HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1947-10-10, Page 8?i GUT wca�omi�oacva bINTE ► {EON pXPOS TOR •. ' G. K. HOLLAND Gerald K. Holland, of Dublin, has , been appointed to represent the Great -West Life Aussurance Company in Dublin and district. As successor to the late 0. W. Reed, he, will look after the in- terests of the Company's policy- holders in this area. In addition to Chis Mr. Holland is conducting a general insurance agency and' handles all classes of fire, auto- mobile and -general insurance. , SEVENTH ANNUAL SALE Registered 1Ierelo'rdsl 'Tee undersigned will sell by Public Auction for STUTT BROS. 2 Miles Northeast • of Forest %4 Mile East of Highway 21 Sat, Oct. 18 33HEAD — 17 Bulls, around 1 year old 10 Bred Heifers 6 Open Heifers Herd Fully Accredited and Blood Tested; Open Heifers Vaccinated. Offering Sired by ,our Crapo• Bred Sires: Ellis Domino lath C.F. 152208, .Repeat Domino 18th C.F. 120823. The Bred Heifers are mated to our new Herd Sire, M.B. Emblem 2D 4586913, 'purchased from Mea- dow Brook Farms, Rochester, Mich. SALE AT 1 P.M. SHARP, • Catalogue on Request W. S. O'Neil, E. M. Lester, Linc. White Auctioneers, , TAXI SERVICE ALL PASSENGERS INSURED Phone 162 — Seaforth CECIL J. LEMON Arthur Fraser Income Tax Reports Bookkeeping Servic ;s, Etc. EXETER Ann Street Phone '355W FOR BRAND NEW ODS ft Yes, we take your old tires as part„payment on brand new Goodyears. Take advantage', of our tirade -inn 'plan today. dee cud - 7 etalld irouR - GOOD '• EAR DEALER O$TH ROTORS . G°1 ov4.0 « gales & Sekvltce 6tt At. NEWS O.E. THE TOWN Announcement.—Mr. Mrs, Jas. R. Broughton, Atwood,„ nuounce the engagement -of• their daughter, Laur- ette Mal,ilda, .to Mr. Paul James Cor- riveau, youngest aon of Mr. and Mrs. Marcil Corriveau, Zurich, the wedding, to -take place in October. Hospital Aid Will Meet. --The regu- lar meeting of the Hospital Aid to ',Scott Memorial Hospitarw,�ll be held at the home of Mrs. E. A. McMaster an Thursday, Oct. 16, at 8:15 - p.m. Each member is requested to bring h guest. M • Copies of Expositor. Required,—A few copies of each of the issues of September 12, 19 and 26 are regtrir- ed. Will -subscribers who have copies of these issues and who wish to co- operate, please forward them,,, to The Expositor, whete they will be redeem- ed at 5 cents each. Seaforth W. 1. Will Meet.—The Sea - forth Women's Institute will meet on Tuesday, Oct. 14, at 2:30 at the home of the president, Mrs. Paul Doig. The toll call will be "Something my grandmother said or did." There is to be a shawl parade, so hunt out thoae shawls, ladies, and bring them to the meeting. This is Historical Re- search and Mrs, Dave McLean is con- vener. Mission Band Holds Tea.—The Mis- sion Band of• First Presbyterian Church held a very eucces'sful tea. and home baking sale on Saturday. Tea was served from 3 to 6 p.m. The pro- ceeds for the afternoon amounted to $45. During the tea the dhildren pre- sented a program which included solos by Phyllis Moore and Jean Cop- land; choruses by the junior children and by the sent girls. • A solo by Ronnie Mason was llowed by a duet by Karen Kidd oan Hunter. M'ra. E. A. McMaster' was in charge. Chu ches First Presbyterian Church. -10 a.m. The Sunday School; 11 a.m„ Public Worship: The service will be conduct- ed by the Rev. 'James Anthony, M.A., •of Exeter. The evening service of public worship is withdrawn in favor of the Harvest Home Service at •St. Thomas' Anglican Church, Northside United Church.