HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1947-09-26, Page 8".; , I .5 • ,Atrromctau..gi CAS1JA Ty SANTEE"' BONDS, A,COID NT, P.' SICKNESS, BURGLARY AND WINDSTORM Ak?gretientilig Companies wbe give security With aervice, 44QAeENTS F 0 R ONTARIO *-iliESHERMA.N'S MUTUAL EIRE INSURANCE Information gladly given. WATSON A. REID Insurance & PHONE 215 - & REID - Proprietor Real Estate SEATORTH <><>G 4 0 0 0 0 40 0 0 4> ' 0 • Junerat iloertlicf ..0• Ambulance o -0 Prompt and careful attention. 0 .0. Hospital Bed • 0 '0 FLOWERS FOR ALL A •....., OCCASIONS 0 0 CAR•ce Residence 0 0 43 18 0 -0• 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .0 4 0 o 0 0 G a G 0 00 oro 0000 G G 0 G. A. vairrNEy .0 .0. . Successor to 0 0 HOLMES & WHITNEY 0 0' Main Street - Seaforth O '0 MIDI:FLANGE SERVICE 0 0 Adjustable hospital bed •for 0 -4 rent. 0 4> Agent for .Mitchell Nursery 0 0 • Flowers. 0 0 Telephone 119 0 0 ' Nights and Holiday's 65 0 -0 0 40. 4 4. 0 0,0 0 0 0 0 4. 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0. 0 0 0 0 J. A. BURKE 4> funeral Director 4C) and Ambulance Service 0 .4 DUBLIN - ONT. 0 .-*". _Night or day calls; Phone 43 r 10 0 • '•'!'0 0 0 4. 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 •4 0,0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3' •W. J. CLEARY 0 Seaforth, Ont. , 4> LICENSED EMBALMER 0 -4> AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR 0 .0 Night or Day CaBS-335 .4> 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 NEWS Or THE TOWN Announcement.—The etigage41,,ellt te alluouOcett of Ntary Veroniett, ,eldtest daughter Of Mrs. Kathleen Zits, Feeney, Dublin, and the late Francis Job.s. Feeney, to Mr. John Herbert ,Deschene, Toronto, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Fre,d, Deschene, former residents: .of Sudbury, the marriage to take place at St. Peter's, Church, To- ronto, October 11. Women's Hospital Aid Meets.—The regular meeting of the Women's Hos- pital Aid to Scott Memorial Hospital was held ,in the nursesresidence ou Thursday :and opened by repeatiug the Lord's 'Prayer in unison. The min- utes of the previous meeting were read and adopted. A motile was passed that the same officers act for the ccuniug year. Arrangements were made for a telephone bridge, .to be held on Nov. 12. The next meetihi will be held at the home of Mrs. E, A. McMaster. The meeting adjourned, and a delicious lunch •waS serVecl. e'ese-etteteeettesese°41T.`reee......i• <76". - • • . • , „Ma, • •,,:osomseomw: TAXI SERVICE ALL, PASSENGERS INSURED Phone Seaforth CECYJ. LEMON • Seaforth Monument Works PRYDE & SON Memorial Craftsmen • Seaforth Exeter. Clinton 1 • Seaforth. Showrooms -open Tuesday , See Dr. Harburn or appointment any other time, or Phone 41-J, Exeter: Chesterfields • and ' Occasional Chairs • REPAIRED AND RECOVERED Also Auto Seats and Backs, Verandah Swings and. Steamer Chairs Repaired. Stratford Upholstering • Stratford TELEPHONE 579 • For further information apply at Box's Furniture Store SEAFORTH Barbara Kirkman Auxiliary Meets. —The September meeting of the Bar- bara Kirkman Auxiliary was held on 'Tuesday evening and l was opened .by the president, Mrs. J. E. Daley, who also conducted the business part for the,, evening. The program N'i'as 111 Charge of the Marian Williamson droup of which Mrs. J. B. Russell Is convener. Mrs. Russell's meditation on the part of the Lord's Prayer; "Forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors," included the Scripture reading by Mrs, J. A. MacDonald, the singing of an appropriate hymn, and, the reading of the Glad 'ridings Pray- er by Miss Belle Smith, The topic on the study• of India was very ably and interestingly taken by Mrs. C. E. Smith. Miss Marian ' Mason. accom- panied