HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1947-10-17, Page 7YOU'LL BE PROUD OF YOUR STOVE WHEN IT'S 5HINED WITH eAt 40 4/h '1u' IOW oat wI dr. xis to E E3RA. STOVE POLISH. LIQUID ar PASTE LEGAL McCONNELL & HAYS Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Patrick D. McConnell - H. Glenn Hays SHAFORTH, ONT. Telephone 174 A. W. SILLERY Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. SEAFORTH - ONTARIO Phone•,173, Seaforth MEDICAL SEAFORTH CLINIC DR. E. A. McMASTER, M.B. • Physician DR. P. L. BRADY, M.D. Surgeon Office hours daily„ except Wednes- day: 1:30-5 p.m., 7- 9 ,p.m. Appointments for consultation may Abe made in advance. JOHN GORVi(ILL, B.A., M.D. Physician and Surgeon IN DR. H. H. ROSS' OFFICE - Phones: Office 5-W; Res. 5-J Seaforth, MARTIN W. STAPLETON, B.A., M.D. Physician and Surgeon Successor to Dr. W. C. Sproat Phone 90-W - . Seaforth DR. F. J. R. FORSTER Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Graduate in Medicine, University of Toronto. Late assistant New York ' Opthal- mei and Aural Institute, Moorefield's Eye and Golden Square Throat Hos- pital, London, Eng. At COMMERCIAL HOTEL, SEA FORTH. 53 Waterloo . Street South, Stratford. JOHN C. GODDARD, M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 110 . - Hensall 40118:52 —.DR. J. A. MacLEAN. Physician artd Surgeon Phone 134- - Hensall: " VETERINARY, J. 0.314t)URNItULL,t .V,M,, V.S. V.S. Main Street ~" = Seaforth -r•44'HO'1NE 105 Personal attention by either Veterinarian when requested (if possible). AUCTIONEERS HAROLD JACKSON • Specialist in Farm and Household Sales. Licensed, in Huron and Pert51 oun- ties. 'Prices reasonable; satisfaction guaranteed. For information, etc., write or phone HAROLD JACKSON, 14 on 661, Sea - forth; R.R. 4, Seaforth. EDWARD W. ELLIOTT Licensed Auctioneer Correspondence 'promptly answered. immediate arrangenient4can be made for sale dates by 'phoning 203, Clin- ton. Charges moderate and satisfac- tion guaranteed'. 4142x52 pERCY C. "WRIGHT Licensed Auctioneer Household, farm stock, implements and pure bred sales Special training and experience enables Me to offer you sales service that is most effici- ent and satisfactory; PHONE 90 r 22, Hensall, C.N.R. TIME 'TABLE GOING EAST ' (Morning) Goderich (leave) Seaforth Stratford (arrive) (Afte'rneor) Goderich •(leave) Seaforth Stratford (arrive) GOING WEST (Morning) Stratford (leave) Seaforth . +Goderlch (arrive) ,(Afternoon) d ° Stratford (leave) Seaforth . •• .. . • Gotterie1 (arrive) ' • . • The riohly 41419d, ADIfitoin. liuU, 14.4.,4' 40w- Rghto. Pabst, has" xe4eIItly been purchased Py,' Cotlh ;CainPhell ayhe a;. Ont. front W; Anson 914t,. tan, Goderich, . This 'bulgy 44t ..a very richly • . bred lndividuai,, comb.Cot :a heavy, .P,r904c404. and -gooda.ty!pe,to a agiarlced legree on beth $i'dea of h s. Pedigree,.• 33is clam Medow. Glade, Grine! Posen Pabst, has beep classified as' "Very, 'Good?' in, 'Selective Regletrar. tion and is a vienrber of the o741•y, ,group of five daughters of ane g'rrkr in -Canada that have beem classified) as very good. In addition, she has - .a. Yearly R.O.P. record Made on twice- a -dray milking of 2%475 lbs. milk, 726 lbs. fat, average butterfat 'test 3,55. per. cent. Her dam has a yearly twider a -day milking record' of 717 lbs 'fiat: from 19,973 lbs, milk and her sire AS a proven son of the great foundation cow, Dptchland, Netherland Calamity, with an eight lactation, lifetime rec'orcl on twice -a -day .milking of 158;7"38.lbs. milk' containing cgs lbs. fat, The sire of •the Campbell bull is Elm Colanthus. Rag Apple Righto, .who was all -Canadian senior yearling bull in 1943. Bookmobile on. Display' in London The Huron County "Bookmobile," only vehicle of its type in use in On- tario, was on display at the semi- annual meeting of the Middlesex County Library Association, in the Elsie Perrin Williams Memorial Lib- rary, Lyndon, on Monday., The "Bookmobile" is a truck