HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1947-10-03, Page 4Jl- (UoN E P . $I OR:: ora; ed , ds Will Be Inserted At New Lo Cash Rates: rll6,, Ni'axlted. I{ odt-,:Pelt 1st week , i Cent 2nd week axd week , . 'e Oen•6Cent -. Minimum charge, Ansi ineerr+ tian 2G Cents Each figure, initial and abbreviajort Maple elk one word. Caird Ip(' Thanks. In Memoriam Notfces, Coming Events -1 cent, per word. Minimum, 50 Gents per week. .iia cn(es may be directed,to a Box Number. ale The Huron Expositor. far 10 cents extra. Tela eel* additional will be charged if ads in above class, are not paid within 10 days et dateof final insertion. Ai>:tbe, Marriages and Deaths inserted free of charge. 4A.r}6 n Sales. Notices to Creditors. Etc. -Pates on application. Auction $ales Lost and Found OL2 RING AUCTION SALE- OF FARM IL QTAYEI) FROM • THE PREMISES OF *.L Shock and, Implements, Lots 40 and 41, A' Peter Maloney, No. 8 Highway, on Wed- &3oncession 13, 1Hullett Township, 1 mile, east nesd'ay, Sept_ 24, a Hereford erring calf. Au and r/ mile south of Auburn, Wednesday, one knowing the whereabouts of this animal Oetobes 8th. 12 o'clock" sharp; Horses, Cat- please PHONE; -64 r 10, Dublin. 4164x1 7 choice young Durham cows, etc.; Po8ltry, Pigs, Implements, Grain and Hay; quantity of Housebeid Effects. '1`erma-Cash. Wanted AI60B11 ROBINSON, Propriebdr r ' Harold Help Jackson, Auctioneer; E. P. Chesney, Clerk. 41rk.L AUCTION SALE OF PROPERTY AND "- behold Effects, to be Held at the Me- Krljop United Church Manse, Concession 5, McKiE P, 21A miles north of. Seaforth, ; on Monday. October 13th, at 2 p.m.: Quebec heater and pipes • Jewell kitchen range and pipes ; kitchen table and 6 chairs ; sideboard ; 4 dining room chairs ; dresser and ,stand : beds; 2 sets of. springs; 2 mattresses ; 1 day '.bed; bedrobm set; 3 pieces linoleum; 2 lamps, PROPERTY -Quarter -acre of land with goad 7 -room frame house, in good repair, cornered with asphalt shingles ; barn, suitable for chi -kensand garage.- Hydra installed_' Terms : Chattels -gash. Property, 20 per cent down, balance in 30 dads. HAROLD JACKSON, I Auctioneer. I 4164-2. AUCTION SALE OF' FARM STOCK AND Implements, alt Lot -21, Concession 7. McKillop Township, 3% north and 11,4 east of Seaforth, on Thursday, October 9th, 1 p.m.: HORSES -Bay mare 1 years old: black mare 8 years -old, good single and dou- ble; 1 gelding corning 2 years old. CATTLE -,A11 Durham cattle: Red cow, bred 24th January: grey heifer, bred 3rd February; roan cow bred 8th February; red cow breis 7th May; white cow bred 20th June; grey, heifer $bred 10th Judy ; grey cow bred 25th July; grey cow bred 1st Augrrat ; red cow bred 1st May; 1 bull, Polled Hereford,- 3 years old; 8 steers rising 2 years old; 3 heifers. rising 2 years old; 5 calves 1 year old ;' .3 small calves. PIGS -1 sow' bred 20th July, second litter; 23 chunks, 125 lbs.; 2 York sows bred 8 months 2 cess • 1 b an.ie . 5 goslings ;' 4 ducks and 2 drakes: IMPLE- MENTS -Massey -Harris 7 -ft. binder; McCor- mick -Deering 6 -ft. mower; fertilizer disc 11 - hoe drill; 2- drum steel roller; rubber tire wagon ; iron wheal wagon ; sloop sleighs ; buggy: cultivator with seed box : cutters; Vesset grinder, 101A3 -inch, on wagon : 'tractor double dice, , McCormick -Deering, like new; horse disc; harrows ; 3 -furrow Coekshutt dise plow (like new): set L000 -1b. scales; pig crate; wagon box: box stove: -breeching team harness I 2 sets single harness ; 4 collars. GRAIN -300 bushels oats : 150 bushels bar- ley : 150 bushels of mixed grain; eream en- amel Findlay ,cook stove; (arks, shovels. whif letgees, neckyokes, 'chains and a host of other' articles... Terms -Cash. WILLIAM KERR, Proprietor; Hardid Jackson, Auc- tioneer ; E. P. Chesney, Clerk. 