HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1947-10-24, Page 4i'. f , (- 'YI • ' TIM IRMON ExP'O$1TOR Classofied Ads Will Be Inserted At New Low Cash Rates; Ifgp Pale,'' anted, Lost and Fount), Etc. -For word: 1st week 1 Cent 2nd week % Cent Ord week - ;6 Cent Minimum "charge, first insertion26 Cents Each figure, initial and abbreviation manta, as one' word card oi° Thanks, In Memwor:am Notices, Coming Events ---1 cent per word. M'ip$mum, 50 cents per week. Enquiries may be directed to a Box Number, o% The Huron E:powitor, for 10 cats extra. Ten cents additional will be charged if ads in, above elasr are not paid within 10 days el 4aate of final insertion. Births. Marriages and Deaths inserted free of charge. " Auction Sales. Notices to predators, Eta, -Rate, on application. Help Wanted ! Lost and Found (jl7AZalED- GIRL OR WOMAN FOR EGG' T •08T -WALLET CONTAINING. LICEIV§ES " room, Apply soo'rC'S POULTRY L and other papers. Finder please leave at FARM. Phone 861 r 32, Seadior0h. Expositor Office. Liberal reward- M. Mc - 4167 -1 ADAM, General Contractor. Clinton. 4167x1 ►TYPIST WANTED -,WITH KNOWLEDGE' of shorthand preferred, for permanent LOST -ON MAIN STREET ON THURS- ;position. Apply EXCELLENCE FLOUR . day, Week leather key fuse, bearing P. - MILLS LIMITED, Seaforth, Ont. & 11, Crest. Reward- P. ROBITAILLE, 4167-1 James St. Phone $97. 4167-1 Personals Notices ,�IYGIENIC SUPPLIES (RUBBER GOODS) mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with price list, 6 samples 25c; 24 samples $1.00. Mail -Order Dept, T-73, NOVA -RUBBER CO., Box 91, Hamilton. Ont. Wanted COURT OF REVISION" Town of Seaforth COU11T OF REVISION ON THE 1947 AS- sesement Roll will be held in the Town Hall, Seaforth, on Tuesday, November 4, 1947, at 8 p.m. D. 11. WILSON, Clerk. 4167-2 BED WANTED- n god WALNUT FULL VILLAGE OF HENSALL double �berl, in good condition. Write VILLAGE Box 601, EXPOSITOR, describing bed and , stating price,. 4166x2 Court of Revision WANTED -OLD. HORSES AND DEAD animals, suitable for mink feed. Will pay 114,c a pound live weight for horses. Dead animals according to value. If dead. phone collect at once to JACK GILBERT, 936 r 21, or FRED GILBERT, 936 r 32, Goderich. 4158-tf Farms For Sale FARM FOR SALE -t100 ACRES, CHOICE, well drained land, in a prosperous farm- ing commiunity on highway in Exeter dis- ,triet, Mostly pasture at present, some newly seeded. Never -failing water supply; 4 acres young ' bush. Bank barn, strong timber frame, 60' x 361, with 10 -foot lean attached. Modern hen house, 40' x 15'; 116 -storey brick - house. recently decorated and Painted, insul- ated, 4 -piece bath, hardwood floors, built-in cupboards, both hard and soft running water, hydro and garage. Garden, young fruit trees, good raspberry patch. Immediate posy session. ' Write BOX 330, Exeter. Property For Sale HOUSE FOR SALE -NEW HOUSE FOR sale `re Seefor-th: immediate possession. Three bedrooms, den, living rcom, finished in knotty pine: . modern kitchen. bathroom. Heated with comp.leteiy • enclosed automatic oil ,burner with air conditionine. Landscap-,. ed` Idle Apply to DR.' E. A. Me.MAS'rER or C. el: SMITH, Seeforth. 4I67-2 Notice To Creditors NOTICE TO CREDITORS ` In the Estate pf JANE ..FORSYTH ALL PERSONS elAyING CLAIMS AGAINST .the Estate of Ja e Forsyth, late of the Township of Tucketsmi�th, in the' .County of Huron, Widow, deceased, who died on the 15th day of October, 1947, are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 14th day of November, 1947, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims then ,received. 