on the' piano by Miss Lenore Habkirk, sang very acceptably a sweet little song. The offering was taken by Mrs. W. M. Stewart and lVirs, R. B. Holmes. BODY AND FENDER REPAIRS AT Seaforth Motors PHONE 141 41111111111•••11111111111111111111•11ft Prbean W. M. Meets. ----The Senio/r- AlfzUlary of the Waraen's MIS- sionary Society held.their Septembe meeting in Ftret Priaa4Yterian Chum Tuesday. WIrfl. Robert %.Eherhart pr sided. After singing Hyran 545 Mrs, "Eberhart based her opening remarks an Secend-Chronicies, seventh chap. ter, verse fourteen, Bellowed by PraiY. er, and conducted the business. Mrs. J. Beattie, v,-hasgroup was in charge, gave a short discourse on "Forgive us our,debes as we forgive our debtors," • followed by prayer on the same theme. The Soripture reading was taken by Mrs. Wm. Ament and a message from Mrs. C. Brodie was read. -The study of India was -con- tinued, being interestingly presented by' Miss Lena Graham and Mrs. J. C. Greig. The collection was taken by Mrs. W. D. Smith and the closing prayer giver1 by Mrs. W. Deover. Plan.were made by the executive for the Thanksgiving meeting in Oc tober. Northside United Church.—Rev. FL V. Workman, Minister: Rally Day Service, _Sunday School meets at 10:30 a.m.; 11 a.m., Congregation and, Sunday, Syneol, Unite in worship, theme, "Crusading in Our Church School; 7_ p.m., Wfirship Service; sub- ject, "The Manifold Blessings of God's Fiaad." These services are on E.S.T. First Presbyterian Church. — Rally Day: The .Sunday School will meet with 'the congregation at 11 a.m. for a :special service of worship. The boys and girls are asked to meet at 10:30 in the Sunday' School room; 7 p.m., Public Worship, the ,Minister will preach Sunday, Oct. 5, at 11 a.m., The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper. Anglican. Sunday, Sept. 28: All Services Standard Time: 8t. Thomas', Seaforth-10 a.m., Sunday School; 11 a.m., MOrning Prayer, The Rector will, preach; 7 p.m., Evening Prayer, Rev. J. L. Henderson, of Blyth, will preach St. Mary's, Dublin -3 p.m., Service an,d sermon by the Rector. Rector, 'Rev: C. P. L. Gilbert, B.A. The W:A. of St. • Thomas' Church' will begin the season's work with a quilting in the 'Parish Hall on Tues- day, September 30, at 2 p.m. THE McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO'Y. '11#AD OFFICE — SEAFORTH, ONT. OFFICERS: Frank McGreg9r, Clinton - President Chrie Leonhardt, Brodhagen, Vice -Pre, Merton A. Reid, Seaforth - Manager and Secretary -Treasurer. • DIRECTORS': Chris. Leonhardt, Drod;hagen; E. J. Trewartha, Clinton; Harvey Fuller, it.R. 2, ,aoderich; f. H. McEwing, R.R. 1, Myth: Frank McGregor, R.R.- 5, Clinton; Hugh Alexander, R.R. 1, Wal- tOnl William R. Archibald, R.R. 4, .fieftforth; John L. Malone, R.R. 5, Sea- '• forth; S. H. Whitinore, R.R. 8, Sea- • tarth- AGENTS: . •• Virilay ideicernner, rt•tt. 1, Dublin; •• ,O. ROPPer, Drutelleld; J. E. ?Meter, lltidbagbttli Ocitnle A. Watt,' 13141h. -Married in Oshawa.—The marriage of Ethel GPI -tee Daley, daughter of Mr. Edward Daley and the late Mrs. Daley, formerly of Seaforth, to -Louis Hillyard Palmer, Brockville, son, of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Palmer, of Port Perry, was solemnized in the Parsonage of .Northminster United EUCHRE -DANCE ST. COLUMBAN HALL FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 26 8:30 P.M. — CARDS DANCING , Lucky Chair Prize DOWN E Y-IV1cOU Al D ORCHESTRA DOES YOUR Septic. Tank Need Cleaning? IF 60 • Phone 21-W or 66-J, Tavistock or write Box '266, Tavistock We have equipment to do this work promptly and satisfac- torily without any mess. Harley 'Roth TAVISTOCK, ONT. • Koehler - Moore. — A very pretty wedding took place at 12 o'clock 110011 011 Wednesday, at the Manse of Eg- miendville Church, when Mary Eliza-. beth (Betty), daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew" A. Moore, of Egxaond- ville, was united in marriage to Mr. Elsner Koehler, son of Mr, and Mrs. Koehler, of ,McKillop. Rev. A. W. Gardiner performed the cere- mony-. The bride, given in marriage by her father, was becomingly dress- ed in a grey wool suit and, black ac- cessories. She carried red roses; Her only attendant was her sister, Miss Margaret Moore. 