4163-2 Farms For Sale ANTED -GIRL OR WOMAN FOR GEN- "erai housework for two adults and one child. No family laundry. Apply Boa 588, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4163-2 Wanted FARM FOR SALE--92-ACRE FARM, SIX miles south of Clinton on No. 4 High- way, being Lot 13, 'Concession 1, Stanley Township. Good buildings, land well tiled, and abundance of waiter. Apply ELDON S. JOHNSTON, Blue Water, Ont. 4164-2 WANTED -G.179 TO BOARD_ APPLY to MRS. RAYMOND TOWNSEND, Cole- man Street_ . , 1 4164x1 WANTED -WINTER ° HO•ME FOR ,USE OF horse; excellent for buggy, cutter and saddle. Apply to WRIGH'P & ROWCLIF'NE'S G A.R A GR Sexf�rth_ 4164x1 Recipes for Thanksgiving WANTED --OLD HORSES -AND DEAD animals, suitable for mink feed. Will pay 2e a pound Give weight for horses. Dead animals according to value. If dead, phone collect at once to JACK GILBERT, 936 r 21, or FRED GILBERT, 936 r 32, Goderich. 4158-bf Personals HYGIENIC SUPPLIES (RUBBER GOODS) mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with price list 6 samples 25c; 24 samples 51.00. Mail -Order Dept. T-73, NOVA -RUBBER CO„ Box 91, Hamilton. Out. For Sale • FARM SALE -100 SAL100 =ACRES, CHOICE. well drained land, in aprosperous, farm- ing ,m,nunity ,On highway in Exeter dis- trict..dis- trict..Mostly pastureart present, some newly seeded. Never -failing,, water supply; 4 acres young. bush. Bank 'barn; strong timber frame, 60a x 36r, with •104oat lean attached. Modern 'hen house, 401 x 15' ; S1/2. -storey briefs house, recently decorated and .painted, insul- ated, 4 -piece bath, hardwood floors, built-in cullboards,°'both hard and soft running water, hydro and garage. Garden, young fruit trees. good raspberry patch. Immediate pos- sion_ Write BOX 330. Exeter. ' FARM FOR SALE FOR SALE -A SMALL PIANO, Jackson_ HAROLD •1164-1 Hello Homemakers! Just as the Pilgrim Fathers gathered to give thanks for the harvest of the 'neW land, so can we. ,Our spring season was. wet and late, yet our farmers did not lose hope and today we are hum- ble in our appreciation of the pro- ducts of our fields. So on Thanks- giving Day, we will give thanks and resolve not to waste while others are starving. The Thanksgiving dinner, therefore, can be seasonal and inex- pensive, with simplicity the keynote. Teanksgiving Menu • Hot Tomato Juice • Roast Turkey Dressing Potatoes Turnips Green Limn Beans Carrot Salad Squash Pie Ice Cream • TENDERS • WILL BE RECEIVED BY THE 1 undersigned until Wednesday, the 25th day of October, 1947, for 'the purchase of Lot 24, Concession 7, and East one-qusrter .of Lot 24, Ooncesoion 8 (less sdhool part), Township of Hay, County of Huron. ' The farm consists of 125 acres, more or less. Fifty acres are grass lands, and the balance under cultivation, all well drained_ On the said Farm is said to he erected. a brick house and bank barn, both in good •' condition. There is a plentiful supply o2 good water piped to both house and Barn. Hydro available. Location -41/' Miles - from Hensall and 31/ miles from Zurich on•,County Highway. School on premises. - . The highestor any 'te,nder not necessarily •accepted. For further particulars apply to the undersigned. