HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1947-10-31, Page 60401A. #la Fagg 3) 1t,► Russell 18984943. '3,,,,p0,490(4; Rev. A. 911f ', Y Ds 1 McKinley; 115- Moyer, 1°91$-1919; Wards, 1919.19152; Rev. uR{ 19*-1ii96; 7,i,ev. , W. P. 994, Rev. T. A. Carguclk 938; '40. R. V. Worlmtm►, Ili 1929 the following were elected to office to the United Church; Eld- era*-A, Porteous, Thos. Grieve, Joe Scott, J. C. Laing, C. 11. Holland, S. Savauge, John Conaitt,W. H. Trethewey, W. D. Hoag, Wm. Black, Jolla #Finlayson, F. D. Hutchison. Stewards—Wm; Hartry,. E. C. Cham- berlain, F. Harburn, W. J. McIntosh, H. Lawrence, A. Dodds, Wm. Gold- ing, J. W. Beattie; Chas. Barber, Wm. Morrison, Dr.'"Burrows, R, Archibald. Trustees—'Rev. R. F. Irwin (chair- man), Wm.'Hartry, F. Harburn (sec.), W' D. Hoag; Wm. Black, J. G. Doch- erty, A. Hugill, H. Lawrence, Wm. Chapman, A. L. Porteous, Wm. L. Keys, F'. S. Savauge. om .om � . ppipp y yy��y.. �Y, t.Y. t ,M. 0 9ma � � �Sl.. 'ripetltlrll4liFg .. rgi z.:tion,}own, 1h e&I'lile� sear* as the UMW' r . id. 'ands 1$, ,er 'the, War men's Assoeiatinn, The Ladies" idl was institttt d ilgh 1376,The• following are thOn* ea ole those who ] ,et" on .March 23 r the'first�.•timo to draft ap rules an 1 'regulations aiid to ar- ganise as a society; Mrs. Shaw, Mrs, Buggin, Mrs. Rooth, Mrs. Martin, Mrs. 4opp Mrsl. Hunt; Mrs. Ault, Mrs. Kellum, ' Mo. Lee, Mrs. Beattie, Mrs. S. Johnson, Mrs. Williamson, Mrs. Hill, Mrs. O. Johnson, Mrs. Sperling,. Mrs. Charlesworth, Mrs. Hume. The election `of officers In 1876 resulted as follows: President, Mrs. Ault; vice-president, Mrs. Lee; secretary, Mrs. Beattie; treasurer, Mrs. S. Johnson. In 1877 other names appear on the roll as: Mrs. Brownell, Mrs. D. John- son, Mrs. Willis, Mrs. Graham, 'Mrs. Beam, Mrs. Crocker, and later, Mrs. John Beattie, Mrs. Wm. M. Gray, Mrs. Whitney, Mrs. Cobb, Mrs. J. C. Smith, Mrs. Paskley, Mrs. Forsyth. On March 5, 1877, the following resolution was duly. recorded in the minutes of their meeting on the above date: "Moved by Mrs. Johnson, sec- orded by Mrs. Williamson: That the 1 Dead and Disabled Animals REMOVED PROMPTLY PHONE COLLECT: SEAFORTH 15 EXETER 235 DARLING AND CO. OF CANADA, • LTD. SPECI4LSALE Wallpaper - Sale Buy One Rolland get another `for ONE CENT All 1947 styles on sale to make room for 1948 papers. Beginning ' FRIDAY, OCT. 17th For a short time only. ROBERCIIAPMFIN & SON MITCHELL, ONTARIO A story that never ends:.. THE TALE your Telephone _Directory tells is never finished. Year after year more names are 'added, more people 'Whom you can call,. grid who can call you. Right now we're busy with unfilled orders ... adding still more, telephones just as fast. as materials become available. More people are using their telephones more often. Our constant aim is to make the service better, too, better in every way. More telephones . . better service . . . and always at the lowest possible cost. It all adds up to greater value for every telephone user. TRE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA ;A t l{{�- 4 KgIhIAF Ia..RA tO. OW** .. �n, 'p9" e n c ti"� O t' 111. $F ,... paril!Qa.A the Society shall hereof* , conaider propel;" Z'ltfs organisation wa,s'•'alwaya ail tho alert t4' give aa$ h(0 or advice when; needed, and all through those 7.0years..the.) haveOo ntribnted most liberally to the ti10.aicia�i WO of the rii jureh. 'tiM;loadlOW Aid pre- eented to the. 'rµste *gird the deed of the property neyr ow*, and in 1904 tools art aotige part in the building of the -'^Parsonage, In 1907 they were instrgm@'ntai' in having chandeliers installed at the time of the redecorating. Ih M4 they gave $1,000 as a payment on the church mortgage, -and in 1924 gave- very .gen- erously towards inistalla,tion of the present organ, and all through the past 70 years they have contributed in no small way to scores of other needs not necessarily mentioned. ° The officers elected in 1925 in the United Church were:: President, Mrs. J. B.' Thompson; lst vice-pres„ Mrs. J. Finlayson; 2nd vice-pres., Mrs. J. Dochefty; sec., Mrs. B. Archibald; treas., Mrs. A. McGavin; property 'committee, Mrs. Burrows, • Mrs;' Con- slit, onsift, Mrs?Fell; flower committee, Mrs. Cluff, Mrs. Turnbull, Mrs. 