HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1947-09-26, Page 6air Prie .t entinued from, i Page,, .. Dairy Cattle ,' Jrseyrer-u11, 2 yearn' AO over, glade ;lull, 1 year old, Trewartha,, NINA; best cow, Hood g, Trewartha, Jieode heifer, 2 years old., Trewartl.a 2,: 7'Zood; heifer, 1 year old, Trewar- tba,t Xigod, Trewartha 2; heifer calf, *lnsler• 1 year, Hood, Trewartha 2, atilt. } �tgetteins. Bull, '1 year olds, • ;filar • tslt'all.;. En', B, Goudie; bull calf under'.1 year, Van Egmend; best cow; Mar- shall 2, 'Van II/greeted; heifer, 2 years old, Marshall 2; heifer, 1 year old, Vali; Eg'mond, Marshall; E. B. Goudie; heifer calf, under 1 year, 1Viarshall 2, Van Egmond 2. ' Dairy'Cattle-Herd prize, 4 females •ands bul'1;'• Marshall, Hood, Van Eg- Mor}ci, Trewartha, Ispperial Oil Special -Grand cham- pion cow of all dairy breeds, Hood, Ma#shalt, W. J. Thompson Special- Besa Jersey cow, Hood; W. J. Thomp- son; Special,., for best Holstein cow, "Manshail; T. Eatd4t Co. Special -Best group of 3 dairy cows ,of any one breed, Marshall. Judge -Hume 'Clutton, Goderich, Sheep , Shropshires-Aged- ram, .Orval Mc - 'Gowan; shearling ram, Orval McGow- an; rain lamb, under 1 year, Geo. H. Armstrong & Son 21 'Orval McGow- an,having > ewe Lambed in 1947, 9 7, O. McGowan, George H. Armstrong; shearling ewe, Geo, H. Armstrong, 0. McGowan; ewe lamb, Geo. "H;• Arm- strong & Son, 0. -McGowan, Geo. H. Armstrong .& Son. Lincolns - shearling ram, A. D. 'Steeper; ram lamb, under 1 year; A. D. Steeper 21 ewe having lambed in 1947, A: D. Steeper 2; shearling ewe, •A. .D:. Steeper 2; ewe lamb, A, D. Steeper 2. ' Leicesters-Agea, ram, John,Co•wan; shearling ram, John Cowan; William R. Pepper, John Cowan; ram lamb, under 1 year, John Cowan, Wm. R. Pepper; ewe having lambed in 1947, John Cowan, .Wm., R. Pepper, Geo, H. Armstrong & Son; shearling ewe, John Cowan, Wm, R. Pepper 2; ewe lamb, Wm. R. Pepper 2, John Cowan. Oxfords -Aged "ram, 'Donald Deer ing, Orval McGdwan; shearling ram, Orval McGawan, Donald Deering; ram lamb under 1 year, Donald Deer- ing, Orval McGowan, Donald 'Deer- ing; ewe having lambed. in 1947, Or - . McGowan„ Donald Deering ' 2; shearling ewe, Donald Dearing,' Orval McGowan, Donald) Deering; ewe lamb, Donald Deering 2, Orval McGowan.: • Dorset Horned -Aged ram,' P• E. S Deering -2, Orval McGowan; shearling S 'ram, P. 'E. Deering .2, Orval McGow-, o ar 64.* 1410 under 1 year,'" P. l aerin: ; #, DeVal "M'c?Giewelte. eWEI hav- lag 1aru1red he 847, '. E. 'Peering 2. Orval, McGowan; shearling ewe, F. P. Deering 2; Orval McGowan; ewe Web, P. E. Deering, Orval McGowan, E. Deering. Best pen of long -wool sheep, A. D. Steeper, John Cowan, William R. Pepper; sweepstal;es badge, best ram shown, John Cowan •svaeepstake• badge, best ewe shown; A. D, Steep- er; sweepstakes badge, best lamb of 1947, William R. Pepper; best pen of short -wool sheep, P. E. Deering, Or- val 1V1eGowan, Donald Deering; mar- ket lamb, ewe or wether, P. E. Deer- ing, John Cowan, George H. Arm- strong rmstrong & Son. Goderich Salt Co. Special, most prizes in'iOSection C. Orval McGowan; Canadian Countryman Special, sec- ond most prizes in Section C, P. E. eering. Judge -Ross McTavish, Stratford. Pigs Yorkshires. --Boar, over 1 Year, Win. Montgomery, Wm.' Turnbull; boar lit- tered since Sept., 1946, Wm. Turnbull, J. ,Sloan; boar, 6 months and under, Wm. Turnbull 2; sow, 1 year or over, Wm. Turnbull 2, Wm. Montgomery; sow littered since Sept., 1946, Wm, Turnbull 2; sow 6 months and under, Wm. Turnbull 2, Lorne Goudde. Berkshires -,-Boar, over 1 year, Jelin Cowan 2; boar littered since Sept., 1946, John Cowan; sow, 1 year or over, Jghn Cowan; sow';' littered since Sept.; 1940, John Cowan 2. Tamworths-Pen of 5 shoats (bac- on), underou 100 ds p n William Turn- bull, McMillan 2. McGavin Special -Best boar on the grounds. William Montgomery. 