'as bridesmaid, who were a blue wool dress. The grooms- man was Mr. •MorleY Koehler, A re- ception was held at the ,home of the bride's parents, when Mrs. Moore re- ceived in a gown of grey faconne crepe and wore a corsage of fushia • asters, Later Mr. and Mrs. Koehler _left' for Kitchener on a motor trip. Adult Fellowship Group 'Mets.— The Adult FelloWship Grotto of North- side' United Church held its monthly 'meeting on Monday evening. The president, J. Stevens, opened the meeting by prayer. After singing "In Christ There is No East Nor West," Rev. H.' V. Workman led, in prayer. Miss Thelma Elgie read the Scrip- ture, Luke 19, and the' minutes and. roll call were read by the secretary, Miss Ruth Cluff. Ernest Clarke, re- tUrned missionary -student from • Mis- tatiin, Sask., related his experiences • dUring the past summer. He spoke of organizing summer camps for district children and opening vacation schools. Several pictures of communitY life in Mittatina were shown and illustrated ty Mr. Clarke. The clOsing hynna,', "Jesus Shall Reign Where'er the -Sun" was sung and the meeting closed by' repeating. the 1Vlizpah benediction. Several contests were enjoyed and .a delicious lunch was served by the social 'committee. Egmondville W. A. and W. M. S. Meets.—The regular meeting of the W.A. and W.M.S. was held Thursday night. at the homeof Mrs. Casey Way. The.meeting opened with the vice- president of the W.M.S., Mrs. Rich- ardson, in the chair, by singing Hymn 502. Mrs. Keyes then led in prayer. Mrs. Clemente read a letter 'from Mrs. Kirkby, stating the allocation for Missions, Mrs. Keyes gave a reading on Temperance and Mrs. Watson con- ducted the devotional service. Mrs. Boyes, president of the W.A., .took over the meeting and P the minutes of the last meeting were read and adopt- ed and the roll call taken. Following the business period a short program was given. Mr* Brintnell rendered a lovely elo. Mrs. McLellan took the topic, "Don't Make Menses, Make Good." Mrs, Glenn, of Chiselhurst, guest sneaker, gave a splendid paper, "Mine and William's Thankoffering." Mrs. Andrew McKenzie favored with a solo, H3gnn A06 Was sung and the Lord's 'Prayer repeated in nelson. Mrs. Hay conducted a contest and a delieloitS lunch -was served. EXPERT RADIO REPAIRING Prompt and. Efficient Service CLAYTON J. DENNIS PHONE 355 Agent for • ROY' BOYD RADIO & SALES SERVICE Mitchell All Work Guaranteed • Arthur Fraser Income Tax Reports Bookkeeping Services, Etc. EXETER Ann Street Phone 355W ••••11e. • FOR SALE , First Class Modern Brick House, High St., Seaforth. Prompt posses- sion. E. C. CHAMBERLAIN Real Estate Broker INSURANCE PHONES: 334 or 220 - SEAFORTH tf- AXI Day and Night Service PHONE 355 . CLAYTON J. DENNIS All passengers insured. SATURDAY,. SEPT. 27 Card#0's Hall, Seaforth NORM cARNEG1E and His Band 'ADMISSION - 50 GENTS Church, Oshawa, Tuesday afternoon, with the Riv. B. S. Morwood officiat- ing. The brute was given in marriage .by her,rather. She wpre an afternoon trock of aqua sheer with embroidered yoke and waist. She carried a •colon- ial bouquet of pink roses and *lite gladiolas petals. Mrs. E. A. South- well, sister of the bride, was the matron of • honor. She wore a' dress similar to thebride's in powder