HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1947-10-10, Page 1r
Eigisty-eighth Year
Whole nIum'ber 41.66 ,-
Township Will Ask For
Tenders For Snow ,
Plowing Roads.
Tnckersniith Council,' meeting Sat-
urday evening, granted $150 to Scott
Mebxerial Hospital' toward the esti
mated operating deficit of the. hos-
pital for 1947, with the understanding
.that that amount would be the maxi-
mum grant for the year. Should Tuck-
ersniith's..,ahare of the operating de-
43eit be less than. $750, the difference
must apply on, 1948 or later year's
deficit, if any.
Ail members. were present and
Reeve Arthur Nicholson presided.
James Hay, assessor, was paid $5
.fees re equalization of assessments
M the Union School Section of Tuck,.
ersmith, McKillop and Ribbert, and
Hugh McMillan was paid $28.50 for
chickens .killed by, dogs.
The clerk was insti'ticted to adver-
tise for tenders for snowplowing in
the Township of Tnckersnxith for the
winter of • 1947-48. Tender ad appears
elsewhere in this paper; and the clerk
was also instructed to prepare cash
bylaws op the extra cost of the Char-
ters. Buchanan, Dill and Mc'Cullie
drains. Rate of pay for labor in the
towss'hip was increased from 500 per -
hour to 60c per hour.
Accounts passed were as, follows:
Relief, $35; • roads, ..$1,984.16; salaries,
$104; chickens killed by dogs, $29.50;
e grants, $7.50, 'postage, $5; sundry,
" $8.50; schools, ,$200.
Council 'adjourned to meet on Nov.
1 at 2 p.m.
There will be no church 'service nor
'Sunday School.. -in Constance United
Church on Sunday owing to anni-
versary services in Burns' Church.
The regular meeting of Con'stanc'e
United Church W.M.S: was held' at
the home of Mrs. D. Millson . on Tues-
day, -with Mrs. Chas. Dexter in the
chair. The meeting opened with . a
dxytnrn and ;prayer by Mrs. Penman.
The Scripture lesson was read by
Z�rs. a Peter Lindsay entitled, "Be
Thankful.!' Mrs. ,Millson 'was appoint-
ed the delegate: to the Sectional meet-
ing to be• held -in Mbncrieff .on
16.re Mrs. Robt: Lawson gave a read-
a ing and. . Mrs. Wm. Sawett-,played an.
instrumental. Mrs. J,, J. Hugili gave a
reading, "Love Was Christ's Only
Weapon." Hymn 127 was sung and,
the collection taken. 'Mrs. Ernest Toll,
of Winthrop, was the guest speaker
and gave an inspiring message.
Thanks were extended to the speak-
er' by Mrs. Lindsay, and Mrs. Write:
Britton thanked Mrs. Millson for the
rase of her home. Hymn 180 was sung
and Mrs. Dexter defied the meeting
with "the benediction. A social half-
hour was spent and lunch was served.
Hexisall Council Arra,ngo:s
Memorial Grant to Legion
• • • o • • Proposed Bylaw Will Pro-
. vde Four. - Annual Pay -
Bargains ? ments of $500 Each; Pop -
There's a world of human in-
terest in classified ads, especially
the wide variety run by The
'Expositor. Every week there are
bargain household articles, farm
implements, farms, etc., .for sale,
or somebody is wanting to pur-
chase a variety of , items. And
the lost and found section ',gets
'the job done too. So use Exposi-
tor classifieds regularly. They
are read by more than 2,000 fam-
ilies every week. Phone 41. .
• • • • -t •• • • •
Archie Noakes Narrowly.
Avoids Fall in 50 -Foot
Plunging through rotten planks
masking a 50 -foot -deep well on the
property of the Hopper Funeral Home,
Exeter, Archie Noakes, Hensail- car-
penter, was saved from probable
death by the quick action of a fellow
worker, Gordon Parker, Exeter.
Hastily clutching the sides of, the
covering as he fell, Mr. Noakes was
hauled from the hole by Parker: In-
juries, consistingof two fractured
ribs, were suffered in the fall.
