HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1947-10-10, Page 4r• t' s sec .Ads Will Be Inserted At New Low Cash Rates: rpp R 1✓G3. Wanted, Lost sand Ffogta Forted. E, -Per' word:• 1 Cent r wmk 2nd week % Cent 8rd week Ceutt,y • Minim:an charge, first insertion25 Cent* Each figure, initial and abbreviation county sue one word„ li d, of Thanks, In Memoriam Notices, Coming Events -1 cent Des word: Minimum, ceryls per week. M mats ee rtag be directed to a Box Number, c/o 'The Huron Espasitor. for 10 cents extra. Men peals additional will be charged if ads in above class are not paid within 10 days of date of final insertion. Bigtha, Marriages and Deaths inserted free of charge. Aue(tion 'Sales. Netice6 to Creditors, Etc. -+.Rates on appdicatlon. Auction Sales . Coming Events' 50 AUCTioN• SALE OF PROPERTY AND • Household Effects, to be held in the Vrl- Sage of, Blyth, on Saturday, October lSth, at 1 -yam ;.. Ccaa tete' line of household elfests. ,PROP` tTY 7 -room 1/ storey frame house do village of Blyth, 1 block. west of Main Street; furnace, pressure water system; dou- ble garage and work shop. This property is in excellent condition. Terms—Chattels, cash. Property, 10 per cent. down. balance in 30 days. Well be sold subject to reserve bid. 1STATE••O • LATE MIL L, SMITH, Prop.;' ]uteri 'Jac on, Auctioneer. 4165-1 AUCTION SALE OF ROUE FURNISH - i bags in the Village of Egmondville, on Friday, October 17•th, at 1 p.m.: Modern white enamel cools, stove (like new).; coal oil stove' and ovenl; Quebec cook stove; sewing machine; extension table; sideboard ; 6 din- ing room -chairs; -6 kitchen chairs; drop leaf kitchen table; .glass cupboard; piano stool;' clothes, basket; odd tables and number of rockers ; 3 beds, springs and mattresses ; 3 • ch•essers and wash stands ; fruit scales • cop- per boiler; crocks ; sealers ; large quantity of kitchen utensils and dishes; modern bedroom suite (walnut finish, new two months ago) Beauty Rest spring mattress ; chome kitchen set, table and 4 chairs knew) ; flour cover- ings overings (neiv); force pump; storm door: g-arden tools. Terms—Cash. ANNIE MOORE, Pro- prietress ; H. Jackson, Auctioneer; E. P. Chesney, Clerk. CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF FARM, Farm :Stock and Implements, Lot 9, Con. • 5, Stanley 'township, 114. south and 41,.E west of Brucefield, on Thursday, October 23rd, at 1 p -m.: HORSES—Bay team of mares 12 years old; 1 aged horse. CATTL 1-1 Dur- ham cow with calf at foot: 1 Durham cow, .. fresh 1 month; 1 Durham cow due Jan. 156 ; 1 Durhaiii, cow due March 20th ; 1 Durham cow due March lst; 1 part Jersey, due March 18th; 1 farrow erne: 2Durham heifers rising 2 years old: 3 Durham yeas+lings ; 2 baby beeves ; 2 young calves ; 1 spring calf ; 1 York, bred 7 weeks. IMPLEMENTS—Frost & Wood 7 -foot binder; -Massey-Harris- -6-foot mower; sulky rake; Cockshutt fertilizer 11 -disc drill; •,cultivator; 4 -sectio n7, and 3 -section harrows; walking plow: Massey -Harris bean scuffler and Puller : turnip drill ; scut#er ; In:ernational imantire spreader: 3 -drum steel roller; 1 farm wagon; hey rack ; gravel box; buggy ; cut- ter; steel slush scraper: 1200 Ib. scale;;'fan= ring mill: pig crate; De Laval cream sep- arator: 2 barrel; milk pails: 1 set of back - band harness: number of horse collars; sin- gle harness : sling ropes : scoop. shovel ; iron kettle; 1 set of good farm sleighs: forks shrn•els ; whifi]etrees : chains, and a hast' of other articles': ,tuanrity of household effects. .FARM -10.00 -acre farm. fr-sme house, L-shaped bank barn, drive she]; splendid water sup- ply; 10 -acres -of hardwood flush. Farm in good state of cultivation. Terms—Chattels. cash ; Property, terms made known day of sale. Reserved bid. WILLIAM F. HILL. Proprietor; Harold Jackson, Auctioneer; E. P. Chesney, Clerk. 