HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1947-10-17, Page 5• A
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ase .,laersea another loads ,of tO, te.iieitar WW1
4b0 Lseaua,,01# MeaBelBsy about $.1.1.4 itIto an,,:pterogiong 04F.,,ot.14,t,
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st Prices Paic
A Premium is paid , on Chickens of' two
pounds and up .
For additional) information regarding other
prices; PHONE 245, MITCHELL, ,or apply to
-Parkdale Poultiy.
Wholesale Poultry and Eggs
One 'ay to make the coming months a
source of later profit is to winterfeed good
This bank is interested in helping progressive
farmers on the road to success.
If you need money for winter feeding or to
improve your breeding stock come in and
talk over your plans on your next trip to town.
Applications for loans in connection with any
worthwhile farm expenditures are invited.
Established 1871
'E. C. Boswell - Manager
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DURO water softeners a re
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4t u4
qqme't W7 461 214:04OPPOP'..
wo,104fr'tvict,„04.vobesria. Tilere
ft tOrn011kaa yu•PaWBQU
go(0.4 rA1gbYt4)014 'Oar ow tealP
IlsittOr 0,4;,xpioo inatOileal• with
S Mays. tau weWere last /Seal'
witk •Stratterd, '$e y.filr
can ellpeel a, tep-notch nhow. Geste
'rich and Miteliell droppeCe out ef
.four -emu league , esreprieedi` for thi
season, because pf leek of finencia
support. •Seaforth bas alWays bee
known as a elagrting town; 'ack papa
it.' Come out Friday' afternoon an
support your team. .
• Speaking of your team, perhap
you'd ike ter know just who .it. in
.eludes. First and foremost, is th
coach„ P. A. Dobson, who bag, made
fine 'job of bungling. a collection' o
half-baked yoUths into what we think
is a pretty eair team. The first teana
is a, bit indefiaite, particularly on th
line, but the line-up will' probably 'be
something like ' this: Quartenback
Don Smith; -flying wing, Gard
en Wilson; half -backs, Don Stewart,„ Bil
Butchart, Archie Hubert; cater
Jack Wallace; insides, Francis Huis
ger, Gordon McKindsey; . middles, .H
Hackwell, Earl MeSpadden; ends, B.
Munn, Joe Laudenbach; substitutes,
Ron Slake Keith, Blanchard, Jim.Chap-
man, Murray ' Meas. Others have
been coming out to practice occasion-
ally, so 'our substitutes will be any-
body we can ,put,a uniform on. New
sweaters have been ordered and e'V-
eryone is feverishly hoping that they
arrive hi time for the game, and ,hel-
rests are being loaned to us by Walk-
erton. • ,
• So much for -rugby. The other big
news' this week is the dance . which
was ' held at the school last Friday
night, Music was provided by our
new recciraplayer attachment for the
amplifier. Some brought their own
recerd collections, and we had all
the, latest numbers, About 100 at-
tended and enjoyed all kinds of nov-
elty dances. , Don Smith and Eleanor
Weaver should! have been given a
prize for trying, in the . elimination
dance. They were the second last
couple' on the floor; but to keepain
the running they had to take off Don's!
sox, Eleanor's 'jacket; Don's shoes and
Eleanar's charm bracelet. What fin-
ality stopped them was Don's brown
trousers—ell those wearing that .art -
lisle had to drop out. too, and all he
got for his effort was a pair ,of dry
feet. Ah, well, such is life! Sand-
wiches, cookies. and ' choColate milk
were served to the ' Blue team by the
members of the Red team, who lost
on' Field Day end had to arrange the
Latin is sometimes a fairly inter-
esting •subject, but the other day it
was so "high" in Third Form that
a window had to be opened to Air
the room out. However, the smell
might have been due to a bottle of
perfume that one Miss. Boyes was
squirting thither and yon.