bine. Her bpuquet was oC red. roses "and yellow gladiolus petals. The best man was Mr. E. A. Southwell. A recep- tion was held at the bride's father's home where her aunt, Mrs. Harry Horton; received, the guests.' The couple left on a wedding trip through Northern Ontario. The bride wore a blue mist crepe dress with brown ac- cessories. Mr. and Mrs. Palmer will live in Brockville. FOR SALE • Asbestos covered dwelling on South Main Street, Seaforth. Dwelling and •barn in Egmondville; w!th three acres of land; 1,4 acre sni&U fruit. Suitable for poultry. Im- mediate pesseseion. Dwelling and 2 or 3 acres of land, in Seaforth. Suitable for poultry farm. Frame asphalt, Dwelling, Railway Street.' Modern conveniences.. Im- mediate possession. • Modern Dwelling. North Main St. Immediate possession. - Frame Dwelling on Centre Street, Egmondville. . •• , Modern •Dwelling on Louisa Street. M. A. REED REAL ESTATE • PHONE 214 Mae leRne'Auxiliary Has Septemtber Meeting,—The September4 meeting of the Mae Lane Auxiliary was held on Tuesday evening with Mrs. B. F. • 1 Week Only "LUSTROUS ZOTOS" Creme Cold Wave $12.50 for• $10 AT THE — • VOGUE Beauty Salon • Comniercial Tiotel PHONE 31 " NOTICE I have installed a New Electric Welding • Ma- chine in my Service Sta- • tion. The telephone has been transferred from the house t� the office. The No. is 832 r 22 Seaforth , R. K. Davidson WINTHROP• • Teeswater Fair • SEPT: 30 - OCT. 1st Commencing at 12:30 p.m., sharp. • Outstanding Horse Show—(23 heavy teams, 33 single horses in harness at 1946 Fair). Five Racing Events -2:27 Class`, 2:15...Class, 3 Road Races. Mobile Starting Gate ,will be used. ' Regional Hereford and Yorkshire Shows, Exeter Brass Band, .Durham Pipe Band, Musical Chairs on Horse- back, Chicken -fly Cont, Comic Vehicles, See Gritz and his mule (worth- the adnvission price), Novelty Juggling Act, Dance Team from De- troit, Eicl, Etc. "Nowhere can you see so much for ea little" A. G. REID„ A. B. McKAGUE, Pres, Sec. FIREPLACE ` FURNACE A POWERFUL HEATER FOR YOUR HOME The Tweed Steel Works, Fireplace Furnace draws the cold air out of the room, heats it and sends it bad: inro the room hot. It saves fuel. '1/4)Vily install an old-fashioned fireplace to let the heat's° up out the chimney to heat the outside world. Send for free catalogue and list of satisfied users. You will be interested in a Fireplace Furnace, TWEED STEEL WORKS LTD, TWEED ONTARIO Pjperto heat upstelr3 ;.• pbrlatie presiat441, $MW Vera, rat ng i?Peuct4 tbq ing by '1'e:WTI:1g a Peilin After staging, the hyM11,. "We Have Heard the Joy - rill :Sound," Miss Trawl Mole led In prayer. he riebret0,17,. Mies Mary' Pryce, read, the MinUtes or the July and August meetings. Reperts were, read by the various secretaries, the hymn, "0 Word of God. Inearnatel° was sung, folloWed by responsive reading of Chapter XIX.. Mrs. Knight then led in prayer. A duet, "There's; a Church in the Valley," was sung by Misses Blanche Westcott , and June Snell, accompanied, by Emma Sander - eon. The topic, "Th'e Bible, Man'a ;Imperishable Heritage,' was taken from the tudy book, "Great Is the Company," The history of the traasla- tion of the Bible was given by Daise Mary Pryce, St. Jerome, A.D. 405; Mrs. E. H. close, Dr. John Wycliffe, 13204384, and 1Vliss l. Fenuell, Wm. Tyndall, and proved very instructive. The meeting closed by repeating the 'Nfizpah benediction. hank You . MRS. DOROTHYSUTHERLAND, who is 'discontinuing the operation of the Sutherland Beauty 'Shoppe on Septem- ber 27th, expresses her appreciation and thanks for the patronage and cp-opera- don extended her during the ?ears she has been in business. LOCAL BRIEFS • Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Dodds, of