The two men, who are employed by
an Exeter firm, were busy levelling
land on thesite of a new funeral
home unaware of the existence of the
boarded up well.
Local. residents were unable to re-
call the existence of the; well or say
when, it had been boarded over.
Bowling on -
The Green
(By Dill Hart)
On Monday evening 27 players en-
joyed a, tourney on the beautiful
greens. The ladies' first prize went to
Mfrs. Geo. Johnsoen ,and second to
Miss Alice Reid; men's first, C. P.
Sills; 2nd, Dr. F. J. Burrows.
On Wednesday two sets .of trebles'
went to Wingham. Lorne Dale; M. A.
Reid and Miss Alice Reid won first
prize; while Mr. 'and Mrs. J. Beattie
and M. McKellar won second,.
Shown here are Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Russell Turnbull following
their wedding on September 6 at St. Mary's Anglican Church, Oat.
lands, England. The bride is the former Doris Muriel Audrey
Humphrey, and Mr. Turnbull is a eon Of Mrs, Turnbull and the late
G. T.' Turnbull', of Seaforth. He ('s well known throughout this dis-
trict, and is a graduate of the 'Seaforth Collegiate Institute and Uni-
versity of Toronto. Mr. Turnbull fora number of years has been
'Secretary for Great Britain of the Imperial Life Ass'urance Co. of
elation Up, Assessor Says.
Hensall Council, meeting Tuekday
evening, -took action to make possible
a' grant to the recently Formed . Ren -
sail Legion for the purpose of alter-
ing and maintaining the building pur-
chased by, the Lagion as club rooms.
Under the terms . of a motion propos
ed by Councillors Middleton and
Twitchell, a by-law Is to be prepared
approving a memorial grant of $2,000,
.payable in four annual grants of $500,
commencing ,this year. All members
of council were -present, and Reeve A.
W. Kerslake presided.
Hensail's total assesment for 194
is $480,944, according to a report pre
rented to council by Assessor
McNaughton. Population of 697 re-
ported is an increase of 48 over 1946.
When Mr. Appleby appeared as- a
delegate from the Legion as regards
:securing a wreath for Remembrance
Day, council agreed to the following
motion: Twitchell and ',Middleton:
That we order a wreath Prom the Can=
adhan Legion at $6.50.• -
Miss' 'C. Mitchell appeared -con
plaining about her taxes 'and Assess-
ment being too high. •
The Legion delegation •consisted of
E. L. Mick's,. W.-0. Goodwin. and A.
'Clark, and the motion approving read:
"That a by:l'aw be drawn up by our
Clerk for a memorial grant for the
boys who fought in the Second Great
War, authorizing' a grant of $2,000 to
the Hensel' Legion, payable in four
instalments, , starting In• 1947 with
$500, and $500 each following -year un-
til the grant is paid, the grant in the
years 1948, 1949 and t950 to be ,pay
able the first of May, each year."
On motion of Councillors Parke and
Middleton, council proclaimed a half
holiday in the forenoon on Remem-
brance Day, Nov. 11, from 7 a.zp. to
1 p.m., for the purpose of . attending
the service at the 'monument at the
Town Hall, •
P. L. McNaughton, assessor, report-
ed re the 1948 assessment as made by
him in 1447 the,' totals' being $68,400
•on•'l'ands; $371;625:on buildings and.
$24,919 .business, or a, total assess-
meat of $480,944, showing. a slight in-
crease, also stating the population as
being 697, showing an increase of 48
over the' previous year: ' .
The assessments roll as handed. in
•by the 'assessor, was accepted and the
salary ;paid," on xpotioxb .o , Councillors
Parke and Brown. Spurt of revision
on the 1948 assessment "roll will be
held in the council c'harnber Nov. 4,
at 8 p.m.
J.. 21. Paterson, tax collector, re-
ported as having collected $5,974.68
to date of the 1947 taxes. On motion
of ' Cotfncillors Middleton and Twit-
chell, W. Brown was, allowed a. credit
of $27.37 on his taxes, being the bat-
ante of the transient traders' license
fee paid by him, in 1945, and the tax-
es of Dr. F'. H. Sherk were struck off.