Enthusiasm is to be commended in
Glee Club—usually, but when a mere-
ber Of the bass section goes down se
far. for a -deep note that he'falis off
his chair, tiand time again, that's
carrying things too far, especially
when the singer is aided and abettedm
by soeoneNpulling his chair out from
under him. ' Don't you agree, Messrs.
Rennie and Goudie? . .
Don Dale has doubtless been often
accused of being lightly cracked, but
.he is Unusually touchy when one says
that to him lately. The reason is
it's :finally showing in lifeVeiee;WhiCh
now sounds like a cross between a
rusty door hinge and a swine yodel.
Just growing pains, I guess.
A new organization at the school
is the Drama Society. It held its!
first meeting last •Thursday in the
tenth period, and Mary Margaret
Cleary, was elected president. The
society is looking for all kinds of
' talent, and if you fancy yourself as,
a second Al. Jolson, a ,blackface, or
as another John Barrymore; drop m
to Mr. Silcox's room next Thursday
in the last period.
3 3 3
eek -end, Wheee, he sees this he'll
It's a funny thing that Zeke hasn't
made the headlines of this column
yet this week. It must be that 'this
'week was a day shorter than Most,
as Thanksgiving was a holiday, and
Ise hasn't had. time to get into his
upsual shenanigans after. the long
bably resolve to ke up for it
next week. •
3 ' 3 "3
That's all for -now, folks, and ' re-
member, support your team and your
school Friday- afternoon.
3. 3 3
P.S: — Get yourselfWallace. Wallace.
a typewriter,
i4tr,04' 4,1004 .19Alf4
•.,. 37.19#1
• .„
• 404,31, 4Q, lAtevens 000
• Des and Mrei E-Ife MISGavin,
and Mr. AN)* MeGaaill,
Reading,' Pa., spent a g.aw days, et the
Nome of iifr. agJ Men.".0lin MeGavin
anct MO Mary lifeGavin in Tucker,-
• birs. Ray Maseat'.and twe ebik
dreise'of A.eton, agent the Weekend
and holiday witaeliercioother, Mrs.
• SUM/ MIUIro.
• Mrs, Mary Hildebeand spent the
week -end with ,friendsa;ils •Kitchener.
• Mrs. R. B, Holmes, Miss Carolyn
Holmes, Mrs. Fred Beattie and Mies
WEleadinneesdllaoylm. ee were in Toronto ox
• .• Mr; and Mrs. Douglas Knowles,
of Aylmer, spent a few days here thiS
week. Mrsa. J. 'J. Selater, who has
been visiting in Ayarner, returned'
wieth Mr. and
'Mts. George Love, of
• Shipka, and Mr.. and Mrs. James IF.
Scott spent sthe week -end in Harbor
• • Mr. and Mrs. Harry Weiland, of
Toronto," sent the week -end with his
parents, Mr. allele/Vire. fr. Weiland, in
• • Mr. and Mrs. David J. Grieve
and family, of London, were guests
for Thanksgiving with Mrs. John
• Mr. J. B. Shaw, of Jeannette
Creek, Was a, week -end guest of hie
mother, Mrs. Pearl Shaw.
• Messrs. John and Wm. Hargraves
of 'torontd, were guests of Mr. and
Mrs. E. P. Chesney for Thanksgiv-
ing. •
• Mr. and Mrs. Warren Amen• t and
family, of Detroit, •spent Thanksgiv-
ing with Mr. and Mrs,. Wm. Arnent.
• - Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Cudmore
and family, of St. Catharines, were
Thanksgiving guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Cecil Oke, in Tuckersmith.
• -Dr. J. G. Dillane and Mrs. Dillane,
and 'two sons, of Hamilton, spent
Thanksgiving with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Thomas Johnstone.
• Miss Joanne McMillan was in
-Sarnia over the week -end.
• Miss Ruth Joynt, of Toronto, wag
a guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Joynt,. over the week -end.
