HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1947-10-31, Page 4ed' Ads Will Be Inserted 'New ted. foist nd, Etc.—Per ward; 1st week Cent 2n4 week $rd w a,. y Cent Mlutastn eh.reel Bret tnpeahigq,,Cent" A Each azure. initial and abbreviation coag Le C cull mow" err wgrrl. 4e eekln memoriam Notices, Comms $vepte-1 cgOe ap Dae word.'#[inimum, RO (R?xi as anaY dBN immated to a ox uanber. 4lm rink,* Fyxegs px lD et 10 Vitlitienacl' will 1)6 ohrztS rid bA 4tbeltal arra Dot within date ati final :iq#erteou, 43irtiw, Marriages and Deaths inserted free at eLarss- Anotion Sales. Notices to Creditors. Eta—Router en aDAiicetlon, Coming Events ' Property For Sale OR14X RAPICH BAYS WITH EARL HEY- HOUSE FOR SAT•T',---'FRAME HOUSE ON '"fir wood and Don Robertson will be at the 11 Godexirh Btreet Wit, 6 rooters. Imtmedi- Crynai Palace Ballroom, Mitchell, Friday, ate possession. Apply to M. J. CROWLEY, Noversbe 7th, in an Old TSvne Barn Doane. Seaforth- 4168x1 Building will be heated. Dancing starts at 9.3D. 4168:2HOUSE AND PIANO FQR 4J-- SAIFRAME . 11 house, recentie *loved to Clinton. on good lot. in excellent location. , Also an upright, ls "Concert Grand" piano, in t good condition, a Personals reasonable; 80 hags elf good, clean potatoes, 12.25 per bag while they last. Apply to JAMES T11,T2OTT, Dublin. 4168x1 T1YGIENIC SUPPLIES (RUBBER GOODS) marled postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with price list. 6 samples 25c; 24 samples 11.00. Mail -Order Dept. T-78, NOetA-RUBBER CO.. Box 81. Hamilton. Ont. Wanted WANTED TO BUY—ONE SECOND,.II ND t outaide toilet. Box 604, EXPOSITOR. 4168:1 WANTED -12 HEAD " feed for the winter.- 01cDONALD. Phone 836 HOUSE FOR SALE—NEWHOUSE FOR sale '!n Seaforth; -immediate possession - Three bedrooms, den, living room, finished in knotty pine, modern kitchen. bathroom. Heated. with c snpletely enclosed automatic oil burner with air conditioning. Landscap- ed lot Apply to DR, E. A McMASTFR or C. M. SMITH, Seaforele 4147-2 OF CATTLE TO Apply to GORDON For. Sale" • r 25, Seaforth. 4168x1 FOR SALE—'3,i PLY' iOUTH COUPE, lie '('ANTED—OLD HORSES ANI) DEAD aoaa cvnditton Appel,to Box 6u i, HUR- r+ animals, suitable for mink feed_ Will 'ata F.XPOStTOIt- 4168x1 pay leec a pound live weight, for horses. Dead FOR SALE—SIX HOLE GUERNEY OS - animals according to value. If dead, phone 1, OX - collect at once to JACK GILBERT, 936 rt 21. fo%d kitchen ruagap, .good baker, Apply or FRED GILBERT, 936 r 32, Goderich, to - NETL3KE RJt 2, Seaforth. 4158-tf rj OR SALE—BROWN COAT, PLAID BACK, 1 size 40, just new ; 1 • turquoise blue 'liodress, size 40, worn twice. Apply to x 607, HURON EXPOSITOR, 41682 Auction Sales TWO-DAY CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF Farma, Farm Stock, Implements and Household Effects, on Lots 23 and 24, Con. 4. Morris Township, 5 miles east of Belgrave. or 1tft. 'north and 2 miles west of Brussels. .NOVEMBER 122—Full line of farm machinery' and egdipment, • including Cockshutt 70 tree - tor, tractor machipery, milking machine and arousehald effects. NOVEMBER 13-17 Dur-' ham cows.; 19 spring calve_ : 33 , yearlings and 2 -year-old stockers: 1 Durham bull; 70 York pigs ;4 work horses : 60 tons of mixed , bay; 1,000 bushel, grain. Complete list in nest iesue. FARM--120-acre farm, Lot 24, Con. 4, Morris Township: red brick bouse,,,� bank barn, drive shed and Pig pen ; 10 acres of hardwood boat :' good water supply. Terms: Chattels ---Cash. Property—Made known day of sale. Reserve bid. JOSEPH BREWER. Proprietor; Harold Jackson, Auction er; Robe Patrick, Clerk. , 4168-1 AUCTION SALE IN TOWN OF' SEA-• forth, west of Recreation Ground. on. Saturday. November eth, at I p.m.; Blue