—Rev'. H. V. Workman, Minister: 10 a.m., Sun- day School; 11 a.m., Worship Ser- vice; subject, "Our Thanksgiving For God's'B1ssings"; 7 p.m.,' Attend -the Anglicazf Church, our evening• service withdrawn. St. Thomas' W. A., Meets. -The Oc- tober'businese meeting of St. Thomas' W.A. was held in, the parish hall on Tuesday with eleven members pres- ent. Mrs. C. F. L. Gilbert opened the meeting with the Members' and Lord's Prayer in unison and the.reading of Psalm 148. The various reports were given and general business discussed. It was moved by Mrs. Ada Reid, that consideration be given to a gift to the Mohawk School, Brantford, after the bale is completed. The church calen- dars will be here shortly and mem- bers were urged to aid in their dis- posal. The new study book for the coming year, "One Family," has been. purchased. The Fall., Deanery will be held in Blyth on Oct. 16 at 2:30 p.m. While the members stood, a special memorial prayer was read, recalling the passing of Mrs. W. R. Stewart. The meeting closed with the benedic- tion. Quilting , was continued and 'quilts finished for the bale. St. James' C. W. L. Meets. — The October . meeting of the C.W.L. of St. James" Church was held in the Sep- arate School sn Monday evening with the president, Mrs. J. L. Slattery, presiding. The minutes of the pre- vious meeting were read by. Mrs, C. P. Silts, and the treasurer's report showed a balance of $198.88. The visiting canmittee reported four calls made. 'The date for the annual At - Home was set for Friday, Oct. 24. Mrs; A. Price gave a very interesting and instructive paper on "The Ros- ary.",, A splendid report on the ,27th annual diocesan convention of the Catholic Women's League of Canada was given by the local sub -division delegate, Mrs. J. M. McMillan„ A vote 'of thanks was extended to Mrs. McMillan. At the convention held at Brescia Hall, London, Sept,' 10 to 12, inclusive, Miss Alice Daly was elect- ed to the office of first vide -president. of the London Diocese. The Meeting closed with prayer, including a prayer -for the late Rev. Father Goetz, whose funeral took place in Wallaceburg on Monday morning. Death of Thomas Staples. -a -Thomas Staples died Tuesday at the home of his sisterMr's. William Lindsay,, in Florence, 'with whom he had: resided for the past year. Son of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Staples, he was born in Huron Coifnty 84 years ago. For' many years he was a well known farmer in 'Hullett Township. Follow- ing the death of his mother he mov- ed to Seaforth where he was a well known resident for the past 20 years. Surviving are one brother, Robert,Staples, Killarney, Man,;, four sisters, Mrs. Wm. Day, Killarney; Mrs. Wm. Lindsay, Florence; Mrs. Thonias Hill, London; Mrs. Robert Lindsay, Vesper, Sask., Four brothers predeceased him, John, William, James and Isaiah. The, funeral took place from the Whitney funeral chapel in Seaforth on Thursday, with interment in Maitlandbank cemetery. Rev. R. H., Williams •officiated. Pallbearers were John Pryce, Leo Murray, James Hogg, Ernest Toll, William Leiper and James Nellans'. , First Church Ladies' Aid Meets,—A very interesting meeting was held on Tuesday afternoon when the Ladies' Aid of First•Presbyterian Church held its regular monthly meeting with a good attendance. Mrs. H. R. Scott, the president, was in the chair, and the meeting opened with hymn, "Blest ,Be the Tle That Binds" and a Thanks- giving prayer. The minutes were adopted as read. The treasttrer's re- port ,itvas read by: Miss Belle .atitpy illi, and diking the business petted plane herb mads for the datering of till 'ii`otiillg