HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1947-09-26, Page 4' THS ItrRdN E POSITO SEPTNIPE 26p- 7. ssifiedd Ads Will Be Inserted At Ne )'gr Sale. Wanted, Lost and Founeekd. Etee-*+Pak word: 2nd week 8rd week -... ,. • ... o Minimum charge, frost insertion.. 26 0 Tach figure, initial and abbreviation counts, e x one word. n of Thanks, In Memoriam Notices. Coming Eveals-1 cent per word. ,: cem'ta per Week.'_, _ r' quiries may be irected to a Box Number, c/o The Huron Expositor, for 10 cents'extra. Ten, vents additional will be charged if ads in above class are not paid within 10 days of date of final insertion. ' irtha. 7)Rerpiagen and Deaths inserted 'free of charge. /Motion Sales. Notices to Creditors. Etc.—Rates on amdicatfon. Help ,Wanted For Sale • WANTED—GIRL OR WOMAN FOR GEN-' FOR SALE— : . 1 SPRING °OAT1 WINTER eras housework for two adults and one coat; size 16. Appay to Box 589, HURON .,. '.land. No ,family laundry. ..Apply Box 'b88, EXPOSITOR. 41611x1 HURON EXPOSITOR. 4163-2 • FOR SALE -193Q MODEL 'A' FORD AP - ply .to ROSS HOGGART; West William St., Seaforth: 4163x1 ow Cash Rates: Minimum, C}0 Wanted WANTED—BUSINESS 'GIRL REQUIRES furnished room. Apply Box 590, HUH -- ON EXPOSITOR. WANTED—WINTER HOME FOR USE QF horse; ; excellent" for buggy, cutter and socidle. Apply WRIGHT & ROVICCLIFFE'S GARAGE, Seaforth. y ii�� 4163x-1 "ANTED—OLD HORSES AND DEAD animals, suitable for, mink feed. Will pay 2c a pound live weight for horses. Dead animals according to value. If dead. phone collect at once to -JACK GILB-$RT, 986 r 21. or FRED GILBERT, 936 r 32, Goderieh. • 4158 -Of FOR SALE --"NEW" ALL1S-OIIALl1IEBS 60 Cismb' ne, with bean pick-up and hopper. Phone 2.197, 'Blenheim, R,R. No. 6. BUR - WELL M. S•rs .L. 4163x1 poet • SALE• -a$5 RED X ROCK HYBRID Pullets,, starting' to lay. EDISON FOR - REST ' sierras}. 4163x1 FOR SALE -1938 PLYMOUTH DE LUXE Sedan. D. LEMON. Phone 162, Sea - forth, 4163-1 FOR SAT.1l-955 $'ORD DE 'LUXE COACH, good tires, good condition, ANGUS McL4AN, Seaforth. Phone 365. 4163-1 FOR DLY' SALE—FINAS '`WARM MORN- ing" design coal heater, used two months. Apply QUEEN'S HOTEL, Seaforth Personals HYGIENIC SUPPLIES (RUBBER GOODS) FOR SALE -273 HYBRID PULLETS, FIVE mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope months odd. Apply to PETER SLMP- with price list. 6 'samples 25c; ' 24 samples SON. Phone 667 r 2, Seaforth. 31.00. Mail -Order Dept. T.73, NOVA -RUBBER 4163x1 . ' 00:, Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. 4 Cards of Thanks FOR SALE -225 RAMP AND ROCK PUL - lets. '41:; months old. Apply to SELW'YN BAIiEit R.R. 1, Brussels, or phone 43 r 10. 4163x1 t��IiH FAMILY OF THE LATE FRANK M. HOUSEHOT:D FURNITURE FOR SALE - 1 ^Smith 'wish tp express their sincere thanks Bedroom suite; kitchen suite; stove. See 'S to the titans friends and neighbors for the G. S. BARRY, or phone 660 r 22, Seafsrt3. kindness and sympathy shown them during , 4163-1 their recent sad bereavement; also to 'those FOR SALE -•- SUPERIOR ECONOMY who assisted .in any Way:• .1 ra5ge: wood or coal ; 1 force pump; 1 storm • a..,._ •s, -..,y to u,.x re., rxUunnr EX - 3x1 Articles' For' Sale FOR SALE -3 LITTLE PIGS 7 WEEKS old; ale, 9 chunk. 11 weeks old. Apply PRIVATE SALE — THE FOLLOi1ING to FRANK MALONEY, George St., Seaforth. 