'DATED at Seaforth, this 20th day of Odea her, 1947. McCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executors. ' 41673 Auction Sales AUCTION SALE OF CATTLE AT LOT 13, Concession 13, Hallett Toawnahip, 2 miles west of Harlock School, on Monday, October 27th, at 1 pen.; Registered Durham bull 18 • months old; 4 Durham, and Hereford cows - due in March and April; Ddrham heifer 3 yearn old, due early March; 1 Hereford steer 2 years' old; 4 Hereford and Durham steers rising 2 years old; 4 Hereford and Durhaen heifers rising 2 years old: 8 Hereford and Durham spring calves. Terms -Cash. WIL- LIAM MURPHY, Proprietor ; Harold Jack- son, Auctioneer. 4166-2 AUCTION SALE, OF HORSES, CATTLE, Flogs and Poultry,' at Let •29-30, •,onces- sion 13,' Hallett Township, 2 miles west of Blyth, and 3 mile; northwest of Londesboro, en Thursday, October 30th, at'1 P.m.; HORSES -1 bay mare, ' rising 6 yera:rs ; 1 black team of ,geldings 4 yehra old; 1 chest- nut gelding 5 years old; 1 bay horse 9 years old; 1 grey gelding 6 years old. 'CATTLE- �1,00 head: 2 Registered -Holstein claws due in December ; 1 Holstein cow, due time of sale; 4 Holstein cows, due in- December ; 3 Holstein cows due in January;' 7 Durham and Here- ford cows, due in January; 2, Hereford cows with calves by ,their side; 10 yearling steers; 13 two-year-old steers: 8 Hereford calves. These are a ch,ioe iet of cattle and will be sold to the highest bidder. HOGS -•-Z York sows, due November 12; 14 chunks. POUL- TRY -150 Barred Rock pullet;, ready to lay 100 New Hemp. yearling hens. Plan to at- tend this sale. Terms -Cash. Positively np WILMER HOWATT, Proprietor; Edwin Chesney, CIerk; Harald Jackson, Auc- tioneer. 4167-1 CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF FARM Stock and imnplemeni-a, on, .Lot X32, Con. 6, McKillop Township, on Wednesday, October 29th, at 1 /rm. sharp: HORSES -Matched black Percheron aged team; three year • old 'filly. •CATTLE - Red Durham cow eight years old, due April 26th ; red Durham cow 6 years old, due March 31 ; grey cow 5 years old, due April 8; red Durham cow 5 years did, due May 11; Hereford cow 4 years odd, due June 2: red Durham heifer 3 years old, due time Of sale; grey heifer 2 sears (old, due January 10; red Durham heif- er 2 years old; black atee'fr 2 years' old; red and white heifer 2 years old; .3 1 -year-old heifers; 3 1 -year-old (steers; 1 heifer calf ; 4 steer calves. PIGS --Sow with litter at side. IMPLEMENTS -McCormick manure spreader; McCormick dump rake; ' Massey -Harris in - throw disc; 3 -drum Durham steel roller•; Keystone hay loader ; McCormick mower, 5 - foot cut: seed drill ; Gem electric fencer, like new ; Vage cream separator; democrat; wheel ' barrow, in good shape; Model T engine, suit- able for light belt work; Beatty cutting box; fanning mill: Premier riding plow: Daisy churn; 3 range shelters: sleep sleighs ; steel wheel wagon. Terms --.Cash. JOHN STOREY, Proprietor; Walter Scott, Clerk ; Lew -Row- land, Auctioneer. 