4165-2 OLD TYME BARN DANCE A'? THE CR' 'S- tal Palace. Ballroom, Mitchell, Friday, -October 10. (Dancing from 9.30 by 12.30, on a beautifall marble fhaM, to the music of the CJCS Ranch Boys. 4165x1 AUCTION SALE OF PROPERTY AND Household Effects, to be held at the Mc- Killop, United Church Manse, Concession 5. MoKiliop, 21, miles north of Seaforth,on. 'Monday, 'October 13th, at 2 p.'or.: Quebec heater' and pipes: Jewell kitchen range and Pitres,; kitchen table and 6 chairs ; sideboard ; 4, dining room chairs: dresser and stand : beds ; .2 seta of Springs: 2 mattresses : 1 day died ; bedroom set ; 3 pieces linoleum; 2 lamps. PROPERTY—Quarter-acre of land , with good .7 -room frame house, in good repair. covered with asphalt shingles : barn. suitable for chickens and garage : ISydro installed Terms Chattels—Cash. Property., 20 per cent down, balance in 30 days. HAROLD JACKSON. Auctioneer. - 4164-2 Farms For Sale Personals `w FARM FOR SALE -100 ACRES, GOOD land; good buildings: drilled well with , pressure system; Hydro. On Highway No. 8, tem 'miles west 'of Seaforth. Priced to sell. Apply on premises to ROY LAWSON. • 4165x2 FARM FOR SALE -92 -ACRE FARM, SIX miles south of Clinton on No. 4 High- way, being Lot 13, Concession 1, Stanley Township. Good buildings, land well tiled, and abundance of water. Apply ELDON S. JOHNSTON, '.Blue.. Water, Ont. ' 4164-2 pun COATS REMODELLED, RELINED, glazed: Charges very reasonable. Twen- ty-five years' experience. • References. MRS. NORM HOCKEY; Furrier, Main St., Exeter, Ont. Phone 239, Exeter. 4165-2 HYGIENIC SUPPLIES IES (RUBBERGOODS) mailed postpaid in plain. sealed envelope with price list 6 •samples 25c; 24 samples 51.00. Mail -Order Dept T-73, NOVA -RUBBER CO„ Box.91, Hamilton. Ont. Help 'Wanted UrANTED—WOMAN OR GIRL FOR GEN- eral housework. Must be capable. Good wages. Bos 598, EXPOSITOR. 4165-1 Wanted FARM FOR SALE -100 ACRES, CHOICE, well drained land. in a prosiierous farm- ing community on highway • in Exeter dis- tiHht -Mostly pasture at present, some newly seeded. Never -failing water supply; 4. acres young bush. Bank barn, strong timber frame, 60' x 36', with 10 -foot lean attached. Modern hen house, 40p. x 151; 11/4 -storey brick hoose, recently decorated and painted, insul- ated, 4 -piece bath, hardwood' floors, built-in cupboards, both 'hard and soft running water, hydro and garage. Garden, young fruit treed, good raspberry patch. Immediate pos- session. Write BOX 330, Exeter. ANTED — CHILD'S TABLE A N D • chairs. high chary tricycle. ' Apply to MRS. IRVIN ROCK, R.R. 1, Dublin. Phone 74 r 13, Dublin. 4165-1 WANTED—OLD HORSES AND DEAD • animals, suitable four mink . feed. Will pay 1%c a pound live weight for horses. Dead animals according to value. If `dead, phone collect at once to JACK GILBIIRT, 936 r 21, or FRED GILBERT, 936 r 32, Goderich. 4158-tf FARM FOR SALE TENDERS, WILL BE RECEIVED BY lat.'H 1, nndersigned'until Wednesday, the 25th day of October, 1947, £or''the purchase of Lot 24. Concession 7. and East one-quarter of Lot 24, Oonceseion 8 (less'selliool part), Township of Hay, County of Huron. • The farm,, c esists of 125 acres, more or less. Fifty acres are ^ grass lands: and the balance under cultivation. all well drained. On the said Farm is said to be erected a brick house and bank barn, both 'in' good condition. There Ss a plentiful supply of good water piped to both house and barn. Hydro available. Location -41 mules from Hensall and 31/2 miles from Zurich on County Highway. School on premises. The highest er.,any tender not nec cards accepted. "For further particulars apply to the undersigned. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 22nd day of September, 1947. H. W. FORREST, R.R., Zurich • WM. BLACKER, R.R., Clinton Executors of John B. Forrest Estate By their Solicitor, F FINGLAND, K.C„ •- Clinton, Ontario. 'Lost and Found 41634 Notice To Creditors (1'HOIOF. PRrQPHI1TY FOIL SAI. ,—Si.