spec- ially fitted with book -shelves, used by the Huron County Library Association to provide small libraries - with a change of reading material. It covers the route once every three months, distributing and 'picking up books. - Mrs. Hugh' Allen, Mrs_ James Muth and son, Malcolm, and Mrs.' Charles •Nunn and daughter, Mary Elizabeth, and son, Scotty, of Port Dover, were week -end guests of Mrs. E. Toms. • Mr. and Mrs. Wickham, of Flint, Mich., were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Whiteman last week. Mr.. and Mrs. T. H. Mack, who•have purchased Scotchmer's hardware and will take possession Nov. 1, moved to the village on Monday, from Grosse Pointe, Mich. Their daughters, Mary and Phyllis, 'will join them later in the month. Weston's Bakery lowered' the: price of bread from 13c to 11c a loaf last week. Professor Lloyd Hodgins, of Toron- to," s,pentr the week -end at. his cottage in the village. Mrs. Jas. Scott, who spent the past three months at her home here, re- turned to Toronto last Monday, Mr. Donald Scott, of Toronto, - was her. guest over the week -end. Mr. and Mrs. John Stumpf, of Long Island, N.Y., arrived last Thursday to spend, a week with .the ,tatter's mother,, Mrs. Wm. Stinson. Mr. and Mrs, Leroy Poth and son, Ronnie, and home ,Saturday af- ter spending the past ten days in. Kitchener. ' Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kantor, of Birmingham, Mich., were at their cottage over the week -end. Guests of Mrs. Wm. Sturgeon over the week -end were Mr. and Mrs. New- ton Sturgeon and family, of Port Dover, and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Cruick .shank and babe, of Clinton - Miss Doris MacEwan, of London, spent the week -end with her mother, Mrs. Fred MacEwen. Mr. Arthur Cotton, who sold his home to Mr. Batkin, of ,Clinton,. mov- ed to London on Saturday -last. Mrs. L. Green returned to Guelph on Sunday after spending some time at her. cottage in' the village.— Mr. illage.-"•'Mr. and Mrs. Jim Day, of Pleasant Ridge, Mich., spent the week -end with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Day, who returned to Detroit with them. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. •F. Rogers left on Wednesday for Toronto and Mont- real; where they intend,' spending the Thanksgiving weekend. They were accompanied' tr(Toronto by Mrs. Dav- id Volume. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Westlake, Miss Gloria' Westlake and Miss M. Stiir- geon returned home •)ast Friday after 'spending ten. days visiting Mr,,,, and Mrs. Lloyd 'Westlake in Virginia, Northern Ontario. a.m. 5.40 62'0 7.16 P.m. 3.0;0 3.46 4.40 10,45 11.36 12.20 p.m. 9.85 170.21 71°,aa DUBLIN - Personals: Mr. 'add Mrs. Hubert O'Reilly have moved to the residence of Wilfred Feeney, 'recently vacated by Mr. 'and Mrs. H. McGillivray; Mise Vera Feeney, of Tcnonto, . with her mother, Mrs. Kathlee3i Feeney; Miss Mary Costello, London, with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Costello; John Meagher, Goderich, and Miss Marion Meagher, London, with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John . Meagher; Mrs. ti WHEN IN TORONTO ,Maks Y•ar Hom• ffr Witt s' tttirtvg LOCATED on with SPADINA AVE. At •Cornrow. Sfr.et - .. RATES .. SIndL $1.50- $2.50 Double $2.50-$7.00 Write for 1~dlder We Advise Early 1t'esefvatieft A , WHOLF DAY'S SIGHT-SEEING NiIYM(iN ViiALIFINO DISTANCE A.M.'¢'oil i t PMsidenl _. . p Aril, J ' �� Mltl liyean r 01,; 00 A., 0 r o idal4i 1vti4 l+�ra 4' O. .0' 04: 4ix , i?atl i Cello, t, ext i'ortia*,.: LRtx l Vr a d rs04..m Jt?'ritan„:11 1`• kan` urs.;' Carl Si:ctnlaacli-;:`a>.4!t ,son., A"* nexh!,. ndo74r :Atli,. M7G, a,d ' 117[1 s,Q,f,T F„,)0agan; WOO 'Ethal q•, .0 learn, ',of 404640 1I0' ayith her 'parents; Mr. old; ClIfanrn,; Art thsr•.4'a atine; Presentation Brighfers:k Montre with M;<^; and pars. Jos: °9rg41n; Lorne 10ron, in accompanies his uncle to •Montreal wItero ilii 0ll'attend the 'l''reeentation Protherte School Mr. and, Mrs, Leon, and Steigba31 and, son, Ronnie, Low don, with .Mrs. Kathleen Feeney; Miss Dorothy Donn;eliy, Goderich, with. her parents, Mr.' and *4. ;Joseph Dennehy; .Mrs. A, Whetham at South Porcupine; Mr. and Mfrs. Jack Mc- Carthy and children at Delaware; Mrs. Pat Irongeway; Stratford, with her aunt, •Miss lJlla J. Dillon.