Flame oil heater used 2 month i ; Quebec crook stove • Findlay i : Quebec heating stove; oak dining ram extension table: ice box: kitchen -cabinet : 6 kitchen cheats ; .3 -burner oil stove; child's •high • chair; cumber of smell tables : number of rocking theirs; mag- , azine rack: commode chair: occasional chairs: odd chairs : sideboard : electric iron-: small Phe co redid : day, bed : sewing machirie ,(Sing- er) ; 2 walnut finish iron beds : cable springs and thattrssses (practically new) ; white iron bed, sprir_s ane matcresse_ : dresser: ward- robe; congoleum rug 9x12; 4 other pieces of congoleum,: 1 hall runner,an4 scatter mats; curtains ; kitehen utensllk„,quantity of dish- es; ish-es; 6 -foot step. ladder; garden took:: boiler; Iawn 'mower : numeeaaa other articles. Terms —Cash- TOM WILBEE. Proprietor: Harold Jackson, Auctioneer; E.' P. Chesney. Clerk. 4163-1 elLBARING AUCTION SALE OF FARM • Stock and Implements. on Lot 32, Con. 6, McKillop Township, on Wedneday, October 29th, at 1 tam. :"harp:' HORSES—Matched , black Perchegon aged team: 'three ' year. old SIly CATTLE — Red Durham cow eight years .old, - due April 26th; red Durham cow 6 years old. due March 31 : g're9- cow 5 years old, due April 8: red Durham cow 5 years old, due May 11,;. Hereford, cow 4' years old, due June 2: red Durham heifer 3 years old, due time of sale : grey heifer 2 years old, due January 10•; red Durham heif- er 2 years old: black steer 2 years old: red and white- heifer 2 years old; 3 1 -year-old heifers; 3 I -year-old steers; 1 heifer calf ; 4 steer calves. PIGS—Sow with litter at side. IMPLEMENTS—McCormick manure spreader; McCormick dump rake: Massey -Harris in- throw disc; 3 -drum Durham steel roller; Keystone hay loader; McCormick mower, 5 - foot cat; seed drill: Gem electric fencer, like new: Vago cream separator : democrat ; wheel barrow, in good shape; Mvde1 T engine. suit- able for lieht belt 'work: Beatty cutting box; fanning *,ill; Premier riding plow; Daisy churn : 3 ^range shelters ; sloop sleighs; steel wheel 'wagon.' Terms—Cas,h. JOHN STOREY: Proprietor: Walter Scott, Clerk; Lew Row- land, Auctioneer. 4167-2 T"OR SALE -2 VEAL CALVES. APPLY to, PETER SIMPSON, R,R. 2. Seaforth. Phone 667 r 4168 HAS. district, occurred in Clinton Pub •L xHAS. lic Hospital on Sunday, Oct, 26, fol- -FIDE?. SALE -200 CHOICE SUSSEX Y RED lowing an illness of three thont1s. Hybrid pullets, nee months old. EDISON F,ORREST, Hensall- 4168-1 -aOR SALE—PINK SATIN AND•NET EVE - rine dress, in good condi:.ion, -lie 14, .Worn, once. Apply to Box 6u5, HURON EX- POSITOR. 4168-1 Once *RD4i •EOR weld dattioed land. in a prosperous. f irk community.on •hig'hwaY ha 144erats. Wick 18testlat Pastore at present, s tq gnarly { Reeded, Waver -failing water supply: 4 *area Young' both, ' Bbltlg barn, strong timber frame, 64 x 860, with 10.feot lean:attached, Modern }tem house. 40, x 15ea iliieitorer brick house, recently decorated and painted. *Mb, aced 4:plece, lath. hardwood ilegfia,. bnilfella cu p oard§, both hard and soft mantas Water. hydro aod garage, Carden. *ou ft trees. good rave paid. Imvete session. Write $ 830. Exeter. In )1'Ie iioriain mbPHOis—IN LOVING agillORY OF A lvl, dear " husband and father, Wesley E- Niohpls, who passed away one year ago, November 3, 946 - With leers, we watched you sinking, „ .We watched you"^pass away: We tended you with dewing Dart, Biot could not make you stay. We watched beside your bedside As the lonely "hours passed; And how our hesrts were broken When we saw •yon• breathe your last_ Weleave you in God's keeping, The rough road is safely o'er; You 'are not dost to our loving hearts. But only gone before. —Ever remembered by his W&'fe mak Son, Stanley, Brothers and Sister. 