`I'17AT- ed North Mai{#r Street, Seeforth, White frame house, all insulated 4.4nch rock wool: newly painted:, sun parch back and front; •toilet, bath, hard, soft water, furnace, 'heavy duty wiring. Two -lot frontage and % acres of land at rear, splendid pasture for three cows : stable 80x24 with left; henhowee 86 x 10, brooder hoose 12x8: stalls for 2 cows, nicely painted red. Fruit trees- and garden. Would suit returned soldier or retiring fann- er. Phone 302, Seaforth. GEORGE PRYCE. Seaforth. . 4165-1 LOST --AT RACE TRACK Olt IN. SEA- fortm. on October 6th, brown wallet con- taining driver's license and other papers. Initials 'J. R. 13. Reward. JOSEPH R. 1IIJRNS. Seaforth. 4165x1 N otices NOTICE TO CREDITORS TREASURER'S SALE OF LANDS FOR TA4ES The Town of Seaforth County,of Huron TO WIT: By virtue of a warrant issued by the Mayor of the Town of Seaforth under his hand and the seal of the said corporation bbaring date the ,272nd day of September, 1947Ss'a•e_of lands in arrears of taxes in the Town of Seaforth, will be held in the Town Hall -at the hour of three o'clock in the afternoon on the fifth day of January, 1948, unless the taxes and costs are sooner paid. Notice u hereby given that the list of lands for sale for arrears,.of taxes was published in the Ontario Gazette on the Fourth day of October, 1947, and that copies of the said .list may be had at my office. In the Estate of JOHN B. FORREST, late of the Village of Hensall, in the . County of Haran. Retired Farmer, Deeeased- ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS AGAINST the Estate of the above deceased are re- quired to file the, same with the undersigned Solicitor for the said Estate, on or before the .15th day of October, A.D. 1947, after which date the assets will be distributed ismdngst• the parties entitled hereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall bave been given. 'DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 21st day of September. A.D. 1947. F. FINGLAND, B.C., Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the said Estate. 44634 D. H. , WILSON Treasurer. 4165-7 For Sale Tenders Wanted NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Httate of EMALINE JOENSTON, late K the Village of Hensall, in the County of Huron. Deceased. 'API, ARSONS RAVING CLAIMS AGAINST ▪ " ale H tate of the said Eeiatline Johnston. sate, of the Village of Bewail, who died on or /sheet the 31r3 day of August, 19x7, are hereby notified to send particulars of 'same to 'the undersigned on ar before 'the 2Otli day oai 'Octo'b'er, 1947 Otter iditlEh elate the abet 'trill be dlst*'sbutedd teasing ward only tea t1l"8 lashed Of *bleb the. tmdereigneld shall 'titers bane toffee atal the al igneri riot be 3ialilef to tl 1 cit elf *bete wain ethic til . Iill� ati r iYylYrfO. rbc a61a► dtlil• et il�lptwrdllielr, .uA��� 1 1>y TENDERS WANTED TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED BY THE undersigned up to 9 p.m., Saturday, October 18, 1947. for snowplowing' township roads, in the Township of Tuekersmith, in the winter of 1947-48. Tenderer to siapplY his own help' and equipment with three -icon (or mare) truck to be used: Tender to state price per; hour. Lowest or any .tender not necdssari,Iy so- celpted- •' E.•.1'. CHESNEY, Clerk-Treas., ' •Township of Tuckersmith, Seaforth, R- R.,,No. A. 4165-2 In Memoriam VOR SAT.. -100 HYBRID' PULLETS, SIX months. old, ready to lay.' PHONE 667 ✓ 22, Seaforth. 4165-1 R SAT.F. 1927 HUDSON, SUPER SIX, in good mechanical condition. Apply W. W. BRUGGER- Phone, Seaforth 211, Clinton 196. 