Peoile'sRauf, which 1 ' 10h g,fiel X• t the ohiiri;'h, .Platte "Were Alpe ,Made .for a bazaar to be held, November 1. The guest soloist, Mrs. H�rgh Chesney; aang Our Love, A Little Cottage," aeonipanied by Mrs. J. McGregor. Mrs E. A. McMaster was the guest speaker and' gave aa interesting talk on her trip to the Southern States, . entitled, "A 'Good Will Tour," She told of the many in-; teresting cities visited and the torr dial reception received wherever she went. Mrs. Jas. M. Scott showed pic- tures of the trip, which made it most interestiug. Among others were pia, tures of the Grand Canyon, the beau- tiful gardens in Victoria, and homes of soma actresses, in Hollywood. These were thoroughly enjoyed by a11.' 1Ies. E. Geddes acted as pianist for the afternoon. "Conte Ye Thankful •P•eople, Lamle," was sung and a social -half-hour was spent, lunch being serv- ed by Mrs. Wilfred Coleman and her ‘committee., Former Pastor of St..Jaines' Dies. —Pastor of Our Lady of Help Roman Catholic Church at Wallaceburg for the past 141/2 years, Rev. Father E. F. Goetz, 67, died Thursday night in St. Joseph's Hospital, Chatham, after an illness of six weeks. He had been in EXPERT RADIO REPAIRING Prompt and Efficient Service CLAYTON J. DENNIS PHONE 355. Agent for ROY BOYD RADIO & SALES SERVICE • Mitchell All Work Guaranteed If it is MOTOR Trouble CALL AT THE WINTHROP Service Station Licensed Mechanic in attendance. PHONE: 832 r '22 AXI Day and Night Service PHONE 355 CLAYTON J. DENNIS All passengers insured. FOR SALE First Class Modern,Brick House, High St., Seafoxtim,. Prompt posses, E. C. CHAMBERLAIN Real Estate Broker INSURANCE PHONES: 334 or'220 - SEAFORTH .TANI Passengers Insured PHONE 128, Seaforth LEE'S FOR SALE Asbestos covered dwelling on -South Mai t Street, Seaforth. Dwelling and 2 or 3 acres of land, Seaforth. Suitable for . poultry farm. Frame asphalt Dwelling, Railway Street. -• Modern conveniences. Irh- mediate possession. Modern Dwelling. North Main St. Immediate possession. Frame Dwelling on Centre Street, Egmondville. Modern Dwelling on Louisa Street. M.A. REID REAL-ESTATE PHONE 214 BEANS & BUCKWHEAT The harvest is on. I am buy-, ing for `Thompson of.Hensall. Give us a call before you sell. WE HAVE BAGS ON HAND We will endeavor to give you service. WM. M. SPROAT PHONE 655"r2 SATURDAY, OCT. 11 Cardno's Hall, Seaforth {. NORM CARNEGIE and His Band ADMISSION - 50 CENTS poor health for the past nine iiionths. He went to Wallaceburg in April, 1933, succeeding the late Rev. John Brennan. He was extremely interest- ed in the, local schools and in his church, and, was responsible for the new interior decoration some years' ago and for the installation of a pipe organ. • Born in Formosa, Bruce Co., he attended school there and at Strat. ford, Later he studied at St. Jerome's College, Kitchener, and Grand Semin- ary, Montreal- He was ordained at St. Peter's Cathedral, London, Dec. 17, 1904, by the late Rt. Rev. Fergus Patrick McEvay, Bishop of London at that time. Fallowing celebration of his first mass at St. Joseph's Church, Stratford, he served at the 'following parisliies: .St. Anne's, Tecumseh; Holy Angel's, Ste Thomas; St. Mary's, Till- sonburg, where he was first resident pastor, and St. James', Seaforth, Sur- viving •are a cousin, Joseph Eisen- bach, Sarnia, and an aunt' Mrs. Eliza- beth Phelan, Hamilton. More than 100 priosts attended the last rites on Mon- -day whenthe holemn requiem high mass was sung by his excellency the Most Rev. J. T. Kidd, D.D., L.L.D., Bi"shop of London. The Bishop was assisted by Mons.. J. N. Campeau, of