4168x1 household goods are in . excellent condi- tion and 'have been in use for a few months only: Three-piece chesterfield suite,a4nclud- ing "La -z -boy" Chair in- modern style with • rich covering; reclining 'lounge chair: cid, m-Jern,chair: knee -hole writing desk in solid "walnut with chair to match; side table in walnut: side tabte' in rnaple: modern mahog- any bookcase: tri -lamp in solid brass with 1 marble base: walnut floor lamp; desk lamp: ,modern Westinghouse radio with phonograph attached and records: Petsian virgin wool rug: size 10r x '61; pair floor -length drapes in e_eihell homespun, hand -tailored; pair brass book -ends.; various piotgre frames; bed- room suite in colonial maple including bed, dresser and mirror: bed, lamp; Simmons inner spring maittresa : Simmons bed 'spring; pair Simmers , pillow. ; chenille bedspread; modern chreine kitchen suite, ' including table and 4 •chome chairs to match; electric 'stove with ,oven, plug-in type: toaster; iron and iron-, ing hoard set, dishes; set Rogers' silverware: kettle: pots and pans, and other kitchen im- plenlet'M ; books on ant, languages and sci- ence,a few novels; man's winter overcoat, size 3s, just like new; pair •Airforce leather boots, fleece -lined, s'iee 11 ; pair of overshoes, size 11; pair rubber boots, size 11; parka with hood. size 39;, ktether jacket, size 38; pair professional skits with . steel pole and harness;; pair skri boots, size 11,. and pair skii pants ; 3 -ton hydraulic jack ; singing canary and• cage. Apply to ROGER W. Jr'1'ns. Reynolds' Farm. front ei, t•ranee. Seaforth, Ont., after 6 p -m- 4163-2 'FOR SALE -200 RED X ROCK PULLETS :tock),. 23th March hatch. Still on range and, ready to lay. A. COPLAND, 41633-1 Phone 168. • FOR a ALE —• M A SSEY-HA RRIS SINGLE furrott riding plow: also 200 Rock -Leg- horn Hybrid puilets, laying. Apply to JAMES LAN D$BOR Oil GH,, Seaforth, or Phone 661 r .16. 41611x1 !THE MOST DRY ,SLAB :WOOD FOR THE money. App10 JAMES STEVENSON. Bros -eels`, ,Ont. 4162-2 Auction Sales `114aGA tare AU t1'IQf;!T Shia. QF ranee Stook and Iutplie neatt. Lots 40a mile east 41, Ooucession 18, Hulletb Township, and la mile Bath of Auburn, - Wednesday, October 8th. 12 o'clock Sharp: Saxees, Cat, Ile, 7• choice young Durham cows, 'eta; Poultry, P. Implements, Grain and Rini quantity of Houselread Effects. Term@—Cash. ARDEOE ROB1NSOl4; •' Propriebor ; 'Harald Jackson, Auctioneer; E. P. Chesney. Clerk. 4168-2 AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK AND Implements, ah Lot 21, Concession 7, McKillop Township, 84 north and 13/y east 'of Seaforth, bo Thursday, October 043, 1 P.m.: HORSES --Bay ,mare 7 years old; black mare 8 years old, good single and dou- ble ; 1 gelding coming 2 years old. CATTLE —All Durham cattle: Red cow, bred 24th January; grey heifer, •• bred ',3rd February; roan cow bred 8th February ; red cow bred, 7th May; white cow bred 20th ,June; grey heifer bred, 10th July; grey cow bred 25th July ; grey cow 'bred led August; red :cow bred tat May; 1 bull, ,Polled Hereford, 3 years old: 8 steers rising 2 years old; 3 heifers rising 2 years old; 5 calves 1 Year old; 3 small calves. PIGS -1 sow .bred 20th July, second litter; 23 chunks, 125 ate.; 2 York sows bred 3 months; 2 geese; 1 gander; 5. goslings ; 4 ducks and 2 drakes. IMPLE- MENTS—Massey-Harris 7-2t. binder; McCor- mick -Deering 6 -ft, mower; feritilizer disc 11 - line drill.: 2, drum steel roller; rubber tire wagon: iron wheel wagon; . sloop sleighs; buggy; cultivator with seed box; cutters ; Verset grinder, 101,4 -inch, on wagon t tractor double disc, McCormick -Deering, like new ; horse disc; harrows; 8 -furrow Cockshutt disc prow (like new) ; set' 1,000-1b. scales ; pig crate; wagon box; box stove; breeching team 'harness; 2 sets single harness; • 4 collars. GRAIN -300 bushels oats ; 150 bushels bar- ley; .150 bushels' of mixed grain: cream en- amel Findlay cook stove; forks, shovels, whit etreea„ngckyokess, chains and a host of other articles. Terms — Cash. WILLIAM KERR, Proprietor; liaroad Jackson, Auc- tioneer; E. P. Chesney, Clerk. 4163-2 STORAGE BARN FOR SALE—Si•;. ACRES. suitable for poultry raising with barn 45 by leo feet, having 24 -foot posts: flaxmill, 36 by 60 feet; brick boilerr” room 22 feet square; colony house 12 by 16 feet: an ad- jacent field of 7 7/10 acres. Terms—Cash. EDMUND GEIGER, Hensall.' 