Mrs. Rit- chie, seconded by Miss Lena Graham; a vocal solo by Mrs. F. Kling. The collection, which amounted to $129, was taken by Mrs. T. S. Smith and Mrs. Harry Stewart, A life member- ship certificate was'presented to Miss Ballantyne, A social half-hour was enjoyed at the close of the meeting. HEAD OFFICE - SEAFORTH, ONT. OFFICERS: Frank McGregor, Clinton - President' Chris Leonhard Brodhagen; Vice -Pres. Merton A. Reid, Seaforth - Manager and Secretary -Treasurer. DIRECTORS: Chrftt. Leonhard -t, Brodhagen; E. J. Trewartha, Clinton; Harvey. Fuller, US. 2, Gaderich ; J. li. McEw'ltng,11.R. 1,• Blyth,; Frank McGregor, Clinton. Hugh Alexander, ILL 1, Wat- ten *DOM R. Archibald, R.R. 4, foarotth; John L. Malone, R.ii`., 5, Sea-, forth; >,, C ill mote, J%.1}. 3, Seat', C hutches Northside United Church --Rev. H. V. Workman, Minister: 10 a.m., Sun- day School; 11 a.m„ Worship Service; subject, "Newness Through God, Christ and You"; 7 p.m., Service withdraWn; attend Egmondville anni- versary. Welcome to our Church. ' Anglican. -Sunday, November 2nd: St. Thomas', Seaforth-10 a.m., Sun- day School; 11 a.m:, Holy Commun- ion, "The Communion of Saints"; 7 p,m., Evening Prayer. ' St. Mary's, Dublin. -3 p.m., Church Service. -The Rector, Rev. C. F, L. Gilbert, B.A., .atall services. Hold Thankoffering Meeting. - he Thankoffering of the Barbara'' k - man Auxiliary was held on Tuesday evening when the president, Mrs. J. E. Daley, opened the meeting with an appropriate message and prayer. The Scripture lesson was read by Mrs. J. B. Russell and Miss Belle Campbell gave the prayer. A quartette compos- ed of Doris Pullman, Joyce Glanville, Phyllis More and Mrs. Thompson, was much enjoyed. Mrs. Bissett, of Goderich, Presbyterial President, and Mrs. Alfred Taylor, of Goderich, were the guest speakers. Mrs. Bissett gave a very interesting and 'instructive re- port of the Council meeting held re- cently in Toronto. Mrs. Taylor, who spent some time in England. Last sum- mer, told of her experiences on, her plane trip, across the ocean and also gave a very graphic description of conditions in. England, especially deal- ing withjthe shortage of food. Mrs: H. Dale and Mrs. K. Campbell receiv- ed the offering, which amounted to something over $90. At the close of the meeting a cup of tea was served and a social hour spent by the mem- bers aid the guests.'' Mere they travelled' to Los Angeles and sax aeueral at the hen►ea of ,ac- tresses in Hollywood, Moving an to , San Franeiseo they spent five days there and saw the Liars Parade, re- presenting almost every country in the world, and also visited the Golden Gate' Bridge, which is our miles- long. Leaving there they visited Portland, Oregon, and surveyed the Internation- al Rose Gardens. One of the most ,beautiful cities visited was Seattle, Wash., where they took the boat for Victoria. Later the same evening they landed in Vancouver and shortly after left by train for Banff and saiv beautiful Lake Louise. ,Moving east- ward they stopped at Calgary and Ed- monton and explored the R.C.MiP., Barracks there. Leaving Alberta they travelled to Saskatoon, thence to Win- nipeg, Port McNichol, Sault Ste. Marie, and finally arrived in Toronto and then home. Moving pictures to illustrate the trip were shown by Mrs. J1 M. Scott and Mrs. McMaster. They also showed pictures of the dif- ferent church organizations taken a few weeks ago by- Mr. Scott. Miss Rena Fennell moved a vote of thanks to Mrs. McMaster and '•'Mrs. Scott. After singing "Come, Let Us • Stag Of a Wonderful Love," the meeting cos - ed by repeating the Mizpah 'benedic- tion. Death of Hazel Irene- Elcoat.