4167-2 AUCTION SALE iN TOWN OF SEA - forth; North Main Street, on W,r,ineda.r, October 29th, et 1 ,p.m.: Acme kitchen range; Moffatt De Luxe electric rantee, need three months; extens ion table; electric plate: 6 kitchen chairs ; Sparton table 'model radip ; oak (linins[, room suite ttahle, 6 eheit t and china cabinet); nurmber',of small tables, reel: - ors, odd chairs ; ,�$P�het'lock-Manning piano and bench , (like nestl4J: porch furniture; chester- fieid table: eongolcurn, ruz 9x12 (like new) ; }mase plants and ferns ; writing deals : small chest drawers ; 2 complete bedrnom suibzs ; odd dressers and bed springs : Raymond ,drop bead sewing machine; boolcoese; De Laval cream separator': step badder, 32 -Root exten- sion ladder; folding' papering table; crosscut saw; 2 pairs skates ; Cyclone grass seeder: .quantity of wood (head maple) ; 12 envie apple wood; sealers; crocks; 60 quarts fruit: 200 ,pounds pastry flour; quantity of dishes; kitchen utensils , wlte iTbarroow ; 35-Atalloge of sefnf-solid buttermilk : ,bey's bicycle im good r air.; 4 barrels ; lawn mower; . 8 rock elm Afwnk, 1.2 ft quairitity of lumbar; gale, ltoaiia; milk pails; electric brooder (new) ; 1 • latio'keh 41reltsr;' grain., bags; 1937 Ohevrolet Ocean, excellent oond8tfon (new tires); good 'tried -wheal brailek rand • ato'ck rack (1$x600 aurae) ; 9 bitneb(3a,, of shlaigtes ; qu iatity earpdnter 'tools(; Beatty �el5etrie /webbing rnn- Oh*, ane (good); copper baleen wash 'tsihs; tune ,cot' bihor airtkies; 1 get of 1 eel ht3ittl iissxnisti ilxatlgign w iilhild� N UTILE IS -,-HEREBY GIVEN THAT A Court of Revision of the Assessment Roll of the Village of Hensel') for the year 1948, will hold its fitat meeting in the Town Hall, Hensall, on Tuesday, November 4th, at 8 P./70., last clay for appeals as per your Assess- ment Notice. JAMES A.' PATERSON 'Municipal Clerk, Sewall. DATED at Hensall, October 20, 19i7. 4167-1 VILLAGE OF HENSALL Clerk's Notice of First Post- ing of Voters' List Voters' Lists, 1947, Municipality of the Village of Hensall, in the County of Huron - NOTICE IS EInREBY GIVEN THAT 1 have complied with Section 8 of the Vot- ers' List Act, and that, I halve posted up at no, office in the Town Hall, Hensel], 'on the 20th day of °etober, 1947. the list of all per- sons entitled to vote in the said Mutrieipality et Municipal Elections and that such list re- mains there for inspection And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected according to law, the last day for appeal being the 10th day of Novem- ber. 1947., DATED at Hensall, October 20, 1947. JAMES A. PATERSON Clerk of the; Municipality Village of Hensall- 4167- COURT OF REVISION Township of McKillop THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF Tat. 'Pownship .of McKillop wi•D meet as a Court of Revision on 'ths Assessment Roll of 1916. at Carnegie Ha91; SeaforYh,' at 10 am.., on Monday, , the 3rd ;day of November•, 1947. Parties iir}tereoted should govern themselves accordingly. J. M. ECKERT, Clerk, McKillop. " 4167-2 COURT OF REVISION Township of Hullett THE COUNCIL` OF THE TOWNSHIP OF Hallett will hold a Court of Revision on the 1948 Assessment Roll on Monday, Nevem her 3, 1947, in the Community $a• -l1, Londes born. GEORGE W. COWAN, Clerk. 4166 - TREASURER'S SALE OF LANDS FOR TAKES The Town of Sea£ortli County , of Huron ' TO WIT: By virtue of a warrant issued by the Mayor of the Town of Seaforth under his hand and the seal of fhe said corporation bearing date the 22nd day of September, 1947, sale of lands in arrears of taxes in the Town of Seaforth, will be held in the Town Hall at the hour of three o'clock in the afternodn on the fifth day of 'January, 1948, unless the taxes and costs are sooner paid- Notice is hereby given that the list of lands for sale for arrears of taxes was:published in the Ontario Gazette on the Fourth day of October, 1947, and that copies of the said lint may he had et my office., D. H. WILSON Treasurer. 