• Deachene - Feeney A pretty autumn wedding was, held at St, Peter's Church, Toronto, on Sat-. witty, October 11, ,when Mary Ver- onica, eldest daughter of Mrs. Francis John Febneys, Dublin, and the late}. ci I"'ran .sjohn Feeney, was united in, marriage to Mr. John Herbert. ,D.e0ehene, Toronto, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Fred Deschene, Sud- bury., Rev. Harry F. Feeney, C R., . collard Ila11, North Bay College, brother of the bride, officiated at the ceremony and at the Nuptial Mass, Mr. Leo Leismer presided at the or- gan anile the soloist was Mr. Lloyd, Laube; who sang Panis Angelicus, at the Offertory and "Ave Maria" dur- ing the signing of the register. Giv-. a fie' �Iroxe , � w '1►1u a aFaii k wi t ► I� :flat pith A.0.0",* •1 rJ >a p i ni ani acre lie ani a �l + ax e of Ptnlr ore ' *ith 1i(iuy '0)404:4* ..11,0, 101, or, Mies ;C{en(ivieve R401e4 ;Fee•Ilgr , 7134'9 }t°o, r!ho yvQai a trei401 t ta? eni4 ;?5th mato ng 'het and cilack 40.e80.0054141.0.00P ;P'Pr 3alxO ro&es;•. li?f",' hip nagan.: Toronto, was 'heat ,,. and" Mr, l,eh axSl-•Olion ilkli IPronto l'Rl*ei 4 Following ttte ,oere>aur 1Y a reeeptian was' held at the :'qwell. L eu itlzapdth. Rooms, Xing' 10.0 4',.'d ]el'ptel„ The ,bride's mother reeey,ed the gest&, wearing a black • crepe gown. with ,sequins and. Week;Accessories, and corsage of recd mens. d'".o11oWg a brief honeymoon.. frig • to Buffalo and Niagara Falls, Mr. • and' Mrs. Deschene will reside at 39 • HoWland7 Ave.., To- ronto. Guests, o- ronto.Guests at the wedding were present from North, Bay, f:ondon, Di biro, Rochester, WY., and Toronto. Pitompt 6g2Piza- VAR SCOS E VEINS use s J.P.CRQUCHMANS LINIMENT SOLD THROUGHOUT CANADA 1�'ir t Indete ► ed 00 ;.afin�xtg part*alis dlti o�ei;iJW�'? opae of W lltarn '.A iii r� reey pf, nartOn. T''SW41•011, R ,'; Mtt Wi4 n the: ;sinpl[e:bad 0}ear�cl, 1 ta±wketled walll surroun `.n$ chu;a P ruins rerma lked! et.t4 upper storey 0,,la, the% 1)rles'.holtseT TltFt lialnes dfsi�'no tou4ih k14e ,lower f#o4xx, bull' �o j.l a -f ai$ie; damage was raised exec by;tbef wirer. s.AI water poured oil the fl&]'Q volunteer Ore depart lent trOPt• lvtithell,. 'fir•st •The ;ore .was first notioed° by4 Mrs.;' Teer, about 11 o'clock in; the u?oxa'ing• when she was ont in the garden. gr, Titer was away at the time, haying left about five minutes before to drive Some friends to church in Mitchell - His four children were with him. Ae- cording•to Mr. Tuer, there was•no sign of the fire when he left, which leads him to believe that the flames must have smoldered in the attic flooring for quite a while before the smoke was visible. By the -time hia wife saw the fire, it had .gained a good foothold and was eating through to the, second storey from the -attic.. The house has been a landmark it( the district for many years. It was built about 1860; and the stubborn resistance it gave to the flames is testimony to the solidity of its Con- struction. When the last burning em- ber had been extinguished and the last smoldering timber pulled aside, many of the old residents stared_sadr ly -at the changes wrought in the familiar old home by the fire of a few hours' duration. ALSO ALL 'mils: NEW AND USED D GOOSE FEATHER HORSE HAIR: For additional information regarcllj price, Telephone .245, Mitchell, • Q1? Parkdak MITCHELL • • (ATARI(? • NOW . . you get even more miles per dollar when . you buy the new Firestone De Luxe o Champion .... the safest, longest wearing tire ever built. - SEE YO DEALER E 146 TODAY * RED STAR iy asoline and Oil. ` - EAFORRTH Oil Burner Service d1 to