4168x1 Births MURRAY—In Scott Memorial Hospital, on October 23. to Mr. and Ars. Raymond Mur- ray, McKillop, a daughter. HART—In Scott Memorial Hospital, on Oct. 23, to 'Me. and Mra. Kenneth Bart,., Sea - forth. a daughter. STY.INBACH—In Scott Memorial Hospital, on October 24, to Mr. and Mr%- William Stein- bach, Seaforth, a son. LITTLE—In Scott Memorial • Hospital, on October 28. to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Little, McKillop. a son. DUNN—In Scoot Memorial Hospital, on Oct. 28, to or. and Mrs. Paul Dunn, Seaforth, a daughter, WEST WAWANOSH The death of Mr. Joseph James Washington„ well known farmer ,,of volt SALE --8 WELL •BRED HOLSTEIN heifers, due to freshen in December. Ap- ply to STANLEY JACKSON, or phone ;Yon 653, Seaforth. 4168-1 THE MOST DRY SLAB WOOD FOR THE ,money, Apply JAMES STEVENSON. Brussels: er phone 'WALTER SHARP, Phone 87-X, Brussels. 4168x2 • raizSALE—SPYAPPLES, TO RE SOL?) • by t'be tree: cheap, Apply MRS. LYDIA J. DOIG. Phone 4 cm 33,' Hensall Central. { `'.• 4168411 pox SALE—A TONGUED AND GROOVED barn, size 24la by 14ea feet. Can be torn down and rebuilt_ or moved. Apply to ; MRS, ?EARL STEPHAN, ''Hensall, Onta Phone 159J, " 4168-2 ' FOR SALE — BLACK tiit,STERIle.LD winter •coat, size 14: green with brown ski suit, size 14: ladie' white skates, size 4. i Box 603. EXPOSITOR 416341 He was bairn in Hampton, Out., . e son of the late John,Washington and Jane Scott, and was in his 92nd year. In 1896, he was married to Clara. Jen- kins at Woodland Farm, Godcrich Township, who survives, together v.ith two sons. Walter Washington, of A:tt:urn, ar.t: ,•r:anx Washinzion of 1-Tra7land Lake. and two daughters. Mrs. Thomas Andrew, of Auburn. .anti 1!ss Ethel Washington, at home He ii -as a farmer in Wiest WaWanosh and came to this„ district in 1869. and was a • member of the Auburn 'United Church and the Forresters Order. He was the last member of a famii} of seven. The l"ureral took place on Wednesday f,l'onl his late residence at 2 p.m.. with Rev. A. G. Hewitt. of Auburn, officiating. Interment was l o.bcrne cemetery. . WINTHROP , OR SALE—JEKSEY COW, .FRESH: 1 1 The W.M.S. and W.A.,of Cavan FOR calf, Jerre• -Durham : 1 heifer Church will meet at the bdme of Mrs. coming 2 years old. in calf. Jersey and Polled i Hugh Alexander on Wednesday, "Nov. i Angus ; 1 cream separator, Apply V,'ILLIA7, . 5, at 2 p.m. The, theme of the meet- ing will be, "The Bible of My Life and My Community." Roll call will be a verse of Scripture. The Late Mrs. Henry Haase The death occurred suddenly at the, home of her son, Mr. E. Haase, on Tuesday, Oct. 21. of Mary Ann Gray- feil, widow of t'he late Henry Haase, who predeceased her in 'June, 1936. She was born in New Dundee, Ont., and was in her 88th year. Surviving are three sons: David, Denver, Colo- rado; Addisosi, Christopher Lake, Sask.; Ephriam, Winthrop, and three daughters; Mrs. Thomas Ellis, Plum Coulee, Man,; Mrs. Gallagher, Wrox- eter, and Mrs. J. Inglis, Acton. Four- teen grandchildren and 14 great grandchildren also survive. Mrs. Haase formerly lived in Fordwfi;h, but since the death of her husband had made her home With her family. The funeral was held from Fordwich United Church with interment in Fordwich cemetery. The pallbearers were Gien Haase, Addie Jacques, Les- lie Ellis, Lorne Hutchison, Thomas McClymont and Ward Shaefer. Mr, Thomas Pryce spent the week- end in Toronto. - Mrs. Irwin Trewartha spent Tues- day in Brantford. � Mr. and Mrs. John Campbell cele- brated their thirty-eighth wedding anniversary with a family dinner. Mr. Sol. Shanon has returned home from Scott Memorial Hospital. Miss Isabel Betties, R.N., of Tor- onto, 'spent a few days at her home this week. PAPPLE. Eginondvrlle. Phone 663 r 13. Sea- i forth. 