4165-7 Cards of Thanks THE FAMILY OF THE LATE JAMES Morris wish to' thank their many friends and neighbors for their kind help, tokens of sympathy and floral offerings, during their recent sad bereavement. M•R. 'AND MRS. NORMAN LONG, OF Kippen, take this opportunity of .t'hank- ing all . neighlwrs ,and friends for - kindness shown Mr. Long during his accident in tak- ing off his 'beans, ami for the delicious .bas- kets of,fruit, also earls sent him, and espec- ially to Mr: Harvey Daman, for Whelping milk and doing chores twice daily, and to his daughter, Mrs: "Edward Little, '•for delivering mail. 4167x1 In Memoriam FAULKNER-In loving' ;memory of Loretto Louise Faulkner, who passed away Oct. 24, 1945. - The dejo hg sorrow we canted tell, Of the los of one, we loved so well, And while he sleeps a ,peaceful sleep, Her memo we shall always keep. -Sadly missed by •her Sister, Lillian, and Brothers, Fred and William Births SORRENTF In St. Thomas' Memorial Hos- Aital, en October 2, to Mr. and Mrs. Luigi Sprrente, Seaforth, a son. DONNELLY--in Scott Memorial Hospital, on October 16. to Mr. :and Mrs. Jack Donnelly, Seaforth, a son --Rodney John. JOHNSTON -.In Wellesley Hospital, Toron- to, on October 17, to Mr. and Mrs, Robert Johnston (nee Betty sealrgnte), a son. STOKES- Spt' en(] Mrs. H. J. Stokes nee Martha Carlile), of London, are pleaeod ,to announce the arrival of their slaughter, Beverly ,Lynes, .i.n Victoria Hospital, Lon- don. on Sunday, October 19, 1947. A 'sis- ter for S'harrrn Marie. SNOWDEN-In Scott Melmnrial Hospital on October 19, to Mr, and Mrs. Genald Snow- den, Sea•forth, a daughter. BENNEwEIS=-in Scott Memorial ;r1ospitkl, on October 14th, to Mr, ,nix Mrs. Norman •Benneweis, Bbfnholan, fi daughater. NIXON--In Scott Memorial 'Sweetie'. on • October 21, Ito Mr: and Mrs. Dale Nixon. Tuckrersmith, a daughter. Deaths FO(RSYTIt--•1n Detroit, 'mi Wednesday, Oct. 15, Jaffe Fimdnybo'n, widow of the tate Abe Forsyth, in her Rdth year. MOnTeln .rIn ,Seafarth, en 29rttteday, Oct. 10, Seines Marla. 4» his B6tb near.. Wi'ntht op On Ttreteday, Otenbie' Wet , widow of the Ws iltacu3ef ;-In h loth we ar. • For Safe Foie SALiii-4-tlU tNBR. LLt2EY1E 0 STOVE with oven; weed condition. Apply Box 602, HURON b;XPUSITuit. • ¢167X1 VOR SALE-�UUR,IiAM CALF. APPLY FRANK REYNOLDS, Seiaforth- Phone 667 r 88. 4167-1 pat: SALE --SHORTHORNS, AT LOT 27, Concession 8, Hibbert, 1 cow with calf at her side; 2 roan heifers one year old. JAMES HILL. Stsifa. 4167x2 FOR SALE -1940 PLYMOUTH CUSTOM Sedan; heater; good condition. PHONE 836 r 12. Seaforth. 4167x1 'I'015 SALE -160 BARRED ROCK PUL - lets, laying. Phone 834 r 23, Seaforth, W. E, HAWLEY, R.R. 1, Seaforth. 416?x1 R SALE -A BLACK DRIVER, GOOD IN +a the saddle; hitch single or double- Also a number of young pigs. PHONE 83 on 79, eHensavll- 4167x1 FOR SALE -CLARE 'JEWEL' SMALL KIT- ahen range, in cream and black ; water- front attached; like new. Reasonable price. PHONE .804, Seaforth. 4167x2 FOR SALE -100 -ACRE FARM IN TOWN - ship of Hibbert, with buildings; good location- Apply to McCONNELL . & HAYS. Seaford]. 4166-2 'OR SALE ---FELT MATTRESSES ; SILK Mohair davenport; electric trouble cable cord- Apply to MRS. A, KER:R, Concession 7. McKillop, at the borne of Won. Kerr. 4167x1 T1LE4OR SALE -MUST SELL AT ONCE: approximately 35 new 16 -inch, and 140 used 12 -inch cement tile, in good condition. Apply ROBERT GRIEVE, Seaforth Lions Park. 4167-2 APPT,FS, FOR SALE --SPY APPX. S, 41.76 per bushel. Bring your own hampers. JAMES STERLING, 1.R- 3, Bayfield Phone 900 r 12, 4167-1 EARN FOR SALE - ABOUT 26 FEET square. Apply CHESTER LEE, Sea- forth- - 4167x1 FOR SALE -PRIVATELY OWNED NASH Sedan ; heater, seat covers, 3 new tires, original paint; excellent condition. Reason- ably priced. PHONE 1192-W, Goderioh, - 4167-1 FOR SALE -75 RED x ROCK PULLETS, 'starting to • lay ; also 40 Sdssex ee Red pullets. Apply to ROSS FORREST, R.R. 2, Kippen. Phone 93 r 11, Hensel'. 