3. Powell Special -Best Yorkshire sow on gr•outlds, William Turrubull. Purity Flour Mills Special -Best pen of bac- on -type hogs, all breeds, ,William Turnbull. Bacon Hogs -T. Eaton Special, Francis Coleman, William J. Dale, Judge -Elgin Senn. H,orticuliural Products - Apples -Collection of apples, 12 varieties. Fred McClymont and 2nd; six named varieties .winter apples, Fred McClymont and 2nd; four nam- ed varieties fall apples, Fred' McCly- mont. and 2nd; Baldwins, Fred Mc- Clymont and 2nd; King of •Thorns - kin,.. F. McClymont and 2nd; North- (•rn 'Spies. F. McClymont and End; Fallawater, F,• McClyniont; Golden Russets, F. McClymont; Westfield sr - c. -No -Further. Fred McClymont; 'Wealthy, F. .McClymont; Pewaukee; F. McClymont;"' Ontario,. F, McCly- mont; Wagner, F. McClymont; Rox- boro Russets. F. Mcclythont; Graven - stein', F. , McClymonte Cayuga Red, treak or 20 -Ounce, P. McClymont; pitzenburg, F, McClyinont; Fameuse r Snow Apples, E. McClymont; Col - FOR YOUR OLD TIRES ON BRAND NEW G®Ot/i YEARS sv SeahwthMotors Chev. = Ols. Sales & Service Phone 141 • Seaforth llea&'Nnrth to Nijsinf Two hundred and twenty miles from Toronto lies North. Bay on Lake Nipissing , at the centre of an •uns?oilt holiday playground. Mile after mile of sandy beaches, ., splendid game • • TOURIST BUSINESS iS GOOD BUSINESS L, . FOR EVERY CITIZEN! We all' profit when the timrist ' business you. So it's helpsin .. •- copes ,to our province or coua- your interest to do all you can try. Even i£ you have no coarser- to encourage friends from other tion with hotels, oil companies parts, to „corn and share our or amruseinents, the increased Ontario Holiday& 4 High Falls, Nipissivg River, Ontario fishing... golf ...'accommoda- tion for every taste'and pocket- book. Want more detailed information?'Write to 'Ontario Holiday, Room 1004, Victory Building, Toronto. -r/ Ie Of it serial elinin fYi"sooeritt d)lewe rtiO I'1etuldyt b rd bed' in tiffs' odic haloes, i t 14.4 i' Irirrrefled THE. 1101,X EXPOSITOR R1 vert, F, Atc(7lyanont; Maular, F. Ai Guetieta 131enileim Orange, F, .314o. Clymont; Maiden Blush, "ia" McOly meat; crab appleo, Yellow, F. Me01 Mont; Rhode Island Greeniugs, McClymoat; 1'wibaton Pippins, F, Mc- Clyrront; Blenheim Pippintn, F, McCly moat; Fall PIPPrin, F. McClymont; Cranberry Pippin, 'F. McClymont; St., Lewrence, Audrey Idulley, F. McO#y ' snout; Canadian Red, F. MMClymout; McIntosh Red, F. MpO1yront; Tol- man Sweet, F. Me.Clymont- Pears-Four varieties of winter pears„ Fred McClymont; four varie- ties of fail pears, • •F. Mc(3lymont; Flemish Beauty, F. McClymont ; Duchess of Agouline, F. McClymont.; Beurre Clairgeau, F. McCI•ymont; Clapp's Favorite, A. Turnbull, F. Mc- Clymont; Sheldon, P. McClymont; Louis Bonne de Jersey, „F. MoOIye mont; Bartlett, F. M•eclymont; Seck- el, F. McClymont; Beure d'Anjou, F. McClymont. •Plu•ms-Washington, Fred McCly'- wont; Green • Gage, F. M•eClymont; Duane's Purple, F. McClymont; Pond's Seeddittg, F. McClymont; Rene Claude,' F. McClymont; German Prune, F. Mc- Clymont; any other variety, F. Mc- Clymont: Grapes -Blue, Wm. • Bradshaw, Mer- ton Keyes; Green, Merton Keyes, F. MGCly'mont; best collection of grapes, Merton Keyes„ F. McClymont; Fam- ily Herald & .Weekly Star Special, most entries in this section, Fred) Mc- Clymont: ' Judge -N. L. Carter, Clinton. Poultry. (Adult Section) New Hampshire (h, er & p), F. Mc- Clymont; Rhode Island Red (h, cr & p), Fred McClymont; Barred Ply- mouth Rock (t;, ,cr & p), F. McCly- mont; White Rock (c, h and cr), F. McClymonrt, (p), Alf. Buchanan, F. McClymont; Light Sussex (c, 'h & cr), F. McClymont, (p) Alf. Buchan- an; White Leghorns (h, cr & p), F. McClymont, Pekin Ducks (young duck), Merton