4192-3 • NOTICE!-AI,L FUEL COSTS WILL BE higher this year! Let us "Fleece -Line i 7r:our 'Home" with Blown Roekwook Saves I 1 'th d fit PS terms write ROWLAND 'Cr. DAY, 5 Thornton Notices ue tvr more year roup ,Coma plus added fire rotection. For free timate and Ave., London. TER PNEUMATIC INSULAT- INC CO. LTD. 4160-44 Farms For. Sale ' FARM FOR SALE sTEND'ERS WILL BE RECEIVED BY THE undersigned until Wednesday; the 25th day of October, 1947, for the purchase of Lot 24. Concession 7, and East one-quarter of Lot .24,. Concession 8 (less sdhool part), Township Hay: of Ha. County of Huron. The farmconsists of 128 acres, more or dens. Fifty acres are Grass lands. and the .balance under cultivation. all well drained. On the said Farm is said to be erected a ' brick house and bank barn. both in good ,condition, There is a plentiful st}pply o2' good 'water piped to .,boto house and barn. Hydro, available, Location -4' miles from Henan and 31/4 miles from Zurich on County Highway School on premises. The highest or apy tender, not necessarily accepted. For further partigplars apply ..to the undersigned. ,DAT'ED at Clinton, Ontario, this 22nd day of September, 1947, s H.` W. FORREST, 'R.R., Zurich ' WM. BLACKER, $:R., elinhon Executors of John B. Forrest Estate By their Solicitor, ' F VINO/AND, K.C„ " Clinton, Ontario. 4163-3 " - Notice To Creditors NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of JOHN B. FORREST, late of the Village of Hensall, in the County of Huron, Retired Farmer. Deceased. ALL.PERSONS HAVING CLAIM'S AGAINST the Estate of the above deceased are re- quired to file the same with, the undersigned Solicitor for the said Estate, on or 'before the 15th :day of October, A.1). 1947, after *tech date the assets will be _distributed dnronust the partle., entitled thereto, • having regard only to the claims of which notice shall have, been given. • DAI'l,ll at Clinton. Ontario. 'this 21sT day of September, A.D. 1947. • F. FINGLAND, K.C., Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the said Estate. 4163-3 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of EMALINE JOHNSTON, late of the .Village of Hensall, in the County of Heron, Deceased. ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS AGAINST the F,s,tate of the said Emaline ,Johnston, Yate of the Village of Hensall, who died on .or,, about the 31st day of Auxru tt. 1947, are hereby notified to send Particulars M same to• the uncleriened on or before the 20th day of Ortober,.101.7, after•which date -the Estate will be rliat"i'riterl h;nine me:f l only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice and the undersigned will not be liable to any person„ of whose claim they shall not then have notice. DATED at Delhi. Ont9.rio, this 19th day of September. A,13 1947. by • HARE & HARRISON. Barristers, etc., Solicitors for sthe Executrix. 4163-3 i1TOTICE .TO CREDITORS In the Estate of CHRISTINA MaciiEN7,IE ALL PTRSONS HAVING CLAIMS AGAINST the Estate of Christina MaiclCenzie, late sof the Town 'of Seaforth, Widow, deceased, who died on or about the 10th day of Sep- tember, 1947, are 'hereby notified to send in to the.. Undersigned on or before the 9th day of Ootober, 1047. full particvtars o1 their Immediately after the said last mentioned Ade; the assets of the said estate will be dfstnibutea anfongst the panties entitled there- to, having' regard only to claims of which this undeteigned shall then have notice,• to the excloaion of, all athety, .and the tender - signed' wi%1 trot be ledge to any person 02 whose dleitn Hie uhdetsigned shall not then afavo notice fee tae asnOti so distributed or any Bart thereof. DATED At Seafat+th, this lath 'day of Bele tember, 190,, A-L'VIY VC 'SfL11'„ Solicitor for Hie 