-Miss Hazel Irene Elcoat, daughter of 'the late. Mr -.Mrs. William Elcoat, and,be pvi ed sister of Mrs. (Dr.) W. J. Glanfield, of Wallacetown, Ont., passed away at Toronto General Hos- pital on Sunday morning. October 26, after a few months' illness. Miss Elcoat' was a member of th staff of the Eastern High School of Com- merce, Toronto, for 20 year , where she was very popular and h ghly re- spected by both staff and pu s. She was a graduate of Queen's Una ersity, Kingston, and was a, specis in Art and Commerce. She -wasa member of the.United Church, Seaforth. The funeral was held from hey' late resi- dence, John St;, Seaforth,on Wed- nesday afternoon at 2' p,m., the Rev. H. V. Workman conducting the ser- vice. Several members of the staff of Eastern High School of Commerce, Toronto, attended. The pallbearers were W. A. Wright, Arthur Wright, Henry Hoggartb, Alex Bethune, Dun- can Aikenhead and James F. Scott. Interment was in Maitlandbank ceme- tery. „ . o Mae Lane Auxiliary Meets. - The Mae 'Lane Auxiliary of Northside United Church ,Met on Tuesday eve- ning with the president, Mrs. B. F. Christie, in the chair. Mise Vera, Mole opened the meeting by reading a poem, "Autumn Glory." After sing- ing the hymn, "From. Ocean Unto Ocean," Mrs. Edwin Johns led in prayer. Mrs.. J. A. Westcott, assistant secretary, read ,the minutes of th's iseptember - meeting. Reports were given by the various secretaries and the roll called. Mrs. A. W. Sillery,• Captain of Circle 2,, took charge end the hymn, "0 Master, Let Me Walk With Thee,' - was sung, followed` -by prayer by Mrs. +E. B. Goudle. The Scri;,ture lesson was taken, by Mrs. L, Morrison. Miss Mabel Turnbull very sweetly sang "Can't Remember," accompanied by Mrs. Jas. A. Stewart at the piano. The main feature of the evening was a travelogue of a good -will tour of the. United States and Canada by Mrs. E. A. McMaster, who, in the company of several oth- ers, made the trip dbri_.ig the _past summer. 'Commencing their tour ut London, they stopped at thfca;e, and via. Sante Fe railway they toadied the foilaivitig' places of im portance: •' + l: {, k J "y Kansas City, into the . State Of Colo - e a (he , R $ :. t, l'ltrtilirtl rad+}, Grand Canyon, Yellowstone Na- .:�-.:4X ., it?u8te*; tit<il3X tetfC. ilP111Cli;xs i ifi'tti%' AtSd iYI� tlt(�' oa wouders of'tJae� world, aaj;i>iata Corriveau - Broughton. -A pretty wedding was solemnized at the Unit- ed Church Parsonage, Atwood, on Saturday, Oct. 18, at high noon when Rev. G. T. Simpson united in 'mar- riage Laurene Matilda, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Broughton,. At - The Same Good Quality For Forty Years 4, -THE ONLY BREAD MADE IN ' SEAFORTH (rich '5 PHONE 34 The Drivr Will Call ANNIVERSARY SERVICES will be held' in EGMONDVILLE UNITED. CHURCH - on - SUNDAY, NOV. '2nd at 11 a.m. and 7.50 p.m. Conducted by - REV. -G. F. N. ATKINSON, B.A. of WardsviIle. Special Music by the Choir . FOR SALE Asbestos covered dwelling on South Main Street, Seaforth. Modern Dwelling en Louisa Street. M. A. REID • REAL ESTATE PHONE 214 SATURDAY, NOV. 1 Cardno's Hail, Seaforth NORM CARNEGIE . and His Band' ADMISSION - 60 CENTS wood, and Mr. Paul James Corriveau, Zurich, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mareil Corriveau, Zurich. The bride looked lovely in a floor -length gown of white satin with high round neckline, bishop sleeves and fitted bodice of eyelet nylon. Her finger-tip veil of Silk net fell from a pleated crown edged' With pearls, and she carried a shower bouquet of American Beauty roses. Her only ornament was a double strand of pearls, the' gift of the bridegroom. Miss Anne Brough- ton, Reg.N., Atwood,' was her sister's bridesmaid, wearing a floor -length gown of''silver} green