4165x1 Fa OR SALE—USED HOT WATER RADIA - tor, in good, condition. Apply to FRANK KLING. ^Phone 19, Seaforth- TN LOVING MEMORY OF OUR DEAR SON ", and brother, who died.. Octdber 9, 1939. You are not forgotten, our dear son, Nor shall you ever be, As long as life and memory lasts We shall remember thee. —Always remembered by Father, Mother, Brothers and Sisters—J. J. HOLLAND Births LANE—In Scott Memorial Hospital, on Oct. 2, to 31r, and Mrs. Mervyn ,Lane, Tucker - smith, a daviiter. DOLMAGE-1n Scott Memorial Hospital, on October 5, to Mr. and Mrs, Russel Dol - mage, McKillop; a daughter. CARTER --In Scott Memorial Hospital, on October 6, to Mr.' and Mrs. Jack Carter, .McKillop, a daughter. CAMPBELL—In Scott Memorial Hospital, on October 0, to 'Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Camp- bell, Seaforth, a 'son. SILLS—Mr. and Mrs. •Frank Sills, St Marys, announce the gift of is daughter, Elizabeth Anne, in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, on October 6. STEWART—In Scott' Memorial Hospital, Sea - forth, on October 3, to Mr. and Mrs. Roland B, Stewart Inee Irene Workman), a daugh- ter—Kathryn Irene. DALE—In Clinton Public Hospital on Wed- nesday, October 1, to Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Dale Ince Ruth McClure), Huldett, a son— 'Douglas Elgin, - Marriages TURNBULL - HUMPHREY—On September 6. 1947. at St. Mary's Church, Oatlands, Arnold Russell Turnbull, only son of Mrs. Turnbull and the late G. T. Turnbull, of Seafo.rth,n Ont., to Doris Muriel, elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Humphrey, of Farley, St. Mary's Rd., Weybridge, WINTHROP THE HURON EXPIOSVOR 40P•. eon h P1tal tier. Leech will Will under the conveners'hip of Mrs. Sinclair, HENSALJ (Continued from Page 1) Telephone 'Co. to erect a telephone booth west ilf the main entrance of the Town Hall, on motion of Council- lors Twitchell and Brown. The treasurer and road superintend- ent uperintendent were authorized to sign the in - term road expenditure report for the grant. -. Bills and accounts authorized for payment included: Ontario Municipal Board, approval of bylaw, $10; F. G. Bonthron, postage of :bylaw, $25.41; Provincial 'Treasurer, insulin, C. Mit- chell, $1.16; 'County, of Huron, hos- pitalization, C. Mitchell, $7.85; E, Lit- tle, .painting Signs, Hall, $2.50; Bank of Montreal, payment of loan, $1,- 007,75; J. A. Paterson, salary and rub- ber stamp, $126-50; °P. Kyle, salary, $73.80; Bell Telephone, service, $3.69; Gladman & Cochrane, transferring deed, $9.10; A. Spencer & Son, cement sidewalks, $225; T, Huddleson, labor, streets, $20; V.. L. McNaughton, sal- ary and postage, $76.40; Hensall Dis- trict Co-operative, coal, Hall,• $22.90; J. Pfaff, teaming, streets, $1.50; A. Clark, material and labor, hall and streets $18.35; Hensall Hydro Com- mission, Hydro, Hall, $12.20; R. E. Shaddiek, painting Hall, x$39.85; N. Jones, labor and material, rink, $6.35; Brown's Hardware, supplies for Hall, $1 54 Total ,$1 691 85 ' ' ,Mr, Wilson Little has the wall cam-. pleted under the house' which he had moved to the site of the old black- smith shop. Mr. and Mrs. James Hogg spent the week -end ii Collinngwood. We are sorry to hear of Mr. Sol. Shannon tieing in Scott Memorial Hos- pital, having had an operation Tues- day night. We hope fora speedy re- covery. Misses -Doris and, Agnes Broadfoot spent the week in Toronto, Niagara Falls and Hamilton. 4165x2` -pion SATJ+,—LADY'S TAILORED' GUN- " stripe.snit size 16. Apply to Box 597, HURON EXPOSITOR- 4165-1 FOR SALE --GIRL'S• WINTER COAT,' IN very good condition, size 18'- Apply to Box 594, EXPOSITOR OFFICE. •' 4165-1 FOR SALE -2 HEIFERS, JUST FRESH- ened. PHONE 654 r 12, Seaforth. 4165x1 TILE FOR SALE -APPROXIMATELY 35 new 16-izrch, and 140, used 12 -inch cement tile, in goad condition. Apply ROBERT GRIEVE, Seaforth Lions Park. 41652 FOR SALE -1 BROWN WINTER COAT. chamois lined, plaid back, size 40. .Apply to Box 596, HTIRON EXPOSITOR. . - 4165-1 R SALE—'31 FORD 'A', IN PERFECT FOR ; 600x16wbeels, radio and heat- er. Apply to Box 695, EXPOSITOR OFFICE. 4165x1 port SALE—ONE NEW MODEL AIRWAY "Sanitizor" vacuum cleaner. Phone SEA- R:MTH 223. — 4165x1 FOR SALE—EIGHT-ROOM DWELLING ON West William Stmt, with hydro, water and furnace; garage and garden. Apply to WESLEY ••HOGGART, Seaforth. 