'HKeddt&j,6, Harr'rater, • Etc., SeafortaGuilt., Births BELL—In Vancouver, B.C., on Wednesday, September 17th, to Mr. and Mm. Anderson Bell, a son. KENNY—In St, Joseph's Hospital, London, on August 22, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kenny tnee Dora Dalrymple), a daughter, Jean Corrine, NIGH—In Scott Memorial Hospital, on Sept. 18, to Mr. and Mrs. Louis 'Nigh, Seaforth, son- MERO—In Scott Memorial Hospital, on Sept. 20, to,,.Mr. and Mrs. Earl Mere, 'M,itehell, a daughter. HAWKINS—In Scott Memorial Hospital, on • Sept. 21, to Mr. and Mrs, Ed, .1. Hawkins, 'Seaforth, a daughter. COLEMAN—In Scott Memorial Hospital, on Sept, 24; to Mr. and Mrs. Harrold Coleman, R.R. 1, Staffs, twins, son and daughter, • , CLERK'S NOTICE Of First Posting of Voters' List Township of McKillop NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT I have complied'with Section 7, of the Vot- ers' Lists Acand I have posted up in my office ' in McKillop, on the 8th day of Sep- 'temher, 1947, the list of all persons entitled to vote „m said Municipality for members of parliament and municipal elections, and that such list remains there for inspection. And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected according to law, the last day of appeal being the' 29th day of Septem- ber, 1947. JOHN M. ECKERT, Clerk of the Township of McKillop. 4161-3 1 Auction Sales (LEA; INC AUCTION SALE OF FA,11:14 Stock and Implements, on Friday, See. Umber 26th, at I p.m. at Lot 2, Concession 14, Grey Township„2;., south, and !•_, mile east of Brussels; HORSES -2 work horses 10 and 11 years old; 1 2 -year-old filly; 1 set of heavy harness. CATTLE -2 Holstein COWS fresh one month; 4 Holstein 'COWS. duo in November and December; 1 part Jersey fresh ' two 'Iveeks : 1 Hereford cnw, fresh '3 weeks; 1 Durham cow to freshen in'Novem ber; 1 Durham• cow, fresh 4 weeks. This is, a choice lot of young. cows; 2 spl•ing caves ; 1 sow due -in October. IMPLEMENTS— Manure 'spreader; mower•; binder; . set of sleighs; wagon: sulky rake; diamond har- rows: ar-rows: disc: 2' riding plows : scuffle:. : cutting box: circular saw; ,3 H -P.' gas engine; In- ter•national cream separator; fuel oil brooder stove; sap pan end buckets; 1% acres of corn; Doherty cook stove (like new) ; heat- er; kitchen cabinet; sideboard; bed: 5 -tube battery radio: other articles too numerous t� mention. Terms—Cash. FRED SMITH, Pro- prietor; Harold Jackson, Auctioneer; Robert Patrick, Clerk, 4162-1 CLEARING - AUCTION SALE OF FARM Stock and Itn.plements, on Thursday, Octolr'er 2nd, at 12:30 sharp, at Lot 20, Con- cession 9, McKillop Township. 114 miles east of Winthrop: HORSES --3 geklines 12 years.. old. CATTLE—Real,tered Holstein hull fess years old: 13 choice •mi.iking cows; Register- ed Holstein cow due November 6th: 2 Reg-' Ingham, Mich., were week -end guests is•tererl Holstein cows due in March: Reaie- terecl Holstetn row due April 1st: 2 Reg'Rte 1 of Mies Marian .Fairbairn. ed Holstein cows, recently fre•h : 1 Registered Miss .Mud Said M Herbs ^t Me- 1-T,Ltein• cow, dna April 5th; 1 Registered Gregor are visiting friend's in Bad, Ffl.+loin heifer, rising 2 spam, bred: 4 ReS- istererl Holstein heifers: spring calf; 2 grade Aye„ Vilch., this. week. TTolslein cow,:, due in April; 2 Jersey heifers Mrs, Holley. who spent the past recsntl'y fresh; 1 Durham cnw due Murch 'folia months at her tattoo. on River 1 stn ; 1 Hereford cow due March '20th ; 1 Durham heifer 1 Year old: McCormick -Deer- Terrace, 1'f)t9 med to Detroit on Sun- ing milking madhine. double unit (almost day with' her, daughter, Mrs, C. Sup(lniek. ' Mr. Casey Atkinson, of. Detroit,' •Ina mower, Rett.; hay loader• Sulky ,rake; spent' the weekcend at hie home CONSTANCE - Mr. and Mi -s, Leo Stephenson and so -n., -Donald. went to Toronto oh Mon- day where Donald will resume, his Studies at the •University of Toronto. Quite a number of the • ladies at- tended the thankoffering services, at Burgs' Church oil Wednesday. Mr. and firs. M. McDonald, of Lon- don, visited Mr. 