Keyes; Rouen duck, (young duck), Merton Keyes. Utility Pens,. three females -New Hampshire, Fred ricGrlymout; Rhole Island Reds, F. McClymont; Barred Plymouth Rocks, F. McClymont; White Rocks; F. McClymont; Light Sussex, Alf. Buchanan, F. McCly- mont; White Leghorns, F. Meely- moat; Croes Breds, Elgin Nott, -Fred McClymont. H. G: Meir Special -Best bird in the show, J. Scott, • • (High School Section) New Hampshires (er), H. W. Gib - binge and 2nd, O.C.L; .Barred ....Pay- mouth ...P y -mouth Rock•' (h), D, Bratis'haw, (cr), K. Blanchard, S.H.S,, L.'Smith, S.H.S., (p), A. Bolton, S.H.S., • K. Blanchard, S.H.S.; Light -Sussex (h), R. Managhan, C.C.I), G. Chapman, S. H -S., (cr) 'G. Chapman, S.,I-LS., Ruth Keyes, S.H.S., (p) Ruth Kefs, White Leghorns (h), Don McNeil, C. C.I., (cr), G. Collins, S.H,S.; any eth- er variety Bantams (c),, D. Milton, S.H.S„ G. Nixon, S.H:S,, (h) D. Mil - 'ton,. S.H.S.,• (cr) G.. Chesney, S.H.S., S. CIa3'born, S.H.S., I p) G. Chesney, S.H,S.; any variety Pheasants, (c, h, cr & pa, Wm, Chowen, Utility Pens, three females -New Hampshires, D. ' Glanville, S.H.S.; Barred Plymourli` Rock, N. Kinach, C.C.I., A. Bolton, S.H.S:; Light Sus- sex, F. Huisser, S.1-I.S.; Cross-Breds, M. Connolly, .S.H.S.. C. McNichol, S. H.S.; White Le,ghorna M. Collins, S. H.S. Grand Prize, Silver Cup, most points, dconated by W: L. Whyte -Sea - forth High School, 107 points; Sea - forth Public. School, 49 points. (Public School Section). - New, Hampshires (cr & p), M. Whyte, No. 3. Hullett; Rhdde.island Reds (cr & p), J. Scott, Scott, ,S.P.S., let) W:" Scott, S..P.S., J. Scott, S.P.S"' Barred Plymouth' Rocks (cr & p), J. Scott, S.P.S., J. Whyte, No. 3,-Hullett; Light. Sussex, (h), G. Pullman, S.P.S., J. Walsh, Sep.S,, (cr) L. Whyte, No, 3,. Hullett, J'..Scott, S.P.S., (p) J. Buchanan, No. 3, Hullett, ,L. Whyte, No. 3; Huliett; any variety Bantams (c), J. H3lloway, S.P.S., Joan Hunter, S.P.S., (h) R.. Trewartha, No. 10, McKillop„ W Scott, S.P.S.,. (cr & p) R. Trewartha, No. 10, MoKillop; any variety rabbits, (old buck, old does), W. -McLean, S.H.S.; (young g b uck) J. Malone, S.S.S. No. 1, McKillop, (young doe) Bob Caldwell, No. 2. Any variety Pheasant (c, & h) Elsie Siernon, (cr & p) Jean Siemon. Muscovy, Ducks -Joyce Holloway, ist and 2ncl, S.P.S. , Special - Crested Houden, Joan Hunter, S.P.S. Judge -Harvey Webster, R.R. 3, St. Marys. Dressed Poultry and Eggs Open To All Poultry Producers - Six dressed chickens, Elgin Nott, Russell Bolton; 2r dozen white eggs, W. J. Dale, Mrs'. Jas. Carter, Eleanor Storey; 2% dozen brown eggs, An- drew Moore, Elgin Nott, Mrs. Jas. Cartdr: High School Section -Four dressed chickens, Art Bolton, S.H.S., Ray Chambers, S:H:S.; 2s/2. diozen' whitd eggs, ,Bob , Taylor, C.C.L, H. W. Gib- bings, !C.C.I., Joan Wheatley, 2% dozen brown eggs, R. Managhan, C C.I., Dudley, ,Milton, S.H.S., Irwin Johnston, S.H.S. 'Public School Section -Two dress- ed chickens, Floyd, Dale, S.P.S., Mac Bolton, No. 6, Mcicillop,W, Scott, S. P.S.; 11/2 dozen white eggs, John James,,No. 3., EIuilett. John Whyte, No. 3,- ullett, L. Whyte, No. 3, Hul- lett; '11/2 dozen brown eggs, L, Whyte, No. 3, Hullett, John James, Nd, 3; Hullett; Jean Copland, g,P.S. Best dressed individual 'chicken (all sections competing) -Floyd Dale, S. P.S. M. Mode. Special, for best dressed chicken, Floyd Dale, Judge -M. Mode, •Roots and Vegetables Tomatoes, red, Mrs. J. Hillebrecht; onions from seed, Spanish, Wilbert Cbrnla'h • onions from Dutch sets, Thos. Oliver; cucumbers, :pickling, Elgin Nott, W. Cornish; butter beans, A. Turnbull, W. Cornish; white beans, 0. Turnbull, Merton Keyes; table ear - rote, stump rooted, Thos, Oliver; table carrots, long, Wni Bradshaw; W. Cornish; pickling beets, Thomas Oliver; turnip blood beets, Thomas 