Correspondence. was read as fol-
lows: 'Karl Hensel, Dept. of High-
ways, Crown Attorney D. E. Holmes,
International Water Supply, Dept.. of
Mines, F. Traher, 'C.N.R., Blyth'Lions
Clii-b, Ontario Bean growers Market-
ing Board, McColl-Frontenac, Oil Cd.,
National Sewer Piper Co., A. Cope &
•Sons. Concrete Pipe Co., Hamilton.
Cement Products; Bell Telephone Co.,
Municipal World Ltd., Surplus Dis-
posals Co.,,Dept. of Municipal Affairs,
London Hosiery Mille Ltd:, War As-
sets 'Corporation, same considered
and filed. •
• Permission was granted the Dell
(continued on Page 4)
Assist in Hospital
Fund Raising
Co-operating in the `effort to pro-'
vide funds for the furnishingg, of the
new wingsat Scott Memorial Hosiiithl,
tour members of the staff, Miss Jen-
nie Campbell, Mrs,! J. Wurm, Mrp.
George .Pinkney and Mrs. Carl Knight
are disposing of tibkets on a crochet-
ed chesterfield set, ' The contest,
which will continue until the end of
October, has received excellent sup-
port, according to Miss CampbeIl.
Entertain For
Bride -Elect
Mr.and Mrs, Ken Chapel entertain-
ed on Friday evening last in honor of
Miss Joyce Wilbee, bride -elect of this
week. About 50 were present, ,and
euchre was enroyed during the eve-
ning. Ftollow•ing cards two small boys,
Ronald Riley and Keith Pethick
drew in two 'small wagons, laden
with gifts of aluminum for the ,bride=
to -be. Later a delicious lunch was
served by the, hostess. -
Mrs. John 'q.mith entertained at the
home of her mother, - Mrs. M. E.
Clarke, on Monday evening la honor
of Miss Wilbee, when there were
about twenty-five guests present. Dur-
ing the evening a bride's book was
Made, and later Mrs. S'mitb read art
address and Mise Vera Mole and Miss
Oladysr Hopper -presented Miss Wilbee
with a shower of miscellaneous gifts.
Mlsg Vera Mole ,was the Winner PP a
Welty Cup and saucer.
Church • Organizations in
Walton', lei§frict Active •
• During' Week.
Duff's United. Church, McKillop
held • annivlersat'y • services ' Sunday.
Rev. 3. Melvin leers, of St. Marys,
a former school teacher in the com-
munity, was speaker• and, told the con-
gregation that many' people today"
know more about '"the ,making of a
-living than the art of living itself."
Is there a meaSnriug stick for suc-
cess in life? Is it;lhe length of life
lived the possessions we gain, the
happiness in life: or' the achievements
in life? We should live with faith in
God and the desire to do .His will,"
he said. Largeecongregations attend-
ed the services. The school children,,
under the direction of Mrs, Arnold
Scott, of , supplied the .Music.
The Bethel W.m..s. and W.A. held
their autumn thankoffering meeting
at the home of 11d •s. Wm: 'Dennis.
There were about '60 ladies present
and the ladies of the 16th and 17th
of the Walton church were guests.
The'meeting opened' with Hymn.416,
"Creation's Lorli, •We Give Thee
Thanks," followed ',with prayer by
Mrs. Leonard, Leeming. Mrs. James
Smith gave a humorous reading, and
Psalm 714 was read: --"responsively, The
Scripture reading, Pett'„ chaps 3, Was
taken bye Mrs. Willis Dundas, after
which all repeated. the . General
Thanksgiving in ui lseon. Mrs. Leslie
Bolton: played a piano solo. 117ml/-
280, "The King oft,, Love, My Shep-
herd Is," was suds and Mrs. Earl
Mills gave a meditation on the hymn,
and, prayer by Mrs., L. Bolton. A solo
sung by Mrs. H. Sarandon was, en-
joyed. The guest ;speaker, Mrs. Tav-
ener, of Holrpesville,- who is. preek
dent of the Huron .Presbyterial, was
introduced by Mrs;•, Earl Mills She
gave a very interesting and' inspiring
talk on "Small Beginnings," also
touching on some of the highlights of
the Dominion Board meeting. A ,vote
of thanks on behalf of the society
was tendered Mrs.', T,avener, by. Mrs,
Stanley Hallen, Mildred McNichol and
Mrs. Stanley Rillen".then 'sang a duet:'
The: meeting closed with Hymn 578,
"Sing To the. Lord(ef 'Harvest," and
Rev. Peters closed -':the meeting with
prayer. A, bazaar fed. baking sale
were hell' -at. the el .z • > -an a. delicious
lunch and social . > n: enjoyed by all.