'and Mrs•. E. Adams on Friday. Congratulations • are extended. to Fred Buchanan, who took two firsts and a third with hits colt at Seaforth Faire'. Mr. and Mrs, Walter Mansfield and. Mr. a1id Mrs, Fred Elieker,• of Forest,' called on Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Britton this week. ' Mr. Wm. Webster, of St. Helens, visited Mr. and :efts. Verne Dale and other relatives on 'Monday. Mr. Harvey Taylor is 'Quite i11 with an attack of flu. last Sunday iu resigned to underage R, Since Willing here s endeared 'himself be Mr. 'Morgan charge as he Ike, medical 'tr'eatnle 1&r. Morgan h not only to, sae hers of his own con- gregation, but With ell with whom be has cohle i17 .contact. Re tecde an ac- tive interest in the Llone Club, of which he was eppointedl secretary Mr. and Here Morgan and Karen, will be very )~ninon missed) in the village, and the beat wishes of all for ,Mr.," Morgan's, speedy recovery will go with them. KIPPE'N HURON RADIO Sales , & Service 1'80N13 101 r311 N8A.L1, PGR GUARANTEED EXPERT RADIO SEIRV1DE The Lpnel'gon 011 Heirters. Stewart - Warner and Marconi Radio.. Spare Time Service. Ern's, Harley-Davidson Motorcycles Sales and Service. McKILLOP,' Mr, and Mrs. Fred Parsons and A very pleasant evening was spent Walter, of London,' visited on Sunday at the home of Mr- and Mrs. William with .Mrs. G, E, Thompson and Will. Koehler. On Fri4ay last at a shower tFrig Mr. and Mrs, Harold Jones visited for Miss Betty oore, of Egmondville, do Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon whose marriage to Earner Koehler Love and family, of Hillsgreen. took ,place on Wednesday of. this Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Homey, of ace- week, During the evening euchre was ter, visited on Sunday with Mr. and played, and later in the eveniag Mrs. Mrs. Arnold Gackstetter. , Wm. Hoegy read an address and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. J. Ferguson and far, Louis Bennewies assisted in opening ily, of Ohiselhurst, and Mr. Howard the parcels, Miss Doreen Regele Ferguson; of Thameeford, 'visited on read a poem of prose. Lunch was Sunday with ' Mr. and Mrs. A. Par- served alt. the close of, the gathering. sons:••; • Quite a number from here attended Exeter and Seaforth Fairs last week. ,R +'NSALL • Mr. and 'Mrs. Edgar Smith, of asimiesishmeemisais Guelph,• visited over the week -end 'The final game of softball will be with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. played in Hensall,on Friday night un. John Jarrotth der the floodlights at 8:30 p.m. Each Mr, and Mrs. S. Beattie and 'family, team Chas won two games, and this of 'Wingham, spent the week -end 'with will be the deciding -game for the Mr. and Mrs..Rebert McBride. championshi•p.• The congregseion , of Hillsgreen Mr. Lorne Scott and Miss Katie United Church Held their annuel fall. Scott were in Toronto last week, anniversar ...en, Sunday last. Beauti- where Miss Scott attended a great ful ,bouquets of tiowers adorned the china display, Mrs. Scott went as far altar, which ,added to the pleasant- as Guelph. ness of the day.. Very inspiring mes- , Mrs. R. J. 