brocaded satin with headdress of pink ostrich plumes and matching lace mittens, She car- ried a nosegay of pink roses and baby chrysanthemums. William- Broughton, Atwood, brother of the bride, was best man. Following the ceremony a wedding dinner was served to the immediate families at the•home of the bride's parents, which Was attractive- ly decorated with pink andwhite streamers, autumn leaves, and flow - erg.:., The bride's table was centred with a three-tier wedding cake. As, sisting in serving were Mrs. John Broughton, Miss Grace Dewar and Mrs. Fergus Lannin. The young couple' left later on a wedding trip to Northern Ontario, the bride travel- ling in a powder blue suit with black accessories and squirrel neckpiece. On their return they will reside in Seaforth. , LOCAL BRIEFS • Dr. Victor T., • Mooney, annivers- ary preacher at Northside Church, was the guest at the Parsonage with Rev. and Mrs. H. V. Workman: • Mrs. James . Porterfield. and Mr. and Mrs. Anna McEwan, of Clifford, spent the, week -end with Mr. Robert Porterfield and Mr. and Mrs,. E. C. Chamberlain. • Mr. and Mrs. Squire Herdman and Helen, of Centralia; Amos and Herman Herdman, of - Exeter, and Mr, and Mrs. Hilson Whiteford and Car- man Herdman, of Ingersoll, were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Bradshaw for the 40th wed- ding anniversary of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Herdman. • Mr. and Mr's. W. R. Johnston, of Clifford,, spent SundO,y at the home of Mr. Ad Mrs. E. C. Chamberlain. • Mrs.. William Bradshaw attended the Watkins' convention in Kitchener on Wednesday of last week. • Mr. Hilson Whiteford, of Inger- soll, spent a few days last week with Mr:.and Mi's, William Bradshaw. • Dr. A. R. Campbell, Field Secre- tary of the Canadian Guernsey Breed- ers' Association, former well known resident -et this district, now of Guelph, accompanied by Mrs. Camp- bell, called on' old friends in town over the Week -end. - • Mr, and, Mrs. Milton Chesney, of Autumn Whirl ! AUSPICES, .OF THE NURSES OF SCOTT MEMORIAL HOSPITAL TIME -.--Friday, Nov.- 7th 10 p.m. to 2 a.m. PLAE-Cardno's Hall SEAFORTH MUSIC-Skyliners Band Dress Optional ADIVMISSION $2.00 PER COUPLE • WE' HAVE TWO CARS •OF KATAHDIN POTATOES now in.' - .Also '2 Cars on the. Way Phdne your orders or Winter's supply PURE. OLIVE OIL -Direct from Italy.. ,All sized jars and prices: CALIFORNIA GRAPES per potind 15c ALSO ALL KINDS OP FRESH FRUIT , Phone 63 Philips' Fruit Store TAXI. Passengers .Insured - PRONE 128, ,Seaforth BIG . Olid -Time DANCE CARDNO'S HALL Tues., . Nov. 4th Music by Avon Aires Dancing from 9.30 to 12.30 Admission ,- ..50c • FOR SALE Seven -roomed stuccoed frame house; Hydro; furnace; garage. - Prompt possession. Centre St. E. C. CHAMBERLAIN Real Estate Broker INSURANCE PHONES: 334 or .220 - SEAFORTH TAXI Day and Night 'Service PHONE 355 CLAYTON J. DENNIS All passengers insured. Arthur' Fraser Income Tax Report* Bookkeeping Services, Etc. EXETER Ann Street •. Fhone 365W, „ IToro':to, were week,.end gUests 0F' Mrs. Jessie Flett, • Mrs.'Edward C. Bea and Mrs, �. Walter Muir,' of Toronto, were week- end guests with Mr. and Mrs' W. J; Finnigan and Mr. and Mrs. J. F,. lis. • Mrs, Langford, of London, visit- ed her daughter, Mrs. W. R. Shaw, and Mr. Shaw. • Mr. and Mrs. Alex Han of Lon- don, visited their daughter, Mrs. E. A. McMaster, and Dr. McMaster, • Mr. and Mr'rank Cudanore and Miss Nancy, of Wallaceburg., spent the week -end with Mrs., J. F. Reid, • Mr. and Mrs A. R. G. Ament and family, of Toronto, . were week -end guests of Mi'. and Mrs. Wm. Ament. • Dr. and Mrs. Harold Treffrey, of St. Jpseph Island, are guests' of her uncle and .aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith, also