World Wide Comituition Day was
observed in Duff's United Churoh in •
Walton. The following parents pres-
ented their' babies for baptism: Mr.
and Mrs. H. France, Mr. and Mns. W.
Thamer and Mr. and Mrs. H. Craig.
Raiple Travis ,has bought the garage
building on East Main St. from W. C.
'Mrs. Bert Johnston is reported to
be progressing favorably in .Kitcheie
er-Waterloo Hospital, where she is be-
ing treated fqr injuries received in a
recent motor accident.
Henry Berger is home from "a trip
to Vancouver,
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Ennis, London,
visited Fred Ennis. •
Mr. and Mrs. James Small and Mrs.
D. Small; Strafford, visited with
friends in 'Walton. -
News of Seaforth Branch 156.
of the Canadian Legion •
"It's •aparty for the whole family,'
Lloyd Hoggarth, chairman of..the Leg
ion entertainment committee, says 0
...the big bingo which his committee
has organized' for Friday night in the
club rooms in Cardno's all. A splen-
did array of prizes is all ready for
the bingo fans of the district, and
includes poultry, electrical appliance's
and nylons. The bingo gets under
way at 8 p.m.
The October meeting of the ,branch
will be Friday evening, Oct. 17,
according to President C. P. Sills. The
change was necessary because -ef the
bingo this week.
* ¥,
Some championship euchre was
seen at the Legion rooms Friday
when firat'pfizes went to Jas, A. Stew-
art and W. E. Southgate. Lone hands
was won by William Smith.
With Armistice Day but a month
away, George Hay's, chairman of the
special events committee, 'is lining up
the wreaths and poppies which have
through theyears become a symbol
of She observance of) the occasion. In
connection with Armistice Day, Dom-
inion Command issponsoring a Leg-
ion Poppy poster competition among
High .School students,- Which. it is
hoped, will become an annual event,
designed to preserve the memory of
Canada's fallen heroes. ••
Nine ,prizes of $25.00 Will be given
the *inners from each Province and
a special }additional prize of $50.00
will be presented to the entry eon -
Mitered by the judges as the best in
Canada. The drawings, may, be in
color or in black and 'white. They
must sym,belize in some fashion the
story of the poppy and Should 'not
exceed 42 inches by 15 inches In size.
The competition slows on Oct: 25,
1947. Ad'd.itional information may be
obtained from Secretary, A. W, Sil-
lery, of the Seaforth. Deatttrlx,
Inaugurate Pension Scheme
Far Local Pr DT.G. Employees
lo��. � ees
Commission Meeting Learns
Of Power Shortage Fac-
ing District This Fall;
Arrangements whereby employees
of the. Public Utility Commission will
Participate in a pension and insurance
.scheme has been completed• and ef-
fective September 1 employees come
under the, scheme. Members' of the
Public Utility Commission meeting in
the Town Hall Friday evening, were
informed. The move' to iprovide pro-
tection for employees commenced
'some months ago when the commis-
sion instructed Manager W. V. Brown.
to obtain 'the necessary 'information.
Under the scheme, which isl operated•
under the auspices of the Ontario
Mtintcipal Electric Association, em;
Ployees contribute each month '.h
small -,portion of their, earnings, which
is matched by a C•ommissIon contri-
bution of approximately five per cent
per month. The scheme provides for
a pension at age 65, and in addition
includes life Insurance benefits,
'Chairman A. Y. McLean. and the
Manager, who had- attended a recent
meeting of the District 0.M.E.A. at
Stratford, told the .Commission of the
acute power situation_ which was an-
ticipated during the fall and winter
months throughout Western Ontario.