'Paterson and Mrs. Louise sages were delivered by the guest Simpson were in Toronto on Friday. speakers, Rev. E. Stanway, of Bruce- Miss Helen Moir, who has been a field, and Rev: 11, •Snell, of'Jam.es St, patient in' Victoria Hospital, London, Church, %Elteter, in the evening. Spe- is expected to return home soon. ciai music was furnished by Kippen Sunday, Sept. 28, • will"'be rally day choir, assisted by several young pec- In •Carmel Church. The, Sunday School ple from Hillsgreen. Solo parts in the tw ill meet at 10:30' and attend' service anthems were !alien by Miss Bernice at 11 a.m, There will be a service of McClinchey, of Kippen, and Rev, Mr. baptism: Hinton. The solos,, "The Lord's Mrs, Chellow and sons, who have Prayer" and "The Holy City,” were been visiting Mr. and Mrs, Norman sung by Rev. Mr. Hinton. In spite ofl Cock, 'have returnedt to their home in Los Angeles. Mr. Fred Appleby, a delegate from the Hensall Canadian Legion, is in ' ind:,or this week attending the an- nual provincial_ convention. • The Ladies' Aid of Chlselhurs•t Unit- ed Church are having a bazaar and lleme-cooking sale in Hensall Octo- ber 18. - Mis, Wm, Pepper, of Hensall, and her sister, Mrs. Isabella, McKinnon, of Ilderton, were in Kincardihe Thurs- day last • attending the funeral of their brother, the late Thos. G. Scott. The September meeting of the Kipq . Mrs,, J. E. VlcEwari spent Sunday, pen East Women's Institute was held in •Brigden, ,the guest of Mr. and Mrs. in the school room of St, Andrew's Church,., Kipp.eb. Wednesday evening, with a good •attendance, Miss Grace Tremeer presided. The meeting op- ened with the Institute.. Ode, .followed by singing Hymn 445 apd all joined in the Lord's Prayer. Marilyn 'pyre fav- ored with, twb solos. The roll call, "Interesting fact; of the Royal. Fam- il,"' ' was well answerers, Gladys' Chapman gave an anlu$ing reading, and Rev. -R. A. Brook, of Hensel], and Rev, A. Hinton, of Iiippen, sang a duet. The motto, "It is best to think more of my neighbor than myself,'' was given by Mrs. W, Cpte, The guest .speakerof the evening, the Rev. Mr, Brook; of Hensall, spoke on "Citizenship," which was much . enjoy- ed by all, He said Canada was one of the ;best countries in the world and how proud everyone should be to -live in such a'grand country. Mrs, J. Mc- Naughton "gave the • current events. Mr. Chas. Alex neer and: Mrs., R. Broadfoot favored with music and, Mrs. C. Eyre -conducted a 'contest, while Mrs. R. Chapman gave a, stand- ing report. The collection was taken and �d vote of thanks given. The meeting cloned with the National An- them. Lundl1 was•served by the com- mittee in charge. . , .• the weather the attendance. at both services, was, very good. On Sunday next, Sept. 28, Rana Day will be obs'erve'r in St.' ,Andrew's Church here et 11 a.m., Standal;d Time, with Hillsgreen also uniting with Kippen fol' the special service beings prepared by the teachers and pupils of the Sunday Schools of both churches. .A junior choir will be in charge of the service of song. A con, dial invitation is extended to both con- ' gregations and.neighboring friends to attend this. service. STAFFA ISCP ‘11140110.1111 Mr, and -Mrs. Lorne ,Hodge of Staffa and Mr. and Mrs. William Hodge, of Waterloo, left Sunday morning on a motor trip to Trail, ac.; going, by way of Chicago and 'other Western States, ' Mr. and' Mrs. Edgar_ -,Butson left recently on a motor trip to Minne- doss, Man., to visit their daughter, also his brother at Lumsden, Sask. • Mrs. James -Miller is spending a few days ,with her daughter, Mrs- Arthur Rhode. neer Mitchell: Mitchell: Staffa •Women's Institute will meet at the home of,Mrs, W. J. Fell on Wednesday, Oct. 1, at 2:30 p.m,, E.S. T., when Mrs. Fell will give the' topic on "Agriculture,” Mrs. Gordon Gray, of Mitchell, will be the guest speak- er, and Mrs. Day-nar'd• will have Cur- rent Events. The motto will' be "The Cheapest Way is Not Always the Most Economical," Roll call Will ire answered by ,thy variety of torneto I like best and why. , EverJone isd cordially in�'it:ed to this meeting. 