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 22nd day of September, 1947. - W. FORREST, ,R.R., Zurich NWM. BLACKER, R,R., Clinton Executors of John B. Forrest Estate By, their Solicitor, . F FINGLAND, K.C., Clinton, Ontario. 4163-3 Notice To Creditors , FOR SALE --BLUE CilESTERJrIELD,COAT, size 16. Pun be seen at .GCOI21S, THE CLEANER. ' 4164-1 FOR SALE 3 -PIECE CHESTERFIELD suite,"$35.00. - Apply to MRS. ED. LANE, or phone 1264, Seaforth. 4164-1 FOR SALE-FINDLAY'S "WARM MORN- ing." design coal heater, used two months. Apply QUEEN'S HOTEL, Seaforth FOR SXLE-15 PIGS, SIX WEEKS OLD. Phone 841 r 16, Clinton_ JAMES FLYNN, R.R. 1,' Clinton. • 4164-1 FOR SALE -1 GALVANIZED WATER boiler No. 30, in, good condition.- Apply J. C. Garen, Crieh's Bakery. 4164-1 Carrot Salad 2 cups grated carrots 1 cupl grated cabbage 1/3 cup nasturtium seeds or chives 1/3 cup French dressing. Toss vegetables together. Pour on dressing just before serving. Fresh -Limas Bring salted water to a boil (about an inch in the bottom of saucepan). Add a quart of shelled' green limas and cook 25 to 35 'minutes (depend ing upon freshness of beans) in tightly covered pan. Serve them with salt, pepper and butter or make a cream- sauce using the pot liquor for part of the liquid and top milk thick- ened with corilstargh. - Squash Pie Filling FOR RENT -$14.00 MONTHLY, THREE rooms, unheated; adults, or one child_ Box 593, HURON EXPOSITOR_ 4164x1, NOTICE TQ CREDITORS In the Estate. of JOHN' B. FORREST, late of: the Village of Hensel', in the Cpunty of Huron, Retired Farmer, Deceased. Af..I. PERSONS FAVING CLAIMS AGAINST the Estate of the above deceased are re- quired to file the same with the undersigned Solicitor for the said Estate, on or before the 15th day of October, A.D. 1947, after !which date the assets will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the 'claims of which notice shall have been given. (DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 21st day of September, A.D. 1947. F. FINGLAND,- S.C., Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for th4' said Estate. 41634 NOTICE TO�REDITORS In the Estate of EMA INE JOHNSTON, late of the Village, et Hensel'. in the County of Huron, Deceased. ALLPERSONS HAVING CLAIMS AGAINST the 1*tate of the said'2maiine Johnston, late of the „Village, of Hensall, who died .,04 or ,about the 31st day of August. 1947, are hereby notified to send particulars of same to the undersigned 6n or before the 20th day of October, 1947, after which date the Estate well be distributed having regard only to the slating of which the undersigned shall then have notice and the undersigned will not be liable to' any person or whose claim they shallnet then have notice. DATED at Delhi, Ontario, this 19th day of Sel%tember', A.D. 1947, by HARE & HARRISON, '--,Barristers, etc., Solicitors for the Executrix. 41634 FOR SALE -GIRL'S WINTER COAT, IN very good condition, size 18. Apply' to Box 594, EXPOSITOR OFFICE. 4164-1 FOR SALE --$2.00 MODERN ICE BOX for sale, white porcelain ; used one year. Sacrifice. • Box 592, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4164xx1 FOR SALE - ROYAL , PRINCESS PAT range stove, in good condition. Apply to ROSS McNICHOL, R.R. 1,, Walton, or phone 843 r 1'�, Seaforth. 4164x1 FOR SALE -20 PIGS, SIX WEEKS OLD; also some eh'unks. A. C. LEVY, R.R. No. 4. Seaforth. : Phone 662 r 13. 