While- every effort was being made to..
bring into use additional .sources,
H.E,P.C. 'officials at the Stratford
meeting stated that einly'by the great-
est economy in the us'e of power could
the emergency be met. If voluntary
economy was not practised, the pro-
vincial commission would lresert to
Necessity of early action in provid-
ing office accommodation for the Com-
mission waa stressed at the meting
and as a result the manager was in-
structed to .obtain plans and specifi-
cations for a .building which, ;it was
suggested, be erected between the
Town Halleaird .tine Regent Theatre.
The firth Of Barnett & Reider, Kit-
chener, was chosen to prepare. the
necessary plans. It was proposed that
the accommodation include a small
display area. a receiving counter, and
business office, -and a manager's of-
fice axial conainission xoom'
Mr. Brown informed the Commis-
sion that material Was now on hand
to complete the new pump installa-
tion and that this was being proceed-
ed with. Aut oriz'ed in 1945, the corn-
pletioh of the installation was ,delay-
delayed because of non-delivery • of. the
motor and switching equipment.
Northside Plans
For Anniversary
A committee appointed by the Of-
ficial. Board of Northside United
Church, consisting of Dr. F. Harburn,
Secretary, Mrs. J B. Thompson, Jos.
Scott, Dr. F. J. Burrows and the min-
ister, Rev. H. V. Work.>Xxan, have pre-
pared, a long last of former worship-
pers at-• Northside Church through
the years, and now hon -resident. It
is hoped that it may be possible for
many former ministers, members and
adherents to be presaent on Sundays,
Oct. 19 and. 26,, and on Monday eve-
ning, Oct. 20, when a social evening
shall provide entertainment and fel-
lowship for all who can attend,
Reach Half Quota
In Red Shield Drive
With one week of the Red Shield
campaign to go, local Salvation Army..
officials in charge of the drive, have
announced that 30 per cent ,of the
objective remains to be contributed.
Canvassing is. continuing through-
out the town and district, and Capt.
Holliwell, who heads the local com-
mittee, is confident that with the co-
operation of the people 'of the dis-
trict the quota will be met. ,
Builds New' Mill in
Cornwall District
Twenty-three years neo Kenneth
Barton, eldest son of Sire Thomas
Barton, Seaforth, and the late Thomas
Barton, formerly of con. X, Elina, left
Atwood for Martintown, about twelve
miles from Cornwall. In 1934 he along
with Kenneth McDermid, bought a
feed' business and grist mill, 'in 1937
the firm acquired more property, in-
cluding a general store. Rapid ex-
panslon of the business outgrew their
facilities, and, work was begun this
year on a new building across the
riyer. Constructed of cement blocks
and heavy timbers, th'e neer one -storey
building, 60 by 10a feet, was official-
ly opened by the firm of McDermid
and Barton last month,' It is th"e only
feed and farm supplies outlet, in the
village, and the firm have been ever
on the alert to ir'nprove and expand the
facilities afforded the many customers.
Mess Sergeant: "You're not eating
your •fish.' What's wrong with it?"
Soldier: "Long time no, sea,"
.-+.vuu.a':,rt,eSsr ua,L,Yaeilti
• •' • • •
Thanksgiving .
Seaforth lti common with other
,municipalities across Canada, on
Monday will observe `Phanksgiv-•
ing pay., An places of business
will be closed and the day will be
observed as a holiday. Because "
of the hpliday pn Monday, the
regular October meeting of the
Town Council will be held T}res-
day evening.
• • •.. •. •
Donna Watson, Seaforth
High School, is Senior
(iris' Champion.
Ideal 'weather prevailed Friday for
the inter -school track and field meet
held at the Clinton Community Park,
sponsored .by the Huron Secondary
Schools Association. Students were
present from Wingham, Goderich,
Clinton and Seaforth. N. W. Kinack
was referee,,„ in chief; Frank . Madill
was the official starter: -
The chief judges were: Boys' sen-
ior ' events, G. W. McGee; intermedi-
ate,. L. Hartwick; junior, F. A. Dob-
son; girls' events, senior, Miss A. B.