01iv'er; etre'U:mbere, Abe or green., R: EL MCMi1Ian, W. Cdrniah' bast •peps E phi Nott; s'y eet table corn, R MdM We can, make IMMEDIATE INSTALLATION of° Iron Fireman STOKERS ' • OIL .BURNERS • Self -Firing Coal and Oil FURNACE UNITS and BOILER UNITS, • PAY NOTHING NOW and NO PAY- MENTS need be made until • NOVEMBER Telephone us 'for a freeheating survey' and full information. Frank Klin PHONE 19 SEAFORTH winter radish, W. Cornish, F. Mcely- mont; sunflower beads, W. Cornish; best novelty in vegetables, E. Storey, W. S. D. Storey; winter cabbage, Wm. Bradshaw; muskmelons, W. Cornish„ citrons, striped, E. Nott, R. E. Mc- Millan; vegetable marrow, W. Corn- ish; pie 'pumpkins, 0. Turnbull; Hub- bard! "squash, E. Nott, W. Co,'nish; largest. pumpkin, W. D. Storey, R. Bolton; field carrots, , W. Cornish;. Swede turnips, table, W. •.Cornish; Swede turnips; feed, W. Cornish; sugar mangolds, W. Cornish; long red mangolds, W. Cornish, F. McClymont; Interu>;ediate mangolds, W. •Cornish, F. McClymont; celery, white, W.' Cornish;- any variety late potatoes, E. Nott, W. Cornish; fodder corn, R,' E. Mchl,illan, E. Nott; collection of gar- den produce, F. McClymont. Grain Competition , • Fall wheat, any kind, Wilbert. Corn- ish, John Powell; oats, any kind, A. Turnbull, Wilbert Cornish; barley, any kind, A. Turn'bulli beans, any kind, Merton Keyes, Fred McClymont. American .Pad & Textile Co, Spe- cial -Best grain at Fair, 'A. Turnbull. •H•esky Flax Specials -Best sample of oil .flax, seed grown in this district, Jim Allan, Bruce'field. Judge -.-N. 'Carter, Clinton. • Canned Fruits and Vegetables Preserved crab apples, Mrs, James Carter; canned cherries; red, pitted, Mrs. J.. Carter; Mrs. Elgin Nott; ; can- ned peaches, Mrs, E, Nott; canned pears, Mrs. J. Carter; canned plums, Mrs. F. Storey, Mrs.. J. Carter; canned pineapple., Mrs. J: Carter, Mrs. Elgin Nott'; canned' raspberries, red, Fred McClymont, Mrs, E. Nott; canned. rhubarb; Mrs. E. Nott, Mrs. J. Carter; preserved strawberries, Mrs, J. Car- ter; canned beans, ' Mrs. J. Carter; canned beets, Mrs. J. Carter; canned corn, Fred McClymont, Mrs. J. Car- ter; canned peas, Mrs. J. Carter; can- ned tomatoes, Mrs. J. Carter; tomato juice, Mrs. E1e'in Nott, Mrs. J. Car- ter; canned beef, Fred McClymont, Mrs. J. Carter; i•anned chicken, firs, J. 'Carter; canned sausage, Fred Mc- Clymont,' dirs. J. Carter; apple jelly, Mrs. J. Carter; cucumber pickles, Mrs. E. Nott, M'rs, J. Garter; pickled cherries, Mrs. I. Carter; chopped pickles, Mrs. E. Nott,'Mrs, 3. Carter; black ctirran't jam, Mrs. E. Nott; .Mrs. J. Carter; glass of any conserve,.Mrs J. Carter; tomato catsup, Mrs. Jas. •Cal'ter; chili• sauce, -Mrs. J. Carter. Mrs. E. Nott; salad dresing, Fred •_VlcCiymont, :Merton Keyes. Libby, McNeillt i1 tad' Li bbYSpecial- Best S ectal - Befit colleciton� of 'pickles, six varie- ties, Mrs. James Carter. • Libby, Mc- Neill & Libby Special -Best collec- tion of jam and (or) ,jelly, six varie- ties, Mrs. James Carter. • Dairy Products Butter, crock,. for winter use, Mrs: Jas. Carter, Fred McClymont; 'butter, in pound'prints, Mrs. Jas. Carter; butter, ' individual servings, fan Mrs. J. Carter; best . quart maple 'syrup, A.' Turnbull, F. •McC'lymont; home-made soap, 'Fred McClymont, Mrs. Barton. Domestic Science Loaf white ' bread, . entire crust, Eleanor Storey, Mrs. T. McMillan, Mrs. Jas: Carter loaf brown bread, entire crust, Mrs. T. McMillan, Elean- or Storey; loaf fruit bread, Mra. J. Carter, Eleanor Storey; bulls, plain white, Eleanor Storey, Mrs. T. Mc- Millan; buns, fancy, Eleanor Storey, Mrs,- J. Carter; Parker Douse rens,Mrs. T. McMillan, .Eleanor Storey; three ways of serving apples, Fred McClymont, Mrs. Frank Storey, Mrs. J. Carter; scones, griddle, Eleanor Storey, Mrs, J. Carter; scones, whole