6164x1 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of CHRISTINA MacKENZIE AI.L PERSONS RAVING CLAIMS AGAINST the Estate 54 Christina MacKenzie, late of the Town of Sealforth. Wi&w, deceased, 'echo died on or about .the 10th day of Sep- tember, 1947, are 7ierehY., notified to send in to the undersigned on or before the 9th day of October, 1944, full particulars of their dinInia. . 1'neasediately tater the said last mentioned date; the 'Miele of the said estate will be distYlr'britsh alnongst, the parties entitle& there- . to, having regard only to sesame of which the undetsigred shall there have notice; to lite excursion' of all eethena and the adder sigi0erl *rill ilei be diablc, be any person 83 whose plaint a uridets fired ASA 0154 'then ha'iie' *Wei fee the *meta 60 distributed or apt pint tlieeof, IIrATEn lit' &aiiit% tirie,lbth day of Sep- ' taanbt y 14471 1 ON W. IIILLIg t'lt. d5 the Xicke store. a S tr lin Sesrat1Nh, dee.* PULLETS. FOR SALE -A NUMBER OF New Hampehll'e X Barred Rocks, and White Leghorn X Barred Rock pullets,'ready M lay and -laying. SUNNYVALE POUL- TRY FARM. Phone 666 r 3: ANDREW A. M.00RE. • 4164-2 FOR SALE - 20 S'1'Er,RS, WEIGHING from 800 to 1000 list choice lot, mostly Herefords ; 100 Hybrid pullets, five months old_ Apply to CLEM STEFFLER, R.R. 4. Seaforth. Phone 655 n 1L Seaforth. 4164x1 FOR`. SALE -ENSILAGE CUTTING BOX. with conveyor cups and 'inside silo Pipes ; Cocicshutt grinder one year old. 'HENRY ENZENSBERGER, R.R. 5, Seaforth. Phone 839 r 25. 4169-1 STORAGE BARN FOR SALE-31/2ACRES, suitable for poultry raising with 'barn 45 by 100 feet; having 24 -foot posts.; flaxmii1. 36 by 60 feet; brick boiler room 22 feet square ; colony house 12 by 16 feet; an ad- jacent field of 7 7/10 acres., Terms -Cash. EDMUND GEIGER, Hensall. " 4162-3 Have Your Chrisfrnas Photos Taken Now ! So They Will. 'Be Ready Early! GREETING CARPS FROM YOUR OWN NEGATIVE Anne's Studio HENSALL Coner• Mill & Nelson John G. Kinsman, of Kippen, R.R. No. 2, won first . place in the 'Calf Club at Mitchell with Maple Emblem Indemnity, first son of Klaymore In- demnity, the $3,000 hull owned by W. A. Culbert & Sons, Dungannon, Ont. John ,purchased this calf from Mr. Culbert`in April, 1947, and has won first place in the Mitchell Calf Club, and will now enter the King's Guin- eas Class at the- Royal Winter Fair, Toronto, in November. C- 2 cups stewed, and sieved squash 2. cups whole milk '1 cup brown sugar 2 eggs 1/2 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon vanilla 1 teaspoon cinnamon. cin % teaspoon , ginger 't 1 'tablespo'on butter, melted. Beat the eggs and add to the milk. Ad,1 spices and 'salt to sugar and squash and blend well. Add to milk and egg mixture, along with vanilla and melte.; hu' -ter. Pour into pastry - lined pie dish and bake in an over. 350 F for 50 to 60 minutes. The Question Box Mrs. S. W. asks: Recipe for Spic; ed Tongue. Answer: FOR SALE - MODERN, CHESTERFIELD suite with rich covering.. used a few months only, excellent condrltion ; will sacri- fice at half price of cost; chrome kitchen table; mahogany bookcase; maple night table; singing canary and cage; hydraulic automo- bile uto no -bile jack. ROGER W. JFrr-8E, on Reynolds' Farm west .of Seaforth, Ont. After 6 p.m, or phone 667 'r 33. 4164 - In Memoriam TN LOVING MEMORY OF A DEAR HUS - band and farther, Thomas R. Hodgert, wlro Passed away October 3, 1944. tilt missed by Wife and Children.' 