• Mr. W. J. Bell, of Toronto, spent
Thanksgiving with his sister, Miss
Mary Bell.
• Mr. Thomas Chi& of Toronto,
spent the holiday with his fath.er,
Mr. A. F. Cluff.
• Miss Margaret Grieve, cif Oak-
ville, spent Thanksgiving with her
mother, Mrs. 3. L. Grieve.
• Mrs. Hugh Chesney, Marilyn,
Grant, Carol and Glen spent Thanks-
giving week -end in Bay City, Mich.,
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Feed
Chesney. While there they were
guts at the,wedcling of Miss Bonnie
Jean Chesney, daughter of Mr. and
Meg. Wet Chesney, of Saginaw, Mich,
•' Mrs. John Cummings is serious -
ill in Scott, Memorial Hospital.
• Mr. and Mrs. Armond Bedour and
son, of Goderich, andIand Mrs,
Victor Overholt, of Zurie t a Spent the
week-encl with Mrs. Theresa MaliineY.
• Mi. and Mrs. Homer J. Mellon,
of London, were week -end guests of
Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Hart.
• Mrs. W. Klinkhamer 'and „Miss
Nancy Desborough have returned. to
Detroit after visiting their sister,
Mrs. C. P. Sills, and Mr. Sills.
• Miss Norma Pommer, of Scott
Memorial-- Hospital staff, spent
Thanksgiving at her home in •Strat-
ford. '
• Mrs. Wm. Rollins, of Sarnia, was
a guest at the home of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. W. J..Finnigan, in Eg-
• Mr. Arthur J. Finlayson is in
Scott Memorial Hospital suffering an
attack of flu. ,
• Mr. Thomas Joanstene, who has
been. seriously ill at his home for
some, months, hasbeen able recently
to be down town.
Wartime Houses
(Contin!ued from Page 1) •
would remain in town.
The matter wasreferred to the
street committee to explore the per -
chase of a plow to be used with a
rented truck, and to take such action
as it deemed ,necessary to provide-
satiefactori snowplowing service.
An opinion of the town solicitors,
Messrs. McConnell ,4fs Hays, concern-
ing the manner in which cars' are
parked on streets during snowplow-
ing operations,was considered, It. was
felt that Bylaw 287 of 1926 covered,
the iituation, but it was suggested
this be discussed with Provincial Con-
Wallpaper --1
Buy On d Roll and get
another for
All 1947 styles on sale to '
make room for 194$
• FRIDAY, OCT. 17th
For a short time oniY•
cliEu, (*Immo
gleverft4"9: ' etticE
They are ao
40yet"; are a 'TWA any
pally lona *mica, many a0t,n talia
lora• aro Greys Fied, nailgad
'Regulation `Wkio
Lonely quality Sharkskin • ROlialialtian
Nurses' Uniforms, in White ciniy.
"Little Miss"
• Dresses
Cleverly styled little dresses for the
little Miss, in plain or neat stripe
quality span material. All colors.
Sizes 3 to 6X.
As above, with contrasting trim and
collar and pockets,
" 7 to 12 year sizes. „.
3.25 to 3.75
"Little Shirley"
All -wool plaids, cheeks and, plain
shades, in a wide range of colors.
Sizes 7 to 12 years.
5.75 to 7.75
All -Wool Blazers
Quality all -wool • Blazers with cord
trim edges, in Red and' Navy. •
Sizes 3 to 6X only.
• Phone
$2 -
stable Hodgson.
Reporting for the street committee;
Chairman E. IL Close told council,
that a road had ben cut to the salt
work .property near the C.N.R., and
that at tbe, request of provincial Po,
lice, stop signs had been repaired.
