The Huron Expositor, 1947-10-17, Page 67'r
ci uourkeil*et in 'Gke ()Wire
ifs with tl#e reeve, . (tbn Wi!atelb,
the fir M9 were all ►rea=
Motlloou aPPmetl ,1t'' CQu441. 199
MeT 4 Far islk an.d 21xr-
a �alat we rel e t?xe i epfal t
41.1o` " 14li4
1t lie $tU,8,50; ActAaee Tim; ad
t93 t041911ga 'tor wro*eter aliewnllk,
$2.05I W'slpi, Se iernl, 3z 4crai4 file for
Prate 'NQ '0,-•ti'ancrb. $L5(4
.ml4r Dixwney,, caretal1!.! at ' 'rkio
EI411, $x7,BO; .Glen williams4,m, ,ape
killed 11 dPg a, $1.4; HAM*Vox; larf
1011%1 'by duo&s, $12; Daily Commercial
Newa, . fear tenders for Catbers
Maim, . 43-6Q; Allan Atioma, lox bowl-
oon$3; r1 'Dinsmore, lamb lriliedl •by
figys., $1::5; P. Murat, postage, $5; P.
Promptly and Efficiently Removed
Simply Phone Collect
• Don't buy tires ..: buy miles of •
safe, dependable service. That means
Goodyears, because Goodyears' rugged,
road -:gripping tread lasts longer . . -
gives more miles per dollar than any
other tire, Get this great mileage and
‘safety bonus starting today! Come in
and, let us fit your car with money-
saving brand new Goodyear tires—
Seaforth Motors
adv. - Ols. Sales & Service
Phone 141 -.— Seaforth
BE AN A- B -C DRIVER—AC<vay.6 Be Ca/Weil; •
ii*111 ILII
DoN cawaoe
LIVESTOCK need plenty of fresh, clean water to
maintain high production— so let DURO carry
the water for you. In stables, barns, poultry houses,
greenhouses and truck gardens DURO adds extra
profits through extra production. And the savingsin
lime and labour alone will soon "pay for a DURO
Pump installation.
with EMCO
Fixtures and fittings designed for
style and, utility are- available for
simple, economical installation in
kitchen, bathroom and laundry. Safe-
guard the health of your family ..
add to the comforts of daily Iiving�l '�
Sem us far full particulars.
', 31t,Iwn Way;t]j k at
vet;la on Day` v ailar• 44M; • ....AP New,
toot a#ovelliiris anrt +drawwxtg ,sionef> 4
DayDr` Un. With gave Vittle, shox
ening at cult'@rt On Day Drain, $3.6O;
Wes.. 1Jnderwoo4, shovelling at cul
vert 4n Day Dr t $7.-311; Allan 17n-
derwood, SboYelliug at culvert on Day
Glen, Underwood, shovel-
ling at •Clilxext 011 i Drain, '$2:O0;
Treasurer 'County lett Huren;-Thospita1-
ization, re `late A: •'S iarpin, (24.76;
Drury Construction Co., balauee ow-
ing -on Day Drain,. 483,406.83; John
Benninger, allowances on Day Drain,
$65; Delbert Clegg, allowances es
Day Drain, $208; Frank. King, allow
antes on Day Drain,' $129; feed Day,
allowances on Day Drain, $15; Harry
Farr, allowances on Day Drain, $13;
H. Robinson, allowances on Day: Dr.,
$14; D. ,Gathers, allowances on Day
Drain, $15; Howick Agricultural So-
cie,ty, grant, $250.
• Moved by Strong and Gowdy: That
the road accounts as approved be
paid. Carried,
'Moved by Gowdy and Strong: That
we instruct the toad superintendent
to call for tenders for plowing snow
roads in the Township of Howick,
subject to cancellation any time after
Jan. 1, 1948.