her , brother, Mr. John Broadfoot, and sister, Mrs, Elmer Townsend, Tuckersmith. • Mrs. McLeod, • of Winnipeg, is visiting her brother, Mr. W. J. Mc- Intosh, who is now convalescing at the Ruston Nursing Home, Mitchell. • Misselen Smith, nurse -in -train- ing a`t St. Joseph's Hospital, London, spent the -Week -end at her home here, • Mr. and Mrs. Percy Hoag,` of Lucknow, spent the week -end -in town with Miss Edith Hoag. ' •-Mr. and Mrs. Aiken, of East'Am- herst, N.Y."were guests of his aunt, Mrs. A'. L. Porteous, last' week. • Mr, and Mrs. -George Finlay and. son, Douglas, left this week to make their home in Leaside, Toronto. • Prof. and Mrs. James R. Scott, of Toronto, spent the week -end with his mother, Mrs, H. R. Scott. • Mr. , and Mrs. J. K. Docherty,, of Toronto, were week -end guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herald Lawr- ence. • Miss Grace Currie and Mr. and ,Mrs. David 'cowing and family, of Preston, spent Sunday with Mr.- and Mrs. John Currie. • Mrs. Wesley Real, of Toronto, spent the week -end at the home of the Misses- Vera and Laura Mole. • Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Sproat, of North Bay, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs, R.' H. Sproat, Mrs. James •Sproat, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Sproat and Mr. and Mrs, R. J.'Sproat: • Rev. A. Hinton, of Kippen, will" be guest soloist on Sunday evening at Egmondville United Church at the anniversary services. • Mayor M. A. Reid and Messrs. James M. Scott, L. De LaFranier and A. Y. McLean were in Toronto on Wednesday on business. • A quartette consisting of Messrs. James T. Scott, -Fred E. Willis, M. R. Rennie and D. L. Reid furnished the music for the anniversary services. at Moncrieff on Sunday last. Mrs. Ren- nie was the accompanist. • Mr. and Mrs. N. J. O'Hanley and. daughter, Mrs. D. R. McKay, and two children of Chicago, spent last week with Mrs, T. O'Loughlin. - • Mrs. James -Kerr and Miss Maud Hartrywere in Toronto last week at- tending' the Centennial exercises in connection with Toronto Normal School. • Mr. and Mrs, Len -Le Souder, Mr. and Mrs. Ross McGee, Mr. and Mrs. William Hudson and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Simpson. Sr., all of Stratford, were Sunday yuests of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hudson. • Miss Ann Bowland was in Toron- to this week attending the funeral of her aunt, Mrs. D. M. McKaig, • Mrs. Si~iiart Crouch, of Toronto, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Mullen. . • Miss Bess Grieve, of Chatham, spent the week -end at her home in Egmondville. • Mr, John Briggs rand Miss Jean Briggs, of Cleveland, and Mr. 'Charles Briggs, of New York, are guests this week of Mr, and Mrs. M. McDermid. 's Dr. and Mrs. H. J. Hodgins, of Toronto, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs.. John Beattie. • Mrs. A. K. Harvie,' of Toronto, was a week -end guest of Miss E. Davidson. • Mr. J. Leslie . Kerr, son of Mrs. James Kerr; Seaforth, recently has been apppinted vice-principal of Mal- vern Collegiate Institute, Toronto. The school has an attendance of 1200 students and a staff of 50. • Mrs. John F. Cummings has re- turned from London where she was undergoing treatment. • Mr. Ernest McIntosh, of - London, spent a few. days in ,town this week. • Mrs. Thomas McAdam spent a few days in Toronto last week. • Miss -Margaret Case, R.N., is spending two ,weeks with her 'sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Marinelli, in Sault : Ste. Marie. • The Woman's • Association of Northside United ‘Ohurch will hold a bazaar and tea in the schoolroom of the -church on November 28. 