wheat, Mrs. is Carter; tea biscuits, plain, Mrs, Storey, F. McClymont; biscuits, whole wheat, Mrs. J. Carter; muffins, whole wheat or bran, Mrs. J. Carter;, cookies, plain white,. Merton Keyes, Eleanor Storey; cookies, gin- ger`, Eleanor Storey, Merton Keyes; lemon pie, Mra, J. Canter, Merton Keyes; pumpkin pie, Mrs. J. Carter; raisin pie, Mrs. J; Carter; butter tarts, Merton Keyes; Mrs, J. Carter; gingerbread, not iced, Mrs. J. Carter;' crumb cake, Mrs, J. Carter, Eleanor Storey; dark ' fruit- cake, not -iced, Mrs. J. Cartel•; Eleanor 'Storey; 'light fruit cake, not 'iced, Mrs. J: Carter; jelly roll, Eleanor Storey; .plate of sandwiches, Fred McClymont, Elena-. e9 ' , R. E. McMillan, 'W. S. Storer; St Y. Fred McC7l oat; • )beat a-• Ta god basks't of fruit for invalids El •• anal. Storey, Mrs. J. Garter, Fred McOlyumoet; angel • cake, Mrs. as. Carter, Robin Hood. 1{ lour Specialat,-atetake- made bread, Mrs. T. McMillan; ,home- made sponge cake, Mrs. J Carter; home -mads apple pie, Mrs. J. Carter; home-made oat cookies, Mrs, F. Stor- ey); home-made tea biscuits, Eleanor Storey; beat salad plate, Mrs. James Carter, Purity Flour Special --Ho ne.maade bread, two loaves, Mrs. T. W. McMI1 don; home-made apple pie; Merton Keyes; plain cake, two eggs, no icing or filling, Mrs, T. W. McMill,aan. Robert Simpson Award-Silaer tray, most points in Sections N, 0 and P, Mrs. James • Carter. • Judge -lairs. Normans Carter, Ciin� ton. Domestic Needlecraft Quilt, applique, Miss Livingston, Mrs. Robt, Watson,; quilt, beat quilt- ing, Miss L. Livingston, Mrs.. T. Bar- ton; pieced cotton quilt, Mise L. Liv- ingston, Mrs, T. Barton; bedspread, white or ,colored, Helen K. Scott, Miss P. Gordon; apron, serviceable wgrk,,. 'best .idea, • Mrs, F. Storey, Mrs. T. O'Flynn; men's, .pyjamas, machine, Miss L. Livingston; house dress, most practical, Miss L. 'Livingston, Mrn...J. Carter; floor mat, braided, rags, Miss L. Livingston, Mrs, A. Chambers; floor mat, hooked, 'rags, 'Miss L. Liv- ingston, Mrs. A. Chambers; ; ladry's houses s s co• \4i •ss. cit 'L.ivi n st 1. ons g bath- room set, Mrs, A. 'Chambers; men's work shirt, Miss L. Livingston; three handkerchiefs, handmade, Miss L. Livingston; counterpane, quilted, Mrs. T. Barton, Mrs, T. O'Flynn; afghan, Miss L. Livingston. ' Ladies' Work Dining Room Furnishings -Crochet table cloth, Mrs. F. Storey, Mrs. T. O'Flynn; luncheon set, five pieces, em- broidered, Miss L. Livingston, Mrs. T. O Flynn; • luncheon set,. five pieces, crochet, Miss L. Livingston, Mrs. T. O'Flynn; luncheon: set, five pieces, any other hand work, Miss Living- ston, Eleanor Storey; tea cloth, em- broidered, Helen K. Scott, Miss Liv- ingston.; tea cloth, •any 'other hand• work,' Miss Livingston, Helen K. Scott; centrepiece, lace' edge, . Miss Livingston, Mrs. 'A. Chambers; tray cloth, Miss Livingston; centrepiece, embroidered, in cotton, white, Miss Livingston; Miss P. Gordon; bridge set, five pieces, Miss Livingston, Mrs. r. O'Flynn;• buffet set, -Mts: T. O'Flynn, ',Inas Livingston; 'tea cosy .in wool, Mrs. James • Carter, ]VI1•s' . T. O'Flynn. Bedroom Furnishings -Pair pillow slips, embroidered, white, Miss Liv- ingston, Mrs,, T, Barton; pair pillow slips, colored, embroidered, Miss Liv- ingston, Mrs. Tr Bartojr; pillow slips, any. other hand work, Miss Living- ston, Miss P. Gord,ori; • pair -towels, embroidered, ' • Miss' 'Livingston; pair towels, crochet, Miss' Livingston; pair towels, other hand work, Miss Living- ston.; pair 'guest towels, Miss Living- ston, Mrs. T. O'Flynn; bath towels, any trim, Miss Living`;ton, Mrs, Robt. r'.Watson; single fancy towel, Eleanor Storey, Miss Livingston; fancy sheet and pillow slips to' match, Miss Liv- ingston, Mts. T. Barton; vanity' set, three pieces, Miss P., Gordon; Miss Livingston; dresser