The installation of the blinker light
awaited, ,the arrival of bases for the
poles. Difficulty was I, being experi-
enced, in obtaining cement to carry
through the entire sidewalk program,
although repairs were being made
where necessary. Councillor Close
was of the ' opinion consideration
should be given to the laying 'of new
sidewalks under the Local :Improve-
ment Act, whereby the property own-
er benefitting would be assessed on a
frontage basis. •
Councillor W. A. Ross told council
of the inspection trip he made accom-
panied by Town Engineer S. W. Archi-
bald, of the •Silver Creek Drain, Which
had been the basis .of many com-
plaints as a result of flooding. While
the engineer's report will be forward-
ed to the Town Clerk, Mr: Archibald
did say a: lot of work wassinvolved
and that it would be a costly matter.
The cost would be assessed against
those property owners benefitting, he
Reeve Sills, chairman of the pro-
perty committee; tolecouncif a con-
siderable amount of work was re-
quired at the town dump. Fire Chief
Allan Reid reported four false alarms
and one bre during the month: 'The
false alarms resulted from mechani-
cal failures. Council requested the
P.U.C. to investigate tbe costs involv-
ed in taking full responsibility for. the
maintenance of the fire -alarm sys-
The police committee informed.
council that the arrangement where-
by provincial police took over in Sea-.
forth was working out satisfactorily.
Councit approved payment of,two
weeks additional salary . to fetner
Chief of Police John Currie,
Building permits, approved included.
Daly's, Garage, warehouse $500, and
E, H. Close, chicken house, .$20.0. The,
sale of Lets 12 and 3, Jarvia Street,
to Mrs. Annie Watson, was approved.
Correspondence included a letter
rom Robert Smith, Goderich St. East,
complaining o'f the -erection of two
arge sign boards adjacent to his resi-
dence. He pointed out the signs were
o have heen at a point from the high-
way.. pt least'parallel to hip garage.
The signs, in fact, are erected 'about
60 feet from the highway. Mayor
Reid reviewed events leading up to,
heir erection. Council *had givan ap-
proval subject to approval of proper-
ty owpers affected. Througls a Dais,
linderritanding, all property owners
were not consulted, and the signs
were erected. The Clerk was in-
structed, to advise the company re-
'sponsible to remove the signd, front
the highway to a poiht where they
Will not be an eyesore to 'property
earnere In 'th ti area.
A reatilliti011 fr0111 the Pablie school
. ,•
board asked council to plow sidearalks
as Well aa 'roada during the. coming
winter. It was considered dangerous
for children to walk on the roads.
While council was appreciative of the
danger, it was felt that plowing side-
walks was an iinpossible, task since
snow plowed from roads' was thrown
over .the sidewalks. It was agreed
Goderich Street "wee the most danger-
ous area and •Provincial Constable
Hodgson is to be asked to arrange a
patrol for school children and to
check on ,speeding. •
Ratepayers will be 'given an, opi
portunity to discuss a garbage collec-
tionscheme either at a special meet-
ing or at the- nomination meeting,
council decided after Mayor Reid
pointed out the Chamber of Com-
merce had requested action • some
time ago. In the meantime the Clerk
was instructed to obtain estimates of
costs from comparable municipalities.
Accounts approved for paynient in-
cluded: C. P. Sills.,.P.M., stamps, $29;
C. J. Dennis, acct., '$&;. C. Westcott,
wages, 14.8a; 'R, Holmes, , wages,
$6.60; P.U.C., Electrical acct., $15.29;
Ontario Gazette, acets • $6.50; Treas-
urer, Public Schaeal, advance, $1,500;
Treasurer Seaforth Highlanders Band,
grant,' $150; P. 3. Dorsey, acct., $5.25;
F. Kling,' net., $1.45; J. F. Daly, acct.,
$5.15; John Cummings, salary, $108.;
A. 13ushie, salary and acct., $141.85;
D. H. Wilson, salary, $130.'42; John A.
Wilson, pension, $20; Bell Telephone
Co., acct., $12,11a. Treasurer, Countyi
of Huron, indigent, s$28.10.,; Ontario
Gazette, acct., $1.25; Ontario Provin-
cial Police, acct., $203.91; Toronto
Stationery Supplies Ltd., acct., $22.96;
Hay Stationery Co. Ltd., acct.. $84;
C. R. Hall, acct, $8; R J. Lovell Co.
Ltd., acct., $25.79; "C.N.R., acct.,
$10.69; relteas-$19.30; Ration Board,
$40; M. E. drarke,, accts, $13.15; Co.