Hall; intermediate, Miss M. McInnes;
junior, Miss E. E. Lewis. The Gode-
hich Collegiate placed first with 198
points, Clinton 99, Wingham 78, Sea;
forth 58.
Following were the individual cham-
pions: Senior boys•; • Bill Craig • and
David. Medley, Goderich, -. tied, 18
points; intermediate, Jack Price, God-
erich, , 18 points; runner-up, John
Westbrook, Goderich, 13 points; jun-,
ior boys, .Fred' Riehl,' Wingham, 16
points; runner-up, Cameron Maltby,
;t, linton, 12 points' senior .girls, Dou-
onas Watson, ,Seaforth, 13 points; run -a
ner-up, Grace Lobb, Clinton, 9 points;
intermediate girls, Jeanne Garon, Clin-
ton, 10 points; runner-up, Jean Adair,
Wingham, 8 points; junior girls,+ Cyn-
thia Young, Goderich, 13 points.,
Fire Destroys
Pig Sty, Pigs
Fire of unknown origin destroyed a
Pig' sty owned by J. R. Burns, Cole-
man St., Saturday afternoon. Two
pigs were also destroyed Firemen
Prevented the blaze from spreading
to the adjacent barn.
Neither Mr. or Mrs. Burns were
home at the time. -
W. V. Brown, manager of the P.U.C.,
was in St. Marys Wednesday attend-
ing a meeting of the Western Ontario
Metermen's Association. The meeting
which was largely' attended, discussed.
recent developments inmetering and
other matters of general interest. .•
Staff Nurses Plan
"'Autumn Whirl"
Nurses of Scott Memorial Hospital
will sponsor a dance- in Cardno's Hail
on Friday, Nov. 7, nen music will
be by the Skyliners Orchestra.
Those who atteuded the successful
spring dance sponsored by the nurs-
ing staff, will anticipate with plea-
sure the "Autumn Whirl," which the
nurses • have christened their coming
Was. tri Route To. tetrdi.
To Bring Wife Back.
To Village..
Bayfield via.e • greatly, shocked, off,,
Saturday morning to .learn of the ens.
eidental death. pf Mr, James d1 ,Lards
,bert. Mr. L,axnbert was driving on thhe
18th ,sideroad, Warwick lavese pc:nth
of Forest, when the aceldent gcGur*
red. He was crushed behind the steers
ing wheel of his car. when in left. the
road and erashed into a tree. He died'
before ,being extricatedfrom the -
wreckage, Mr. Lambert sustained a,
crushed chest and fractured ekila,
when his car struclt, a tree after trav-'
ening an, estimated 70 feet in the '
ditch. His car was believed to have
gone out of control in the loose gravel
at the side of the road, 'but •the"speedi
was not believed by police ,to have
been excessive. .He was en route to
Detroit to bring his wife bank to Bay'
field. Born in i'l.lvinston, he had need
in Detroit for several. yegrs. and re-
to Bayfield two years ago. His
wife was formerly Miss Florence Mac-
Auley. The body was removed to a
Watford funeral home and then to
Detroit, where the funeral took piaee'
from his late residence, 639 West
Philadelphia Ave., Detroit, on Monday
afternoon. Mr. Lanxbert will be great-
reatly missed in the village. He was a
member of Trinity, Anglican Church
here- and also a membei7• of the Lions
Club,,. welch he joined thissprints...
taking a great interest in all civic
activities. The , sympathy of the vil-
lage goes •to the 'widow.
Death of Miss M,.•Reid
The death occurred at her late resi-
dence on Clan Gregor Square. on Sat-
urday of Miss Margaret Reid, after• a
long illness.. Miss Reid was born °-1
'Stanley Twp., the daughter .of,' the
late John and Eliza Anne Clark Reid;
and was one of a family of ten. She
lived' at her home in Stanley until
1910, when she moved to ,Bayfieldto
mist. her brother, Lanceot paid,in
his store. Mr.. Reid died the 'same
year and Miss Reid carried, on the
'business until it was taken over by
her brother-in-law, Mr. E. F. Merrier, ,
with whom she was associated for
a number of years, retiring from busi-
nesp around .192.2.• OshertesehesegoVedates..
her late home. 'She was a life-
long member of Knox Presbyterian
'Church, a life member of the W.M.S.,
and acted as church treasurer. Miss ,
Reid was a great lover of her own
home and was a good neighbor. She
in survived, by two sisters, Miss Eliza-
beth Reid, of Bayfield,, and Mrs. Jas.