4167x1 FOR SALE• --'41 FORD COACH, IN FIRST class condition. PHONE 662 r 11, See- forth- 4167x1 'j'OR SALE -EIGHT -ROOM DWELLING ON West William Street. with Hydro, water, and furnace; garage and garden. Apply t'o WESLEY HOGGART, Seaforth. 4167x2 FOR SALE -.WALNUT DINING ROOM table {:n(x1 as new. Apply to MRS. A. C.,• ROUTLEDGE, Eomondville. • 4107-1 'IOW FOR SALE --REGISTERED JERSEY cow, T,B. and b?r'o:l-tested, to freshen December, or would exchange for fat cattle; also pure bred Jersey bull - calf eligible for registration. .Bake a good veal 'cal f. GEO. LOWERY, 661 r 16, Seaforth. 4167x1 FOR SALE -11' YORK PIGS, i WEEKS' old. Apply to JAMES LANDSSBOROUGIi, R.R-, 3, Seaforth. Phone '665 r 26.. 4167-1. poet 5A141 -BROWN COAT, PLAID BACK, size 40, just new : 1 torquoise blue dress, size '40, worn to•ire, Apply ,to Box 96, HURON EXPOSITOR. '4167-1 FOR SALE -USED HOT WATER RADIA - tor, in good condition. Apply to FRANK KLING. Phone •19, Seaforth. 4167x2 HOUSE AND PIANO FOR SALE -FRAME house. recently moved to Clinton, on good lot in '','excellent location. Also an upright "Ceneert Grand" piano, in gond 'condition, reasonable; 80 bags of good clean potatoes; $2.25 per bag while they last- Apply to JAMES' ELLIOTT, Dublin. 416622 KICPPEN Resell One -Cent Sale, this week - Thursday, Friday and 'Saturday -at Keating's Pharmacy. Phone 28, Sea - forth. -(Adv.) . The Kippen East Women's' Insti- tute is sponsoring a dance in Hen- sall Town Fall on Thursday, Nov. 6, with the McQuaid orchestra furnish- ing the 'music. Mr: and Mrs. Stanley Hinton, John and Peter, ofDrummondviile„ Quebec, are visiting the former's parents, Rev. and Mrs: Albert Hinton, at the -Manse. Mrs. J. B. 1VicLean, of Exeter, spent Sunday with relatives in the com- munity. Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Harold Jones were Miss EIIep Love and Mr. Clarence Love, of Hillsgreen; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mc- Bride and family, of Blake.. Mr. and Mrs. Elmore McBride, of Exeter, and Mr. and Mrs. Ivison Tor- rance, of Clinton, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Eddie McBride. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs Arnold Gackstetter were: Mr. aped Mrs. W. Horney, Mrs. J. Sutton and Miss 'Mary Westlake, 'all of Exeter; and Mr,., and Mrs. ElmoreOackstetter• and family, of Thames Road. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Alexander and family, of Londesboro, spent Sun.- day un- day with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Alexander. Mrs. Chandler; Dorothy, Jean 'and Shirley, of Parkhill, visited on Sun- day with friends in the community, Dr. Gilbert C. Jarrott, of Stratford, visited on Sunday with his mother, Mrs. ,I. Jarrott. Mrs. T. Kyle, of Clinton, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs Emerson Kyle. Mr. and Mrs. S. Baird, Oran and Gerald visited on' Sunday With Miss Beatrice Cooper. Mr. and Mrs. E. Moffat, of London, visited on Sunday with the former's parents, M1:. and Mrs,- Alf, Moffat, Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Hodgert, of Brodhagen,. and Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Hodgert