Chatham, as assistant priest; Fathers F. P. White, ol• Windsor,' and W. H. Lowry, of Sarnia, as deacons of hon- or; Col. Rev, T. J. }McCarthy, Sarnia, as deacon; Fr. A. M. McHugh, of Cor- unna, as sub -deacon; Rev. Dr. G. F. Childs, of London, and Father . ,1. A. Roney, of Thamesville, as masters of ceremonies. Father R. B. Cassin, of Chatham, was•mitre-bearer; Fr. J. H. Moss, of Chatham, as bougie bearer; Fr. W. J. O'Flaherty, Chatham, as book -bearer; Fr. F. G. L. Pettypiece, Chatham, as thurifer; Fathers A. Noland, of • Sarnia, and T. G. Dill, of London, as, acolytes. Rt. Rev, Mons. A. P. 'M.aiioney, P.A., vicar -general of the diocese, preached the sermon in • which he extolled the life and good works of Father Goetz., Prior to' the absolution Bishop Kidd also spoke briefly: The body was later taken to London for interment in the priests' plot in St. Peter's Cemetker-y. Autumn Whirl i AUSPICES OF THE NURSES OF SCOTT MEMORIAL HOSPITAL TIME—Friday, Nov. 7th 10 p.m. to 2 a.m. PLACE—Cardno's Hall SEAFORTH MUSIC—Skyliners Band Dress Optional ADMISSION.- $2.00 PER COUPLE Attention! HORSE DEALERS We are buying Old Horses as usual, Write or 'phone for prices William Stone Sons, Ltd. Phone 21 — Ingersoll noes YOUR Septic Tank Need Cleaning? IF SO Phone 21-W or 66-J, Tavistock • or write Box 266, . Tavistock We have equipment -to do this work promptly and satisfac- torily without any mess. Harley Roth TAVISTOCK, ONT. SOLO THROUGHOUT CANADA GRAND MUSICAL CONCFRT BRUCEFIELD UNITED CHURCH MONDAY, CCTOEER 20th 8:00 P.M. By MR. McGEE, of London „ Regularly heard on- Radio Station CFPL,..who will demonstrate the , qualities of the Hammond organ, assisted by MR. GAYLE GORDON,' noted London violinist. The above Concert Is provided by HEINTZMAN & CO., agent for Northern Hammond Organs and other musical. instruments. DON'T MISS THIS TREAD`1 l!? • ADMISSION: ADULTS 350 ,CMILDREN 2Oo 4'arrled In-• Engtattd•, The "SOrrey Herald" ' of 'Surrey, l✓ , glad d, . uP aer. !. the heading; "Tennis • eads to Mar- riage, Walton .Club Off dais Make a Match," refers to the r cent wedding of Miss DorisaMuriel A sir•ey IXuraPlir "Y•ey and Mr. Arnold Russell Tttrnbullr, as follows:, "Two prominent melabere of the Walton Lawn Tennis Clttb were united by marriage on Satu'A day, Sept. 6, at 2 p.m. with, the 'cere- mony taking place in St. Mary's Amr glican Church, Oatlands. Many of their fellow members had an offday from. the courts•irr order tq witness the ceremony and to shower best wishes on vthem. The long spell •of good weather held over and thee- were heywere giveu a perfect September day, The bride was Miss .Doris Muriel Audrey Humphrey, elder •1~laughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Humphrey, of "Farley," St, Mary's Rd., Oatlands, a' member of the club committee. The bridegroom was Mr. Arnold Russell Turnbull, only son of Mrs. Turnbull and -the late Mr. G. T. Turnbull, of Seaforth, Ontario, Canada, ,He is the club's treasurer and is secretary tor Great Britlain of the Imperial Life Assurance/Co. of Canada. He has re- sided in England for some years. The ehoral service, which included the familiar hymns, "Love Divine" and "0 Perfect Love," was conducted .by the Rev. Canon -G. L. Cole, with Mr. Welton Hickin, F.R.A.M., at the or- gan. The bride, given in marriage by her father; looked, lovely, gowned in' embossed white 'crepe with high neck,- line, eck;line, tight bodice and full skirt fall= ing gracefully into a long train. 