runner, Miss Liv- ingston, D. M. Holloiva'y: Ladies' and Children's Wear=Best article,' made from "m'an's discarded shirt. Miss Livingston, Mrs. T. O'Flynn; bed jacket, Mrs. T. O'Flyne; sweater; knit, ladies, Mrs. T. O'Flynn; gloves, knit, Miss -Livingston; gloves, crochet, Miss Livingston; best mad;- over garment, Mrs, F: Storey, Mrs. P. O'Flynn; baby's set, bonnet,, jacket and 'bootees, VIrs'. T: O'Flynn; child's dress., •knit, Mrs. T. O'Flynn; child's,. knit suit, Mrs. T. O'Flynn; 'child's dress, cotton, Miss. Livingston; stuff- ed animal, toy, ;Mrs. T. O'Flynn, Miss Livingston.- "• Living Room Furnis'hings•= Chester f:(•:d set,• Miss Livingston. Mrs. • T. O'Flynn; sampler or other wall dec- oration, hand -made, Mrs, 'T, O'Flynn, Miss Livingston; cushion, 'wool, Mrs. T. O'Fiynn, Helen K. Scott; cushion, modern, 11Irs. T. Barton, Miss. Living ston. Misceilaneou's--B.e•s•t• article "made fromasttc 1 P Eleanor Storey,. Mrs. rs.J. Carter; ter• chilc ' S ,dress no de from used clothing, vias Livingston; best art:- cle suitable for Christmas•, not to cost -more than 25c, Mrs• T. O'Flynn, Eleanor Storey; besa article made from old stockings, Mrs. 'A, Cham bers; pair men's wool mitts,. double knit, Miss Livingston; pair fine knit sox, Miss Livingston, Mrs. T. O'Flynn; re -footed socks, Mrs. Jas. Carter; kit- chen collection, tea towel, duster, hand towel, lifter, Mrs, -Jas. Carter, Mrs. O'Flynn; men's sweater or pull- over, knit, Mrs. • T. Q'Flynn; woman's skirt, Mrs. F,'Storey, Eleanor Storey; woman's blouse, Mrs. F. Stdrey; .shop- ping or work bag, Miss Livingston, Mrs. T. O'Flynn; lady's fancy purse, Miss Livin'gstgn; lady's nightdress, Miss Livingston; lady's costume slip, Miss Livingston, Eleanor Storey, Jack D SpecialunlHandicraft-Leather work, op. Institute Specials - Meeded gar- ment, Alice Watson, M. Keyes; press- ed garment, Alice Watson, Fine .,-and Decorative Arts Oil painting, Miss Livingston; •.wa- ter color, any subject, Miss Living- ston;" ivingstop;' crayon sketch, Mist Livingston; Pencil drawing, Mise Livingston; -beat three pieces hand -painters china, Miss Livingston; decorated pottery, Elean- or.Stprey; wood carving, Miss Living- ston; pen or ink sketch, Miss Living- ston; cartoon„Miss Livingston; wood- en tray, hand -made, Miss Livingston; miscellaneous novelties from 'crepe paper,~ wax or cel.lophan7e, Eleanor; Storey, Fred' McClymont; collection of antiques or relics, Miss Livingston, Mrs. J. Hillebrecht. • Reed Work, , Amateurs :=- Flower basket, Miss Livingston; Work bas- ket, Miss Livingston; collect€oil of three- articles, Miss Livingston, Judge -M. Olive Scott, Bluevale. Floral Exhibit ers, best six blooms., one 'wee- tn. arixm. S. D. Storey; display of As- W.S.D. Storey, Wm. Bradshaw; os, display, Mre, A. L. Porteous; as, best dde.play, Mrs. A. le Poe. • Dahlias, beat six blooms, Thos. feton, Mrs. A. "•Ch'ainbers; (Nad; est three Seikes, different, Mrs. Porteous, Mrs. J $ 1illelbreeht;• o11,. beet silk spikes, coils, Mrs. J., aim 1t'ceht; G1att Ast ty,W or Storey; meat loaf, Mrs. J. Carter; 'tens, • pot. baked beans, Mrs. J. Canter; sup-Cosm ahli per dish, Mrs; J. Carter; roast pork eous arranged on' platter with three vege- AIdin tables and garnishes) Mrs: J. tarter; telt, b attractive centrepiece for Thanksgiee A L. lig dinner, Mrs. Jas Carter, Meaner G1iad1 illttn, Fred AXeillgix oat; OcX(X Port' iQ,}), 1 eaix ,goXllel#Uon, M . L T,'. o tepus; Marigolds (Mlrtcan), display, W, S.'D. Storey;- Martlgpldu (is), d4play, W. S D. Storey; Verbenas, beef dienlaiy,,•iyir P'prteous.; ,P'ee;rn as ((� ngle)r ld ste>71,s, 8 or *ere, 'r'ed ?ii • lyanont; Zinefls, best eve 'beans, Mils. T. W. McMillan, Thos. Ald eg- tort;T Roses; display, Mrs. T. W. Mc- Millan; .Annual P'lllpx, bend display, W. S. D. Std]rey; Snapdragon, best