and Marjorie, of'Exeter, and Mr. and Mfrs. Milliner Ferguson ant). sons, of Staffa, visited op, Snniia r with Mr. and Mrs. Wan en; Schilhre. Mr. and Mrs. Stackhei se and little daughter, of London, spent Sunday with Mr. and, Mrs. Andrew Bell, - Mr. and Mrs. H. Aikeniiead, of Bruce.field, and Mr. and Mrs. James Bowey, of Exeter, visited on Sunday with Miss Mabel Whiteman. Mrs. Edgar Butt, of Seaforth, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Butt. Hold Anniversary Servic Very successful anniversary es were head' on Sunday'last Andrew's' United Church in The weather was. fine through day, and the largest attendances some years were present at vices. The minister, Rev. A. was in charge, and took occasion remark on the deep loyalty a es servic- es St, Kippen. out the for the ser - Hinton, to and very generous 'support of the church un- dertakings during the past year that had been shown by the people of the' Pastoral charge of Kippen and Hills - green. The sermon at the morning service was delivered by the Rev. W. J. Wool- frey, B.A., B.D., of Clinton, while the evening preacher was a former pas- tor of the church the Rev. R. R. Connor, B.A„ of King Street United Church, London. Both addresses were of a high order and presented in such • a stirring manner the great claims of the Christian message that none who were present could fail to he inspir- ed to a deeper consecration of life to 'the service of. the Kingdom of 'God. A happy/touch was imparted to the morning service when the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Hinton, of Drummondville, Quebec, was baptized by his grandfather, Rev. A. Hinton, 'The baby received the name of Peter Stanley, and his baptism involved the travelling on the part of his parents of over a thousand miles. • - A daughter of a -former minister of the church, Miss Dorothy Chandler, Sang beautiful solos both morning and evening, and these contributed much to the pleasure of the services, while the choir of thirty, voices, in- cluding singers from Hillsgreen, and directed by Miss Jean Ivison, organ- ist of the church, rendered great help in the services of worship. Recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J.,Eari Sproat were: Mrs. Cecil Kaiser and Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Kaiser, of Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Allen, df North Bay. Mrs. Alice Cooper is spending swine time with her daughter, Mrs. Will Lawson, of Listowel, Lloyd Workman and daughters, of Oshawa, spent the week end with his mother and brother, Orville. • Mr. and Mrs. Eldrid . Moffat, Lon- don, were visitors with, his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Moffat, on Sunday. ELIMVILLE Mr. Phillip Murch ^ is recuperating in Victoria Hospital following an op- eration on Friday last. • Mr. and' Mrs. Ken Currie, of the Air Force, at Centralia, have moved into part of, the home of Mrs. Thos. Bell. Mrs. Harry Sperling spent a few days in London with her daughter, Mrs. Earl Parrish. HENSALL nw�r Wife of Former Resident Dies Mrs. William G. Gram, of Char- lotte, Michigan, wife of William G. Gram, sales engineer at Wilcox -Gay manufacturing plant, died Tuesday, Sept, 30, at 3 p.m, in the Hayes -Green - Beach Hospital in Charlotte. She had ' been ill for a month and in the hos- pital 10 days. The daughter -of Frank and Sarah Koon,sman;,Mrs. Gram. was born in Lansing, ,.Michigan, and mov'• ed -to Charlotte nine years ago. She was a -member of the Congregational Church and various \�cclubs, 'among them the Woman's ;Club, 'Garden' Club, Eastern Star, P.T.A., Pythian Sisters, and the American Legion Auxiliary. She is survived by her husband; one son, Ralph; two sis- ters, Mildred, of Lansing, and Mrs. Elwin Brown, of Hazlett. Funeral services were . held in the 'Charlotte Congp6gational Church 'on Thursday, Oct. 2, tbe pastor, Rev. Russell H. McConnell, officiating. Burial was. in .Mt. Hope Cemetery, Lansing. Wil- liam G. Gram is the son of Mr. and Mrs. George H. Gram, of Hensall. ^ There passed" away in Hay Town- ship Saturday, Odt. 18, at the home of her brother, Frallk Hagan, Agnes Kathleen Hagan, widow of the late William Clark, of Detroit. Born in Hay Township on the homestead 'farm; the daughter of the late James and Ann Hagan, she had resided in Detroit. Surviving are four brothers: James Hagan, Seaforth; Dr. John and Dr. J. L.; of Chicago, DI.; Frank, of Hay, and three sisters: Dolly, of Hay; Mary, London, and Mother Angela (Teresa), of Windsor. Requiem High Mass was sung at St. Boniface Church, Zurich, Tuesday,. with Red, Father. Lacier officiating., Interment was in St. Boniface cemetery, Zur- ich_ . Mrs. W. i . Reid, of Port Rowan, is visiting with friends in the village. Mr. Herman Dayman, of London, has sold his home in Hensel' to Mr. Hilliard Lawrence. • Miss Jean Murray is a' patient at St. Josdph's Hospital, London, where she underwent, an operation in the interest of her eyes. Work is now moving rapidly on the construction of the highway between NOTICE "■ ■ We' have on hand for immediate delvery Harvey • Red Head 'Hammer • dills BOTH LARGE AND SMALL •'SIZES We are also taking orders for Spring delivery of FLEURY BISSELL TRACTQR DISCS • ;' HYDE ERCP -- HENSALL, ONT. ' ?HON'S 128-W Ir Exeter and Dashwood. Flies h ve° been placed for the footing op e 4ridge over the Black Creek at So OM' and one of the footings••hat3 been 'Mitr- ed. Mitr ed. This is the first of three bridges to be 'built. The Hensall Brownie Pack are holding a, sale of alone -made cookies on Saturday, Oct. 25, at 3 �l,m°, is front of Kerslake's feed store. The proceeds are to help the newly organ- ized rgan ized Brownies. Mrs. J. W, Bonthron has returned frons► visiting her daughter, Mrs. M. Greer, in Orchard Beach, '•Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle spent the week -end in Ridgetown with Mr. Mickle's parents. Death of.John A, Bolton Mr. John A. Bolton, a well known resident of IIensall, passed away sud- denly at his residence Tuesday af- ternoon. He, was born in Us�borne, a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Bolton, and was in 'his 69th year. He was married to Josephine Ford in 1906 and took up residence on the Bolton homestead on the Boundary, near Hensall, where he farmed for 38 years. He retired to Hensall three years ago. He was a member. of Car- mel Presbyterian Church in Hensall and also a member of the Masonic Lodge. He took a keen interest in sports and community activities, as well as being ,a lover of travelling, having spent several winters in Flor- ida and sometimes at the West coast. He was a director of the Staffa creamery since its origin. Surviving him are his wife and one sister, (Laura) Mrs, Ed. Lindenfield, of Exe- ter. A brother, Gordon, predeceased him in 1941. The body is resting at his late residence in Hensall, from where a private funeral service will take place on Friday at 2 p.m. Rev. P. Ferguson will officiate at the ser- vice which will be under auspices of the Masonic Order. Interment will follow