416S-1 POR SALE—ONE. SET NECKPIECE. AND • muff. fox fur: one black sable lady's fur cape; mane Persian lamb cap; one pair men's gauntlets to match. For information Please write BOX 141, Hensall, Ont. 4168-2 FOR SALE—SHORTHORNS, AT LOT 27, Concession 8, Hibbert, 1 cow with calf at her side: 2 roan heifers one year old. JAMES HILL, Staffa. • 4167x2 FOR SALE—CLARE 'JEWEL' SMALL KIT- chen range, in cream and black; water- front attached; like new. Reasonable price - PHONE 304, Seaforth. 4167x2• TILE FOR SALE—MUST SRTJ, AT ONCE: approximately 35 new 16 -inch, and 140 used 12 -inch cement tile. in good condition. Apply ROBERT GRIEVE, Seaforth Lions Park. 4167-2 FOR SALT—EIGHT-ROOM DWELLING ON West William ,dell, 'with Hydro,- water and furnace: garage and garden- Apply to WESLEY HQGGART, Seaforth.. 4167x2 rj MECUTORS' SALE, ESTATE OF THE "J late Philip Ament, in the Town of Bras - eels, Friday, November 7th. at` 1 Pm Par- cel I: Farms—Lots 23 and 24. Concession 7, Morris Township, 200 acres, well drained. fenced, never-faiiiteg spring water supply, 036y loam, all seeded to .pasture: 30 acres of second growth maple bush; 8 acres of soft . Wood; 2 frame barin and frame house. Known as Douglas McDonald farm- Parcel 2—Lots 25 and 26, Concession 8, ,Morris; 200. acres timber land. Parcel e—Lobs 24 and 25, Con- cession 17, Grey Township, 260 acres of grass land. well fenced and divided into 100 -acre dote; good water supply: will be offered in one or two parcels. Known as Camp Borden farm. Machinery and Tools -2 farm mow- ers; gravel box; 1, farm wagon; hay rack; 50 -foot Aeromotor windmill; force pump and piping :> ga'vanized water trough; binder and wagon tongues; wagon -reaches; log skid- ders ; quantity of assorted lumber- 1 inch, 2 inch and 2x4 scantling; work benches; 2 grindstones; log tongues; several double and single blocks and pulleys : quantity of belt- ing; trestles': 2 wheelbarrows: whifiietrees: donbletrees :neck yokes; forks, shovels, cant- , hooks. scoop shovels : grade, bags ; wire; as; sorted logging chains; 3 feed mixers : cow ehains : horse cellars: 2 gallon) linseed oil; wood clamps ; tree. pruner: feed, box: winch; 1200 -Ib- scales: 2 bag trucks; harness bench vies ; pipe vise; barrel oil pump: barrels and boxes; 2 Cyclone grass seeders; 3 scythes; quantity of used Pining; factory wooden and steel Pulleys: 1 saw sharpening bench; 2• crosscut sans; valves and pining; pipe fit- tings ; babbit spoon; host of other articles too nurner itis to mention. Small quantity of household effects. In case of rain, sale held in shed. Terms—Cash. ESTATE OF LATE PHILIP ASSENT: Harold Jackson, Auction- eer; Robert Patrick, Clerk. 4168-1 Notice To Creditors NOTICE TO CREDITO"S In the Estate of FRANK 81. ' SMiTH ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS AGAINST the Estate of Frank M. Smith, Tate of the Village of Dublin, in the County of Perth. Garage Owner, deceased, • who died on the 18th day of September. I947. are hereby noti- fied to s'epd in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 21st day of November, 1947. after which date the assets will be distributed. having regard only to claims, then receiver]. DATED at Seaforth, this 25th day -of October, 1947. McCONNELL & HAYS. • Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitors for' the Executors. 41684 NOTICE "TO CREDIORS In the Estate of JANE PORSYTH ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS AGAINST the Estate of Jane Forsyth. late of the Tow'ns'hip of Tuckeasmith, in the County of Huron, Widow, deceased, who died on the 15th day of October. 