4 Miss Marion F. Mason, of Sea - forth, received her Associateship Diploma, Piano (A.T.C.M.), at the graduation exercises of the Royal Conservatory of Music of Toronto, held in Convocation Hall, University df Toronto, on Oct. 22, and afterwards attended a reception for the' gradu- ates and medallists. • Mrs. James Walmesley and Miss Beth- Walmesley were in -London re- cently. • Mr. and Mrs. Robert Farrow and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Farrow; of Brus- sels, were . Sunday visitors of Mrs.. John Pethick. • Messrs: Donald Smith, Donald Brightrall, Donald Stewart, William Mune and Neil Beattie were in Lon- don on Saturday last attending the Queen's- University. of Western On- tario football game. - • Mrs. J. W. Thompson and. son have returned from a' motor trip to Pleasant Valley, Ohio, where they visited friends and relatives. ., STAFFA Personals:. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Harburn attended the Willow Grove church anniversary and were guests of Mr, and Mrs. Will McNaughton; Mrs. Tnffin, Mr. and Mrs. John Ad- dington, Varna, with Mr. and Mrs, R. Parsons; Mrs. John Drake attended a bridal shower for Miss Leone Dunean, Thames Road; Mr. and Mrs. Robert McIntyre and Mrs. Johns,. Stratford, with Mr. and? • Mrs. W. O'Brien; Archie Cooper, Toronto, rnrith. Mr. and Mrs. Jetties Barbour; .11jr, and Mrs. Jr. M. Miller and Clifford Miller attended the *oat of IiTr Lille brothejrifi*la1i, ,440100)'' a ent Theatre'Siafortli NOW PLAYING -- THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY " THAT'S M) MAN " with • .DON AMECHE , and CATHERINE M.c1.E0OD They're off -and the crowd roars! A memorable story -the horse, the whole nation loves racing to a gallant finish. The heart -winning pie- ture of the year with the girl who rose to stardom in, "I've Always Loved You." ' ADULT ENTERTAINMENT - MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY " NOTORIOUS " with •"' CARY GRANT and INGRID BERGMAN The story deals with the efforts of the Government' Agents to uncover a plot by a Nazi group in Bruit to manufacture,atom bombs for a third World ca'nfiict. A masterpiece of melodrama. NEXT THURSDAY, FRIDAY; SATURDAY • " THE RETURN OF MONTE CRISTO " with LOUIS HAYWARD •and BARBARA BRITTON An impressive, entertaining Historical Story with characters, settings and names stemming from the original works by Dumas. Coming: "JOHNNY O'CLOCK" with DICK POWELL and gELYN KEYES "Adult Entertaient" COME TO - FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH -- Saturday, Nov. 1st; - 3 to 6, o'clock BAZAAR of . , . • Aprons • Produce • Knitted Articles • Home Baking AFTERNOON TEA Silver Collection . 'YOU'LL ENJOY A PLEASANT •AFTERNOON • ON'HA• ND- 1 car of Hemlock -2x6, 2x8, 2x10 1 1 car of Cedar -2""x,4"" to 12", and 3"x4"" to 12" --Lengths 8' to 22f SPRUCE -in 1 and 2 -inch, all widths and lengths; also a car. of tongue and groove spruce 5, 6, 7 and 8 -inches wide. FIR -In various widths, length and thicknesses. PEELED 'CEDAR 'POSTS-Stralght and in good sizes: " CEDAR. GRAIN SHINGLES -Dover White and Grey; Famous Johns - Manville Siding. INSUL"BRICK SI'iDING and Mitt_ BRICK SIDING INSULATION -Loose or by the car Reclaimed Cedar Shingles PLYWOOD- 3/16, In and ry4'i h, various sizes. BEAVERBOARD and FLEXBOA D HARDWALL PLASTER ROLL ROOFING SASHES AND DOORS Seaforth Supp & Fuel Co. "Where the Best Costs No More" Phone 47 Seaforth ant�d: Experienced Bookkeeper and POULTRY KILLER GOOD PAY Inquire- Parkdale Poultry MITCHELL PHONE 245 THE KIDDIES SHOP WILL OPEN • SATURDAY November 1st at 9 a.m. in the Queen's Hotel • - Northeast Corner of Main ' and Goderich Streets i- 4 CHILDREN'S -WEARING APPAREL • Wool • ' Hand Knits - �► Gifts e,