Buffalo, N.Y., spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dodds, McKillop. • Miss Lillian Fautkner has return- ed after 'spending her holidays in Midland and Toronto. • Mrs. Lloyd Hoggarth spent a few days. in London this week. • Miss Shirley Muir lett this week for Brantford, where she will attend school. • Mr. Fred Ty,riss, of. Brantford., was in town this week renewing ac- quaintances. ' • Miss Doris Ferguson • left this Week ,for Toronto, where •she will at- tend University. • Miss Annie Brodie, GE Toronto, spent the week -end at the home of her _parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brodie. • Mr. and Mrs. Charles Damage, of Kitchener, were guests of Mr. and Mrs, Robert Dodds. • Mr. and Mrs. 'Hugh Williams, of London, , spent the week -end with Mr, and Mrs. M: McKellar, • MI', aegrge Hayt-spent the past twq weeks In, the Parry Sound'Di,s- 3rict, • Mr. Oban MacTavish left on Tues- day for Toronto; Where he will at- tend the University of Toronto. • • Mrs. 3, E. Keating has returned from 'Windsor, where she spent the past two weeks. • Mrs, William Fergussa; of Bay- field; Miss Margaret Ferguson, of Toronto, and, Mr, Herb, Barret, of Illinois, visited with Miss Susan Gov- enlock over the week -end. • Mr. Ernest Clarke, who spent the summer on a mission field at Mistatim, Sask., has, returned to the home of his' parents, Mr. and. Mrs. M. -E. Clarke. He _will leave shortly for Toronto, where he will attend Trinity College. • • Mr. 'and Mrs. D. H. Wilson and Mes. Kenneth McQuaig were in To- ronto lase week. • Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Keating are in Toronto this week. • Mrs. Agnes MaeTavish is visit- ing in Georgetown. • Mrs. Albert Casemore, of Hamil- ton, is visiting, at the home of her brother, Mr. Edward Mole. • Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shelly and three sons, of Dayten; Ohio, and Miss Margaret Rolph, 'of ,London, were the guests last week of Mr. and Mrs.. J. P. Bell. • Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Crowe and son, Dean, are spending their holidays in Cobourg, Mr. Harry McLeod is act- ing operator at the Regent Theatre in Mr. Crowe's absence-- - • Mr. and Mr's. Sam. Somers, of Detroit, were week -end guests of Mr. 'and Mrs. George Eaton. • Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Smith, of To- ronto, and Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Bryan, of Galt, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. John Hotham, Jr. • 'Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Bell and daugh- ters, Margaret and Patricia, of St. Marys, spent Saturday with Mr: and Mrs., J. P, Bell. •• Mr. Harry Stewart, of 'Sarnia, • spent the week -end with his son-in- law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kennedy, in Egmoncleille. • Mr. William Rea, of Edmonton, a former well-known resident of „1V1c- Killop, is visiting relatives and friends in Walton and vicinity. • Mr. and Mrs. George A. Love, of Shipka, spent the week -end with 'Mr. HanadMrs. James F. Scott, at Thornton Hall. • Miss Margaret Grieve, of ,Oak- ville, spent the week -end -at the home of her mother, Mrs. J. L. Grieve. • • Mr. and Mrs. Bruce McLean and Mr. and Mrs. David McLean spent 'Sunday in St. Marys. • Miss • Florence Stewart and Mrs. Mame Ro'bins, of the staff 'of ,Brant- ford General Ho:spite], were recent guests of M. and Mrs, J. B. Higgins. • Mr. and7Mrs. W. R. Shaw were in Detroit over the week -end, the guests of her brother and( sister-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Langford. • Mr. antd Mrs. John W. McKinley, of Winnipeg, are guests of Mrs. M& Kinley's brother, Mr. James F. Scott and Mrs. Scott. • Mrs. J. T. Muir, of Dundee, Scot- land, is a guest at the -home of Mr. and Mr.. A. Y. McLean. • Mr. Gordon .McKellar, of the C. N.R., Toronto, visited his' parents, Mr: and Mrs. M. McKellar, last week, • Mr. and Mrs. W. Beattie and two children, of Toronto, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Beattie last we:k. Miss Helen McKercher, who spent a week with her parents in. McKillop, returned over the week-endi to Ithioa, N.Y., where she is attending Cornell T.Iniversity. Sh,e was accompanied by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 1F. Mc- Hercher..