'Willis; kitchen committee, Mrs. Stark; visit- ing isiting committee, Mrs. Hamilton, Mrs. Frost, Mrs..Hudson, Miss Robb. WALTON Cunningham - Ennis The home of Mr. and furs. Fred Ennis, Walton, was the scene of a pretty autumn wedding on Saturday- afternoon aturdayafternoon at two.o'clock, when Rev.' P. G. Hazlewood united in marriage their youngest daughter, Anna Isobel, to; Ross Dunbar Cunningham, eldest son of M'rs. E.. -Cunningham and the late Roy Cunningham, of Grey Town- ship. The bride, who was given in marriage by her father, .looked lovely in a floor -length gown of blue nylon net over taffeta with matching finger- tip veil which fell from a hairdress of blue velvet flowers. ghe carried a bouquet of American Beauty roses. _Mrs. Knneth Ritchie, of Seaforth, was 'her sister's bridesmaid in a floor. length fuchsia, corded taffeta dress with matching hairdress and gloves; carrying a, bouquet of pink Better Gime roses. Robert Cunninghair was groomsman for his brother. Mrs. Douglas Ennis played the wedding, march and accompanied Miss Estelle Cunningham, sister of the groom, who sang "I'll Walk Beside You." Follow- ing the ceremony a reception was held. the bride's mother wearing a navy blue sheer dress With a corsage of pink carnations. The groom's mother wine a dress of hunter's green crepe and corsage of bronze roses. The house was ,tastefully 'decorated with pink and white streamers and bpuquets . of carnations and chrysan- themums. Assisted in serving were Misses Marie Bennett, Leona Watson ATM_ *414414 6t v de 1r h�d>ir9,e ilibrooter oh a, wedding trip to thited tL d Ot0.44. a lide trefll#x ' c o age Ot 4Feeth e art VOW, Q l 11eit Almi mu�ln. c brown' i1�� ue �t with wteh x�¢rn they reside. n11e., a n$'topeQat anda:Ges6Arlee+ $ad . �u$ C PuaOts wera's- What Dove A Bunk MoOn To You?- A Place of Saving From time to time you may see a lot of unnecessary spending. You are likely to hear people exclaim just can't save." It takes determination to make a deposit every week or month in a savings account. You'll be surprised how fast your savings deposits mount up. The Canadian Baa�k of Commerce welcomes the opening of Savings Accounts at any of its more than 500 branches across Canada. rotode Ssi .o G'$Ubr9o1 Consult our Manager for your financial needs. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE s. Seaforth Branch G. C. Brightrall, Manager • 174. STATEMENT OF POLICY by the GENERAL MOTORS DEALER ,5t handling CHEVROLET • . OLDSMOBILE CHEVROLET TRUCKS Shortly after the war concluded, and because it was of timely impor- tance, we — your. General Motors dealer—issued a statement outlining our business policy. In the interests of our customers and me community as a whole, we have decided that this policy should now be reaffirmed. It will be our continuing' purpose, therefore, in all our dealings with you to adhere to the following principles: *We will abide firmly by delivered prices on all New Cars and Trucks, as recommended by the manufacturer. * We will do our best, having the responsibility of being the sole distributor in this area of new General Motors Passenger Cars and Trucks, 'to allocate them as fairly as possible with proper regard for orders placed *ith us and dependent upon the availability of models. * We will ask only reasonable prices for all Used Cars and Trucks — based on an'equitable resale valuation. *We will make allowances based on proper appraisal and a fair valuation to purchasers who have cars or trucks to trade. * We will give purdiasers the ,benefit of those acces- ' sories which are available, but delivery of a new car or truck will not be,conditional upon the acceptance of accessories other than those desired. *We will charge only the established prices for parts and accessories, and not snore than equitable. prices for all types of services. When requested we will gladly provide the customer with advance,estimates. * We will, at all times, strive to be'considerate of our customers' needs — and to serve with efficiency, satis-, faction and courtesy.' • r SEAFORTH MOT • RS t