4164x1 IN MEMORY OF JAMES L. GRIEVE, WH® passed away October 5, 1942. Not lost to the ones who loved you, Just gone before, TO that beautiful Isle of Somelwhere, 'Where parting '°'t>a be no more. -Sadly missed by Wife and Family. , 4164-1 Cards of Thanks Spiced Tongue 1 beef tongue (Dash of, allspice % teaspoon Cloves 1 teaspoon -chopped thyme 1 teaspoon chopped marjoram Dash of salt and pepper, 3 tablespoons lemon juice. Cover tongue with boiling water. Add spices and..lemon juice. Simmer gently about ," three hours, or until tongue is tender. Remove skin and roots before serving. Mrs. N. C. asks, ice cream recipe using. cereal' cream and coffee. ' Answer: . MR, SAMUELTBOMSON AND FAMILY wish to thank their relatives. neighbors and friends for the kindness and sympathy shown to them in their recent sad bereave- ment, also for the lovely floral tributes. 4164x1 Births RITCHIE-In Civic Ro pitsd, Ottawa, ion October- 1, to Her. and Mrs. James M. Ritchie, a son --David Alan, ELLIOTT-In Scott Memorial Hospital, on October 2, to Mr. and Mts. Gordon Elliott, Walton, a („daughter. ' Deaths' Coffee Ice Cream cent cream lr/2 cups 18 per 2 whole eggs • 2 egg yolks 1/4 teaspoon salt t'4 cup sugar ' r1z cup strong hot 2 egg whites r/y teaspoon vanilla 1/4 teaspoon almond ,extract. ,Scald cream in double •boilei, Beat •whole eggs and egg yolks. with salt and half -cup sugar. Polir in a por- tion of the 'scalded cream slowly, blending in as. added. Stir isn hot coffee slowly, too, and return the mix- ture to the double boiler. Cook over hot water, stirring constantly until mixture, is thickened and smooth.. Do. not overcook, as mixture 'will curdle. Remove from heat -and cool. ' Beat egg whites until stiff, gradually add remaining quarter -cup of sugar. Fold egg whites into. cooled custard Mix- ture. -.Add flavorings. Turn 'into freezig tray. Freeze at "fast freeze" stirring occasionally during the freez- ing. Yield': Eight servings. coffee xeton "' and St tltlrr's, a nes, .11adq` goad -bye ta Mr; *erg , wIte entire Queen .A.lepnd'ria, 'S'a treatlnertit this eek, an, Of tiller ..pYe0,19'rar7/>Cee from' the three (hilts. ata'riiu o ' ...at ate close We Warden* 1Qs presented Mr. Morgan with purtiPO of mousy. Mr, Lloyd Lake, lof Huron College, ii.ondon, Who will take charge of the parish •dtiring the 'winter, assisted. Mr. Morgan at both .serviced. HENSALL • (continued from .Page 1) T. Wrert,v Assisting the choir from. Iiensall were Mr. and Mrs. Hai Horton, Miss Gladys Luker and. Mrs. Mande,'Hedden. Lovely autumn ±tow- ers decorated the church. Mrs. Samuel Thomson', well known resident of 'Stanley Township, passed away at her 'home Sunday. following .a -paralytic stroke she ,sultered Fri- day morning while preparing break- fast:. reakfast. She was in her 71st year, and was a member of Brucefield United Church. Surviaving are her husband,three sorts, Sydney, Wyoming; "Elgiiff, Tuckersmith, and Llyod on the home- stead; one daughter, Mrs. Lorue Manson, Londnn, and a sister, Mrs. George Troyer, Hensall. Public fun- eral uneral services were held from her late residence Tuesday at 2 p.m., con- ducted by Rev. Stanway. Burial was en Bairdi s cemetery. Miss Margaret MacGregor, popular bride -elect of this month, and chief operator of the local Bell Telephone office, was presented, with a lovely floor lamp on Monday evening .by the staff of the local teleii'hone office. The ladies of Ctiiselhurat United Church will hold a bazaar and home cooking sale in the baement of Hen, sall United Church October ,18. Hold Pre -Nuptial Shower Miss Margaret, -Shepherd' entertain- ed ntertained at her home on Tuesday, evening in honor of Miss' Margaret McGregor, popular 'bride -elect. Arrangenients of streamers in pink and: white and love- ly bouquets'• provided a nice setting. During the evening bingo was, played, the prize winners being as follows: Mesdames Alexander, Bell, Luker, nd Glen n Finch Kerslake, Sanders and Farquhar.Miss Edna Saund',ercock and Miss Margaret Shepherd then made the presentation of many beautiful gifts to the guest of honor, who re= sponded fittingly to her many friends.