dduplay, Mas. Porteous, W. S. D. Stor- ey; Zinnias, display, Mrs. A, L. i'or- teous, Mrs. • T. W. McMillan; basket mixed blooms; table, Thos. Aldington, W., S. D. Storey; table bouquet, Porteous, W. S. D. Storey; • floral ar- rangement suitable for church, Mrs. Porteous, Mra. J. Itiilebeecht; Del- phinium or Larkspur, •beset display, Mrs. Porteous, W. S. D. Storey; Be- gonias, best two flowering varieties, Mrs. Porteous; Begonias, tuberous, one color, Mrs. Porteous; collection of rliatted plants,. three varieties,' Mra, T. W. McMillan; Begonia, Rex, Mrs.. Jas. Carter; African Violet, Mrs, Frank Storey, W. S. D. Storey; single houseplant in bloom, Mrs. A. L. Por- teous, W. S. D. Storey; beat novelty in cut flower or in pot, W. S. D. Store ,ey, Thos. Aldington; Jerusalem Cher- ry, W. S. D. Storey, Jean Scott; Aspidistra, Jean Scott, Mrs. Elgin Nott; Hen and Chicken, display;' Mrs. Jas. Carter, Mrs.'J.Iliiifebrecht; Cac- tus, collection, snit varieties, Mrs. Porteous, W. S. D. Storey. • W. A, Jenkin's Manufacturing' (50. Special -Most entries in this section, Mrs. A. L. Porteous. Ju dge-N. Skinner, Mitchell, High School" Department Home Economics - Smocked gar- ment, Leona Stevens, Shirley -Ben- nett, Edna Huissier; cotton dress, Aud- drey Hulley, Joyce How, Edna Brad foot; huckaback darning, Edna Huis- ser, Doris Pullman, June Snell; .Sea• forth Beauty) Salon Special, most points in H. S. Section A, Edna Buis - ser, Seaforth. Shop - Display.of hitches, ' Mike Bechely, Donald Armstrong; display of rope work, Jack Caldwell, Setart Wilson; belt racing, Arthur Bolton„ •Calvin Hulley, Gordon McKindsey; models, household and farm articles, Arthur Bolton, Allan Wright, Billie Munn. Russell Bolton Special, most points in this. section, Arthur Bolton, Mike Bechely and Jack Caldwell (tie). 'Agriculture-Op:eons , from Dutch sets, Francis Lane, Gladys Chapman, Allan Wright; table carrots, Donna Smith, Betty Addison, Doeathy Dodds; table parsnips, Margaret Stevens; turnip blood beets; Allan Wright, Jim. Chapman, Gladys Chapman; sweet table 'corn, Jerry Dressel, Bill. Steph- enson, Doreen Regele; Swede tun= ips, feed, Jim Chapman, Gladys -Chap- man„ Art Bolton. E. B. Goudie• Special, David Brad- burn„ Margaret Moore, Jas. Wallace, Patty. Meir. , a - Judge -,Norman Carter. • • © Russell Bolton Special, most nun?-• ber of points in this section, Jim and Gladys Chapman (tied), ' Children's Department Vegetables -Swede, turnips, Helen :Horan, Ana Sinclaire, Billy Scott, John 'Scott; garden carrots, short, , Marjory Pethick, Lillian „Haney, Marie, :Sin- clair, Billie Roberton; garden carrots, long, Joan Racho, Bob Newell, Robt. Betties, Betty Doerr; long red man - golds, Shirley•Horan;' yellow enter - mediate mangolds, Johe Scott, Billy Scott; garden beets, short, Ann Sin- clair, Bobby Doerr, Joan Racho. Bob Caldwell; onions, Marie . Sinclair, Scott Powell', .J. Stanley, Ralph Scher- barth; best tomatoes, ripe, Lois „Mc- Lellan; Billy Roberton, Marie Sin- clair, Patricia Hawkins; citrons, Mal- colni Bolton, Scott Powell, Ray Pow- ell, John Nigh; cabbage; Karel' Kidd, Mavis •Bennewies, Larry Wheatley, Ivan Rapien; potatoes, early variety, ,Barbara Mennen, Charles Pryce, Lil- lian Haney, Billy Roberton; potatoes, late variety, Barbara, Mennell, Bee. Finnigan, Marjorie Pethick, `Joyce Hollaway. ' Judge -N. L. Carter. r . • Flowers -Bowl of French Marigolds, Betty Lou Goudie; African Marigolds, Bee Finnigan, • Marjorie Miller, Jean Nixon, Ronald Powell; Pansies, Billy Scott, John Scott, Lillian Haney; Asters, Leonard Miller, Ronald =Mas- on, Ann Nolan, Lillian Haney;' bou- quet Sweet Peas, Blatfehe Racho, Joan Dearra ' L nlel • best bouquet, et rut any var- iety, y,Powe11, Allan Fox, Karen , Kidd, Barbaia'Hillis. Cooking -Tea