1947, are hereby notified to send in lull ,partienlars of their claims to the undersigned on or ,before the 14th' day of Nooenbeti I947, •afiter which date the assets tt*i11 be distributed, having regard only to cleans them (received. BALI 7D 14 Seafarer, this 20th dor of Odin. Ger, 1947. • 1LLOY3, Solicitors for the Exeeutote, • '6i• 41674 FOR SALE—USED HOT WAI'EE RADIA - tor, in good, condition - Apply to FRANK KLING. Phone 19, Seaforth- ' 4167x2 Notices ,C COURT OF REVISION Town of Seaforth OUST OF REVISION ON THE 1947 AS- sessrrnetrt Roll will be held in the Town Hall, Seaforth, on Tuesday, November 4, 1947, at 8 p.m; D. H. WILSON, Clerk. 4167-2 COURT OF REVISION Township of McKillop THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE Township of McKillop will meet as a Court pf Revision on the Assessment Roll of 1948„ at Cernegie Hall; Seaforth, at 10 a.m., on Monday, the 3rd day of November, 1947. Parties interested- should govern themselves accordingly. J. M. ECBERT, Clerk, •McKillop 4167-2 o, COURT OF REVISION Township of Hullett r�7�•� COUNCIL OF n31, TOWNSHIP OF THE will bold a Court of Revision on the 1948 Assessment Roll on Monday. Novem- ber 3, 1947, in the Community Hall, Londes- boro. • GEORGE W. COWAN,. Clerk. 4136-3 TREASURER'S SALE OF LANDS FOR TAXES The Town of, Seaforth ,County of Huron TO WIT: - By virtue of a warrant issued by the Mayor of the Tower of Seaforth under hi, hand and the seal of the said corporation bearing date the 22nd day of September, 1947, sale of lands to arrears of taxes in the Town of Seaforth, will be held in the Town Hall at tile hour of three o'clock in the afternoon on the fifth day of January. 1948, unless the taxes arid costs are sooner paid- Notice ie hereby given that the list of lands for sale for arrear.; of taxes was published M. the Ontario Gazette, on the Fourth day of October, 1947, and that copies of the said Fiat may be had at rely D. H. WILSON Treasurer. 4165-7 Deaths ELCOAlr—In Ztoro o, tan Sunday, October 26th, Hazel Irene Elmer, beloved dt,vghter et the 'late Mr. ?rod .l err jlgr iafln btl HULLETT Leiper - Whitelaw In Hillcrest Church of Christ, To- ronto, on Saturday, Mary Katherine Whitelaw, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Headley Whitelaw, was married to Robert Leiper, son of Mrs. Leiper, of Londesboro, and the late James Lei- per. Rev, Hugh B. Kilgour officiated. The bride, given in marriage by leer father, wore a gown of camellia white ,rose patterned satin damask_ Her finger-tip veil was caught by a cor- onet of orange blossoms among which nestled some blossoms from her mother's and grandmother's wedding headdress, She carried a "cascade bouquet of white 'mums and bouvar- dia. Her bouquet was later sent to the groom's mother, who was unable to attend- The bride was attended by her sister, 'Margaret Whitelaw, in fuchsia selvet. William Leiper,of Londesboro.' was groomsman, ad Jack Ferguson and Keith Whitelaw` assisted as ushers. A reception was held at the home of the bride's par- ents. Mrs. Whitelaw received wear- ing a gown of coral crepe, with a draped skirt and gold -beaded trim, gray hat with ostrich plumes. Her corsage was of cream roses. Agnes Leiper, sister of the groom, assisted wearing a gown of sapphire blue vel- vet, with matching hat and corsage of pink roses. Honey is where you find it, discov- ered iscovered Percy Walden, whb lives two miles and a half east of Auburn. Hav- ing noticed considerable bee activity' around`hfs home for some :time, Mr. Walden' decided to investigate. The bees were going and coming through an opening in the east side of the house; 'end by tearing off several. boards at that corner, ,this Mullett farmer discovered an immense comb OFbei'partitiena 4.491141006a reasuring *Z te4t *.Q.P . and t4 i4lci4e* Wide, It waa.