'Her floor -length white veil was embroider- ed, and she carried a shower bouquet of pale pink roses and white heather. She wore a pendant of pearls and rubies. Her attendants, Misses Jean Humphrey (sister), and Pamela An- drews '(cousi?), were attired alike" in full-length gowns of turquoise crepe fashioned to give a dlinoline effect., They wore headdresses of white cir- cular veils caught' with pink and white carnations. Their semi -shower bouquets were also of pink and white carnations. The best man's duties were carried out by Mr,. John Lincolnr formerly of Calgary, Alta., and.. ,• the groomsmen included Messrs. K. • M. Campbell, formerly of Winnipeg, Man., G. Coley and A. Shepley. Following the ceremony some 90 guests were entertained at' the High Pine Club, Weybridge, which with' its mahogany and Spanish rooms and beautiful grounds, made an ideal setting ,for the occasion, • The guests- were re- ceived by the bride's mother in leaf, green crepe -with corsage of peach roses. Later the newly-weds left 'on a motor trip to Torquay, Devon, the 'bride travelling in a lime green and' white herringbone tweed suit styled on lolrg slim lines with tan accessor- ies. On their return they will reside at 421 Rodney House, Dolphin Square, London." LOCAL- BRIEFS •" Mir. and Mrs. Elliot Little, of Que- bec City, were, week -end guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Wilson. Mr. J. A. Wil- son, who has, been in Quebec for some months, accompanied them and will spend a few weeks, at his home here. • Mr. W. E. Southgate is Beebe, Quebec, on a business trip. • Mrs. W, E. Kerslake an Miss Elizabeth Smith are spending a few weeks in Pittsburg and in Mic igan. • Mrs. A. L. Porteous ''spe a fear days in Kincardine, Owen nd and Thornbury ..last week. ' • Mrs. G. C. 'Lowery, of Brussels, visited . Mrs. A. L. Porteous on Mona day. • • Mr. A. M, Fralick, of Harriston, spent a, week with her cousin, Mrs. M, Blancha'td. • Mr. and Mrs. Earl Fortune and ;young son, Mrs. Wm. Fortune and Mr. John Fortune, of Detroit, were week -end guests of Mr. John Lynch and the Misses Lynch at Beechwood. • Mrs- John Muir, Sr., is visiting in Preston with her daughter, Mrs. Gor- don Balfour, and Mr. Balfour. • Mrs. Angelo Phillips' is spending a week .in Woodstock. • Miss Lena Albrecht, of Kitchen- er, is visiting 'her ' sister, Mrs. Enos Boshart and' Mr. 'Boshart. • Mrs. Lydia. Bartlett, who resides with herdaughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. John Muir, is not en, joying the best of health. • • Mr. and Mrs. P. D. McConnell were in. 'Toronto last week. • Miss Marion Steet, Mrs. T. H. Lighthall and John, of Picton, spent a few' hours in town on Sunday. • • Dr. and Mrs, Friel Stewart, of Windsor, spent the week -end with his mother, Mrs. Charles Stewart, and Mr. and Mrs. P. D. McConnell. , • Mr. and Mrs. George Pryce, Sea - forth, returned Tuesday after a four Weeks' business and pleasure trip by bus to the West Coast. While there they visited in, Vittoria, Vancouver and Nelson. • Miss Mae Sullivan, of Galt, spent last week at the home of Mr. and .Mrs, J. J. Cleary. • ,Mrs. Russel McLeod, of Preston, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. X. McLean on Wednesday. • Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Clarke and Mr. and Mrs. -Frank Kling spent the week -end at Barrow. Bay. • Mr. Roger Jette, who has been employed with the Excellence Flour Mills 'for the past three years, had left for 'California. • Mrs. John Hotham and son are spending a few days in Galt. • Mr. and Mrs. Ken Packham, of Flint, Mich., and IV s. Packham, Sr., arid. Mrs. McCabe,` of