'Mr, Cecil H. Bowman has. a Durham steer on his farm which has a per- fect "V-8 in white on his forehead. BAYFIELD Mrs Spencer Ervine and baby re- turned home on :Sundaay after spend- ing the past week .with her• mother in Southampton. Misses F. and E. Fowlie spent Sun- day last in London., Miss 'Doris McEwen left on Satur- day for London, where she , entered the third, year in Biology 'Course at Western University, ' Mrs. J. H. Cobb, of Toronto, arriv- ed,„,pn Monday to spent} this week at her mother's`°cetta.ge in the village. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hendrick and Fred, Jr„ and Mr. and Mrs. Ken Mc- Iver and daughter. Barbara, of Bir1`h- new) : 1 Renfrew electric ,'ream ems rater t like new I : electric pail. TTvEPU MF,NTS-•-- Massey-}lar-is hinder, 7 -ft. ; M,eCormick-Deer- spring' tooth cultivator; diamond harrow: disc .the village, Mr, and Mrs, J...i:'. Ferguson, of London, were guests of the former's mother, Mrs. James Ferguson, over the week -end:, Mr. and Mrs, Hervey L. Smith and Clark Smith,'' of• Mountain View, Cal., and Mrs. 'Jessie t'wick, of Vallejo, Cal.. 'called on friends in the village this week. Mrs. Swink was the for-' mer Jessie. Biggart,• daughter of 'Mr, and Mrs. John Biggert. •' Mr. and Mrs. ' Walter Westlake, Miss Gloria. Westlake and Miss Mel - vine Sturgeon left on 'Tuesday for a trip through Northern Ontario, Harvest Thanksgiving ,S'ervlces will i}e held in Trinity Anglican Ohara on, Sunday at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. •(Stanil- erd! Time), at which the Recttir, Rev. 1 Morgan, will Ipr'eaeh, It Was evith •deep regrelt that the tbteD1ber. of 'the 'Ctihigl'egalion, , ).eE.tned, that :thio Vt:0010,. • • harrow; 3 -drum steel roller; Ideal manure spreader, in excllllant shape; souSler; walking plow; riding 'plow: 13 -Floe Massey -Harris seed drill: 11 -hoe fertilizes, .drill; 2 farm wagons ; 16 -foot rolling hay tack : gravel Sorg; wagon box and stork rack ; set of Sleight{ and flat rack; Portland •cutter;• fan- ning mill; 2,000 Ib. scales: 'Tqg crate; two - wheel trailer; 30 cedar poste ; icon posts; 25 - font Hydro pole; 100 feet of snow fence; barb wire: 3, gates : hay fork (new 'r ; sling chain ; a'Iit g ropes, HARNESS ---2 aeta heavy harness ; single harness ; 80 -gallon pressure water tank (new) : quantity of lumber, shin- gles; number of,. barrels ; bag truck ; teat Milner; quantity .ef household effects. GRAIN —2,000 bushels of mixed irrain (oats and h ley). 250 bushels of fal•1 wheat: '/i ton of 0-14-7 fertilizer; chicken fountain and feeders POULTRY --300 choice Leghorn pul- lets 7' anothc ofd(laying): 400 laying hens 4 .geee one year old; eolany house 10x12; 2' coal brooder Stoves: •eleott•ia fence; woven wire streteherl ,chains: fork.: shovels; grain ba'ge„1, vhtifettrees and other articles. PIGS -*egg 'utak•"Ehunice-, 1e5 '31*. d • • ti 2 self -feed hee- ; E eughc ; '40 treeds of hard staple Tiotlp .Stood. Telerfe -,Cash. GLIMTlithtrki reelirtetor: Harold Jar<ksory emetraneea";•,Iu,.. I? Ch28 ney, t114r1c. • 4162,12 IN LATE SEPTEMBER W. E..Jarrott. The many friends of Mrs.. W. F. Riley will be pleased to learn she is able to be out again following her recent illness. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Neil and family, of London, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. J. Pfaff., The many friend's of Mis. J. W: Oi'twein will regret, to learn she con- tinues very poorly at her home. Mr. Norman Long, :,Kippen, mail courier of R.R. No: 2 Kippen, is a very- lucky man. On Saturday, while tripping a hay fork loaded with beans up at the track in his barn, he lost his balance and fell' 25 feet with, the bundle of beans in the mow, and was buried up to hi&' head in beans. X-rays taken at Clinton hospital revealed a fractured bone in his ankle.. He was able to crawl out on 'his hands and knees and call for help. Reeve Kerslake, of Hensall, has an- nouncedhat. the of Hensall t will go pn Standard