4165x1- 1000 LEGHORN X ROCK, CROSS -AWED ,pallets, reeds, to •lay, for sale art reasonable prices GLAZIER POULTRY FARM, Clinton. Ont4165x2 VOR SALEr-6'''CHOICE YORK SOWS DUE to farrow very soon. lst, 2nd, 3rd and 4th litters, one +m5tix 9 pigs at foot 4 weeks old- I am sheet of room and ,help• Priced to sell' WBL,.1 . SPROAT, 658 r 2. 4105-2 FOR .:SALE — MODERN CHESTERFIELD IELD suite with rich covering. used . a few months only, excellent condition; w111 sacri- fice et laxif price of cost; chrome kitchen table: mabogany bookcase; maple night table: 'singing canaryand cage; hydraulic automo- bile jark. ROGER W. JP:171%, on Reynolds' Farm west of Sertfortl4 Ont. After 6 p.m.. or phone 647 r 98. • 4164- PLI'LIERS FOR SALE—A NT]MHER OF New Hongssltiro' X Barred hocks, and White Legberns X Barred Rock pullets. ready 4o day and •sawing. SUNNYVALE POW: TA.V FARM. Phone 666' a 9. ANDREW A. MOONG. 4164-6 Cards of Thanks - r BRUCEFIELD. By-law No. 18, 19.47, Hensall Main Drailn Improvement, was given, neces- sary readings and finally passed. It was announced that garbage will be collected the 14th and 15th of Octo- ber` Death of Mrs. ,J. W. Ortwein Mrs. J. W. Ortwein, highly respect- ed and prominent resident, passed away at her home Saturday, following a lengthy illness in her 87th year. The former Elizabeth Wagner, she was born in Wellesley, Ont., andwas married January 1, 1890, to her late husband, who predeceased her -a year and a half ago. She had been a resi- dent of the village far the past forty years. An active member of the Unit- efi,Church, she, took a prominent part i11" all' , church organizations when health permitted, and was a me/fiber of the Women's Missionary Society and Women's Association. Mrs. Ort- wein was beloved by her many neigh- bors and friends and, her passing will be mourned by her family and a wide' circle of friends. She leaves to mou-rll her 141ss one son, Milton, .of London; •one daughter (Elea), Mrs. G.• M. Drys- dale, Hensall; also Mils. J. Brenkolt, Kitchener; Mrs. Rbbert Lohr, Altoona, Pa.; Alp•nza Ortwein, Detroit, and Mrs. James A. Paterson, Hensall. A private funeral service was held from. her late. residence 'Monday at 2.30 p.m. Rev. R. A. Brook officiated and burial was in • Hensall Union Ceme- tery. The pallbearers were George Glenn, W. B. Cross, E. McQueen, W. E. Foster, W. R.• Davidson and George Hess, The floral tributes were many and beautiful. MacLean - MacGregor' A quiet but lovely autumn wedding was solemnized at Carmel Presbyter- ian Church Manse on Saturday, Oct. 4, at high noon, when Rev., P. A- Fer- guson officiated -tor ,the marriage of Margaret Jarrott, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John MacGregor., Hensel], and William John, son of Mr. 'and Mrs. Robert MacLean, of Kippen. For her wedding'the attractive bride chose a grey suit with black accessories and wore a corsage of American Beauty roses. For their wedding trip they' motored through the States, Detroit; Buffalo and Montreal. 'Upon their re- turn their will'reside in Exeter. Prior to marriage the bride was the popu- lar opelar chief operator of, the Hensall Bell ,Telephone.. William Robert Richi'daon William Robert Richardson died Thursday in Victoria' (Hospital, Lon- don, in his 75th year. He was born at Hensall, Huron County, a son of the late William and Hester Richard - still. For the past 42 years he has resided in Dutton, and was a tinsmith until his retirement a few years ago. His wife, the former Jane Henderson, of Millbank, died 30 years ago. Sur- viving are two daughters, Miss Lena Richardson, Dundas; Mrs. Ernest 'Gal- lop, Bruce 'Mines; two sons, John W., Mimico; Sgt. Roy Richardson, „Camp Borden; four sisters, Mrs. Herb Dar- by and Mrs, Ed. Dignan, Port Wash- iagton, B.C.; Mrs. Annie Bowers, Van- couver;• Mrs. William Martin, Lon- don;; three