` Dainty refreshments were served by the hostess, assisted by Mrs. Shep- herd, Edna Saundercock and Erma Kip-fer. , ' Mr. George. Hudson, who was re- moved to. -Victoria 'Hospital, London, on . Saturday underwent' an operation on Thursday. • (Additional Hensall News Page 3 BAYFIELD Parker-TPruss A " lovely fall ceremony took, place in Trinity Anglican Church on Satur- day, Sept. 27, at 2:30 p -.m., when Mary Jacqueline, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Parker, Bayfield, be- came the bride of Keith' Albert Pruss, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs: A. W. Pruss, of London. The. church was beautifully decorated with fall flower's and Rev. Laverne Morgan performed the double ring ceremony. Misr• Bet- ty Lou Larsen, cousin of the tlride, played the wedding music, and Mrs. Larson, aunt of the bride, sang '"0 •1- Beside ' Perfect Love' and "1'11 Walk You." Entering the ' church with her father, who gave her in marriage, the bride war- gowned in white slip- per satin, fashioned with. sweetheart neckline, long sleeves, tight . bodice, and long full.skirt which extended in- to a train. A full-length veil fell from her orange blossom headdress, and she carried a shower bouquet of red roses. Mrs. Fred West, sister of the bride, was matron of honor; and wore a gown of yellow silk faille with matching flowers, headdress wd Carried a bouquet, of fuschia; col- ored gladioli, Miss Dorothy McLeod, of Bayfield, and Miss.Reta Wilson, of London, were bridesmaids, wearing pale green taffeta gowns with match- ing (flower headdresses, and carried Colonial 'bouquets of yellow roses and white' mules, Miss ' Elaine Weston, niece of the bride, was flower girl,- and irl,and were a Kate Greenaway frock of orchid taffeta, with matching bonnet, and carried a basket of white and yel- low mums. Michael Carter, of Lon- don, nephew of the groom, was ring - bearer. Glenn Pruss, brother of the. groom, was groomsman', and the kush- ers were cousins' of the bride, Glenn Smith and Clarence Larson, of 'Lon -- -don. The reception and. wedding din- ner was held at the Albion Hotel for fifty guest's, where Mrs. Parker, mother of the bride, received, wear- ing a black crepe frock with black -accessories and wore a corsage ' of Talisman roses. Mrs. Pruss, mother of the groom, was gowned in Ameri- can Beauty Frepe with matching ac- cessories and wore a corsage of • ros-, es. Mn'. andMi's. Pruss 'left for a , wedding trip to Detroit and Toronto_ . For travelling the' bride wore a brown gabardine suit with yellow blouse and brown accessories. On their retina they' will live( in London. The groom's gift to the bride was a, wrist watch, to the matron: of honor a gold lapel pin, to the bridesmaids pearl ear- rings, to the flower girl a gold locket and chain, to the ushers and best manties, ring bearer a ring, and to the organist and soloists, nylons. Guests were present from Toronto,' London, Woodstock, Innerkip, St. Thomas, Sarnia, Detroit, Varna and Owen Sound.' Mrs: N. W. Woods is spending this week in. Toronto. Mr. and Mrs.