Moved by Gowdy and Zurbrigg:
That we instruct the Clerk to pre-
pare a bye-law setting the date for the
nomination in the Township Hall;
Gorrie, on Monday, Nov. 24,. 1947,'and
if an election is demanded said elec-
tion will be held on Monday, Dec. 8,
1947. Carried.
Moved by Gowdy and Farrish: That
we do now adjourn to meet again in
the clerk's office, Corrie, Nov. 5, or
at the call of the Reeve. Carried.
Seaforth Horses
Win at Bayfield
The last Fair of the season in this
district,. the Bayfield Fall Fair, hap-
pily hit on perfect .autumn weather
on Wednesday and a crowd of 'about
1,500 people was on 'hand to chalk up
a new record in the annals of the
Bayfield Agricultural Society for vol-
ume of cash i•eceipts and total attend-
ttendante. The gate receipts alone for
Wednesday afternoon amounted to
about $210. Large crowds also at-
tended both the concert in the Town
Hall and the dance in the evening.
The Holloway Troupe df London pre-
sented the concert program. The
Bayfield Valley' Five supplied music
for the dance. The Bayfield Lions
Club operated the lunch booth.
With the track in excellent shape,
the green race provided good, compe-
tition. Winner of the final was Volo
Patch, owned and driven by Scott
Kerr, of Seaforth, Second money was
won by Laura Henly; owned and driv-
en by Dr., George „Elliott, of Clinton,
while third position was taken by
Simon •Legree, owned by J. R. Burns;
of Seaforth.
Anniversary services will be held
in St. Andrew's United' Church here
on Sunday, Oct. 19, at 11 a.m. and 7:30
p.m. The guest speaker at the morn-
ing service will be Rev. W. J. Woel
Frey, B.A., Bal; of Clinton, and in the
evening Rev.• R. R. Connor, of 'King
St."United 'Church, London, and fgrmer
pastor of this charge, will Speak. Spe-
cial music will be furnished by the
choir, assisted ,,hy guest soloists.
Miss Isabelle Alexander, of- Toron-
to, spent the holiday with her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. .Alexander.
Miss Etta Etta Jarrott, of Toronto,• spent
the holiday with her mother, Mrs. I.
-Jarrett:. •.„ ....
Mr. and—Mrs. Cecil Dining, of Lon-
don, spent the week -end with the lat-
ter's parents, Mr. arid' Mrs. W. Alex-
Mrs. J. C. Simser, of Toronto, ist
spending a few days with her niece.
and nephew, Mr. and Mrs-. A. Gack
Dr. James Jarrott, of . New York,
spent the week -end with his mother,
Mrs. 3. Jarrott.
Church To Celebrate 80th Anniversary
,St. - Andrew's United Church here
will celebrate its 86th anniversary on
Sundays next, Oct, 19, -at 11 a.m. and
7:30 p.m. The guest speaker at the
morning service will be Rev. Wooifrey
of Clinton, and in the evening Rev.
R. R. 'Connor, of King St. United
Church, London, former pastor of
Kippen, will preach. Special 'musdc
will be Turnished by the choir, assist-
ed by members of Hillsgreen choir.
The guest soloist will be Miss Doro-
thy Chandler, of Parkhill, formerly,
of Kippen,
Mr. and Mrs. Minor Dobbs, of Glen -
cairn, are4 visiting -with their daugh-
ter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Cliff
'Brock. "
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Madge and Mar-
ion and Keith, of.Thames Road, spent
Sunday with Mr. and, Mrs. Grant Ford.
Mrs. John 'Brack, of London, spent
a few days with.' Mr. 'and Mrs;. Cliff
Brock. '
Mrs. Roy McDonald', Bobby anti
Barbara, of Exeter, spent a- few days
with Mr, avid Mrs. E. Skinner.
Laurie and Murray Stephen and
Jim Sinclair, of London,,,spent the
week -end at their homes here.