brothers, John, Hensall; Lyn, Vancouver, and George Richard- son, St, Thomas. The. body rested at the McNeill . funeral • home, 'Dutton, where service was held on Saturday at 3 p.m. Interment was in Fairview' Cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. -John Richardson, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Richardson and Mrs. Lloyd O'Brien attended the funeral of the late ' William • Richardson of Dut- ton. Hensall Community Park was ,chos- en for the annual wiener roast of the Wohelo Class, of which Miss M. Ellis is teacher, and "Mrs. W. Jones, presi^r dent, oh Monday night. The enthusi- astic crowd of . class members and guests fully enjoyed the refreshments, after which Miss Lenore, Norminton directed recreation. The collection received covered the cost of expenses. Death of Matthew Miller Mr. Matthew Miller, of Hibbert, passed away at his home, on Tuesday evening following a "lengthy illness. He was in his 8'Sth year. Deceased was a life-long resident of Hibbert • • aide we. wet hnownt in the efuntann say, and 'was a',A.nep bet of Ctllieelhurst United (finish, Surviving are son;, 4don Miller, and a daugbter, Mre. Lloyd Horton, of'dstowel, and a sis- ter, Mrs. John, Harris, 'Seaforth. The funeral will be held from his laze residence on Friday at 2 p,xa. Inter- ment will take place in Hibbert Un; ion C'eme'tery. tpeath of George Hudson Residents of. Hensall and district learned with regret of the passing of a well-known and life-long reldent of Hensall, who passed away in Victoria Hospital, London, Monday, Oct 6, of George Hudson, in his 77th year, fol- lowing an. operation performed in, the, interests of his health, but from which 'he failed to rally. The funeral was held Thursday. t Further particulars 'will be given is next, week's issue. Mr. and Mrs, Ray Palmer and daughter, Carol, of Windsor, spent the week -end • with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Fisher and, and also with his mother. Miss Florence Schwalm, of London, spent the week -end with her .mother, Mrs. Scliwahn. Mr. and Mrs. Otis ,Minor, Joanne and Jack, .:of Port Huron, visited. Mr. and Mrs. Roy MacLaren over . the week -end. Mrs. J. McDonald and • daughter, Marguerite, left on Friday for Wind- sor. indsor. From there they will accompany Mr. and Mrs, Harold Rathwell and family to Arizona, where they expect to spend Some months. Miss B. Michey'spent the week -end with friends in London. Mr. and Mr's. Jarrett visited Mr. and Mrs% W. B.Cross recentlY. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sherritt, of Hamilton, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Thos, Sherritt. Mr. and Mrs. K. R. Hillier and fam- ily, of - London, wore recent visitors. with Mr. and Mre. Mickle and family. Miss Violet Hyde left last week for Windsor where she expects to spend two months. Mrs. Edna Corbett vi's'ited with Mrs. Devlin recently. Mr. and Mrs. -Colin West and Doro-1 thy ' and Mrs. W. A. Bremner and Ed- na, of St. Thomas, visited Mr. and Mrs. 1'. Baird on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert McKellar, St., Charles, Mich., and Mr. and Mrs. For- rest McKellar. Midland, Mich-, visited Mr. Joey McCully and Mary and Mr. and Mrs., W. Stackhouse recently. Misses Ina and Ellen Scott, of Lon- don, spent the week -end with rela- tives. Mr. and Mrs. John Cairns are sport- ing a new Dodge car. Mr. and Mrs. F. Grieve, of Seaforth, and Mr. and Mrs. F. Jenkins have moved into the Elliott house. Mr. and Mrs. Earl McKellar, Jack McKellar and Allan Reeves, from Freeland, Mich., visited, at the McCul- ly home. The October meeting of the W.M.S. was held Tuesday at the dome of Mrs. E. Stanway. Mrs. Wm. Scott and, Mrs. H. Aikenhead took the devotion- al part, and Mrs, W. McBeath was in the chair for the business part of the meeting. Minutes of the last meeting were read and roll call taken. Mrs. R. ,Allan gave a