The Huron Expositor, 1947-10-31, Page 3". rt.' Mr., .04•14 POO*, :'
' OPp,61,41.1#114014 t5:q* t, a
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#4.$04POPA WYK 96 it. "Meppdin
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OW Only 41/.6i,14e. ve09474 Putt . thig •
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mtupto obly.04 T.0994.4 were 1,4419p,
tl.qtat91V% . AroVO 3a, A *P" Wbta
, 18 9. The, present records
swept ov , # largP pOrtion og !)*etovz• In
begin In 1678—Ove years after the
chUrch wa0 111144
' The trnatees to the building of the
church as recorded on a bond were:
James Beattie, John Beattie, Mewl -
der Armitage; Wm. M. Gray, James
Leatherland, Martin Chaxleeworth,
Henry Buns, Thomas Lee, William
Lee, Graham Williamson, Francis,
Sparling, James Sparling, Nicholas
Tlithirteen ' true and faithful
gentlemen whose signatures commit-
ted thein.selves, their heirs, admin-
istrators, executors and•successers to
office to a monetary' obligation from
which there was no withdrawal until
such time the mortgage was satisfied
and released, and it must be admitted
that these 13 men were men of tre-
mendous devotion and courage and
with great vision.
ThiS bon‘was witnessed by Arthur
Atkinson -aiad in the presence of Dr.
Coleman, 'Mayor, and was the security
for a. loan of £1500 stirling with the
Star.. Life Assurance Co., of London,
England, .with interest of 7 per cent,
pay half 'yearly. In 1881 a note was
discetinted for $4,500 in the Bank of
Commerce, and another in the Bank
of Montreal in St. Marys for $1,200.
This note bore interest rate of 9 per
cent and signed by five Members of
the Trustee Board; aLso in 1881 (Feb.
25), the Hon. Richard Cartwright
gave a very helpful contribution to
the trustees, for what amount there
appears no record.
In 1844 a union of the Wesley' Epis-
copal Church with the Wesley Meth-
odist, the trustees of the M. Episco-
pal Church being , John Modeland,
John Hargan, Wm Hargan, Amindus
Beam and Jenus Ream. This church
was located on John St.
In 1897 the mortgage of the Star
Life Assurance Company was dis-
charged and another with the Tem-
perance and General Insurance Com-
pany, for $6,450, at 5 per cent was
taken. This bond was signed as se-
ctirity by Noble Cluff, W.. D. Bright',
Robert Willis, James 'Leatherland,
John Allin, Geo. W. Sparling, Peter
Daley, Benjamin. B. Gunn, Dr. F. J.
Burrows, Oliver t. Wilson, Wm. Ccipp,
Wm. Hartry, Chas. Clarkson, James
Lawrence, Mr, Leatherland being the
only name to appear on both bonds.
Mr. Lee and Mr. 'Gray were permit-
ted to remain off the second bond on,
account of their age. Of. the 14 to
sign this bond, Dr. Burrows lives to
witness this 70th year celebration.
\ In 1900 the electric lights were in-
st`alled, replacing the old . acytel
light system, and two new furn es
were installed by Mr, Mullett.
In the year 1904 to 1907 this church
had a male quartette of which we
were justly proud, and freely gave
their talent of song when opportun-
ity came their way—Messrs. Walter
Willis, W.- D. Bright, Harry Willis
and Walter Pickard.
In 1919, during, the pastorate of Rev.
11. D. Moyer, a successful campaign
was inaugurated to clear the church
of its long period -of Mortgages, and
may be well remembered by many
now present who witnessed.the burn-,
ing of the mortgage by Mr. James
Beattie and Mrs. Beattie, the only
surviving member whose signature
attested to the - bond. of 1877. AfteK,
the fire had consumed the mortgage,
the congregation arose and sang most
heartily the Doxology.
In 1925 'Union of the Presbyterian
Church of Canada, the Methodist
Church of Canada and the Congrega-
tonal Church of Canada took place,
forming the United, Church of Can-
ada.. Th," Presbyterian Church of
Canada have a wonderful history, in
this district, having a few families in
Harpurhey as far back as 1834, and
for sometime they were Without a
minister or church, which they miss-
ed very much. Those, families heard
of a Presbytery meeting to be held in
Galt, and Robert Scott and son-in-
law, John Govenlock, were delegated
to. attend this meeting, They. travel-
led to. Galt, walking the distance of
.,60 miles. These two delegates plac-
ed' their mission before the Presby'.
try. They were kindly reeeived and
a Missionary from tht Presbyterian
Church in Scotland was sent to, the
Huron Tract, by the name of William
Frazer, taking over the Goderich,
.Brucefield and Harpurhey MissionS.
Later he was followed by Rev. Alex-
ander McKenzie, another missionary.
The first church was builtoin Harpur-
hey in 1847, and Rev. A, McKenzie
was called to be their minister. In
18.54 he was followed by the 'Rev. Mr.
Barr, who remained their minister un-
til 1879, when Harpurhey united with
First ,Presbyterian dhurch, Seaforth,
where Rev. A. D. McDonald was min-
ister. Rev. MeDonaldwas followed
by .Rev. Dr. ,Larkin in 1900, who was
the resident minister at time of
church union, when 90 members join-
ed the 'United Churbi of Canada.
The names of the ministers who.
Ministered to the spiritual need 'of
the church since 1877 were: Rev.
Geo. Buggin, 1878; Rev, Jas. Graham,
1878-1880; Rev. ThqS. Cobb, 1880-
1882; Rev. John Milts, 188.2-1884; Rev.
Ja's, Broley, .1884-1886; Rev. J. E.
Rowell, 1886-1890; Rev. Wesley Cas-
son, 1890-1892; Rev, J. Galloway,
1892-1895; Rev. Stephen Bond, 1895 -
('Continued on Page 6).
Harburn, 81ClittrY Of
*he OfficieL,EfeqsL'ef, NeeLlep de,:cyMteLL
This 10th, and 20th of October, 1947,
Nye e0mMilMerhte the ffitir Yeat of the
building and dettitatign.ofoUr churCh,
the Congregation of which bad -its ori-
gin back in the year 1856-1857. A
tle group of believers gathered for
'worship at the home of James Star-
ling and it was in an, upper room of
this home that the Rev. Geo. H. Cor-
nish preached the first sermon to this
group, a denomination known as'the
Wesley Methodists.
In 1859 a church was built on the
2nd concession of McKillop, opposiie
tit; gpir Ow* rie*etorY, Irk
brk N't#4 * 'P*0:404004
*0,40.1411494:. eitOgi *t.4'
separated frons the .ton circuit and
beearue a indePenclent charge. It
w°01 APRP0.x tAatt LbO14 t1s tie
(t864)- iturr*Oite ialiko•atut htc
blAtt 91]; the 410 that the Mae*
church stands, and atter a feW YANtro•
ou accolint of the rapidly increasing
population, was enlarged, until 1877,
when th,e present edifice was built:
The ministers who labored to the
spiritual needs of these people to this
time being, besides Rev. G. H. Cor-
nish, Rev, Asakel Hulburt, Rev. Wm.
Hayhurst, Rev. Wm. Price, Rev. D.
Kennedy, Rev.Lavell, and. Rev. Geo.
Buggin. Mr. Buggin was the resident
minister at the time of the building
of the church. Walter Mullins, of
Wingham, was the contractor. The
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