Webster, of Egmondviile. The fun-,
eral, which was largely attended, took
place from her late residence on Tues-
day at 2:3'0 p.m. Rev. D. Lane, of
Clinton, pastor of her 'church, was in
charge of the. service, assisted .by Rev.,
Gordon Peddie, of Walkerton. •Inter
went was in Bayfield cemetery. The
pallbearers were six nephews: Mer- '
ton and Kenneth Merner, Clifford find
Cecil Webster, . Elgin Porter and
Grant Turner. Among those who at
tended the service from a distance
were Mr. and Mrs. Quentin Hallman,.
of New Dundee a Mr. and Mrs. Clif-
liffford Webster, Mr. and Mrs, 'Cecil '
Webster and Mrs. A. MaeNaughton,
of London; Mr. and Mrs. Leonard
Webster, of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs.
Dave MacKenzie, of Kintail; Mr. and'
Mrs. J. McNan'e, of Amberley; Rev. .
Gordon Peddie, of Walkerton; Mr.
and Mrs. James Webster, of Egmond-
ville; Mrs. Rhoda Reid, of Clinton.
The Seaforth District High School
,Beard held a short meeting it. the
council chambers ' Tuesday evening,
when all members of the board were
.present except G. A. Whitney. Rou-
tine beeriness was discussed,
Huron Junior Farm, Club
Winners On Eastern Tour
Three delegates. Margaret Lobb,
R.R. 3. Clinton; Billy .Yon.ng, R.R. 1,
Blyth, and Jing Snell. R.R. 1, Clinton,
left early Monday morning on the
Junior Farmer 'bus tour through
Eastern Ontario and Quebec. Some
of the main points of call wii.l be
Kingston, Cornwall, Montreal, Mace
Donald College, Ottawa, Centra Ex-
perimental Farm, Kemptville A,gricul-
I.urat,, College and Peterborough. The
dele,gntes on the tour are chosen from
Junior Farmer Clubfi 'throughout the
Counties of Brant, Haldimand, Huron,
'Kent, Norfolk, Waterloo,. Wellington,
Middlesex. Elgin, Grey and Bruce.
The tour will take five days, and the
delegates are expected to rettfrn
some time Saturday evening,
The picking of apples is 'quite gen-
eral throughout the county, LeRoy
Brown, 'agricultural representative,
goes on to -say in his weekly agricul-
tural roundup, and sense fruit grow-
ers have already Harvested and dis-
posed of their early fall varieties,
such as 'Wealthy, Gravensteins and
McItitosh. In most cases the quality
of ,the fruit is excellent and with the
strong. demand, prices are remaining
at a favorable level. ,
I have just received word from Mr.
+:lot ,; auS
John D. MacLeod, Secretary of the
Ontario Crop Improvement Associa-
tion, that Huron County has been
accepted to. -participate in the Fifty
Bushel Winter Wheat Club Competi-
tion. The main objects of the .compe-
tition are to encourage the• use of
good sped. to increase the amounts '
of registered seed, to encourage great-,,,
er fertility and better cropping and ,
cultural practices by • aiming at great-
et- yields per acre, and finally, to
encourage the growing of a larger
acreage of this, important cash crop.
In order to qualify' in this eotnpeti•-
tion. each County must have a.mini-
mum of ten entries, each entry being
at least five aeres, and 'sown to either
Registered Dawson's Golden "Chaff,
seed grown from Registered Dawson's
Golden Chaff, or Sealed' Cornell 595. '
As The title ef the ,com,petitioa indl-
cates, one of the main points of scor- •
ing the various entries is on the basis
of yield per acre, arta competitors .
may' use any means at their disposal
which will tend to produce a record
yield of high quality 'heat.
.Entry forms are available. at the
office ef the agricultural representa-
tive. Substantial eas.h prizes are bre.
ing awarded as an added stimulus'
to' 'those who partieipatd: -