Stratford, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Smith. • Mrs: Ivy Henderson, of Egmond- ville, is confined to her home_ owing to „a heart condition. • Mr, and Mrs. Harry Corby, of Detroit, were week -end guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Corby. • Mr.. and Mrs.. Gordon Millson and family were guests on Sunday of Mr. Ed. Mole and family. • Mr. and Mrs, Jack Tweddle and Mrs.. Blythe Brown, of, Fergus, were guests on Tuesday of Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Wilson. ' • Mrs. Lindsay, of. -Florence, and Mrs. Hill, of Toronto; Were here this Week attendting the funeral of their bretlLer, the late -Thomas. Staples,, • Mrs'. D. H. Wilson Is in Toronto this week. • ,Mils +se Doreey,,Toronto, and Miss Mary- Fittgerald• and Misti Cleo Hoyt, of Grand ,'Rapids, spent' the week -end at the home of 1VMisa Dorsey, retefia 'St. ent1Th eatre Seaforth NOW PLAYING -•-' THURSDAY LAST OPPORTUNITY TO SEE THE EGG AND I " With,CLAUDETTE" COLBERT and FRED MacM.URRA,Y Be sure to zee this Outstanding Picture, based on Batty MacDonalds. fabulously sujcceseful book. This modern-day pioneer yarn has splen- did bits of poignant humanity; laughter, near -tragedy and a folksy tale of young love. FRIDAY AND SA J1tDAY ONLY " THE SPORT OF KINGS " With PAUL CAMPBELL, GLORIA HENRY, HARRY DAVENPORT This 'will please the Horse Racing Fans—plentyvof thrills and excite- ment,•so :et's go! , MONDAY, TUESDAY ANI) WEDNESDAY " THE SEVENTH VEIL " , with JAMES MASON and ANN TODD This offering, Meriting the highest 'of praise, is trips in suspense, tenseness atld dramatic, appeal — an enthralling picture that grips the interest every moment with its superior story -telling. ' NEXT THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY "'MIRA'CLE ON ' 34th ''STREET " with' MAUREEN O'HARA and JOHN PAYNE Here again we have something to ,shout about. — loud and long — a story in which Edmund Gwenn earnestly"believes himself to, be Santa Claus., Be sure to see ,the fun! Coming "HOMESTRETCH" • in Technicolor with CORNELL WILDE, MAUREEN O'HARA ON HAND— ,: 1 car of Hemlock -2x6,. "2x8, 2x10 1 car of Cedar -2"x4" to 12", and 3!'x4" to 12"—Lengths 8' to 22' SPRUCE --M 1 and 2-inch,:a11 widths and lengths; also a car of tongue and groove spruce 5, 6, 7 and 8 -inches wide. FIR -4n various widths, length and thicknesses. - PEELED CEDAR POSTS—Straight and in good sizes: CEDAR GRAIN SHINGLES—Dover White and Grey; Famous Johns - Manville Siding.„ INSUL BRICK SIDING and ROLL BRICK SIDING INSULATION—Loose or by the carton. 13/6 OAK FLOORING PLYWOOD -1/4, 3/16, 1/4 and %finch, various sizes. '•" BEAVERBOARD and FLEXBOARD HARDWALL PLASTER ,ROLL ROOFING SASHES AND DOORS Seaforth, Supply & Fuel Co. Phone 47.. - "Where the Best Costs No More" .,, Seaforth ENJOY YOUR .2l4use4 AT THE Commercial Lunch SUNDAY AND MONDAY -12 to 2 p.m., 5 to 7 p.m. $1.50 PER PLATE • , • �,FRUt.T' COCKTAIL . or. CREAM OF CORN SOUP Roast Turkey Fried Turkey Steak with Cranberry Sauce Creamed Cauliflower Mashed Potatoes Celery Hearts 'Olives PumpkiriP Pie or Boston Cream Pie Ice Cream Rolls Bread Tea Coffee Milk with Mushroom 'Sauce , Creamed.. Cauliflower Mashed Potatoes Clery Hearts Olives Pumpkin Pie or Boston Cream Pie Ice Cream '' Rolls Bread Tea ' Coffee Milk NOW IS THE TIME• . for that New • Permanent. CALL U.S FOR AN EARLY APPOINTMENT Over Whyte's Butcher Shop Seaforth Beauty Salon PHONE 157 A --POULTRY-- HIGl1IEST PRICES PAID FOR POULTRY - On Rail Grade Basis Unfinished birds not desired. BRING YOUR EGGS TO -US Highest Market • Prices Paid Seaforth roduce, Ltd, Phone 170-W Seafo r