Miss Muriel Routly, of Kirkton, vis-
ited over the week -end with Anna and
Grace Routly,
nd Lots of Pep
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.v✓iw:: rr. rv...:.r�::1':':�i::mow v'�:+u)'i':;�.diiiiii.'i v`,'''
PLYMOUTH gives you VALUE you can see and measure. Your
Chrysler - Plyinouth - Fargo dealer has a new Qualii
Chart which shows that Plymouth is most like the'high-priced
•cars in quality features. Of 21 important features found in .
high-priced ears, Plymouth has 20,• car "h” has 9 and car "c"
has..8. More quality features mean greater VALUE.
Plymouth gives you VALUE in Safety. Safety -Rim Wheels
foto protection in the event - of sudden tire failure. Equal
Pressure Hydraulic Brakes for more stopping power with less
pedal pressure. • -
Plymouth give's you, VALUE in Economy: Although Plymouth
is,a biu','comfortable car and gives you more quality features, it is
nevertheless priced' right down with the lowest. Plymouth's
thorough engineering makes it -a long-lasting, economical ear to
own and operate.•
Plymouth gives you VALUE in Performance and Style: A
powerful 95 horsepower engine: gives you smooth performance at•
all speeds. Plymouth's smart styling and flowing lines give it
that "big -car" appearance.. No other car gives you all of these
features at Plymouth's low price—so, if it's VAruE,you want, it's
Plymouth you 'want.
Plymouth's roomy luggage com-
partment gives you value In
convenience.' The Iid swings up
easily because the weight is
counterbalanced. The Rd waif,
come down- until you want it
down. The spare tire is con-
veniently located.
• Plymouth gives you value in
safety with Equal Pressure
Hydraulic Brakes. Stopping
power is increased one-third
with 25 to 30% fess pedal
pressure. Plymouth Safety -Rim
Wheels reduce the hazards of
sudde4 tub failure.
New Safety Hydraulic Brakes • Patented Floating -Power Engine Ebuntigs to moiler
vibration .New Starter with button on dash •Safety -Rim Wheels far blowootprotedkso
New Front-end Sway Eliminator' All -steel Safety Body • New Body Guard Bumper • Hach.
kiss Drive to cushion starting and stopple/
• Lightweight Aluminum Pistons • Wear-redry
Superflnished Parts • New Gasoline Moss
From Fisher. Styling to Knee -Action Comfort
is yours only in Chevr�Iet !
Look at this new Chevrolet, from Turret
Top to tires ..., from headlight to tail
Tight ... and you'll say— BIG -CAR
QUALITY. Then look at it, with a busi-
ness -like eye, from purchase price to
upkeep, and you'll . say— AT LOW
COST. And: remember — BiG-CAR
QUALITY AT LOW COST is yours only
in this bigger -looking, better -looking
Chevrolet for 1947.
You're master of every motoring
situation •when you own a new
Chevrolet, You have power,
getaway; dependability, In extra
Measure, for Chevrolet's proved
Valve -in -Head Engine has deliver-
ed more miles, for more owners,
over a longer period, than any
other engine built today.
You have every right to demand the Highest degree
of motoring safety for your fathily; end you get it
with Chevrolet's Unisteel Body by Fisher, Knee-
Action hide and Positive -Action Hydraulic Brakes-
C ensues combined only in Chevrolet and higher -
priced tors.
What a beauty leader this car is! Trim as a yacht in line and
contour—luxurious as .a drawing room in upholstery and
° appointments! The body is a Fisher body—exclusive to
Chevrolet and higher -priced cars. -
Just settle down "in the form-
fitting seat cushions — and
relax! Travel over any road
—from boulevard to byway
—is made smoother, stead-
ier, safer by the Unitized
Knee -Action Ride another
advantage found only - in
Chevrolet and higher -priced
Remember..;— it will pay you to keep your present car in good
running condition by bringing it to us for skilled service, now
and at regular intervals, until you secure delivery of your
new :Chevrolet.