Time Saturday midnight, Sept. 27. ' Clinton, Band, under the direction of A. C. Robinson, will present a sae - red concert 'in Hensall Sunday even- ing, Sept. 28. • If the weather should le- too cool, 'the concert;. will be held ie the Town Hall. Etta Mae Brintnell, 16, daughter, Of Mr, and Mesh Archie Brintnell. Exe- ter, suffered the loss of het -right hand in .an accidenf' last Fr'id'ay ,at Cana - Oh, the corn le in the tassel. '' clean Canners,'I;keter, in which she is Grapes are ripe upon the vine, • an employee. The accident occurred And women with their baskets go,.., as she was working on a corn husk - For 'it' elderberry time. ' CI'. When one of the cogs of corn went into the' husker' crosswise she All the birds have held reuniens reached • in with her hand to take it •Not a song is heard to -day, ' out.'- with the result her hand was As the hocks go flying south'vard,' , completely seve,•e'tl. Miss Agnes Cut - Silently, they" wing their way.. ling, a fellow employee, applied a tournique by tieing a ,rope on her And alone the hazy'.lipland6, arm. She was removed to Victoria. • Where the "woodlots stil4 are green, Hospital, London, where she is rest - There's here and there one maple tree ing comfortably, but suffering a great. Standing out en autumn sheen, deal of -pain. Mr. and Mrs. David Tullis, Of Tie - In meadow lots the 'cattle lie, dale, Sask., visited recently ,with Mrs. -And, placidly chew their tud, Alert Buchanan, Mr. and Mrs. Walter While purple aster noel and sway, Fairbairn and other relatives”. Mrs. And the Golden Rod's in hula • Tullis is the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin McTaggart, of Cry - And tractors hum the livelong, dray, .stal City, Manitoba. As men phew many a round, The engagement 'is announced; of Turning the hard brown stubble land, Margaret Jarrott,,,daughter of Mr. and Into black and furrowed ground, Mrs'. John MecGregor, of" Henget), to William John, son of Mr and Mrs. Now Dahlias bloom in garden plots Robert MacLean, of Kippen, the nlar- With "Clads" in all their glory; riage .to' take place in October. September- s' here—the cricket song Repeals ,anew the story. „ r (Additional Hensall News EDNA I, DAL•.RYMPLE Page 3 declaimed Lu'i HARDWOOD •FLOORING -- 13/16 -inch Maple, in good condition. INCH LUMBER,-- • Ship -lapped and tongued and grooved. Excel - ""'lent' for sheathing and siding. NAILS— • 2", 21" and 3" mixed -- a good quantity; are fairly straight.' SHINGLES-- ° They are well bundled; in good condition. , INSULATION—A bargain. This is a Fine Opportunity To Do Some Cheap Repairing ! Seaforth 'Supply, & Fuel, Ltd. Phone 47 • : Seaforth SPECIAL FARE AND ONE-THIRD FOR THE ROUND TRIP 000D GOING: From 12 o'clock noon, Friday,'0ctether' lOtli to 2 p.m., Monday, October 1'3tt111: RETURN LiMIT: Leave destination not later than 12 o'clock shidnight, Tuesday, October 14th. Consalt'yorir nearest railway ticket agent for information and reservations. CANADIAN NATONAL WE BUY— Old. Scrap Batteries at $laOO each ALSO ALL KINDS OF IRON AND STEEL NEW AND USED DUCK AND GOOSE FEATHERS For additional information regarding other price, Telephone 245, Mitchell, or apply to Parkdale Poultry MITCHELL ONTARIO yew ASSEY. IIARRIS' MACHINERY AVAILABLE immedateDeGvery 15 -inch Corn Blower ' '2, -Section. No. 14 Spring , Tooth Harrows No. 11 -101/2 -inch Grain Grinder No. 11 -12 -inch Grain Grinder No. 12= -16 -inch Electric Grinder No. 102= -Rubber, Tired Wagdns Shallow Well Electric Pressure System — Alsp ti B.EATTY WATER BOWLS Seaf�rth.oMotors . ,PHOI�TE 141. SEAFORTH i1P TRY -- HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR POULTRY On Rail Grade Basis Unfinished birds not desired. BRING YOUR EGGS TO ITS -'---- Highest Market Prices Paid , Seaforth Produce e Ltd. rhone 170-W ' : ' Seaforth 1