of Huron, levy, $6,680.61; Treasurer
Public Library, balance' of levy,- $1,-
039.15; Treasurer Seaforth High
School District, balance. of levy, $1,-
660.70; Treasurer Public School, bal-
ance of levy.' $1,467,96; Treasurer
Separate School, balance of levy,
$1,438.87; PCC, Waterivorks Dept.,
levy, $2,05e.23; Jack's Repair, acct.,
70c; P.U.C., Waterworks Dept., hy-
chant. acct., $3,975; Scott Meniorial
Hospital, grant, $1.000; Geo. Dixon,
wfiges, $5,40; S. Williams,' wages $15;
F. .Reeves, wages, $19.80; Dominion
safetY'deposit box, $6; Taxes.
$139.61; Provincial Constable Craig,
expenses, $23.40; Kerslake's, acct.,
$26.55; sundaes, express, 40e,
John Wallace lost a valuable teault
of horses through 'poisoning.
Personals: Mr. and mrs. Minium
Park and Isabel of Western Univers-
ity, and Mrs. Norman Park, Jr, an&
daughter, Elizabeth, • +Toronto, with.
Miss. Mary B. Curie; Mr. and Mrs..
Len Houghton and sons with Mr. an
Mrs. Jack Lloyd, Durham; Mr. and
Mrs. Nelson Hunkiris and two dangbec
ters, Belmore, with Mreand Mrs; Wins',
Hamilton; Miss Appel, Seaforth, with ,
Betty McKellar; Misses Margaret
Scott, Helen Walker andt-Blahehe-Mlq
Laren, London, at , their respective'
homes; John Scott with Mr. and Mr*:
Frank satt, C,arlingford; Mr. and
Mrs. John Young, Ingersoll, with Miss,
Mary B. Currie; Mr. and Mrs. Neil
Lammoud and alatighter, London, withi
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd 'Sorsdahl; Helen ;
!Kemp, Mitchell, with Mrs. Houghton
Gordon Betties and Harold -Dodd*,
of London, and. Donald' Horne, of
Mitehell, spent the week -end at their
Mr. and Mrs. C. Hawley, of Sea -
forth, went Thanksgiving Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. W. G. McSpadden.
Mr. and Mes. Russell Maddess and
Lillian, of Milverton„.visited with Mr.
and Mrs. R. K. Davidson., • '
Mrs, Robert McClure and daughter,
Mes. Sowerby, of Colborne, visited
with Mr. Hugh Gordon and Mr. and
Mrs. Ross Gordon, and also called on.
Mr. and Mrs. John 1VIcClure.
Mrs. Robert McClure spent a fear
days with her daughter, Mrs. Bigin
Dale, and Mr. Dale.
a' Mr. and Mrs. Steve Glanville and
family left. for British Columbia by .
motor. They intend Making their
home 'there.
Miss Isabel Bettlee has accepted is
position on the staff 'of "Sunnybrook
Hospital, Toronto. Miss Betties train-
ed in Victoria Hospital„ London, and
spent a year •overseas as a nursing.
Mrs. Wm. Dodds visited in Kit-
chener on Tuesday. •
We are sorry ta- hear Mrs. II. 131an-
shard is confined' to bed. We hem "
she will soon be well again, •
- Mr, and Mrs. R. K. McFarlane are
spending a week with relative near
Almonte and Mop -treat
Dead and pisabled Animals
PHONE COLLECT:' SEAFORTH 15 • exEren,244,,,
• "