very interesting pa- per on "Time" and'Mrs. McBeath con- ducted a couple of contests, after which the meeting closed with the W.A. hymn and prayer. A ,delightful luncheon was served. LINDSA'1 STEWAR.T' AND MISS 'ANNA Stbenstt wish to extend their sincere thanks to relatives, friends and rieiebbors for the kindness and sysnvathy. also: for the beau- tiful floral tribute,' In 'their and bereavement of a deicer mouser; 4165x1 16117.AND IOW. WILLIAM M. MOAT 1� ivisb In thank ,#heir rainy relatives, neighbors and friends fat dm kindness and owned*? eittended to ikon in their recent Deaths:. r Taal 1406,46 FM*0 , Otitk, , sty 'IYt+ktlt3l <' If 4.w 'ad+eiWlStitoko,k • itis bis Sitio KIPPEN The W.A. of St. Andr.w's United. Church are holding a bazaar and home cooking sale in Kippen on Sat- urda',„ Nov, 13. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Smith, Guelph; spent the week -end with' Mr. and Mrs. John Jarrott. Mrs. B. Brightmore, of London, is visiting herosister, Mrs. John Coch- rane and Mr. Cochrane. . • The October meeting of the Kippen East Women's Institute will be held at the home of Mrs. James McLean on Wednesday, O t. 15, at 8:30 p.m., with Mrs. W. McLean as co -hostess. The roll call will be a :health habit which I shoulil' practice daily. 'The motto;''' "To cure is the voice of the past, to prevent is the w-hisper of the future," will be given by Mrs. r �y 44. e.-27-teg • .. • LONGER ylLEAGE LOWER COST 0Ae4s 'barley B.F, Goodrich TIRES +. t ID Silvertowns are made with tougher; cooler -running rubber - - they're designed and built differently. Theis wider, flatter tread puts more rubber on the road - - distributes the wear more evenly, and assures you of , added protection -against skidding and blowouts. KELLAND'S TIRE . AND BATTERY Phone 248 Seaforth B.F Goodrich FIRST IN RUBBER uy. Your fi FROM E. C. CHAMBERLAIN Phones,: Office 334—Residence 220, Seaforth. Representing Midland Securities, Limited UAL MEETING SEAFORTH ATHLETIC, ASSOCIATION TOWN-. HALL, . SEAFORTH Thrsday,October •16 at 8 pm. Everyone interested in the continuance of organized sport in Seaforth is urge& to attend. W. T. Teall, ' A. WSiliery, Pres. See. Reg. Henderson, ' Treas. 2r *WE OFFER—Subject to Prior Sale New Issue $300,000 The Western Ontario, :Motorways Lintited (Incorporated under the laws of the Province of Ontario)' 5 PER CENT. CUMULATIVE REDEEMABLE SINKING FUND PREFERENCE SHARES (Par Value $20.00 per Share) These preference shares are preferred as to both capital and ri idends. Cumulative dividends at the rate of $1.00 per 'share per annum will accrue from the 'First day ,pf June, 1947, and will be payable quarterly on the First days of September. December, March and June. Preference shares are redeemable+>in whole or in part at the Company's option at $21.00 on or before the 31st day of December, 1952. No bonds may be,issued ahead of these preference shares or any stock created which wouid1,rank equally with them. • No dividends may be paid on the common shares when the payment of such dividends would reduce the working capital of the company to an amount less than $45,00000. The proceeds of thesale of this issue of both preference and common shares will be paid intotheTreasury of the Company. CAPITALIZATION (After completion of present financing) Authorized 5% Cumulative Redeemable.. Sinking (Fund Preference Shares, par value $20.00 per Share Common 'Shares, no 'par -value 50,000 shares 100,000 shares , Transfer Agent and Registrar THE CANADA TRUST COMPANY London, Ontario Price: 5 Per Cent. Preference Shares To Be Issued 15,000 shares 65,000 shares $20.00, Per Share With the privilege of purchasing one common share with each preference share at .� $1.00 Per Share The right is reserved to allot a steelier number of shares than, applied for. A prospectus describing these shares may be obtained from, Mr.Scott Habkirk SEAFbRTH, ONT. r V Rt 1'