• enoug to 'fillpove vPasll .tabs.a _d Weighed about 1Z5 pounds, Gordon Sod ,bins, qi)11ton bee iu- specto>c far H. on POW. watx sµnrl� maned, aid ipnnd' thQ colo y a healthy bona.. eat bees, Titerupon ..Ghaifi,es Scott, au apiarist, was CO - ed' d andh theassist a of �• :. .Alt acltl4 .. tY ,James Roberton, moved the swarm, to his own Pro$ert '..' HENSAL I Mr. ;and Mrs. William McLean and Geraldine and Mr. and Mrs Lorne Elder, of. Hamilton; Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Passmore, of Delhi; Mr. and Mr's. Ab. Passmore, of Aylmer, and Mr. and Mrs:" Russell Weatherdon, of Stratford, visited with Mr. and Mrs - John Passnlore and attended the Passmore -Duncan wedding on 'Battle - day. Satur=day. Mrs. C]}arles- O'Brien, of Hensall, received word, that her Sister, Mrs. Cotclough, o8 Woodstock, died sudden- ly at her home in Woodstock on Mon- day, Oct. 27, following a heart seiz- ure. Mrs. O'Brien, who was in her 70th year, was in her maul health when stricken. Born in Hay Town- ship, she was the former Harriet Tin- ney, and is well knqwn in this dis- trict Surviving are -two sons, Glenn of Montreal, and Thompson of Brant- ford; one daughter, in Detroit; one sinter, Mrs. 'Willie* Blackwell,. and lige-thew brothers, ligthew and Robert, of Hay. • Mrs. Stewart Bell, of Hhnsall, while picking apples in -the orchard Monday afternoon, had- the misfortune to suf- fer a fractured leg when the limb on which she was standing, broke. The. fact that she lit on her feet saved her from more serious injury. She was attended by Dr. E. A. McMaster of Seaforth, and was taken to Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth. The congregation of St. Paul's An- glican Church enjoyed a most delight- ful evening in the church schoolroom Friday evening last. A chicken- sup- per was served with all the trim- mings. After supper Mr. Tindell, of Exeter, a magician, entertained. The event was also Planned as a welcome and reception for Rev. and Mrs. C. L. Langford. Mrs. Charles Forrest was hostess at her home Monday evening for the October meeting of the Arnold Circle Evening Auxiliary- Co -hostess with Mrs. Forrest was Mrs, F. Bonthron. There was a splendid attendance of some 28 members and guests. Miss Jean McQueen was in the chair, Mrs: 4110 ll dll; l et 42' AtP.00t . absengl '.0VX ai;0iwa4 PO, • l oli CO 'ane a46Wereti with, 4'se x e tbitl 1 a.m...Aar 11 tonic m , 4 t,. i 0.4ftd�,renciexe , a pJea$i� iA0, j'•,}}r�p e cord's. Pic�ater.I#,(' aocowp ed.. at the' piabl,A ,F' Affr9A i •_°MK h 4Rhr a*. it° top, io, . dealtyl W011,1014.'413 Boh00ts' and nurses, was ably, takeby bias. Alice Pfaff; of NZcoter, and Presented In a very interesting estilt(} and informllti>E!e manner. Much dascussio'n took dace regardi t> ,d; 'bi�•zaa't to be held in the near future: 'DeI201011s refreshments were served by the hostess, cohostess, Mrs' Kosachnk and Mrs. J. E. Mo`, Ewan. The Novriber meeting will be held at the h�cjj'me of Mrs. Me°Ivi t Moir. , Those from a distance wild attend- ed the funeral oh, the late John Bol, ton were: Dr. and Mrs. A. R. Camp, bell, Guelph; Mr. and tars. George Stewart, Belleville; ,Mrs. McAree, To- ronto; Rev. T. Ford, London; Mr. and, Mrs. M. Hogan, Lucknow; Wilson Berry, Toronto, and Ed. Berry, Wind- sor. ' Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wright. spent a few days Last week visiting Mr. and Mrs. Gordon- Wright in Lorne Park. -Funeral of the Late.. John Bolton Funeral services were held for the late John A. Bolton at his residence in Hensel! on Friday afternoon. Rev. P. Ferguson, of •Carmel Presbyterian