• • Miss June Shaw, of Stratford • Normal, spent the week -end at her home here. ^ • Mrs. •Margaret tCuthili and Mis'S Jessie,Dennis, of MCKillop, have re- turned from- a nine weeks, trip to the Pacific Coast and Western Provinces. • Mr. G. A. 'Whitney was in Niagara Falls Monday and Tuesday attending the Ontario 'Funeral Directors' Assoc- tation convention. ' • Miss Kathleen' .Sillery spent-tdie week -end in Varna visiting Mr. and 'Mrs. Gordon Johnston., ELIMVILLE Mrs. M. Rently, of Kirkton, is- vie' iting With- her spn .and tamilyeMr. andl hoalr Seatotth OW PLAYING — Thursday, Friday, Saiurday THE ,FARMER'S DAUG411.11R " • with• LORETTA YQUNG JOSEPH GOTTEN ETHEL. EIAFIRYMORE Let's be candid about Katie! She DID take a job as housemaid in a ba,elaelor Congressman's home. She DID fall. in love with .him, She DID risk scandal with that painter,. BUT WHAT A GIRL! You'll love her—and the amazing story of her career from cornfield to Capita • MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY "THE LOCKET " • iwith ' LARAINE DAY ' BRIAN A,HERNE ROBERT 'M ITCHUM An unusual and compelling psychopathic drama which will prove very interesting to the Theatre -goer.. NEXT THURSDAY, FRIDAY-, SATURDAY "MICHIGAN KID A IN TECHNICOLOR with JOHN HALL •VICTOR MacLAGEN RITA JOHNSON • and ANDY DEVINE All the thrills of Rex Beach's mightiest adventure story. A saga of • the West's most dangerous, man, • • Coming: '`THE EGG AND I" With • CLAUDETTE COLBERT and FRED MacMURRAY "Something to crow about," jamemummamilmenimmismair., Mrs. W, Routly. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Coultis, of Lon- don, spent the past week at the home, of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Coultis,• Mr. Elgin Skinner,' teacher of Mil- ton, spent the week -end at his home here. Congratulations are extended to Mr. Harvey Sperling, teacher, and. pupil's of Winchelsea school win- ning first prize at . Exeter Fair for. drill and costume. TAXI Passengers Insured PHONE 128, Seaforth LEE'S ' NOTICE! TO THE CUSTOMERS OF THE Ina,'Gray Beauty Shop For your convenience 1 have installed a private rural phone for Better atisfaction TRY SEAFORTH 669. We excel in Permanent Waving, Breck Treat- - ments, Finger Waving, Shampoos and Manicuring. ' Call Early for Appointments at Residence, EGMONDVILLE, but PIIONE 669, Seaforth . ' 41111=11•111111111=JIMMIIIk, • ON HAND --- 1 car of Hemlock -2x6, 2x8, 2x10 1 car of Cedar -2"x4" to 12", and 3"x4" to 12"—Lengths 8' to 2' SPRUCE—in 1 and 2. -inch, all widths and lengths; also a car of tongue and groove spruce 5, 6, T and 8 -inches wide. FIR—In various length and thicknesses. PEELED CEDAR POSTS—Straight and in good sizes. CEDAR GRAIN SHINGLES—Dover White and Grey; Famous Johns - Manville Siding. INSUL BRICK SIDING and ROLL BRICK SIDING INSULATION—Loose or by the carton. • 13/6 OAK FLOORING PLYWOOD—Ye, 3/16, 14 and %-inch, various sizes. • BEAVERBOARD and ,FLEXBOARD • HARDWALL PLASTER ROLL ROOFING SASHES AND -DOORS , • Seaforth Supply & Fuel -CO. "Where the Best Costs No More". Phone 47• Seaforth HORSE unners wi Trotters Pacers a.f4-"rt ace Track- 2.30 p. TURDA • (SEPTEMBER 27th) An Afternoon of Thrilling Sport 41.1111161. • ADMISSION 50c Plus Tax • r 1 k. 4,1