biscuits, Leslie Hab- ,kirk, Mary Copland, Barbara Hillis, Sandy 'McMillan; white layer cake, Leslie Ha'bkirk, Joanne Doerr, Fran- ces Eckert; apple pie, Ron Suther- - Men, Feel Want Does we,tk:.:mndowic arWsiitt9itcd'condt ''in You tool legged out. old? Try Carex. C 40, Sul tonics, stimulants{, often needed atter ' � or 40. eel r Iron. calcium phosphorug yr St. e,c you get normal Rep lint vitsiltY- Oale a all goeod drumg stores Two heree. land, Sheila McFadden, El3aabetb Townsend, Marten Laudenn'bach; roll- ed cookies, 'Franees -Eckert, Mayda Beuermann, ,Barbara Hillis, Ruth 'Sills; bran mains, Sandra Doig, :Bee Finnigan, Marie Manley, Barbara Mi - lis. Judge:, -Mrs. :Norman Carter, Olin. --- ton. Writing -Grade 1, Jean McLough- lin, Mayda Beuermann, Bobby Mir - ray, Catherine Doig; Grade 2, Mar- ' lene Austin, Shirley Horan„ Susanne Dick, Jimmy 'Crich; Grade 3, Marlene Scherbarth, Helen Pryce, Lois Mc- Lellan, June Byers; Grade 4, Margar- et Broome, Audrey Dalrymple, Sheila McFadden, Marilyn. King; Grade '5, Marie Hunt, Dorothy McCliuchey, Marilyn Butt, Joan Hawkins; Grade 'Karen Kidd, Barbara Hillis, 'Bee Finnigan, ,Loyce Beuermann; Grade • 7, Jean Regele; Ruth Keyes, Helen •Rogerson. Regent Theatre Special, free tick- ets to best writers: -Grade 1, Jean McLaughlin; Grade 2, Marlene Ate - tin; Grade -3 Marlene a lens .Scherbarth; = Grade 4, Margaret Broome; Grade 5, Marie Hunt. Special -Best poster, Ron Suther- land, Helen Fitzpatrick, Jeanette~ King; model aeroplane, Larry Eaton, Douglas Stewart, Donald McKindsey, Larry Eaton; bird house, Malcolm Bolton, Robert Ring, Billy Eckert, Jack Be11; child's apron, Rose Mary Eckert,- MaybelIe,.McClinchey, Allce' Watson; artificial flowers, one spray, Wilbur .Chambers, Elsie Storey, Jean- • ette King; handkerchief, plain hem- med!, Alice, Watson, Audrey Faber, Muriel Dale; pot holdrers, hent made, Patricia Hawkins, Elsie Storey,. Joyce Holloway, . Karen Kidd; miniatiere • model of farm gate, Ron McIntosh, Ian McCowan, Bill Nigh, Stuff Keyes; collection of wood, showing leaf, bark and. grain, Douglas Stew- art. ' Robert Simpson Co. Special, Park- er pen and pencil set, boy or girl winning •most points in indoor exhib- its, Bee Finnigan, 'Egmondviile, 5.5 - No. , 8, Tuckerim€th, Displays -Health, Seaforth Pubiie Sebool; Social Studies, Seaforth Pall- lie ' Sehool, Seaforth• Separate School; Natural Science, Egmondville School; Art, Seaforth Public School, Seaforth Separate School:: Crafts, S.S. No. 19. McKillop,. Seaforth. Public School; 'Some Economics, Seaforth,-Pmalic School. Cdr ettllt You .WORLD admire her skill. Alert and poised, she calmly speeds the many calls with" deft, sure move- ments. With switchboards busier than ever because of the many new telephones, this skill is being called on as never before. More telephones are being' added right acing: Our con- - stant aim is to rovide more and better se ..,:ialways at the lowest p sible cost ...to give greater value to every telephone user. THE BELL .TELEPHONE "COMPANY OF CAN'ANA Mother Plays With Dr. Chase`s Syrup in the House What a satisfaction it is for mothers to always have Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and ' Turpentine at hand to check coughs and colds quickly: For nearly half a bentury Dr. Chase's Syrup has been the standby treatment foe coughs and colds in the great majority of homes. It is just as dependable Its ever aad just as pleasant to use. Dr. Chase's 'Syrup of Linseed; •arid Turperttizte 35¢ Family. size 3 times as much 75¢ ante FY< r, �,, r.•1 .. i E ANIMAL OLD •DISABLED OR DEAD . CATTLE • HORSES • HOGS. SHEEP • CMVES Promptly and Efficiently' Removed Simply Phone -Collet! Lt MITCHELL - •219 STRATFORD 215 INGERSOLL . - 21 WE DO THE REST! • WILLIAM STONE SONSLTD. INGERSOLL ONTARIO �11