Church, Hensall, of which Mr. Bol- ton was a member, paid fitting tribute as well as members of the Hensall Masonic Lodge, both at the residence and at the graveside at McTaggart's cemetery. During the services at the residence a song was rendered en- titled, "The Last Mile of, the Way," by Harry Hoffman, accompanied by Miss Florence Welsh. The floral tri- butes were many and beautiful. Rela- tives attending the funeral from a distance were from Millville, Pa., To- ronto, Windsor, Belleville, St. Marys, Mimico, Guelph, London and Luck - now. " The pallbearers were Horton McDougall, George Glenn, Jack Glenn, Ed. Alexander, W. Kerslake and Begt Horton. The flower-bearerswere Jarvis Horton, Harry Horton, Gerald Glenn, Jack Stewart Elmer Stewart, James Broadfoot, Glenn Broadfoot, William Buchanan, Lloyd Llndenfield .and Arnold Lindenfield. Mr. Jack, Tudor, of the Hensall Bak- ery, had tli j misfortune to have his fingers crushed in the tanner. Kippen East Women's Institute will hold a euchre and dance in Hensall Town Hall, on Thursday, Nov. 6. McQuaid orchestra will be in attend- ance. Ladies please bring lunch. Additional Hensall ,News on Page 7 Babies Are' a Favourite Subject %ith Us. ,. THIS ' CHRISTMAS GIVE PHOTOGRAPHS - The Gift of Lasting Loveliness To be sure of early delivery,call - either Studio for an appointment now! • Phone 228 FOWLER 'BROS. • CLINTON �IITCHELL PHOTOGRAPHERS RECLAIMED ATE R1ALS RECLAIMED SHINGLES— Large bunches; excellent quality. 2" TONGUED AND GROOVED LUMBER— . Ideal for barn floors,granaries, verandahs, etc. 1" TONGUED AND GROOVED OR SHIPLAP— Dry and in good condition. WINDOWS— - Complete with storm sash frame and screens ; a good buy. DOORS:— Complete OORS-Complete with frame and hardware, all sizes; also some excellent double doors. - Various Other Materials That Are a Good Buy WE IIAVE JUST RECEIVED, SOME $45.00 LUM13EIt HURRY WHILE IT LASTS ! SEAFORTH SUPPLY amlltEL CO, i',nioi HockeyPiayers All boys under 20 years of age on November 1,1947, interested in playing Junior hockey, are invited to attend a hockey meeting on TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 4th, at 8 p.m. IN MITCHELL TOWN HALL This includes any boys in the Seaforth district, be- tween Mitchell, Seaforth and Exeter. COME AND BRING A FRIEND This team is sponsored by the Mitchell Lions Club SPECIAL MEETING FOR THE BENEFIT OF ALL FARMERS will be held on • Wednesday Evening, November 5 at 8 p.m. AT THE ROYAL HOTEL, MITCHELL Par kd a If Po u Itry Mitchell 18th HALLOWE'EN AFORTH LIONS FROLIC �r. PALACE RINK, SEAFORTH Friday, Oct. 31 AT 8 P.M. Half entire net proceeds are to be donated to Scott • Memorial Hospital; remainder for Lions Club Welfare Work PARADE Will leave Main and Goderich Streets at 7:45 p.m. School Children in -costume headed by Seaforth Highlanders' Band and Bannockburn Pipe Band. SPECIAL PRIZES FOR COSTUMES AND DECORATED BICYCLES Full Program of children's Hallowe'en events at the' Rink. . BIG GAMES Two Big Fowl Booths Over and Under Ring the Money 'Bingo - Bird Cage and other Old Favourites. • Special Booth for the Children where everyone wins a prize ! Entertainment The Famous McGregor Concert Bureau will present an outstanding Entertainment. Don't Miss This Fun and ,Frolic ADMISSION TO RINK: ' Adults 25c Children under 15, FREE • Drawing -for 8 Big Prizes ' Tickets -15c or 2 for 25c, and '10c or,3'for 25c Thesis raffles have been sanctioned b`y the Municipality in which they will take place. DRAWING TO BE HELD AT THE RINK AT 11:80 P.M. • DANCING New and Old Time — 1Vlurdoch's Orchestra 2 - BIG DOOR PRIZES — 2 CARDNO'S HALL - - - - ADMISSION 50c MA'RF At NIGHT OF IT !" l ' Seaforth is Hallowe'en Headquarters 1 dts