in- McTaggart's cemetery. The,, ladies of Chiselhurst United Church held a very successful 'ba;aar and home cooking sale in the base- ment of the United Church, Hensall, Saturday last, and were well pleased with the results and the patronage. The borne cooking sale- and country booth and the fancy work booth did a rushing business. A delicious tea was also served. Mrs, Geo. Hudson is visiting with her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Casey Hudson, in God'erich, Mrs. Gordon Schwalm is being vis- ited by tmr brother from Regina, Sask. Additional Rensall News on on Page 6) VARNA Rexall.One-Cent Sale; this week - Thursday, Friday and Saturday -at Keating's Pharmacy. Phone 28, Sea - forth, -(Adv,), ' Service in the United Church will be Withdrawn Sunday, Oct. 26, owing to the annual Harvest Thanksgiving to be observed in St. John's Anglican Church. The morning service, 'at 11 a.m., will, be conducted by Rev. R. M. P. Butte'', of St. 'Paul's, Clinton.' The guest speaker for 7 pen, will be E. Lloyd Lake, of Huron College, Lon- don. ondon. • Mrs: M. G. Beatty and Miss Mossap in company with Mr. Stephenson, spent a day last week with friends in Cromarty and Brussels. A miscellaneous shower was ten- dered Mr, and Mrs. R. Reid, newly- weds, in the hall on Friday night, when a pleasant evening was spent. SPY APPLES._ Come to. the • C. Hoare Farm, Clinton, and pick up your, good Sprayed Spy Apples. Now is the time to make your selection. SEE C. HOARE Fruit Farm CLINTON - ' 'ONT. Oc TQB1. 24, lad i 18th HALLOWE'EN IONS FROLIE PALACE RINK, SEAFORTH 'ridgy, Oct. 31 AT 8 P.M. Half entire net proceeds are 'to be donated to Scott Memorial Hospital; remainder for Lions Club Welfare, Work PARADE Will leave Main and Goderich Streets at '7:45 p.m. School Children in costume headed by Seaforth Highl"anders' Band., SPECIALPRIZES FOR COSTUMES AND DECORATED BICYCLES Full Program of children's Hallowe'en events at the Rink. BIG GAMES Two Big Fowl Booths Over and Under Ring the Money Bingo - Bird Cage and other Old. Favourites. ' 1 • Special Booth .for the Children where everyone wins a prize ! Entertainment Continuous Entertain- inentthroughout the Evening at the Rink Don't Miss This Fun and Frolic ADMISSION TO RINK: Adults 25c • Children under 15, FREE 0 Drawing for 8 Big, Prizes Tickets -2-45c or 2 for 25c, and 10c or 3 for 25c These raffles have been sanctioned by the Municipality in which they will take place. • DRAWING TO BE HELD AT'THE RiNK AT 11:30 P.M. • DANCING To a well-known Orchestra from Sarnia CARDNO'S HALL - - - ADMISSION 50c • MAKE A NIGHT OF SIT ! Seaforth is Ha 1owe'en. Headquarters Published in the Public Interest by John Labatt, Limited ° Men's Smart Tweed Caps In an array of salt and pepper shades. Reg, $1.19. SPECIAL 95C Men's All-Wocil Sweaters With,zipper flontt and diamond pattern of blue and OrewineeplUscii MEN'S STURDY Leather Jackets These jackets are real beauties, made of genuine horsehide. Zipper fronts and zipper pock - etc in brown and tan. SPECIAL 19i. 50 They Are So Nice and COSY ‘' CHILDREN'S Flannelette SLEEPERS In sizes 1, 2, 3 Special ate $1.29 PRICES AT, LADIES' TAILORED 81i'ps of excellent quality with lace neckline. Reg. $2.79. $1 '49 SPECIAL >t� LADIES' COTTON O. S. BLOOMERS Ladies, these are a super spe- cial. Reg. $1.19. t,. SPECIAL PAIR COLD WEATHER WARM-UPS, ! Penman's UNDERWEAR Men's well made) neatly tailor. ed 1 and 2 piece fleece lined underwear, also 'fleece ..lined combinations, Green Front Department Stores SEA.!01 FI LOWER