- Norman Toms, . of -Detroit, are visiting -the former's mother, Mrs. E. Toms, for a few days this week. Mr. and Mrs. B. Stephenson anti- family, of Toronto, spent the week- end at -their home in the village. Mr. • and Mrs. L. B. Smith` and tam- ly, • of London, ,and. Mr. and Mrs. Harold King, of Sarnia, who attend, ed the Pruss•'Parker wedding, spent the week -end with Mrs. Charles Par- ker. • Mr. and Mrs. Charles Parker and babe, of Toronto were guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Parker last week. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ritchie, of Elm - vale, are visiting the latter's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs.'George King. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Bristol, who. have spent the ''past six months at their home in the village, left -on Sunday for Arlington, W. Va., wher they will spend the winter. .Mr. and Mr's, George Peck, of Far- go, ' N.D., are the guests of the for- mer's sister, Mrs. William Dowson, and Mr. Dowson. • Mrs. H. Ahrens, of Detroit, is spending two weeks at her cottage in the village. Mrs. H. Lambert 'returned home af- ter spending the past week in De- troit. Misses Mabelle• and Eva Schar, of Detroit;. spent ,the week -end with Mr. • and Mrs. Lambert. Harvest thanksgiving services we held in Trinity 'Anglican Church o Sunday. Rev. Laverne,Merg: was charge of both the morning a i , eve- ning services. At the morning ser vice Mrs. E. Heard sang "Open the Gates of the Temple," and at the evening servicb Mrs. R. Larson sang, "Beautiful Garden of Prayer." Dur-., ing the d'ay baptismal service was held and the following children were baptized: James Thompson Scotch - mer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Scotcbmer; Bonnie Anne Parker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. Parker of Toronto; Margaret Jacqueline Weston, 'daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Fred Weston, and David Glen Corrie, son of Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Corrie. It. was with deep . regret, that the congregations' from, the three path** es, Trinity, naytteid; m 'St. Jaes', 'Mid - w+ • SPROAT-In Sebringville, on Sunday, Sept. 28111, Walliani Franklin Sproat, beloved son of Mr. and Mrs. Welham Sproat, in his 40th year. STEWAit.T-In McKillop, on .Tuesday, Sept. 90, 'agargajrgt' Smith, wisl4w of the late William Siewart, in her 77Th year. McLEAN- Suddenly in Toronto • on Monday, Sept. 'la, iitwina Burkholder, beloved wife Of the /late Allan McLean (•Mathemati+ial Mester, Bradford High .Sehool), dear mother• of Mary • (Mss. R. 'tt•I. Harrison), sod the Tate Jessie Beitriee (Mrs. T. F. Bait)..and Gertrude , (Mrs. A. Safe), RAe'hel (Mrs, 3, J 'pV€I n), sed Man M. McLean Reeding at "the Hoes J Greg Fnneral P'ar'lors, Queen (its W. at Dunn Ave., Tenon:to. Servide W'ediieddayt DAP. Interment 4n, 'gaunt ' Anne Allan invites you to write to her c/o The Huron Expositor. Send in your sugesgtions on homemaking problems ,.and watch this column fol replies. KIPPEN • HURON RADIO - - Sales .& Service PHONE 101 : HENSALL FOR GUARANTEED EXPERT RADIO SERVICE The - Lanergon Oil 'Heaters. Stewart; Warner and Marconi -Radios- Spare Time Service. • Ern's, Harley-Davidson °M•toreyeies Sales and Service. S O IAZ,, METS '► A, <Tq�HE SALAYA,TIQN "MIT OCTOBER 5th through OCTOBER1lith (Except SaturdaNi y Week Ohti 8 p.mr) Fighting the Faith Campaign SPECIAL -Music, Singing, Instrumental Numbers Messages - o SUNDAY, OCTOBER 5th -11 a.m. and 7 pan. YOUNG MEN'$ QUARTETTE, LO'N'DON, ONT. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 12th -11 a.m. and 7 p.m. CAPTAINS SMITH AND LOCK,WOO,D, •GODERIOH, ONT. THANKSGIVING SERVICES 9 Mrs.' E. Little, of Hensall, is spend- ing some time with her parents Mr. and .Mrs.; Norman Long. We are sor- ry to _report Mr. Long is confined to his room owing to a broken ankle received last week, the result of a 25 -foot fall in the barn when he be- came entangled in the sling ropes. Mr, and Mrs. Archie Parsons and family visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. J. Linden, of Deiffleld, and also attended Ilderton Fair. Mr. and Mrs. O: Gackstetter s.pent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. Homey in Exeter. • Quite.. a number from here attend- ed Zurich Fair on' Tuesday. Mr. and ' Mrs. Fred Parsons and Walter, of London, visited on. Sun- day with Mr, and • Nita. Archie Par- sons. . Rally Day Services Observed The altar of St. Andrew's United Church here was prettily decorated with late autumn flowers for the spit cial rally day ' services ' on Sunday morning, when Hillsgreen congrega- tion joined, with- Kippen. Special music was. supplisd by a :lal-ge junior choir with eight little girls singing "Praise Him,'Praise Him:" The choir sang, "Father, We Thank Thee." The order of Worship for rally day was followed. The story, "The 'Church of the Friendly "i#eart," was told by Mrs, Harry Caldwell. The Scripture -was, read by Mr. Clarence Reichert, and a very appropriate address was giv- en by Rev. Hinton, challenging the men and .women of today to stand behind the youth wile will, be the men and women of tomorrow. It le our aiin to.. build a stilt larger Sunday, school attendance." or One Week Only. PREMIUM PRICES PAID FOR CHICKENS' - ONLY . There will `be no market for hens until the • week of October 13th HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR EGGS ISAAC -''HUDSON Phone 168 . - . ' Seaforth Amamonommou ou Es no minim es ass. dossmonmessommosi. Hihes�iPr� yes Paid FOR ALL KINDS OF POULTRY A Premium is paid on Chickens of two pounds and tip - For additional information regarding other prices, PHONE 245, MITCHELL, or';apply to r , Parkdale- Poultry. Wholesale Poultry, and Eggi . MITCHELL - ONTARIO Isammomim i111■ii• mmomm imismi•mmommiilillomil■Illlm 1 Safe from HARM ? . . . . not. if she catches 'Smallpox, Diphtheria, Whooping Cough or Scariet 'Fever • Each year hundreds of Cana- dian children die needlessly of such diseases as diphtheria, whooping ' cough and scarlet fever, while small- pox is a constant danger. From 1939 to 1942 inclusively, there were in Canada: • . - 10,762 cases of diphtheria 65,688 cases of scarlet fever - 71,784 cases of whooping cough The preliminary figures for 1943 show scant improvement. , Medical science has the means to prevent these diseases. Toxoid prevents diphtheria. Scarlet • fever toxin protects against scarlet fever. Whooping cough vaccine protects against whooping cough., Smallpox vaccine prevents smallpox. Every child should ,aha re these treat,. ments •by 'the age of one year . . or earlier. • A "re-inforchig" dose of Toxoid should tie . given before the child , starts to school. Parents ...it is up to you to protect YOUR child SEE YOUR DOCTOR -Boar, y �.frh�� � X11Tuckersinith f}lealth Sea o fc o •